WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning

Page created by Francis Morris
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
            15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

  Empowering yourself
  and those around you

  15-18 OCTOBER, 2018

  4 Days
  350 + Delegates
  16+ CEOs                                                         GOLD SPONSOR:
  2 Workshops
  1 Full Day Training Course

  K E Y N O T E S E S S I O N S B Y:

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801             WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
                15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                                          WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018


JANINE ALLIS                                             LEIGH SALES                                        MICHELLE BRIDGES
SHARK TANK & BOOST JUICE                                 AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING                            MICHELLE BRIDGES
MENTOR ON SHARK TANK, FOUNDER AND                        CORPORATION                                        MOTIVATIONAL COACH, ENTREPRENEUR &

Janine Allis is not your everyday self-made             Leigh Sales is an award-winning author and          Michelle is Australia’s most influential personal
businesswoman. She grew her juice and smoothie          journalist at the Australian Broadcasting           trainer, was voted #5 on the Mumbrella Most
empire from her kitchen bench to an international       Corporation and currently anchors 7.30.           Eligible Industry Players for 2013 list, has
success story (Boost Juice Bars are now in 13           Until 2011, Leigh Sales anchored the prestigious    bestselling books, and a national commentator
countries with over 400 stores). For most people,       Lateline program, interviewing major figures        on weight issues - it’s no wonder she is one of
the formula for achieving success in life is to study   including Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair and Henry     Australia’s most highly regarded health and fitness
hard, get good grades, get into a good business                                                             experts! Michelle is the author of sixteen books,
school or university and work your way up the                                                               including her latest release ‘Keeping it Off’ released
                                                        Leigh’s writing has been published in The
ladder… Janine’s way was to work three jobs                                                                 in October 2017.
so she could fulfill her dream of travelling the
                                                        Monthly, The Bulletin, The Australian, The Age,     Michelle’s online 12 Week Body
world and letting life take her on a journey. This      The Sydney Morning Herald and The Diplomat.          Transformation (12WBT) program has stripped
adventure took Janine around the world, from            One of her essays was included in The Best           over 1.6 million kilos off participants! Even Michelle
nannying in a little French village to working for      Australian Political Writing of 2007.                herself has been blown away by the amazing
rock gods and movie stars on a yacht in the South                                                            success of this incredible program and the weight
of France and the Caribbean.                                                                                 loss transformations.

ANGELA FOX                                              PIP MARLOW                                          MERREN MCARTHER
DELL EMC AU & NZ                                        SUNCORP                                             TIGERAIR
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT & GENERAL                         CEO CUSTOMER MARKETPLACE                            CEO
Angela Fox, Leader, Senior Vice President &             Pip Marlow is Chief Executive Officer Customer      Merren commenced with the Virgin Australia
General Manager, Commercial and Public                  Marketplace. She is responsible for driving         Group (the Group) in 2008 as General Counsel
Sector, Dell EMC Australia and New Zealand, is          customer focus into all aspects of Suncorp’s        and Company Secretary and is regarded as a
                                                                                                            role model within the aviation sector. She has
responsible for the sustained business success          business including strategy, customer care,         held a number of Group Executive positions
of the company in both countries. Based in              partnerships and innovative solutions that add      within the business and she is currently CEO of
Sydney, Angela leads the commercial and                 value for customers.                                Tigerair Australia, the Group’s low cost carrier.
public sector strategy and direction of the             Prior to joining Suncorp in 2016, Pip was the       Prior to this, she held the dual-CEO role at
business while maintaining a commitment to              Managing Director of Microsoft Australia for six    Virgin Australia Regional Airlines and Virgin
                                                                                                            Australia Cargo. Merren was also responsible
keeping customers at the core of what Dell              years.                                              for developing Virgin Australia’s global virtual
EMC does.                                               Pip is a non-executive director of the Australian   network strategy, establishing alliances with
                                                        Rugby Union (ARU), sits on the Vice-Chancellor’s    Air New Zealand, Delta Air Lines, Etihad
                                                        Advisory Board at UTS and is a member of            Airways and Singapore Airlines to create an
                                                        Chief Executive Women (CEW), an organisation        international flight network of more than 400
                                                        committed to supporting and growing women
                                                        in executive positions.

