School Charter Strategic Plan 2020 - 2022 and Annual Plan 2021 for Warkworth School

Page created by Tiffany Neal
School Charter Strategic Plan 2020 - 2022 and Annual Plan 2021 for Warkworth School
School Charter

                           Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022
                                Annual Plan 2021
                               Warkworth School
Principals’ endorsement:                    Cynthia Holden
Board of Trustees’ endorsement:             Sheralyn Cotton, 28 February 2021
Submission date to Ministry of Education:   1 March 2021
Warkworth School 2020 - 2022
                                   Introductory Section - Strategic Intentions
                       Nurturing ACTIVE Learners
Mission Statement
                       Adventurous Collaborative Thoughtful Innovative Valued Empowered

                       Success for all

                       Whakawhanaungatanga – Nurturing extended family relationships
                       Manaakitanga – Showing care and respect

                       Kaitiakitanga – Protecting our natural resources

                       We believe teaching and learning programmes must acknowledge the principles of the New Zealand Curriculum which
                       include - High expectations; Treaty of Waitangi; Cultural diversity; Inclusion; Learning to learn; Community engagement;
                       Coherence; Future-focus.

                       We believe in a way of learning that is learner and relationships-centred, that is dialogic, engaging, challenging and

                       We believe in providing teaching and learning programmes that develop the whole child attending to their mental and
                       emotional wellbeing, their social wellbeing, their physical wellbeing and their spiritual wellbeing.

Māori dimensions and   Warkworth School Board of Trustees acknowledge the unique position of Maori as tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Cultural Diversity     as one of the eight principles of the New Zealand Curriculum. The Board of Trustees also acknowledges Ngati Manuhiri
                       as mana whenua of Puhinui, Warkworth.

                       The Board will develop policies and practices that reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of the
                       Maori as tangata whenua. They will provide professional learning for teachers that supports te reo Maori me nga tikanga
                       in the classroom and the inclusion of Maori perspectives when planning curriculum units.

                       The Board is not able to provide for the delivery of the Curriculum in te reo Maori for those parents whom request this, but
                       can discuss with parents ways in which the school could support their access to this method of learning outside of the
                       school or by investigating options for learning through commercial or correspondence programmes.
The Board will consult with the Maori community regarding their aspirations for student achievement, and will report on
                      Maori achievement in literacy and mathematics. The Board will support the development of a strong kapa haka group
                      and will ensure a Maori dimension is visible around the school.

                                                     Baseline Data or School Context
Students’ Learning
                           2020               All             Maori           Pasifika       NZ European           Male           Female
                                              80               72                52               76                76               80
                       % At & Above

                                              76               65                53               85                67               82
                       % At & Above

                                              82               74                55               88                80               81
                       % At & Above

School Organisation   Warkworth School is a split site school comprising a junior campus for Year 1-3 learners and a senior campus for Year 4-
and Structures        6 learners. In February 2016, the newly developed innovative learning environment on the junior campus was opened
                      and in October 2020, the newly developed innovative learning environment on the senior campus was opened.

                      The school of approximately 550 learners currently comprises 53% NZ European, 18% Maori, 13% Pasifika, 8% Asian,
                      8% Other.

                      Staff Organisation
                       Senior Leadership                   Principal, two Deputy Principals
                       Middle Leadership                   Six leaders of learning, Years 1 - 6
                       Leadership responsibilities         Salary Unit holders – Kapa haka, Pasifika Performance Group, Performing Arts,
                                                           Digital Learning, Mathematics, Literacy and Local Curriculum including Te Ao
                                                           Maori and Cultural Capability.
                       Guardian teachers                   21 guardian (classroom) teachers
                       Specialist and Part-time teachers   One Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) and three part-time teachers providing
                                                           Special Needs (ORS) and ESOL teaching, CRT and PCT release.
                       Learning Assistants                 Ten learning assistants providing learning support for learners with additional
                                                           needs, general learning assistance and te ao Maori support.

Administration Staff                Six administration personnel including Principal’s PA and Executive Officer, two
                                                             school secretaries, office administrator, one part-time resource manager and one
                                                             part-time library manager.
                         Caretaker                           One caretaker

                        Board of Trustee
                        The Board is made up of six parent representatives, the principal and a staff representative.

