Page created by Milton Beck

Wangaratta Station Precinct is located along the existing North East Rail
corridor in Victoria. This site needs modifications to provide the clearances
needed to enable the safe passage of double-stacked freight trains. Taller
freight trains need 7.1m in vertical clearance and around 4.5m of horizontal
clearance to safely run on the track.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NORTON STREET

WHAT IS INLAND RAIL?                         WHAT’S HAPPENED                              The design we’re initially presenting
                                             IN WANGARATTA?                               to the community includes a shared
Inland Rail is a fast freight backbone
                                                                                          user underpass.
from Melbourne to Brisbane that will         Options considered during our
transform how we move goods around           early design phase included lowering         The underpass will be in line with
Australia, with a direct rail transit time   the track, raising or removing the           contemporary underpass design
of less than 24 hours between these          existing footbridges to enable the           and construction, with an emphasis                                       WANGARATTA STATION PRECINCT
cities. It will better link businesses,      safe movement of double-stacked              on clear lines of site, lighting and
farmers and producers to national            freight trains. Each option has been         safety features.
and global markets and generate new          considered by heritage and technical         This option will improve connectivity
opportunities for industries and regions.    specialists, and have been open to           to both sides of the City, enhance
Tottenham to Albury (T2A) is one of          community feedback to help                   mobility and align with the Victorian
13 projects that complete Inland Rail.       determine the most appropriate               Government’s Urban Design
T2A is planned along 305km of                option for Wangaratta.                       Framework. Other design elements in
existing rail corridor from metropolitan     Taking into account the heritage values,     the station precinct area include:                   CUSACK STREET
Melbourne to the Victoria-NSW border         amenity, accessibility and connectivity in    redeveloping “The Dive” east track
at Albury-Wodonga.                           and around the station precinct, we are        area of the station, with a possibility
This project will see modifications          proposing to:                                  of backfilling and linking it to the
to existing structures and increased          remove the Cusack and Docker                 shared rail trail
clearances along the rail corridor to          Street pedestrian footbridges               creating opportunities to reflect
provide sufficient height and width            and replace them with a                      heritage features of the site.
to support the safe running of                 open shared user underpass
double-stacked freight trains of              replace the existing Green Street
1,800 metres in length to be run on            bridge and lower the track in
the track.                                     this area
The first stage (north of Beveridge) of       relocate the existing track on the
the T2A project to be delivered includes       eastern side of Wangaratta Station
modifications to 12 sites along the            to the western side of the station
North East Rail Line from Beveridge            and build a new platform on the
to Albury.                                     western side of the station.

                                                                                                                                                                     ROY STREET E
                                                                                                                                      GREEN STREET
      We are seeking submissions on our proposed Planning Scheme
      Amendment application from 19 April to 17 May, 2021.
      Visit to make a submission and
      find out more. See back cover for more ways to share your views
      and ideas.
                                                                                                                                      Aerial view of Wangaratta Station Precinct and surrounds

