Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity

Page created by Barry Deleon
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity
    SPRING/SUMMER 2021                                                At the heart of your care

  Thank you for
  supporting NHS
  staff and patients at
  Nottingham Hospitals

                            4                              11                              16

Read about our Long Covid       Hike for your Hospitals this    Become a Friend of
Research Appeal                 summer                          Nottingham Hospitals Charity
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity
WELCOME                                      THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SPECIAL APPEALS – TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE LIVES
                     Special appeals – together
                                                                                 Welcome to the                               The past year has been like no other – for many, it has been difficult,
                     we can change lives                                         Spring / Summer                              worrying and even lonely. But here at Nottingham Hospitals Charity we have
                                                                                 2021 edition of our                          been blown away by the extraordinary community spirit and goodwill shown
                     Thank you for your support.....................3
                                                                                 Pulse newsletter,                            towards our NHS, by our supporters across the county and the region.
                     Long Covid Research Appeal..................4               where you can
                     Baby MRI Appeal update.........................5            find out how your                            We’d like to thank each and every           for our hardworking NHS staff, your
                                                                                 support is helping                           one of our fundraisers and donors           support has been phenomenal.
                     What you have made possible
                                                                                                                              for the tremendous support you have
                     How your donations have helped....... 6-7                   staff and patients                                                                       Thank you for bringing hope and
                                                                                                                              shown towards staff and patients at
                     How you can help........................8-9                 at Nottingham Hospitals.                                                                 happiness to our staff and our patients
                                                                                                                              Nottingham Hospitals throughout the
                     Get involved!........................................ 8-9   I’d like to take this opportunity to thank   pandemic. From donations of food and        during an extremely challenging period.
                                                                                 everyone who has supported their local       toiletries at the start of the pandemic,    Read on to find out some of the ways
                     Your health and wellbeing........... 10                     NHS during this difficult time. We’ve
                                                                                                                              to fantastic fundraising efforts in order   in which your support has made a real
                     Hike for your Hospitals................ 11                  been astounded by the generosity of our
                                                                                 supporters who, over the past year, have     to raise money for wellbeing facilities     difference at our hospitals.
                     Latest News                                                 come together to help our NHS hospitals.
                     Nottingham Forest partnership...........12
                     Brainwave monitors..............................13
                                                                                 On page 4 you can read about our new
                                                                                 appeal to help fund research into Long
                     Fundraising Hall of Fame.......14-15                        Covid. With one in five Covid-19 sufferers
                     Become a Nottingham Hospitals                               going on to develop long-term symptoms,
                     Charity Friend!............................. 16             we felt it was important to support the
                                                                                 research into treating this condition,
                                                                                 which is taking place right here in

                     GET IN TOUCH                                                On pages 6 and 7 you can read about
                                                                                 some of the other areas of our hospitals
                     Call us on 0115 962 7905                                    which you have helped to support over
                                                                                 the past year, including Hayward House
                     Email         charity@nuh.nhs.uk                            palliative care centre and Nottingham
                     Address	Nottingham Hospitals Charity,                      Children’s Hospital.
                              2 Embley Road, North Road, City                    There are a whole host of ways you can
                              Hospital, Nottingham NG5 1RE                       continue to support your local NHS
                     Facebook	NottinghamHospitalsCharity                        hospitals. On pages 8 and 9 you can find
                     Twitter       @NUHCharity                                   out about our fundraising events, such
                                   #Here4Nottingham                              as our skydive and QMC Abseil – and for
                                                                                 those who don’t have a head for heights,
                     Instagram @NUH_Charity                                      how about taking on our Hike for your
                               #Here4Nottingham                                  Hospitals challenge? You can read all
                     www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk                       about it on page 11.
                                                                                 I hope you enjoy reading this issue
                                                                                 of Pulse. Thank you once again for
                                                                                 supporting Nottingham Hospitals Charity.

                                           At the heart of your care
                                                                                 Barbara Cathcart
                                                                                 Chief Executive

        2              @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham                                NottinghamHospitalsCharity                    @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham            www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk                         3
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity
                                                                                                                                       Ian Pointer, a Royal Mail postman in         He is now backing the Charity’s Long

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SPECIAL APPEALS – TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE LIVES
                                                                                                                                       Nottinghamshire, was hospitalised            Covid Research Appeal, and says: “I
                                                                                                                                       with Covid-19 in March 2020. He was          think the more information we get,

                                                 SUPPORT GROUND-BREAKING
                                                                                                                                       rushed to the QMC by ambulance after         the better we will understand and be

