Page created by Max Snyder
6-15 AUGUST 2021

                               NORTH BERWICK

                                         I’M YOUR
                                        COPY, TAKE
                                       ME WITH YOU


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                     Covid-19                                                      Booking info                                                                 Welcome
Let’s keep Covid-19 at bay                                         Tickets are available online and in person, both at the event and in     Well, well, well… it has felt at times over
                                                                   a temporary pop-up box office. However, we highly recommend
We have taken every precaution to ensure your safety               booking online as events are expected to sell-out and there is no        the past year or so that we’d never get here,
at Fringe By The Sea, including necessary measures to              separate allocation for in-person box office sales, nor is there a       but despite some enormous challenges,
minimise the risk from Covid-19. We ask that anyone                difference in price between online or in person. All prices shown
visiting the festival plays their part by following our            are inclusive of booking engine fees.                                    Fringe By The Sea is back - and back with
direction throughout their time with us. This includes not         Online:                                               an almighty splash! While there are many
attending and self isolating should you be displaying any
symptoms. The most up-to-date guidance will be posted at           In Person:                                                               changes to how the festival and its 200+
                                                                   FBTS Pop-up Box Office, and ticket holders will receive emails
                                                                   c/o The Ship Inn, 7-9 Quality Street, North Berwick EH39 4HJ             events will be delivered, we are sure you’ll
beforehand with protocols to follow. By doing so, we’ll have
a safe and enjoyable festival for all.                             (8th July - 5th August, 2pm - 4pm Mon - Fri only).                       enjoy the same warm, friendly atmosphere
                                                                   There will also be two box offices – at the Lodge Gardens and at the     that our fantastic little corner of Scotland
                                                                   Harbour - open between 10am and 10pm daily (6th - 15th August).
                                                                   Tickets are sent as an e-ticket, which can be presented on your
                                                                                                                                            always delivers.
                        Face coverings                             mobile device at the door. Alternatively, print the e-ticket at home
                                                                   and bring it with you.                                                   A key aim of this year’s festival    Small is beautiful too, and The       From tales of Trainspotting with
                                                                   Programme details are correct at the time of going to press. Fringe      is to help aid the recovery          Lighthouse Live stage down            Irvine Welsh to capers with            OUR STORY
                                                                   By The Sea reserves the right to alter or cancel events. Tickets are     of our community from the            at the North Berwick Trust            the Beano (Dennis the Menace
                                                                                                                                            pandemic. With such an               Harbour Home is where you’ll          celebrates his 70th this year),        Founded in 2008, Fringe
                                                                   non-refundable unless an event is cancelled. Please check the festival                                                                                                                     by the Sea is operated
                                                                   website and social media feeds for all the latest news and updates.      overwhelming groundswell             find fantastic local musicians        books will come alive at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and run by Fringe by the
                        Clean hands                                Visitors with additional needs:
                                                                                                                                            of support from well-wishers,        playing to contented hearts.          Glenkinchie Lowland Stage and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sea Ltd, a not-for-profit
                                                                                                                                            artists, sponsors and the local      If sounds nourish the soul, the       other venues around the town
                                                                   All venues at Fringe By The Sea are wheelchair accessible. Please        authorities among others, we’re      food and drink on offer from          as we up our literary programme        organisation. It is only
                                                                   let a member of stewarding team know of your needs on arrival.           feeling confident of success.        East Lothian’s finest streetfood      in line with the nation’s thirst for   through the incredible
                                                                   If you have a carer requiring a ticket, please contact                   The willingness of so many           stalls, brewers and distillers will   reading during lockdown.               support of numerous
                                                          at least 24 hours in advance of your             individuals to ensure 2021’s         satisfy the body.                                                            community volunteers
                                                                   show to make arrangements, or a steward upon arrival at the                                                                                         All around the town, Fringe By
                                                                                                                                            showcase not only happens,                                                                                        and organisations as well
                        Physical distancing                        event if booking less than 24 hours before the event.                    but is better than ever before is
                                                                                                                                                                                 Talking of which, the newly           The Sea’s presence will be felt,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as passionate sponsors
                                                                                                                                                                                 relaunched Marine North               not least with our inaugural Art
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that the festival is able to
                                                                   Concession tickets:                                                      truly humbling.                      Berwick will be hosting tasty         Club, led by our first ever Artist
                                                                   Where applicable, concession tickets are available for children.                                                                                                                           succeed. The festival is
                                                                                                                                            Our theme of Open Arms,              masterclasses and interviews          in Residence, Eilidh Muldoon.
                                                                   Babes in arms go free. Please take note of age suitability of events,                                                                                                                      managed by a team headed
                                                                                                                                            Open Minds, Open Spaces sees         with mixologists, chefs and           Expect the unexpected.
Book a test if you have symptoms.                                  where stated.                                                            us welcome fresh faces and old       masters of other crafts. It’s well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              up by Director Rory Steel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       It takes an enormous team              and General Manager
Protecting all of us, takes all of us.                             Venues:                                                                  friends with thought-provoking       worth the short walk along the        effort to make Fringe By The           Jackie Shuttleworth.
                                                                   All venues are outdoors (under cover). Please dress appropriately        events and crowd-pleasing            seafront, if only to enjoy the        Sea happen and the event
                                                                   for the weather conditions.                                              gigs in new venues right across      building’s sumptuous makeover.        simply wouldn’t be possible

