The Non-native Speaker Aspect: Indian English in Social Media - Association for ...

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The Non-native Speaker Aspect: Indian English in Social Media

        Rupak Sarkar♣       Sayantan Mahinder♥         Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh♠∗
                     Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
                                  Independent Researcher
                                Carnegie Mellon University

                      Abstract                                 2009) delineating multiple aspects in which In-
                                                               dian English is distinct from US or British En-
    As the largest institutionalized second lan-
    guage variety of English, Indian English has               glish. However, these studies are largely confined
    received a sustained focus from linguists for              to well-formed English written in formal settings
    decades. However, to the best of our knowl-                (e.g., newspaper Dubey, 1989; Sedlatschek, 2009.
    edge, no prior study has contrasted web-                   The efforts so far in characterizing web-expressions
    expressions of Indian English in noisy social              of Indian English are somewhat scattered with
    media with English generated by a social me-               isolated focus areas (e.g., code switching (Gella
    dia user base that are predominantly native
                                                               et al., 2014; Rudra et al., 2019; Khanuja et al.,
    speakers. In this paper, we address this gap in
    the literature through conducting a comprehen-             2020; KhudaBukhsh et al., 2020a), use of swear
    sive analysis considering multiple structural              words Agarwal et al., 2017, and word usage Kulka-
    and semantic aspects. In addition, we propose              rni et al., 2016) and little attention given to analyz-
    a novel application of language models to per-             ing the range of spelling, grammar and structural
    form automatic linguistic quality assessment.              characteristics observed in web-scale Indian En-
                                                               glish corpora. Due to the deep penetration of cell-
1   Introduction
                                                               phone technologies into Indian society and avail-
Analyzing important issues through the lens of so-             ability of inexpensive data (HuffPost, 2017), a user
cial media is a thriving field in computational social         base with a wide range of English proficiency has
science (CSS) research. From policy debates (Dem-              access to the social media. Hence, understanding to
szky et al., 2019) to modern conflicts (Palakodety             what extent spelling and grammar issues affect In-
et al., 2020a), web-scale analyses of social me-               dian English found on the social web and how does
dia content present an opportunity to aggregate                that compare and contrast with typical noisy social
and analyze opinions at a massive scale. English               media content generated by predominantly native
being one of the widely-spoken pluricentric lan-               English speakers is an important yet underexplored
guages (Leitner, 1992), a considerable fraction of             research question.
current CSS research primarily analyzes content                   In this paper, via two substantial contempo-
authored in English. Several recent lines of CSS re-           raneous corpora constructed from comments on
search on Indian sub-continental issues (Palakodety            YouTube videos from major news networks in the
et al., 2020a; Tyagi et al., 2020; Palakodety et al.,          US and India, we address the above research ques-
2020c) dealt with Indian English (Mehrotra, 1998),             tion. To the best of our knowledge, no prior study
a regional variant of English spoken in India and              has contrasted any Indian English social media
among the Indian diaspora.                                     corpus with the variety of English observed in so-
    As the largest institutionalized second language           cial media platforms frequented by native English
variety of English, Indian English has received sus-           speakers. We further use two existing corpora of
tained attention from linguists (Kachru, 1965; Shas-           news articles from India and the US to demonstrate
tri, 1996; Gramley and Pätzold, 2004; Sedlatschek,            that while college-educated, well-formed English
    Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh is the corresponding author.        across these two language centers does not differ by

