North East Transport Plan 2021-2035 - Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East

Page created by Stephen Carrillo
North East Transport Plan 2021-2035 - Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East
North East Transport Plan 2021-2035
Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East

Executive summary
This is our first region-wide Transport Plan for             the use of public transport, cycling and walking,       Implementation Plan
the seven local authority areas in the North                 resulting in congestion and poor air quality.           We have an ambitious but deliverable timeline             Delivering this Plan, achieving our
East, covering two Combined Authorities,                     However, the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns in             which will lead us towards delivering our vision          vision and objectives will support
brought together by the North East Joint                     2020 gave us cleaner and quieter towns, cities and      and achieving our objectives by 2035. We have             a shift to a more sustainable and
Transport Committee:                                         neighbourhoods. We will work to sustain some of         clearly set out the timeline showing our priorities       healthier way of life in the North East,
The North East Combined Authority                            the benefits this afforded and this Plan will help      and ambitions in our Delivery section of this Plan        through lowered emissions, better air
(comprising Durham, Gateshead, South Tyneside                take us towards carbon neutrality.                      and this will be accompanied by a forthcoming             quality and travel choices.
and Sunderland)                                              Ultimately, our approach recognises that different      Implementation Plan.
                                                             communities across the North East have different        A programme of schemes has been developed                 • Easier access to, education, skills,
The North of Tyne Combined Authority                         transport needs and will need different transport                                                                   and higher value jobs
(comprising Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside                                                                      and this will be managed as a live programme with
                                                             solutions. For example, the role of the car and of      regular updates to the schemes and evidence               • Health levels at least equal to other
and Northumberland)                                          public transport is very different in rural and urban   that underpins them to ensure that the region can           regions in the UK
This North East Transport Plan sets out the                  communities.                                            continue to address our challenges and grasp              • Better connections from the North
transport priorities for our region up to 2035.              Those transport links need to be fast, reliable,        opportunities. Our Plan is divided into the following       East to national and international
Home to two million people, our region is distinct and       resilient, accessible and affordable. They must have    timescales:                                                 destinations
diverse. It consists of urban and rural communities all      the capacity we need and, crucially, be sustainable.    • Shovel-ready schemes                                    • A transport network with improved
with a rich history and positive people who want to          Better integration is also key.
                                                                                                                     • Schemes for delivery in the next five years –             environmental credentials including
contribute to moving our country forward.                    This is our Plan for how we will rectify our wider        requiring funding to be accelerated                       mores sustainable journeys, better air
This mixture of urban, suburban and rural                    regional and transport challenges and grasp future                                                                  quality and reduced carbon output
                                                             opportunities by 2035.                                  • Schemes for development and delivery in the
communities results in a range of transport                                                                            next 10 years                                           • A safer and more reliable integrated
challenges, from rural isolation in more remote areas        We already have the foundations to launch a world-                                                                  transport network which is more
                                                             class sustainable transport network. This Plan builds   • Schemes for development and delivery beyond               intuitive for customers with a
to poor air quality and congestion in parts of our
                                                             on our existing assets and gives us the framework to      10 years                                                  sustainable cost base
cities, along with pockets of ‘transport poverty’ across
the entire region.                                           enable us to deliver a more seamless, co-ordinated      We have set schemes across 7 work programmes              • Direct job opportunities in the transport
We already have a well-established integrated public         and integrated transport system across the region.      consistent with our Policy Areas:                           and infrastructure sectors
and sustainable transport system which makes a real          The Plan sets out our priorities and forms the basis    • Making the right travel choice;                         • Enabling new development and
difference to people’s everyday lives, allowing them         for bids and requests for funding for transport                                                                     housing sites and improving
                                                                                                                     • Upgrading North East active travel infrastructure;
to get to work, to visit friends and family, to the shops,   investment in the North East up to 2035.                                                                            accessibility to existing communities
and to get to essential services such as schools and                                                                 • Public transport: travelling by bus, ferry and on
                                                             This Plan is for the whole of the North East.
hospitals.                                                                                                             demand public transport;
                                                             It recognises the different needs of communities.
This Plan will show that our region has the potential        It considers why we travel and how those trips          • Public transport: travelling by local rail and Metro;
to improve it further to expand its reach, capability        are made and how journeys can be improved. Our                                                                    This Plan will deliver profound and
                                                                                                                     • Private transport: travelling by car and using road
and quality.                                                 Plan is for everyone, young and old and for people        infrastructure;                                         lasting improvements that will shape
                                                             traveling to, from, and within North East England.                                                                the North East and its people for
In some areas of our region, the existing network                                                                    • Maintaining and renewing our transport network;         decades to come.
needs to be improved and expanded so that it better          The North East Transport Plan vision is:                  and
connects the people and communities which it is              ‘Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic                                                                              To 2035, our region requires an
                                                                                                                     • Connectivity beyond our own boundaries.
supposed to serve, leaving no one and nowhere                and thriving North East’.                                                                                         estimated £6.1 billion of capital
behind. Creating, one, total network with integration        The objectives of the Transport Plan are:               We have complied a Technical Appendix, available          investment, an amount which will grow
at the heart is key. Solving our transport challenges                                                                on request, containing all of our data sources and        as further schemes are developed over
                                                                Carbon-neutral transport                             evidence used.
will go a long way in enabling the region’s long-                                                                                                                              the lifetime of the Plan.
standing health, social and economic inequalities to            Overcome inequality and grow our economy             The Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) also        We believe this to be a fair share of
be overcome.                                                    Healthier North East                                 accompanies this Plan. The appraisal seeks to             national transport funding which should
Recent years have seen rising levels of car use                 Appealing sustainable transport choices              identify any impact of our programme on key factors.
                                                                                                                                                                               be allocated to our region from Central
and ownership in the region and reductions in                                                                                                                                  Government to 2021-2035.
                                                                Safe, secure network.