   info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                                                 WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
               15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                                          WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018


BELINDA TUMBERS                                       SUSAN MITCHELL                                        LIBBY ROY
KELLOGG’S                                             MORTGAGE CHOICE                                       PAYPAL AUSTRALIAE
MANAGING DIRECTOR KELLOGG                             CEO                                                   MANAGING DIRECTOR
Belinda has spent the last 20 years working for       With over 25 years’ financial services experience,    Libby Roy is Managing Director of PayPal Australia.
Kellogg in various roles in marketing and sales.      Susan was appointed Chief Executive Officer for       In this role she is responsible for driving payment
Belinda has built a strong understanding of the       Mortgage Choice in April 2018 following nine          innovations, working collaboratively with Australian
                                                                                                            businesses and industry partners to help respond
Australian market over this time and has benefited    successful years as the company’s Chief Finance       to the evolving payments landscape and to help
from working in global markets including the US       Officer.                                              accelerate and enable commerce in Australia. As an
on the Walmart International business and in New      Susan has enjoyed an international career holding     experienced, performance-driven business leader,
Zealand where she was the country lead for 3.5        a number of senior finance roles including Credit     Libby joined PayPal in 2015 with a track record of
years.                                                Suisse and KPMG (UK), Bear Stearns (US) and ABN       successful leadership of large, complex professional
                                                                                                            and financial services firms, most recently serving as
Belinda was appointed Managing Director Kellogg       Amro and Seiza Capital in Australia, before joining   Director of AMP Corporate Super. Libby has significant
Australia/ New Zealand in August 2015 and             Mortgage Choice as Chief Finance Officer in           experience at board level as both a chairperson and
now leads a food manufacturing business that          February 2009.                                        member of numerous joint venture and subsidiary
produces and sells breakfast cereals, snacks and      She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of      boards in both the travel and financial planning
salty snacks. Kellogg employs 400 people across       Company Directors (GAICD) and holds a MBA from        industry. In 2016 Libby was appointed as a member
                                                                                                            of the expert advisory group to the Australian Federal
ANZ, has manufacturing facilities at Botany and has   The University of Texas at Austin, and a BFA degree   Government on FinTech. Libby sits on the board of
a turnover of $450m AUD.                              from the Tulane University.                           PayPal Australia and serves as an executive committee
                                                                                                            member of the PayPal APAC leadership team.

CATHY YUNCKEN                                         LIBBY LYONS                                           GILLIAN FRANKLIN
ST GEORGE                                             WGEA                                                  HEAT GROUP
Cathy Yuncken was appointed to the role               Libby Lyons was appointed Director of the             Founder and Managing Director of Heat
of General Manager for St.George Business             Workplace Gender Equality Agency in October           Doward, Gillian Franklin is recognised as one
Banking in October 2015. Cathy joined Westpac         2015. In leading the Agency, Libby oversees           of Australia’s successful entrepreneurs with
Group in late 2014 as the State General               a statutory gender equality reporting process         a passion and commitment to supporting
Manager, Westpac Commercial Banking for               and works closely with employers to create            women in business. Shipping a product every
NSW and ACT.                                          workplaces in which the skills, experience and        2.9 seconds, Heat Doward is one of Australia’s
Cathy has over 25 years’ experience in                ambitions of employees are equally recognised         leading consumer companies. Gillian is also an
corporate, investment and commercial banking,         and rewarded, regardless of their gender.             accomplished Company Director.
which includes diverse financing, capital             Prior to joining the Agency, Libby had a
markets, advisory, and strategic leadership           distinguished career in corporate affairs and
experience.                                           government relations.

   info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                                                WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
                   15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                                                WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018