                                                                                                                                            North Berwick.                       The Mactaggart & Mickel               without the support of local
                                                                   Events start punctually. Members of the audience may not be              Having been starved of live          Makers Market is another new          community organisations,               SOCIAL
                                                                   permitted entry after the beginning of events.                           music for so long, we’ve             addition to Fringe By The Sea         dedicated volunteers, brilliant        Share your day:
                                                                                                                                            pushed the boat out to bring         that we’ve been able to create        artists and generous partners
                                                                                                                                            a super-hot line-up of talent        thanks to our expansion across        from the business world. To
Parking is limited in North Berwick. Information is available at   Please follow all signage for queuing, entering and exiting our                                                                                                                            #FBTS21
                                                                                                                                            from Scotland and beyond.            the town. The artistry of these       them, our thanks can’t be however we highly                   venues. There will be a different point of entry from exit at each                                                                                                                         #OpenArmsMindsSpaces
                                                                                                                                            The Belhaven Big Top will be         stallholders really is a sight to     proclaimed loud enough, so
recommend using public transport to visit the festival.            venue. Our staff will direct you to seats, where relevant. Please
                                                                                                                                            bouncing to the beats of iconic      behold, and invest in.                please take note of who they all
Late night trains and buses calling all stations and stops to      follow their instruction.
                                                                                                                                            dance duo Basement Jaxx,             Environment and conservation          are on the page over and if you
Edinburgh will be running – please consult ScotRail and East       Meeting Points:                                                          Stornoway’s trad sensations                                                meet any of them during your
                                                                                                                                                                                 are more important than
Lothian Buses timetables for full details.                         We would recommend using the Meeting Points as shown on map              Peat & Diesel, fun lovin’ criminal                                         time with us, be sure to say
                                                                                                                                                                                 ever before, which is why we
NB: ScotRail online timetables may not show the special            as a place to arrange to meet others in your party if they get lost.     Huey Morgan and his high-                                                  thanks in person.
                                                                                                                                                                                 have a new Envirozone space
midnight service from North Berwick to Edinburgh that              Lost property:                                                           octane sidekicks Dat Brass, Mica     dedicated to our programme            We hope you have a fabulous
runs on each day of the festival. The N124 nightbus also           Lost property will be stored at the Box Offices for the festival         Paris’s epic vocals and The Blues    of events supported by SSE            time at Fringe By The Sea,
operates through the night on Saturday and Sunday                  duration. Any items which have not been collected by the end of          Band amongst many others.            Renewables. The finale of             connecting with friends, family
mornings. These services are ideal should you wish to              the festival will be disposed of.                                        Oh, and just the small matter        which will see Storm, a 10m high      and strangers through fun and
book a late show and take public transport to stops                                                                                         of the Scottish POP LEGEND           puppet, descend on streets of         memorable shared experiences

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AP S
throughout East Lothian and Edinburgh.                                                                                                      that is Lulu!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M GE
                                                                     Our front cover was designed by Harry King in                                                               North Berwick telling the story       once more. Enjoy!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             UE A                                                                                                                             of oceans in crisis in what is sure   Rory Steel & Jackie

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            N EP
                                                                     2020, when he was in his final year at Longniddry                                                           to be a stunning spectacle.           Shuttleworth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         VE TR
                                                                     Primary School.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       R EN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fringe By The Sea
                                                                     Programme design by Shaw Marketing and Design.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FO E C
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                                                         Partners                                                                                                                      Our Environment