North East Transport Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
What is the North East Transport Plan?
The North East Transport Plan is the first              Making journeys is good                                                                                     Gross Value Added output rising but
ever comprehensive Transport Plan for the                                                                                                                           challenged by external pressures with a
region, bringing together the seven local
authorities in North East England: Durham,
                                                        Covid-19 accelerated the demand, ambition
                                                        and delivery of both digital transformation and
                                                        mobility but we want to encourage people to
                                                                                                                  £42-50m                                           persistent productivity gap GVA of £20,338.
                                                                                                                                                                    This is below the national average of £24,181.
Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, North                   make trips around the North East. We travel to            For example, if the economies of                  We have fewer businesses per head and
Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside                school, to work, to shop, to care for others and to       Ashington, Blyth and Newcastle are                fewer jobs in high skilled occupations than
and Sunderland.                                         socialise with friends. For businesses, the ability
                                                                                                                  brought ‘closer’ together through                 other areas.
A single Plan giving a truly regional focus is a step   to travel enables the opportunity to acquire, move
                                                        and sell products and goods. Doing so benefits
                                                                                                                  restored passenger rail links, there will         Analysis by IPPR North suggests that in
forward for the North East. Travel patterns in our                                                                be an increase in the level of interaction
                                                        local economies of communities which make                                                                   2019, planned Government on transport in
region are complex but 95% of our population
                                                        up our region. Transport can also enable social           between the two, resulting in economic            London was £3,636 per person, over seven
live and work within our seven local authority
                                                        connectivity to people who are isolated, and can          growth for both areas. £42m to £50m               times more than the £519 per head in the
areas1 and travel behaviour isn’t constrained by
                                                        enhance independence and opportunity. It is also          wider economic benefits.                          North East.
administrative boundaries.
                                                        the key to tackling inequality and deprivation by                                                           A range of transport issues has led to a
This is not a ‘business as usual’ Transport Plan.       facilitating access to jobs and leisure. High-quality                                                       contrast between rural isolation in our
It sets out the region’s transport priorities up to     and integrated transport links can also help            Successful delivery of the Plan will lead to the
                                                                                                                                                                    remoter areas and poor air quality and
2035 and how the North East can address our             promote and strengthen tourism and regional             North East having a world-class sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                    congestion in parts of our cities.
main future challenges, ultimately delivering           development. Making journeys of course leaves           transport network. Carrying out our Plan and
profound and enduring improvements to our               an impact on our environment and plays a big role       achieving our vision and objectives will lead       Commuting to workplaces is dominated
transport network.                                      in our health and wellbeing, so how we choose to        to better outcomes for our region’s residents,      by car travel, so congestion is a significant
                                                        travel is important. That is why connecting people      businesses and visitors and overcome our            issue on our roads, which affects public
The Plan is centred around connecting people                                                                    long- standing challenges:
                                                        to opportunities using greener, healthier and                                                               transport access and attractiveness, reduces
to good employment opportunities, generating
                                                        sustainable transport options is key to this Plan.                                                          productivity and increases inactivity and
economic growth, while enabling the region and                                                                       We have a growing population but a one
                                                                                                                                                                    vehicle emissions.
its people to move to healthier and greener more        Why is transport important?                                  that is ageing over time (2m people, average
sustainable ways of travel.                                                                                          age 43.7).                                     Public transport use is falling over the long-
                                                        Transport is a means to an end, a way of being
                                                        able to do the things that make up our lives                                                                term, despite an increase in bus use in 2019
The improvements we have identified have been                                                                        There are major health and income
                                                        and enables our region and its people to keep                                                               as a result of investment by bus operators.
agreed by the region and will be delivered by                                                                        based inequalities. High percentage of
a number of organisations through the range             moving. It enables physical connectivity between             economically inactive people in the region     Transport contributes a significant
of programmes and schemes set out in the                people and jobs, businesses and workers, and                 are long-term sick (North East: 28.5%,         proportion of carbon emissions and we have
Implementation section of this Plan.                    businesses to suppliers and customers. Within our            UK 22.1%)                                      an air quality problem in our region.
                                                        region, it’s important that our population of two
We will use this Plan to communicate                    million residents can reach work, education and              Plans for substantial housing growth           Cars are our region’s most used form of
opportunities for investment and improvements           healthcare and visit friends and loved ones. Links           need to be supported by good public and        transport and car ownership in the North
to our transport network. The Plan is our bedrock       to and from other regions and to other countries             sustainable transport connections: 109,555     East is increasing, leading to more traffic
for bids and requests for funding inward transport      are also fundamental for facilitating economic               new homes planned by 2036.                     congestion and vehicle emissions.
investment to the region from Central Government        growth and trade.                                            Average productivity in our region remains
and other sources. This is the long-term transport
                                                        Well-coordinated transport investment and land               16% below the output for England. This has
strategy for our forward-looking region.
                                                        use planning can foster social mobility (OECD                an impact on the potential competitiveness
                                                        2018), and collectively lead to better economic              and resilience of our businesses.
                                                        performance of specific areas as businesses are
                                                        located closer together.