SUE HOLLIS                                                 SARINA RUSSO                                             IMOGEN HEWITT
TRAVEL EDGE                                                SARINA RUSSO GROUP                                       HAVAS MEDIA GROUP
FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR                                FOUNDER & CEO                                            GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR

Sue Hollis has been a corporate heavy hitter               In 1979, Sarina combined inspiration and                 Imogen has over 17 years of industry experience in
in the aviation industry, and an entrepreneur              desperation to open a small typing school with           both media and creative agencies. She started her
helming a multi-million dollar company                     just nine students. On graduation, she promised          career at the Media Palace and left as Media Director
(and voted one of Australia’s Top 10 Women                 all the students jobs and she delivered. Today,          to join Naked Communications Sydney as Head of
                                                           the Sarina Russo Group employs over 1000                 Communications Planning. In 2010 Imogen relocated
                                                                                                                    to Singapore as the Managing Partner of Naked
She currently embraces the role of                         staff and is a global leader in education,
                                                                                                                    Communications SEA. She joined Havas Sydney in
Adventurepreneur - following her passions,                 employment and training. She worked as
                                                                                                                    2014 as Head of Strategy, becoming Chief Strategy
building businesses, racing motorbikes and                 a legal secretary and as a part-time typing              Officer in 2016. In this role she led the strategy team
creating a life of epic proportions!                       teacher. Russo launched ‘The Office Business             for Havas Media group whilst simultaneously holding
She will be sharing her personal approach to               Academy’ in 1979.                                        the position of Joint Executive Strategy Director at
                                                           As at 2016, Sarina Russo Job Access operates             Havas Creative Group.
leadership and her journey to find what truly
                                                           across more than 200 sites, employs more than
matters in life, being happy.
                                                           1000 people and helped elevate Russo to the
                                                           12th spot on the BRW Women’s Rich List in
                                                                                                                               2018’S MALE CHAMPIONS
                                                                                                                               …..MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED

NICOLETTE LOGUE                          KEREN RAMBOW                               SELENA VERTH                               GARATH O’REILY
LINKEDIN                                 GE – AVIATION                              OFX                                        SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC AUSTRALIA& NEW ZEALAND

Nicolette joined LinkedIn in 2018        Keren Rambow is the Regional               Selena has more than 17 years of           Gareth O’Reilly is the Zone President
to head up an editorial team which       General Manager Sales, South Asia          experience in finance, analytics,          for Schneider Electric, Australia &
creates professional news for            Pacific, and General Manager of            M&A and risk across various roles.         New Zealand. As a global specialist in
members and encourages great             Aviation ANZ, based in Sydney,             Her most recent role was Head of           energy management & automation
conversations on site.                   Australia. In this role, Keren is          Finance – Platforms, Superannuation        with operations in more than 100
Starting her journalism career at the    responsible for leading the                and Investments and Head of Wealth         countries, Schneider Electric offers
Daily Telegraph at the tender age of     Commercial Engine Sales team for           Analytics and Insight at BT Financial      connected technologies which
17, Nicolette has covered business,      Australia, New Zealand, South Asia         Group Australia.                           reshape industries, transform cities
state and federal politics for a wide    Pacific Islands, and Indonesia. She        Prior to this, Selena held a number        and enrich lives.
range of audiences. She has also         is also responsible for GE’s Aviation      of senior financial roles within GE,       Schneider Electric’s 160,000 plus
held senior editorial positions at The   Business in Australia and New              including Leader, Financial Planning       employees achieved sales of 25 billion
Australian, Channel 9 and HuffPost       Zealand.                                   and Analysis and Commercial Finance        Euros in FY2017, through an active
Australia.                                                                          for GE Global Growth and Operations,       commitment to helping customers
Nicolette is passionate about                                                       ANZ; and Director of Business              manage their energy and process in
workplace and professional news, and                                                Development for GE Australia.              ways that are safe, reliable, efficient
starting meaningful conversations                                                                                              and sustainable.
about how we work.