Review of Charter and   The school consulted extensively with the school community to gather voice from students, parents and caregivers, staff
Consultation            and board members to determine people’s aspirations and therefore ‘Our Purpose’. Once ideas were drafted and
                        reviewed, further consultation occurred and feedback taken into consideration. At the completion of this work over a two-
                        year period, Our Purpose was confirmed as Nurturing ACTIVE Learners with the acronym ACTIVE representing these
                        dispositions - Adventurous, Collaborative, Thoughtful, Innovative, Valued, Empowered.

                        We will consult with our community both formally and informally to gather current ideas and thinking at parent hui and
                        learning conferences.

                        The Charter will be reviewed quarterly to monitor progress and annually to determine areas of priority for the next annual
                        planning cycle.

Strategic Section

                     Strategic Goals                                             Core Strategies for Achieving Goals
                                                                                             2020 - 2022

    Nurture Learning
                        We will provide a relationships-   Develop our local curriculum, reflecting our commitment to cultural relationships and
                        centred, culturally-connected,     responsive pedagogy, ACTIVE learners, restorative practice and project-based
                        authentic curriculum that is       learning.
                        engaging, inclusive and future-
                        focused.                           Integrate the digital technologies strand of the Technology curriculum, local mana
                                                           whenua initiatives for the delivery of Maori history, Ka Hikitia (2018 – 2022), the
                                                           Pasifika Education Plan and Tapasa.

                                                           Accelerate the learning of learners who are at-risk of not achieving the expected level
                                                           of the curriculum for their age.

                                                           Strengthen initiatives to support learners who are at-risk of not succeeding, drawing on
                                                           resourcing associated with the new Learning Support Delivery Model.

                        We will foster educationally       Proactively initiate conversations with parents and caregivers as a starting point for
                        powerful connections with the      developing genuine reciprocal relationships and use a range of strategies, face-to-face
                        school community, mana whenua      and digital, to sustain these relationships.
                        and the wider community.
                                                           Engage the support of Ngati Manuhiri and utilise the expertise of our school and
                                                           community Maori resource personnel to implement initiatives that further strengthen our
                                                           commitment to Maori language, identity, culture and heritage.

                                                           Develop professional relationships with members of the Mahurangi Kahui Ako to
                                                           strengthen collaborative professional learning and to assist with the transition of

    Nurture People
                        We will develop a staff of high    Provide responsive PLD for all staff – teachers, learning assistants, administration
                        calibre.                           personnel, Board of Trustees.
Use performance management systems and processes, including Improvement Plans
                                                               and Spirals of Inquiry, to promote self-directed learning where the focus is on
                                                               increasing personal effectiveness and lifting student outcomes.

    Nurture Resources
                        We will grow and sustain high-         Ensure the school learning environment reflects the bicultural heritage of Aotearoa,
                        quality innovative learning            New Zealand, in multiple ways including, for example, signage, graphics and motifs.
                        environments that reflect taonga
                        including tikanga Maori, natural       Develop outdoor learning spaces that support learning across the curriculum and that
                        and physical resources.                promote ecological sustainability.

                                                               Regularly include education outside the classroom experiences for every student as
                                                               part of their general learning.

    Nurture Wellbeing
                        We will grow mental and emotional      Acknowledge students for their growth in the dispositions of ACTIVE learners, their
                        wellbeing, social wellbeing,           mental and emotional (sense of achievement) wellbeing, their social (friendships and
                        physical wellbeing and spiritual       social interactions) wellbeing, their physical (health, nutrition, personal confidence)
                        wellbeing.                             wellbeing and their spiritual (personal beliefs and values) wellbeing.

                                                               Strengthen pro-social behaviours by implementing initiatives arising from the new
                                                               Learning Support Delivery Model and from external agencies (MoE, Oranga Tamariki,
                                                               Waitemata District Health Board).

     Nurture Agency
                        We will create a school culture        Regularly consult with stakeholders to nurture and grow the school culture.
                        that retains its individuality while
                        acknowledging legislative              Utilise external providers to assist with the development of our branding and marketing,
                        requirements.                          digital communication strategies, financial reporting, construction projects and building

                                                               Develop a succession plan for the Board and promote diversity of membership.