                                                          Master Partners                                                              We consider environmental sustainability at every stage of planning through to delivery
                                                                                                                                       and use the platform of creative arts to engage people about environmental issues.
                                                                                                                                       Our home is in an area of outstanding natural beauty and heritage       In 2021, our food and drink traders have committed to a ban on
                                                                                                                                       and with sites of special scientific interest on our doorstep, we       serving produce in plastics, and will serve mostly in compostable
                                                                                                                                       feel a particularly strong responsibility to care for and protect our   products. We ask that you do your bit in disposing of your waste
                                                                                                                                       environment, and to encourage others to do the same.                    in the appropriate receptacle, which will be clearly marked. You
                                                                                                                                       We are part of the Green Arts initiative, an interactive community      can learn more about what happens to our waste at the SSE
                                                                                                                                       of over 200 Scottish arts and cultural organisations working to         Renewables Envirozone.
                                                                                                                                       improve their environmental performance and run by Creative
                                                                                                                                       Carbon Scotland and Festivals Edinburgh. We have signed up to the
                                                      Community Partners                                                               Vision 2025 pledge whereby the events industry aims to reduce its
                                                                                                                                       festival-related emission by 50% by 2025.

                                                                                                                                          Equality, Diversity                                                                  Accessibility
                                                                                                                                          & Inclusivity (EDI)
                                                         Affiliate Partners
                                                                                                                                       With community at the heart of Fringe By                                We believe everyone should have the
                                                                                                                                       The Sea, EDI is central as we aim to create                             opportunity to experience the creative arts
                                                                                                                                       opportunities for people from a wide                                    performances and events that are part of
                                                                                                                                       range of backgrounds to connect with the                                the festival.
                                                                                                                                       creative arts.                                                          We are committed to ensuring our events are accessible to as
                                                                                                                                                                                                               wide an audience as possible by considering accessibility at every
                                Special thanks to local partners and organisations                                                     By removing barriers, supporting and reflecting different               stage from planning through to festival delivery. We welcome
                                                                                                                                       backgrounds through our event, we are providing a place to work,        requests and queries about accessibility ahead of the festival at
  East Lothian Council, North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership, North Berwick Community Council, North Berwick Community Centre,       engage, participate and experience a wide variety of art forms.
           Stepping Out, Scottish Seabird Centre, Fidra, Edington Hospital & Friends of Edington, North Berwick Youth Project,
   North Berwick in Bloom, North Berwick Rocketeers, Scottish Seabird Centre, The Brunton Theatre, East Lothian Arts Service, ELJam,   Our approach to EDI is reflected through all aspects of our delivery
        Abbey Church, St Andrew Blackadder Church, Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, North Berwick Art Collective, pARTicipate,         including our programming, creative development, staffing and
   North Berwick Health & Wellbeing Association, Compassionate Communities, Connected Communities, Sustaining North Berwick,           volunteering programmes and management.
          North Berwick Harbour Trust, Rotary of North Berwick, East Lothian Yacht Club, Catherine Wheels Theatre Company,
       Forth Resource Management, North Berwick & District Probus, North Berwick Library, NB Movies, North Berwick Pipe Band,
       Dementia Friendly East Lothian, North Berwick Business Association, Glen Golf Club, ScotRail, The Flock, Steampunk Coffee,
   No 12 Hotel, Lockett Bros, 2nd Time Round, Norden, Duff Publicity, Fairground Communications, Michael James Lewis, Ford Design,
                                Amanda Farnese Heath. And, of course, FBTS founders John, Jane & Eric.
           A special thank you to our brilliant team of volunteers, our hard-working event crew and Ali Wales, Julia Albert-Recht,
                                                  Louisa Johnstone and Emma Papakyriakou.                                                                         You can read our policies in full at
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                                               r Home
                     North Berwick Trust Harbou
                Eat, drink, relax and soak-up free, live music at our festival hub where
                 you’ll also find a kids zone, artisan produce and our main box office.

                                                  s Market
                         Mactaggart & Mickel Maker
                     Peruse products from local artisans and artists, 11am - 6pm daily.                                                                                                     North Berwick Beach Hut Artists:

Village Green                      Tantallon Studios                      Pajama Pantry                      Between the Woods & Sea                             Rosemary Oberlander                  Love Surf                      Andrina Wright
Thoughtfully curated collection    Ceramics, sculpture, fine art prints   Natural cotton PJ/lounge pants     Lorraine Miller's illustrations inspire             Art                                  Colourful, earth conscious     Acrylic, oil, watercolour, and
of handcrafted, practical items    and hand painted tiles from            with pockets - made with love,     her goods for the home. Look out                    Landscape and seascape artworks,     clothing and accessories for   pastel works, often inspired by
made by skilled local artisans.    Esther Cohen and Ronnie Fulton.        care and skill.                    for Lorraine's hare at The Big Hare                 worked in acrylics, pen and ink or   adults and children.           local scenes.
                                                                                                             Trail for Leuchie House.                            collage, inspired by local natural
                                                                                                                                                                 and built landscapes.

