Testimony Bill 88 (2020), CD1 - zp MISC. COM. 216 - Honolulu Legislative Documents

Page created by Nancy Moreno
Testimony Bill 88 (2020), CD1 - zp MISC. COM. 216 - Honolulu Legislative Documents
Bill 88 (2020), CD1

                      MISC. COM. 216

Testimony Bill 88 (2020), CD1 - zp MISC. COM. 216 - Honolulu Legislative Documents
From:                      CLK Council Info
Sent:                      Monday, March 22, 2021 10:45 AM
Subject:                   Zoning and Panning Testimony

Written Testimony

Name                   William Reese Liggeti
Phone                  8087324489
Email                  wIiggetttwc.com
Meeting Date           03-24-202 1
                       Zoning and Planning
Agenda Item            Bill 88 (2020), CDI
YOUr position on the
Representing           Self
                       Coinmincc Chair and members of the committee. I strongly support the passage of Bill
                       88(2020), CDI. and its accompanying amendment.

                       Thank you for this opportunity to provide testimony on this very important planninn
Written 1 esllmonv             -                     d


                       Yours truly,
                       William Reese Liggett
Accept Terms and

IP: 192168.200.67
From:                      CLK Council Info
Sent:                      Monday, March 22, 2021 3:45 PM
Subject:                   Zoning and Planning Testimony

Written Testimony

Name                   KANTI-JI DE ALWIS
Phone                  8087794228
Email                  kanthi.dealwis’?lgmail.com
Meeting Date           03-24-202 1
                       Loninu and Planning
Agenda Item            Bill 88 CDI
Your position on the
Representing           Self
                       I am submitting this in favor of Council Chair Waters.
                       We cherish this quiet, serene recreational space and want to preserve it not only for
                       current residents but for future generations to enjoy.

                       I am including some of our neighbor’s e mails who live in Leolani community who are
                       also in favor of this.
Written Testimony      Natasha Sheehan-Natasha77@me.com
                       Jeff S immons--freembie I yahoo.com
                       Dave Andrews-dandrcw@stratlaw.com
                       John Sheehan-John.sheehanmdgmail.com
                       Kako Spears-Kazukospea?lhotmail .com
                       Dr. Yoonnohbody7’gmail,com
Accept Terms and

IP: 192,168.200.67
From:                      CLK Council Info
Sent:                      Monday, March 22, 2021 3:54 PM
Subject:                   Zoning and Planning Testimony

Written Testimony

Name                   KANTHI DE ALWIS
Phone                  8087794228
Email                  kanthi .dealwisgmail .com
Meeting Date           03-24-202 1
                       Zomng and Planning
Agenda Item            Bill 88 -CD-I
Your position on the
Representing           Self
Organ izati on
                       I am submitting this in favor of Council-member Waters CC- 117 submittal on behalf of
                       our community.
                       We cherish this quiet, serene recreational space and want to preserve it not only for
                       current residents but for future generations to enjoy.

                       I am including some of our neighbors e mails who live in Leolani community who are
                       also in favor of this.
Written J estimony
                       Natasha Sheehan-Natasha77@me. com
                       Jeff Simmons--freembie 1 @yahoo.com
                       Dave Andrews-dandrew@stratlaw.com
                       John Sheehan-Johnsheehanmdgmail.com
                       Kako Spears-Kazukospear@hotmail.com
                       Dr. Yoon-
Testi rn ony
Accept Terms and


From:                   CLK Council Info
Sent:                   Monday, March 22, 2021 4:01 PM
Subject:                Zoning and Planning Testimony

Written Testimony

Name             John Schaffer
Phone            3202418898
Email            jjschafferhotrnail.com
Meeting Date     03-24-2021
                 Zoning and Planning
Agenda Item      Bill 88 (2020)
Your position on
the matter
Representing     Self
                 I’m submitting a letter in favor of Council member Chair Waters’ amendments CC-I 17’ on
                 behalf of my community. We would like to preserve this beautiful untouch safe area and
                 keep this current now and for the future of the next generation to enjoy.
                 Thank You,
                 John S chaffer
Accept Terms
and Agreement

IP: 192.168,200.67
From:                    CLK Council Info
Sent:                    Monday, March 22. 2021 7:30 PM
Subject:                 Zoning and Planning Testimony

Written Testimony

Name                          Waipakawiwoole Parker
Phone                         808-392-8494
Email                         waipaparkeryahoo corn
Meeting Date                  03-24-202 1
Council/PH Committee          Zoning and Planning
Agenda Item                   Bill 88
Your position on the matter   Support
Representing                  Self
                              I support the amendments for Bill 88.
\k’ ritten Testimony                              .

