PROGRAM 1st German Cancer Research Congress Heidelberg 4th and 5th February 2019

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PROGRAM 1st German Cancer Research Congress Heidelberg 4th and 5th February 2019
1st German Cancer Research Congress


© Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg

                                                4th and 5th February 2019
PROGRAM 1st German Cancer Research Congress Heidelberg 4th and 5th February 2019
CliniCian SCientiSt FellowS

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                              DKFZ CliniCian SCientiSt Program
                              Supported by the Dieter Morszeck Foundation        DIETER MORSZECK
PROGRAM 1st German Cancer Research Congress Heidelberg 4th and 5th February 2019

Organizational Information ....................................................................................................               4

Partners ..................................................................................................................................   5

Floor Plan ...............................................................................................................................    6

General Information ..............................................................................................................            8

Scientific Program
                 Monday, 4th February .................................................................................. 9
                 Tuesday, 5th February ................................................................................... 11

                        Monday, 4th February .................................................................................. 13
                        Tuesday, 5th February ................................................................................... 14

Poster Exhibition
                Monday, 4th February .................................................................................. 15
                Tuesday, 5th February ................................................................................... 31

Abstracts of the Invited Speakers .......................................................................................... 46

Abstracts of the Workshops ................................................................................................... 59

Chairs, Invited Speakers and Authors .................................................................................... 62

                                                                                    Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019                        3
Organizational Information

    German Cancer Research Center
    Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 I 69120 Heidelberg

    Congress Website

    Hosting Societies
    German Cancer Research Center

    German Cancer Aid

    German Cancer Society

    Congress Chairs                                 Program Committee
    Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann                       Prof. Dr. Peter Albers
    German Cancer Research Center                   Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann
                                                    Prof. Dr. Martin Bornhäuser
    Prof. Dr. Frederik Wenz                         Prof. Dr. Angelika Eggert
    German Cancer Society                           Prof. Dr. Rainer Engers
                                                    Prof. Dr. Roland M. Schmid
    Gerd Nettekoven                                 Prof. Dr. Martin Schuler
    German Cancer Aid

    Professional Congress Organizer                 in Collaboration with
    Conventus Congressmanagement &                  German Cancer Research Center
    Marketing GmbH
    Carolin Hofmann                                 Dr. Katharina Gudd
    Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 I 07745 Jena             Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 I 69120 Heidelberg
    Phone +49 3641 31 16-378                        Phone +49 6221 42 2621                                

    Layout               krea.tif-art UG (limited liability)
    Print                siblog – Gesellschaft für Dialogmarketing, Fulfillment & Lettershop mbH
    Circulation          700
    Editorial Deadline   24th January 2019

4   1st German Cancer Research Congress

National Centers for Tumor Diseases
(NCT Heidelberg and Dresden)

                                                          NATIONAL CENTER
                                                          FOR TUMOR DISEASES
                                                          PARTNER SITE DRESDEN
                                                          UNIVERSITY CANCER CENTER UCC

German Cancer Consortium

Netzwerk Onkologische Spitzenzentren

German Cancer Society
Experimental Cancer Reseach

                                       Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019            5
Floor plan

 1 Floor


 Ground Floor

                                          1st Floor

                 Lecture Hall

Floor plan



                        ePoster Station

                        Live Broadcast

                      Conference Bags

                Meetingpoint Workshops

                                     Poster Exhibition
                        + KID


                                                         Workshop Rooms

Main Entrance

                                                                 State at printing.
General Information

              Drinks and snacks are available during the congress in the foyer of the venue. They
              are included for all participants and free of charge.

              The congress is accredited with 12 credits by the medical association (“Landesärz-
              tekammer”) of Baden-Württemberg. To obtain your credits, please provide daily
              proof of presence by scanning your name badge at the provided counter. You will
              receive a certificate of attendance there.

              Poster Exhibition
              Poster authors will find fastening material and the program ID on the poster walls in
              the poster exhibition area. Posters for the Monday exhibition must be hung by 10.30
              and be removed by 18.00 on the same day.
              Posters for the Tuesday exhibition must be hung by 8:00 and be removed by 16:00.
              Please note that posters not removed will be treated as rubbish.

              General Terms of Condition
        GTC   The General Terms of Condition can be found on our conference website.

              A wireless network will be available within the whole building and will be free of
              charge. Please use the following log-in data:
              Username guest-0052 | Password JnOx1kuA

              Please note that public parking areas are extremely limited near the conference
              venue. It is recommended arriving by public transport.

              Q&A with the Poster Authors
              During the Q&A session, the poster authors will be available in the poster exhibition
              to answer questions and get in lively discussion.

              Smoking Policy
              Please note that smoking is not allowed in the conference venue and within the
              whole area of the German Cancer Research Center.

              Media Check-In for Speakers
              The media check-in for speakers ist located near the lecture hall on the ground floor.
              The presentations for Monday need to be handed in by 10.15.
              The presentations for Tuesday need to be handed in by 7.45.

8   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Scientific Program I Monday, 4th February

11.00–12.00   Opening Session
Room          Lecture Hall
Chairs        M. Baumann (Heidelberg), F. Wenz (Freiburg), G. Nettekoven (Bonn)
              As special guests we welcome Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education
              and Research, as well as Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and
              the Arts Baden-Württemberg.

12.00–18.00   Poster Exhibition (please see pages 15–30)

12.30–14.10   Session 1 I Prevention and Early Detection
Room          Lecture Hall
Chairs        M. Kiechle (Munich), P. Albers (Düsseldorf)

12.30         How many cancer cases could be avoided? The fraction of cancer
              attributable to modifiable risk factors in Germany
              U. Mons (Heidelberg)

12.55         Lung cancer screening by low-dose CT – recent findings from randomized
              trials, and perspectives for the introduction of screening in Germany
              H.-U. Kauczor, R. Kaaks (Heidelberg)

13.20         The dynamics of metastatic spread
              C. Klein (Regensburg)

13.45         Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer as a paradigm for risk-adjusted
              prevention and targeted therapy
              R. Schmutzler (Cologne)

14.30–15.30   Q&A with the Poster Authors
              During the Q&A session, the poster authors will be available in the poster
              exhibition area to answer questions and get in lively discussion.

14.30–16.00   Workshops (please see page 13)

                                                    Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019   9
Scientific Program I Monday, 4th February

     16.20–18.00              Session 2 I Personalized Oncology
     Room                     Lecture Hall
     Chairs                   A. Eggert (Berlin), M. Schuler (Essen)

     16.20                    Translating liver cancer biology – from functional target discovery to
                              academic drug discovery and development
                              L. Zender (Tübingen)

     16.45                    Implementing personalized lung cancer care in clinical routine
                              J. Wolf (Cologne)

     17.10                    Innovative treatment strategies in radiooncology using biomarker
                              M. Krause (Dresden)

     17.35                    From genome sequencing to translational oncology:
                              the Heidelberg experience
                              P. Lichter (Heidelberg)

     18.00–21.00              Networking Dinner in the Foyer

     © 135683290 l l

10   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Scientific Program | Tuesday, 5th February

08.30–10.30   Session 3 I Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Room          Lecture Hall
Chairs        H.-P. Schlemmer (Heidelberg), R. Engers (Neuss)

08.30         Small molecule inhibitors for tumor imaging and therapy
              U. Haberkorn (Heidelberg)

09.00         Imaging for radiation treatment planning and monitoring in lung cancer
              A. Grosu (Freiburg)

09.30         Intravital microscopy – a window into cancer resistance and immunotherapy
              P. Friedl (Nijmegen/NL; Houston, TX/US)

10.00         Seeing is believing? Making sense of radiomics
              A. Zwanenburg (Dresden)

08.30–16.00   Poster Exhibition (please see pages 31–46)

10.45–11.45   Q&A with the Poster Authors
              During the Q&A session, the poster authors will be available in the poster
              exhibition area to answer questions and get in lively discussion.