                                                                                                                                                                                  The Lighthouse Live Stage
Hopipola Handwovens                Rustique                               North Berwick Art                  Seilich
Handweaver and textile designer    Textile artist, upholsterer and        Collective                         (plus Recrafter's Cottage)                Top tunes from brilliant bands and DJs. A huge thank you to East Lothian Arts Service and
Kirsty Odds works from her         illustrator Carey Naughton uses        The North Berwick Art Collective   Natural skincare company                   ELJam for their support in staging local and emerging acts. See page 30 for full listings.
garden studio in Aberlady          original artwork, applique and         is a small group of professional   which grows and distills Scottish
creating fresh, contemporary       embroidery to cover vintage            artists who work together to       botanicals to form the basis
woven pieces.                      chairs, and a range of other items.    share ideas, exhibit and promote   of its cleansers, face mists,
                                                                          their work.                        room mists & moisturisers. Plus
                                                                                                             recycled handmade goods from
                                                                                                             Recrafter's Cottage.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Little Nippers Kids Tent
                                                                                                                                                       Make Mess Matter offers-up activities and antics to keep kids occupied with daily sessions
                                                                                                                                                                                      (see programme listings).
Lorna Watt                         North Berwick Candles                  Daynan Designs                     Mary Frith
A range of hand built and thrown   Take home the essence of life          Handmade jewellery with            Kiln glass, usable objects as well
porcelain and stoneware pieces     in North Berwick with a hand-          lustrous freshwater pearls,        as art pieces and recycled glass,
inspired by nature.                poured luxury soy wax scented          precious metals and gorgeous       inspired by the colours and
                                   candle.                                gemstones.                         shapes of the trees and seas of
                                                                                                             East Lothian.
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                                               Streetfood Market
       With our Spiegeltents on a hiatus, we have more room at the harbour esplanade to
                showcase the very best produce from East Lothian and beyond.

Belhaven Haar-Bar                    Bean 'N Gone Borders                 East Coast Lobsters               Jam Rock Jerk                                       A world-leAding
                                                                                                                                                              whisky experience
With Scotland’s oldest brewery       Ethically sourced, locally roasted   Teaming up with Bross Bagels to   Authentic Jamaican bites –
just down the road in Dunbar,        artisan coffee and delicious         bring you a delicious selection   chicken, goat, veggie and vegan.
expect delicious Belhaven brews,     home bakes.                          of seafood-filled bagels.
including a Fringe By The Sea
lager developed especially for

                                                                                                                                                         right on your doorstep
the occasion. Wines, spirits and
other refreshing delights are also
to be found here.

                                                                                                                                                 Come and explore our newly reimagined whisky visitor experience
                                                                                                                                                 right here in East Lothian. Embark on an interactive distillery tour,
                                                                                                                                                  explore our famous gardens, treat yourself in our new retail space
                                                                                                                                                and unwind in our beautiful indoor and outdoor bar areas, complete
The Little Parlour                   Mana Poke Bowls                      Wild At Heart                     The Little Lunchbox
Delicious, luxury gelato made on     Healthy, tasty, protein packed       Gourmet grilled cheese, hand      The Little Lunchbox from North
                                                                                                                                                                   with carefully crafted drinks and tasting platters.
Stewart Tower Farm in Perthshire     Hawaiian dishes of marinated         cut fries, and homemade           Berwick's Cake Cafe offers up
in small batches.                                                         seasonal soups.                   fresh, healthy lunches and snacks
                                     sashimi grade fish, king prawn or
                                     tofu served over rice with our                                         to keep your little ones fuelled                                Book your experience At
                                     home made salads, salsas and                                           for the festival.

Big Blu Pizza                        Just Falafs
Wood-fired, perfect pizzas.          Fabulous falafel, mouth-watering
A FBTS fave!                         mezze platters and delicious
Page   10                                                                                                Friday 6th August                        Friday 6th August                                                                                                                    Page     11

The Barefoot Sanctuary               The Search                           Little Nippers Messy                 Renewables                         Alexander The Great                    Fantoosh Sketchy                    Sam Baker 'The Shift' Make Mess Matter -
presents:                                                                 Play                                 Workshop                                                                  Walking Workshop                    In Conversation with Slime Session
The Sea & Me                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Flock