    info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                                                       WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
         15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                              WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

The Leadership Institute’s (TLI) inaugural WILS        It’s been cited in organisational and leadership
event saw over 350 delegates attend four days of       literature that women are less likely than men to
the inspiring session, networking opportunities,       be associated with leadership. But the awareness
workshops and training courses.                        of this stereotype, and the perception of this
                                                       fallacy, often undermines women’s performance
                                                       in leadership roles and hinders their journey
TLI brought together some of Australia’s most
                                                       towards leadership positions.
successful women in the Corporate, NFP,
Government, Media, and Sport sectors.
                                                       That’s why empowerment, in the above
                                                       definitions, are such crucial elements to
Building on the success of 2017’s event, WILS is
                                                       overcoming these perceptions.
back and better than ever!

                                                       Personal development, self-motivation, and
WILS 2018 is a cross-industry event, creating a
                                                       career progression are key when reaching
platform for some of Australia’s most successful
                                                       the executive level whilst studies have shown
women from the Corporate, Government, NFP,
                                                       that having a strong female role model can
and Media sectors to share expertise and advice
                                                       help overcome empowering others to take
to Australia’s future leaders.
                                                       opportunities, increase self-confidence and
                                                       motivation in the workplace. Ultimately, these
2018’s theme is about “Empowerment” and aims           lead to more women in senior leadership roles.
to answer the following questions:
                                                       This year’s event will inspiring you and empower
  How can you empower yourself on your                 you to take the next step in your career. Consist
  leadership journey and reach the executive           of inspiring stories of self-empowerment, case-
  level?                                               studies of effective leadership approaches, and
                                                       successful corporate strategies, that will help
  How can you, as a leader or manager, help            delegates an understanding of how to empower
  empower others around you to succeed?                change!

  How can your organisations be an agent of            JOIN US AT WILS 2018!
  change and a symbol of empowerment?

                                                                                 Lisa Wilkinson Interviewed, WILS 2017

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                              WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
           15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                               WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

 WILSummit is designed for professional women
 seeking to take the next step in their career.
 This is a cross-industry event that is aimed at helping
 professional women of all levels. From junior staff to
 senior executives, WILS 2018 aims to equip you with
 the tools to succeed.
 WILSummit is designed to appeal to all industries,
 professions and job roles:

    CEOs                                 Line Managers
    General Managers                     Future Leaders
    Heads of Departments                 HR Directors
    Senior Management                    Strategy Executives
    Middle Management                    Diversity Managers

                                                                                          Delegates Networking, WILS 2017


   VENUE             ADDRESS               DATES           MAIN EVENT         START/FINISH GALA DINNER
SYDNEY, DOCKSIDE   COCKLE BAY WHARF,      15TH - 18TH       16TH & 17TH        8:30AM - 5:30PM  7PM - LATE
                   DARLING HARBOUR       OCTOBER 2018        OCTOBER                           16TH OCTOBER

 To register for Women Leadership Summit                   EMAIL: info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au
 2018 simply complete the registration form                CALL: 02 8038 7801
 on our website:
 www.wilsummit.com.au                                      Alternatively, registrations can be made online at:

   info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                               WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
         15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                            WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

Be part of the Women In Leadership Summit 2018 and
associate your business and brand with some of the
most innovative companies in Australia and beyond. As
an event partner, we will work closely with you and your
business to achieve your objectives, which may include:

01 BRANDING                                            02 NETWORK
build your brand amongst a large community of          with a senior delegation from the industry to
senior decision makers.                                discuss the most pressing issues.

03 LEAD                                                04 DEVELOP
discussions about your organisation services,          valuable market insights to strengthen business
capabilities and solutions.                            plans and strategy.

05 KEY DRIVERS                                         06 TRENDS
gain market feedback to understand key drivers.        hear the latest insights and trends and share your
                                                       knowledge and expertise.

your chosen spokesperson’s reputation as an            08 BUSINESS
industry thought leader.
                                                       DEVELOPMENT & ROI
                                                       create new business opportunities across a
                                                       business community who are normally difficult to
                                                       engage via traditional means of communications.