10.45–12.15   Workshops (please see page 14)

12.30–14.30   Session 4 I Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
Room          Lecture Hall
Chairs        D. Jäger (Heidelberg), M. Bornhäuser (Dresden)

12.30         Adoptive T-cell therapy
              T. Blankenstein (Berlin)

12.54         Challenges in brain tumor immunotherapy
              M. Platten (Mannheim)

13.18         Individualized cancer immunotherapy – beyond targeting neoantigens
              U. Sahin (Mainz)

13.42         Checkpoint blockade – lessons learned in melanoma
              D. Schadendorf (Essen)

                                                   Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019   11
Scientific Program I Tuesday, 5th February

     14.06         Development of personalized treatment and novel imaging approaches for
                   T-cell based immunotherapies in cancer
                   A. Krackhardt (Essen)

     14.40–16.20   Session 5 I New Target Structures in Tumor Therapy
     Room          Lecture Hall
     Chair         M. Essers (Heidelberg), M. Hallek (Cologne)

     14.40         Cell plasticity in colon carcinogenesis
                   F. Greten (Frankfurt)

     15.05         Liquid biopsy – clinical applications and current challenges
                   K. Pantel (Hamburg)

     15.30         EMT and cell plasticity – driving force and therapeutic target in metastasis
                   T. Brabletz (Erlangen)

     15.55         Targeting the microenvironment in myeloid malignancies
                   R. Schneider-Kramann (Aachen)

     16.25–16.45   Concluding Remarks and Farewell
     Room          Lecture Hall
     Chairs        M. Baumann (Heidelberg), F. Wenz (Freiburg), G. Nettekoven (Bonn)

12   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Workshops I Monday, 4th February

                  14.30–16.00   Workshop 1 I Immunotherapy Screenings and Biomarker
                  Room          DKFZ Main Building H2.02.073
                                N. Halama (Heidelberg), J. Becker (Essen)

                  14.30         Part 1 I Predominance of terminally differentiated T-cells among tumor
                                infiltrating lymphocytes impair response to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibition in Merkel
                                cell carcinoma
                                J. Becker (Essen)

                  15.15         Part 2 I Immunotherapy for gastrointestinal solid tumors
                                N. Halama (Heidelberg)

                  14.30–16.00   Workshop 2 I AI and Big Data in Oncology
                  Room          A0.105/106 at ATV Building
                                O. Stegle (Heidelberg), J. Korbel (Heidelberg)

                  14.30–16.00   Workshop 3 I Preclinical Animal Tumor Models – Status Quo, Challenges,
                  Room          Lecture Room 001/EG at ZMBH Building
                                H. Augustin (Heidelberg)
Photo / F tolia

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  intelligent and innovative solutions in an advisory
  and implementing manner.              Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019                                13
Workshops I Tuesday, 5th February

     10.45–12.15   Workshop 4 I Stem Cell Features in Cancer
     Room          DKFZ Main Building H2.02.073
                   A. Trumpp (Heidelberg)

     10.45–12.15   Workshop 5 I Patient-derived Tumor Organoid Models
     Room          A0.105/106 at ATV Building
                   H. Farin (Frankfurt), T. Seidlitz (Dresden)

     10.45–12.15   Workshop 6 I Organoid and Reprogramming Technologies to Model Brain
                   Disorders and Cancer
     Room          DKFZ Main Building H2.04.073
                   M. Mall (Heidelberg), J. Ladewig (Mannheim)

14   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

All Posters are available during the whole duration of the congress at the ePoster terminals
and at special self-study terminals.

12.00–18.00    Prevention and Early Detection
Room           Casino

P001           Antibody responses to Streptococcus gallolyticus subspecies gallolyticus
               proteins in a large prospective colorectal cancer cohort consortium
               J. Butt (Durham, NC/US; Heidelberg), W. J. Blot (Nashville, TX/US)
               L. Teras (Atlanta, GA/US), K. Visvanathan (Baltimore, MD/US)
               L. Le Marchand (Honolulu, HI/US), C. Haiman (Los Angeles, CA/US)
               Y. Chen (New York, NY/US), Y. Bao, H. D. Sesso (Boston, MA/US)
               S. Wassertheil-Smoller, G. Ho (New York, NY/US), L. E. Tinker (Seattle, WA/US)
               R. M. Peek (Nashville, TX/US), J. D. Potter (Seattle, WA/US)
               T. L. Cover (Nashville, TX/US), L. Hendrix (Durham, NC/US)
               L. Huang (Nashville, TX/US), T. Waterboer, M. Pawlita (Heidelberg)
               M. Epplein (Durham, NC/US)

P002           Risk of invasive colorectal cancer in family members of patients with in situ
               colorectal cancer
               Y. Tian (Heidelberg), K. Sundquist
               J. Sundquist (Shimane/JP; New York, NY/US; Malmö/SE)
               H. Brenner (Heidelberg), M. Fallah, E. Kharazmi (Malmö/SE, Heidelberg)

P003           Multimarker protein signature for early detection of Colorectal Cancer
               M. Bhardwaj, K. Weigl, K. Tikk, A. Benner, P. Schrotz-King
               H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

P004           Risk of invasive prostate cancer for family members of in situ prostate cancer
               patients – evidence from a nationwide cohort study for risk-adapted screening
               X. Xu, Y. Tian (Heidelberg)
               K. Sundquist, J. Sundquist (Shimane/JP; New York/US; Malmö/SE)
               H. Brenner (Heidelberg), M. Fallah, E. Kharazmi (Heidelberg, Malmö/SE)

P005           Are the colorectal cancer screening methods used in Germany cost-
               effective? A systematic review of European studies
               C.-Y. Cheng (Heidelberg, Mannheim), T. Ran (Heidelberg)
               M. Schlander (Heidelberg, Mannheim)

P006           Major non-adherence to existing surveillance guidelines within 6 years after
               screening colonoscopy in Germany – prospective cohort study
               M. Hoffmeister (Heidelberg), B. Holleczek (Saarbrücken), C. Stock
               N. Zwink (Heidelberg), T. Stolz (Völklingen), C. Stegmaier (Saarbrücken)
               H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

                                                      Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019    15
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P007         Direct comparison of diagnostic performance of 9 quantitative Fecal
                  Immunochemical Tests (FITs) for colorectal cancer screening
                  A. Gies, K. Cuk, P. Schrotz-King, H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

     P008         Association of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with
                  colorectal cancer risk differs by molecular subtypes
                  E. Amitay (Heidelberg)

     P009         Stage specific sensitivity of fecal immunochemical tests for detecting
                  colorectal cancer – systematic review and meta-analysis
                  T. Niedermaier, Y. Balavarca, H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

     P010         Genetic risk score is associated with prevalence of advanced neoplasms in
                  a colorectal cancer screening population
                  K. Weigl, H. Thomsen, Y. Balavarca (Heidelberg), J. Hellwege
                  M. Shrubsole (Nashville, TX/US), H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

     P011         Krebsassoziierte Fatigue – Notwendigkeit für individualisierte Konzepte zur
                  Prävention und Behandlung
                  M. Schmidt, J. Wiskemann, A. Schneeweiss, J. Debus
                  K. Steindorf (Heidelberg)

     P012         The role of the neurotrophin receptors, TrkA/NTRK1 and TrkB/NTRK2, in
                  modulation of the radiation response of cancer cells
                  C. Hassiepen, I. Rudolf, V. Boron, A. Soni, G. Iliakis, A. Schramm (Essen)

     P013         Antibodies against HPV as diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in patients
                  with carcinoma of unknown primary
                  L. Schroeder (Heidelberg), M. Pring, K. Ingarfield, S. Leary, S. Thomas
                  A. Waylen (Bristol/GB), M. Pawlita, T. Waterboer (Heidelberg)
                  A. Ness (Bristol/GB)

     P014         Epidemiological risk factors for seropositivity against HPV16 oncoproteins
                  e6 and e7 and hpv16l1 and hpv18l1 in the uk biobank pilot study
                  N. Brenner (Heidelberg), A. J. Mentzer (Oxford/GB)
                  N. Allen (Stockport, Oxford/GB), M. Hill (Oxford/GB)
                  R. Almond (Stockport/GB), M. Pawlita, T. Waterboer (Heidelberg)

     P015         Healthy lifestyle factors associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer
                  irrespective of genetic risk
                  P. Carr, K. Weigl, L. Jansen, V. Walter, V. Erben, J. Chang-Claude, H. Brenner
                  M. Hoffmeister (Heidelberg)

16   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P016   SPAG6, NKX2-6, ITIH5 and PER1 (SNiPER) as novel methylation specific
       biomarkers for liquid biopsy based early breast cancer detection
       J. Mijnes, J. Tiedemann, J. Eschenbruch, J. Gasthaus (Aachen)
       D. O. Bauerschlag, N. Maass (Kiel), T. Anzeneder (Munich)
       P. A. Fasching (Erlangen), B. Bruno, T. Heide, N. Ortiz-Brüchle, S. von Serenyi
       R. Knüchel, V. Kloten, E. Dahl (Aachen)

