Tobacco Control Policies in Brazil: a 30-year assessment - Semantic Scholar

DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232018236.05202018   1837

                              Tobacco Control Policies in Brazil: a 30-year assessment

Leonardo Henriques Portes 1
Cristiani Vieira Machado 1
Silvana Rubano Barretto Turci 1
Valeska Carvalho Figueiredo 1
Tânia Maria Cavalcante 2
Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva 1

                              Abstract The article presents a review of Bra-
                              zilian tobacco control policies from 1986 to 2016,
                              based on contributions from political economics
                              and analyses of public policies. The institution-
                              alization of tobacco control in the country was
                              marked by more general changes in health policies
                              and by specific events related to the theme. Brazil’s
                              international leadership role, a robust National
                              Tobacco Control Policy, the role of civil society
                              and the media all contributed to the success of to-
                              bacco control in this country. However, challenges
                              remain regarding crop diversification in tobacco
                              farms, illegal trade in cigarettes, pressure from the
                              tobacco industry and the sustainability of the Pol-
                              icy. This study reinforces the importance of bear-
                              ing in mind the relationship between the domestic
                              and international context, and the articulation
                              between different governmental and non-gov-
                              ernmental sectors and players when analyzing
                              complex health policies. Continuity and consoli-
                              dation of the tobacco control policies depend on
                              the persistence of a broad institutional framework
                              to guide the State’s actions in social protection,
  Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública Sergio Arouca,
                              in accordance with Unified Healthcare System
Fiocruz. R. Leopoldo          guidelines.
Bulhões 1480, Manguinhos.     Key words National Tobacco Control Program,
21041-210 Rio de Janeiro
RJ Brasil.
                              Tobacco, Public health policy
  Instituto Nacional de
Câncer José Alencar Gomes
da Silva. Rio de Janeiro RJ
Portes LH et al.

                   Introduction                                           (mentioned by 76% and 71% of the signatory
                                                                          states respectively). However, reports show lim-
                   There are 1.1 billion smokers worldwide1, and          ited adhesion to some of the FCTC measures,
                   about one third of all adults and half of all youth    in particular those related to criminal and civil
                   are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke1,2. Esti-       liability (30%). Support and economically feasi-
                   mates indicate that tobacco use is related to some     ble options for those who grow, process or sell
                   50 diseases3 and is responsible for as many as         tobacco were the least mentioned by the signa-
                   6 million deaths each year1. Tobacco use costs         tory states (15%). 87% of the signatory states in
                   about 1.8% of the annual global GDP each year1,        the Americas mentioned measures focused on
                   which is a major cause for concern, as are the         illegal trade in cigarettes and research, surveil-
                   environmental damages such as soil contamina-          lance and exchange of information. In all signa-
                   tion, fires and deforestation4,5.                      tory states, support for alternative activities that
                       In the 2000s, governments increased and            are economically feasible was the measure cited
                   expanded public policies aimed at reducing the         less frequently - only 13% of the countries in the
                   negative impacts of tobacco use6. Brazil is an in-     Americas (Figure 1).
                   ternational reference in tobacco control, and has           Brazil has played a key role since the start of
                   been implementing appropriate measures for             FCTC negotiations. As a developing nation with a
                   more than three decades7.                              robust tobacco control program already in place,
                       This article offers an assessment of thirty        Brazil was made Vice-President of the Working
                   years of the Brazilian tobacco control policy -        Group open to WHO member states, which pre-
                   1986 to 2016 -, and is based on economic poli-         pared the first draft of the convention. In addition
                   cy references8 , analyses of public policies9,10 and   to presiding the FCTC Intergovernmental Nego-
                   in particular historical institutionalism11,12. This   tiation Body, Brazil led the working group that
                   study is predominantly qualitative and compris-        prepared the first Conference of Parties, which
                   es a review of the literature, document analyses,      comprised all states that signed the convention
                   secondary data base analyses, direct observation       that serves as a guideline for the Secretariat work,
                   ofdomestic events and the Brazilian tobacco con-       and negotiates the bases for implementing the
                   trol policy, and semi-structured interviews with       convention at biannual meetings16. Brazil re-
                   key policy players.                                    mained an international leader for tobacco con-
                                                                          trol in subsequent years, and in 2014 a Brazilian
                      International Scenario: Framework                   was appointed to head the FCTC Secretariat.
                      Convention on Tobacco Control
                                                                             Institutionalizing tobacco control in Brazil
                       The Framework Convention on Tobacco
                   Control (FCTC) is the first international public            Implementation of tobacco control measures
                   health convention negotiated under the auspic-         is uneven across countries, and in this regard,
                   es of the World Health Organization (WHO)13.           Brazil has one of the most advanced policies in
                   Adopted by consensus by the 56thWorld Health           the world17,18. Brazil is an international reference
                   Assembly in 2004, and effective as of 2005, the        in tobacco control, and one of the first countries
                   FCTC is binding on all 181 signatory states14. The     to regulate the description, content and emis-
                   convention lists measures to reduce the supply         sions of tobacco products, placing graphic warn-
                   and demand of tobacco, scientific and techni-          ing images on cigarette packs19.
                   cal cooperation, environmental protection and               From the perspective of economic policy,
                   legislative and legal measures to address crimi-       which considers three dimensions of healthcare
                   nal and civil liability13. Stricter implementation     policy - social protection, economics and power20
                   of the FCTC has been mentioned as one of the           - it is worth pointing out that tobacco control is
                   elements on the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable           a complex issue that involves different organiza-
                   Development”15                                         tions, strategies, players and interests (Figure 2).
                       An assessment in 2016, based on data provid-            The first movement to control tobacco use in
                   ed by the signatory states, shows that implemen-       the country started inthe 1960s, with debates on
                   tation of the FCTC addressed primarily protec-         tobacco-related diseases21. In subsequent efforts,
                   tion against exposure to tobacco smoke (men-           some states focused on implementing activi-
                   tioned by 88% of the signatory states), followed       ties to control smoking, and organized national
                   by measures related to packaging and labeling of       events focused on tobacco control as a major
                   tobacco products and their sale by and to minors       policy (1979: “Salvador Letter” and the “National