                                                                 Male Champions of Change Panel Discussion, WILS 2017

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                              WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
         15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                         WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

BECOMING BOARD ROOM READY!                                      15TH OCTOBER 9AM - 5PM

Welcome to the
Boardroom Masterclass
Join Kylie Hammond CEO and Founder of Director
Institute for a one-day intensive workshop program
that will fast-track your board career. Limited to only
25 people this opportunity is suited to mid-to-senior
executives, general managers, directors and C-suite
executives ready to drive their career forward an achieve
amazing results. Specifically, they will cover topics that

  Briefing Board Director Landscape, Why we
  need the Next Generation of Directors in the

  Career Planning, Creating a Vision for the Future
  Building your Leadership and Director Brand

  How to Fast-Track Your Corporate Career,
  Insights from a Corporate Headhunter

  How to Make a Name for Yourself in the
  Corporate Environment

  Building Your Board & Leadership Strategy

  Power of Social Media as Leveraging your
  Leadership Brand

  Transitioning from Executive to Non-Executive,
  Getting Board Ready

  The Power of Networking Make a commitment to
  your future, build your board career.

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                   WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
           15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                           WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

  8:50AM: Opening Remarks from your Chair


  9:00AM: In Conversation with Leigh Sales:
Leigh Sales and TLI’s Dana Lightbody, open WILS 2018’s main event by flipping
the tables on the award-winning journalist. They’ll be discussing everything
from women in the media, to being in the spotlight and dealing with misogyny
                                                                                                LEIGH SALES
as a public figure. Please get your questions ready as we’ll be opening up the                  AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING
conversation to the floor… this is an exclusive interview with one of Australia’s               CORPORATION
most respected women in media”                                                                  ABC JOURNALIST

  9:55AM: The importance of mentorship and supporting
structures in organisation’s
Cathy lead the Business side of St George Bank and as one of the most senior
women at Westpac, she knows that it’s not just hard work that allowed her                       SPEAKER
to reach this position. Cathy will share her stories of mentorship, why it’s so                 CATHY YUNCKEN
important in your professional development, and why it’s a must in any leaders                  ST GEORGE
                                                                                                GENERAL MANAGER FOR ST.GEORGE BUSINESS BANKING
tool kit.

                                                      MORNING TEA BREAK


  11:00AM: Disrupt yourself: innovation starts with you
Pip Marlow has held numerous executive positions with some of the world’s
largest technology companies, including being Microsoft Australia’s Managing
Director for six years. In 2017, Pip made the surprise move of joining Suncorp,
one of Australia’s leading financial services providers. In today’s business,                   SPEAKER
maintaining the status quo doesn’t guarantee success. Every executive must be                   PIP MARLOW
prepared to transform herself and her organisation. Pip will share her advice on                SUNCORP
embracing new opportunities, being a disruptive thinker and becoming a change-                  CEO CUSTOMER MARKETPLACE
maker with the skills for today and tomorrow.

  11:55AM: Lessons in Leadership: Risk vs Reward
The leadership structure within the aviation industry has been traditionally male-
dominated, yet Merren McArthur has been challenging the leadership status quo, first by
taking up the dual-CEO role at Virgin Australia Regional Airlines and Virgin Australia Cargo,
and most recently by being appointed as CEO of Tigerair Australia. There is only a very
small percentage of female CEOs within the global aviation industry and Merren is leading       SPEAKER
the way in creating pathways for future female leaders to come through the ranks within         MERREN MCARTHUR
the industry. In her presentation, she will share the lessons that she has learnt throughout    TIGERAIR
her career, including how capitalising on an opportunity can often be a risk that can turn      CEO
into the greatest reward.

  info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                                 WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP 2018 - Empowering yourself and those around you GOLD SPONSOR: Konnect Learning
                   15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                          WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

