The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

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The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...
The anywhere...
           any time...
         study solution
Amplify Media can serve the year-round study
     needs for everyone in your church

       To help you plan ahead, see the helpful
   Amplify Planning Guide Spring 2023
               on the following pages
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          NEW THIS APRIL                           NEW THIS APRIL                           The Bible Year: A Journey Through       The Lord’s Prayer: The Meaning and
               Questions Jesus Asked: A Six-Week        Bible Stories for Grown-Ups:             Scripture in 365 Days                   Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught
               Study in the Gospels                     Reading Scripture with New Eyes
Author(s)      Magrey R. deVega                         Josh Scott                               Magrey deVega                           Adam Hamilton
# of Videos/   6                                        6                                        52                                      6
Description    Why are you terrified? What do you       Pastor Josh Scott looks at familiar      Read the Bible in a year— together      Most Christians know the Lord’s
               live for? Who do you say that I am?      Bible stories and reveals new details    or on your own. The Bible Year leads    Prayer by heart, but do we really
               Jesus was fond of asking questions,      and interpretations for an adult         congregations, small groups, and        understand and appreciate the
               many of which cut right to the heart     audience. This six-week Bible study      individuals to grow closer to God,      meaning and power of its words?
               of what it means to be human.            will consider stories many read as       through daily reading from Genesis      Adam Hamilton guides us to really
               Magrey deVega explores six of the        children, reimagining them and           to Revelation. Amplify Media weekly     know—and really pray—the Lord’s
               most provocative questions Jesus         opening new visions for readers          videos and short daily devotions        Prayer. And he teaches us how
               posed to others and guides us in         to understand well known pieces          provide a common thread and             to use it as a pattern for our own
               courageously answering them for          of Scripture in our current cultural     framework to help along the way.        prayer life.
               ourselves.                               environment.

Available      Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Pastor’s Guide,                   Book, Leader Guide, Worship
Components                                                                                       Leader Guide                            Resources, Free Youth and
                                                                                                                                         Children’s downloads

Title          Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s          The Big Picture: Seeing God’s            Jesus Revealed: The I Am                The Walk: 5 Essential Practices for
               Guide to the Miracles of Jesus           Dream for Your Life                      Statements in the Gospel of John        the Christian Life

Author(s)      Amy-Jill Levine                          Jevon Caldwell-Gross & Nicole            Matt Rawle                              Adam Hamilton
# of Videos/   6                                        5                                        6 sessions plus 6 art videos            6
Description     Amy-Jill Levine explores selected       The story of Joseph in Genesis           Discover Jesus’ character through       In the Gospels, Jesus modeled the
               miracles of Jesus in historical and      teaches us to look for the big picture   the “I Am” statements in John. Light.   Christian spiritual life for us. Adam
               theological context. For each miracle,   in our lives. It shows us how God        Bread. Shepherd. Life. The Gospel of    Hamilton focuses on five essential
               she discusses not only how past          weaves what seems random into            John uses these and other symbols       spiritual practices that are rooted in
               witnesses would have understood          a beautiful image of joy, survival,      to paint a picture of who Jesus is.     Jesus’ own walk with God and taught
               the events, but also how today’s         purpose, and meaning. See God’s          See how these words point to the        throughout the New Testament.
               readers can draw meaning from            dream for your life as you begin         deep mystery of Jesus Christ.           Each of these practices is intended
               Jesus’ words and actions.                connecting the dots of God’s grace,                                              as part of our daily walk with Christ
                                                        presence, and protection.                                                        while also being an essential part of
                                                                                                                                         growing together in the church.