                                                                                                                                                                                 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(6):1837-1848, 2018
                                                          6 Preços
                                                         6- - Prices  and taxes
                                                                   e impostos                                                                               83%
                                                  Exposureà to tobacco
                                                            fumaça     smoke
                                                                   do tabaco                                                                              78%
                                                    9- Conteúdo dos produtos
                                                         9 – Product content                              30%
                            10- Divulgação das informações
                                    10 – Disclosure        sobre information
                                                     of product   os produtos                                                         57%
                                   11- Embalagem  e etiquetagem de produtos                                                                                 83%
                                        11 – Product packaging and  labeling                                                                          76%
                                               12- Educação e conscientização                                                                       74%
                                              12 – Education and awareness                                                                        70%
Articles CQCT

                            13- Publicidade, promoção e patrocínio do tabaco                                                                  65%
          Artigos CQCT

                13 – Tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship                                                                     60%
                                      14- Dependência e abandono do tabaco                                                                                78%
                                                             15 – Illegal trade
                                                           15- Comércio ilícito                                                                                 87%
                                                   16 – Sales to or by minors
                                    16- Venda a menores de idade ou por eles                                                                                83%
                                           17 – Economically viable options
                                     17- Alternativas economicamente viáveis                 13%
                                  18 - Environmental and health protection
                         18- Proteção ao meio ambiente e à saúde das pessoas                                      39%
                                             19 – Civil and criminal liability                                                   52%
                                            19- Responsabilidade penal e civil                            30%
                    20 20-
                       Research,  surveillance and information exchange
                           Pesquisa, vigilância e intercâmbio de informação                                                                                     87%
                             22 – Scientific, technical
                                   22- Cooperação       and legal
                                                   científca,      cooperation
                                                              técnica e jurídica                                                                            83%
                                                                                  0%   10%    20%      30%      40%     50%           60%     70%     80%       90%     100%
                                                                                         Américas       Total               %

   Figure 1. Share of Signatory States according to measures in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,
   implemented in the six regions defined by the World Health Organization and in the Americasb, 2016.