In this small group outdoor          Something strange is happening       Make Mess Matter is all about        Sun, wind, tide, heat - all        Come and let Alexander the             Explore North Berwick and inject    Women over forty and in their       Make Mess Matter is all about
workshop on the beach,               on Lochbridge Road, and it’s         stress-free messy play and           renewable energy sources but       Great show off his circus skills       some creative mark-making into      post-fertility years are the most   stress-free messy play and
Bernadette Petrie takes you on       your job to get to the bottom of     activities, engaging the senses      how much do you know about         – in an interactive show that          your Fringe By The Sea visit on     underestimated and ignored          activities, engaging the senses
a guided meditative journey          it. A visitor needs your help to     while developing skills and          how they work? Discover more       lets you join in as well. Fringe       this wandering experience with      demographic in society. In          while developing skills and
focusing on deep breath work.        get back to wherever it is they      coordination through play. Be        about the energy sources of        by the Sea regular Alexander           Fantoosh Sketching. Learn how       The Shift, writer and journalist    coordination through play. In
This will calm your mind and         are going, and to find whatever it   warned - this is messy play          the present and future with        the Great creates shows full of        to notice things in a different     Sam Baker seeks to empower          these daily sessions, kids get
prepare you for connecting           is they have lost. Keep your eyes    so please do dress children in       Rowanbank Environmental Arts       fun, combining magic, dancing,         way with simple sketching tips      and give voice to women to          to grips with making their own
with the sea. Afterwards, enjoy      peeled and join The Search. From     suitable clothing (bringing a        & Education who are on hand        games, lights and fun with             in a small group, cradled by the    create a new narrative. Taking in   slime.
a warming drink and snack            Kerry Cleland & Ben Winger           change of clothes is advisable!).    with interactive games and         bubbles. Fancy yourself as an          beautiful East Lothian coast.       menopause, sex, culture, work,      Ages 5+
around a beach fire, and relish in   with Catherine Wheels Theatre        For ages 5 and under                 renewable energy models to         acrobat? Think you can manage          No artistic ability required! All   rage and freedom, Sam shares
this new state of being. Ticket      Company.                                                                  inspire and educate the next       to spin a plate? Come along and        materials supplied.                 her experiences of life post-40     KIDS ZONE
includes Permission to Shine                                              Each child must be accompanied       generation of environmentalists.   have a go.                                                                 and shows women how to              1.00PM (45 MIN)                  £5
                                     Find out more at                     by an adult with a (free) ticket.                                                                              Ages 8+
book and swimming cap.                                                     Ages 6+                            Suitable for all ages                                                      create their own story. Former
                                                                          KIDS ZONE                                                                                                      MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX            editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan
MEET AT THE BAREFOOT                 projects/the-search/                                                      SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE          BELHAVEN BIG TOP                       OFFICE
SANCTUARY                                                                 10.00AM (45 MIN) &                                                                                                                                 and Red and co-founder of The
                                     LOCHBRIDGE ROAD                      11.15AM (45 MIN)               £3   10.00AM (45 MIN) &                 11.00AM (60 MIN)                 £5   11.30AM (90 MIN) &                  Pool, Sam talks here to Jennifer
10.00AM (120 MIN)             £50                                                                             1.15PM (45 MIN) &                                                         2.30PM (90 MIN)        £18.50      Crichton, editor of The Flock.
                                                                                                               3.00PM (45 MIN)       £7                                                                   | £14 (U16s)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1.00PM (60 MIN)        £7

One Button Benny                     Scottish Seabird                                                                                             Make Mess Matter -                      Gail Porter                                                            Walk The Toun
with Alan Windram                    Centre Family                                                                                                Potion Session
                                     Wildlife Walk

Join award-winning author Alan       This introductory session                                                                                    Make Mess Matter is all about                                                                                  Dave is back with his popular
Windram for some fantastic           to shorebirds, seabirds, and                                                                                 stress-free messy play and                                                                                     daily walking tours around
robot picture book fun in this       cetaceans will involve a walk                                                                                activities, engaging the senses                                                                                scenic North Berwick for festival
highly interactive family event      along Milsey Bay beach up to                                                                                 while developing skills and                                                                                    goers who want to find out a
for three to six year-olds. There    Haugh Road beach and will give                                                                               coordination through play.                                                                                     bit more about the town and
will be stories, singing and some    participants the opportunity to                                                                              Practise your potion making in                                                                                 see its sights. Descended from a
'robot dancing' as Alan reads        learn about, and hopefully see,                                                                              this daily session.                                                                                            family of fishermen, Dave Berry
One Button Benny's brand new         the wildlife that exists in the                                                                                                                      While enjoying a successful career as a television presenter,          has been a local councillor, a
                                                                                                                                                  Ages 5+                                 personality and model, Edinburgh-born and London-based Gail

