Treatment of Osteoarthritis with Autologous and Allogeneic Expanded Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Category: Review
CellR4 2021; 9: e3236                                                            DOI: 10.32113/cellr4_20218_3236

Treatment of Osteoarthritis
with Autologous and Allogeneic Expanded
Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
P. Hollands1, D. Porter2
    Freelance Consultant Clinical Scientist, Cambridge, UK
    Medical Director, Opus Biological, London, UK

Corresponding Author: Peter Hollands, PhD; e-mail:

   Keywords: Allogeneic, Autologous, Bone marrow, Ex-            Introduction
pansion, Mesenchymal stem cells, Osteoarthritis.
                                                                 Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent chronic joint
Abstract                                                         disease as well as a frequent cause of joint pain, func-
In this review we explore the past, present and                  tional loss and disability1,2. The disease most com-
future treatment of osteoarthritis using autol-                  monly affects the joints of the knees3, hands4, feet5
ogous and allogeneic bone marrow mesenchy-                       and spine6. It is also relatively common in shoulder7
mal stem cells (MSCs). Osteoarthritis is one                     and hip joints8. Even though OA is most commonly
of the most prevalent joint diseases worldwide.                  related to aging9, there are also a number of modifi-
It causes pain, loss of function and may lead                    able and non-modifiable risk factors for the develop-
to disability. At a cellular level, osteoarthritis               ment of this condition. These include obesity10, lack
causes biochemical changes in the composi-                       of exercise11, genetic predisposition12, bone mineral
tion of cartilage leading to progressive tissue                  density status13, occupational injury14, trauma15 and fe-
degeneration. The majority of conventional                       male sex (due to menopause)16. Globally there is an es-
treatments involve symptom control but offer                     timated 10-15% prevalence of OA, with the numbers
only modest clinical benefits without any re-                    higher in the female population17. OA is an increasing
versal of the cellular degeneration. Cell-based                  risk to our global community due to the advances in
therapies in animal models have shown en-                        medicine leading to an aging population and due to
couraging results and there are now a number                     increases in the prevalence of modifiable risk factors
of human case reports, pilot studies and fol-                    such as obesity18. According to recent estimates, by
low-up studies that demonstrate the reversal of                  2050 the number of people aged over 60 will account
lesion formation. Opus Biological has designed                   for more than 20% of the world’s population. By 2050,
a therapy and follow-up algorithm utilizing                      130 million people will suffer from OA worldwide,
the feasibility and safety studies conducted in                  and 40 million will be severely disabled by the dis-
recent years to offer patients MSCs as a val-                    ease. A World Health Organization report estimates
id alternative to other conventional therapies                   that of 20% of those aged over 60, a conservative 15%
for treatment of chronic osteoarthritis. MSC                     will have symptomatic OA, and 33% of these people
therapy for osteoarthritis does not require                      will be severely disabled by OA19. The cost to society
hospitalization, is a minimally invasive and                     of OA can be measured not only in the cost of adap-
low risk procedure, provides pain relief and                     tive aids and devices but also in the cost of medica-
significantly improves cartilage quality there-                  tion, surgery20, nursing care, residential care, and time
by enhancing joint function.                                     off work and subsequent social care relating to sick