   Note: a Includes the 133 Member States that sent reports on the progress of implementing the cycle in 2016 to the FCTC
   Secretariat: Afghanistan, South Africa, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Algiers, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan,
   Bahamas, Bahrein, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, BosniaHerzegovina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chile,
   China, Colombia, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti, Domenica, Ecuador, Egypt,
   El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Philippines, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece,
   Granada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guiana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait,
   Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius,
   Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Netherlands,
   Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, United Kingdom of Great
   Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of Korea, Check Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, St. Lucie, Samoa, San
   Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Syria, Surinam, Swaziland,
   Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, European Union,
   Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe. b Includes the 23 Member States in the Americas that sent reports on the progress of
   implementing the cycle in 2016 to the FCTC Secretariat: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
   Costa Rica, Domenica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Saint
   Christopher and Nevis, St. Lucie, Surinam and Trinidad& Tobago.
   Legend: FCTC - Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
   Source: Prepared by the authors based on the 2016 FCTC progress report1 and country reports on implementing the FCTC2.
   1. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 2016 global progress report on implementation of the WHO Framework
   Convention on Tobacco Control. 2016.; 2. WHO FCTC Implementation Database [Internet]. [cited on 30 October 2017].
   Available at:

   Program Against Smoking”; 1980: “1st Brazilian                                                   out came in 1986, when the National Program to
   Conference toFight Tobacco Use”; 1985: creation                                                  Fight Smoking (NPFS or PNCF in Portuguese)
   of the “Advisory Group of the Ministryof Health                                                  was created, becoming the guidelines for Feder-
   for Tobacco Controlin Brazil”)7,22.                                                              al tobacco control measures when a “Advisory
       Ever since, tobacco control has been embed-                                                  Group” was created. The NPFS is under shared
   ded in Brazil and marked by more general chang-                                                  management of the Ministry of Health and the
   es in health policies and specific events related to                                             Brazilian Social Security’s National Institute for
   the theme (Figure 3). The first milestone we point                                               Medical Care23.
Portes LH et al.

                                                                                            DIMENSIONS OF POWER
                                       SOCIAL DIMENSION                   Players:
                                                                          - Support for the tobacco control policies (health defense
                                   Health as a right:                     sectors, family farming, social rights, environment and
                                   - Ensure the well-being of             revenue generation):
                                   smokers (support to quit                    - Government Agencies;
                                   smoking) and non-smokers                    - Civil society: scientific and professional associations,
                                   (tobacco-free environments).                NGOs, healthcare professionals, some farmers and
                                   - Treatment of tobacco-related              merchants;
                                   diseases.                                   - Part of the legislative and judiciary.
                                                                          - Resistance to tobacco control policies (sectors linked to the
                                   Social Security as a right:            tobacco chain:
                                   - Pension, support and                      - Government Agencies;
                                   retirement resulting from                   - Civil society: tobacco grower and tobacco industry
                                   tobacco-related morbi-                      associations, some farmers and merchants;
                                   mortality.                                  - Part of the legislative and judiciary
                                   Conflict:                               Strategies:
                                   - Citizen rights to free choice        - Support for tobacco control policies:
                                   x the duty of the State in                  - Arguments (losses from smoking and benefits of
                                   promoting health, preserving                implementing tobacco control policies)
                                   the health of non-smokers                   - Advocacy at the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary
                                   and valuing the collective                  levels, with civil society as the protagonist
                                   well-being.                                 - Articulation between players (arenas: scientific and
                                                                               mobilization events, public hearings, meetings of key
                                                                          - Resistance to tobacco control policies:
                                                                               - Arguments (increase in illegal trade and economic
                                                                               losses resulting from tobacco control)
                                    ECONOMIC DIMENSION                         - Advocacy at the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary
                                   Sectors of the economy:                     - Product renewal and marketing strategies;
                                   - Primary: tobacco                          - Funding (political campaigns, event and program
                                   production, primarily by                    sponsorship support for merchants and farmers).
                                   family farms;
                                   - Secondary: tobacco                   Institutionalizing Policies:
                                   processing industry                    - Government structure:
                                   (domestic and export) and                   - Support for tobacco control policies: CONICQ
                                   pharmaceutical industry;                    (National Committee to Implement the Framework
                                    - Tertiary: trade (manufacture             Convention on Tobacco Control) and articulation
                                   of goods for sale, distribution             between states;
                                   and marketing, involving                    - Resistance to tobacco control policies: Tobacco
                                   different segments)                         Production Chain Sector Chamber at the Ministry of
                                   and healthcare services                     Agriculture, Cattle Raising and Supply.
                                   (prevention and treatment at           - Legislation and standards (national legislation and
                                   the three levels of care).             standards at all three level of government, CONICQ
                                                                          (National Committee to Implement the Framework
                                   Conflicts:                             Convention on Tobacco Control)
                                   - Free trade vs. industry              - International insertion (active involvement of Brazilian
                                   regulation;                            Players in international organizations)
                                   - Environmental and worker
                                   health defense x job security
                                   related to the tobacco                    Relationships, interests, conflicts and fights for power
                                   industry;                                                   in different arenas
                                   - Consumer defense: Smokers
                                   vs. non-smokers

