1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...

Page created by Johnny Chapman
1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...
1A Girls: Feb 24-26
 1A Boys: Mar 3-5     $1.00
1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...
On behalf of the Northwest Arctic Borough School
                     District, I am proud to welcome our visitors and
                     fans of all ages to the 2022 1A Northwest Arctic
                     Conference Tournament in Kotzebue. Since 1984,
                     the NWABSD has won 25 1A and 2 2A Basketball
                     State Championships.
                     The success on the floor should come as no
                     surprise. Residents of the Northwest Arctic are
                     passionate about athletics and with good reason.
                     Participation in extra curricular activities offers our
students many valuable opportunities. From strength training and
conditioning, to social interaction, leadership, problem solving and
teamwork; the positives are too numerous to list. Studies also show that
participation reduces the indulgence of the at-risk behaviors we are all
too familiar with.
This tournament represents the culmination of a season of hard work and
dedication. These students have shown the fortitude to put in not just the
physical work during four months of practices, but the mental toughness
to maintain their grades and attendance in school on top of the additional
workload. I applaud their effort and hope you will join me this weekend.

Enjoy the tournament,

Superintendent Terri Walker
NWABSD Superintendent
1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...
Congratulations to
all the 2022 Seniors:
    Player                   Parents/Guardians
ABL #1 Richard Sheldon Jr.      Nellie Sheldon
                                and the late Richard Sheldon Sr.
ABL #21 Jessica Johnson         Morgan & Lolo Johnson

BKC #20 Louis G. Hadley         George & Melissa Hadley
BKC #22 Walter Washington       Thomas Washington Sr.
BKC #23 Robin Sheldon           Mike & Clara Sheldon
BKC #24 Ezra Curtis             Eunice Carter

DRG #24 Robert Cleveland    Kevin Moto and Lillian Cleveland
DRG #23 Gwendolyn Iyatunguk Robert & Denise Iyatunguk

IAN #30 Kristin Jackson         Raven Jackson & Charlamayne Reed
IAN #23 Freddie Reed            Jack & Annie Reed

KVL #4 Toby Sage                Mary & Lowell Sage Jr.
KVL #5 Sco8 Baldwin             Doreen & Andrew Baldwin Jr.
KVL #10 James Hawley            Jerry & Becky Norton
KVL #12 Sherissa Swan           Crystal Swan and Kevin Luther
KVL #14 Brian Adams             Brian & Rhea Barger
KVL #21 Sakkan Adams            Replogle & Dolly Swan Sr.
KVL #24 Dennis Douglas          James & Frannie Douglas

WTK #5 Vince Carter
WTK #23 Shane Walton
WTK #24 Isaac Smith
1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...
Congratulations to
all the 2022 Seniors:
    Player                 Parents/Guardians
ORV #11   Ethan Armstrong       Elmer Jr & Lena Armstrong
ORV #25   Jaron Newlin          Brenda Newlin
ORV #25   Percy Foster
ORV #10   Lemau Bantatua        Glenna CofVin, Elino Bantatua
ORV #24   Natasha Bailey        Laura Bailey, Glenna CofVin
ORV #13   Kalieen Harvey Tebbits    Crystal Tebbits, Bert Harvey

SHG #10 Brennen Johnson         Harold & Amanda Johnson
SHG #11 Kaden Douglas           Elaine Tickett
SHG #23 Bryant Sun              Fred & Cheryl Sun
1A Girls: Feb 24-26 1A Boys: Mar 3-5 - Northwest Arctic Borough ...