                                                          LUNCH BREAK

     1:40PM: Stepping into the C-Suite
Susan became Mortgage Choice’s first female CEO this year. In her session, she
will share the lessons she learnt along the way. Touching on her key determinants
in her career, journey as a manager and leader, and development of the attributes
and skills necessary, this session will help you understand how to build your            SPEAKER
capacity as a leader in order to reach the executive.                                    SUSAN MITCHELL
                                                                                         MORTGAGE CHOICE


   2:40PM: Developing your company’s future female
 leaders: PayPal’s approach

                                                                                         LIBBY ROY
                                                                                         PAYPAL AUSTRALIA
                                                                                         MANAGING DIRECTOR

                                                   AFTERNOON BREAK

  3:40PM: Panel Discussion: How do leaders empower others and
 why is this important?

            IMOGEN HEWITT                 SARINA RUSSO                          SELENA VERTH
            HAVAS MEDIA GROUP             SARINA RUSSO GROUP                    OFX

   4:30PM: Understanding your role in promoting diversity,
 inclusion and change as a leader
 Belinda is an expert in inclusion, a driver of diversity and a champion for
 change. Having made transparency and openness a key prosperity after
 taking the helm at Kellogg’s, she’ll share advice and the lessons she learnt
                                                                                         BELINDA TUMBERS
 on this change journey and help you implement similar programmes.
                                                                                         MANAGING DIRECTOR

      5:20PM: Networking Cocktail Function

    info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                        WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
                   15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                       WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

     8:50AM: Opening Remarks from your Chair


   9:00AM: Leading with Purpose: Investing in Human
 Capital & Company Performance
 In this session, DELL’s CEO will explain why they take their human capital                             SPEAKER
 seriously. Angela will highlight some of the key procceses and offerings they                          ANGELA FOX
 offer, how it has benefited their organisation and why it’s so important for their                     DELL EMC AU & NZ
 continued productivity and performance. Angela drove these changes as CEO                              MANAGING DIRECTOR

 and she will help you understand how to gain buy-in for similar projects in your

      9:55AM: Motivation and Self-Determination
 Michelle Bridge founded and grew Australia’s most successful fitness
 programme. In this exclusive, motivational session, Michelle will share her advice                     SPEAKER
 on personal development, motivation and getting things done. This session will                         MICHELLE BRIDGES
 inspire you to                                                                                         MICHELLE BRIDGES
                                                                                                        MOTIVATIONAL COACH, ENTREPRENEUR & AUTHOR

                                                             MORNING TEA BREAK

  11:00AM: Panel Discussion: How can organisation’s be an agent
 of change a empower employees at every level?

            KEREN                      GARETH                               NICOLETTE                                       TBC
            RAMBOW                     O’REILLY                             LOGUE                                           TBC
            GE – AVIATION              SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC                   LINKEDIN                                        TBC
                                                                            (AUSTRALIA, CHINA AND
                                       ZONE PRESIDENT & MD

  11:55AM: Tools and technique: measuring gender equality
 and performance in your organisation
 In this session, WGEA Director Libby Lyons will help you understand the
 importance of measuring gender equality in your workplace and how it can
 help improve performance. With practical tips and stories from successful
 initiatives, this session will give you the tools to improve gender equality in your
                                                                                                    LIBBY LYONS
                                                                                                    WORKPLACE GENDER EQUALITY AGENCY

    info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                                      WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
          15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                     WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

                                                     LUNCH BREAK

  1:40PM: The not so pretty side of business and
Business isn’t always pretty, and Shark Tanks Janine Allis has certainly had her
ups and downs. In this exclusive session, Janine will share how she overcame
                                                                                       JANINE ALLIS
the challenges of building a business empire, how she has grown and learnt as          SHARK TANK & BOOST JUICE
a leader and how to overcome some obstacles that business throws you along             SHARK TANK & BOOST JUICE + MANY MORE….
the way.