Available      Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Leader Guide                      Book, Leader Guide, Youth study,
Components                                                                                                                               Children’s Leader Guide
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          NEW                                      NEW                                      Witness at the Cross: A Beginner’s      Seven Words: Listening to Christ
               Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders,           Finding Jesus in the Psalms:             Guide to Holy Friday                    from the Cross
               Outcasts, and Outlaws                    A Lenten Journey
Author(s)      Adam Hamilton                            Barb Roose                               Amy-Jill Levine                         Susan Robb
# of Videos/   6                                        6                                        6                                       6
Description    Pastor and best-selling author Adam      Combining an interpretation of the       Experience Holy Friday from the         The most difficult part of Lent is, of
               Hamilton explores the life, teachings,   psalms with real life stories, the       perspective of those who watched        course, contemplating our Savior on
               death, and resurrection of Jesus as      study moves through the familiar         Jesus die. Each Gospel has its          the cross. It’s natural to try and avoid
               told in the Gospel of Luke. Through      words of Psalm 23 toward the             own story to tell, all the witnesses    the reality of how Jesus died, but it
               Luke’s stories we find Jesus’ care and   painful cries of Psalm 22 uttered        have their own memories, and            is from the cross that Jesus shows
               compassion for all as he welcomes        by Jesus on the cross. Includes          every reader comes away with            his deepest love for us. Susan Robb
               sinners and outcasts. As we study        reflections on the life of King David    a new insight. The witnesses at         looks at Christ’s final words from a
               Luke and see Jesus’ concern              and the original context of the          the Crucifixion watch Jesus die,        biblical and historical perspective,
               for those who were considered            writings, along with connections         and we watch with them, and we          showing how we can find life and
               unimportant, we hear a hopeful and       between the psalms and the life and      watch them. And we come away            hope in them.
               inspiring word for our lives today.      death of Jesus the Messiah.              transformed.
Available      Book, Leader Guide, Sermon and           Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Leader Guide                      Book, Leader Guide
Components     Worship downloads, Worship and
               Media downloads, Leader Kit (and
               additional bonus resources at

Title          Savior: What the Bible Says about        The Walk: Five Essential Practices       Entering the Passion of Jesus: A        24 Hours That Changed the World
               the Cross                                for the Christian Life                   Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week

Author(s)      Magrey R. deVega                         Adam Hamilton                            Amy-Jill Levine                         Adam Hamilton
# of Videos/   6                                        6                                        6                                       6
Description    In this study, you’ll be introduced      In the Gospels, Jesus modeled the        Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical   Adam Hamilton will help you
               to several biblically based ways         Christian spiritual life for us. Adam    texts surrounding the Passion story.    experience and understand the
               of understanding Jesus’ death            Hamilton focuses on five essential       She shows us how the text raises        significance of Jesus’ suffering and
               on the cross that may go beyond          spiritual practices that are rooted in   ethical and spiritual questions for     death like never before. He retraces
               the explanations you’ve heard            Jesus’ own walk with God and taught      the reader, and how we all face risk    the day that changed human history
               before. By exploring the mystery of      throughout the New Testament.            in our Christian experience. Entering   in his usual straightforward yet easy,
               salvation through the cross, you’ll      Each of these practices is intended      the Passion of Jesus provides a rich    conversational style that speaks to
               find a deeper love for God and           as part of our daily walk with Christ    and challenging learning experience     both long-time Christians and those
               others while strengthening your          while also being an essential part of    for small groups and individual         who are simply curious about the
               commitment to follow Jesus.              growing together in the church.          readers alike.                          story of Christ’s crucifixion.

Available      Book, Leader Guide                       Book, Leader Guide, Youth study,         Book, Leader Guide                      Book, Spanish book, Large Print
Components                                              Children’s Leader Guide                                                          Edition, Leader Guide, Devotions,
                                                                                                                                         Youth study, Children’s Leader
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          The Bible Year: A Journey Through      Basic Bible                              Creed: What Christians Believe          Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s
               Scripture in 365 Days                                                           and Why                                 Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven

Author(s)      Magrey deVega                          Amplify Media                            Adam Hamilton                           Amy-Jill Levine
# of Videos/   52                                     6                                        6                                       6
Description    Read the Bible in a year— together     An Amplify Original. Six short videos    Explore what Christians believe, why    This study takes a detailed and
               or on your own. The Bible Year leads   introduce (or re-introduce) readers      they believe, and why it matters        colorful overview of Matthew 5-7,
               congregations, small groups, and       to the Bible. With easy-to-follow        through the Apostles Creed. How do      collectively known as Jesus’
               individuals to grow closer to God,     animation, each episode takes            we discover and examine the truths      Sermon on the Mount. Through
               through daily reading from Genesis     readers through a different aspect       that give meaning and purpose to        Dr. Levine’s engaging method of
               to Revelation. Amplify Media weekly    of the Bible, how it is organized, and   life? Hamilton considers important      biblical interpretation, readers
               videos and short daily devotions       general themes found throughout.         questions of life, reality, and truth   will come away with a solid
               provide a common thread and            Videos include: The Bible, The Old       found in the Apostles’ Creed, an        understanding of the Sermon on
               framework to help along the way.       Testament, The New Testament,            early statement of foundational         the Mount in its historical and
                                                      Genesis, The Gospels, and The            Christian beliefs.                      theological context.
                                                      Letters of Paul.
Available      Book, Pastor’s Guide,                  Free download helps                      Book, Large Print, Leader               Book, Leader Guide, Devotions
Components     Leader Guide                                                                    Guide, Youth Study, Children’s
                                                                                               Leader Guide

Title          Reckless Love: Jesus’ Call to Love                   The Lord’s Prayer: The Meaning and Power             Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables
               Our Neighbor                                         of the Prayer Jesus Taught                           of a Controversial Rabbi

Author(s)      Tom Berlin                                           Adam Hamilton                                        Amy-Jill Levine
# of Videos/   6                                                    6                                                    6
Description    As Christians, we strive to follow Jesus’ teaching   Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart,     Amy-Jill Levine takes you back in time and
               to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and      but do we really understand and appreciate the       explains how original audiences understood
               strength which, in turn, we hope will help us        meaning and power of its words? Adam Hamilton        Jesus’ parables. In this six-session study, you’ll
               better love our neighbors. But what if we turned     guides us to really know—and really pray—the         learn how new interpretations of the parables
               that around? Follow the Greatest Commandment         Lord’s Prayer. And he teaches us how to use it as    continue to challenge and provoke contemporary
               and learn how your love for the people around        a pattern for our own prayer life.                   readers two thousand years later.
               you can completely renew your faith and help
               you experience a loving God.

Available      Book, Leader Guide                                   Book, Large Print Book, Leader Guide,                Book, Participant’s Guide, Leader Guide
Components                                                          Worship Resources, Free Youth and
                                                                    Children’s downloads
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          The Wesley Prayer Challenge: 21        Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It           Five Means of Grace: Experience         Three Simple Rules: A Wesleyan Way
               Days to a Closer Walk with Christ                                                  God’s Love                              of Living
                                                                                                  the Wesleyan Way
Author(s)      Chris Folmsbee                         Adam Hamilton                               Elaine A. Heath                         Rueben P. Job
# of Videos/   3                                      6                                           6                                       3
Description     In The Wesley Prayer Challenge,       Adam Hamilton uses his captivating          Recharge. Reboot. Reorder. Based        In Three Simple Rules, Rueben Job
               author Chris Folmsbee invites          storytelling talent to take you on a        on The Wesley Covenant for              offers an interpretation of John
               readers to consider words from the     six-week journey through England            Renewal, Five Means of Grace is a       Wesley’s General Rules for today’s
               Wesley Covenant Prayer each day        tracing the life of John Wesley. His        six-week, video-based study that will   readers. For individual reading or
               for three weeks, while reflecting on   story is our story. It’s our heritage, it   show you how to reorder your life       group study, this insightful work calls
               their meaning in the context of the    defines our faith, and it challenges        through prayer, searching Scripture,    us to mutual respect, unity and a
               larger piece.                          us to rediscover our spiritual              receiving the Lord’s Supper, fasting,   deeper daily relationship with God.
                                                      passion.                                    and conferencing (worshiping

Available      Participant Book, Leader Guide         Book, Leader Guide, Youth Study             Book, Leader Guide                      Book
Components                                            Book, Children’s Leader Guide