                   Figure 2. The three dimensions of the tobacco control policy

                   Note: This figure is intended to place tobacco control in Brazil in context, and includes the results of a broad literature review on
                   the theme, and some of the initial results of field-work that helped enhance the analytical reference. This survey did not intend to
                   exhaust all of the dimensions and spects listed in the figure.

                   Source: Prepared by the authors.

                                                                                                                                                               Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(6):1837-1848, 2018
    The 1988 Federal Constitution24was import-                                    In this scenario, the National Cancer Institute
ant for tobacco control in the country, and was                               (INCA), part of the Ministry of Health Health-
used to justify subsequent anti-tobacco laws21.                               care Attention Department, took over coordina-
The concept of health as a right of all and duty                              tion of the National Tobacco Control Program
of the State, and the development of the Unified                              nation-wide measures in 198927. The Program at-
Health System (SUS) are important backdrops                                   tempts to reduce the social acceptance of tobacco
for developing measures to prevent tobacco use                                use by keeping young people from taking up the
and help people stop smoking. The SUS is de-                                  habit, protecting people from exposure to tobac-
tailed in the Organic Health Law25,25, and includes                           co smoke and support for those wishing to quit
health prevention, promotion and recovery mea-                                smoking28. Between 1990 and 1993, the program
sures, as well as health surveillance, vector con-                            was coordinated by the central management of
trol and health education. The system is guided                               the Ministry of Health in Brasília, and returned
by the principles of decentralization, compre-                                to the umbrella of the INCA in 1994. In 1996 the
hensiveness and community involvement, and                                    National Coordination of Tobacco Control and
includes inter-sector articulation to implement                               Primary Cancer Prevention (CONTAPP) was
policies and programs in the interests of health26.                           created, covering the National Tobacco Control

                                                                                                                                  Strategic Action Plans
                                                                                                                                  to Address Chronic,
                                                                                                                                  Diseases in Brazil
                                                                                                        Pact for                  (2011-201=22)
                                                                                                        Health; NHPP

                                                                                                                   Mais Saúde:
                         Organic Healthcare Law
                                                                                                                   Direito de Todos

                                                                      Anvisa created
               Federal Constitution                                                                                                              Reviewed
               (SUS created)

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

                                                                     CNTC -               CONICQ - National Committee to
                                                                     National             Implement the Framework Convention
                                                                     Committee            on Tobacco Control created
                                                                     to Control
                                                                     Tobacco Use                     FCTC ratified
         National Tobacco                                            created
       Control Policy Created
                                                       Contapp - National                                FCTC promulgated, the
                                                       Coordination for Tobacco                          term National Tobacco
                      National Program to              Control and Primary                               Control Policy is used
                      Control Tobacco Use              Cancer prevention created

Figure 3. Timeline for institutionalizing tobacco control in Brazil

Note: The upper portion shows a list of general public health milestones in Brazil. The lower portion shows specific tobacco control
Legend: Anvisa - National Health Surveillance Agency; CONTAPP - National Coordination of Tobacco Control and Primary Cancer
Prevention; CNTC - National Tobacco Control Committee; CONICQ - National Commission for the Implementation of the Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control; NPFS - National Program to Fight Smoking; NHPP - National Health Promotion Policy; SUS - Unified
Healthcare System.
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Portes LH et al.