    Proceedings of the 2020 EMNLP Workshop W-NUT: The Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text, pages 61–70
                         Online, Nov 19, 2020. c 2020 Association for Computational Linguistics
much, social media Indian English is different from                 sm : We consider a subset of a data set
                                                             • Den-us
social media US English on certain aspects, hence            first introduced in (KhudaBukhsh et al., 2020c).
may pose a greater challenge to conduct meaning-             We first obtain 10,245,348 comments posted by
ful analysis. Apart from using standard tools to             1,690,589 users1 on 8,593 YouTube videos from
assess linguistic quality, we present a novel finding        three popular US news channels (Fox news, CNN
that recent advances in language models can be               and MSNBC) (Statista, 2020a) in the same time
leveraged to perform automated linguistic quality            period. We subsampled the data to make the
assessment of human-generated text.                          number of tokens comparable to that of Den-in    sm .
                                                             This resulted in Den-us having 1,573,355 sentences
2   Data Sets                                                (20,591,220 tokens).
                                                                   na consists of 398,960 sentences (9,016,255
                                                             • Den-in
We consider two social media (denoted by the su-             tokens) from news articles that appeared in highly
perscript sm) data sets and two news article (de-            circulated Indian news outlets (e.g., The Quint, Hin-
noted by the superscript na) data sets. We denote            dustan Times, Deccan Herald) (Dai, 2017).
Indian English and US English as en-in and en-us,                  na
                                                             • Den-us   consists of 94,463 sentences (2,042,024
respectively. In order to keep our vocabulary statis-        tokens) from news articles that appeared in highly
tics comparable, we sub-sample from our en-us                circulated US news outlets (e.g., HuffPost, Wash-
social media data set and ensure that both social            ington post, New York Times).
media corpora have nearly equal number of tokens.
Detailed description of preprocessing steps are pre-         3       Analysis
sented in the Appendix.
                                                             3.1      Vocabulary and Grammar
Why YouTube? Both of our social media corpora
are comments on YouTube videos posted within an              We conduct a detailed study comparing and con-
                                                             trasting Den-in          sm . In what follows, we
                                                                              and Den-us
identical date range (30th January, 2020 to 7th May,
2020). As of January 2020, YouTube is the second-            summarize our observations (see, Appendix for de-
most popular social media platform in the world              tails).
drawing 2 billion active users (Statista, 2020b). It         • Vocabulary: In the context of social media, US
is the most popular social media platform in India           English exhibits a richer overlap with standard En-
with 265 million monthly active users, accounting            glish dictionary as compared to Indian English.
for 80% of the population with internet access (Hin-            Let Vdict denote the English vocabulary obtained
dustanTimes, 2019; YourStory, 2018).                         from a standard English dictionary (Kelly, 2016)2 .
                                                                     sm and V sm
                                                             Let Ven-in
       sm : We consider a subset of a data set
• Den-in                                                                        en-us denote the vocabularies of
                                                               sm           sm , respectively. We now compute
                                                             Den-in and Den-us
first introduced in (KhudaBukhsh et al., 2020b).
                                                                                           sm ∩ V dict | = 43, 826
                                                             the following overlaps: |Ven-us
The original data set consists of 4,511,355 com-
                                                                      sm ∩ V dict | = 38, 260. Also, with a list of
                                                             and |Ven-in
ments by 1,359,638 users on 71,969 YouTube
videos from fourteen Indian news outlets posted              6,000 important words for US SAT exam3 , we find
                                                                     sm has considerably larger overlap (4,349
                                                             that Ven-us
between 30th January, 2020 and 7th May, 2020.
                                                                             sm (3,956 words).
                                                             words) than Ven-in
Next, language is detected using L̂polyglot , a poly-
glot embedding based language identifier first pro-          • Spelling deviations: Indian English exhibits
posed in (Palakodety et al., 2020a) and successfully         larger spelling deviations as compared to US
used in other multi-lingual contexts (Palakodety             English. Phonetic spelling errors (i.e., spelling a
et al., 2020c). This yields 1,352,698 English com-           word as it sounds) are common in Indian English.
ments (23,124,682 tokens, 2,107,233 sentences).              This observation aligns with (KhudaBukhsh et al.,
In order to minimize the effects of code switch-             2020a).
ing (Gumperz, 1982; Myers-Scotton, 1993), only               • Loanwords: Borrowed words, also known as
sentences with low CMI (code mixing index) (Das              loanwords, are lexical items borrowed from a
and Gambäck, 2014) are considered. We estimate              donor language (Holden, 1976; Calabrese and
CMI using the same method presented in Khud-                     1
                                                                  The Jaccard similarity between the two social media user
                                                                        sm        sm
aBukhsh et al. 2020a and set a threshold of 0.1.             bases of Den-in and Den-us is 0.01 indicating minimal overlap
                                                             between the two user bases.
Upon removal of code switched sentences, our fi-                2
                sm , consists of 1,923,292 sentences              We take the union of en-us and en-gb.
nal data set, Den-in                                            3
(20,591,213 tokens).                                         CATEGORY=6000LIST