                         #1 Buckland
                                                                    February 24-26

                               Game 2
                         Thursday @ 7:30 PM
#4 Kiana/Shungnak             Session 1

       Game 1
  Thursday @ 3:00 PM
       Session 1

#5 Kivalina
                                                     Game 5
                                               Friday @ 12:00 PM     Champion
                                                    Sesson 2

                         #3 Noatak

                               Game 2
                         Thursday @ 6:00 PM
                              Session 1

                         #2 Noorvik

                                       GIRLS' 2ND PLACE BRACKET


          Game 4
     Friday @ 10:00 AM
         Session 2

                               Game 6
                          Friday @ 3:00 PM
                              Session 2

                                                    Game 7
                                              Saturday @ 10:00 AM   2nd Berth
                                                   Session 3


                         #1                                          March 3-5

                               Game 3
                         Thursday @ 7:00 PM
#4                            Session 2

      Game 1
 Thursday @ 2:00 PM
      Session 1

                                                    Game 8
                                               Friday @ 7:30 PM     Champion
#3                                                 Sesson 4

      Game 1
 Thursday @ 3:30 PM
      Session 1

                               Game 4
                         Thursday @ 8:30 PM
                              Session 2


                BOYS' 2ND PLACE BRACKET


          Game 5
     Friday @ 10:00 AM
         Session 3


                               Game 7
                          Friday @ 6:00 PM
                              Session 4

                                                       Game 9
          Game 6                                   Sat @ 10:00 AM
     Friday @ 11:30 AM                                Session 5     2nd Berth
         Session 3


# Lt/Dk    Name                  POS   YR   HT
                   1    Richard Sheldon Jr.    PG   12   5'5
                   4    Thomas Pungalik         G   10   5'5
                  11    Thomas Brown            G   11   5'5
                  12    Dylon Kelly            SG    8   5'4
                  14    Peter Ramoth           SF    8   5'4
                  21    Jessica Johnson         G   12   5'1
                  23    John Roy Ramth Jr.      F   11   5'9

             Coach:     Marvin Sheldon
           Principal:   Sarah Hutchison
  State Appearances:    1991 (ABL)
State Championships:    1991 (ABL)
Lt/Dk    Name                                           POS    HT     YR
                    3    Willie Hadley Jr                                G    5'6"     9
                   10    Elgen Thomas                                    G    5' 5"   10
                   12    Cody Brown                                      F    5'8"    10
                   14    Austin Hadley                                   G    5' 6"   10
                   20    Louis G Hadley                                  G    5' 6"   12
                   21    Alfred Ballot III                               G    5' 5"   10
                   22    Walter Washington                               G    5' 7"   12
                   23    Robin Sheldon                                   G    5' 8"   12
                   24    Ezra Curtis                                     C    5'10    12
                   32    Tony Jones III                                  C    5'9"     9
                   33    Herbert Thomas                                  G    5'5"     9
                   44    Adrian Ballot                                   G    5'4"     9

               Coach:    James Washington
            Principal:   Jeremy Millard
  State Appearances:      '98, '99, '07, '08, '11, '17, '18, '20, '21
State Championships:     '98, '07, '08
   State Runner-Ups:     '99
State Sportsmanship:     '98, '99
     State Academic:     '99 (3.52)
Lt/Dk     Name                                    POS        HT       YR
                   3     Kiah Melton                              G        5' 3"     10
                  13     Katelyn Hadley                           C        5'9"      11
                  15     Savanna Swan                             F         5'6'      9
                  21     Tracey Jones                             G        5'1"      11
                  22     Emily Armstrong                          F        5'5"      10
                  23     Cadence Swan                             F        5'7"       9
                  24     Nicole Ticket                            G        5'3"       9
                  30     Delani Hadley                            F        5' 3"     11
                  32     Ava Jones                                G        5' 3"     11
                  33     Joan Swan                                F        5' 3"     10
                  34     Amy Curtis                               C        5'8"      11
               44/12     Daisy Lee                                G        5'0"       9