Annual School Improvement Plan 2021 – SUMMARY

       Domain                Strategic Goal                                   Target                                    Short Report
                                                                                                                 June   September   December

    Nurture Learning
                       We will provide a              The development of our local curriculum is completed
                       relationships-centred,         by the end of the year, embracing our values, cultural
                       culturally-connected,          competencies, pedagogical position, learning areas,
                       authentic curriculum that is   contexts and concepts, digital technologies, Māori
                       engaging, inclusive and        History and NZ History.
                                                      Digital technologies are a regular and natural part of
                                                      learning in all curriculum areas and emphasis is
                                                      placed on using technology to create rather than
                                                      consume information.

                                                      Learning Assistants are utilised to support the delivery
                                                      of te reo Māori me nga tikanga learning as well as
                                                      Māori History.

                                                      Languages of other cultures are celebrated and given
                                                      emphasis during the year, whether or not it is a
                                                      designated national week of recognition.

                                                      Learning programmes are responsive to diverse
                                                      learners drawing on contexts that are relatable and
                                                      relevant thus enhancing cultural relationships with all
                                                      learners and whanau.

                                                      Learners at-risk of not achieving at expectation are
                                                      identified in Learning Community Improvement Plans
                                                      and differentiated learning programmes are provided
                                                      so that school-wide achievement outcomes are lifted
                                                      especially in Reading.
                                                      Overall, we aim to raise student achievement to 85%
                                                      achieving at expectation across the school. To achieve
                                                      this aspirational goal, we will:
• Increase students achieving at expectation by 10%
                                                      in their first two years at school and by 5% for all
                                                      other year-levels.
                                                    • Reduce the disparity between males and females
                                                      not meeting expectation by 3%.
                                                    • Reduce the disparity between males and females
                                                      achieving above expectation by 5%.
                                                    • Reduce the disparity between Pasifika and all
                                                      learners not meeting expectation by 3%.

                    We will foster educationally   Hold an informal Open Day at the start of the year to
                    powerful connections with      assist with transition back to school for 2021.
                    the school community, mana
                    whenua and the wider           Utilise learning assistants to help staff foster warm
                    community.                     cultural relationships with Pasifika families.

                                                   Hold Learning Conversations twice a year, in Term 1
                                                   and Term 3.

                                                   Redesign the transition to school programme for
                                                   students starting school at five and strengthen the
                                                   development of a genuine reciprocal relationship with
                                                   parents and whanau from the outset of enrolment.

                                                   Utilise additional staffing from the Ministry of
                                                   Education to run the Reading Recovery programme
                                                   for a year.

                                                   Utilise the expertise and any available resource
                                                   support from Ngati Manuhiri to strengthen the delivery
                                                   of Maori History and the te reo Maori programme run
                                                   by Learning Assistants.

                                                   Engage in all opportunities to strengthen our
                                                   relationship with other member schools of the
                                                   Mahurangi Kahui Ako with a view to developing
                                                   greater consistency of assessment between schools
                                                   and to facilitate communication between Boards of
We will develop a staff of   All teaching staff and learning assistants attend the
     Nurture People
                        high calibre.                training course, First Aid in the Workplace.

                                                     All teaching staff attend the PLD course run by
                                                     Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey, The Balanced
                                                     Reading Programme and implement new learning so
                                                     that there is consistency of practice across the school.

                                                     All teaching staff attend PLD on the Learning
                                                     Progression Framework and utilise the Framework for
                                                     making judgements in Writing to increase consistency
                                                     across the school and across the Kahui Ako.

                                                     Teachers with responsibility for Digital Learning work
                                                     with the Digital Technologies PLD facilitator to
                                                     increase their leadership capacity. They support
                                                     teachers growing capability to enable student use of
                                                     the technology as creators rather than consumers.

                                                     Utilise the Kahui Ako Within School Leaders (WSLs) to
                                                     act as experts of the Learning Progression Framework
                                                     (LPF) who coach and support teachers with their
                                                     learning and implementation of the LPFs.

                                                     The Teachers Council requirement for teachers to
                                                     engage in a Growth Cycle as an alternative to teacher
                                                     appraisal is implemented.

                                                     The Board of Trustees attend at least one training
                                                     programme to enhance their role in governance of the

    Nurture Resources
                        We will grow and sustain     Each learning community provide one EOTC
                        high-quality innovative      experience per term to support rich learning in the
                        learning environments that   topic of their Inquiry for the term.
                        reflect taonga including

tikanga Maori, natural and      Actively promote and support all fundraising events
                     physical resources.             initiated by the PTA.