2 |       ARTC Inland Rail                                                                                                                                                                                   Wangaratta Reference Guide   | 3
                                                                                                                                  STAKEHOLDER TEAM
                                                                                                                                                 SHONDELLE MATHEWS
                                                                                                                                                 – STAKEHOLDER
                                                                                                                                                 ENGAGEMENT ADVISOR
                                                                                                                                                 Meet Shondelle who has an employment history
                                                                                                                                                 that spans 20+ years’ experience working on
                                                                                                                                                 different disciplines across Australia that include
                                                                                                                                                 health, safety, energy and environment for the
                                                                                                                                                 WA mining sector throughout the Pilbara, the
                                                                                                                                                 Federal Government’s Green Army programme,
                                                                                                                                                 managing public transport services for all major
                                                                                                                                                 events in Melbourne city and major infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                 projects and rail.
                                                                                                                                                 Most recently, Shondelle worked as an
                                                                                                                                                 Environmental Advisor for the North East Rail
Wangaratta Station, Wangaratta
                                                                                                                                                 Line upgrade and is currently a Stakeholder and
                                                                                                                                                 Engagement Advisor at ARTC working on the
WHAT’S NEXT FOR                            WHAT HAVE WE HEARD                         HERITAGE                                                   Inland Rail project. Shondelle loves the North
WANGARATTA?                                SO FAR?                                    The project intersects with the Victorian                  East and enjoys the meaningful engagement
We’re continuing consultation and          ARTC started engaging with the             Heritage Register listed place and the                     that has transpired since communing with
engagement with the community over         Wangaratta community in 2018,              Wangaratta Railway Station Complex.                        ARTC. Shondelle believes being able to listen to
the coming months as we continue to        seeking local insight and feedback         This place is protected under the                          a community at the right time is what’s most
work through various Project Approvals.    from residents, businesses and             Heritage Act 2017, which identifies and                    important to stay connected and empower
A key part of this process for the first   community groups.                          protects heritage places and objects                       them to work with us on delivering a world class
half of 2021 relates to the proposed                                                  that are of State-level significance to                    project. When Shondelle’s not working you can
                                           We understand the community strongly                                                                  find her enjoying the arts, being creative, riding
Planning Scheme Amendment for local                                                   Victoria. Inland Rail will apply to
                                           desires to increase safety around the                                                                 and watching motorcycles.
government areas including Wangaratta                                                 Heritage Victoria for a permit to carry
                                           station precinct, including increased
Rural City Council and the Heritage                                                   out works or activities in relation to
                                           lighting and support for more security
Permit process in Wangaratta.                                                         this heritage place.
                                           We’ve heard the existing footbridges                                                                  JACINTA PIAZZA
                                                                                      We have engaged technical advisors                         – COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER
PLANNING SCHEME                            become slippery in wet weather and
                                                                                      for on-site inspection and assessment
AMENDMENT                                  concerns have been raised about                                                                       Jacinta has spent most of her adult life living in
                                                                                      of this heritage place. Assessment
                                           improving passenger services.                                                                         our beautiful North East Region. She was born
We are requesting the Victorian Minister                                              results will be entered into the relevant
                                           The community have requested to be         government databases, so this                              and raised in Wangaratta and has raised her
for Planning to amend the Planning
                                           included in engagement activities in the   information will be available                              family in this area also.
Scheme for Wangaratta Rural City
Council. This means the project can        precinct to allow for quality connection   for future generations.                                    For the past 10 years, Jacinta has had the
progress without the need for additional   opportunities within ARTC designs to                                                                  opportunity to work within both larger cities and
planning permits, as long as conditions    allow for accessibility for all and that                                                              rurally in the mining and construction industry.
of the Incorporated Document are met       includes mobility scooters and
                                           elderly pedestrians.                                                                                  Jacinta is passionate about seeing our North East
to the satisfaction of the Minister for                                                                                                          towns progressing into the future for our younger
Planning or other relevant authority.                                                                                                            generations. One of her favorite activities is
We are voluntarily exhibiting our                                                                                                                spending time outdoors in our wonderful valleys.
Planning Scheme Amendment
application to the public. Residents,
businesses and other stakeholders
have an opportunity to submit feedback
on the proposed amendments by
17 May 2021.

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                                                                                                               We are here           CONSTRUCTION

                                                                                     REFERENCE DESIGN/                               DETAILED DESIGN/
             CONCEPT                                      PROJECT
                                                                                     EARLY CONTRACTOR                                CONTRACTOR
             ASSESSMENT                                   ASSESSMENTS
                                                                                     INVOLVEMENT (ECI)                               AWARDED

      2016–2018                         2019                         2020                        2021                                  2022                            2023                            2024                 OPERATIONAL

                                                                                      URBAN DESIGN   PLANNING SCHEME
                            OPTIONS                                                   FRAMEWORK      AMENDMENT                                                                                                                            INLAND RAIL
                            ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                      OPERATIONAL