Wetzels, 2009; Van Coetsem, 2016) . For example,              length grows, the gap between tree depth obtained
the English word avatar or yoga is borrowed from              in social media en-in and the rest widens indicating
Hindi. We observe that loanwords (e.g., sadhus,               possible structural issues. A few example long
begum, burqa, imams and gully) borrowed                       sentences with small parse-tree depth are presented
from Hindi heavily feature in Indian English.                 in the Appendix.
• Article and pronoun usage: Indian English
uses considerably fewer articles and pronouns as              • Generalizability across other native English
compared to US English. Pronoun and article                   variants: Our results are consistent when com-
omissions in ESL (English as Second Language)                 pared against a British English (en-gb) social media
are well-studied phenomena (Ferguson, 1975).                  corpus.
Our observation also aligns with a previous field
study (Agnihotri et al., 1984) that reported even                                                                    na              na               sm                sm
                                                                    Measure                                        Den-in          Den-us           Den-in            Den-us
college-educated Indians make substantial errors                    Valid sentences                                96.93           96.61            83.88             88.30
in article usage.
• Preposition usage: Indian English uses con-                 Table 1: Percentage of sentences determined valid by a
siderably fewer prepositions as compared to US                constituency parser (Joshi et al., 2018).
English (11.48% in en-us and 10.84% in en-in).
• Verb usage: Indian English uses fewer verbs
than US English. Of the different verb forms
(see, Figure 1), Indian English uses the root                              0.4
form relatively more than US English indicating                                                                                                              en-in
(possible) poorer understanding of subject-verb                            0.3

agreement and tense (later verified in Section 3.2).

• Sentence length: We observe shorter sentences
in Indian as compared to US English (average
en-in sentence length: 10.71 ± 12.37; average
en-us sentence length: 13.09 ± 20.17). We                                   0
acknowledge that device variability may influence                                         ot                iple              st                  le            lar
                                                                                     Ro                rtic                 Pa               icip            gu
                                                                                                    Pa                                P   art            Sin
this observation.                                                                              nt                                  st                  n
                                                                                         e                                   Pa                    rso
                                                                                     Pr                                                        Pe
• Sentence validity evaluated by a parser: A                                                                                              3rd

standard parser evaluates fewer Indian English                Figure 1: Distribution of different verb forms. We compute
sentences as valid as compared to US English                  the relative occurrence of different morphological forms of a
(see, Table 1). However, no such discrepancy                  verb using a standard library (Honnibal and Montani, 2017).
was observed in news article English from both
language centers.
• Constituency parser depth: For a given                                    12
sentence length, Indian English exhibits lesser                             11

average constituency parser tree depth (Joshi                               10

et al., 2018) indicating (possible) structural issues.                       9

Intuitively, length of a sentence is likely to be                            8

positively correlated with its structural complexity;                        7

a long sentence is likely to have more complex                               6

(and nested) sub-structures than a shorter one.
A parser’s ability to correctly identify such                                3
sub-structures depends on the sentence’s syntactic                           2
                                                                                 5             10           15         20           25           30         35          40
correctness. To tease apart the relationship                                                                     Sentence length
between sentence-length and constituency parser’s
depth, in Figure 2, we present the average tree               Figure 2: Constituency parser depth. A well-known
depth for a given sentence length. We observe that            parser (Joshi et al., 2018) is run on 10K sentences from
                                                              each corpus. Average parse tree depth is presented for
between well-formed English, the difference is
                                                              a given sentence length.
almost imperceptible. However, as the sentence