                              Thank you for your time and consideration.
Testimony Attachment
Accept Terms and Agreement 1

-t alUM
                                                                            VaR   \. v:I \I

                                                                               )-ltiaii upItx
                                                                                                CV     ii    flR     1\   PR)I(
                                                                                                                                        Ka I , i   c:   aLitIoii
                                                                                                                                            Mauka to Makai
                                                                                & Ktaivlva tf1an                                   -_              --“

                                                            CVLL1RSTEThECLLT1.R5I. 551) NsrIasi. Knot tot-. IF FIIOR :051111 SIT
    h4hk H4F0414 X%i i-lid
                               March 23, 2021
         BOARD OF
                               Honolulu City Council
                               Committee on Zoning and Planning
        Eiiabelh ReIy
          President            Meeting on March 24, 2021 at 9 a.m.
                               Honolulu Hale/Virtual Meeting
        Allen Tateishi
        Vice PresIdent

         Dianne Gloi           RE: Strong support for Bill 88, CDI with CC-117 Proposed Amendments
          Secretary            Submitted by Council Chair Waters
         Mirian Grey
         Treasurer             Aloha Chair Elefante, Vice Chair Kia’aina, and Zoning and Planning Committee
   Dean Takebayash
                               Livable Hawaii Kai Hul supports the proposed amendments put forward by Council Chair
         Gary Weller
           Director            Waters in CC-117 (Exhibit 1) as attached. These revisions are reflective of open
                               collaborative dialogue that will guide our community for the next 20 years. Livable Hawaii
   K€iridr.uk Chang
                               Kai Hui has utilized the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan (EHSCP) on
 Community Outreach
    Coordinator                multiple occasions to protect beloved shared spaces from heiau to ag lands to the
                               expansive Kaiwi Coast, mauka to makal.
    Dylan Ramo
  Communications &
     Operations                Many of the problems East Honolulu faced in 1999 are still around in 2021, some only
                               compounded by the climate crisis and further urban development. Therefore, Livable
                               Hawaii Kai Hui looks forward to the implementation of this new, more robust EHSCP and
 .v.hawaikaiuor                how it can better serve our community and ãina through 2040.

                               As a conservation-oriented nonprofit based in Maunalua (Hawaii Kai), the Hui is
 Like us on Faceboak           concerned with all matters related to sustainable development and natural and cultural
 Livable Hawait Kai Hui
Aloha Ama 0 Kamilo Ntj         resource conservation in East Honolulu. In fact, upholding the integrity of the EHSCP is
      Ka wi Coa5t              a key part of our mission statement.

                               We are very thankful to Council Chair Waters and staff for being open and cooperative
Livable Hawaii kal Hui is a    with both us and our working group of East Honolulu citizens, which includes all relevant
   501c(3) nn-prcdit,          Neighborhood Boards. We are grateful for the transparent and inclusive process over
cortsrnurilty organiiaticin
                               the past few years.
  ervrng    FI Honolulu
since   2004, We Strive to
promote s ‘hIn growth,
  respect   for cultural &     Mahalo,
  natural resources and
                               iizabeth Reilly
upholding the integrity of
   the East Honolulu
Sustanable Communities
                              cz264I1/   cX1’
            P’an.              Founder/President
                               Livable Hawaii Kai Hui

                                                 iiyhI     X.l   kt P,O                b493 HoroIki, H’Ii 966
00-117 Council Chair Waters March 18, 2021 Submittal

                                       CITY   AND
                                                     COUNTY       OF   HONOLULU
                                       530 SOUTH KING STREET, ROOM 202
                                       HONOLULU.         HAWAII      96813-3065
                                       TELEPHONE: (808) 768-5010 • FAX: (808) 768-5011

CHAIR AND PRESIDING OFFICER                                         ‘21MAR18 AM 11:50 CITY CLERK
TELEPHONE: (808) 768-5004
EMAIL: tommy.waters@honolulu.gov

March 18. 2021




Attached for consideration by the Zoning and Planning Committee are my proposed
amendments to the East Honolulu SListainable Communities Plan attached to Bill 88
CD1 (2020).

Mahalo nui ba.

                                                              COUNCIL COM. 117
_______                                   __________________
                                                                                                   __________                        ________

                                                                                                                                                 AMENDMENT FORM
                                                         DEVELOPMENT PLAN (DP) AND NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) PLAN

               TOTAL PAGES:                                                12
               DATE:                                                     March 18. 2021
               COIJNC)LMEMBER:                                       Walers
               STAFF& PHONE EXT.                                     QyjrrAgyLg85Q44

     MEASURE          PLANTITLE                AMENDING                   SECTION               SECTIONor                   PG                AMENDMENT                                         AMENDUENTTEXT(RAMSEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                      CLARIFICATION
     NO.                                       ‘°-°°   °,                On EXHIBIT             EXHIBITTITLE                NO                DESCRIPTIONI                                                                                                                COMMENTS
                                                                         or FIGURE                                                            DETAILS
     Bill 88          East Honolulu           Bill                       Sec 24.4 1            Defirritions                3                  Amends the delinIiorr                        I    itj Charrges in corning el 28] tO or more acres of land In any zoning
     120201           Suslanabte                                                                                                              of sinerticont zone                          I district or combination of zoring dislrbls, enctudng preseroat on or
                      Commimitips                                                                                                             change                                            agricultural zoning districts


     ElI 88          EasI Honolulu

                                              Bill                              24-4 1         Definitions                 3                  Ar’ieeas Ire delin Ion                            (2f Any charrge in zoning of mere Iran ]UO( 5 acres In a resrdentral or
     l2020i          Sirstanable                                                                                                              of sgrrticanf zone                                country zoning district.
                     Communities                                                                                       -                      change

     8r1183      -   East Honolulu            )aeiitipte                                       MUte       -
                                                                                                              --                              Corrects spelling of                              ReplocesreterencestoPdhVa Heau a,ith Pahaa Hniali.                                    —

     (2020i          Ssslu,nabfn                                     :                                                                        Palrua Hnias

