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‘1E0A’: A COMPUTATIONAL APPROACH TO RHYTHM TRAINING Noel Alben Ranjani H.G. Electronics and Communication, GAIA, PESIT - BSC, Bangalore Ericsson Research, Bangalore ABSTRACT takes place are the classroom, through playing and inter- acting with a teacher, and at home, practicing alone [1]. We present a computational assessment system that pro- From the perspective of a drum kit or percussive instru- motes the learning of basic rhythmic patterns. The system ment, a typical classroom setting involves the teacher and a is capable of generating multiple rhythmic patterns with learner. The teacher decides what the learner must practice increasing complexity within various cycle lengths. For a and the teacher’s feedback helps them achieve accuracy in generated rhythm pattern the performance assessment of timing and quality in performance. The learner’s practic- arXiv:2109.04440v1 [cs.MM] 9 Sep 2021 the learner is carried out through the statistical deviations ing habits at home aid in reaching performance goals. A calculated from the onset detection and temporal assess- software application cannot substitute a music teacher but ment of a learner’s performance. This is compared with the it can be a compliment in the learning process, especially generated pattern, and their performance accuracy forms in the performance assessment of daily practice at home the feedback to the learner. The system proceeds to gen- [1]. erate a new pattern of increased complexity when perfor- 1.1 Related Literature mance assessment results are within certain error bounds. The system thus mimics a learner-teacher relationship as Most assessment methods are either the assessment of the learner progresses in their feedback-based learning. learning, used to measure competence, or the assessment The choice of progression within a cycle for each pattern is for learning used to enhance learning [4-6]. The rapid de- determined by a predefined complexity metric. This metric velopment of music technology over the last few decades is based on a coded element model for the perceptual pro- has dramatically changed the way that people interact with cessing of sequential stimuli. The model earlier proposed music today. In [7], the authors explore the use of Mu- for a sequence of tones and non-tones, is now used for on- sic Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques in music ed- sets and silences. This system is developed into a web- ucation and their integration in learning software. They based application and provides accessibility for learning outline Song2See as a representative example of a mu- purposes. Analysis of the performance assessments shows sic learning system developed within the MIR commu- that the complexity metric is indicative of the perceptual nity. Songs2See is a music game developed based on pitch processing of rhythm patterns and can be used for rhythm detection, sound separation, music transcription, interface learning. development, and audio analysis technologies [8]. Despite Keywords: Music education, rhythm, onsets, perfor- advancements in these sound analysis technologies, Ere- mance assessment, complexity metrics, coded element pro- menko V, Morsi A, et al. in [1], revealed that the per- cessing, web application. formance assessment tools present in these applications are still not reliable and effective enough to support the 1 Introduction strict requirements of a professional music education con- Learning to play a musical instrument is a complex pro- text. In [1], they review some of the work done in the cess that requires the acquisition of many interlinked skills practice of music assessment and present a proof of con- such as tone, intonation, note accuracy, timing, rhythm pre- cept for a complete assessment system for supporting gui- cision, clear articulation, and dynamic variation [1]. An ac- tar exercises. Furthermore, they identify the challenges knowledged important skill is the understanding of rhythm, that should be addressed to further advance these assess- timing, and rhythm precision. Rhythm is defined to be the ment technologies and their useful integration into profes- description and understanding of the duration and dura- sional learning contexts. Particularly those, that will help tional patterns of musical notes [2]. The word rhythm is learners to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning pro- used to refer to all of the temporal aspects of a musical gression. They also highlight the importance and require- work [3]. ment of presenting the assessment results to a learner in Two main contexts within which formal musical learning a way that promotes learning [1]. Similarly, Lerch, A, et al. in [9] surveyed the field of Music Performance Analy- sis (MPA) from the perspective of performance assessment © Noel Alben, Ranjani H.G.. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Attribu- and its ability to provide insights and interactive feedback tion: Noel Alben, Ranjani H.G., “‘1e0a’: A COMPUTATIONAL AP- by analyzing and assessing the audio of practice sessions. PROACH TO RHYTHM TRAINING”, in Proc. of the 22nd Int. Society Furthermore, they highlight the necessity for individual as- for Music Information Retrieval Conf., Online, 2021. sessment and curriculum in the context of a music edu-