3.2   Cloze Test                                              little children will one day live in a nation where
                                                              they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
Recent advances in Language Models (LMs) such
                                                              but by the content of their character, BERT’s top
as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) have led to a sub-
                                                              five predictions (feeling, hope, belief, vision, and
stantial improvement in several downstream NLP
                                                              dream) correctly include dream. Notice that, in our
tasks. While obtaining task-specific performance
                                                              semantically coherent example sentence, all of the
gain has been a key focus area (see, e.g., Liu and
                                                              predicted words have (Part-Of-Speech) POS agree-
Lapata, 2019; Lee et al., 2020), several recent stud-
                                                              ment with the masked word while the semantically
ies attempted to further the understanding of what
                                                              incoherent sentence produced a wide variety of
exactly about language these models learn that re-
                                                              completion choices that include punctuation, pro-
sults in these performance gains. LMs’ ability to
                                                              nouns and noun.
solve long-distance agreement problem and gen-
                                                                  We randomly sample 10k sentences from each
eral syntactic abilities have been previously ex-
                                                              corpus. For each sentence, we mask a randomly
plored (Gulordava et al., 2018; Marvin and Linzen,
                                                              chosen word in the sentence such that w ∈ Vdict and
2018; Goldberg, 2019).
                                                              construct an input cloze statement. Following stan-
   BERT’s masked word prediction has a direct par-            dard practice (Petroni et al., 2019), we report p@1,
allel in human psycholinguistics literature (Smith            p@5 and p@10 performance. p@K is defined as
and Levy, 2011). When presented with a sen-                   the top-K accuracy, i.e., an accurate completion of
tence (or a sentence stem) with a missing word,               the masked word is present in the retrieved top K
a cloze task is essentially a fill-in-the-blank task.         words ranked by probability.
For instance, in the following cloze task: In the                 Table 2 summarizes BERT’s performance in pre-
[MASK], it snows a lot, winter is a likely com-               dicting masked words. We were surprised to no-
pletion for the missing word. In fact, when given             tice that on well-formed sentences, BERT achieved
this cloze task to BERT, BERT outputs the follow-             higher than 80% accuracy indicating that well-
ing five seasons ranked by decreasing probability:            formed sentences leave enough cues for an LM
winter, summer, fall, spring and autumn.                      to predict a masked word with high accuracy. We
Word prediction as a test of LM’s language un-                further observe that prediction accuracy is possibly
derstanding has been explored in Paperno et al.               correlated with linguistic quality; the performance
(2016); Ettinger (2020) and recent studies lever-             on well-formed text corpora is substantially better
aged it in novel applications such as relation extrac-        than that of on social media text corpora. Finally,
tion (Petroni et al., 2019) and political insight min-        among the two social media text corpora, the per-
ing (Palakodety et al., 2020b). Bolstered by these            formance on Indian English is substantially worse
findings and another recent result that uses BERT to          possibly indicating larger prevalence of grammar,
evaluate the quality of translations (Zhang* et al.,          spelling or semantic disfluencies. A few randomly
2020), we propose an approach to estimate lan-                sampled examples are listed in Table 4.
guage quality using BERT. Our hypothesis is if
                                                                                  na       na       sm       sm
a sentence is syntactically consistent and seman-                    Measure    Den-in   Den-us   Den-in   Den-us
tically coherent, BERT will be able to predict a                     p@1        53.53    55.53    33.49    42.31
masked word in that sentence with higher accuracy                    p@5        75.69    77.30    55.91    65.07
than a syntactically inconsistent or semantically                    p@10       81.03    82.93    62.69    71.36
incoherent sentence.
                                                              Table 2: BERT’s masked word prediction performance
   We first motivate our method with two examples.
                                                              on 10k randomly sampled sentences from each corpus.
Consider the following classic syntactically cor-             For each sentence, a word belonging to a standard En-
rect yet semantically incoherent sentence (Chom-              glish dictionary is randomly chosen for masking. Ap-
sky, 1957): Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.            pendix contains additional results on a social media cor-
BERT’s top five predictions for a cloze task Col-             pus of British English.
orless green MASK sleep furiously are the follow-
ing: (1) eyes (2) . (3) , (4) they and (5) I. In                 We next compute the fraction of instances where
fact, none of these words when masked, features in            the POS tags of the masked word and the predicted
BERT’s top 100 predictions. However, for another              word agree. As shown in Table 3, the POS agree-
iconic sentence (King, 1968) when presented in the            ments on well-formed text corpora are substantially
following cloze form: I have a MASK that my four              higher than that of on the social media corpora.

Once again, we observe that of the two social me-                Error type    Comment
                                    sm corpus is                 SVD           The goons needs to be severely punished.
dia corpora, POS agreement on Den-in                             SVD           They play victim card, like they too suffering
                         sm . Our results inform
lower than that of on Den-us                                                   from virus.
that masked word prediction accuracy can be an                   SVD           every dogs come thier own day, you get what
                                                                               u deserves.
effective measure in evaluating linguistic quality.              IVF           I am live in Assam.
Additional results with a British English corpus is              IVF           these people will be never change.
presented in the Appendix.
                                                                Table 4: Random sample of sentences in Den-in  with
                   na       na       sm       sm
                 Den-in   Den-us   Den-in   Den-us              grammatical issues. SVD denotes subject-verb dis-
       Overall   84.27    83.68    66.56    71.72               agreement. IVF denotes incorrect verb forms
       VERB      90.17    89.72    79.47    82.76
       NOUN      86.20    85.95    62.03    67.96
       ADP       89.78    89.24    75.96    75.88               Our study makes a small step towards character-
       ADJ       68.88    70.54    48.55    61.06               izing a broad range of aspects of Indian English
       ADV       74.40    73.06    47.09    58.01               observed in social media.