P017   A single pill of aspirin for enhanced early detection of colorectal neoplasms?
       results of the ASTER randomized trial
       K. Tikk, S. Calderazzo, A. Kopp-Schneider, D. Czock, H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

P018   Developing healthy lifestyle habits – a cancer survivorship program
       M. Glausch, F. Stölzel, S. Nadja, S.,Herrmann, V. Fieber, A. Fetzer
       K. Prate (Dresden), N. Ungar (Heidelberg), M. Bornhäuser (Dresden)

P019   Epstein-Barr virus serology and nasopharyngeal carcinomas in Head and
       Neck 5000
       J. Simon (Heidelberg), K. Ingarfield (Bristol/GB), L. Schroeder, S. Diehl
       J. Werner (Heidelberg), M. Pring (Bristol/GB), M. Pawlita (Heidelberg)
       A. Ness (Bristol/GB), T. Waterboer, J. Butt (Heidelberg)

P020   Tablets – Lifestyle oder auch Medium zwischen Patient und Arzt? Praktische
       Erfahrungen mit der tablet-basierten Erfassung von Beeinträchtigungen und
       Lebensqualität von Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren und deren Ärzte in der
       E. Peters, J. Scherf, Q. Joachim, B. Wollenberg, M. Herczeg, T. Mentler
       A. Katalinic (Lübeck)

P021   Skin cancer prevention starts early in life – a sun protection preschool program
       S. Nadja, F. Stölzel, M. Glausch, S. Herrmann, V. Fieber, M. Bornhäuser
       E. W Breitbart (Dresden)

P022   Tryptanthrin – a novel chemopreventive against Non-melanoma skin cancer
       M. S. Gopinatha Pillai (Thiruvananthapuram/IN), A. Nisthul (Kannur/IN)
       S. Sundaram (Kottayam/IN), S. Chittalakkottu (Kannur/IN)
       R. J. Anto (Thiruvananthapuram/IN)

P023   Determining risk of colorectal cancer and the effect of screening
       colonoscopy based on genetic risk score
       F. Guo, C. Chen, H. Thomsen, B. Holleczek, B. Schöttker, M. Hoffmeister
       H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

                                             Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019       17
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P024         Inequalities in cancer incidence among German districts – a spatial analysis
                  exploring the role of behavioral and socioeconomic factors
                  J. Mader, K. Hernandez-Villafuerte (Heidelberg)

     P025         Risk-adapted starting age of screening for first- and second-degree relatives
                  of breast cancer patients – evidence from a nationwide cohort study
                  T. Mukama, X. Xu (Heidelberg),
                  K. Sundquist, J. Sundquist (New York, NY/US; Lund/SE)
                  H. Brenner (Heidelberg), M. Fallah, E. Kharazmi (Heidelberg; Lund/SE)

     P026         Bacterial whole-proteome microarrays for antigenic target identification
                  D. Reininger, C. Harmel, K. Hufnagel, R. Jeske, J. Butt, M. Pawlita, J. Hoheisel
                  T. Waterboer (Heidelberg)

     P027         Telomere length, arsenic exposure and risk of basal cell carcinoma of skin
                  N. Kolar Srinivas (Heidelberg)

     P028         Patterns of tumor progression predict small and tissue-specific tumor-
                  originating niches
                  T. Buder, A. Deutsch, B. Klink, A. Voß-Böhme (Dresden)

     P029         Aberrant methylated key genes of methyl group metabolism within the
                  molecular etiology of urothelial carcinogenesis
                  S. Santourlidis, L. Erichsen (Düsseldorf)

     P030         Pre- to postdiagnosis body mass index and breast cancer survival in
                  postmenopausal women
                  A. Y. Jung, S. Behrens, U. Eilber (Heidelberg), K. Thoene
                  D. Flesch-Janys (Hamburg), J. Chang-Claude (Heidelberg, Hamburg)

     P031         Comparing the stand-alone and co-testing accuracy of cytology and HPV-
                  DNA tests for cervical cancer screening in Germany
                  L. Liang (Munich), D. Schriefer, O. Schoffer (Dresden), M. Kaiser (Mainz)
                  H. Ikenberg (Frankfurt), M. Blettner (Mainz), S. J. Klug (Munich)

     P032         Evaluating the quality of routine Pap smears in Germany – results from a
                  case-control study in Germany (TeQaZ)
                  L. Fiengo Tanaka, S. Schülein (Munich), D. Schriefer, O. Schoffer (Dresden)
                  G. Schauberger, S. J. Klug (Munich)

18   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P033          A head-to-head comparison shows differences in the cross-neutralizing
              antibodies induced by bivalent and quadrivalent human papillomavirus
              F. C. Mariz, N. Bender (Heidelberg)
              D. Anantharaman (Thiruvananthapuram/IN), P. Basu (Lyon/FR)
              N. Bhatla (New Delhi/IN), M. Radhakrisna Pillai
              P. R. Prabhu (Thiruvananthapuram/IN), R. Sankaranarayanan (Lyon/FR)
              T. Eriksson (Stockholm/SE), M. Müller, K. Prager, P. Sehr, T. Waterboer
              M. Pawlita (Heidelberg), M. Lehtinen (Heidelberg; Stockholm/SE)

P034          Population-based cohorts feed high-throughput laboratories for longitudinal
              data acquisition – a unique approach in preventive medicine
              M. Lehtinen (Heidelberg; Stockholm/SE), N. Bender (Heidelberg)
              H. Artemchuk (Stockholm/SE), F. Mariz, M. Müller, P. Sehr (Heidelberg)
              H.-M. Surcel (Oulu/FI), T. Waterboer (Heidelberg)

P035          Characterization of a full spectrum of cell-free RNAs in human blood plasma
              using ultra-sensitive CATS approach
              A. Turchinovich (Heidelberg, Mannheim), B. Burwinkel (Heidelberg)

12.00–18.00   Personalized Oncology
Room          K1/K2

P036          Synthetic in vitro model of cancer stem cells in neuro oncology
              C. Uhlmann, A.-C. Nickel, D. Picard, K. Koch, M. Kamp, G. Reifenberger
              H.-J. Steiger, M. Sabel, M. Remke, E. Fritsche, U. Kahlert (Düsseldorf)

P037          Prospective analysis of tumor subclones in recurrent glioblastoma
              V. Ullrich, S. Kebir, E. Kocakavuk, C. Dobersalske (Essen), A. Till (Bonn, Essen)
              D. Trageser (Bonn), S.-T. Liffers, L. Rauschenbach, M. Dorsch (Essen)
              M. Simon (Bonn), I. Cima (Essen), P. Niehusmann (Bonn), A. Rösch, U. Sure
              J. T. Siveke (Essen), G. Reifenberger (Düsseldorf), H. Fröhlich (Bonn)
              B. M. Grüner, M. Glas, B. Scheffler (Essen)

P038          Circulating Tumor DNA predicts Response to Treatment in BRAF and NRAS
              mutant malignant Melanoma
              J. Braune, L. Keller, M. Follo, E. Graf, U. Philipp, D. Pfeifer, F. Schiller
              J. Duyster, F. Meiss, D. von Bubnoff, N. von Bubnoff (Freiburg)

P039          Risk-adapted colorectal cancer screening in patients with diabetes mellitus
              U. Ali Khan, E. Kharazmi, M. Fallah, Y. Tian, H. Brenner (Heidelberg)
              K. Sundquist, J. Sundquist (Malmö/SE)

                                                     Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019       19
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P040         Molecular signature of TCRs from vaccine peptide-reactive CD4 T-cells for
                  monitoring the immune response in a long term responsive patient with
                  metastasized pancreatic ductal carcinoma during individualized
                  neoepitope-derived multipeptide vaccines
                  K. Schilbach (Tübingen)

     P041         Syntaxin 18 (STX18) is a novel modulator of the radiation response in
                  non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
                  C. Thumser-Henner, S. Kalmbach, A. Sak, A. Schramm, M. Schuler (Essen)

     P042         Identification of novel metastasis-modulating factors in non-small-cell lung
                  S. Nothdurft, F. Breitenbücher (Essen), R. A. Okimoto (San Francisco, CA/US)
                  A. Schramm, B. M. Grüner (Essen), M. Hölzel (Bonn), J. Forster, S. Kalmbach
                  M. Schuler (Essen)

     P043         Molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer and patient survival
                  E. Alwers, L. Jansen, J. Chang-Claude, H. Brenner
                  M. Hoffmeister (Heidelberg)