                   Program and other programs for prevention              abled significant progress towards placing warn-
                   against cancer risk factors29.                         ings, restricting advertising of tobacco products
                        Anvisa, the National Health Surveillance          and forbidding smoking in enclosed spaces. We
                   Agency created in 1999, enabled more effective-        highlight the role of rules and regulations imple-
                   measures to control and inspect tobacco prod-          mented over the past decades in the form of the
                   ucts that those previously developed by the Min-       various Ministry of Health directives and Anvi-
                   istry of Health21. That same year, the National To-    sa resolutions to regulate tobacco products, and
                   bacco Control Committee was created (NTCC or           Central Bank measures also aiming at regulating
                   CNCT in Portuguese) to represent Brazil at the         tobacco production.
                   international negotiations of the FCTC30.
                        In the 2000s, events related to the FCTC             Assessment of the Brazilian tobacco control
                   marked the trajectory of tobacco control in Bra-          policy measures
                   zil. In 2003, when the convention was adopted,
                   the NTCC was replaced by the National Commis-               Over the past three decades, Brazil has im-
                   sion for the Implementation of the Framework           plemented numerous tobacco control measures,
                   Convention on Tobacco Control (CONICQ),                most of them aiming at reducing the demand
                   incorporating new bodies in different sectors31.       for tobacco. One of the key measures has been
                   Brazil ratified the FCTC in 2005, and it became        periodic adjustments of the main cigarette taxes
                   effective across the country in 2006. Numerous         and their retail sales price. We stress the changes
                   measures focused on tobacco control were then          in 2011 involving the tax on industrialized goods
                   incorporated into the National Tobacco Control         (IPI) and a minimum price for selling cigarettes.
                   Policy (NTCP or PNCT in Portuguese)32. Thus,           Despite the illicit trade in tobacco products, Bra-
                   an inter-sector State policy was created, articulat-   zil’s experience shows that higher taxes can in-
                   ed between the three Federal levels33.                 crease government revenue and at the same time
                        Within the context of a national health pol-      reduce the number of smokers39.
                   icy, some initiatives enabled implementing to-              Promoting tobacco-free environments has
                   bacco control measures in this country. The 2006       been one of the most successful measures of
                   Health Pact highlights tobacco use as one of the       the Brazilian tobacco control policy. Starting in
                   prioritiesfor health promotion34. That same year,      the late 1980s, smoking restrictions advanced,
                   the National Health Promotion Policy (NHPP             strengthened by city, state and federal laws. Since
                   or PNPS in Portuguese) included the prevention         2011, smoking has been prohibited in public and
                   and control of tobacco use, with education, leg-       private enclosed spaces, with only a handful of
                   islative and economic measures, and measures to        exception (churches, tobacco stores, studios and
                   foster tobacco-free environments and support           healthcare institutions)40,41.
                   for people trying to quit smoking35. Education              Warnings of the health hazards of smoking
                   and legislative measures are also part of the 2008     on cigarette packs and advertising, used since
                   program entitled Mais Saude: Direito de Todos          1988, have been reformulated and images added
                   (More Health, the Right of All)36.                     to make the population even more aware. When
                        Tobacco control remained a strong point of        Anvisa was created in 1999, tobacco product reg-
                   the national health policy throughout the second       ulation became an important element of Bra-
                   half of the 21st century. The “Strategic Action        zilian policy, controlling registration, packaging
                   Plan to Combat Chronic Non-communicable                and content. The Tobacco and Derivatives lab in-
                   Diseases in Brazil, 2011-2022” includes reducing       augurated in 2012 is the sixth such public lab in
                   the number of smokers as one of its targets, with      the world and the first in Latin America dedicat-
                   measures that include surveillance, research and       ed to the analysis of tobacco-derived products42.
                   health promotion related to tobacco use37. The              The fundamental strategy to build awareness
                   2014 review of the NHPP kept tobacco control           and educate the public on the damages caused by
                   as a priority, encouraging educational, legislative,   tobacco use is to organize campaigns on the main
                   economic, environmental, cultural and social           commemorative dates related to tobacco control.
                   measures38.                                            The National Day Against Tobacco (August 29,
                        The legal and normative framework contrib-        created in 1986), and the World No Tobacco Day
                   uted to embedding tobacco control in the period.       (May 31, created in 1987), mobilize players in all
                   Federal Law # 9,294/1996 and its subsequent reg-       three spheres of government to promote activities
                   ulation (Decree # 2.018/1996, Law #10,167/2000,        related to preventing tobacco use and encourag-
                   Law # 12,546/2011 and Decree # 8,262/2014) en-         ing people to quit smoking. We also point to the