                                                                               wakeboarding • FOXLAKE
adventure - One Button Benny         Firth of Forth.                                                                                                                                                                                                             historian and a guide. Meet by
and the Gigantic Catastrophe.                                                                                                                     KIDS ZONE                               Porter suffered from self-doubt, anxiety, depression and anorexia.     the harbour for a gentle stroll
                                     Recommended ages 7+                                                                                          2.30PM (45 MIN)                  £5    She went on to experience post-natal depression, alopecia,
Can Benny save the day? Will                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     around the toun. Dave will be
                                                                              RINGOS • SEGWAYS • ZIPTRAIL
                                     (under 16s must be accompanied                                                                                                                       self-harm, divorce and homelessness. She now speaks from the
he have to press his 'Emergency      by an adult)                                                                                                                                                                                                                happy to answer any questions
Button' again? Join in the fun to                                                                                                                                                         heart about the highs and lows of her life and career – and in         you care to ask.
find out.                            Well behaved dogs on a lead are                                                                                                                      particular her experiences of mental health illness to help others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Proceeds will go towards the
                                                                                                         01620 860 657
                                     welcome.                                  FOXLAKE,                                                                                                   understand how to support those experiencing problems.
Recommended for ages 3-8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RNLI and Leuchie House.
                                     MEET OUTSIDE SCOTTISH                     DUNBAR,                                                                                                    Presented by Speaker Buzz, Gail is in conversation with Jennifer

GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE            SEABIRD CENTRE                            EAST LOTHIAN                                                                                               Crichton, editor and founder of The Flock magazine.                    MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX
10.00AM (45 MIN)       £5           10.30AM (60 MIN)     £7.50               EH42 1XF                                                                                                                                                                          OFFICE
                                                                                                                                                                                          BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                       3.00PM (90 MIN)         £5
                                                                                                                                                                                          2.30PM (60 MIN)                                                £10
Page   12                                                                                             Friday 6th August                        Friday 6th August                                                                                                                                                                                   Page      13

Ocean Plastic                        Nurdle Hunt                         Janey Godley

Fidra is an North Berwick-based
environmental charity working
to reduce plastic waste and
                                     Help tackle microplastic
                                     pollution from the beach!
                                     Join Megan Kirton from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3 ISSUES ONLY £3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SAVE 75% ON THE
chemical pollution. Project          environmental charity Fidra for
office Megan Kirton who works        a Nurdle Hunt. Learn how to
on Fidra’s microplastic projects     identify a nurdle, find out why

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SHOP PRICE
is joined by a guest panel to        they are problem and how you
discuss the challenges in tackling                                       ‘Queen of Scottish comedy’ Janey Godley’s heading back to North
                                     can help.                            Berwick – this time with her soup pot. Live voice overs and stand
marine pollution.
                                     MEET OUTSIDE SCOTTISH                up like you’ve never seen before. Check out some hilarious patter
GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE            SEABIRD CENTRE                       from Big Tereeza in Torremolinos, Boris and his bawjaws and
3.30PM (60 MIN)      FREE           5.00PM (45 MIN)      FREE           see Nicola up on the big screen with all the latest patter. Fringe
                                                                          Festival sell out Janey has been performing award winning comedy
                                                                          around the world from Newcastle to New Zealand for 20 years.
                                                                          BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                                                                                                                                    The Scots Magazine is a high-quality glossy,
                                                                          5.30PM (60 MIN)                                              £12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              monthly magazine that celebrates the best of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Scotland – her incredible scenery, vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         £4.25                               culture and fabulous people. It carries some of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    £1.00 PER ISSUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the finest writing on all aspects of Scottish life,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             from the exciting and thriving city-scene to the
                                                                          Basement Jaxx                                                                                                                                                                     great outdoors – all complemented by the most
 Philip Contini & his Be Happy Band                                       (DJ Set)                                                                                                                                                                                       stunning photography.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Subscribe now to get your first 3 issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for only £3 and receive all 12 issues post
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    free direct to your door. This great-value deal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   saves you over 75% on the shop price – there’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        never been a better time to subscribe.