              Coach:     Eunice Carter
            Principal:   Jeremy Millard
  State Appearances:     03, '04, '05, '07, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19, '21
State Championships:     '05
   State Runner-Ups:     03, '15
State Sportsmanship:     '03, '07
# Lt/Dk   Name               POS   YR     HT
      4   Hailee Moto         G     9    5'2"
     13   Kylie Cleveland     F     9    5'6"
     22   Aidan Barr          G     9    5'5"
     21   Raymond Moto        F    11    5'8"
     23   Gwen Iyatunguk      G    12    5'4"
     24   Robert Cleveland    C    12    6'3"
     12   Derek Barr          F     8   5'10"
     14   Isaiah Iyatunguk    F     9   5'11"
      3   Joleen Carter       G     8    5'5"

  Coach: Kevin Moto
Principal Brenda Noe
Lt/Dk     Name                 POS   YR    HT
                  10     Cody Stein            F    10   5'7"
                  12     Loden Morris          G     8   5'2"
                  14     Thor Morris           G    10   5'4"
                  15     Alec Mills           G/F    9   5'6"
                  22     Fred Atoruk           G     8   5'1"
                  23     Freddie Reed         F/C   12   6'0"
                  34     Moody Barr Jr         F     9   5'9"

               Coach:    Shirelle Barr
             Principal   James Stewart
     Athletic Director   Tommy Wells
  State Appearances      '84, '87, '93, '12
State Championships      '84, '87, '93
Lt/Dk     Name                                      POS   YR    HT
               12/23     Judey Allen                               F/G   11   5'2"
               30/31     Kristin Jackson                            G    12   5'4"
               32/44     Jasmine Nauyaq Jones                      F/G    9   5'5"
               34/21     Lucy Gooden                                G     9   5'1"
               42/41     Kelly Mae Aagayuk                         F/G    9   5'4"

          IAN Coach:     Courtney Priestly
          SHG Coach:     Dawn Davis
        IAN Principal:   James Stewart
       SHG Principal:    Roger Franklin
  State Appearances       '84, '88, '06, '08, '09, '12, '14, '20
State Championships       '84, '06, '08
State Sportsmanship      '06
     State Academic      '08 (3.50)
# Lt/Dk     Name              POS   YR    HT
                 4     Toby Sage           G   12   5'7
                 5     Scott Baldwin       G   12   5'9
                10     James Hawley        F   12   6'1
                11     Kenan Morris        G   10   5'10
                12     Abraham Swan        F   11   6'1
                13     Enoch Swan          G    9   5'9
                14     Brian Adams        PG   12   5'8
                21     Sakkan Adams        C   12   6'1
                22     Damien Frankson     G    9   5'9
                24     Dennis Douglas      F   12   6'0

            Coach:     Ahquk Wesley
          Principal:   Lyle Melkerson
  Athletic Director:   Emma Melkerson
State Appearances:     '09, '10, '11
# Lt/Dk     Name                 POS   YR   HT
                    4     Cerra Wesley          G    10   5'3
                   11     Sylvia Booth          F    11   5'4
                   12     Sherissa Swan         C    12   5'6
                   13     Sherry Swan           G     9   5'5
                   14     Celina Wesley         G    10   5'3'
                   20     Camille Hawley        F     9   5'6
                   23     Regina Swan           F    11   5'7

                Coach:    Eleanor Swan
             Principal:   Lyle Melkerson
     Athletic Director:   Emma Melkerson
  State Appearances:      '93, '95, '10, '11
State Championships:      '93
   State Runner-Ups:      '11
State Sportsmanship:      '10
# Lt/Dk     Name                                         POS         YR     HT
                   2     Alex Onalik                                   F          11    6'1"
                   3     Joeseph Penn                                  G          11    5'9"
                   4     Theodore Luther                               F          11   5'11"
                   5     Vince Carter                                  G          12    5'9"
                  11     Ivan Jones                                    G           9    5'9"
                  12     Paul Walton                                   G          10    5'9"
                  14     Fred Walton                                   G          10   5'10"
                  15     Evan Adams                                    G          10    5'9"
                  20     Floyd Mills                                   G          11    5'8"
                  21     Vincent Onalik Jr.                            F           9     6'
                  23     Shane Walton                                  G          12   5'11"
                  24     Isaac Smith                                   F          12   5'11"
                  32     Whittier Carter-Sours                         G          11   5'10"