                                                 RESEARCH IN NOTTINGHAM
                                                                                                                                       struggling to breathe at home and was        able to help Covid sufferers who may
                                                                                                                                       ventilated and placed in an induced          experience different symptoms and
                                                                                                                                       coma for four weeks, during which time       needs. Currently there’s a broad-brush
                                                                                                                                       his kidneys failed and he developed          approach when dealing with Covid
                                                 Researchers at Nottingham’s hospitals have begun a ground-                            septicaemia.                                 suffers, because we still don’t truly
                                                 breaking study into the debilitating effects of Long Covid,                                                                        understand it yet.”
                                                                                                                                       After a long and difficult battle with
                                                 and we’ve launched our Long Covid Research Appeal, with a                             the virus Ian returned home, but
                                                 bid to raise £50,000 to help fund the work.                                           has continued to suffer Long Covid
                                                                                                                                       symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy
                                                                                                                                       and mood swings.
                                                 Research is being led by a team of        With one in five Covid-19 sufferers
                                                 experts here in Nottingham, who           experiencing Long Covid symptoms            Ian explained: “When I was
                                                 will use laboratory techniques and        four weeks after an initial infection has   discharged from hospital I thought I
                                                 equipment including MRI to investigate    passed, such as fatigue, chest pain,        was over the worst of it and I could get       After a fantastic amount of
                                                                                                                                       back to normal, but far from it. The loss      support for our Baby MRI Appeal,
                                                 Long Covid symptoms such as               memory loss and depression, more
                                                                                                                                                                                      which launched last year, we have
                                                 breathlessness and muscle fatigue.        research into the treatment of the          of physical fitness is one thing, but the
                                                                                                                                                                                      increased our fundraising target
                                                                                           condition is vital.                         mental health issues, mood swings, the         from £100,000 to £200,000, to
                                                 Results of the research will be shared
                                                                                                                                       inability to let small things go, the lack     enable us to fund several sets of
                                                 nationally to help improve treatment
                                                                                                                                       of interest in things – these are things       baby MRI equipment.
                                                 for patients experiencing Long Covid
                                                                                                                                       that are new to me.”                           This will mean we can fund
                                                 symptoms across the UK. Money raised
                                                 through the charity appeal will be used                                                Ian’s health is slowly improving,             equipment at both the City
                                                 to help fund a dedicated Long Covid                                                      over one year on from contracting           Hospital and Queen’s Medical
                                                 Research Fellow, as well as state-of-                                                                                                Centre Neonatal Units, rather
                                                                                                                                            Covid-19, but his fitness and             than one set being transported
                                                 the-art equipment to aid the team’s                                                          mental wellbeing have still not         between sites. The technology
                                                 work.                                                                                         returned to their previous state.      will include special head coils
                                                                                                                                                                                      to fit in the babies’ incubators,
                                                                                                                                                 He said: “I can run upstairs
                                                                                                                                                                                      and software to cut scanning
                                                                                                                                                  now without spending                time from 30 to 15 minutes. The
                                                                                                                                                  an hour sitting down                ultimate aim is to make MRI
                                                                                                                                                 afterwards, but I think it’s the     scans quicker and safer for our
                                                                                                                                               lack of get-up-and-go that I           tiniest patients.
                                                                                                                                             have noticed, I just feel like doing     To support our appeal
                                                                                                                                            nothing.”                                 please visit www.nottingham
                                                                                                                                                                                      hospitalscharity.org.uk or use
                                                                                                                                          While Ian was in hospital, his              the donation form inside Pulse.
                                                                                                                                         colleagues at Royal Mail raised money        Thank you so much to everyone
                                                                                                                                       for Nottingham Hospitals Charity, to           who has supported this appeal
                                                                                                                                       support the NHS staff who were caring          so far.
                                                                                                      Picture above: Ian Pointer       for patients like Ian.

                                                                                                                                        For more information about the appeal or to make a donation, please visit
                                                                                                                                        www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk/longcovid or use the donation form at the
                                                                                                                                        back of Pulse.

                    4                               @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham             NottinghamHospitalsCharity                   @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham             www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk                        5
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity

                                                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT YOU HAVE MADE POSSIBLE
                              HOW YOUR DONATIONS HAVE                                                               THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT
                              HELPED NOTTINGHAM’S HOSPITALS                                                         If you’d like to make a donation, set up a regular gift or leave a gift
                              With your help we are able to give around £4 million each year to fund lifesaving
                              equipment, ground-breaking research and environmental enhancements to                 in your Will to any of these areas, please call us on 0115 962 7905
                              help patients at Nottingham’s hospitals. Here are some of the projects you have       or email charity@nuh.nhs.uk
                              helped us fund across all areas of your local hospitals.