                                                                                                                                                                                     SUBSCRIBE TODAY
 Philip Contini and his Be Happy Band with Special Guest Singer
 Olivia Contini in ‘An Italian Serenade for North Berwick’. Your
                                                                         Since starting life as underground producers and party promoters
                                                                         in 1995, putting out their first tracks on shrink wrapped vinyl and                                          Please quote SFBTS for this fantastic discount!
 favourite romantic Neapolitan and Italian melodies with some            throwing hush-hush raves in abandoned South London pizza joints,
 Dean and Frank songs of love.
                                                                         Simon Ratcliffe and Felix Buxton, collectively known as Basement
                                                                         Jaxx, have taken the sound of London, SW9 to the world. DJ,
 8.00PM (90 MIN)                                                  £15   rapper and producer NOVA - winner of the Scottish Album of the
                                                                         Year Award 2020 - will perform as support.                                                                                Call: 0800 318 846 (UK) +44 1382 575580
                                                                          BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                                                          8.00PM (180 MIN)                                             £40                                               Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-5pm (free from UK landlines)
                                                                                                                                                 *DIRECT DEBIT: 3 issues for £3 (UK) subscription offer available to recipients within the UK by Direct Debit only, first quarterly payment £3 then £10.50 thereafter (one year £34.50). Saving based on 3 issue
                                                                                                                                                shop price (£12.75) compared to £3 offer price. DIRECT DEBIT (Overseas) First quarterly payment £4 then £14 per quarter thereafter (one year £46). UK bank accounts only. Available for new subscribers only.
                                                                                                                                                           Overseas prices in other countries are available on application, please dial: +44 1382 575580. Please allow up to 28 days delivery from the receipt of the payment. Offer ends 31/12/2021.
Page   14                                                                                         Saturday 7th August                               Saturday 7th August                                                                                                                      Page    15

Eilidh Muldoon -        SSC What's For Snack                             Scottish Seabird                     Little Nippers Messy                    Gordon Buchanan -
Fierce, Fearless & Free Puppet Show                                      Centre Wildlife Walk                 Play                                    Animal Families and Me                                                           SHOP THE NEW SUMMER COLLECTION AT
                                                                         / Citizen Science                    For full details see page 10.                                                                                             JOULES OF NORTH BERWICK
                                                                                                              KIDS ZONE
                                                                                                              10.00AM (45 MIN) &
                                                                                                              11.15AM (45 MIN)                £3

                                                                                                              Make Mess Matter -
FBTS Artist in Residence Eilidh       With sing-a-long fun, young        A session for anyone interested
Muldoon illustrated a brilliant,      visitors will be asked to help     in being outdoors, learning          Slime Session
inclusive collection of traditional   Craig the Crab who has eaten       about the natural world, and         For full details see page 11.
tales from around the world           some marine litter by mistake.     contributing to science! Join        KIDS ZONE
featuring amazing women and           He will be joined by some of       our Conservation Officer for an      1.00PM (45 MIN)                 £5
girls - Fierce, Fearless and Free,    his seaside friends who will aim   outdoor, interactive introduction
written by Lari Don. Join Eilidh      to help him get rid of his sore    to marine citizen science.
for a reading and step-by-step        tummy.                                                                                                         After 30 years filming wild and wonderful creatures in remote
                                                                         Recommended ages 7+ (all under                                              areas of the planet, Gordon Buchanan has a reputation for
drawing of a scene from the           Recommended ages 2+ (all under     16s must be accompanied by
story with a chance to give it a                                                                                                                     relishing dangerous and tough assignments. He has taken part
go yourself.
                                      16s must be accompanied by
                                      an adult)
                                                                         adult)                               Make Mess Matter -                     in challenging expeditions and adventures around the globe
                                                                                                                                                     always with a view to raising awareness of the fragility of the
Recommended for 5+                    SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE
                                                                         Well behaved dogs are welcome
                                                                         on a lead.
                                                                                                              Potion Session                         world’s endangered species and habitats. Animal Families and Me
GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE             10.00AM (45 MIN)     FREE                                              For full details see page 11.          promises a unique opportunity to hear personal recollections
                                                                         MEET OUTSIDE SCOTTISH                                                       of Gordon’s globetrotting travels, as he delves into his world of
10.00AM (45 MIN)       £5                                               SEABIRD CENTRE                       KIDS ZONE
                                                                                                              2.30PM (45 MIN)                 £5    weird, wild and wonderful wildlife all illustrated with his own film
                                                                         10.00AM (60 MIN)              £5                                           footage and photography. Recommended 6+.                                                  FREE CLICK AND COLLECT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Order online and collect in store
                                                                                                                                                      BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                                      See the full collection at JOULES.COM
                                                                                                                                                      1.30PM (60 MIN)                                      £12 | £7 (U16s)                 Find us at: 99 High St,North Berwick, EH39 4HD

                                                                          Phil Kay - Gimme Your Left Shoe                                           Hip Hop and Street                    Neu! Reekie!                                                               Rock & Bird
                                                                                                                                                    Dance Workshop                                                                                                   Enviro-Crafts
                                                                                                                                                    with Room 2 Manoeuvre