     Bill 88         East Hoeolulo            Plans                      Multinln              MUtEpIe                                       Adds parenthetical                                Add to references to Hawaii Kai a pa’nelhetica reference to IMa-analauL
    1 l2020r         Sustainable                                                                                                             retereilce to Maunolsa
                     Communities                                                                                                             once discussing
                     Plan                                                                                                                    Hawaii Kai

     0:1’ 88         East Hor,olulu           Plan                       Mullyle                                                             Correctly releis In                               Rcpfacu relereoces to Kaapá Pond 5:10 LOks 30 trtasiralsa
     120201          Sustanablo                                                                                                              Lnko Ia o Mauea’na
                     Communities                                                                                                             rrs’ead nt Kuapa Pond

     BlI 88          EasI Honolulu            Plan                       Lab-bit               Oeoetumip                   ES-2:             Remones urban fringe                              Remoun urban fringe shad’eg mm 00-ui Coast and Wawsila’u Ito
     f2020i          Suslaeabln                                          ES-f:                 Pan and                     1-2               shadmng hoer Ka Iwi                               ,iIdcale ‘rat nrba’n deseloanieril snot irrlendeiJ for Pa Icr Coest aid
           -         CsnrmseLes                                          Enhrbil it            S,istarrrobid       -             —           CoastaedWawamaa                                   Warsarrials.

     MEASURE         PLAN TITLE               AMENDING                   SECTION               SECTION or                  PG                AMENDMENT                                         AM884ON88(FTECI(R*IISEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                    CLARIFICATION
     NO.                                      rRokmB,Picrr               or EXHIBIT            EXHIBIT TITLE               NO                DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                  COMMENTS
                                                                         or FIGURE                                                           DETAILS
                                                                                               Come sides
                                                                                               Parr A’nas                                                                              -

                                                                                               for Oats

    BrIl 88          E SI Ho nlulu            Plan               ISet o             2 t        VI ION                      2 t               A     4 the t st                             t Ha I I s Ste ci          to ro 5 ly I         q    Ia its apes     4
    (2820)           Sustainable                                                               STATEI,IENT                                   poragraps of the                         tubal oullurat resources Each rnsdni’tioi ire r1hbsrhlod has is own
                     Communities                                                                                                             snctior.                                special qoalily and snese of place TI-n sjtnrban deuclcpmnnt patterns of
                     Flair                                                                                                                                                           Urn 20:lr ceiltury have eir inoditieri to provice lnr liOnS ualsable slrents
                                                                                                                                                                                     and local cnirveir-050n slnres There is a toll range ol cnmreemcraf.
                                                                                                                                                                                     rrredical. and legal servces to ereet the needs at tIre elderp commonly
                                                                                                                                                                                     irroiribnrs A-3r,coitu’al areas liase beer pieserved arrd a’s produrrio.o toed
                                                                 I                                                                                                                 I fur the East Honolulu Community Cammurrrty o:ganrzafinrrs pa-Inn’ 0th
                                                                                                                                                                                   I gnoernnreot agencies and des-slop plo’s arid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     strotnitrss a adapt a’rd
                                                                                                                                                                                     respond to challenges nt ct.rnale change. sea fe-srI rise Ilesdi-ig. snuere
                                                                                                                                                                                     coastal 510mm inms,rrdationr of coastal areas and KalaPaina ole Highway
                                                                                                                                                                                   - and w-Idirns. Bnst managnnnnnrt prcc:cns hsa’;e boon’ nnpcmenlc-d to
                                                                                                                                                                                     COnnseme arid mouser iratsral and cijinral annins ne:a it nlo’eiv,-aler ruoufr.
                                                                                                                                                                                     reptenish vafuabln gnnarnd wale- reserves. aid improse dre qsuiify 01
                                                                                                                                                                                     nearshnre ocean motors
    811 88                t H n uli           Pla                        E     b 12 t          Co e     y                  2 5                  1         II a II a bock                       CI-    g    the pa cel    the b   IA     H    1   Ia         I
    12025            Susta-nable          .                                                    Grow:n Boundary                               area at Ar.a Ha”a :s
                     Coremuniles                                                                                                             sillIer’ Ihe Slate
                     Plan                                                                  -
                                                                                                                                             Co-rser’cariorr 0-strict

    Bill 88          EasI Honolulu I Plan             -------

                                                                         Eohibrt 2-f           Commsni:y           -   ---

                                                                                                                           2-b               lsdcatns hat lbs Kaivd

                                                                                                                                                                                               Char-no ten parcel along I-mo Kuiu’,i State Scnir c Slrorelare Is green
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ---                ---           -.--

    (2020)           Susta-nabto   I                                                           Grssslh Boundary                              SlaIn Scenic Shoreline                            iiosteod at rodI
                                   r                                                                                                         and Wuwumats are
                     Plan                                                                                                                    within the Slate
                                                                                                                                             Conservation District

Lii88                E I Ho olufu             Plan                       221                 COt tMUNITY                   26                A      4 fh      I 1   0   II t                    \t k a      Uakah 4      I gI e K       co SI 0       4 as r sers
 (2o2gl              Sust&005la                                                            - GROWTH                                  : ps-nt                                                   and locutnd cats dod ‘Ire Ccnrieurety Gioisifr 0ouedar to protect open
                     Communities                                                             ECUNDARY.                                                                                         space:
                     Plair            -                      ‘                             : AND
                                                                                           - AGRICULTURAL                            :                                         -

