Page created by Calvin Holland
Wyong Rugby League Club Group Ltd (WRLCG) supports the concussion policy initiated by
NSW Rugby League. This Policy will be implemented by WRLCG for all Wyong Roos Senior
and Junior Teams (Under 6 – Under 17, Under 19, Open Grade, Reserve Grade, First Grade,
& NSW Cup) The care, welfare and safety of the player is the absolute priority of WRLCG
and takes precedent over any other consideration.

        Any player diagnosed by a medical doctor as having suffered concussion or serious
         head trauma during a match shall not be permitted to continue playing in that match
         and will not be permitted to play in any other competitive match or participate in any
         training activities involving body contact within 10 days of the match in which he
         suffered such concussion or serious head trauma.
        Any player suffering concussion or serious head trauma during an authorised training
         session shall not be permitted to continue training and will not be permitted to play in
         any competitive match or participate in any training activities involving body contact
         within 10 days of suffering such concussion or serious head trauma.
        Notwithstanding the foregoing, a player suffering concussion or serious head trauma
         shall be permitted to play a competitive match or participate in training activities
         involving body contact within the above stated 10 day period provided that a medical
         doctor has conducted a thorough evaluation of the player and certifies in writing that
         the player is free of all symptoms of concussion and with respect to such concussion
         or serious head trauma, the player is fit to again participate in competitive rugby
         league matches and/or training activities involving body contact. The medical
         certificate shall be forwarded to the NSWRL Competition Manager by WRLCG in
         respect of any NSW Cup player so affected.
        The Interchange Official at all matches will provide NSWRL with a concussion
         incident report by 2.00pm on the first business day after each NSW Cup match. The
         Competition Manager will notify each Club affected of any reported incident by no
         later than 5.00pm on the first business day after the match.


    1.   On Field Assessment – Sports Trainers

Identifying a concussion as early as possible is paramount and Trainers should be competent
in this very important aspect of their duties. The on field and sideline assessment of
concussion and the return to play decisions are of critical importance in the welfare of players.
The assessment by the Trainer should include the use of the ‘Maddocks Score’ modified

Maddocks Score:
“I am going to ask you a few questions, please listen carefully and give your best effort”
     What Ground are we at today?
     Which half is it now?
     Who scored last in this game?
     What team did you play yesterday?
     Did your team win the last game?

Incorrect response indicates that the player should be removed from the field.
In addition, the player should be immediately removed from the field of play if any of the
following signs are present after a direct or indirect blow to the head:

       Loss of consciousness (LOC)
       Player lying motionless on the ground or slow to get up
       Player exhibits balance or motor coordination problems (stumbles, has slow laboured
        movements or unsteady gate)
       Player is disorientated or confused (Inability to respond appropriately to questions;
        not aware of plays or scores)
       Player exhibits a loss of memory
       Player has a dazed, blank or vacant look on face
       Player has visible facial injury in combination with any of the other signs.

                              WHEN IN DOUBT – SIT THEM OUT

    2. Sideline (dressing room) assessment by a Doctor

NSW Cup - Follow Sideline Concussion Assessment Procedures (SCA) as per NSW Rugby
League Policy.

    3. Post Concussion Monitoring

Recovery time is variable across individuals and the player will require careful monitoring by a
responsible adult. This player should not be left alone. Any change in behaviour, vomiting,
dizziness, worsening headaches, irritableness, double vision, weak or numb arms or legs,
unsteady on their feet, slurred speech, or excessive drowsiness, the Doctor, or nearest
Hospital Emergency Department should be contacted immediately.

NSW Cup:
Sideline Concussion Assessment (SCA)

If a player is required to leave the field of play as a consequence of the identification of one or
more of these features to complete a Sideline Concussion Assessment (SCA) in accordance
with the NSWRL Operations manual page 8 (INTERCHANGE), this interchange will not be
included for the purposes of calculating the number of interchanges pursuant to PAGE 8 of
the Operations Manual.

The period of time in which the SCA is to take place is to be no longer than a period of 15
Minutes. The time period is to begin from the time at which the player is in the care of the
Club Medical Officer. If the player has been cleared by the Club Medical Officer during the
SCA, the player must report immediately to the Concussion Interchange Official prior to or at
the completion of the 15 minute SCA to return to the field of play.