                              £1,000,000                                  £300,000                                  £1,600,000                              £220,000

                              Nursing excellence                           End of life care                         Nottingham                               Medical research
                              • Over the past three years we              • Every year we help to provide         Children’s Hospital                      • Over the past year, we gave
                                 have given over £1 million                   services such as counselling,                                                     more than £220,000 towards
                                                                                                                    • Thanks to our donors, our Big
                                 towards our hospitals’ journey to            art therapy and complementary            iMRI Appeal reached its £1.6             vital medical research projects
                                 nursing excellence. As a result,             therapy for terminally ill patients      million target, enabling the             at Nottingham Hospitals. This
                                 Nottingham City Hospital has now             and their families at Hayward            hospital to purchase an intra-           helped fund studies into the
                                 become the first hospital in the UK          House palliative care centre.            operative MRI scanner to use             diagnosis and treatment of a
                                 to receive Magnet® Recognition.              Thanks to your donations,                during children’s brain tumour           variety of conditions, including
                                 This special accreditation means             we are able to provide these             surgery. The machine allows              breast, ovarian and prostate
                                 that City Hospital is now globally           extra services that make a real          surgeons to operate more                 cancer, leukaemia, diabetes
                                 recognised for providing world-              difference to patients and their         accurately, minimising the risk          and osteoporosis. Thank you to
                                 class nursing care and leadership.           loved ones at a difficult time.          of patients needing further              our supporters for making this
                                 We are extremely proud to have                                                        surgery. This was made possible          possible
                                 supported the hospital throughout                                                     thanks to the generosity of local
                                 its journey to achieving this highly                                                  families, community groups and
                                 esteemed accreditation.                                                               businesses, including Mowgli
                                                                                                                       Street Food, who donated an
                                                                                                                       incredible £31,134 to the appeal.

            6                  @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham                NottinghamHospitalsCharity                @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham         www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk               7
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity

                                                                                                                                                                                    HOW YOU CAN HELP
                                                                                                         Sign up for any of our events online at
                   We’ve got a whole host of events you can get involved in to raise                     www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk/events
                   money for Nottingham’s hospitals. Whether you’re a runner,                            or for more information call us on 0115 962 7905 or email
                   a daredevil, or you just fancy doing your own thing, we’ve got                        charity@nuh.nhs.uk
                   something to suit you.

                   CHARITY                                 BIG QMC                                 ROBIN HOOD                               DO YOUR OWN
                   SKYDIVE                                 ABSEIL                                  HALF AND MINI                            THING!
                   Saturday 15th May 2021                  Saturday 18th September 2021            MARATHON                                 Hold your own event at a time and
                                                                                                   Sunday 26th September 2021               place to suit you – such as a virtual
                   Leap into spring by taking part         A unique opportunity to get a                                                    coffee morning with family or
                   in our Charity Skydive! Join our        panoramic view as you prepare to                                                 friends, or a dress down or dress up
                   team of daredevils for this tandem      abseil almost 100ft down the side       Take part in Nottingham’s biggest
                                                                                                   running event in support of your         day at work or school. Whatever you
                   skydive at Langar Airfield in           of one of the UK’s largest hospitals!                                            choose to do, our friendly team is on
                   Nottinghamshire, and jump out of        Face your fears to raise money for      local hospitals. Take on the half
                                                                                                   marathon, mini marathon or               hand to offer ideas and advice.
                   a plane at 10,000 feet! This is your    whichever area of Nottingham’s
                   chance to take a once-in-a-lifetime     hospitals is closest to your heart.     family-friendly mile challenge and       To receive a fundraising pack or
                   leap in support of patients and staff                                           enjoy the sights and sounds of our       chat to a member of our team, give
                   at Nottingham Hospitals.                Find out more and sign up at            beautiful city. Get in touch today for   us a call on 0115 962 7905 or email
                                                           www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.         your fundraising pack!                   charity@nuh.nhs.uk
                   Find out more and sign up at            org.uk/events
                   www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.                                                 Find out more and sign up at
                   org.uk/events                                                                   www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.