                                                             -                               AND
________                             _____________

 MEASURE        PLAN TITLE           AMENDING              SECTION        SECTION or                  PG         AMENDMENT                       AMENDMENT TEXT (RAMSEVER NEW LANGUAGE)                                               CLARIFICATION.
 NO.                                 ,PasaarrPiaw          arESHIBIT      ESHIBITTITLE                NO.        DESCRIPTIONi                                                                                                         COMMENTS
                                                           or   FIGURE                                      -    DETAtLS

Sill SB        Last Hanalala         Plan                  a-2-t         COMMUNITY                   2-S        Amends tIre nacand               Inc Community Uronnttr Macnary in ielnodod to conrree wool new
(20201         Saslarnable                                               GROWTH                                 paragraph on the page            deaeloywnel ta inhill sites teal are with’o or edlacent to eninhog ombraniced
               Cammunities                                               ECUNOARY.                                                               arean. Enioling homes and proeedy odiaceel to new dnneloewent an ielill
               Plan                                                      ANO                                                                     riles should be omnlncled Iraw adaernn eltects gI the new deneloeweet. A
                                                                         AGRICULTURAL                                                            ri-yin canreact lain 0’ deveiapwenl will resort in relalieely owen site
                                                                         AND                                                                     dun’eioerr.nrri cents. nrcry nlliciont otil’zation at eorshog arbun rotrantrocluro
                                                                         PRESERVATION                                                            sysreins arrd rndsnnd ml anne on lIre arilowabile by mabmeg tronnil
                                                                         LAN OS                                                                  i nnrnii-y. walbny. and ncyclieg were leanible and allrachae an wadas ol

Bill 88        East Honolala         Plan                  Tabme 2-I     Potential Henning       1 2-5          Rer’roces iwo   (em
                                                                                                                                in               Area Haina 4-01 8         —      (Upper Ar-p Hair’a I
(2020)         Sast&nabla                                                wrhin COS on            -              upper Ama Haina                  Aiyy Haina [Si
               Communities                                               Lands Zaned er
               Plan                                                      Rynideniral Une                                                         Total Prebable Urr’ls [224) 222

                                                                                                                                                 Cumulation Total [278) 27b

Sill a         East Hanolala         Plan                  decline       Prenewalion                 2-It       Awendo eighty baIrd             (Lands that bane) Hane hstndcal nigniticonce. Prenewe and enhance
               Santainabln                                 2 2.1 2       Larido
                                                                                                 F              Ga lIre page.
120201                                                                                           I                                              aigaiEcael Inioloric arid [yne-lristaew( einhislosic leatarea including Naline
               Cowwanihes                                                                        -                                              HaWaiian cultural and archaenlogical sites eoyncially:
               Plan              -
                                                                                                                                                  ‘IIri’ieilaadhoa Presow-e.
                                                                                                                                                n Mabanrola Shnller

                                 ,                                                                                                              n Ndsnea Heiau Cnnrplnn aed
                                                                                                                                                0 (Pdhoa( Palraa He-an

MEASURE        PLAN TITLE            AMENDING          ,   SECTION       SECTION or                  PG         AMENDMENT                   -   AMENDMENT TEXT IRAMSEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                                CLARIFICATION
NO.                                  rEman   yaeieni   I or ESNIBIT      ESNIBIT TITLE               NO         DESCRIPTION!                                                                                                          COMMENTS
                                                           OrFIOURS      --   -
yjyy           Eas:Hcnns’s           Proc              .222              AIIUPIJAA IN                2-13       Amnnds tEe third                Eaat Hn”nLrIa yreanenly cantaieed seeeral hnhpnrras including VIahyn
                                                                         LAND USE AND        -                  yaragraa en lIre page           Kanassa’ and )l
                                                    ___________                                                                                               -                                _______________                             ________

                 MEASURE          PLAN TITLE                  AMENDING                SECTION                   SECTION fir                        PD                  AMENDMENT                               AMENDMENT TEXT (RAMSEVER NEW LANGUAGE)                                                 CLARIFICATION
                 NO.                                          cuss w;eia,.            or EXHIBIT                EXHIBIT TITLE                      NO.                 DESCRIPTION
                                                                                      or FIGURE                                                                   ,    DETAILS
                 Bar 88           kanl Hceaaa                 I-ian                   Seylar                   Mavka.h’akai                        2-18                Amends tee lirsl
            I    128201           Xuslvirrable                                        223                      RecreFasal

                                                                                                                                                                       paragrepir am Pa
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ‘    The RadIan Macslain Range pronides a weellh or eoael end pnlerrtivi
                                                                                                                                                                                                               recreatiaeal appoeeerlies ieclndrng, bar ear I-mrled Ia. krkieg. kurrtirrg.
                             -    Cewrr’cnrl.es                                                                Access                                                  secliaa                            ‘    Ei’sirrg, [bind wercking) birdwarchieo errd carnpreg opperlseilies. 8 is
                             -    Plarr                                      I                                                            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                          -    ierpsrlenrl lkel access Ia lIre skarebree and [pmmkbclp-awaed) osklicle’oweea
                                                                             ,                                                                                                                                  nails be wade as upon as possible rskile Balancing Ike pcleerial neelagical
                                                                                                                                                                                                               impacls or hikers, as cr811 as Ike paleokal d:srsclice In adjacenrl
                                                                                                           :                              .
                                                                                                                                                                                                          -    carereae lies cassed be k-kers The XIereQdL and eammeelies0 Salk
                                                                                                                                                                                                               epea and -veIny. should callaberale In ensare bar arsilar parking end