Title          The Wesley Challenge:                  Scripture & The Wesleyan Way:               A Disciple’s Path: A Guide              Earn. Save. Give. Wesley’s Simple
               21 Days to a More                      A Bible Study on Real Christianity          for United Methodists                   Rules for Money
               Authentic Faith
Author(s)      Chris Folmsbee                         Scott J. Jones & Arthur D. Jones            James A. Harnish with Justin LaRosa     James A. Harnish
# of Videos/   3                                      8                                           6                                       4
Description    The study offers an introduction       This eight-week study uses Wesley’s         Discipleship is ongoing. A Disciple’s   This twenty-first century translation
               to our denomination’s founder in       own words to address questions              Path helps us look beyond               of Wesley’s money management
               a practical and accessible way and     that many of us in the twenty-first         membership, presenting an               philosophy will give everyone in
               engages small groups and churches      century still struggle with today. Each     engaging approach to discipleship       your congregation—children and
               to work through twenty-one             chapter explores a key Scripture text       from a distinctly Wesleyan              teenagers as well as adults of any
               questions studied over three weeks     and one of Wesley’s sermons about           perspective. The 6-week study is        age—a new way to think about
               to help renew passion and discover     the text in order to illuminate his         perfect for new-member groups, but      money, not only during your
               a deeper commitment to God and         understanding about what it means           also works well in small groups of      stewardship program, but for the
               others.                                to be a real Christian.                     long-time members.                      rest of their lives.

Available      Participant Book, Leader Guide,        Book, Leader Guide                          Daily Workbook, Leader Guide with       Book, Guides: Leader, Program,
Components     Youth Study Book                                                                   Download, Companion Reader              & Children’s, Youth Study Book,
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          NEW THIS APRIL                           Acts: Awakening to God in               Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle        Messy People: Life Lessons from
               Untangling Faith: Reclaiming Hope        Everyday Life                                                                   Imperfect Biblical Heroes
               in the Questions Jesus Asked
Author(s)      Amberly Neese                            Melissa Spoelstra                       Barb Roose                              Jennifer Cowart
# of Videos/   6                                        6                                       6                                       6
Description    Have you ever felt you struggled to      Distractions and busyness can           “Just pray about it.” “God’s got        Every life gets messy at times. But
               find your faith footing? Join Amberly    contribute to a drift toward            this.” Though well-meanimg, these       as we see in the Bible, God loves
               Neese as she explores the questions      indifference in our spiritual lives.    phrases can sound like clichés. We      to use messy people! Dig into the
               Jesus asked as a way to reclaim that     Journey with the first followers of     want to know how to have a bold         lives of biblical heroes who were
               faith. Amberly’s unique humor and        Jesus and witness the birth and         and courageous faith. In Joshua,        just like us but who were used by
               wit help the whole group find their      growth of the early church through      you’ll learn how to fight in faith as   God in powerful ways. Examine five
               way through deep and rich issues of      spiritual awakening to the power        you internalize God’s promises, draw    wonderful but messy people (and
               personal faith, doubt, and growth.       of God’s Spirit, message, freedom,      strength from God’s faithfulness, act   one messy parable character). In
                                                        grace, mission, and direction.          in obedience to God’s commands,         the hands of God, our messes can
                                                                                                and believe what our limitless God      become His masterpieces!
                                                                                                can do.

Available      Workbook, Leader Guide                   Workbook, Leader Guide                  Workbook, Leader Guide                  Workbook, Leader Guide

Title          Surrendered: Letting Go                  Determined: Living Like Jesus in        Pursued: God’s Relentless Love for      Breakthrough: Finding Freedom in
               and Living Like Jesus                    Every Moment                            You                                     Christ