     P044         Patient-derived lung cancer cell models for prediction of individual therapy
                  C. S. L. Ho, P. Stockhammer, T. Plönes, C. Aigner, M. Schuler, B. Hegedüs
                  A. Schramm (Essen)

     P045         IMRT der pelvinen Lymphabflusswege mit simultan integriertem Boost auf
                  die Prostata bei Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko für eine lymphogene
                  Metastasierung – Ergebnisse der PLATIN-1 Studie
                  S. Koerber, E. Winter, S. Katayama, V. Tarcea, I. Schlampp, J. Debus
                  K. Herfarth (Heidelberg)

     P046         Identification of a highly lethal V3+TP53+ subset in ALK+ lung
                  P. Christopoulos, M. Kirchner, S. Dietz, F. Bozorgmehr, M. Elsayed, V. Endris
                  J. Budczies, F. Herth, C.-P. Heussel, H. Winter, M. Eichhorn, M. Meister
                  T. Muley, S. Rieken (Heidelberg), T. Zemojtel (Berlin), P. Schirmacher
                  H. Bischoff, H. Sültmann, A. Stenzinger, M. Thomas (Heidelberg)

20   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P047   Prediction of tumor radiation sensitivity – translation and optimization of
       γH2AX foci assay for clinical use
       T. Rassamegevanon (Dresden), A. Graja (Dresden, Heidelberg)
       Y. Lorat (Homburg), J. Müller, S. Löck (Dresden)
       M. Baumann (Heidelberg, Dresden), C. E. Rübe (Homburg)
       M. Krause, C. von Neubeck (Dresden, Heidelberg)

P048   Implementation of a Molecular Tumor Board in clinical decision making at
       the Medical Center University of Freiburg
       N. von Bubnoff (Lübeck, Freiburg, Heidelberg), R. Höfflin
       A.-L. Geißler (Freiburg), R. Fritsch (Freiburg, Heidelberg)
       R. Claus (Freiburg, Augsburg), J. Wehrle, P. Metzger, M. Reiser, L. Mehmed
       L. Fauth, D. H. Heiland, T. Erbes, F. Stock, A. Csanadi (Freiburg)
       C. Miething (Heidelberg, Freiburg), B. Weddeling, F. Meiss, D. von Bubnoff
       C. Dierks, I. Ge, S. Heeg, H. Schäfer, M. Boeker, J. Rawluk, E. Loeser
       A. Tzschach, G. Kayser, S. Hettmer (Freiburg), H. Busch (Lübeck)
       C. Peters, M. Werner, J. Duyster, T. Brummer, M. Börries
       S. Lassmann (Freiburg, Heidelberg)

P049   Identification of familial papillary thyroid cancer predisposition genes by
       whole genome sequencing
       A. Srivastava, S. Giangiobbe (Heidelberg), E. Bonora (Bologna/IT)
       N. Paramasivam, M. Schlesner, K. Hemminki, A. Försti
       O. R. Bandapalli (Heidelberg)

P050   Using bayesian MTMK-learning to predict drug efficacy in colorectal cancer
       M. Benary, P. Jähnichen, N. Blüthgen (Berlin)

P051   The target landscape of kinase inhibitors and its applications
       M. Reinecke (Freising, Heidelberg, Munich), S. Heinzlmeir, S. Klaeger
       M. Wilhelm, G. Médard (Freising)
       B. Kuster (Freising, Heidelberg, Munich)

P052   CD33-antibody-mediated siRNA therapy targeting AML-specific oncogenes:
       a proof of concept
       N. Bäumer, A. Schulze, L. Terheyden, N. Appel, W. E. Berdel (Münster)
       C. Müller-Tidow (Heidelberg), S. Bäumer (Münster)

                                             Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019   21
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P053         Circulating cKIT and PDGFRA DNA indicates disease activity in
                  Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)
                  M. Rassner (Freiburg), S. Jilg (Munich), S. Waldeck, M. Follo (Freiburg)
                  J. Maier (Leipzig), U. Philipp (Freiburg), V. Kehl, A. Sauter
                  K. Specht (Munich), C. Peschel (Freiburg, Heidelberg)
                  M. Schlemmer (Munich), P. Hohenberger (Mannheim), S. Bauer (Essen)
                  T. Lange (Weißenfels), T. Gaiser (Mannheim)
                  J. Duyster (Freiburg, Heidelberg), N. von Bubnoff (Heidelberg, Freiburg)

     P054         Antibody-mediated RNAi-therapy controls oncogene expression in
                  Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) cells
                  A. Schulze, N. Bäumer, L. Terheyden, N. Appel, A. Gumnior
                  W. E. Berdel (Münster), C. Müller-Tidow (Heidelberg), S. Bäumer (Münster)

     P055         Treatment strategies derived from prospective genomic and transcriptomic
                  sequencing in patients with advanced-stage neuroendocrine neoplasms
                  L. Apostolidis, S. Kreutzfeldt, M. Oleś, P. Horak, C. E. Heilig (Heidelberg)
                  C. Heining (Dresden), B. Hutter (Heidelberg), L. Gieldon, B. Klink (Dresden)
                  M. Lamping (Berlin), S. Uhrig (Heidelberg), H. Jann, U.-F. Pape (Berlin)
                  A. Stenzinger, E. C. Winkler (Heidelberg), B. Wiedenmann (Berlin), D. Jäger
                  B. Brors (Heidelberg), E. Schröck (Dresden), U. Keilholz (Berlin)
                  M. Pavel (Erlangen), H. Glimm (Dresden), S. Fröhling (Heidelberg)

     P056         In-depth molecular characterization of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
                  based on patient-derived tumor organoids
                  S. Le Blanc, T. Bauer, N. Ishaque (Berlin), S. Schuth, A.-K. König
                  M. Volkmar, D. Hübschmann, C.-S. Leonhardt (Heidelberg)
                  J. Jabs (Schriesheim), M. Schenk, N. A. Giese, R. Offringa (Heidelberg)
                  C. Conrad (Berlin), M. Büchler, M. Schlesner (Heidelberg), R. Eils (Berlin)
                  O. Strobel (Heidelberg)

     P057         Molecular classification of glioblastomas using a dedicated “brain tumor
                  panel” to uncover biomarkers for radioresistance
                  L. Gieldon, W. Jahn, A. Seidlitz (Heidelberg, Dresden), A. Rump
                  F. Zakrzewski (Dresden), K. Grützmann (Dresden, Heidelberg), M. Meinhardt
                  D. Aust, G. Baretton (Dresden), M. Seifert
                  G. Schackert (Heidelberg, Dresden)
                  A. von Deimling, F. Sahm (Heidelberg), D. Krex, E. Schröck
                  M. Krause (Dresden, Heidelberg), A. Linge (Heidelberg, Dresden)
                  B. Klink (Dresden, Heidelberg)

22   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P058   Germline-testing in tumor patients – Who should be tested and what to do
       with the results?
       E. Schröck, A. Rump (Dresden, Heidelberg), B. Hutter (Heidelberg), A. Jahn
       K. Hackmann, J. Wagner, A. Fischer (Dresden, Heidelberg)
       D. William, M. Fröhlich, S. Uhrig, S. Kreutzfeldt, C. E. Heilig
       D. Hübschmann (Heidelberg), B. Schlegelberger (Hannover), R. Siebert (Ulm)
       E. Holinski-Feder (Munich), S. Aretz (Bonn)
       N. Hoogerbrugge (Nijmegen/NL), T. Kindler (Mainz), W. Weichert
       P. J. Jost (Munich), C. Brandts (Frankfurt), K. Schulze-Osthoff (Tübingen)
       J. Falkenhorst (Essen), F. Klauschen (Berlin), S. Bauer (Essen)
       K. Klinghammer (Berlin), G. Folprecht, M. Wermke (Dresden)
       K. Spiekermann (Munich), K. Beck, S. Gröschel, B. Brors (Heidelberg)
       D. Aust, G. Baretton (Dresden, Heidelberg), A. Stenzinger, L. Möhrmann
       C. Heining, P. Horak, D. Richter, S. Fröhling, H. Glimm (Heidelberg), B. Klink
       L. Gieldon (Dresden, Heidelberg)

P059   International consensus for DNA methylation subgroups in juvenile myelo-
       monocytic leukemia and development of a common diagnostic platform
       M. Schönung (Heidelberg), E. Stieglitz (San Francisco, CA/US), H. Muramatsu
       N. Murakami (Nagoya/JP), M. Hartmann, M. Wiesenfarth (Heidelberg)
       Y. Okuno (Nagoya/JP), A. B. Olshen (San Francisco, CA/US)
       C. Plass (Heidelberg), M. L. Loh (San Francisco, CA/US), C. Niemeyer
       C. Flotho (Heidelberg, Freiburg), D. B. Lipka (Magdeburg, Heidelberg)