                                                                                                                                                                                                               acoEss Iv hails are praviced IX rho public II these agreeweels do not
                                                                                                                                                                                                               wark. ocesidereliari should be giver Is pvnckasrI.o or aeedern’nnrrg lana
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and easeweels

                 Bill 88          EasI Harralrrlrm   -       Plain                    226                      PROTECTION                          217                Amends lee lesI                         Tire policies rn Ibis Plan are innmerrded Ia proleal Ike alnrerrrenliumned
        -        r2k2Oj           Sssla-eable                                                                  AND                                                    paragraph 08 Ike page                   ealanal ewes and sappleweel Ike aeeieg arorearrce and Slale Leed Use
                                  Coermueilres                                                                 PRESERVATION                                           ho clarnlp Ael Ike Spring               DislnsI lhruuglr lIre Pram’s ennieurrs However, 10 pralecl Ike land lraer
        [                         Pine               ‘                                                         OF NATURAL
                                                                                                                                                                      eros purekesed (eel lIre                deeelapnrrerrl rrr perpelsily, cooreran p leaders snrd crgarrnaeliees base
                                                     .                                                                                -                               kskpond[                                parlnered lagelker. sod elk Ike Crmy. me psrcrlane nilker Ike hIre Ia Ike
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lend en e asrrsaraatiamr easereerrl Maska leads mean Ike Kaiwi Scenic
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Skaneine area aid in Se sack oh Weilupe Valley snore parckaaed as
                                                                                                                                                                                                              meamms In prolecl bnor areas nick neerealiomral. scenic, and kislonic
                                                                                                                                                                                                              resoan005 see Ocarina 3 2.1 ,2 Xaeewer Spmreg men aIsa purchased Ia
                                                                                                                                                                                                              pnotect ned neslone lEe cimllanalip and ecnlcoicalip rmpaneel spring [aad
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Irslrperrd). OIlmen areas base Seem eeammned Ion purchase agrenarenrls
                                                                                                                                                                                                              irraludieg Paiko R’blge
    -                      .4.
                B-li 88          LesI Hanayls                Pine                    Lalrrbil          -       Prrkl-c Parka,                     3-4                 Amends Ike descripiron                  In Ike eahikir legend, uses lEe caplman Open Space with M550ggd                 -

                (20201           Xssla.nrakla                                        3-1                       Trails, era Open                                       or Operr Space ens                      Access’ Imenlead 5r “Guam Space mIe Access’(
                                 Cammuerlies                                                           -       Space                                                  Access
                                 Flair                                                                                            -

                8.11 OP          EasI Hanamrrls              Pine                    Table 3-I       EasI H-maclaIn                               3-S                 Amenida rasle by                        Xennmlu 1k Ridge ‘[Pakue (blakaks’eael[                                     -

                r2d2kr           Sosla audIo                                                       - Trails Nat                                                       macroving absence Is
                                 Cnmmaerlins                                                         kalively Marmagea                                                Rmika a llrrakskO’eeal
                                 Plan                                                              - by roe Slale
                                                                                                   - CLPIR

                MEASURE          PLAN TITLE                  AMENDING                SECTION                   SECTION or                         PD                  AMENDMENT                               AMENDMENT TEXT )RAMSEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                                  CLARIFICATION.
                NO                                           euro elipram            or EXHIBIT                EXHIBIT TITLE                      NO.                 DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                     COMMENTS
                                                                                     or FIGURE                                                                        DETAILS

                Bill 88          EavI HerOeS                 Plan                    32 1 3                    ksvcn and                          3-27                Ramada Ike lrrsl                ,       EasI Hanalala’s [era) saver’ esraling SeaTS parks nra Movrralaa Bay
                 20201           Svrslairr’rslrr                                                               gricrelee Parks                                        peagal Ill                              SadygaclL ldsWawaal)IOwk                          Xl        A     I   J
                                 Corn e’ a a mm a                                                                                                                     seTline                                 Lokela Ranch Park. and Warlope [he CrIy Iris acqa:rcd Ideas
                                 Plan                                                                                                                                                                         comprising Ike Keirvi Scerric Ska’elrnra al Cacao’s Beacnr.Makaars’u Head.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lrrrprovawcnls In Wassan’ala Ranch as a calera park ararrld kemp Ia pmolecl
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the nalaral daaes. rraliva aegalalrca. beach rack, and knack.

                                 EasI Harromnla              Plan                    341                       CVTRVITW     -
                                                                                                                                                  3.37                Aerands Irrsiparagrapk      ‘           Machal Peal I-lorroiala is dalirrad ky Aeon I,laar;alca P ahpoad
                120201           Ssslaarairle                                                                                                                         aI seclian                              Merr’ralaa Frsiiparrd. crrrrrelrares] ralarrerl Ia tradiiionsilj as [Keepa) Laka
                                 C am el mini lies                                                                                                                                                            men Maar.alaa Pond yr Reahvpaa a Meevalsa, was 523 acres and Ike
                                 Plan                                                                                                                                                                         largest erra-nirl I shroud al lire Hamsaiiari Islands. TIre klaerualua Fislrparrd
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ‘urns royadediy manacled via a bead Ia Ke’ela’polvr Paad, now keassa aa
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SaclrarrIed Lake, in Kailva,