                                                     PTA funds enable school gardens to be installed on
                                                     the junior and senior campus as well as a shade sail
                                                     over the junior mini-playground.

                                                     Existing school decorative gardens are maintained by
                                                     school leaders supported by a parent volunteer as well
                                                     as by a paid gardener.

                                                     Projects identified in the 10 Year Property Plan
                                                     (10YPP) for 2020/21 are completed.

                                                     The ventilation in the junior school project, identified in
                                                     the School Improvement Plan (SIPs), is completed by
                                                     the end of Term 1.

                                                     The dividing wall between Nikau and Pohutukawa
                                                     communities, using Accelerated Modernisation
                                                     Scheme (AMS) funds, is initiated in Term 1 and
                                                     completed by the end of the year.

                                                     The LSC office is constructed and is ready for use by
                                                     the beginning of Term 2.

                                                     The defects (soffits) on the junior learning block are
                                                     completed by the end of the year.

 Nurture Wellbeing
                     We will grow mental and         All teaching staff attend a PLD course, Pause,
                     emotional wellbeing, social     Breathe, Smile, on the Teacher-Only Day in Term 3.
                     wellbeing, physical wellbeing
                     and spiritual wellbeing.        The Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) strategically
                                                     targets groups of learners with mental, emotional,
                                                     social and spiritual wellbeing needs and implements
                                                     programmes of support according to need, e.g. Lego
                                                     Therapy, You Can Do It programme, Seasons etc.

The sports coordinator strategically targets groups of
                                                  learners who will benefit from programmes of support
                                                  for their physical wellbeing, implements physical
                                                  activities and provides self-efficacy enhancing
                                                  responsibilities as appropriate.

                                                  Learning Assistants are strategically utilised to
                                                  strengthen home-school partnerships with Pasifika
                                                  families, especially in the first year of being associated
                                                  with Warkworth School so they feel comfortable with
                                                  being an active part of the school community and of
                                                  their child’s learning at school and at home.

                                                  The Health Curriculum is delivered as per the
                                                  overview for the odd years, i.e. 2021.

                      We will create a school     The new school logo is introduced with an explanation
     Nurture Agency
                      culture that retains its    of the meaning behind it and is used on school items
                      individuality while         once current supplies have been exhausted. It will
                      acknowledging legislative   increasingly have a presence in the school as new
                      requirements.               supplies are ordered.

                                                  The new website becomes operational as of the
                                                  beginning of Term 2.

                                                  We continue to promote a broad range of learning
                                                  opportunities across the curriculum, including EOTC,
                                                  performing arts, visual arts, music, sport etc and
                                                  promote the school’s achievements in these areas as
                                                  a means of illustrating the school’s commitment to
                                                  ‘Nurturing ACTIVE learners’ and meeting the needs of
                                                  diverse learners.

Improvement Plan - Domain: Learning
Strategic Goal                                                                Annual Goal
We will provide a relationships-centred, culturally-connected, authentic      Accelerate the learning of learners who are at-risk of not achieving the
curriculum that is engaging, inclusive and future-focused.                    expected level of the curriculum for their age.

Baseline data and Annual Target – 2021
 Goal                                                                                                Baseline Data                      Target
 Raise overall student achievement in Reading to 85% achieving at or above expectation.                  80%                             85%

 Increase students achieving at and above expectation by 10% in the first three years of      Year 1      69%     38/56     Year 1      79%      44/56
 schooling and by 5% for all other year-levels.                                               Year 2      70%     56/80     Year 2      80%      64/80
                                                                                              Year 3      67%     42/63     Year 3      77%      48/63
                                                                                              Year 4      79%     60/76     Year 4      84%      64/76
                                                                                              Year 5      83%     63/76     Year 5      88%      67/76
                                                                                              Year 6      78%     73/94     Year 6      83%      78/94