P060   Automatischen Erfassung und Verarbeitung von
       P. Bronsert, M. Werner, M. Boeker (Freiburg), S. Schmid, H. Fischer
       D. Kassahn (Heidelberg)

P061   Adding a proteomic dimension to INFORM/MASTER
       J. Rechenberger, S. Heinzlmeir, M. Reinecke, C.-Y. Lee, J. Zecha, Y. Bian
       C. Meng, M. Frejno (Freising), K.-F. Becker (Munich), S. Pfister
       S. Fröhling (Heidelberg), W. Weichert (Munich), B. Kuster (Freising)

P062   Training of mutational signature-specific cutoffs for sensitive and specific
       SNV and INdeL signature analysis
       L. Jopp-Saile, F. Sahm, S. Fröhling, D. Hübschmann, M. Schlesner (Heidelberg)

P063   Histologische Fibrose, ein prädiktiver Faktor für postoperative Pankreas-
       fisteln nach Pankreatikoduodenektomie – Ergebnisse der RECOPANC-Studie
       S. Timme (Freiburg), E. Petrova (Lübeck), M. Werner (Heidelberg, Freiburg)
       T. Keck (Lübeck), P. Bronsert (Heidelberg, Freiburg), U. Wellner (Lübeck)

                                             Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019     23
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P064         The influence of the bone marrow niche on drug response phenotypes of
                  blood cancers
                  S. Rabe, E. Schitter, T. Roider, P. Bruch, C. Kolb, M. Stolarczyk, J. Hüllein
                  J. Lu, C. von Kalle, C. Lutz, P. Dreger, C. Müller-Tidow, T. Zenz, W. Huber
                  S. Dietrich (Heidelberg)

     P065         Clinical relevance of circulating MACC1 and S100A4 transcripts for ovarian
                  J. D. Kuhlmann, T. Link, D. Kobelt, P. Herrmann, Y. Vassileva, M. Kramer
                  K. Frank, M. Göckenjan, U. Stein, P. Wimberger (Dresden)

     P066         HDACi and PLK1i synergize in MYC-amplified medulloblastoma
                  G. Valinciute, J. Ecker, T. Hielscher, C. Schmidt (Heidelberg)
                  M. Remke (Düsseldorf), G. Sigismondo, J. Krijgsveld, S. Pfister, O. Witt
                  T. Milde (Heidelberg)

     P067         Exploring therapy response in metastatic breast cancer CTCs by single cell
                  analyses and patient-specific in vitro models
                  L. Becker, M. Fletcher, R. Würth, S. Haas, L. Velten, C. Tu, L. Michel
                  F. Marmé, S. Jauch, M. Becker, L. Steinmetz, M. Sprick, A. Trumpp (Heidelberg)

     P068         A clear cell renal cancer metastasis model identifies novel mediators of
                  tumor aggressiveness and predictors of patient survival
                  F. Geist, T. Dolt (Heidelberg), T. Höfner (Heidelberg, Mainz), C. Klein
                  V. Vogel, A. Stenzinger, T. Holland-Letz, O. Kossi (Heidelberg)
                  W. Weichert (Munich), P. Schirmacher (Heidelberg)
                  S. Pahernik (Nuremberg), M. Hohenfellner, A. Trumpp, M. Sprick (Heidelberg)

     P069         Characterization of detoxification mechanisms in pancreatic cancer
                  V. Thiel, W. Nadler, A. Kerner, B. Klaus, M. Reitberger, L. Kuhlmann, O. Kossi
                  V. Vogel (Heidelberg), A. Muckenhuber, W. Weichert (Munich), C. Rösli
                  A. Trumpp, M. Sprick (Heidelberg)

     P070         Was bedeutet „personalisierte Onkologie“ für die betroffenen Patienten?
                  U. Goerling (Berlin), T. Pichler (Munich), A. Rohrmoser (Berlin)
                  E. Bierwirth, V. Heinemann, P. Heußner, P. J. Jost (Munich), U. Keilholz
                  M. Lamping, A. Letsch (Berlin), H. Malena, K. Riedmann, C. B. Westphalen
                  P. Herschbach (Munich)

     P071         Optical infrared spectroscopy retrives the IDH1 genotype of fresh glioma
                  O. Uckermann, R. Galli, T. Juratli, S. Michen, G. Steiner, G. Schackert
                  M. Kirsch (Dresden)

24   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P072   Bayesian Methods for clinical trials in precision oncology
       A. Kopp-Schneider, M. Wiesenfarth, R. Witt, O. Witt (Heidelberg)

P073   Do transposable elements play a role in the development of glioblastoma?
       K. Grützmann (Dresden, Heidelberg), F. Zakrzewski (Dresden)
       A. Krüger (Dresden, Heidelberg), D. Aust, E. Schröck (Dresden)
       M. Schlesner, D. Jones, J. Seufert, L. Childs (Heidelberg)
       M. Weller (Zurich/CH), J. Felsberg (Düsseldorf), B. Radlwimmer (Heidelberg)
       G. Schackert (Dresden), J. Tonn (Munich, Heidelberg)
       M. Westphal (Hamburg), H. Vatter (Bonn), A. Nordheim (Tübingen)
       G. Reifenberger (Düsseldorf), B. Klink (Dresden)

P074   Establishment of a human stomach cancer biobank using organoids
       T. Seidlitz, S. R. Merker, A. Rothe, D. E. Stange (Dresden)

P075   An interactive hive plot for the clinical oncological routine
       J. Dieter, A. Knurr, J. Ahlbrandt, F. Ückert (Heidelberg)

P076   Creating an Effector Phenotype Map for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
       X. Zhang, D. Saur (Munich)

P077   Genetic tumor profiles and precision oncology at the Institute of Medical
       Genetics and Applied Genomics in Tübingen
       F. J. Hilke, C. Roggia, S. G. Armeanu-Ebinger, A. Forschner, A. Hartkopf
       I. B. Brecht, M. Schittenhelm, K. Ruhm, M. Bitzer, J. Beha
       O. H. Riess (Tübingen), H.-G. Kopp (Stuttgart), C. Schroeder (Tübingen)

P078   Dual inhibition of GLUT1 and the ATR-CHK1 kinase axis displays synergistic
       J. Erber, J. Steiner, J. Isensee, L. A. Lobbes, A. Toschka, F. Beleggia, F. Siedek
       T. Persigehl, T. Hucho, H. C. Reinhardt (Cologne)

P079   Glutamine metabolism as a potential biomarker and target for prostate
       cancer radiosensitization
       A. Tyutyunnykova, O. Chen (Dresden), A. Linge (Dresden, Heidelberg)
       T. Hoelscher, S. Loeck, V. Telychko, S. Richter, L. Hein (Dresden)
       I.-I. Skvortsova, G. Negro, B. Aschenbrenner (Innsbruck/AT)
       M. Toma (Bonn), S. Zschaeck, G. Eisenhofer, M. P. Wirth
       L. A. Kunz-Schughart (Dresden), B. Tawk, C. Schwager
       A. Abdollahi (Heidelberg, Dresden), G. Baretton (Dresden)
       M. Krause, M. Baumann (Dresden, Heidelberg), C. Peitzsch (Dresden)
       A. Dubrovska (Dresden, Heidelberg)

                                               Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019       25
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P080         Optimizing dasatinib for glioblastoma treatment
                  O. Alhalabi, M. Iskar, L. Puccio, B. Heßling, E. Wittmann, C. Herold-Mende
                  V. Goidts (Heidelberg)

     P081         Deciphering and targeting oncogenic mechanisms in KRAS- and PI3K-driven
                  pancreatic cancer
                  C. Falcomatà, C. Veltkamp, X. Zhang (Heidelberg, Munich)
                  C. Schneeweis (Munich), M. Zukowska (Heidelberg, Munich)
                  R. Rad, G. Schneider (Munich), D. Saur (Heidelberg, Munich)

     P082         Functional analysis of eltrombopag in a preclinical xenograft model of
                  Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) for patient-individual placebo-controlled
                  substance testing
                  N. Schmitt, J.-C. Jann, E. Altrock, J. Flach, C. Sens-Albert, C.-A. Weis
                  J. Danner, S. Uhlig, A. Streuer, J. Pressler, I. Palme, V. Nowak, J. Obländer
                  L. Drangmeister, F. La Meir, G. Metzgeroth, A. Marx, F. Nolte
                  W.-K. Hofmann, D. Nowak (Mannheim)