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5       Appendix                                             present that also has appeared 5 or more times in
                                                             the corpus. We observe that, overall, 9,653 en-in
5.1      Data Sets
                                                             words had at least one or more spelling variations
Preprocessing: We apply the following standard               (or errors) while 5,436 en-us words had at least one
preprocessing steps on the raw comments.                     or more spelling variations (or errors). The aver-
                                                             age number of variations (or errors) per word are
    • We convert all comments to lowercase and
                                                             2.15 and 1.42 for en-in and en-us, respectively, in-
      remove all emojis and junk characters.
                                                             dicating that Indian English exhibit larger deviation
    • We replace multiple occurrences of punc-               from standard spellings. Qualitatively, we notice
      tuation with a single occurrence. For ex-              that words with a large number of vowels are par-
      ample, they got trapped!!!!!!! is                      ticularly prone to spelling variations (or errors), for
      converted into they got trapped!.                      instance, the word violence has the following
                                                             misspellings in en-in: voilence, voilance,
    • We use an off-the-shelf sentence tokenizer             and violance. In en-us, violence did not
      from NLTK (Bird and Klein, 2009) to break              have any high-frequent (occurring 5 or more times
      up the comments into sentences.                        in the corpus) misspelling. We further observe that
                                                             phonetic spelling errors are highly common in en-
YouTube channels: Table 5 lists the Indian
                                    sm .                     in. For instance, the word liar is often misspelled
YouTube channels we considered for Den-in
                                                             as lier and the word people is often misspelled
    IndiaTV, NDTV India, Republic World, The Times of        as peaple.
    India, Zee News, Aaj Tak, ABP NEWS, CNN-News18,
    News18 India, NDTV, TIMES NOW, India Today, The
    Economic Times, Hindustan Times                          Observation: Loanwords borrowed from Hindi
                                                             heavily feature in Indian English.
               Table 5: National channels.                   Analysis: Table 6 lists highly frequent words that
                                                             belong to one social media corpus but absent in
5.2      Vocabulary and Grammar                              the other. We observe that loanwords (Holden,
                                                             1976; Calabrese and Wetzels, 2009; Van Coetsem,
Observation: In the context of social media, US              2016) (e.g., sadhus, begum, burqa, imams
English exhibits a richer overlap with standard              and gully) feature in Indian English. Few nouns
English dictionary as compared to Indian English.            are actually used in different proper noun con-
Analysis: Let Vdict denote the English vocabulary            texts. For example, raga, originally a Hindi
obtained from a standard English dictionary (Kelly,          loanword that means a musical construct, is ac-
2016)4 . Let Ven-in
                 sm and V sm
                            en-us denote the vocab-          tually used to refer to Rahul Gandhi, a famous
              sm          sm , respectively. We
ularies of Den-in and Den-us
                                             sm ∩
                                                             Indian politician. Similarly, newt (a salamander
now compute the following overlaps: |Ven-us                  species) and tapper refer to American politi-
  dict                     sm       dict
V | = 43, 826 and |Ven-in ∩ V | = 38, 260.                   cian Newt Gingrich and American journalist Jake
Also, with a list of 6,000 important words for US            Tapper, respectively. We note that terms spe-
SAT exam5 , Ven-us
               sm has considerably larger overlap
                                                             cific to US politics (e.g., gerrymandering,
                       sm (3,956 words).
(4,349 words) than Ven-in                                    caucuses, senates) and specific Indian
                                                             political discourse (e.g., demonetization,
Observation: In the context of social media, In-             secularists) solely appear in the relevant
dian English exhibits larger deviation from stan-            corpus. Words specific to Indian sports culture
dard spellings as compared to US English.                    (e.g., cricketers) only appear in Indian En-
Analysis: We compute the extent of spelling de-              glish while US healthcare-specific words (e.g.,
viations in the following way. For each out-of-              deductibles) never appear in Indian English.
vocabulary (OOV) word that has appeared at least
5 or more times in a given corpus, we use a stan-
dard spell-checker 6 to map it to a dictionary word          Observation: Indian English uses considerably
                                                             fewer articles and pronouns as compared to US
    We take the union of en-us and en-gb.                    English.
CATEGORY=6000LIST                                            Analysis: We next compute the respective uni-
  6                    gram distributions Pen-in and Pen-us . For each token