cation tool. The work of Chih-Wei Wu and Alexander Lerch in [10], presents an unsupervised feature learning approach to derive features for assessing percussive instru- ment performances amongst a large data of audition per- formances, mimicking a judge in this scenario. Specifi- cally, they proposed using a histogram-based input repre- sentation to sparse coding to allow the sparse coding to take advantage of temporal rhythmic information. Var- ious (commercially available) solutions exist specifically for rhythm education and performance assessment. Exam- ples for rhythm tutoring applications are Perfect Ear [11], Rhythm Trainer [12], and Complete Rhythm Trainer [13]. These form a class of mobile applications that help learn- Figure 1. Diagrammatic illustration of the terms used in ers practice and assess their rhythm skills by following a this article set curriculum presented in each of these applications and touchscreen-based feedback for performance assessment. Other apps such as SmartMusic [14], Yousician [15], Mu- time unit for a rhythmic pattern to be a pulse. Pulse is sic Prodigy [16], and SingStar [17] are available for music defined to be “one of a series of regularly recurring, pre- education purposes however, they do not have a dedicated cisely equivalent stimuli” [18]. The duration of a rhythmic rhythm training section. Furthermore, none of the previous pattern is composed of a number of pulses. Tempo refers works address musical rhythm complexity measures as a to the rate at which the musical pulses are generated and it feature to aid in a learner’s progression. Evaluating various also controls the number of pulses for a given duration. For rhythm complexity measures based on how accurately they our proposed system the total duration of a rhythmic pat- reflect human-based measures were studied by Eric Thul in tern is determined by the total number of samples present his thesis [3]. Although his results suggest that none of the in the audio signal. The uniform number of samples or measures accurately reflect the difficulty humans have per- duration, between two subsequent pulses, is defined to be forming or listening to rhythm, the measures do accurately the inter-pulse interval (IPI). The IPI depends on the sam- reflect how humans recognize a rhythm’s structure. pling frequency and the tempo used for the rhythmic pat- 1.2 Our Contribution tern. Figure 1 shows a duration of 300000 samples with pulses generated at a fixed Inter Pulse Interval (IPI), deter- In this work, we consider the individual assessment of mined by a tempo of 160 Pulses Per Minute (PPM). learning a particular rhythmic pattern at a fixed tempo. We To generate a rhythmic pattern, we consider instantaneous present the proof of concept for a system that will assess attacks on the marked time units (pulses) i.e., striking a a learner’s audio recording and provide feedback to the drum, clapping, or tapping. The instantaneous attacks are learner on their performance. We will only focus on as- defined as onsets. The duration that is marked between two sessing the learner’s temporal proficiency, keeping the per- onsets is defined as the inter-onset interval (IOI). The IPI, formance parameter categories of tempo, dynamics, pitch, onsets, and the IOI together create a rhythmic pattern as and timbre fixed. Furthermore, we focus on the progres- shown in figure 1. sion of a learner within a certain cycle length. We do so A cycle determines the number of pulses beyond which the with the introduction of new patterns of increased com- rhythmic pattern begins to repeat itself. The cycle repre- plexity based on a pre-defined complexity metric that is sents a structure for the pulses, and this structure is realised similar to a teacher who decides what the learner must by the rhythmic pattern. For example, we use 7 to indicate practice. a repeating rhythmic pattern of 7 pulses. Rhythm patterns This manuscript is organized as follows, we first define can be composed in any predetermined cycle number, for the terms, notations, and conventions to be held through- this article we will only be following cycles of 4,3,5,7, and out that will help assess the performance of an individual. 16. That is followed by the proposed system for the assess- ment where we go over the subsequent blocks that make 2.2 Representation up the assessment system and understand the coded ele- We will now introduce the rhythm pattern representa- ment model used to define the complexity metric. Finally, tion used in the proposed system with the help of a famous we discuss the learner results and accuracy of this system Afro-Cuban rhythm, the clave son, shown in figure 2 (a). through our web application platform, and conclude with future enhancements and improvements to the system. 2 Background (a) (b) 2.1 Definitions We first provide a brief background of some of the terms used to define a rhythmic pattern. Figure 2. (a) The clave son rhythm in music (stave) nota- In this work we consider the fundamental and individual tion. (b) The clave son rhythm in binary notation.