     P083         Prediction of selective genetic vulnerabilities from large-scale functional
                  screens in cancer cells
                  B. Rauscher, F. Heigwer, L. Henkel, T. Hielscher, O. Voloshanenko
                  M. Boutros (Heidelberg)

     P084         CD4+ radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis (RILA) and late reaction after
                  radiotherapy in 252 breast cancer patients with minimum 10-year follow-up
                  M. R. Veldwijk (Mannheim), P. Seibold, A. Botma, I. Helmbold (Heidelberg)
                  E. Sperk, F. A. Giordano (Mannheim), S. Behrens (Heidelberg)
                  F. Wenz (Mannheim), J. Chang-Claude (Heidelberg), C. Herskind (Mannheim)

     P085         Synergistic apoptosis induction in soft-tissue sarcomas by BH3-Mimetic and
                  proteasome inhibition
                  C. Hinterleitner, A. Münchow, E. Malenke, S. Bugl, S. Wirths
                  M. Müller (Tübingen), F. Essmann, H.-G. Kopp (Stuttgart)

     P086         The Role of GSK3ß and KDM5B in the Mediation of DNA-Repair Mechanisms
                  in Pancreatic Cancer
                  G. E. Schmidt, K. Reutlinger, A. Tirilomi, L. Augustin, M. Hasselluhn
                  W. Kopp, H. Bohnenberger, E. Hessmann, M. Dobbelstein
                  V. Ellenrieder (Göttingen)

26   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P087          Automated image-based profiling identifies compound induced phenotypes
              and drug susceptibilities in patient derived organoids
              J. Betge (Heidelberg, Mannheim), N. Rindtorff, B. Rauscher, J. Sauer
              C. Dingert (Heidelberg), H. Gaitantzi (Mannheim), E. Valentini (Heidelberg)
              S. Belle (Mannheim), T. Zhan (Mannheim, Heidelberg), K. Breitkopf-Heinlein
              E. Burgermeister, M. Ebert (Mannheim), M. Boutros (Heidelberg)

12.00–18.00   Others
Room          Casino

P088          Sequence-dependent cross-resistance of combined radiotherapy plus
              BRAFV600E-inhibition in melanoma
              B. Shannan, J. Matschke, H. Chauvistre, F. Vogel, D. Klein (Essen), F. Meier
              D. Westphal (Dresden), J. Utikal (Mannheim), A. Marchetto
              A. Gruenewald (Munich), D. Schadendorf, V. Jendrosek, A. Roesch (Essen)

P089          Overcoming tumor plasticity by chemically enforced phenotype
              homogenization as a new therapeutic strategy in melanoma
              H. Chauvistré (Essen), S. Daignault (Brisbane/AU), B. Shannan (Essen)
              D. Picard (Essen, Düsseldorf), C. Krepler (Philadelphia, PA/US)
              R. Ju (Brisbane/AU), F. Vogel, F. Kaschani (Essen), A. Sechi (Aachen)
              O. Keminer (Hamburg), R. Varaljai (Essen, Hamburg)
              S. Stehbens (Hamburg; Brisbane/AU), S. Löffek (Essen, Hamburg)
              Q. Liu (Philadelphia, PA/US), S. Gul (Hamburg), A. Paschen, I. Helfrich (Essen)
              M. Remke (Düsseldorf), M. Kaiser (Essen), M. Herlyn (Philadelphia, PA/US)
              N. Haass (Brisbane/AU), D. Schadendorf, A. Roesch (Essen)

P090          Return to work after cancer – a multi-regional population-based study from
              V. Arndt, L. Koch-Gallenkamp (Heidelberg), H. Bertram (Bochum)
              A. Eberle (Bremen), B. Holleczek (Saarbrücken), R. Pritzkuleit (Lübeck)
              M. Waldeyer-Sauerland (Hamburg), S. R. Zeissig (Mainz), D. Doege
              M. S. Y. Thong, H. Brenner (Heidelberg)

P091          Age-specific prevalence of depression in long-term breast cancer survivors
              compared to female population controls in Germany
              D. Doege, M. S. Y. Thong, L. Koch-Gallenkamp, L. Jansen (Heidelberg)
              H. Bertram (Bochum), A. Eberle (Bremen), B. Holleczek (Saarbrücken)
              R. Pritzkuleit (Lübeck), M. Waldeyer-Sauerland (Hamburg)
              A. Waldmann (Lübeck, Hamburg), S. R. Zeissig (Mainz), H. Brenner
              V. Arndt (Heidelberg)

                                                    Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019      27
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P092         Age at diagnosis and gender are associated with long-term deficits in
                  disease-specific health-related quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors:
                  a population-based study
                  M. S. Y. Thong, D. Doege, L. Koch-Gallenkamp (Heidelberg)
                  H. Bertram (Bochum), A. Eberle (Bremen), B. Holleczek (Saarbrücken)
                  M. Waldeyer-Sauerland, A. Waldmann (Hamburg), S. R. Zeissig (Mainz)
                  H. Brenner, V. Arndt (Heidelberg)

     P093         „Still a cancer patient“ – associations of cancer identity with patient-
                  reported outcomes and health care use among cancer survivors
                  M. S. Y. Thong (Heidelberg), E.-M. Wolschon (Lübeck)
                  L. Koch-Gallenkamp (Heidelberg), A. Waldmann
                  M. Waldeyer-Sauerland (Hamburg), R. Pritzkuleit (Lübeck), H. Bertram
                  H. Kajüter (Bochum), A. Eberle (Bremen), B. Holleczek (Saarbrücken)
                  S. R. Zeissig (Mainz), H. Brenner, V. Arndt (Heidelberg)

     P094         Protonenbestrahlung von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern mit Hirntumoren
                  D. Jazmati, M. Stickan-Verfürth, T. Steinmeier (Essen), C. Blase (Bochum)
                  S. Tippelt, B. Timmermann (Essen)

     P095         Anti-tumourigenic effects of the iron chelator ciclopirox in HPV-positive
                  cancer cells
                  A. Herrmann, J. Braun, B. J. Kuhn, J. Krijgsveld, K. Hoppe-Seyler
                  F. Hoppe-Seyler (Heidelberg)

     P096         Partial reprogramming of melanoma cells confers drug resistance and
                  increased vulnerability to calcium channel antagonists
                  K. Granados, L. Hüser, A. Federico (Heidelberg)
                  S. Sachindra (Heidelberg, Berlin), G. Wolff, D. Novak, V. Umansky
                  J. Utikal (Heidelberg)

     P097         Single cell cell-fate choices in response to Cisplatin
                  A. Granada (Berlin), J. Stewart-Ornstein (Pittsburgh, PA/US)
                  G. Lahav (Boston, MA/US)

     P098         Repression of human papillomavirus oncogene expression under hypoxia is
                  mediated by PI3K/mTORC2/AKT signaling
                  F. Bossler, B. J. Kuhn, J. Krijgsveld, K. Hoppe-Seyler
                  F. Hoppe-Seyler (Heidelberg)

28   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

P099   ADAM9 contributes to vascular invasion in pancreatic ductal adeno-carcinoma
       V. O. Oria, P. Lopatta, T. Schmitz (Freiburg), B.-T. Preca (Basel/CH)
       A. Nyström (Freiburg), C. Conrad (Münster, Marburg)
       J. W. Bartsch (Marburg), B. Kulemann, J. Höppner (Freiburg)
       J. Maurer (Aachen), P. Bronsert, O. Schilling (Heidelberg, Freiburg)

P100   Retrospective study of paclitaxel in advanced therapy lines in the treatment
       of SCLC
       D. von Eiff, F. Bozorgmehr, P. Christopoulos, I. Chung, D. Bernhardt
       S. Rieken, S. Liersch, S. Kobinger, M. Thomas, M. Steins (Heidelberg)

P101   Cellular plasticity within the prostate cancer stem cell population upon
       F. Schwarz (Dresden), A. Wursthorn, A. Nowrouzi, I. Kurth
       M. Baumann (Heidelberg), M. Krause, A. Dubrovska, C. Peitzsch (Dresden)

P102   Measuring health-related quality of life for economic analysis and health
       technology assessment (HTA) – Why we should exercise caution when
       using generic Multi-Attribute Utility (MAU) measurement instruments?
       D. Hernandez, M. Schlander, O. Schwarz (Heidelberg), J. Richardson
       M. Khan (Melbourne/AU)