               Coach:    Norman Monroe
             Principal   Patrick Macy
     Athletic Director   Zachary Martin
  State Appearances       '85, '88, '95, '04, '10, '13, 14','15,'16,'17,'18,'19,'20
State Championships        '88, '18
   State Runner-Ups      '85
State Sportsmanship      '10
# Lt/Dk     Name                  POS   YR    HT
                0     Gloria Carter          G    10   5'3"
                2     Hailee Luther          G    11   5'2"
                3     Connie Onalik          G     9   5'3"
                5     Shyla Walton           F    11   5'7"
               13     Claryssa Booth         G    10   5'2"
               23     Brooke Schaeffer       G     9   5'9"
               24     Jayla Booth            G     9    5'
               32     Gretchen Downy         F     9   5'4"
               34     Jazzlynn Ballot        G    11   5'2"

            Coach:    Mildred Booth
          Principal   Patrick Macy
  Athletic Director   Zachary Martin
  Athletic Director   Zachary Martin
State Appearances      '87, '98, '12, '16
# Lt/Dk     Name                                         POS   YR     HT
                  0     Andrew Bantatua                                F    9    5'6"
                  1     Tulisi Bantatua                               PG   11   5'10"
                  2     Vincent Sheldon                               G    11    5'8"
                  3     Jaron Newlin                                  PG   12    5'8"
                  3     Dustin Stone                                  PF   11    5'8"
                  4     Andrew Sampson                                PG    9    5'9"
                  7     Abraham Field                                 G     9    5'8"
                 11     Ethan Armstrong                               G    12   5'10"
                 12     Darrel Johnson                                 C   10    6'3"
                 13     Isaac Smith                                   PG    9    5'6"
                 22     Micah Wells Manook                             F   11   5'10"
                 23     Alfred Coffin                                 PF   10   5'11"
                 24     Jace Bo Pungalik                               C   11    5'7"
                 25     Percy Foster                                   F   12   5'10"
                 30     Robert Nazuruk                                G    10    5'5"
                 41     Jade Ballot                                    C    9   5'11"

              Coach:    Bradley Wells
            Principal   Kathryn Self
    Athletic Director   Jim Levenhagen
  State Appearances     83, '84, '86, '95, '96, '97, '00, '01, '03,
                        05, '06, '07, '08, '09, '12, '13,'15,'16,'19
State Championships     '96, '97, '00, '03, '05, '06, '07 (2A), '12 (2A)
   State Runner-Ups     '83 (3A), '84 (2A), '86, '01, '09 (2A), '13
State Sportsmanship     '07
     State Academic     '03 (2.74)
# Lt/Dk     Name                                    POS        YR        HT
                   3     Eva Johnson                               G        11       5'7"
                  10     Lemau Bantatua                            C        12       5'4"
                  14     Katrina Stalker                          PF        10       5'4"
                  20     Shannon Ballot                           PG         9       5'2"
                  21     Myrtle Williams                           G         9       5'3"
                  22     Qutan Hailstone                           G        11       5'5"
                  24     Natasha Bailey                            F        12       5'5"
               13/23     Kalieen Harvey                           PG        12       5'2"

               Coach:    Nita Tebbits
             Principal   Kathryn Self
     Athletic Director   Jim Levenhagen
  State Appearances      89, '92, '94, '95, '96, '97, '00, '09, '10, '13, '19, '20
State Championships      '92, '94, '00,
   State Runner-Ups      '89, '97
Lt/Dk   Name                              POS   YR    HT
                1   Hunter Barr                        G     8   5'0"
                4   Brent Sun                          G     9   5'5"
               10   Brennon Richard Iyagak Johnson     F    12   5'8"
               11   Kaden J Putusraaq Douglas          F    12   5'7"
               22   Brett Johnson                     F/G    8   5'5"
               23   Bryant Anthony Tusragviuarq Sun    F    12   6'0"