                            CONCEPT                         REFERENCE DESIGN/                 PLANNING AND                      URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK                        PLANNING SCHEME                             DETAILED DESIGN/
                            ASSESSMENT                      EARLY CONTRACTOR                  ENVIRONMENTAL                     (2020–2021)                                   AMENDMENT (2021)                            CONTRACTOR
                            (2016–2018)                     INVOLVEMENT (ECI)                 APPROVALS                         Comprehensive design and                      We’re currently focused on the              AWARDED (2021–2022)
                            Identify and assess project     (2021)                            (2019–2021)                       consultation process that brings              proposed Planning Scheme                    Produce detailed design to be
                            objectives, outcomes,           Produce draft reference design    Undertake site investigations     together the way the infrastructure           Amendment, which incorporates               provided for further community
                            benefits and route options.     to be provided for community      and specialist studies to         needs to function with how it looks,          site-specific controls via an               discussion, feedback,
Developing Inland Rail      Document technical issues,      discussion, feedback,             understand environmental          feels and works for locals.                   Incorporated Document.                      and refinement.
in consultation             regulatory requirements,        and refinement.                   features, technical challenges,   Ensure the project design is                  This means the project can                  Detailed design prepared
with communities            estimated costs,                Engage construction contractor    progress State and                well-integrated and responds                  progress without the need for               by construction contractor to
                            timings and potential           before designs are finalised to   Federal planning and              to community ideas.                           additional planning permits, as long        define specifics like car parking
                            risks and opportunities.        review plans and suggest any      environment approvals.                                                          as conditions of the Incorporated           location, lighting, walkway
                                                            revisions needed to deliver                                                                                       Document are met to the                     locations and landscaping.
                                                            the project.                                                                                                      satisfaction of the Minister for
                            CONSULTATION                                                                                                                                      Planning or other relevant authority.
                            AND OPTIONS                                                                                                                                       We are requesting the Minister
                            ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                          for Planning amend the Planning
                            (2018–2019)                                                                                                                                       Scheme for City of Wangaratta.
                            Consultation with Council
                            and communities to inform
                            design principles.

                                                              Comment-Lines HAVE YOUR SAY                                         question-circle LEARN MORE                    Comment-Lines HAVE YOUR SAY                 Comment-Lines HAVE YOUR SAY
                                                              This ECI process will                                               Find out more about the                       The Wangaratta community,                    The detailed designs will be
                                                              produce reference designs                                           Urban Design Framework by                     council and other stakeholders               presented to the public for
                                                              for each site which will be                                         downloading our fact sheet                    can comment the proposed                     consultation. We will work
                                                              presented to the community                                                       Planning Scheme Amendment                    closely with the community
                                                              throughout 2021. This will be                                       urban-design-framework                        from April 19 to May 17, 2021                and stakeholders
                                                              presented with visualisations                                                                                                                                  throughout the ECI and
                                                              to help further understand                                                                                                                                     D&C process to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                t2a-status for more information.
                                                              the concepts.                                                                                                                                                  community feedback is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             incorporated into the final
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             designs wherever possible.

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Artist impression of Wangaratta Railway Station historical building, Wangaratta

                                               LEARN MORE
                                               The Tottenham to Albury website is a comprehensive resource where we
                                               publish regular project updates, documents such as fact sheets and working
                                               group minutes, and is where you will find the interactive map.
RAIL UPGRADE                                   Check out some recently updated fact sheets:
In April and May 2021 we’ll be seeking         GLOBE
your feedback on our proposed                  GLOBE
Planning Scheme Amendment,
which includes Strathbogie Shire.              GLOBE
Email             GLOBE
Drop by every Wednesday at                     GLOBE
the kiosk on the corner of Reid                GLOBE
and Murphy Streets, Wangaratta
(10am–4pm)                                     For more information on the latest approvals processes for the project,
for more information.

ARTC is committed to working with communities and landowners, state and
local government as a vital part of our planning and consultation work, and we
value your input. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

    1800 732 761
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