P103   The economic burden of cancer in Germany
       K. Hernandez-Villafuerte, M. Schlander, C. Thielscher (Heidelberg)

P104   DNA methylation changes define hematopoietic lineage commitment
       S. Kraemer, S. Staeble, J. Langstein, R. Bogeska, D. Weichenhan
       D. Huebschmann, J. Knoch, O. Muecke, M. Helf (Heidelberg)
       M. Czeh (Oxford/GB; Münster), J. Graesel (Heidelberg)
       F. Rosenbauer (Münster), R. Eils (Berlin), C. Plass, M. Schlesner
       M. D. Milsom, D. B. Lipka (Heidelberg)

P105   Therapeutic effects of combined radiotherapy and DNA dependent protein
       kinase inhibitor
       N. Ebert (Heidelberg, Dresden), C. von Neubeck (Dresden, Heidelberg)
       P. Naas, A. Schulz (Dresden), S. Löck (Heidelberg, Dresden)
       A. Zimmermann (Darmstadt), M. Krause, M. Baumann (Heidelberg, Dresden)

P106   Decreased CYP3A activity in palliative cancer patients
       M. Geist, H. Bardenheuer, J. Burhenne, G. Mikus (Heidelberg)

                                           Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019     29
Poster Exhibition I Monday, 4th February

     P107         Transcriptomic landscape of human epithelial and stromal cells isolated from
                  cancer and normal pancreatic tissue dissects cross-talks and deregulated
                  signaling happening at cell-type level
                  E. Espinet, Z. Gu, C. D. Imbusch, V. Vogel, N. A. Giese, T. Hackert
                  O. Strobel (Heidelberg), W. Weichert (Munich), M. Sprick
                  A. Trumpp (Heidelberg)

     P108         Physical activity and long-term quality of life among colorectal cancer
                  survivors – a population-based prospective study
                  R. E. Eyl, L. Koch-Gallenkamp, L. Jansen, V. Walter, P. Carr, M. Hoffmeister
                  J. Chang-Claude, H. Brenner, V. Arndt (Heidelberg)

     P109         Circulating osteoprotegerin and TRAIL and breast cancer survival and
                  recurrence in the MARIE breast cancer cohort
                  A. Y. Jung, C. Le Cornet (Heidelberg), D. Sarink (Heidelberg; Honolulu, HI/US)
                  S. Behrens, T. Johnson (Heidelberg), T. Maurer, N. Obi (Hamburg)
                  J. Chang-Claude (Heidelberg, Hamburg), R. T. Fortner (Heidelberg)

     P 143        The JAK inhibitor Ruxolitinib offers an effective treatment strategy for
                  peripheral T-cell Lymphomas
                  S. Madan Mohan Gambheer, A. Jäger (Freiburg)

30   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Tuesday, 5th February

All Posters are available during the whole duration of the congress at the ePoster terminals
and at special self-study terminals.

08.30–16.00    Imaging and Image-guided Therapy
Room           Casino

P 111          Etablierung einer dezentralen Prüfarzneimittel-Herstellung in mehreren
               Radiopharmazien am Beispiel der prospektiven klinischen DKTK-Multicenter-
               Studie „Ga-68-PSMA-11 in high-risk prostate cancer“
               C. Zippel, O. C. Neels, U. Hennrich (Heidelberg), G. Kabuss (Radeberg)
               S. D. Müller, A. Reil-Held, F. L. Giesel, K. Kopka (Heidelberg)

P 112          Innate immune cell tracking in the glioma microenvironment by correlated
               magnetic resonance imaging and mutiphoton microscopy (MR-MPM)
               K. Karimian-Jazi, P. Münch, A. Alexander, M. Piechotta, M. Karreman, W. Wick
               M. Bendszus, F. Winkler (Heidelberg), M. Platten (Heidelberg, Mannheim)
               M. Breckwoldt (Heidelberg)

P 113          Histogram and texture features in baseline diffusion-weighted MRI predict
               patient survival, subtype and therapy response in pancreatic ductal
               G. Kaissis, S. Ziegelmayer, F. Lohöfer, I. Heid (Munich), J. T. Siveke (Essen)
               D. Ankerst, H. Friess, H. Algül, R. Schmid, E. J. Rummeny, W. Weichert
               R. Braren (Munich)

P 114          Borderline-resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma – contour irregularity of
               the venous confluence in pre-operative computed tomography predicts
               histopathological infiltration
               G. Kaissis, F. Lohöfer, S. Ziegelmayer, J. Danner, C. Jäger, R. Schirren, D. Ankerst
               G. O. Ceyhan, H. Friess, E. J. Rummeny, W. Weichert, R. Braren (Munich)

P 115          Carbon Ion reirradiation for recurrent head-and-neck cancer – a single-
               institutional experience
               T. Held, P. Windisch, S. Akbaba, K. Lang, D. Bernhardt, P. Plinkert, K. Freier
               S. Kargus, S. Rieken, K. Herfarth, J. Debus, S. Adeberg (Heidelberg)

P 116          Intention to treat-Analyse von 68Ga-PSMA- und 11C-choline PET/CT versus CT
               bei Prostatakarzinomrezidiven nach Operation
               A.-C. Müller, S.-C. Olthof, C. Pfannenberg, D. Wegener, J. Marzec, J. Bedke
               A. Stenzl, C. la Fougère, K. Nikolaou, D. Zips, J. Schwenck (Tübingen)

                                                       Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019         31
Poster Exhibition I Tuesday, 5th February

     P 117        MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) der Prostataloge – erste Erfahrungen an
                  einem Hoch-Feld-MR-Linac
                  A.-C. Müller (Tübingen, Heidelberg), D. Wegener, S. Böke (Tübingen)
                  D. Mönnich (Tübingen, Heidelberg), C. Marks, A. Stolte, O. Dohm (Tübingen)
                  D. Thorwarth (Heidelberg, Tübingen), C. Gani (Tübingen)
                  D. Zips (Tübingen, Heidelberg), M. Nachbar (Tübingen)

     P 118        BRAF-Mutationsanalyse zur initialen Risikostratifizierung beim papillären
                  Schilddrüsenkarzinom der Hochrisikogruppe
                  I. Binse, J. Pokladek, M. Weber, S. Theurer, W. Jentzen, L. Umutlu
                  K. Herrmann, R. Görges (Essen)

     P 119        Dual-energy computed tomography for improved proton therapy treatment
                  N. Peters, P. Wohlfahrt (Dresden), C. Möhler, S. Greilich (Heidelberg)
                  C. Richter (Dresden)

     P 120        Ultra-early response capturing in the treatment of non-squamous NSCLC
                  using diffusion-weighted MRI – a prospective multicenter study
                  G. Heussel, N. V. Batora, C. F. Silva, M. A. Schneider, I. Chung, P. Flechsig
                  J. Krisam, C. Wiedemann, O. Sedlaczek, I. Fellhauer, H.-U. Kauczor
                  M. Thomas (Heidelberg), H. Golpon, J. Vogel-Claussen (Hannover), A. Tufman
                  J. Dinkel (Munich), A. Guenther (Giessen), S. Janciauskiene (Hannover)
                  H. Sültmann, M. Meister, C. P. Heussel, F. Bozorgmehr (Heidelberg)

     P 121        Bildmerkmale aus PSMA PET Bildern zur nicht-invasiven Tumordetektion und
                  Charakterisierung des Gleason Scores in Patienten mit primärem
                  C. Zamboglou, M. Carles, T. Fechter, S. Kiefer, P. Bronsert, J. Ruf
                  T. F. Fassbender, K. Reichel, M. Werner, C. A. Jilg, D. Baltas, M. Mix
                  A. Grosu (Freiburg)

     P 122        Machbarkeitsstudie zur MRT-integrierten protonentherapie – Bildqualität,
                  Strahlablenkung und Sekundärelektronen
                  S. Schellhammer, S. Gantz, A. Lühr, J. Pawelke, L. Karsch (Dresden), J. Smeets
                  S. Quets (Louvain-la-Neuve/BE), L. N. Burigo (Heidelberg)
                  B. Oborn (Wollongong/AU), M. Bussmann, A. Hoffmann (Dresden)

     P 123        Deep learning for the diagnostics of cancer tissue in pathology
                  F. Zakrzewski, W. de Back, M. Weigert, T. Wenke, S. Zeugner, S. Schmell
                  R. Mantey, K. Friedrich, I. Röder, D. E. Aust, P. Hönscheid, G. Baretton (Dresden)

