Epita at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Sentiment Analysis Using Transfer Learning Approach

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Epita at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Sentiment Analysis Using Transfer
                            Learning Approach

    Guillaume Daval-Frerot                   Abdessalam Bouchekif                     Anatole Moreau

                          Graduate school of computer science, EPITA, France

                      Abstract                                 mance. For example, (Baziotis et al., 2017) use Bi-
    In this paper we present our system for detec-             directional Long Short-Term Memory (B-LSTM)
    ting valence task. The major issue was to ap-              with attention mechanisms while (Deriu et al.,
    ply a state-of-the-art system despite the small            2016) use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
    dataset provided : the system would quickly                Both systems obtained the best performance at the
    overfit. The main idea of our proposal is to use           the 2016 and 2017 SemEval 4-A task respectively.
    transfer learning, which allows to avoid lear-
                                                                  The amount of data is argued to be the main
    ning from scratch. Indeed, we start to train a
    first model to predict if a tweet is positive, ne-         condition to train a reliable deep neural network.
    gative or neutral. For this we use an external             However, the dataset provided to build our system
    dataset which is larger and similar to the target          is limited. To address this issue, two solutions can
    dataset. Then, the pre-trained model is re-used            be considered. The first solution consists in exten-
    as the starting point to train a new model that            ding our dataset by either manually labeling new
    classifies a tweet into one of the seven various           data, which can be very time consuming, or by
    levels of sentiment intensity.                             using over-sampling approaches. The second solu-
    Our system, trained using transfer learning,               tion consists in applying a transfer learning, which
    achieves 0.776 and 0.763 respectively for
    Pearson correlation coefficient and weighted
                                                               allows to avoid learning the model from scratch.
    quadratic kappa metrics on the subtask evalua-                In this paper, we apply a transfer learning
    tion dataset.                                              approach, from a model trained on a similar task :
                                                               we propose to pre-train a model to predict if a
1   Introduction                                               tweet is positive, negative or neutral. Precisely,
   The goal of detecting valence task is to clas-              we apply a B-LSTM on an external dataset. Then,
sify a given tweet into one of seven classes, cor-             the pre-trained model is re-used to classify a tweet
responding to various levels of positive and ne-               according to the seven-point scale of positive and
gative sentiment intensity, that best represents the           negative sentiment intensity.
mental state of the tweeter. This can be seen
as a multiclass classification problem, in which                  The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
each tweet must be classified in one of the follo-             Section 2 presents a brief definition of transfer
wing classes : very negative (-3), moderately nega-            learning. The description of our proposed system
tive (-2), slightly negative (-1), neutral/mixed (0),          is presented in Section 3. The experimental set-
slightly positive (1), moderately positive (2) and             up and results are described in Section 4. Finally,
very positive (3) (Mohammad et al., 2018).                     a conclusion is given with a discussion of future
   Several companies have been interested in cus-              works in Section 5.
tomer opinion for a given product or service. Sen-
                                                               2   Transfer Learning
timent analysis is one approach to automatically
detect their emotions from comments posted in so-                 Transfer Learning (TL) consists in transferring
cial networks.                                                 the knowledge learned on one task to a second re-
   With the recent advances in deep learning, the              lated task. In other words, the TL is about trai-
ability to analyse sentiments has considerably                 ning a base network and then copy its first n layers
improved. Indeed, many experiments have used                   to the first n layers of a target network (Yosinski
state-of-the-art systems to achieve high perfor-               et al., 2014). Usually the first n layers of a pre-

         Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018), pages 151–155
               New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5–6, 2018. ©2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
trained model (or source model) are frozen when                — AFINN and Emoji Valence 2 are two lists of
training the new model. This means that weights                  english words and emojis rated for valence
are not changed during training on the new task.                 scoring range from −5 (very negative) to +5
TL should not be confused with fine-tuning where                 (very positive) (Nielsen, 2011).
the back-propagation error affects the entire neural           — Depeche Mood is a lexicon of 37k words as-
network (including the first n layers).                          sociated with emotion scores (afraid, amu-
   For a limited number of training examples, TL                 sed, angry, annoyed, sad, happy, inspired
allows to provide more precise predictions than                  and don’t care) (Staiano and Guerini, 2014).
the traditional supervised learning approaches.                — Emoji Sentiment Lexicon is a lexicon of the
Moreover, TL significantly speeds up the learning                969 most frequent emojis. The emojis senti-
process as training does not start from scratch. For             ment is computed from the sentiment (posi-
example, (Cirean et al., 2012) use a CNN trai-                   tive, negative or neutral) of tweets in which
ned to recognize the Latin handwritten charac-                   they occur. Each emoji is associated with a
ters for the detection of Chinese characters. In na-             unicode, number of occurrences, position in
tural language processing, TL has improved the                   the tweet [0, 1] (0 : start of the tweet, 1 :
performance of several systems from various do-                  end of the tweet), probabilities of negativity,
mains such as : sentiment classification (Glorot                 neutrality, and positivity of the emoji (No-
et al., 2011), automatic translation (Zoph et al.,               vak et al., 2015).
2016), speech recognition and document classifi-               — Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count is a dic-
cation (Wang and Zheng, 2015).                                   tionary containing 5,690 stems associated
                                                                 with 64 categories, from linguistic dimen-
3     Proposed System                                            sions to psychological processes (Tausczik
   In this section, we present the four main steps               and Pennebaker, 2010).
of our approach : (1) Text processing to filter the            — NRC Word-Emotion Association, Hash-
noise from the raw text data, (2) Feature extrac-                tag Emotion/Sentiment and Affect Intensity
tion to represent words in tweets as vectors of                  Lexicons are lists of english words and
length 426 by concatenating several features, (3)                their associations with eight emotions (an-
Pre-training model to predict the tweet polarity                 ger, fear, anticipation, trust, surprise, sad-
(positive, negative or neutral) based on external                ness, joy, and disgust) and two sentiments
data and (4) Learning a new model where the pre-                 (positive, negative), each with specificities
trained model is adapted to our task by removing                 detailed in (Mohammad and Turney, 2013),
the last layer and adding a fully-connected layer                (Mohammad and Kiritchenko, 2015) and
followed by an output layer.                                     (Mohammad, 2017). The intensity score for
                                                                 both emotions and sentiments takes a value
3.1    Text processing
                                                                 between 0 and 1.
   Tweets are processed using ekphrasis 1 tool                 — Opinion Lexicon English contains around
which allows to perform the following tasks : to-                7k positive and negative sentiment words
kenization, word normalization, word segmenta-                   for the english language (Hu and Liu, 2004).
tion (for splitting hashtags) and spell correction             — Sentiment140 is a list of words and their as-
(i.e replace a misspelled word with the most pro-                sociations with positive and negative senti-
bable candidate word). All words are lowercase.                  ment (Mohammad et al., 2013).
E-mails, URLs and user handles are normalized.                 — Words embeddings are dense vectors of real
A detailed description of this tool is given in (Ba-             numbers capturing the semantic meanings
ziotis et al., 2017).                                            of words. We use datastories embeddings
3.2    Feature extraction                                        (Baziotis et al., 2017) which were trained on
                                                                 330M english twitter messages posted from
   Each word in each tweet is represented by a vec-              12/2012 to 07/2016. The embeddings used
tor of 426 dimensions which are obtained by the                  in this work are 300 dimensional.
concatenation of the following features :
                                                               2. https://github.com/words/
  1. https://github.com/cbaziotis/                           emoji-emotion

Figure 1 – Our transfer learning approach for sentiment analysis. (a) Pre-trained model learned with B-LSTM
network with 2 layers of 150 neurons each to predict if a tweet is positive, negative or neutral. (b) The first layers
of pre-traind model are locked and re-purposed to predict various levels of positive and negative sentiment intensity.

3.3   Pre-training model                                        3.4   Learning model
   The objective is to build a model which allows                  Let us note that our final objective is to train a
to predict the tweeter’s attitude (positive, negative           model to classify a tweet into seven classes (very
or neutral). Bidirectional Long Short-Term Me-                  negative, moderately negative, slightly negative,
mory networks (B-LSTM) (Schuster and Paliwal,                   neutral, slightly positive, moderately positive and
1997) have become a standard for sentiment ana-                 very positive). To train the model, we use the da-
lysis (Baziotis et al., 2017) (Mousa and Schul-                 taset provided for the target task (Mohammad and
ler, 2017) (Moore and Rayson, 2017). B-LSTM                     Kiritchenko, 2018). The training and development
consists in two LSTMs in different directions run-              dataset contain respectively 1180 and 448 tweets.
ning in parallel : the first forward network reads              Since the dataset is small, fine-tuning may result
the input sequence from left to right and the se-               in overfitting. Therefore, we propose to freeze the
cond backward network reads the sequence from                   network layers except the final dense layer that is
right to left. Each LSTM yields a hidden represen-              associated with the three classes sentiment analy-
tation : ~h (left to right vector) and h (right-to-left         sis, which is removed after pre-training. Then, we
vector) which are then combined to compute the                  add a fully-connected layer of 150 neurons follo-
output sequence. For our problem, capturing the                 wed by an output layer of 7 neurons, as illustrated
context of words from both directions allows to                 on Figure 1 (b).
better understand the tweet semantic. We here use
a B-LSTM network with 2 layers of 150 neurons                   4 Results and Analysis
each. The architecture is shown in Figure 1 (a).                   The official 4 evaluation metric is Pearson Cor-
   For training, we use the external dataset 3 com-             relation Coefficient (P ). Submited systems are
posed of 50333 tweets (7840 negatives, 19903 po-                also evaluated with the weighted quadratic kappa
sitives and 22590 neutrals).                                    (W ). However, the pre-trained model was evalua-
  3. https://github.com/cbaziotis/                              ted using classification accuracy. We implemented
datastories-semeval2017-task4/tree/                             our system using Keras tool with the Tensorflow
master/dataset/Subtask_A/downloaded.                            backend.
                                                                  4. https://github.com/felipebravom/