The 15 minute time period will not be assessed against the official match time or clock. The
timing of the SCA period will be monitored by the Appointed Concussion Interchange Official.

If a player is required to be assessed for a period longer than the specified SCA period, that
player would then be adjudicated as an Interchange for the purposes of calculating the
number of interchanges pursuant to PAGE 8 of the operations Manual. The Club will be
required to hand over their next interchange card available in sequential order immediately to
the Interchange Official.

Any player who is required to leave the field of play for any further SCA in the same match will
not be allowed to return to play in that match.

In the event of an on-field incident which has required two players from the same Club to be
taken from the field of play for a SCA, the Club Medical Officer may request from the SCA
Interchange Official an additional 5 minute period for one (1) of the SCA players to complete
the necessary assessment.
If the player has suffered a concussive injury in an incident that was a consequence of foul
play which resulted in the incident being placed On Report or Send Off, this interchange will
take place in accordance with the process pursuant to Interchange rule page 8 a.9 d) the time
limit associated with the SCA will not apply.

In the event that a SCA takes place in the 15 minute period prior to half time, the SCA period
will be deemed to have been completed at the end of the half time period. The Club must
indicate to the Concussion Interchange Official immediately at the completion of half time
whether the player is to return to the field of play.

In the event that a Club has used all of its allocated interchanges whilst a player is completing
a SCA, and if that player is unable to return to the field of play at the completion of the SCA,
the Club must immediately remove a player from the field of play and complete the match with
12 players.

The NSWRL will use the Appointed Concussion Interchange Official for each match who will
monitor the application of the Timing & Interchange process throughout all NSW Cup

At the completion of the match, the Concussion Interchange official is to complete as part of
his report to the NSWRL, details of any player who has completed a SCA during a match.

The Club Medical Officer of any player which has suffered a Concussive Injury that required a
SCA is to complete the SCA medical report to the NRL on the first business day following the

Clubs must only use an SCA for the reasons detailed in the NSWRL Sideline Concussion

Any Club which is proven to have used a SCA for any reason other than that detailed in
NSWRL Sideline Concussion Assessment will be deemed to have gained an unfair tactical
advantage in the match and be subject to penalty under NSWRL Rules.

The Club Physiotherapist/Head Sports Trainer will ensure that the concussion injury/serious
head trauma is documented using the ‘Head Injury Pro Forma/Notification’ forms (contained
in white folder). The ‘Head Injury Pro Forma’ should include any history of player head

The Sports Trainer will provide to the player (or partner, next of kin or responsible adult) the
‘Head Injury Pro Forma/Notification’ forms. The player (his partner, next of kin or responsible
adult) shall be informed that the ‘Head Injury Pro Forma’ form contains a Doctor’s Medical
Clearance area. This form should be given to the players treating/assessing medical doctor,
and signed by such medical doctor if a clearance is given to return to competitive play or
training activities involving body contact within the 10 day period immediately following the
concussion/serious head trauma. The player must return such completed and signed form to
the Football Manager or Head Sports Trainer before the player will be permitted to
recommence training activities involving body contact and/or play in a competitive match. The
WRLCG Football Manager or Head Sports Trainer shall submit a copy of the completed and
signed clearance form to NSWRL. The original completed and signed clearance form shall
be filed in the Head Injury file (clearance section).

Records of concussion/serious head trauma and subsequent clearances will be recorded on
an internal WRLCG electronic Head Injury/Concussion spreadsheet.
Central Coast:
The senior Sports Trainer in attendance at the game will ensure that the concussion
injury/serious head trauma is documented in the carbonised ‘Rugby League Injury Report
Form’ book. (contained in Central Coast white folder)

       White Copy - Supplied to the player (or partner/next of kin, responsible adult)
       Yellow Copy - Placed into Managers folder