-               Dli 88           EasI Hanalala               Piarm                   ‘1 1.1 1                  En is hag                          42                  Arrr ends lIre lirsI                    Majar raadwap cclievlars in EasI Hanalcla are Ikase leadiag Iram
                r2O2Vr           Si.sla ankle                                                                  Rnarlu’eps                                             paragrap” aa lIre page.                 Xalarrrarra’ale Highway iolo Ike rrdge ned eallep seiglrbarkaada Imaedarrl
                                 Conan an mien                                                                                                                                                                ialvrsechaas include, Sal are ear Irmiled In ‘Araekoe Aaeaae, RaVel Iki
                                 Plan                                                                                                                                                                         SIred Weal Hind Drrea Hawaii Xci Drive. Kealrale SIreel, end Lonalila
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hawe NaarL Hawaii Par Drive rues parallel Ia Kelananeala Higkssay
                                                                                                                                                                                                              rkrovgk pads al Hawaii Xci (HeweaeH.keeeesea aeeliaas-e(-Ike-oiaerred
                                                                                                                                                                                                              male Ins Hewer Per Once inn Ike Reman Nun Vallep area has eel keen
                                                                                                                                                                                                              eorwØeled,-iI-eoes eellersaben aseneddil,erseI maybe access marIe
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Irvkrrrg MacnaSa Rap lo Kalaera Vallep.) A yankee 5r Ike Hanoi r Xai Dese
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Eareesion was car’srriic:ed mirth a rrerrawar rs’crlr a! 2k levI rather llran lIe
                                                                                                                                                                                                              carnal 40-lyal wdtk a radaca lIre aneeanl vi lkmavgk rallc alowed [Tlve
                                                                                                                                                                                                              r.gPI.aI.wak ac 1kV sectrsc ‘sOP ieei. wlr.cir dvvas bar irslrmre read
                                                                                                                                                                                                              wislamsirra 1w40 teel alvag wills ieakrs.erm ala Eke lane

                B Ii 88          EasI Honalolu               Pman                4.1.12                        P naiad                            4-3                 Deletes lee liner                       (-There is.av--eanornmpleIed-sevliow or Hewer r rOe’ Dvse.ia-Ike-Xarssko-Nai
                (2020;           Scsla:naSln                                                                   Rnadraayn                                  -           paragnap oo Ike page.                   Vellep area-Il waald be desirable In cresIe a flew b.cpcle voele alar.g Ibis
                                 Coarm an rIle a                                                                                                                                                              ‘HenLDmieeacSw[4p]
MEASURE   PLAN TITLE      TAMENDING             SECTION        SECTION or      PG     AMENDMENT              AMENDMENT TEXT (RAMSEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                                           CLARIFICATION
                           .upcc r” p5.”

NO.                                             or ESI-IIBIT   ESHIBIT TITLE   NO.    DESCRIPTION                                                                                                             COMMENTS
                                                or FIGURE                             DETAILS
Bill Sb   EasI Honolulu     °iue                4 13           SIKEWAY         4-dr   Amends he lirsl         As ol 2013. O’ahu had al learl 134 miles Of bikemays, ieclodirg al least 40                 -

(2020)    Srslaieable                                          SYSTEM          4-4    paragraph sIlks       - miles ol sew bikewoyr since IRR4. Bike Plan Hawaii I2013i, he cannel
          Communities                                                                 seuliss.                blare mauler plus br Sikeways. prsyureu another 13 miles Ion Earl Oshu
          Plar                                                                                                Ii, addilion Is Ike Slates Bike Plan Hawaii. he COy and Cuonly si
                                                                                                              Hupetulu Department ol Trucsporlolior Seceices also publishes the Oraha
                                                                                                              Bike Plan (lael-uIaleO) eablirhed is Augarl 2012. and (correelly being]
                                                                                                        -     apdutnd is 20th Roll’ plans cenluin hmnlables len dnunlspmesl
                                                                                                              dcpncderl apes coirulioulue leasibility (incladnog liRisl’rIetay oCqeis lien
                                                                                                        -     and luedieg The Daha Bike Plan defmnr the eanions lyper rI hkeways
                                                                                                              on lerews.

                                                                                                                  Pike bulbs S cycle pains, else rolenned le as shared ore pelhs. are

                                                                                                                  elt-sleel lacililes cenuirocted ol ceocrele ur uncoil 050 05 15-12
                                                                                                                  led mdc These grude ruporared lucilitier are tum!ly- and beginner
                                                                                                                  nilec t1055t4 ultne traueiieg lhre:rgh parks srd is gnnursl pre-ddine a
                                                                                                                  morn lcdcrely. tess dcccl ruate. Shared use paths so creniderod Is
                                                                                                                  supplement 01kv Ihan replace en-wad lacililins

                                                                                                             •   bike Launu S-cycle laser urn ue-slrval lac4lier delineated Irom

                                                                                                                 call    deabw by-a-wa u—whhnliuw-Thny-ara-iypiuodp-S-b-Ieel-aude
                                                                                                                 14-Inol mirunsursrl-aud c-odour p’aueeueel marbingu lhab-indiuale Ihoy
                                                                                                                 are lur biuyuln-rwn-nuly

MEASURE   PLAN TITLE       AMENDING             SECTION        SECTION or      PG     AMENDMENT              AMENDMENT TEXT IRAMOEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                                           CLARIFICATION
NO.                         Pcua OJibia,i       or EXHIBIT     EXHIBIT TITLE   NO     DESCRIPTION!
                                                or FIGURE                             DETAILS
                                                                                                                 Eke bc-star bcyc’e ndrer urn also un-street lsc tins nested -uilh