               This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

2      P. Hollands, D. Porter

pay. International institutions have been reluctant to       were initially termed “colony-forming unit fibro-
put a figure to the large indirect costs derived from the    blasts” (CFU-Fs)46. Clinical trials investigating
decrease in productivity caused by OA.                       the use of MSCs began in 1995, with the results
                                                             demonstrating no adverse reaction and no safe-
                                                             ty concerns, and since then hundreds of clinical
Pathogenesis of OA                                           trials have followed47. In 2006, The International
                                                             Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) published the
Although there are still many unknowns in the patho-         criteria for defining MSCs48. The ISCT stated that
genesis of OA, this appears to be primarily linked to        MSCs must be plastic-adherent under standard in
biochemical and biomechanical changes in the joint           vitro culture conditions; express CD105, CD73,
cartilage21. The current models suggest that subopti-        and CD90, and lack expression of CD45, CD34,
mal nutrient (glucose)22 and oxygen supply23, coupled        CD14 or CD11b, CD79a, CD19, and HLA-DR
with downregulation of extracellular/pericellular ma-        (as assessed by flow cytometry). In addition, the
trix components24, increased supply of proteinases25         ISCT stated that MSCs must be able to differenti-
and a relative increase in apoptosis of chondrocytes26,      ate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes
accounts for a cumulative effect on the inability to         in vitro48. MSCs have been shown to be present
withstand normal mechanical stresses. The resul-             in bone marrow49, umbilical cord blood (with an
tant cartilage debris alongside catabolic mediators in       associated clinical trial to treat cerebral palsy)50,
the joint promote the activation of synovial macro-          umbilical cord tissue51, placenta52, amniotic mem-
phages27, which in turn leads to synovial inflamma-          brane53, amniotic fluid54, periosteum55, trabecu-
tion28 that limits native cartilage repair29.                lar bone56, adipose tissue57, synovium58, skeletal
                                                             muscle59 and deciduous and permanent teeth60.
                                                             Independent of their origin, MSCs are capable of
Current Treatment of OA                                      differentiating in vitro into different cell types of
                                                             the connective tissue lineages such as bone, fat,
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons                 muscle, tendon and ligament as well as cartilage61.
recommends only physical30 and educational therapy31,        MSCs have been shown to elicit immunosuppres-
symptomatic drugs such as paracetamol32, non-steroi-         sive and immunomodulatory effects62 on T lym-
dal anti-inflammatory drugs33 and in some cases in-          phocytes63, B cells64, dendritic cells (DCs)65 and
tra-articular corticosteroid injections34. The American      natural killer (NK) cells66. These effects occur
College of Rheumatology recommends a similar regi-           either via the cell-cell interaction route67 or via
men including physical therapy, viscosupplementation35       the secretion of anti-inflammatory molecules such
with hyaluronate injections36, and possible but con-         as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO)68, prosta-
flicting evidence for glucosamine37 and/or chondroitin       glandin E2 (PGE2)69, interleukin-4 (IL-4)70, in-
sulphate38. Arthroscopic surgery39 and acupuncture40,41      terleukin-10 (IL-10)71 and transforming growth
have only demonstrated modest clinical benefits. An-         factor beta (TGF-b)72. These properties make
other alternative treatment modality investigated over       MSCs the ideal choice for cell-based regenerative
recent years is Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation          medicine procedures73. The ability to differenti-
(ACI)42. Briefly, chondrocytes are taken from patients,      ate in vitro into chondrocytes74, combined with
culture-expanded in vitro and then re-implanted back         their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory
into the affected joints of patients. The procedure is in-   properties, make MSCs the obvious choice for the
vasive and has been shown to be less successful than         treatment of diseases such as OA75. Autologous76
the total knee replacement surgery to date43.                or allogeneic77 bone marrow-derived MSCs are
                                                             the most widely used MSCs in clinical research
                                                             and treatment modalities across a plethora of dis-
Mesenchymal Stem Cells                                       ease indications, and are often considered to be
                                                             the gold standard MSC type78 because of the char-
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs, sometimes also                 acterization that has occurred exhaustively over
referred to as Mesenchymal Stromal Cells) 44,45              the last 5 decades79.
were identified in the 1970s while examining the                 Over the last 25 years the surgical implantation
clonogenic potential of bone marrow cells. MSCs              of autologous chondrocytes has been used to treat
Treatment of Osteoarthritis with Autologous and Allogeneic Expanded Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells   3