The Sports Trainer will provide to the player (or partner, next of kin or responsible adult) the
‘Head Injury Pro Forma/Notification’ forms. The ‘Head Injury Pro Forma’ should include any
history of player head injury/concussion. The player (his partner, next of kin or responsible
adult) shall be informed that the ‘Head Injury Pro Forma’ form contains a Doctor’s Medical
Clearance area. This form should be given to the players treating/assessing medical doctor,
and signed by such medical doctor if a clearance is given to return to competitive play or
training activities involving body contact within the 10 day period immediately following the
concussion/serious head trauma. The player must return such completed and signed form to
the Football Manager or Head Sports Trainer before the player will be permitted to
recommence training activities involving body contact and/or play in a competitive match. The
WRLCG Football Manager or Head Sports Trainer will ensure that the original completed and
signed clearance form is filed in the Head Injury file (clearance section).

The Wyong Rugby League Football Manager (Matt Lavin) and Head Sports Trainer (Craig
Davis) are to be informed of all head injury/concussion incidents that require a player to
complete further medical assessment.

Junior Players:
The senior Sports Trainer in attendance at the game will ensure that the concussion
injury/serious head trauma is documented in the carbonised ‘Rugby League Injury Report
Form’ book. (contained in Juniors white folder)

       White Copy - Supplied to the parent, guardian or carer (over 18 years) whom is
        responsible for the junior player at the time of injury
       Yellow Copy - Maintained & filed by the Juniors’ First Aid Coordinator

The Sports Trainer will provide to the junior player’s parent, guardian or carer the Head Injury
Protocol pack. The player’s parent, guardian or carer shall be informed that the first protocol
form contains a Doctor’s Medical Clearance area. This form should be given to the players
treating/assessing medical doctor, and signed by such medical doctor if a clearance is given
to return to competitive play or training activities involving body contact within the 10 day
period immediately following the concussion/serious head trauma. The completed & signed
form is to be returned to the Juniors’ First Aid Coordinator before the player will be permitted
to recommence training activities involving body contact and/or play in a competitive match.
The Juniors’ First Aid Coordinator will ensure that the original completed and signed
clearance form is filed in the Junior First Aid record files.

WRLCG acknowledges that in addition to the above protocol, head/concussion injuries
sustained by Central Coast Junior Rugby League players are also monitored by Central
Coast Division Junior Rugby League (CCDJRL). The First Aid Coordinator of CCDJRL
maintains a record of all injured players in the Central Coast Division of CRL whom require
medical clearances. The First Aid Coordinator of CCDJRL will notify the junior club’s First Aid
Coordinator of any player whom suffers injury (other than at the club’s home ground) requiring
a Medical Doctor clearance before resuming competitive play or training activities involving
body contact.

 The junior club’s First Aid Coordinator is responsible for monitoring the health of injured
players and ensuring medical clearances are obtained (where necessary in accordance with
the above protocol) and the player’s team manager and/or coach are notified that a medical
clearance will be required prior to such player being permitted to resume competitive play or
participate in training activities involving body contact.
The junior club’s First Aid Coordinator will also be responsible for ensuring a signed medical
clearance is received and filed prior to such player resuming competitive play or training
activities involving body contact. These medical clearance forms will be held by the junior club
and produced to the First Aid Coordinator of CCDJRL as requested.

Records of concussion/serious head trauma and subsequent clearances for the Senior Club
teams will be recorded on an internal WRLCG electronic spreadsheet. Records of
concussion/serious head trauma and subsequent clearances for the Junior Club teams will be
recorded on an internal WRLCG Junior electronic spreadsheet.

In summary, if a player suffers a concussion/serious head trauma, such player will be stood
down from competitive matches and training activities involving body contact for a mandatory
10 day period unless certified by a medical doctor in accordance with the above protocol as fit
to return to competitive rugby league and training activities involving body contact.

WRLCG has secured the services of two (2) medical doctors available for
consultations/assessments at Waratah Medical Centre Kanwal (below Total Physio). Any
player suffering a concussion or serious head trauma, and/or referred for medical assessment
or treatment must contact Football Manager Matt Lavin no later than 10am each Monday or
Tuesday, to secure an appointment with the medical doctor for that day

Matt Lavin – Football Manager (0414 012 437)

Craig Davis – Head Sports Trainer (0412 641 163)

Wyong Rugby League Club Group

20 January, 2015
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