                                                                                                                 s.”eul ulecogn ails. 5 Spire isrtsecn.r pass-neil ‘rarb gu A wdn
                                                                                                                 eslsidn sIlo lsc lId Cell rich cahy prctetcbe Icr 1451cc Ia unable
                                                                                                                 cars to satoly pass bcycuulr icilliasi ciesuiiig Ike ceelenlion hleolns
                                                                                                                 Pray sloe iicclude wide psund shoulders. at SarI 3 lcui u-ide bluer
                                                                                                                 when sdscecl I) a goad rail, curb, or olber harriet used a’ueg
                                                                                                                 l’igiiwsys They sin typically snpsralcd lruie sehicle Irallic Iiceugli
                                                                                                                 rtripicg lrealieesls in del enaln the space br urn by bicycler sod
                                                                                                                 pcdcrisics. In urban amos. bicycle renter cray bc ducignatud
                                                                                                                 lcruiicyt seem uigcugo. rhaniews: 5, shared lu-id asseinesi
                                                                                                                 maduegs csirlclr cair alenl melrorts is In Wedi-ead 5 nitceuinInrieg
                                                                                                                 bicyc isis irsselirtg in lbs lure. Ilir imperluirl tc usle tlrat uslh uery
                                                                                                                 lecs esceylisou. by-tins are petmilled to Irasel Or all public revels
                                                                                                                 simm the Cily regardless st whether it has beeir Iumrally durgeuled
                                                                                                                 as u b’bewcy

                                                                                                                  Skararl lIne Paik    —   Slluiptr use   rssrhn   am i’a:e-wsa lenil:liec Ibul ace

                                                                                                                              anr eteer rnr-ers:erizco nsers snares use pares are
                                                                                                                 etine lecuied iii on inueseednel ohgemeot, such as a nreenbell er
                                                                                                                 ubu,bynrdruhreo4ihl-ul-w4y aed are used br inurnalior. leisurn.
                                                                                                                 aims crnmmi,lsib

                                                                                                                 Prolecled Bike Lanes Prctncled bke lanes (also knswri ar

                                                                                                                 scusrulnd eibc Isucs hmsyclnmiacbrl ure an encboriun bikemop locilile
                                                                                                                 rEel comb nor Iho user ucecrieece ole shared urn OoIh wOe the en
                                                                                                                 0,dsuaiud loot etclsr ueliidln iralbic and dished (rem Ike sidewalk,

                                                                                                                 Bolleced Bike Lanes bullered bike lanes are crualed be Bobbies a                     -

                                                                                                                 lush butler cues hey-june s bike ieee ned Ihe ud)scnel Iraenl lane.                  -

                                                                                                                 Wiclebslletsejdjsgijceliy used belwene bike lannu ned melon sehipip

                                                                                                                        tee close is   anhed seheles

 MEASURE        PLAN TITLE                     AMENDINO                 SECTION              SECTIONar        PG         AMENOMENT                              AMENOMENTTEXT(RAMBEYERNEWLANOUAOE)                                                       CLARIFICATION)
 NO.                                           .PrmaecPi,rmi            onEXHIEtT            EXHIBITTITLE     NO.        OESCRIPTIONi                                                                                                                    COMMENTS
                                                         J              er FIGURE                                        OETAtLS
                                                                                                                                                                     Bike Lanes Bike tortes aracide air enclasian mace tar S sadists irm

                                          .                                                                                                                ,         the rnadway thruanh thy use at tines and scnrbnls dire lanes ore tar
                                                                   i                                                 I                                               uire.ma5 truant and are asrmsallv araaidnd a Earls d’recliars an Inn
                                                                                                                                                                     way streets, and an use side at a cnn-way street Wine randmnaa
                                                                   i                                                 i                                               widib ,s limited and the mud is staynd. a bike lane man En yrnaided p

                                                                                                                     I                                               only the anhih direction This is relnrrecflaasaclimbnrgiann.

                                                                                                                                                                     snuuiaer Bikeways             -   oneuianr ci-rewaas are recicai:b macmed tnr
                                                                                                                                                                     rural roan                        , Panen snoulners erunme a rarmqy

                                                                                                                                                                     roadway maintenance; ease sEunt-term maintnnance, sack as debris
                                                                                                                                                                     onanna: and aravidu space far bicyclists and pedestrians.

                                                                                                                                                                     airdi-mmnror   r’nh,r’rDn   nra annaerari ra   ahmom, Isa ‘rama Irarmal loon Than

 Bitt OS        East Honolulu                 Plan                     41,3                 EIKEWAY          4-4         Amends the last                       The States Bike Plan Hawaii peayuses suEstantial oddginns ta Cost
 12020)         Sustainable                                                                 SYSTEM                       yaragraph on he page                  Hnnnlula’s hikeway system. Prnyennd signed shared roadways wnabd
                Communities                                                                                                                                    [eutnad traea.Katanran-iatele.Hrgbway[ be inc’uded op garigg3raadwa a
                Plan                                                                                                                                           g4gndar into ‘Ama Haina. Nia Valley Haha ann Valley and Hawaii Pa
                                                                                                                                                               A signad slramed iaadway is pruynaed atany tin HannaH Kai Orion
                                                                                                                                                               Keaiahari Street carmidnr and aiang ‘Analci Stmnet and Pa’atd Street.
                                                                                                                                                               Kalaeiaira’ain Hialiwae rein Lr.nctla Home Road anal Haaaumaa Baa am
                                                                                                                                                               SandLgygh. in Mahaaa a is mecsaniznd as a candidate tar a stramnd-maad
                                                                                                                                                               shoulder bibaisay. Such a b:knnay wnud lahn adanirtage at thy States
                                                                                                                                                               scan’s Moanaiaa’t.takaeu’u Sonric Bynmay