       8              @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham           NottinghamHospitalsCharity               @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham         www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk          9
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity

                                                                                                                                                                                                         HIKE FOR YOUR HOSPITALS
                                                                                                                      WALK, STROLL
                                                                                                                      OR HIKE YOUR
                                                                                                                      WAY TO SUPPORT
                                                                                                                      HOSPITALS THIS
                                                                                                                      Sign up to Hike for your Hospitals, our version of a
                                                                                                                      sponsored walk, in aid of Nottingham Hospitals Charity.
                                                                                                                      HOW DOES IT WORK?
                                                                                                                      Hike for your Hospitals is family-friendly and flexible. You can choose your
                            The past year has been difficult for all of us, and many of us will                       challenge, your schedule and your distance, and set your own fundraising target.
                            have felt the impact of the pandemic and lockdowns on both our                            You might prefer to do a one-off hike with your family, or perhaps a longer-term
                            physical and mental health.                                                               challenge, completing shorter distances every day for a month.
                            It’s important to remember to look after both our physical health and our                 You can hike for whichever hospital
                            emotional wellbeing at this challenging time. We spoke to our NUH Staff                   area or department is closest to your
                            Wellbeing team for some tips on taking care of your physical and emotional                heart. However much you raise,
                            health from home.                                                                         your support will make a real
                                                                                                                      difference to patient care at
                                                                                                                      Nottingham’s hospitals.
                              ental wellbeing and physical                •T
                                                                             ake care of your basic physical
                             wellbeing are connected – looking              needs – stay hydrated, get enough
                             after both is important                        rest, and try to eat healthily
                            • It is normal to feel anxious,               •S
                                                                             tay active – take outdoor walks if
                              emotional and stressed in the                 you can
                              current situation – be kind to
                                                                             ry an online fitness or yoga class
                              yourself, and patient with others
                                                                            to keep you fit and active, and also
                              tay connected with your loved ones           help your mental wellbeing
                              ry breathing exercises to calm a
                             racing mind

                             Did you know that the Staff Wellbeing team is supported by Nottingham Hospitals
                             Charity? If you’d like to make a donation to support the team, please use the donation
                             form in Pulse, call us on 0115 962 7905 or donate online at                               Find out more and register at www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk/
                             www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk                                                     hikeforyourhospitals

         10                    @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham                  NottinghamHospitalsCharity                  @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham          www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk             11
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity
A BIG WIN FOR                                                                   BRAINWAVE MONITORS TO

                                                                                                                                                                                    LATEST NEWS
                                                                                              HELP DURING SURGERY ON
              NOTTINGHAM HOSPITALS!                                                           THE YOUNG AND OLD

              We’re delighted to announce that                                                Thanks to our supporters, we’ve been able to fund six advanced brainwave
              Nottingham Hospitals Charity is                                                 monitors to help ensure babies and elderly patients receive the optimal
              partnering with Nottingham Forest                                               dose of anaesthetic during surgery.
              Community Trust, to support our                                                 The Narcotrend brain function monitors     known as ‘Depth of Anaesthesia
              city’s mental health.                                                           can also help these patients wake up       monitoring.’
                                                                                              quicker after their operations, reducing
              Bringing the football community and the                                                                                    “We anticipate the monitors will be used
              city’s NHS hospitals together, we will    Barbara Cathcart, Chief Executive     the risks of confusion or delirium when
                                                                                                                                         during more than 2,000 operations a
              work together to raise money for local    of Nottingham Hospitals Charity,      recovering from anaesthetic.               year – allowing brain monitoring during
              healthcare initiatives in Nottingham.     said: “Nottingham is home to                                                     major surgical cases at the extremes
                                                                                              The monitors use an algorithm
                                                        both sporting excellence and a        designed to interpret brain activity       of age, keeping our hospitals at the
              Nottingham Forest Community Trust         magnificent NHS, so it is fitting     and provide real-time information of a     forefront of brain monitoring during
              (NFCT) was established in 2010
                                                        that the two have come together to    patient’s brainwaves – indicating when     general anaesthesia.”
              and aims to engage, inspire and
                                                        support our local community. I am     the patient has the ideal brainwave
              empower the people of Nottingham                                                                                           The monitors can also be used on
              and Nottinghamshire to live happier,      really looking forward to launching   pattern for surgery. This enables          children who are developmentally
              healthier and more fulfilling lives.      our first fundraising campaign        medical staff to see precisely how much    delayed and some preterm babies who
                                                        together and getting the whole of     anaesthetic an individual patient needs.   have immature brains – these are only
              We’re currently working with the NFCT     Nottingham on our side to help                                                   devices which can be used on these
              on our exciting fundraising plans for                                           Dr Mark Barley, Consultant Anaesthetist
                                                        fund crucial health projects.”                                                   young and vulnerable patients.
              2021.                                                                           at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS
                                                                                              Trust, said: “NUH are national leaders     Thank you for your support, which has
               Follow us on Facebook @NottinghamHospitalsCharity and Twitter @NUHCharity      in the clinical use of this technology,    made this possible.
               to find out more about the partnership and how you can get involved!