sm                                             sm
 Solely present in Ven-in                        Solely present in Ven-us
 sadhus, pelting, raga, begum, bole,             tapper, impeachable, newt, cau-
                                                                                              as compared to US English.
 indigo, demonetization, defaulters,             cuses, electable, subpoenas, ju-             Analysis: We consider a list of highly frequent
 bade, burqa, secularists, demoneti-             rors, mittens, clapper, brokered, re-
 sation, rioter, labourer, madrasas,             assigned, munchkin, gaffe, buy-              prepositions and find that Indian English uses
 rickshaw, gully, introspect, crick-             backs, senates, gerrymandering,              fewer prepositions than US English (11.48% in
 eters, defaulter, imams                         impeachments, felonies, blowhard,
                                                 centrists, deductibles                       en-us and 10.84% in en-in). We manually
                                                                                              inspect usage of 100 randomly sampled sen-
Table 6: Dictionary words solely present in one corpus                                        tences with the preposition in. 97 of such in-
but absent in the other corpus.                                                               stances are evaluated correct by our annotators.

                                                                                              Observation: In the context of social media, In-
                                                                                              dian English uses fewer verbs than US English.
                                                                                              Analysis: In Figure 3, we summarize the relative

                                                                                              occurrence of different verb forms. Of the different
                                                                                              verb forms, Indian English uses the root form rela-
              0.1                                                                             tively more than US English indicating (possible)
                                                                                              poorer understanding of subject-verb agreement
               0                                                                              and tense.
                      ot               le     st               le           lar
                    Ro             icip     Pa             icip           gu
                               Part                P   art            Sin
                            nt                  st                  n
                           e                 Pa                 rso
                      es                                     Pe                               Observation: In the context of social media,
                                                                                              Indian English typically uses shorter sentences as
Figure 3: Distribution of different verb forms. We compute                                    compared to US English.
the relative occurrence of different morphological forms of a
verb using a standard library (Honnibal and Montani, 2017).
                                                                                              Analysis: We use the recommended sentence
                                                                                              tokenizer from NLTK (Bird and Klein, 2009)
               sm ∩ V sm , we compute the scores                                              parser to obtain 1,923,292 and 1,573,355 sentences
t ∈ Vdict ∩ Ven-us       en-in                                                                        sm and D sm , respectively. The average
                                                                                              from Den-in         en-us
Pen-in (t) − Pen-us (t), and Pen-us (t) − Pen-in (t) and                                                                                    sm
                                                                                              sentence length (by number of tokens) of Den-in
obtain the top tokens ranked by these scores (in-                                                    sm
                                                                                              and Den-us are 10.71 and 13.09, respectively. We
dicating increased usage in the respective corpus).
                                                                                              acknowledge that device variability may influence
Table 7 captures few examples with highest dif-
                                                                                              this observation.
ference in unigram distribution. Overall, we no-
tice that considerably fewer articles are used in
                                                                                              Observation: A standard parser evaluates fewer
en-in. Pronoun and article omissions in ESL (En-
                                                                                              Indian English sentences as valid as compared to
glish as Second Language) are well-studied phe-
                                                                                              US English.
nomena (Ferguson, 1975). This also aligns with
                                                                                              Analysis: We consider the same randomly sam-
a previous field study (Agnihotri et al., 1984) that
                                                                                              pled 10k sentences from each data set, and run a
reported even college-educated Indians make sub-
                                                                                              well-known constituency parser (Joshi et al., 2018).
stantial errors in article usage.
                                                                                              We first measure the fraction of sentences that are
 Top tokens in                                     Top tokens in                              labeled as valid sentences by the parser. Table 8
 Pen-us (t) − Pen-in (t)                           Pen-in (t) − Pen-us (t)                    shows that more than 96% sentences of both news
 the, a, trump, that, he, to, president,           should, sir, u, police, good, are,
 and, I, you, his, it, get, democrats,             in, govt, corona, very, please, is,        article corpora are determined valid by the parser.
 just, out, up, was, would, about                  these, them, congress, government,
                                                   by, shame, only, pm                        Understandably, the fraction of valid sentences in
                                                                                                                                     sm having
                                                                                              the social media corpora is less with Den-in
                                                                                                                         sm .
                                                                                              few valid sentences than Den-us
Table 7: Words with relatively more presence in one
corpus over the other. Left column lists words that have
                              sm                     sm                                                              na       na       sm       sm
relatively more presence in Den-us as compared to Den-in                                         Measure           Den-in   Den-us   Den-in   Den-us
indicating that Indian English uses fewer articles and                                           Valid sentences   96.93    96.61    83.88    88.30
pronouns. Right column lists words that have relatively
                    sm                     sm
more presence in Den-in as compared to Den-us .                                               Table 8: Percentage of sentences determined valid by a
                                                                                              constituency parser (Joshi et al., 2018).