                                                                                                                    Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(6):1837-1848, 2018
development of educational efforts in schools,            falsification and contraband, in particular a pro-
healthcare units and the work environment,                gram known as Scorpios - the System to Control
such as Programa Saber Saúde (Know Health                 and Track Cigarette Production created in 2007,
Program), which has already reached 2,389,126             efforts to fight the illegal trade of cigarettes have
students in 14,280 schools in 1,212 cities33. Since       been quite successful. In 2016, R$ 581 million in
the Saber Saúde distance education course was             cigarettes confiscated due to tax infractions were
created in 2012, 1,390 professionals in education         destroyed45.
have been trained all over the country43. Creating            Considering that Brazil is the second larg-
monitoring centers or observatories has helped            est producer and the largest exporter of tobacco
share knowledge related totobacco control. Since          leaves in the world46, in 2005 it created a Program
2011, the National Tobacco Control Policy Moni-           to Diversity Tobacco Farming Areas, ratified by
toring Center has provided updated information            the FCTC. Between 2011 and 2016 more than R$
on the different sectors involved in implementing         60 million were invested in technical support and
the FCTC. The “Tobacco Industry Strategy Mon-             farm extension (Ater) in the main tobacco-pro-
itoring Center”, created in 2016, is a global proj-       ducing municipalities, affecting over 20 thou-
ect created by the FCTC Secretariat to monitor,           sand families47. Among the crop diversification
analyze and disclose tobacco industry activities44        strategies are criteria for approving Family Farm-
    We also point to the progress made in lim-            ing credit (Pronaf) for tobacco farmers working
iting tobacco product advertising and publicity.          in partnership or as part of a tobacco processor.
Brazil started limiting tobacco advertising in the        Starting in 2016/2017 famers have had to show
media in the 1980s, and also prohibited any mes-          that at least 20% of their gross income came from
sages linking tobacco-products and well-being.            non-tobacco related activities. For the 2020/2021
Federal Law # 10,167/2000 makes it illegal for            harvest the requirement will be 50%48.
tobacco brands to sponsor cultural and sports                 Finally, research and surveillance activities
events, and prohibits tobacco advertising in the          have also been key for the NTCP. Since 1997, the
major media vehicles. Since 2011, advertising has         INCA has been the “WHO Collaborating Center
been limited to displays at points of sale41.             for Tobacco Control”, and is a Latin American
    Support for people to quit smoking is an im-          reference when it comes to producing materials,
portant component of the FCTC, and is consid-             training human resources and providing tech-
ered a measure to reduce the demand for tobacco.          nical support for controlling tobacco use43. A
Since 2004, smokers are offered free treatment by         number of studies are performed in Brazil from
the SUS, mostly at the primary healthcare units.          time to time to monitor tobacco use indicators.
The number of units providing treatment, the              One such example is Vigitel (Telephone Survey
number of smokers seen and who stopped smok-              of Chronic Disease Risk and Protection Factors),
ing. abandonment and quitting rates all show              which has been conducted since 2006. Other ex-
major progress. In 2013, 1,308 units provided             amples include Petab (Special Survey on Tobacco
services to 154,207 smokers, 71,327 of whom quit          Use) (2008), PeNSE (National Survey on Stu-
smoking (Figure 4). Abandonment and quitting              dent Health) (2009, 2012, 2015), PNS (National
rates were 28% and 53% respectively. The sup-             Health Survey) (2013) and the ITC Project (As-
ply of medication to help people stop smoking             sessment of the Tobacco Control Policy) (2009,
expanded to 77% (Figure 5). Furthermore, the              2012, 2016/17). In addition to these, the “Strate-
Ministry of Health has provided telephone sup-            gic Action Plan to Combat Chronic Non-com-
port for smokers since 2001 - Disque Saúde 136            municable Diseases in Brazil, 2011-2022” in-
(health call service 136).                                cludes surveillance, research and health-promo-
    One of the measures used to reduce the sup-           tion measures related to tobacco use.
ply of tobacco is to fight illegal trade, and diversify
the crops planted in traditional tobacco growing
areas. Despite interference by tobacco companies          Closing Remarks
to fight measures to reduce tobacco use, major
strides have been made in the past 30 years, es-          In recent decades Brazil has implemented
pecially in the south. In the late 1990s, rules were      cross-sectoral measures to control tobacco use,
defined for cigarette marketing, including special        leading to a significant reduction in the number
registration, control seals and export taxes. Start-      of smokers - from 35% of the population in 1989
ing with combined activities of the Federal Rev-          to 15% in 201249-52. It is worth pointing out that
enue Service and Federal Police to fight cigarette        in the period there has also been a change in the
Portes LH et al.