    12           @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham           NottinghamHospitalsCharity               @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham           www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk          13
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity
ights                                                                                   Mile

                                                                                                                                                                                                    FUNDRAISING HALL OF FAME
                           Reaching new He                            MICHAEL WARRINER                            Going the Extra                    BEN SHARMAN
                                                                      Michael bravely took on a skydive to
                                                                                                                                                     AND LUKE COWLEN
                                                                      raise money for the children’s cancer                                          Ben and Luke took on an enormous
                                                                      ward at Nottingham Children’s                                                  14-hour, 40-mile trek from, Stamford to
                                                                      Hospital, where his three-year-old                                             the QMC, in support of the Major Trauma
                                                                      son Archie is being treated for liver                                          Centre. The walk was particularly poignant
                                                                      cancer. Well done Michael!                                                     for Ben who suffered a near-fatal accident
                                                                                                                                                     in October 2019. The pair raised over £1,400
                                                                                                                                                     to thank staff at the QMC for their care.

                                                                                        Staff Superstar                                                            Pedalling for Po
                            SARAH BRAY                                                                             KAILASH RAO                                                      unds
                            Sarah is a senior Staff                                                                The amazing Kailash cycled
                            Nurse at the Neonatal Unit                                                             from Tollerton to QMC to
                            at the City Hospital, and                                                              raise money for Nottingham
                            won Nottinghamshire Live’s                                                             Hospitals Charity. Through his
                            Healthcare Hero award                                                                  determination he has raised an
                            in 2020 for her incredible                                                             incredible £1,400, and we are
                            fundraising efforts during                                                             all super proud of his amazing
                            the coronavirus pandemic!                                                              achievement. Well done Kailash!

                           Doing in it Sty le                                  CAITLIN DAVIDSON                   Young Megastars                     ALEXIS AND LOUIS HINTON
                                                                               We love supporters who                                                 Twins Alexis and Louis were cared for at
                                                                               fundraise and look good                                                the City Hospital Neonatal Unit after being
                                                                               doing it! Caitlin cycled, skated                                       born more than 11 weeks early. To mark
                                                                               and scooted throughout the                                             their second birthday, in August 2020, the
                                                                               summer in support of our                                               boys walked a total of ten miles and raised
                                                                               Help your Hospital Heroes                                              £765 for our Baby MRI Appeal, to thank the
                                                                               appeal, raising a fantastic                                            Neonatal staff for the care they received.
                                                                               £325. Thank you!                                                       Amazing, well done Alex and Louis!

                            DAWN PETERS                                                  Bald and Brave            COXMOOR GOLF CLUB                                     Stronger Togeth
                            Due to the pandemic, Dawn’s hair was the                                               Thank you to members of Coxmoor Golf
                            longest it had ever been! She braved the shave                                         Club, who chose us as their Charity of
                            in recognition of the amazing work of the Stroke                                       the Year in 2020. Captains Susan and
                            Services at Nottingham Hospitals, where Dawn’s                                         Nigel, along with other members of the
                            late father-in-law was treated after suffering                                         club, raised money for Hogarth Ward
                            several strokes. She raised an amazing £875 to                                         at City Hospital throughout the year.
                            thank them for their care. Well done Dawn!                                             Thank you so much for your support.

         14                  @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham               NottinghamHospitalsCharity                  @NUH_Charity #Here4Nottingham           www.nottinghamhospitalscharity.org.uk            15
Pulse 4 11 - Nottingham Hospitals Charity

     and support patients across our hospitals
     Do you want to say thank you to Nottingham’s NHS hospitals, and feel
     closer to the staff, patients and wider hospital community? Become a
     Friend of Nottingham Hospitals Charity today, and your support will
     help make a positive long term impact on patient care in your local
     A regular monthly donation to the hospital area closest to your heart will help us:
     • initiate a greater number of medical research projects
     • f und additional specialist equipment to help improve diagnosis, treatment and
     • provide even more comfortable new facilities for patients and their families
     • say ‘thank you’ to NHS staff and clinicians who care for us

     As a Friend of Nottingham
     Hospitals Charity, you will
     receive an exclusive Friends
     welcome pack, including a
     special Friends badge, an
     official Friends certificate,
     invitations to behind-the-
     scenes events and of
                                                  Scan this code
     course, plenty of updates                  to find out more
     about the difference you
     are making to patients, their
     families, and NHS staff.
     To become a Friend of
     Nottingham Hospitals Charity, visit
     friends or to request a
     Friends information pack, contact

16       @NUHCharity #Here4Nottingham                  NottinghamHospitalsCharity
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