North East Transport Plan                                                                                                                                                                                            3
Our vision and objectives                                                                               The vision and objectives for the Plan set the standard of what
                                                                                                        we want to achieve and where we want to be by 2035.

                                                                                                                      The Vision
                                                                                    “Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East”

                                                                                                                  The Objectives

                Carbon neutral                                 Overcome inequality                                              Healthier                                      Appealing sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Safe, secure network
                  North East                                  and grow our economy                                              North East                                       transport choices
     We will initiate actions to make travel in       The Plan is aligned with the North East LEP’s        The North East has the lowest life expectancy of all the           We will introduce measures          We will improve transport safety and
     the North East net carbon zero, helping           long term goals to first return the region to      English regions. The Plan will help achieve better health         which make sustainable travel,          security, ensuring that people are
    to tackle the climate emergency declared            pre-Covid-19 GDP and employment levels            outcomes for people in the region by encouraging active          including cycling and walking, a         confident that they will be able to
      by our two Combined and seven Local                 and then to move forward in pursuit of           travel and getting people to travel by more sustainable        more attractive, greener, and easy      feel safe and secure when travelling
      Authorities, addressing our air quality           the economic ambitions set down in their          means, improving air quality, helping our region to attain         alternative to getting around.              around the North East.
    challenges, and helpin to achieve the UK’s               Strategic Economic Plan (SEP).                 health levels at least equal to other regions in the UK.
          net zero by 2050 commitment.

                                                                                                                    Policy areas

                                                                           We will enable people to make greener and healthier travel choices      We must ensure all our actions improve transport across the region
                                                   Making the right        whenever they can and ensure our sustainable network takes              and deliver to the objectives of this Plan so we are greener, more
                                                    travel choice          everyone where they need to go at a price they can afford.              inclusive, healthier, safer and our economy thrives.