                                          2000                                                                                                                                                        180.000

                                          1800                                                                                                                     159.980            154.207         160.000

                                          1600                                                                                                   140.602
                                                                                                                                                           1.557             1.557

                                          1200                                                                                101.874


                                                                                               75.734                                                                                71.327
                                           800                                                          850                                    63.991
                                           600                                                                                51.532
                                                             39.096                                           41.773
                                                                                        514                                                                                                           40.000
                                           400                                                 35.475
                                                                       308                                                                                                                            20.000
                                           200               12.914          15.002
                                                 4.787 198
                                                     76           157                 247           301                496             688              848             685              604
                                             0                                                                                                                                                        0
                                                    2005              2006            2007          2008               2009             2010            2011             2012             2013
                                                   Municípios com atendimento
                                                   Municipalities with service                Unidades
                                                                                              Units    com atendimento
                                                                                                    providing  service                  Fumantes atendidos
                                                                                                                                        Smokers  served                 Fumantes que
                                                                                                                                                                        Smokers  whopararam
                                                                                                                                                                                     quit de fumar

                   Figure 4. Treatment of smokers by the Unified Health System - 2005 - 2013.

                   Source: Data provided by the National Cancer Institute.


                                                                                                                              77,4%              76,2%                                                77,5%
                         80,0%                                                                                                                                      75,7%             75,1%
                         60,0%                                                                            54,7%
                                                                       51,1%                                                                                                                          53,1%
                                                                                                                              50,7%              50,1%                                50,9%
                                                                               43,4% 41,0%

                         40,0%                       34,8%

                         30,0%                       35,3%
                                                                       30,1%                30,2%                                                                                                     28,5%
                                                    17,4%                                                                                        26,7%              25,6%             26,7%
                         20,0%                                                                            24,0%               23,5%


                                                      2005              2006                2007           2008               2009               2010                2011             2012            2013
                                                                                        Abandoned                      Cessação
                                                                                                                       Quit                        Uso
                                                                                                                                                   Use de

                   Figure 5. Progress made in indicators of program abandonment, use of medication and quitting, 2005 - 2013.

                   Source: Data provided by the National Cancer Institute.