            Coach: Anthony Norris
         Principal: Roger Frankin
State Appearances: '21
1A Northwest Arctic Tournament History
                                                                         Girls' Tournament History
                2012-13                                2013-14                                  2014-15                               2015-16
Champion        Buckland Sissauni                      Kiana Lynx                               Buckland Sissauni                     Noatak Lynx
2nd Place       Noorvik Bears                          Buckland Sissauni                        Selawik Wolves                        Buckland Sissauni
Sportsmanship   Deering Northern Lights                Deering Northern Lights                  Ambler Grizzlies                      Kivalina Qavviks
Academic        Deering Northern Lights (3.47 GPA)     Kivalina Qavviks (3.15 GPA)              Selawik Wolves (3.62 GPA)             Selawik Wolves
3pt Champion    Stephanie Washington (BKC) - 24 Made   Courtney Hadley (BKC) - 12 Made          Kirsten Beecroft (IAN) - 25 Made      Nita Thomas (BKC) - 23 made
Free Throw      Ashley Mills (WTK)                     Kylah Melton (BKC)                       Tori Wells (IAN)                      Kayana Barr (IAN)
Hot Shot        Jenny Westlake (IAN)                   Taylene Jones (BKC)                      Autumn Barr & Martha Wells (IAN)      Jaycee Beecroft & Martha Wells (IAN)
All-Tourney     Kirsten Beecroft (IAN) - MVP           Martha Wells (IAN) - MVP               Lataihya Hingsbergen (WLK) - MVP        Eileen Norton (WTK) - MVP
                Emily Outwater (ORV)                   Justene Henry (WLK)                    Emily Outwater (WTK)                    Nita Thomas (BKC)
                Eileen Norton (WTK)                    Brandi Hawley (KVL)                    Brandee Hawley (KVL)                    Martha Wells (IAN)
                Lila Barger (BKC)                      Emily Outwater (WTK)                   Roslaine Hadley (BKC)                   Alanna Conwell (WTK)
                Stephanie Washington (BKC)             Lataihya Hingsbergen (WLK)             Martha Wells (IAN)                      Lynette Adams (KVL)
                Lanette Adams (KVL)                    Eileen Norton (WTK)                    Iriqtaq Hailstone (ORV)                 Shyla Johnson (WLK)
                Christina Norton (WTK)                 Kylah Melton (BKC)                     Taylene Jones (BKC)                     Kali Howarth (WLK)
                Iriqtaq Hailstone (ORV)                Taylene Jones (BKC)                    Kylah Melton (BKC)                      Kylah Melton (BKC)
                Shawna Taft (DRG)                      Iriqtaq Hailstone (ORV)                Eileen Norton (WTK)                     Cori Adams (WTK)
                Emma Thomas (BKC)                      Linsey Westlake-Reich (IAN)            Jasmine Ticket (WLK)                    Taylene Jones (BKC)