local cartilage defects80. MSCs have chondrogen-                   Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cells
ic potential which is enhanced by co-culture with
chondrocytes81. Co-cultured MSCs induce chon-                      Animal studies have shown beneficial effects on
drocyte proliferation and extracellular matrix pro-                cartilage repair utilizing autologous MSCs in rab-
tein synthesis, including aggrecan82 and type II                   bits99, rats100, pigs101 and guinea pigs102. The anal-
collagen83. Therefore, MSCs can be used in place                   gesic effect of MSC treatment in humans has been
of chondrocytes for cartilage regeneration84. The                  reported and this effect can be enhanced even fur-
replacement of chondrocytes with MSCs is ad-                       ther by the pre-treatment using the CB2 receptor
vantageous especially for diffuse chondral lesions                 agonist AM1241103. The use of human autologous
as MSCs are more readily obtainable and can be                     expanded bone marrow MSCs has been demon-
expanded in vitro85. A publication in 2010 argued                  strated to be effective in the treatment of chronic
on the merits of autologous bone marrow-derived                    patellar tendinopathy104 and in degenerative disc
MSCs vs. autologous chondrocyte implantation                       disease105,106.
and observed that MSCs are as effective in carti-                      We have safely conducted intra-articular infu-
lage repair as implanted chondrocytes. In addition,                sions of 40x106 autologous expanded bone marrow
MSCs were more cost-effective, reduced donor site                  MSCs in patients with grade 2-4 OA of joints in-
morbidity and resulted in one less knee surgery86.                 cluding the knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, and wrist.
    The philosophy of most current cell-based ther-                These treatments were carried out in the UK under
apeutic approaches to the treatment of OA is to take               a Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
the treatment to the site of the injury87. Intra-artic-            Agency (MHRA) and a Human Tissue Authori-
ular injection of cell-based treatments such Plate-                ty (HTA) license. Expanded bone marrow MSCs
let-Rich Plasma (PRP)88 or MSCs89 allows these                     are categorized to be Advanced therapy medici-
cells to interact with recipient cells and with the                nal products (ATMPs)107. The current research is
surface area within the joint space specifically tar-              highlighting the efficacy of expanded MSCs108 in
geting injured or degenerated tissues90. MSCs are                  both patient outcome and duration of effect109. The
regulated by the microenvironment which they in-                   process of MSC expansion is, quite rightly, highly
habit and by the interactions with the surrounding                 regulated and the MSCs generated are subject to
cells91, and they secrete bioactive factors for tissue             rigorous quality and safety testing throughout man-
regeneration in response to that microenviron-                     ufacturing before they are released for treatment110.
ment92. In the future it may also be possible to uti-                  The patients underwent follow up at 3-, 6-, 12-
lize the MSC-secretome to avoid the use of MSCs,                   and 24-month intervals with outcome scores for
thus potentially simplifying the treatment93. Never-               pain and function at each stage. Clinical examina-
theless, it is likely that the MSCs themselves may                 tion was also performed at the same time as utiliz-
have more actions than simply the secretome alone                  ing validated outcome tools. Prior to treatment our
in the overall tissue repair process94.                            patients underwent Magnetic resonance imaging
    The immunomodulatory effects of MSCs have                      (MRI) of the affected joint and at 12 months had a
been described above, but it is worth reminding                    repeat MRI scan to discern radiological improve-
that MSCs have a multimodal mechanism of ac-                       ments. The patients were assessed using quantita-
tion making them the “cell candidate of choice” in                 tive T2 mapping111 to evaluate articular cartilage
the treatment of OA. This is because MSCs stimu-                   quality as T2 relaxation time is sensitive to chang-
late native chondrogenic progenitor cells and their                es in cartilage hydration and collagen fibril orien-
subsequent differentiation into mature chondro-                    tation112. OA is known to cause an increase in T2
cytes mediated by bone morphogenetic proteins                      relaxation time113. T2 mapping and whole-organ
(BMPs)95 and TGF-b196. The differentiation of the                  magnetic resonance imaging score (WORMS)114
MSCs themselves into chondrogenic progenitor                       are currently the most common qualitative param-
cells is mediated by changes in the expression of                  eters for evaluation of cartilage regeneration, al-
regulatory genes like Sox9, HoxA, HoxD and Gli397.                 though the optimal imaging study would be able to
These chondrogenic progenitor cells then differen-                 provide an accurate assessment of cartilage thick-
tiate into mature chondrocytes with the ability to                 ness and volume, show morphologic changes to the
synthesize type II collagen, which maintains the                   cartilage surface, demonstrate internal cartilage
structural integrity of hyaline cartilage98.                       signal changes and determine signal abnormalities
4     P. Hollands, D. Porter