                                                                                                               Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(6):1837-1848, 2018
social acceptability of tobacco use, which went       Eliminate the Illegal Trade in Tobacco Products,
from being broadly disseminated in the 1980s          allocating financial resources to the players in-
and 1990s to being rejected in the 2000s53-55.        volved with the policy promoted by tobacco pro-
    The active involvement of Brazil in design-       cessing companies, expansion to new products
ing the FCTC was decisive for its leading role        and policy judicialization, especially as regards
in global control of tobacco use and developing       product regulation by Anvisa.
partnerships with international organizations.             It is also important to strengthen CONICQ
The insertion of tobacco control policies into a      and its ability to take action. This means address-
universal public healthcare system, developing        ing limiting factors such as the low priority that
a specific legal and legislative framework, poli-     tobacco control has on the agenda of some of the
cy coordination at the national level and the in-     Committee agencies, conflicts between the eco-
volvement of different sectors, implementation        nomics and health aspects of tobacco control and
of the FCTC and policy decentralization have all      resistance on the part of the Tobacco Producing
been essential to institutionalize tobacco control    Sector Chamber, part of the Ministry of Agri-
in Brazil.                                            culture, and organizations linked tothe tobacco
    The creation of Anvisa and its legal mandate      industry.
to regulate tobacco products in the country and            This study reinforces the importance of in-
oversee national laws in this area was of particu-    cluding the relationship between the domestic
lar importance. The consolidation of CONICQ           and international situation, and articulation be-
as the strategic body for government coordina-        tween various government and non-government
tion of the policy is a commitment of mutual ac-      sectors and players when analyzing complex
countability of the different government agencies     health policies. Brazil has submitted pioneering
involved in tobacco control56.                        initiatives and several Brazilian players have in-
    We also call attention to the role of civil so-   fluenced tobacco control negotiations at the in-
ciety and the media, in particular the Alliance to    ternational level. Since the FCTC was adopted,
Control Tobacco Use, healthcare organizations         Brazilian policy has been strongly influenced by
(especially medical associations), consumer as-       the international scenario in a two-way relation-
sociations and the associations to defend tobac-      shiop57. Also, despite tobacco control in Brazil
co growers. These players have been key for the       being based on health sector strategies, control
NTCP, conducting surveys on diverse themes,           being recognized primarily based on fighting the
promoting different ways of training the differ-      morbi-mortality related to tobacco use, NTCP
ent people involved, campaigns on dates that          advances depend heavily on the commitment of
commemorate tobacco control and continuous            other sectors, in particular those related to agri-
advocacy with the Executive, Judiciary and Leg-       culture and the economy. Articulation between
islative powers.                                      the Executive, Judiciary and legislative, as well as
    However, there remain important policy chal-      the media and civil society is essential to ensure
lenges57. Strengthening the National Program to       that tobacco control is fully embedded in Brazil.
Diversity Areas Planted with Tobacco, and greater          Finally, sustainability of the NTCP is a ma-
articulation of the players involved in this theme,   jor challenge, given the dynamics of government
especially agro government bodies, the civil so-      agendas and the political and economic insta-
ciety and the tobacco-producing municipalities        bility that the country experiences from time to
and states are currently limits for tobacco con-      time. Keeping the theme on the agenda of the
trol. In 2016 responsibility was transferred from     healthcare sector and expanding legislative, eco-
the Ministry for Agricultural Development to          nomic, regulatory and education activities are
the Special Department for Family Farming and         essential. Facing the economic interests of the to-
Agrarian Development, under the umbrella of the       bacco industry is a determinant to ensure prog-
office of the chief of staff (Casa Civil), presents   ress is made in areas that remain fragile. The con-
an additional hurdle to mobilizing human and          tinuation and consolidation of a tobacco control
financial resources for the program.                  policy over the medium and long terms require
    Fighting illegal cigarette trade and NTCP         a persistent and ample institutional framework
protection from interference from the tobacco         to guide the activities of the State in social pro-
industry are further challenges. We especially        tection, as per the SUS guidelines, where health
mention the urgency for ratifying the Protocol to     needs come before economic interests.
Portes LH et al.

                   Collaborations                                      Acknowledgments

                   LH Portes, CV Machado and SBR Turci helped          CV Machado is a Research Productivity Fellow of
                   with study design and drafting, and data analysis   CNPq. The research that gave rise to article was
                   and interpretation. All authors provided a criti-   supported by Proex-Capes features, of the Gra-
                   cal review of the content and approved the final    duate Program in Public Health of Ensp/Fiocruz.

                                                                                                                                       Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 23(6):1837-1848, 2018

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