Figure. 2 (b) shows the clave son rhythm as a binary and IP I represents the fixed inter-pulse interval. string, a notation that describes the position of the onsets The pattern array in binary representation determines the and silences. This notation is used in the domain of com- location of onsets and the number of silences to be incor- puter science [19]. The onsets are marked by a “1” and the porated into the duration of pulses. Furthermore, we pro- silent pulses are marked by a “0”. This representation en- pose the selection of pattern arrays for generating subse- ables faster computation and integration of rhythm patterns quent sequences using complexity metrics detailed in sec- into our system. This representation of a rhythm pattern tion 3.1.2. henceforth will be referred to as the binary representation. For the clave son: [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0] , at 160 2.3 Naming 1e0a P P M , with 4 repeats, at an f s of 44100. The function The name ‘1e0a’ for the proposed system is derived generates an array of pulses as shown in figure 4(a). The from a mixture of the binary representation with its 1’s fixed inter-pulse interval for 160 P P M as calculated by and 0’s and a western rhythm counting technique used by a equation 1 is 16539 samples. large majority of music educators, called the Harr system. The system that Harr used assigned a set of numbers and syllables. For a cycle of length 4, numbers are assigned to onsets that occur at the beginning of the rhythmic pattern’s duration and its repeats. Syllables are assigned to those on- sets that fall everywhere else. The syllables remain consis- tent for all the pulses with only the number for each repeat changing. For example, the rhythm [11111111] would be read, “1 e & a 2 e & a” [20]. Thereby, giving us the name (a) (b) ‘1e0a’. 3 Proposed System (c) Figure 4. Pattern Generator plots. (a) Pulse Generator Output; (b) Hi-Hat Drum sample impulse signal; (c) Con- volution result of (a) and (b). The next stage of the pattern generator block adds tonal quality to the output of the pulse generator. We achieve this by convolving the pulse generator output with an appropri- ate drum sample impulse signal. The drum sample impulse Figure 3. Block diagram of the proposed system for signal is a short recording of an onset played using a par- ‘1e0a.’ ticular drum sound. The drum sound selected must have an instantaneous attack and a short decay as shown in figure Figure 3 shows the block diagram of our proposed sys- 4(b). tem for rhythm training and progression in learning. This The convolution process requires the loaded sample im- system consists of two distinct blocks: (1) The rhythm pat- pulse to have the same f s as the pulse generator output. tern generator with the complexity metric, and, (2) the per- For a pulse generator output and drum impulse, figure 4(c) formance assessment of the learner input with feedback. shows the output of the convolution function. We make 3.1 Pattern Generator use of the Discrete Fourier Transform convolution prop- 3.1.1 Pattern Generation erty [21]. This allows our result to have the same number The pattern generator as shown in figure 5 begins with of samples as the pulse generator output. We use the Fast a pulse generator function. This function takes input Fourier Transform (FFT) [21] algorithm to achieve this re- parameters that determine the cycle length, pattern array, sult. tempo (PPM), and the total number of repeats, required to The resultant clave son rhythm from the pattern generator generate a collection of pulses whose inter-pulse interval block, at 160 P P M and 4 cycles, is an audio signal whose (IPI) is determined by the equation 1. plot is shown in figure 4(c). 3.1.2 Complexity Metric Various measures of musical rhythm complexity have IP I = (60/P P M )/(1/f s) (1) been studied in [3]. Rhythm complexity measures were di- P P M represents the pulses per minute of the generated vided into: collection of pulses, f s represents the sampling frequency Rhythm syncopation measures that use metrical weights
determined from the metrical hierarchy to find syncopated XX onsets in a rhythm [19,22]. H(X|Y ) = − p(y, x)log2 p(y/x) (6) Pattern matching measures which chop up a rhythm as x∈X y∈Y determined by the levels of the metrical hierarchy and Let the value H k be the sum of Hmax k k and Hjoint at search each sub-rhythm for patterns that indicate the com- Code Level k. The total sum of H at each Code Level rep- plexity [23,24]. resents the complexity of the pattern. This value is termed Distance measures, which measure how far away a Hcode . rhythm is from a more simple rhythm composed of beats [19,25,26]. n X n X Finally, mathematical measures which are based upon Hcode = Hk = k Hmax k + Hjoint (7) Shannon’s information entropy [27,28]. Shannon’s in- k=1 k=1 formation entropy uncertainty equations are given in The complexity measure for [1001001000101000] is cal- equations 4,5,6. culated to be 20.5538. Similarly, we were able to calculate We propose to use the rhythmic complexity measure that complexity measures for all the combinations of patterns calculates information entropy in the sense of Shannon’s within the cycle lengths of 4,3,5, and 7. Upon calculating entropy for a particular rhythm pattern. Vitz and Todd in the complexity measures, we arrange patterns according to [28], present a method that can be used to calculate the their increasing order of complexity as shown in sheets 1 . complexity of cyclic binary