  2:30PM: Leadership, Management and
Entrepreneurship: Lessons learnt from building a multi-
million-dollar company
In this exclusive session, Gillian, founder and CEO of The Heat Group, a multi-        GILLIAN FRANKLIN
million-dollar company, will share how she built an empire in the face of an           HEAT GROUP
extremely competitive market. She will highlight the major lessons she learnt          FOUNDER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR
along the way so you can avoid the pitfalls that any business leader can fall in to.

                                                   AFTERNOON TEA

 3:40PM: Finding True Success - the Balance Between
Head and Heart
Once a corporate heavy hitter, who stepped into the world of entrepreneurship
and built a multimillion dollar business, Sue’s career journey is one of successive    SPEAKER
successes. But in this session, she shares the most valuable lesion she has            SUE HOLLIS
learnt, what it means to achieve ‘head’ success, but more importantly, ‘heart’         TRAVEL EDGE
success. Sue shares what it truly means to be success and what every leadership
should keep in mind on their own path.

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                       WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
         15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                             WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

MASTERCLASS                                                           18TH OCTOBER 9AM - 5PM

The Art & Science of
This is experiential learning at it’s best; negotiation
simulations, activities and implementation of strategies
and tactics within the group. You will gain tools to
identify optimal negotiation results and to achieve them,
and tools to build log-term, profitable and surprising
There is an opportunity to expose talent, such that
participants may identify mentors to continue learning
from after the workshop has ended.

1 Visible, measurable, immediate improvement in
  negotiation results and process.
2 Stronger and more loyal relationships with clients.
3 Better representation of the organisation and its
4 Culture creation: Where negotiation is considered
  a craft, worthy of planning, assessment and

AGENDA:                                                     FACILITATOR:

  Identifying potential for value in a relationship.        Noa is a lecturer at the UNSW School of
                                                            business, currently teaching the postgrad
  Identifying the most ambitious attainable targets.
                                                            course Negotiating in the Global Context. She
  Negotiation strategies.                                   is a researcher in the field of negotiation theory
  Persuasion skills.                                        and is co-authoring the 4th edition of the
  Best practices in planning and preparation for            book Effective Negotiation: From Research to
  negotiations.                                             Results with negotiation expert Ray Fells. She
                                                            founded Sheer Negotiations with the aim of
  Maximising our power in the negotiation.
                                                            bringing evidence-based negotiation practices
  Tactics.                                                  to practitioners, and has been working with
  How to represent our superiors/constituencies.            companies such as Uber, Westpac, Hubspot
  How to measure the success of a negotiation.              and PwC to bring them the best and most
                                                            relevant insights to aid them in their unique
                                                            negotiation contexts.

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                             WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
         15–18 OCTOBER • EMPOWERMENT                                  WOMEN LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2018

 Note: Prices does not include GST

 Your Selection:                                                                                    Standard Rate:
 Please indicate                      Super Sneaky Rate:            Early Bird Rate:
                                                                                                   1 September – 15
 with a tick                                13 July                14 July – 31 August

 Conference Only                               $1499                       $1649                          $1899

 Attend 3 Days                                 $2199                       $2399                          $2599
 (include conference                    Pre-Conference Workshop     Pre-Conference Workshop        Pre-Conference Workshop
                                        Post-Conference Workshop    Post-Conference Workshop       Post-Conference Workshop

 Attend one workshop day*                       $999                        $999                          $999
                                        Pre-Conference Workshop     Pre-Conference Workshop        Pre-Conference Workshop
                                        Post-Conference Workshop    Post-Conference Workshop       Post-Conference Workshop

 Attend 4 Days                                 $2599                       $2899                          $3099

 Gala Dinner                                    $250

 Company table                                 $9999
 (8 delegates)**

*One day price is for either workshop day. Attendance to one day of the conference is not permitted
** Price includes 8 delegates attending the conference only including the gala dinner

To register please go to:

CALL: (02) 8038 7801
EMAIL: info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au

 info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au | (02) 8038 7801                                           WILSUMMIT.COM.AU
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