32   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Tuesday, 5th February

P 124   Online high-field MR-guided Radiotherapy – initial experience in Tübingen
        C. Gani (Heidelberg, Tübingen), M. Nachbar, D. Mönnich (Tübingen)
        K. Nikolaou (Tübingen, Heidelberg), S. Gatidis, U. Grosse, F. Schick
        N. Weidner, A.-C. Müller, S. Böke (Tübingen), D. Thorwarth
        D. Zips (Heidelberg, Tübingen)

P 125   Analyse einer MR-geführten Bestrahlung mit unterschiedlichen online
        Adaptationsalgorithmen in einem Hoch-Feld-MR-Linac
        M. Nachbar, D. Mönnich, C. Marks, A. Stolte, O. Dohm (Tübingen)
        A.-C. Müller, D. Thorwarth, D. Zips (Tübingen, Heidelberg)
        C. Gani (Heidelberg, Tübingen), S. Böke (Tübingen, Heidelberg)

P 126   Nicht-invasiv bestimmte Hypoxie und funktionelle MRT in Kopf-Hals-Tumor
        Xenografts während fraktionierter Bestrahlung
        S. Böke (Tübingen, Heidelberg), P. Mena Romano, S. Leibfarth
        R. M. Winter, E. C. Sezgin, M. Krueger, G. Bowden, J. Cotton (Tübingen)
        B. Pichler, D. Zips, D. Thorwarth (Tübingen, Heidelberg)

P 127   A comprehensive analysis pipeline for MALDI imaging data in Galaxy
        M. C. Föll, L. Moritz (Freiburg), T. Wollmann (Heidelberg), M. Stillger
        M. Werner, P. Bronsert (Freiburg), K. Rohr (Heidelberg), B. Grüning
        O. Schilling (Freiburg)

P 128   Measure where protons stop in the patient – verification of proton therapy
        by means of prompt gamma rays
        C. Khamfongkhruea, L. Nenoff, M. Priegnitz, S. Barczyk, J. Berthold (Dresden)
        L. Hotoiu, G. Janssens, J. Petzoldt, J. Smeets (Louvain-la-Neuve/BE)
        W. Enghardt (Heidelberg, Dresden), G. Pausch (Dresden)
        C. Richter (Dresden, Heidelberg)

P 129   Investigating orthotopic tumour growth of non-small cell lung carcinoma
        Models – impact of transplantation technique and evaluation of preclinical
        imaging modalities
        R. Aktar, A. Dietrich (Dresden, Heidelberg), F. Tillner (Dresden)
        S. Kotb, S. Löck (Dresden, Heidelberg), H. Willers (Boston, MA/US)
        M. Baumann, M. Krause, R. Bütof (Dresden, Heidelberg)

P 130   Investigation of the availablity of sigma-1 receptors in orthotopic human
        glioblastoma-bearing mice with positron emission tomography (PET) using
        M. Toussaint, M. Kranz, W. Deuther-Conrad, M. Patt, O. Sabri, P. Brust (Leipzig)

                                              Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019       33
Poster Exhibition I Tuesday, 5th February

     P 131         Diffusion weighted imaging at 7T for subgroup stratification of murine
                   endogenous Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
                   I. Heid, G. Topping, F. Englert, K. Steiger, E. J. Rummeny, M. Schwaiger
                   D. Karampinos, F. Schilling, R. Braren (Munich)

     P 132         Harmonizing MR-Diffusion imaging using phantom calibration:
                   a multi-center evaluation of the German Cancer Consortium Joint Imaging
                   Platform (DKTK-JIP) Initiative
                   J. Kleesiek, M. Bach, T. Kuder, M. Nolden, K. Maier-Hein (Heidelberg)
                   A. Radbruch (Essen, Heidelberg), H.-P. Schlemmer (Heidelberg)
                   DKTK Joint Imaging Platform

     P 133         Robust intensity-modulated proton therapy with simultaneous integrated
                   boost reduces the low-dose to surrounding tissues in pancreatic cancer
                   S. Stefanowicz (Dresden), S. Zschaeck (Berlin)
                   E. G. C. Troost (Heidelberg, Dresden)

     P 134         Parametric sensitivity analysis of a mathematical model for hypoxia-PET
                   radiotracer dynamics
                   I. Paredes Cisneros (Heidelberg), A. Gago-Arias, I. Espinoza
                   P. Caprile (Santiago/CL), D. Nolte (Santiago/CL; Groningen/NL)
                   C. P. Karger (Heidelberg)

     P 135         The Joint Imaging Platform (JIP) of the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK):
                   a distributed infrastructure for image analysis and machine learning in
                   multicenter oncological studies
                   M. Nolden, J. Kleesiek, J. Scherer, J. Metzger, K. Kades (Heidelberg)
                   A. Radbruch (Heidelberg, Essen), H.-P. Schlemmer, K. Maier-Hein (Heidelberg)

     08.30–16.00   Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
     Room          Casino

     P 136         Identification of superior combinatorial PDA therapies involving cytostatic
                   agents and immunostimulatory antibodies in a clinically relevant mouse
                   D. Baumann, T. Hägele, J. Mochayedi, S. Blobner, J. H. Noll, C. Vent, J. Drebant
                   M. Volkmar, R. Offringa (Heidelberg)

34   1st German Cancer Research Congress
Poster Exhibition I Tuesday, 5th February

P 137   Bulk and single-cell T-cell receptor and transcriptome profiling reveals
        significant phenotypic, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the tumor-
        infiltrating lymphocyte repertoire of pancreatic cancer and melanoma
        I. Poschke, C. L. Tan, I. Heras Murillo, K. Lindner, A. Rodriguez Ehrenfried
        M. W. Büchler (Heidelberg), U. Sahin (Mainz), J. Hassel, O. Strobel
        R. Offringa (Heidelberg), M. Floßdorf (Munich), L. Appel
        K. König (Heidelberg)

P 138   Sensitive and specific identification of mutanome-encoded T-cell epitopes in
        PDAC on the basis of Xenograft NGS data using a Hybrid Reference Genome
        M. Volkmar (Heidelberg), D. Hoser (Berlin), C. Lauenstein, J. Rebmann
        A. Hotz-Wagenblatt, J. Rieger, I. Poschke, S. Blobner, C. Lehmann, M. Sprick
        A. Trumpp, M. W. Büchler, O. Strobel (Heidelberg), G. Willimsky (Berlin)
        R. Offringa (Heidelberg)

P 139   Targeted delivery of a toll-like receptor 3 agonist for adjuvant tumor therapy
        of glioblastoma multiforme
        A. Hagstotz, S. Michen, G. Schackert, A. Temme (Dresden)

P 140   Expansion of primary NK cells for targeting EGFR-positive, KIR/KIR-ligand-
        matched glioblastoma and autologous melanoma cells using cetuximab
        S. Michen (Dresden), N. Pieper, A. Paschen (Essen), J. Frosch (Dresden)
        G. Schackert, A. Temme (Dresden)

P 141   Combined HLA class I and HLA class II genotype alterations in melanoma from
        patients with primary and acquired resistance to immune checkpoint blockade
        F. Zhao, M. Schwamborn, B. Thier, P. Crivello, A. Heinold, T. Meuer (Essen)
        V. Lennerz (Mainz), A. Sucker, K. Griewank, P. A. Horn, S. Ugurel (Essen)
        T. Wölfel (Mainz), K. Fleischhauer, D. Schadendorf, A. Paschen (Essen)

P 142   Durvalumab in frail and elder patients with stage four NSCLC – the DURATION
        J. Kuon, M. A. Schneider, J. Krisam, F. Lasitschka (Heidelberg)
        M. Faehling (Esslingen), M. Ulmer (Ludwigsburg), M. Kimmich (Gerlingen)
        W. Schuette (Halle a. d. Saale), M. Serke (Hemer), P. Schuett (Gütersloh)
        W. Gleiber (Frankfurt), N. Moosmann (Regensburg)
        L. Fischer von Weikersthal (Amberg), C. Meyer zum Büschenfelde (Karlsruhe)
        C. Kropf-Sanchen (Ulm), H. Bernhard (Darmstadt), M. Boesche (Greifswald)
        C. Denzlinger (Stuttgart), J. R. Fischer (Loewenstein), V. van Laak (Berlin)
        C. Maintz (Würselen), M. Wermke (Dresden), M. Thomas (Heidelberg)

                                              Heidelberg I 4th and 5th February 2019     35
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