patterns. Their work defined We observed that for patterns that are a shifted version of that the complexity measure of a certain periodic or repeat- another, where 1’s (onsets) replace the 0’s (silences), and ing pattern is the sum of the total amount of uncertainty vice versa, the complexity measures are identical. For ex- evaluated in processing the stimulus sequence. In [28], ample, [1100] and [0011] have a complexity measure of they achieved this by proposing a set of rules (axioms) de- 5.0. To tackle this, we considered those patterns that be- scribing a perceptual coding process. As the method im- gin with a 0 as off-beat patterns and assumed that they plies an emphasis on coded elements, it is referred to as a present a higher challenge to learners. Hence, we incre- coded element processing system (CEPS) [3]. mented a constant value to the complexity measures for all We consider this model for our application due to its al- those patterns that begin with a 0 (silence). The constant gorithmic approach to measure rhythm complexity, thus value within a cycle was determined by the highest com- making it viable for coding, as against rhythm syncopa- plexity measure for the patterns that begin with 1 (onsets), tion models in [19,21]. CEPS also has an improved abil- for that cycle length. This can be observed in sheets1 . ity to distinguish rhythm patterns within a cycle based on Furthermore, this complexity metric does not account for complexity as compared to pattern matching [23,24] and the complexity that arises with changes in tempo. There- distance measures [19,25,26]. fore in this work, we only assess the performances at a The axioms in [28], proposed originally for tones and non- constant P P M . tones, break down sequences into code levels. In our work, 3.2 Performance Assessment we extend it to rhythmic patterns, composed of onsets and Once the learner listens to the generated pattern their silences. Each code level successfully codes the pattern performance is recorded and loaded onto the system. We from single elements to larger elements which continues rectify the recorded audio signal (z) with a threshold, until the entire pattern is constructed. To calculate the zthreshold = zmax /4, to improve the results of the onset complexity of the rhythmic pattern, we measure two uncer- detection function and it also accounts for low magnitude tainty values at each Code Level in the algorithm as pro- noise in the live recording environment. posed in [28]. Uncertainty in this case means information entropy. The uncertainty values are the maximum uncer- tainty, Hmax , and the joint uncertainty, Hjoint represented in equations 2 and 3 respectively. Hmax (X, Y, Z, W ) = H(X) + H(Y ) + H(Z) + H(W ) (2) Hjoint (X, Y, Z, W ) =H(X) + H(Y |X) + H(Z|X, Y ) (a) Recorded input. (b) Onsets from rectified inputs. + H(W |W, Y, Z) (3) Figure 5. Plots of onset detection in one cycle. where, Any onset detection function can be used to extract the X H(X) = − p(x)log2 p(x) (4) x∈X onsets from the rectified recorded input. We used the onset detection function defined by the Librosa python library XX 1 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/ H(X, Y ) = − p(x)p(x, y)log2 p(x, y) (5) 2PACX-1vTSDSqil264H6-M2kLdQUuD6VYnRqYPQePhKl8C_ x∈X y∈Y STD1j-54rFdhbLag-ep_15ggiHpo8-DOpJWyQ-O/pubhtml
tency. We achieve this through the graphical representation wherein, a positive deviation (above 0 line) in figure 7 (left) infers that the learner is rushing or playing the beat faster than intended and a negative deviation (below 0 line) infers Figure 6. 4X5 Matrix of error deviation result. that the learner is dragging or playing the beat slower than intended. Each onset in figure 7 (left) is marked by an x. [29]. A sample of the recorded input and the extracted 4 1e0a - The Web Application onsets are shown in figure 5. For improved accessibility to this system to aid in learn- Inter onset intervals are calculated from onsets esti- ing, we developed a web application hosted at https: mated from both recorded (IOIinput ) and generated sig- //1e0a.noelalben.com nals (IOIgenerated ). Our goal was to implement the proposed system with The deviation: IOIgenerated − IOIinput , for each inter a simple user interface and a server to collect learners’ onset interval is calculated to be the error in temporal per- data. We were able to achieve both by using Flask a micro formance at each onset. web framework written in Python [30]. The website was The error is recorded in a matrix format where the num- hosted on AWS [31] with certbot SSL certification [32]. ber of columns is equivalent to the number of onsets in a cycle and the number of rows is determined by the total number of cycles. For the son clave rhythm, there are 5 ‘1’s’ (onsets) and 11 ‘0’s’ (silence) played for 4 cycles, re- sulting in a 4X5 matrix as shown in 6. From the error matrix, two sets of averages are calcu- lated. One set of average values represent the deviation of each inter onset interval within a cycle (average of all the values in one column of the error matrix). This results in a 5X1 average onset error array. This average onset error (a) Learning platform (b) Performance Assessment results array is plotted on a graph with the horizontal axis rep- resenting each onset and the vertical axis representing the percentage of deviation (-100 to 100) This is shown in fig- Figure 8. ‘1e0a’ Web Application. ure 7(left). This result indicates to the learner their timing error at each onset. The negative error