                                                                        Boys' Tournament History
                2012-13                                2013-14                                2014-15                                 2015-16
Champion        Noatak Lynx                            Noatak Lynx                            Noorvik Bears                           Noatak Lynx
2nd Place       Noorvik Bears                          Selawik Wolves                         Noatak Lynx                             Noorvik Bears
Sportsmanship   Deering Northern Lights                Deering Northern Lights                Deering Northern Lights                 Upriver Hunters
Academic        Deering Northern Lights (3.27 GPA)     Kivalina Qavviks (3.62 GPA)            Deering Northern Lights (3.25 GPA)      Upriver Hunters
3pt Champion    Danny Wells (ORV) - 30 Made            Ralph Stalker (WTK) - 19 Made          Jeremy Woods (SHG) - 26 Made            Isaiah Kirk (BKC) - 28 made
Free Throw      Anthony Ashby (WTK)                    Ivan Luther (WTK)                      N/A                                     Kobe Norrell (WLK)
Hot Shot        N/A                                    Leslie Lee (BKC)                       Tyrell Sherman & Michael Norton (WTK)   Selawik Wolves
Dunk Contest    N/A                                    N/A                                    Colton Ramoth (ABL)                     Quincy Williamson (ORV)
All-Tourney     Anthony Ashby (WTK) - MVP              Ralph Stalker Jr (WTK) - MVP           Ezra Arey (WTK) - MVP                   Michael Norton (WTK) - MVP
                Danny Wells (ORV)                      Gordon Newlin (ORV)                    Quincy Williamson (ORV)                 Quincy Williamson (ORV)
                Byron Adams (KVL)                      William Foster (WLK)                   Ivgan Snyder (ORV)                      Skye Foxglove (WLK)
                Shield Stalker (KVL)                   Trayton Ballot (DRG)                   Daniel Minks (IAN)                      Tyrell Sherman (WTK)
                Darlon Barr (DRG)                      Quincy Williamson (ORV)                Edward Kelly (WLK)                      Jeremy Woods (SHG)
                Ralph Stalker JR (WTK)                 Ezra Arey (WTK)                        Ethan Hadley (BKC)                      Anthony Ticket (WLK)
                Jasen Stalker (IAN)                    Ethan Hadley (BKC)                     Michael Norton (WTK)                    Martin Hadley (BKC)
                Arthur Ballot Jr (ORV)                 Anthony Barr (DRG)                     Josh Knox (WLK)                         Gordon Newlin (ORV)
                Daniel Minks (IAN)                     Michael Schuerch (IAN)                 Kituq Williams (ABL)                    Frank Skin (WLK)
                Ethan Hadley (BKC)                     Daniel Minks (IAN)                     Virgil Adams Jr (WTK)                   Ronald Jones (BKC)
1A Northwest Arctic Tournament History
                                                             Girls' Tournament History
                2016-17                       2017-18                                2018-19             2019-20
Champion        Buckland Sissauni             Buckland Sissauni                      Noorvik Bears       Noorvik Bears
2nd Place       Selawik Wolves                Selawik Wolves                         Buckland Sissauni   Kiana Lynx
Sportsmanship   Buckland Sissauni                                                                        Buckland Sissauni
Academic        Kiana Lynx                                                                               Buckland Sissauni
3pt Champion    Kylah Melton (BKC)                                                                       Destiny Hadley (BKC) - 21 made
Free Throw      Nicole Stalker (WTK)                                                                     Destiny Hadley (BKC)
All-Tourney     Marjorie Ticket (WLK)                                                                    Sherissa Swan (KVL)
                Martha Wells (IAN)                                                                       Taylor Wells (IAN)
                Kylah Melton (BKC)                                                                       Angel Commack (ORV)
                Nettie Onalik (WTK)                                                                      Naomi Snyder (ORV)
                Shaylin Ticket (WLK)                                                                     Ava Jones (BKC)
                Nita Thomas (BKC)                                                                        Kristen Jackson (IAN) *MVP
                Maime Kirk (BKC)
                Taylor Wells (IAN)
                Tanya Cleveland (ABL-SHG)
                Nicole Stalker (WTK)