                                                                                                             Private transport:                      Public transport:
                                                Public transport: travelling by bus, ferry                                                                                            Connectivity beyond                Research, Development
             Active travel                                                                              travelling by car and using               travelling by local rail
                                                   and on demand public transport                                                                                                     our own boundaries                     and Innovation
                                                                                                            road infrastructure                        and Metro
      We will help more people use           We will improve bus travel and attract more passengers       We must make our roads flow             We must invest in Metro and         We must work with partners             We will embrace new
     active travel by making the cycle       with new rapid bus corridors. This will include changing     better for goods and essential        local rail to extend and improve     to make movement of people           technologies to meet our
     network better across the North        how road space is used to help buses move more quickly.                car journeys                             the network.           and goods to and from our region,       transport objectives and
   East. This will include being flexible    We will take action to continue to support the Ferry and      We must strengthen use of           We will take action to drive our        more efficient and greener.        set innovation challenges
    in how we use road space to help           develop potential improvements where possible.              cleaner, greener cars, vans        partners to make travelling and        We must work with partners to         to industry creating new
         cyclists and pedestrians.                                                                                 and lorries.               moving goods around our region          strengthen connections from       opportunities with our network
                                               We must help more people to reach the sustainable                                                                                      destinations in our region to             as the testbed.
                                               transport network with more ‘on demand’ solutions.                                               more efficient and greener.
                                                                                                                                                                                   everywhere in the UK and beyond.

                                                                                                          Overarching policy areas

                   We will strive to integrate within and between different          We must constantly seek funding               We will take action to make travel in the          We must ensure that we work with partner
                     types of transport, so that each contributes its full        opportunities to deliver our Transport Plan      North East net carbon zero and improve            organisations to drive new, quality roles and
                   potential and people can move easily between them.                             objectives.                           transport safety and security.                    innovate in the transport sectors.

North East Transport Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4
To Edinburgh,

North East England – our region
                                                                                                                           Glasgow, Aberdeen
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Home to Nissan                  Shields Ferry
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Motor Manufacturing             400,000 passenger
                                                                                                                                          Port of Berwick
                                                                                                                                                                                                     One in 3 British cars is made   journeys a year
                                                                                                                                                                                                     at this plant – 442,300
                                                                                                                                                                                                     in 2018
                                                                                                                                                           Holy Island                                                               Two UNESCO World
                                                                                                                                          A1                                                                                         Heritage sites
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nationally significant
 Home to 2 million people                 5 national catapult centres                                                                                                                                offshore energy hub             Tyne and Wear Metro
                                          Digital, Energy Systems,                                                              Wooler                                                                                               60 stations
                                          High Value Manufacturing,                                                                                                                                                                  89 trains
                                          Offshore Renewable Energy                                                                                                                                  31 National Rail stations
 5 sea ports                                                                                                                                                                                                                         36m passenger
                                          and Satellite Applications                                                                                                                                 with 15.6 million entries and
 Port of Berwick, Port of Blyth,                                                                                                                                                                                                     journeys in 2018/19
 Port of Sunderland, Port of Tyne
                                                                                                                                                                                                     exits in stations in 2018/19
 and Seaham Harbour
                                          Home to a range of national                                                                                                                                                                Every journey on our Metro
                                          innovation centres                                                                                               Alnwick                                   54 million tonnes of freight
                                                                                                             Northumberland                                                                                                          and Local Rail network
 Newcastle International                  Newcastle Helix, NETPark in            To Scotland                  National Park                                                                          in 2018 were lifted by GB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     brings an £8.50 direct
 Airport – 80 direct routes,              Durham                                                                                                 A697
                                                                                                                                                                                                     registered HGVs
                                                                                                                                                                                      Coquet                                         benefit to our economy
 5.2 million passengers, 4,745                                                                                                       Rothbury                   A1
                                                                                                                                                                                      Island         4.7% of all freight
 tonnes of freight in 2019.                                                                           A68                                                                                            (by tonnage) lifted in
                                          Manufacturing                                                                                                                                              England exc London              28% of households do not
                                          15% of our GVA and 11%                                                                                                                                                                     own a car – the highest
 Value of exports                         of employment                                                                                                                                                                              proportion outside of
 £13.3 billion (2019)                                                                                                                                                                                Growing cycling and             London – shrunk by 9%
 Value of imports                                                                                                                                                                 Ashington          walking network                 since 2002/03
 £14.4 billion (2019)                                                                                                                                   Morpeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                Port of Blyth
                                                                                                                          A68                                                                                                        162.4 million bus passenger
                                                                                                                                                              Newcastle Cramlington                                                  journeys in 2018/19
                                                                                                                                                               Airport                           Whitley Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                      North Shields
                                                                                                                                                   UPON TYNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Port of Tyne                Home to the largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                         South Shields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     purpose built datacentre
                                                                                                       A69                                 A69
                                                                                                                    Hexham                                                                                                           campus in the UK
                                                                        To Carlisle            Haltwhistle                                                Blaydon
                                                                                                                                                                             A1                             SUNDERLAND               Stellium Data Centres, Cobalt
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Port of Sunderland
  Key                                                                                                                                    A68
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Business Park, North Tyneside
                                                                                                                                                           A692                           Washington
                                                                                                                                               Consett                A693