implies slowly play- Every new learner must register with the website and ing speed and the positive indicates fast playing speed. provide consent to use their registration information and The next set of average values represent the error deviation performance assessment results for research purposes. of a learner across the cycles (average all the values in one Post-registration the learner is given a login id and pass- row of the error matrix) which results in a 4X1 average word. Upon logging in to the system they enter the learn- result array. This result is plotted on a graph with the hor- ing platform as shown in figure 8 (a). They must listen izontal axis representing the number of cycles and the ver- to the generated pattern and record their respective perfor- tical axis representing the deviation (-100 to 100) shown in mance. The ‘Analyze’ button conducts performance as- figure 7(right). This result gives the learner information on sessment on the learner’s recording and takes them to the their consistency throughout the performance and indicates results as shown in figure 8 (b). If they choose to progress if the timing error is consistent across cycles. in their learning by clicking ‘Learn Another’, the system will generate the next pattern based on the complexity met- rics defined in section 3.1.2 and take the learner back to the learning platform. When they log out, the most recent generated pattern is stored into the database and they can continue where they left, upon logging in again. 5 Experiments and Results 5.1 Experimental Setup To assess and quantify the effectiveness of our rhythm learning system, each learner on the 1e0a web application was required to perform and record 23 distinct patterns over 4 different cycle lengths of (4,3,5 and 7), at a con- stant PPM of 160. The learners were asked to use a desk- Figure 7. Deviation graph results of the performance as- top/laptop to access the web application and to maintain a sessment block. constant interface to perform the rhythmic patterns (clap- ping or a single percussive instrument). They were not al- The graphs in figure 7 give the learner comprehensive lowed to use accents in their performance nor take breaks performance feedback concerning their timing and consis- while performing a given pattern. Throughout the exper-
4(a) 3(a) 5(a) 7(a) 4(b) 3(b) 5(b) 7(b) 4 (c) 3(c) 5(c) 7(c) Figure 9. Graphical analysis of performance assessment for 6 learners categorised by professional(•), amateur(×), and beginner(?) on the 1e0a web application at each cycle. (a)Top Panel: Total number of attempts taken by learners. (b) Center Panel: Absolute average beat error in performance. (c) Bottom Panel: absolute average error over the cycle in performance. iment, the application recorded the number of attempts taken by the learner increases with the progression of pat- each learner takes to achieve performance assessment re- terns within a cycle. However, this does not directly re- sults within the error bounds presented in section 3.2. Fur- flect the difficulty that learners have while performing or thermore, we stored the performance assessment results of listening to the rhythm; but does accurately reflect how the learner for each rhythmic pattern where their results beginners and amateurs struggle to recognize a rhythm’s were within the error bounds. The results of 6 learners structure as the complexity increases. are shown in fig 9. Each learner is categorized based on their years of experience with music education: Profes- 6 Conclusion sionals (>10 years), Amateur (>2 years), and Beginners( 0-2 years). In this article, we introduce ‘1e0a’, the proof of concept for a rhythm learning and assessment system that helps 5.2 Results learners progress in their learning with a new pattern gen- From the resulting graphs in figure 9, it can be observed erated based on a pre-defined rhythm complexity measure. that compared to an amateur or a beginner, for any given We describe the rhythm complexity measure that was used pattern the professional requires less number of attempts and present the methodology for rhythm performance as- to achieve performance accuracy within the error bounds. sessment. The results of the proposed system show that This is reflective of a learning system where beginners we can successfully test a learner’s proficiency on rhythm make more mistakes and progressively improve in their patterns over a single PPM and monitor their progression performance as they spend more time on the application. within a cycle of patterns of increasing complexity values. We also observe that the learners were able to correct their This system does not test the learner’s proficiency across mistakes and achieve performance accuracy within the er- different tempos neither does it test for mixed cycle com- ror bounds after a sufficient number of attempts. This in- plexity. dicates that the performance assessment feedback of the The future work is to implement a complexity measure that system aids the learner in understanding and correcting extends to various tempos, accents and mixed cycle length their performance to achieve accuracy. Furthermore, it can progression. Furthermore, we aim to have an improved be observed that across different patterns within the cy- onset detection and noise removal on the recorded audio cle there exists complexity because the number of attempts signal for a performance assessment that is robust to noise
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