Eli SB          Fast Hnrntnitrr               Piarr                    Eelibit          j   B keway System   4-b         Amn dub hht4 I                        A     dE nt4       nine    lb I m     ‘past      the2dt2a d       IrE
125201          Ssrla nasle           -                                4-t                                                                                     2019 Oaha B’he Plan. In the nrnc I inqend. irciude the parenthetical nate
                Camm unities                                                                                                                                    (as prnpssed by the 0 ass Wkn PlanT neat In Tstare,
Eili SB         bast Hanaiala                 Piae                     41    5              PLAN NINid       4-n         Anrends the hrat Saner            i[r-Ceamptntegretryk.betwnerr the-tmnbaittpertioes ot Hawaci-Kai
12020)          Susta’nabte                                                                 GUIDELINES                   Ea,nt an the yoga                   Osee.ie.the-t
_________              ______________________

            PLAN TITLE
                                                    or EXHIBIT
                                                                 SECTION or
                                                                 EXHIBIT TITLE
                                                                                                                    1    AMENOMENTTEXT(RAMSEYER NEW LANGUAGE)                                             CLARIFICATION.
                                                  I or FIGURE                              DETAILS

 5-lag      EasI Honolulu       Plan               APPENDIX      PUBLIC            A-id    Deletes the terms Bike        Bilym-Eame
  2d?01     Sustainable

                                                   A             FACILITIES MAP            Lane, ttike Palh, and    I A-o’oyele-Iaadyy-)biteemaa4oue-Io-uu400Iwide-Iaoedb.aa-xoauzsay
                                                                                           Bike Route’ and adds          euclsis-edly torb’ke use
            Flair                                                                          the terms Shared Use
                                                                                           Palh, Protecled Bike          Bike PaIh
                                                                                           Lane,’ Buttyred Bike          A aicycle facility lbi1sewayl ,s grade-separated from the roadway nelworh
                                                                                           Lane•Bike Lane’
                                                                                            Sheutder Bikessay.”         Bike Roale
                                                                                           and “Shared Roadway          A bIcycle taste is a designated road.eay with special sigrage andhr
                                                                                                                        roadway rrratkng to alert au:ooiobile dried’s that tire roadway s to he
                                                                                                                        shared with People on bicycles. Bike routes may also coota1n Irattic
                                                                                                                        ca’rnhi’g m535,,:ys

                                                                                                                        Shared Use Path

                                                                                                                        e-ytcr u’eh’cle traffic and used by bcyclsls. pedestrians, and other eon-
                                                                                                                        motorized users Shared use paths are ollen located in an independent
                                                                                                                        alcerneehsschasaorye-sbeJoraba’rdaned                                 and
                                                                                                                        are used for recreat,on leisure, and commuting,

                                                                                                                        Protected Bike Lane
                                                                                                                        k protected bike lane also birozze as a separated bike lane or cycletrack)
                                                                                                                        s an enclusise bikeway facility that cosribrrres the user experience xl a
                                                                                                                        shared use path with the pe-slreet inlrasteuClury 01 a connectional bike
                                                                                                                        lane Protected bike ares ate physicaly separaled Irom mulor oehicle
                                                                                                                        traffic aed distinct from the 5 dewalk

                                                                                                                        Buttered BIke Lane
                                                                                                                        k buttered bike latin is created by painting a lk,ojn batter zone betweyn a
                                                                                                                        bike lane and Ike adiace’rI lraoel lane WhCe boffem arm teolcallu used


MEASURE    PLAN TITLE           AMENDING          SECTION        SECTION or       PD      AMENDMENT                     AMENDMENT TEXT (RAMSE PER NEW LANGUAGE)                                           CLARIFICATION
NO.                             iri    it   C.’   or EXHIBIT     EXHIBIT TITLE    NO,     DESCRIPTION                                                                                                     COMMENTS
                                                  or FIGURE                               DETAILS
                                                                                                                        A hike

                                                                                                                        referred tn us a climbing lane

                                                                                                                        Shoulder Bikeway
                                                                                                                        S shoubier bikezvuu is tkoicallv reserved or rural

                                                                                                                        trashes. reik,ce bong-term roadwan ,namtcpaece ease sho -lvii
                                                                                                                        maintenance, such as debris ctnarin; and provide spaco for v-cur -ala oeo

                                                                                                                    Shared Roadway
                                                                                                                                                                                  motor verIties ad
                                                                                                                                                           lane,              ruadways are rtveatyd by
                                                                                                                                                                             hue are typically used in

B’ll 55    EasI Honolulu    Plan                  APPENDIX                        A-t7    Amends Map A-3            Amend Map A-3 Public Facilitieo In reflect thaI the Eehibit straw ttre 20t2
i2ddOi     Sustainable                            A                                       iPubfc Facilities)        and not Ike 2OtB Oahu Bike Plan Irr tIre map Iene,io. ‘ricL,de liv
           Communities                                                                                              -.,,eerhMCr       las proposed by the Dana Bike Plani’ reel to ‘Futiarp           -

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