in subchondral bone. Orozco et al115 showed the         temperature-controlled containers, by a dedicated
safety and efficacy of autologous expanded bone         medical courier service to the treatment center for
marrow MSCs administered in 12 patients with            administration to the patient.
chronic knee pain unresponsive to conservative
treatments and radiologic evidence of OA. Quanti-
fication of cartilage quality by T2 relaxation mea-     Allogeneic MSCs
surements showed a highly significant reduction of
poor cartilage areas, with improvement of cartilage     Initially, the use of allogeneic MSCs was limited due
quality in 11 of the 12 patients115.                    to the concern that they would lose their immunoge-
                                                        nicity and immunomodulatory properties on trans-
                                                        plantation119. MSCs do not express class II human leu-
Autologous Expanded Bone Marrow-Derived                 kocyte antigen (HLA) molecules120 and are therefore
MSC Treatment: The Procedure                            considered to be immune privileged120 or possibly
                                                        “immune evasive”121. The proposed use of allogene-
The procedure in the UK must begin with a Hu-           ic MSCs for clinical purposes has resulted in recent
man Tissue Authority (HTA) Human Application            increases in the number of studies exploring the pos-
License for the procurement and distribution of hu-     sibility of using allogeneic MSCs for the treatment
man cells or tissues. The patient receives conscious    of cartilage injuries122. Allogeneic MSCs have been
sedation, in a hospital operating theatre with local    combined with isolated autologous chondrocytes in a
anaesthetic, and 60-100 mL of bone marrow is col-       fibrin glue and applied to focal areas of cartilage dam-
lected from the posterior iliac crest of the patient.   age123. There have been no reported immunological
The aspirate is then transferred to the expansion       issues from any of these studies. The use of allogeneic
laboratory via an approved medical courier if the       MSCs in the treatment of OA has demonstrated sig-
laboratory is not on the same site as the procure-      nificant improvements in pain, leading to an overall
ment operating theatre.                                 improvement in joint function and suggesting carti-
                                                        lage regeneration on imaging124. The use of alloge-
                                                        neic MSCs has a number of benefits for the patient.
MSC Isolation and Expansion                             Allogeneic MSC treatment is less expensive and less
                                                        time-consuming than the autologous version. The uti-
MSC isolation and expansion is typically performed      lization of allogeneic MSCs removes certain key steps
in a laboratory under Good Manufacturing Practice       in the process, such as admission to a hospital facil-
(GMP) conditions and in the UK with license from        ity and then an operating theatre procedure for bone
the MHRA. The MSC expansion laboratory must             marrow aspiration under conscious sedation.
also be licensed by the HTA UK for processing,
storage and distribution of human cells and tissue
for Human Application. MSC expansion is then car-       Conclusions
ried out using either a manual technique116 or by the
use of a closed system bioreactor117. In either case    We have a team which is a collective of unique and
the phenotype and potency of the resultant MSCs         experienced healthcare professionals working to-
must be retained. The manual expansion technique        gether with one unified vision to bring the state of
is slow and labour-intensive, whereas the bioreactor    the art of stem cell treatment to patients as a safe
technology enables more cells to be produced in less    and effective option for those seeking an alternative
time with less manual labour.                           avenue to conventional treatments. Stem cell science
    The expanded MSC product is tested for steril-      is not new, in fact the technology is decades old, but
ity, Mycoplasma and endotoxin118. The results of        only now are scientists and clinicians harnessing and
the quality control testing, together with the full     understanding the potential of this avenue for a broad
review of the batch documentation and the results       spectrum of diseases. We have seen the power of
of all environmental monitoring that took place         MSCs throughout our own practice in the treatment
during the cell culture process, allows the inter-      of musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. We work
mediate product to be released for use as the final     with the academic community and the regulators in
product. The final product is transported, within       the UK and the EU to adhere to the core of scientific
Treatment of Osteoarthritis with Autologous and Allogeneic Expanded Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells   5

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