170k COVID-19 Vaccine update - South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw partner and staff update - Doncaster CCG

Page created by Robert Thornton
170k COVID-19 Vaccine update - South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw partner and staff update - Doncaster CCG
 South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw
 partner and staff update                                                                 February 2021

vaccinations given
in just 5 weeks
Since our last bulletin, we have continued to         The Arena team is vaccinating 7 days a week, 12
make excellent progress in vaccinating some of        hours a day and the first week of operation has
our most vulnerable residents. And even the           seen all available appointment slots taken up. It is
snow did not stop us!                                 not a walk in service. Currently it is for people over
                                                      75 years old and within a 45 minute drive of the
                              Latest figures show     centre. Appointments can only be booked if the
                              that for South          person has received a letter of invitation from the
                              Yorkshire and           national NHS COVID-19 vaccination booking
                              Bassetlaw we have       service. The Arena is another choice for people to
                              now vaccinated over     be vaccinated and anyone receiving a letter can
                              170k people in the      Choose to disregard it and have their vaccination
                              highest priority        at their local primary care site instead once it is
                              groups. Just over 60k   their turn.
                              of those are 80 years
                              old or over which is    All care home residents across the region have
                              around 80% of the       now been offered a vaccination and vaccinations
   Jess from St Vincent’s     total number of         for patients registered as housebound with their
   practice in Doncaster
   braved the snow to         people in this          GP practice are also progressing at pace. We
   vaccinate staff and        category we need to     continue to vaccinate patient facing NHS and
   residents at Dunniwood     vaccinate. The          Social Care staff across the region.
   Care Home.
                              remainder of the
                              170k are either         There have been some reports in the media of
people 75 years and above, people who are             vaccine supply reductions or diverts to other parts
classed as clinically extremely vulnerable and        of the country which of course is worrying for our
patient facing NHS and social care staff.             residents and those of us working hard to deliver
                                                      the vaccination programme. We can confirm that
All our community primary care centres continue       we are expecting to have enough of the vaccines
to vaccinate as planned and we have opened            in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw.
additional vaccination capacity this week at
Sheffield Arena.
170k COVID-19 Vaccine update - South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw partner and staff update - Doncaster CCG
The specific vaccination sites and GP practices      We await guidance from the Joint Committee
  that receive supplies does vary each week due        on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)
  to a number of factors, but the totality of          regarding the next cohorts to be targeted once
  vaccines arriving for our region is expected to      we have vaccinated all of the first four priority
  cover all 4 top priority groups.                     groups.

  Whilst in our region we do have capacity to go       Finally we would like to thank everyone who
  even further than the top four priority groups if    involved in the vaccination programme for the
  we had vaccine supplies, we also have to be          part they are playing. The support and positivity
  cognisant of the national aim, which is to offer     we are experiencing is staggering and the
  everyone in those priority groups a vaccination      gratitude of people like 100 year old Brenda
  by mid-February. This is to give these highly        Ibbotson who had her jab this week makes all
  vulnerable groups the protection they need.          the hard work worthwhile.
  This equity nationally is the reason why we may
  see our allocations adjusted over the next few
  weeks. Please be assured we are monitoring           Joint Senior Responsible Officers
                                                       South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Vaccination Programme
  our own situation and the supply nationally
  very carefully and focusing all our efforts on
  ensuring we have offered our four priority                      Kirsten Major             Jackie Pederson
  cohorts a vaccination appointment by the                        Chief Executive           Accountable Officer
                                                                                            Doncaster Clinical
                                                                  Sheffield Teaching
  target date.                                                    Hospitals NHS             Commissioning
                                                                  Foundation Trust          Group

Community leaders supporting seldom heard
communities to come forward for vaccination
                           Partners in each of our areas, including NHS, Local Authority and
                           Community, Voluntary and Faith groups are working together to ensure
                           vaccination myths are dispelled and community leaders are helping to
                           support positive messaging around the vaccination campaign, particularly
                           in our communities that have been identified as most vaccine hesitant or
                           harder to reach.

                           Partners are also sharing Covid-19 vaccine facts resources to help combat a
                           rise in the incidence of vaccine fraud. These include social media graphics
                           reminding people that the vaccine will always be free, and that people do
                           not need to apply to have the vaccine.
   Abdul Karim Din
                        Abdul Karim Din, a well-known and respected Elder in the Doncaster
community attends the mosque 5 times a day. He has spoken about having the Covid-19 vaccine and
encourages all members of the community to do the same when they are invited to attend.

Abdul said: ‘I’ve had the Covid vaccine and I’m pleased the vaccine will now cover me. Vaccination is
our only hope! It’s really important that all Muslims have the vaccine so we can all attend our
Mosques and be together as we were before’.
170k COVID-19 Vaccine update - South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw partner and staff update - Doncaster CCG
£1.4m to support those
most at risk from COVID-19
and boost vaccine take up.
All five places in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw have been
chosen to receive national funding for the Community
Champions scheme, which awards councils and
voluntary organisations funding to deliver a wide range
of measures to protect those most at risk - building
trust, communicating accurate health information and         Council’s in SYB have received the following:
ultimately helping to save lives. This will include
developing new networks of trusted local champions           Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council    £127,000
where they don’t already exist and will also support         Bassetlaw Community Voluntary Service    £169,400
areas to tackle misinformation and encourage                 Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council   £317,427
vaccination take-up.                                         Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council   £295,000
                                                             Sheffield City Council                   £544,498
The national funding has been allocated to 60 places
nationwide and is specifically targeted at areas with plans to reach groups such as older people, disabled
people, and people from ethnic minority backgrounds who according to the latest evidence are more
likely to suffer long-term impacts and poor outcomes from COVID-19.

100% of care homes for older adults have now
been offered vaccinations for Covid-19
Across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw, groups of        Marina Glaves, Manager at Beechy Knoll Care
GP practices are working together in their primary     Home, said: “We’re all really glad that our
care networks (PCNs) to administer the vaccine to      residents and staff have now had their first Covid
their local communities and care homes.                vaccination. The team that came to give the
                                                       vaccines were really efficient. It’s a relief to know
All care homes for elderly people across the region    that our vulnerable residents and our staff are
have been visited by their PCN and offered the first   now vaccinated.”
covid-19 vaccination for their residents and staff.
                                                       The same sentiments have been echoed across
Alun Windle, Chief Nurse and Covid Vaccination         other parts of the region where care home
Lead at NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning           vaccinations have been offered now.
Group, said: “Primary care networks have worked
really hard to get out to all care homes for elderly   Mapplewell Manor Care Home, was one of first
residents and offer the Covid -19 vaccination. As      in Barnsley to receive the vaccine. Care Home
we know, elderly people are at high risk of            Manager Karen Hugill has thanked those who
suffering serious complications if they catch          have supported them: “I’d like to thank the NHS
covid-19 so it is great news that all care home        and council staff for the amazing job they are
residents in homes for older people, and staff         doing and support they have given us. Our
from the homes, have now been offered the              residents couldn’t wait to get the vaccine, it’s
vaccination.                                           given us something to look forward to.”

“I want to thank GPs, nurses, pharmacists and          At Cherry Trees care home in Rotherham, 100
many other staff who have been working long            year old Ethel was over the moon to receive her
hours and weekends to ensure some of the most          vaccine she said the whole process was
vulnerable people are vaccinated and protected         "delightfully pleasant and easy".
from this awful disease.”
170k COVID-19 Vaccine update - South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw partner and staff update - Doncaster CCG
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