          Ports                                                                                                                                                      Chester-le-
                                                                                                                                                                       Street                 A690               Seaham Harbour      Four universities
                                                                                                                                                                  A691               A1 (M)                                          80,000 students,
          Port of Tyne – Ferry Terminal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17,000 international
          Newcastle International Airport                                                                                                                                             DURHAM

          Tyne and Wear Metro                                                                                                                           A68

          Railway Line                                                           North East                                                                    Bishop
                                                                                                                                                              Auckland                         Sedgefield
          East Coast Main Line                                                                                                                                                 Aycliffe
                                                                                                                                                                                                               To Tees Valley
          Major Road Network
                                                                                                                                               Barnard                          To York,
          Enterprise Zones                                                                                                                      Castle

North East Transport Plan
Our call to action
                                                                                                   Vision and objectives

                              What is our vision?                                                                                         What are our objectives?

                        Moving to a green, healthy,                                                           Carbon neutral North East               Healthier North East                 Safe, secure network
                      dynamic and thriving North East                                                         Overcoming inequality and               Appealing sustainable
                                                                                                              grow our economy                        public transport choices

                                                                                                   Vision and objectives

                                                                          What options might we consider to deliver our vision and objectives?
    •   Encouraging people to make journeys by sustainable means.             • Reducing adverse environmental effects.                                 • Reducing severance of major infrastructure projects.
    •   Encouraging active travel through behaviour change initiatives.       • Reducing accidents.                                                     • Understanding demand associated with future travel scenarios.
    •   Delivering affordable services.                                       • Increasing speed, frequency and reliability of the public transport     • Working with partners to connect people and places to the wider
    •   Expanding the reach of the active travel, public transport and          network and highways.                                                     North, UK and internationally.
        road networks.

                                                                           How we will monitor success? Our Key Performance Indicators

                                                                          What options might we consider to deliver our vision and objectives?

    • Increase sustainable transport mode share.                              • Increase the take up of ULEVs.                                          • Managing Motor Vehicle Mileage.
    • Increase accessibility of public transport.                             • Improve Air Quality.                                                    • Improving Road Safety.
    • Improve greener journeys by reducing carbon output per capita.          • Improve Network Performance.

                                                                                                Outcomes we can achieve

                                                                          What options might we consider to deliver our vision and objectives?

    • Easier access to, education, skills, and higher value jobs.             • A transport network with improved environmental credentials             • Direct job opportunities in the transport and infrastructure sectors.
    • Health levels at least equal to other regions in the UK.                  including mores sustainable journeys, better air quality and            • Enabling new development and housing sites and improving
    • Better connections from the North East to national and                    reduced carbon output.                                                    accessibility to existing communities.
      international destinations.                                             • A safer and more reliable integrated transport network which is
                                                                                more intuitive for customers with a sustainable cost base.

North East Transport Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                         6
Our call to action– timeline (strategic interventions)
We have an ambitious but deliverable timeline shown below which will lead us towards delivering
our vision of a Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East and enable us to meet
our objectives.
This timeline of interventions demonstrates the dates we can achieve and informs our development
and delivery planning. This is subsequently expanded through the delivery maps on pages 51-54.
This programme is live and will be regularly updated through changes to the Implementation Plan
which will be developed to accompany the final plan in March 2021.