Author(s)      Barb Roose                               Heather M. Dixon                        Jennifer Cowart                         Barb Roose
# of Videos/   6                                        6                                       6                                       6
Description    Are you facing a problem in life that    Imagine waking up every day             Discover how God is pursuing you as     Let go of feeling like you are not a
               you just can’t fix, no matter what you   convinced that the hours ahead are      you explore His relentless love from    “good enough” Christian and find
               do? If you’ve heard the phrase “Let      a precious gift to be used wisely       Genesis to Revelation in Pursued by     freedom in Christ by studying Paul’s
               go and let God,” it’s easier said than   and that you know exactly how to        Jennifer Cowart. We will see that God   letter to the Galatians. Breakthrough
               done. Learn from Jesus’ example,         spend them to be a force for God’s      passionately pursues people who         by Barb Roose shows us that even
               you’ll discover six principles that      good. In Determined, connect with a     do not deserve his love, and we are     the believers in the early church
               will equip you to let God lead you to    Savior who remained laser-focused       those people!                           struggled to let go of rule-keeping
               victory despite your circumstances       on his mission to love the world. And                                           and performance to embrace God’s
               as you deal with the problems and        together be determined to embrace                                               free gift of grace.
               pain you are facing.                     the abundant life we are promised
                                                        in Jesus.

Available      Workbook, Leader Guide                   Workbook, Leader Guide                  Workbook, Leader Guide                  Workbook, Leader Guide
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          White Too Long: The Legacy of White The Grace of Les Misérables                      Revolutionary Kingdom: Following           Dialogues On: The Refugee Crisis
               Supremacy in American Christianity                                                   the Rebel Jesus
Author(s)      Robert P. Jones                            Matt Rawle                                Mike Slaughter                             Augsburg Fortress Publishers
# of Videos/   7                                          6                                         6                                          7
Description    An Amplify Original. Drawing on            Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables is a truly   Jesus provided us with the vision of       This study replicates a
               history, public opinion surveys, and       epic story. In the six-week study         a kingdom worth dying for, making          conversational experience on the
               personal experience, Robert P. Jones       The Grace of Les Misérables, author       him the most radical revolutionary         refuge crisis. It is packed with well-
               delivers a provocative examination         and pastor Matt Rawle dives into          of all time. In this study we learn that   researched information brought to
               of the unholy relationship between         six ideals found in the story—grace,      to join this revolution and be true        life with the lived experience and
               American Christianity and white            justice, poverty, revolution, love,       disciples of Christ we must exchange       stories of people at the center of
               supremacy, and issues an urgent            and hope—each represented by a            comfortable cultural worldviews and        the topic. The video is created as
               call for white Christians to reckon        character in Hugo’s story.                values for the radical requirements        a documentary—interviews mixed
               with this legacy for the sake of                                                     of living out the Kingdom in the here      with motion graphics give viewers an
               themselves and the nation.                                                           and now.                                   inside look at the center of topic and
                                                                                                                                               how it plays out in real life.
Available      Book (Paperback and Hardcover)             Book, Leader Guide, Youth Study           Book, Leader Guide                         Learner Book, Facilitator Guide
Components                                                Book, Worship Resources Download

Title          Justice or Just Us: The Biblical Call to   Dialogues On: Sexuality                   Reclaiming Church: A Call to Action        Not Forsaken: : Growing up Black,
               Confront Racism                                                                      for Religious Rejects                      Male and Christian in the Hood

Author(s)      Rob Fuquay, Nicole and                     Augsburg Fortress Publishers              J. J. Warren                               Chris McNair
               Jevon Caldwell Gross
# of Videos/   4                                          8                                         5                                          7
Description    Confronting racism is not just a           Sexuality and the church is a             After meeting LGBTQ+ young                 This book and study encapsulates
               social or political matter, but a          challenging topic to discuss. This        people who “didn’t know God could          principles McNair gleaned from
               theological one. It is the Bible that      8-week study gives insight into           love them because their churches           successfully working with at-risk
               calls us to pursue justice, and the        key topics like patriarchy and the        said God didn’t,” Warren realized          African American boys in the inner
               Bible that calls us to oppose racism.      church, women’s sexuality, sex and        the church has got work to do. In          city in over 30 years of ministry.
               This four-week video curriculum will       marriage, and why language matters        Reclaiming Church, he calls on young       It teaches youth workers how to
               help you acknowledge the reality of        when talking about sexuality.             progressives to work within the            address social, emotional, physical,
               racism in our world today, as well         Explore seven unique perspectives         church for change, giving practical        and spiritual issues facing young
               as our Christian responsibility to         and experiences from leading voices       and positive steps on how to join          black men in the city.
               oppose it.                                 in this topic.                            voices, be heard, build bridges, and
                                                                                                    work together.