4.1   Pre-trained model evaluation                                Approach         Systems            P earson
   As proposed in (Baziotis et al., 2017), we used                                  DNN                 0.683
B-LSTM with the following parameters : size of                                      CNN                 0.702
LSTM layers is 150 (300 for B-LSTM), 2 layers of                 Without TL         LSTM                0.721
B-LSTM, with a dropout of 0.3 and 0.5 for embed-                                   B-LSTM               0.735
ding and LSTM layers respectively. Other hyper-                                  CNN + LSTM             0.742
parameters used are : Gaussian noise with σ of 0.3,                                 CNN                 0.741
and L2 regularization of 0.0001. We trained the B-                With TL          B-LSTM               0.776
LSTM over 18 epochs with a learning rate of 0.01                                CNN + B-LSTM            0.755
and batch size of 128 sequences.
   We trained our model with external data (more             Table 1 – Pearson scores on test set with different sys-
                                                             tems and combinations.
details in section 3.3) but for the evaluation we
adapted the training and development sets provi-
ded for the target task. The various levels of posi-         on both approaches as a single system. Moreo-
tive sentiments (i.e slightly, moderately and very           ver, combining systems enhances greatly the pre-
positive) were regrouped in the same class. The              diction without TL, but decreases the score with
same goes for the various levels of negative senti-          TL : the combination of independent systems com-
ments. Our model achieves 69.4% of accuracy.                 pensates a small lack of data, but becomes useless
                                                             with enough training.
4.2   Model evaluation
   We adapted the pre-trained model described                5    Conclusion
above by removing the last fully-connected layer,               In this paper, we propose to use a transfer
and added a dense layer of 150 neurons followed              learning approach for sentiment analysis (SemE-
by an output layer of 7 neurons. As a reminder,              val2018 task 1). Using B-LSTM networks, we pre-
the pre-trained layers are frozen. We used the trai-         trained a model to predict the tweet polarity (posi-
ning and development sets to train our system, and           tive, negative or neutral) based on an external da-
evaluated by predicting the valence on the evalua-           taset of 50k tweets. To avoid the overfitting, layers
tion set. We trained our model over 8 epochs with            (except the last one) of the pre-trained model were
a learning rate of 0.01 and batch size of 50 se-             frozen. A dense layer was then added followed by
quences. Our model achieves 0.776 and 0.763 res-             a seven neurones output layer. Finally, the new net-
pectively on P and W .                                       work was trained on the small target dataset. The
                                                             system achieves a score of 0.776 on Pearson Cor-
4.3   Other experiments                                      relation Coefficient.
   Finally, we conducted a set of experiments to                Improvements could be made concerning the
validate our system and approach. We evaluated               features, and by using attention mechanisms.
more commonly used systems, with and without                 However, the future work will focus on multiple
transfer learning. These new systems are built by :          transfers, to increase the amount of data used in
   — using similar number of layers, parameters              the process. We will perform transfers from two
      and hyper-parameters.                                  classes (positive and negative) to three classes
   — replacing B-LSTM layers by LSTM, CNN                    (adding neutral), then five classes and finally
      and dense layers.                                      seven classes. Numerous datasets 5 are currently
   — for the DNN, computing predictions using                available to deploy such a system.
      the mean of each word-vector of tweets,
      since it can not use sequences as input.                   Acknowledgments
   — for the CNN, using multiple convolutional
      filters of sizes 3, 4 and 5.                              We thank Dr. Yassine Nair Benrekia for interes-
   — for the combinations of systems, averaging              ting scientific discussions.
      the output probabilities.
The results are presented on Table 1.                          5. http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2016/
   We can observe that TL approach achieves bet-             task4/
ter scores, and that B-LSTM is leading the score

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