    Potential schemes
     to get us there               2020                                                                                               2025                                                                                                  2030                                                                                           2035

                                          Transforming Cities Fund schemes delivered by 2023 across the

    Connectivity funding                                                                                                     Stimulating growth through connecting growth areas (rolling programme)                                                    Sustainable funding programmes for scheme delivery and development

                                          Prioritising schemes from the Blueprint

                                                                                                                                                               System enhancements / station refurbishments. Incl                                                                                         Further Metro and local rail extensions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     First trains run on extensions (2029) incl Leamside
                                          New Metro fleet and flow delivered                                                                                   Monument, Sunderland, Cramlington and Metro in North                                                                                       implemented incl. the remainder of Leamside and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     services to IAMP
       Publc transport:                                                                                                                                        and South Tyneside (2025- 2030)                                                                                                            the Cobalt Link (2035)
    travelling by local rail
          and Metro                                                                                                                                                                                                                  New stations opening East Gateshead and Gilsland                     Enhanced rail fleets and new line openings
                                          Timetable enhancements 21/22 and Northumberland Line opens                                                           Frequency and line of route enhancements (2026)                       (2031/2)                                                             including to Consett (2035)

                                                                                                                                                 Local cycling and walking delivery and
                                          Capitalising on the growth in active travel through targeted measures (now-2025)                       Regional Active Travel Network with a                Significant programme of road space
          Active travel                   Emergency active travel measures strengthened with quick wins.                                         segregated signed network takes shape                reallocation (2030)                              Onward maintenance and monitoring of the network with targeted enhancements

                                          Capitalising on the growth in active travel through targeted measures (now-2025)
       Making the right                                                                                                                          Using Information to shape how we plan and monitor (models and UTMC) – by 2027                        Innovation exercises on future fuels, autonomous and connected vehicles (2030)
                                          Information and ticketing (integrated and contactless) delivered by 2025 with contactless
        travel choice                     on Metro first

                                          Bus Measures. 10 x bus corridors across the region upgraded
      Public transport:                                                                                             Micromobility solutions trialled and implemented (urban and rural) 2030                                                            Renewal of ferry infrastructure (Piers and Vessels) 2032
                                          by 2023
      travelling by bus,
    ferry and on demand
       public transport                                                                                             Bus asset renewal and safety initiatives, with DRT               Bus infrastructure investment (next phase, including
                                          New cleaner buses delivered (rolling programme)                                                                                                                                                              Next Phase of Demand responsive transport delivered (2032)
                                                                                                                    trials and P&R sites (2026)                                      stations and stops (2032)

      Private transport:                                                                                                                         Major road network schemes including
      travelling by car                                                                                                                                                                               Upgrades of Urban Traffic
                                          Roads Strategy in place in 2021 with electric vehicle charging                                         Blyth Relief and Sunderland Strategic                                                                 Continued focus on efficiency and safety schemes on the network – connectivity study undertaken
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Management Centres and signals to
       and using road                     expansions region wide by 2024                                                                         Transport Corridors and pinch point                                                                   looking at challenges including opportunities for river crossings. (2030)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      maximise efficiency (2030)
                                                                                                                                                 schemes delivered (2024/5)

                                                                                                                                                     Business case acceleration of a range of SRN proposals including:
                                          Initial Strategic Road investments including the                                                                                                                                                   RIS 2 and 3 schemes delivered by 2030 (schemes listed
                                                                                                                                                     A1 to Scotland; Whitemare Pool; A69 – Dualling / Safety enhancements;                                                                                        A1 and A69 upgraded
                                          A1 Western Bypass delivered by 2025                                                                                                                                                                to the left)
                                                                                                                                                     Airport Link Road & A19 Moor Farm and Seaton Burn
    Connectivity beyond
    our own boundaries
                                          Station improvements and frequency improvements on long distance services – Durham Coast                   Line of route study improvements delivered by 2030
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ECML upgraded and HS2 and NPR services start calling at the region (2033)
                                          and Tyne Valley                                                                                            ECML local service improvements

North East Transport Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7
We have the ambition, drive and knowledge needed
to improve regional transport dramatically over the
coming years. We’d welcome your feedback as we
look to the future for the North East.
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