Available      Leader Pack Download                       Learner Book, Facilitator Guide           Book                                       Book for Leaders with 7 Study
Components                                                                                                                                     Session Outlines
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...

Title          Reading the Old Testament               Moses: In the Footsteps of the            Navigating Isaiah                         15 Essential Biblical Texts
               through Jewish Eyes: A Study of the     Reluctant Prophet
               Scriptures Jesus Read
Author(s)      Rabbi Evan Moffic                       Adam Hamilton                             Byron Thomas                              N. T. Wright
# of Videos/   6                                       6                                         4                                         15
Description    Discover how the Torah can be           Turn your reluctance into boldness        In this Amplify Originals series, Byron   No matter where we are on our
               a source of wisdom, truth, and          by walking in the footsteps of Moses.     Thomas walks through a study of the       spiritual journey, we all need
               transformation in your life. Rabbi      Join award-winning author Adam            book of Isaiah, exploring four visions    guidance through life’s challenges. In
               Moffic explores the first five books    Hamilton as he explores the sites         of the prophet on themes such as          this engaging video series, we invite
               of the Hebrew Bible, highlighting       of Moses’ life, sharing historical        answering God’s call and spiritual        you to explore the wisdom found in
               points of interest to Christians, and   information, archaeological data,         estrangement. Includes stories from       15 key biblical texts that you can use
               describes the role of the Torah in      and biblical text.                        his childhood, experiences with his       to bring deeper meaning to your life.
               Jewish worship and practice.                                                      family, and the words of Isaiah on
                                                                                                 justice and peace.

Available      Book, Leader Guide                      Book, Leader Guide, Large Print           Book or PDF download, Free Leader         Included Downloadable Resources
Components                                             Edition, Youth Study, Children’s          Helps
                                                       Leader Guide

Title          The Difficult Words of Jesus:           John: The Gospel of Light and Life        Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit         Breaking the Code, Revised Edition:
               A Beginner’s Guide to His                                                                                                   Understanding the Book
               Most Perplexing Teachings                                                                                                   of Revelation
Author(s)      Amy-Jill Levine                         Adam Hamilton                             Matthew L. Skinner                        Bruce M. Metzger, revised & updated
                                                                                                                                           by David A. deSilva
# of Videos/   6                                       6                                         6                                         6
Description    In The Difficult Words of Jesus, Amy-   The Gospel of John is the most            Learn to walk more closely with God       Breaking the Code, Revised Edition
               Jill Levine shows how the difficult     deeply spiritual of the four gospels.     with the boldness and the zeal of         provides a trustworthy guide to the
               teachings would have sounded to         This writing is filled with rich images   the apostles. This study explores six     rich symbolism of this important
               the people who first heard them,        and profound truths, but John notes       key themes that illustrate the ways       biblical book. Professor David
               how they have been understood           that his aim in writing the gospel is     in which reading Acts is capable of       deSilva adds additional content
               over time, and how we might             that readers will not only believe in     igniting our imagination about the        to Bruce Metzger’s original book,
               interpret them in the context of the    Jesus Christ, but that they “may have     character of the Christian gospel,        leading us through the themes of
               Gospel of love and reconciliation.      life in his name.”                        the work of God’s people, and living      this fascinating book, including the
                                                                                                 faithfully in today’s world.              latest research, archeology, and
                                                                                                                                           more. Includes four bonus videos of
                                                                                                                                           key archeological sites.
Available      Book, Leader Guide                      Book, Large Print Edition, Leader         Book, Leader Guide                        Book, Leader Guide
Components                                             Guide, Youth Study, Children’s
                                                       Leader Guide
The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ... The anywhere... any time... anyone study solution - Amplify Media can serve the year-round study needs for everyone in your church Amplify ...
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