                                                             Boys' Tournament History
                2016-17                       2017-18                              2018-19               2019-20
Champion        Noatak Lynx                   Noatak Lynx                          Noatak Lynx           Noatak Lynx
2nd Place       Buckland Sissauni             Buckland Sissauni                    Noorvik Bears         Buckland Sissauni
Sportsmanship   Shungnak Eagles                                                                          Kivalina Qavviks
Academic        Buckland Sissauni                                                                        Deering Northern Lights
3pt Champion    Jeremy Woods (SHG)                                                                       Amos Sage (WTK) - 28 made
Free Throw      Tristan Mann (WLK)                                                                       Ethan Armstrong (ORV)
All-Tourney     Robert Sheldon (WTK)                                                                     Richard Hankinson (ORV)
                Martin Hadley (BKC)                                                                      Bradley Jones (UPR: ABL)
                Benjamin Sampson (ORV)                                                                   Robert Cleveland (DRG)
                Jeremy Woods (SHG)                                                                       Sakkan Adams (KVL)
                Isaiah Kirk (BKC)                                                                        Kenneth Walton (WTK)
                Kenneth Walton (WTK)                                                                     Paul Hadley (BKC)
                Tyrell Sherman (WTK)                                                                     Wilbur Howarth (ORV)
                Rawl McCoy (WLK)                                                                         Jayden Hadley (BKC)
                Jared Armstrong (ORV)                                                                    Amos Sage (WTK) *MVP
                Edward Douglas (SHG)
1A Northwest Arctic Tournament History
                                                                Girls' Tournament History
                2020-21                          2021-22 (Present Year)                 2022-23   2023-24
Champion        Buckland Sissauni
2nd Place       Noorvik Bears
Sportsmanship   Buckland, Noorvik, Kiana
Academic        Kiana Lynx
3pt Champion    N/A
Free Throw      N/A
All-Tourney     Bethany Ticket (BKC)
                Ava Jones (BKC)
                Katie Nelson-Scott (IAN)
                Lucy Foster (ORV)
                Eva Johnson (ORV)

                                                                Boys' Tournament History
                2020-21                          2021-22 (Present Year)               2022-23     2023-24
Champion        Buckland Sissauni
2nd Place       Upriver Hunters (SHG/OBU)
Sportsmanship   Deering Northern Lights
Academic        Deering Northern Lights
3pt Champion    N/A
Free Throw      N/A
All-Tourney     Richard Pungalik (ABL)
                Floyd Ticket III (BKC)
                Eric Geary (BKC)
                Kayden Ticket (BKC)
                Robert Cleveland (DRG)
                Shane Walton (WTK)
                Alex Onalik (WTK)
                Julian Pungalik (UPR: OBU)
                Bryant Sun (UPR: SHG)
                                               SINGLE SESSION PRICES
                                    Single Session tickets are the SAME PRICE ONLINE AND
                                    AT THE BOX OFFICE! All Single Session Prices include
                                    any facility and online fees! Skip the lines & buy online!!
                                        General Sessions                 Semifinal/
                                           Adult - $12              Championship Sessions
                                          Student - $7                   Adult - $15
                                                                        Student - $10
   Seniors (65+) & Elementary (6th Grade & Under)
     Receive FREE admission to ALL ASAA Events!


      6 FLEX TICKETS                                      GOLDEN TICKET
The 6 Flex Tickets can be used for ANY               Available for either the 1A/2A or 3A/
SESSIONS including the semifinal and                            4A tournament!
championship! You can go to any 6 sessions,
or you and five friends can go to the
                                                    Don’t have to leave FOR ANY session
championship session!                                              breaks!

Flex Tickets have a value of $90 for adults             Valid for any of the 8 sessions!
and $60 for students! These are sold only on        Only one ticket… JUST scan and walk
the first day of the 1A & 2A & 3A/4A                                in!

                    ADULT: $75                    STUDENT: $45

       2022 ASAA March Madness Alaska Basketball State Championships

2022 ASAA March Madness Alaska will be stream ALL basketball game throughout all the tournaments! Some family members of
participants will be allowed to attend the games in person. For anyone else who is not able to attend in person you will be able to
watch LIVE on the NFHS Network! For less than the cost of a single session at March Madness Alaska you can watch any game LIVE
and On Demand!
All NFHS Network events are available to watch online at www.NFHSnetwork.com, through the NFHS Network Mobile Apps for iOS
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           MONTHLY PASS - $10.99 ONLY!!
                                                                                        Digital Copies - $19.95
ASAA March Madness Alaska single session ticket price is $12                             DVD Copies - $24.95
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