Observation: In the context of social media, In-
dian English uses considerably fewer prepositions                                             Observation: For a given sentence length, Indian

y another pm help fund what is the need of that coz there is already
     a pm relief fund and its has a committee with opposition party                  Analysis: We construct an additional contem-
     memeber too .                                                                   poraneous corpus of 4,034,513 comments from
     thanks to god that we have priminster like a modi ji he is our great
     mister i salute my priminister may god bless him always he has                  57,019 videos from two highly popular British
     be long life                                                                    news outlets (BBC and Channel 4). In Table 10, 11
     i request news reporter to use mask, plz do this, bcoz you are
     facing more dangerous situation only for public sake, plz sir i                 and 12, we present the results on British English
     request to inform our reporter,they help ussssss
     if sibal and singhvi becomes enjoy similar positions den its ok for
                                                                                     and show that the results are very similar to US
     dem kapilbsibal is ant national a gunda good for u sir dey r sour               English.
     grapes and crook of sonia gandhi
                                                                                                       na            na          sm         sm        sm
                                                                                                     Den-in        Den-us      Den-in     Den-us    Den-gb
Table 9: Random sample of long sentences in                            Den-in           Overall      84.27         83.68       66.56      71.72     71.41
with low parse tree depth.                                                              VERB         90.17         89.72       79.47      82.76     78.30
                                                                                        NOUN         86.20         85.95       62.03      67.96     69.09
                                                                                        ADP          89.78         89.24       75.96      75.88     78.08
English exhibits lesser average constituency parser
                                                                                        ADJ          68.88         70.54       48.55      61.06     58.17
tree depth (Joshi et al., 2018) indicating (possible)                                   ADV          74.40         73.06       47.09      58.01     62.25
structural issues.
Analysis: Intuitively, length of a sentence is likely                                Table 10: POS agreement between the masked word
to be positively correlated with its structural com-                                 and BERT’s top prediction. Results on social media
plexity; a long sentence is likely to have more com-                                 corpora are highlighted with blue. Adposition (ADP)
plex (and nested) sub-structures than a shorter one.                                 is a cover term for prepositions and postpositions.
A parser’s ability to correctly identify such sub-
structures depends on the sentence’s syntactic cor-
                                                                                                        na           na          sm         sm        sm
rectness. To tease apart the relationship between                                      Measure        Den-in       Den-us      Den-in     Den-us    Den-gb
                                                                                       p@1            53.53        55.53       33.49      42.31     40.80
sentence-length and constituency parser’s depth, in
                                                                                       p@5            75.69        77.30       55.91      65.07     62.33
Figure 4, we present the average tree depth for a
                                                                                       p@10           81.03        82.93       62.69      71.36     68.70
given sentence length. We observe that between
well-formed English, the difference is almost im-
                                                                                     Table 11: BERT’s masked word prediction perfor-
perceptible. However, as the sentence length grows,                                  mance on 10k randomly sampled sentences from each
the gap between tree depth obtained in social media                                  corpus.
en-in and the rest widens indicating possible struc-
tural issues. A few example long sentences with
                                                                                                            na          na         sm        sm       sm
small parse-tree depth are presented in Table 9.                                        Measure           Den-in      Den-us     Den-in    Den-us   Den-gb
                                                                                        Valid sentences   96.93       96.61      83.88     88.30    84.17


                                                                                     Table 12: Percentage of sentences determined valid by
                                                                                     a constituency parser.







                 5   10   15       20      25       30       35      40

                               Sentence length

Figure 4: Constituency parser depth. A well-known
parser is run on 10K sentences from each corpus. Av-
erage parse tree depth is presented for a given sentence

Observation: Our results are consistent when
compared against a British English (en-gb) social
media corpus.

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