 Reduce the disparity between males and females not meeting expectation by 3%.                Males       24%     59/242    Males       21%      51/242
                                                                                              Females     20%     50/256    Females     20%      50/256
                                                                                              Disparity   4%                Disparity   1%
                                                                                                                            Shift       3%
 Reduce the disparity between males and females achieving above expectation by 5%.            Males       24%     59/242    Males       29%      70/242
                                                                                              Females     32%     83/256    Females     32%      83/256
                                                                                              Disparity   8%                Disparity   3%
                                                                                                                            Shift       5%
 Reduce the disparity between Pasifika and all learners not meeting expectation by 3%.        Pasifika    47%     29/62     Pasifika    44%      27/62
                                                                                              All         22%     95/425    All         22%      95/425
                                                                                              Disparity   25%               Disparity   22%
                                                                                                                            Shift       3%
Key Improvement Strategies
When              What                                                        Who             Indicators of Progress
Term 1            All teachers attend PLD in Reading by attending The         SLT             Shared Book programmes are delivered with
                  Balanced Reading Programme. Teachers plan and               Middle          consistency across the school.

implement Shared Book as per the PLD course in            Teachers
         Term 1.

         All Communities complete an Improvement Plan:             Team Leader    Teachers can name the individual learners in their
              • State specific targets for achievement             Teachers       reading groups who are target learners.
              • Identify and list target learners                                 Teachers provide ‘double dose’ learning experiences for
              • State actions for Term 1 to accelerate learning                   target learners.
                 for target learners
         All teachers contribute to a Spiral of Inquiry approach
         to support their Community Improvement Plan.

         All teachers in Puriri and Pohutukawa Community           Year 0/1 and   Phonics is taught with consistency of approach in the
         implement the Yolander Sorryl phonics programme.          Year 1/2       first two years of schooling.

         At-risk target learners receive additional support from                  At-risk target learners receive support from a variety of
         Learning Assistants and the LSC working with families                    personnel and make consistent progress.
         empowering them to use effective strategies at home.

         The LSC is used to gain additional learning support                      At-risk learners who successfully meet the criteria for
         from outside agencies where this is needed.                              additional support from outside agencies receive that
Term 2   All teachers plan and implement Guided Reading            Middle         Guided Reading Programmes are consistent with the
         programmes as per the PLD course The Balanced             leaders and    PLD course attended. Teachers use the same language
         Reading Programme. Reading follow-up activities are       teachers       for learning across the school, e.g. fix-up strategies for
         based on those specified during the course.                              correcting decoding mistakes.

         All teachers contribute to the evaluation of student      Middle         Progress of target learners is reviewed and recorded.
         progress in relation to their specific targets for        leaders and    New actions are decided, planned and implemented.
         achievement. They review the effectiveness of actions     teachers
         taken to date and determine what else might occur for
         learners who are at-risk of not making accelerated
         progress, recording this in their Community
         Improvement Plan.

         Literacy PLD is provided at staff meetings to make                       Teachers give emphasis to Reading programmes but
         explicit the link between Reading and Writing so that                    also provide rich, relevant contexts for writing which are
         progress in writing tracks in tandem with reading                        linked to the reading programme so achievement in
         progress.                                                                writing also improves.

Term 3           Shared Book and Guided Reading programmes are                Middle        Shared Book and Guided Reading programmes are
                 reviewed and resource and/or personnel support is            leaders and   embedded in teaching and learning programmes and
                 provided as required to assist in the acceleration of        teachers      become the norm for how Reading is taught at
                 target learners.                                                           Warkworth School.

                 All teachers contribute to the review and further            Middle        Progress of target learners is reviewed and recorded.
                 development of their Community Improvement Plan              leaders and   New actions are decided, planned and implemented.
                 stating actions to accelerate the learning of their target   teachers
                 learners in Term 3.

Term 4           All teachers contribute to the evaluation of student         Middle        Community Improvement plans are reviewed. The
                 progress in relation to their specific targets for           leaders and   outcomes are collated and contribute to the
                 achievement. They review the effectiveness of actions        teachers      Analysis of Variance report. Next steps are identified for
                 taken to date and identify key strategies that could be                    the following year’s Strategic Plan.
                 adopted school-wide the following year to accelerate
                 the learning for at-risk learners.

Student achievement is tracked from term to term for at-risk target learners.
Strategies for accelerating the learning for these students is the topic of review at Middle and Senior Leadership meetings so that successful
strategies can be implemented across the school and strategies that are ineffective or inefficient are stopped.

Budget for attendance by all teachers at the PLD course and for Learning Assistants in each learning community to support literacy acquisition and
accelerated progress for at-risk target learners.

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