                                                                                                                                                    Learn how to hip to the hop                                                                                      Get crafty with local artists from
                                                                                                                                                    with street dance moves                                                                                          Rock & Bird on the High Street
                                                                                                                                                    and grooves from Room 2                                                                                          who invite you to join in this
                                                                                                                                                    Manoeuvre. After a dynamic                                                                                       STEM-inspired session designed
                                                                                                                                                    warm up, participants can expect                                                                                 to get you thinking and making.
                                                                                                                                                    to learn street dance moves                                                                                      Suitable for ages 6+
                                                                                                                                                    and sequences, short sections                                                                                    Adults are welcome to join
                                                                          Every kid gives Phil their Left Shoe and then comes and does              of the City Breakz show and           Now in their tenth-year curating mixed arts extravaganzas, Neu!
                                                                          a wee skit to win it back. It's fun and gentle interaction where                                                Reekie! have taken their prize-winning shows all over the globe—           in too!
                                                                                                                                                    have a chance to come up with
                                                                          everyone gets to shine.                                                   their own moves. Bring water          Tokyo to New York, and now North Berwick. This multi-performer             SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE
                                                                          ADULTS - please bring any old, odd, safe object from the garage           and comfortable clothes to get        event will involve: Scotland’s ex-Makar Liz Lochead, SAY Award             3.00PM (45 MIN)        £6
                                                                          or cupboard under the stairs - these will be the props Phil uses for      down in!                              shortlisted music-maker Callum Easter, a locally co-curated film
                                                                          The Fun and Games.                                                                                              programme & much more TBA.
                                                                                                                                                    Suitable for ages 12-18
                                                                          'Phil Kay was born to work with children...' ***** The List                                                     GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                                                                                                                                    SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE             2.00PM (150 MIN)                                                £15
                                                                          BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                          11.30AM (90 MIN)       £5                                                                                       Walk The Toun
                                                                          11.00AM (60 MIN)                                                   £5                                                                                                                     For full details see page 11.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3.00PM (90 MIN)         £5
Page   16                                                                                       Saturday 7th August                               Saturday 7th August                                                                                     Page   17
                                                                                                                                                   Make your next move with
City Breakz by                        Connor Fyfe                                                            Phil Kay
                                                                                                                                                   Mactaggart & Mickel
Room 2 Manoeuvre                      with support from Bluetile

City Breakz is an outdoor pop-                                                                               Phil Kay burst on to the comedy
up, hip-hop dance trail. Four                                                                                circuit in 1989, when he won the
performers each armed with a                                                                                 new act contest So You Think
dance floor and sound system                                                                                 You’re Funny in only its second
throw shapes while encountering                                                                              year. His unpredictable, freestyle
obstacles, structures and hidden                                                                             approach won him a Perrier
spaces. Will they able to find                                                                               nomination in 1993 and the
each other in time for the final     Hailing from the outskirts of Glasgow, Connor Fyfe is a triumphant
                                                                                                             award for best stand-up at the
showdown? It’s hip hop but not       musical force to be reckoned with. Simply beyond his 14 years as
                                                                                                             1994 British Comedy Awards, and
as you know it.                      a musician and with his richly textured vocals accompanied by
                                                                                                             he was given his own Channel
                                     his transcendent guitar skills, he performs from a place of raw
AROUND TOWN                                                                                                  4 show, Phil Kay Feels… in 1997,
                                     emotion which connects with his fans who are hooked on every
3.00PM (60 MIN)            FREE                                                                             which was recorded in front of
                                     line he sings and every note he plays. Support comes from Bluetile,
                                                                                                             a live audience to capture his
                                     a four-piece indie band formed in North Berwick. Known for their
                                                                                                             manic energy.
                                     exciting live shows, they have gained a strong local following and
                                     have been described as ‘pretty good'.                                   GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                                                                                             6.00PM (60 MIN)       £10
                                     BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                     4.00PM (90 MIN)                                                £6

 Dr Salad / The Honey Farm                                               Lulu

                                                                                                                                                   Find your perfect new home at Lethington Gardens,
                                                                                                                                                   Letham Mains, Haddington.
                                                                                                                                                   Proud sponsors of
 Dr Salad are the sole purveyors and pioneers of a unique style of       It’s 57 years since legendary singer Lulu released her debut smash
 rock music so mysterious, so varied, so heated and so sultry that a     hit single Shout. Singer, songwriter, actress, business woman and
 new genre had to be created accurately to describe it. The name of      national treasure are all labels that have been attributed to Lulu,
 this genre, I hear you ask? Heavy Romance.
 After an extended period of hibernation, the three Honeys Bitta
                                                                         who has stayed the course, when many have faltered, simply
                                                                         because of her talent as an artist and her determination as a person.
                                                                                                                                                   Fringe by the Sea 2021
 DisGrace, Pimpses hAsha and SweetHardt Dowt are buzzing back
 into action. The Honey Farm rear free-range, farm-fresh, bass-laden
                                                                         Her powerhouse performances have ensured a loyal following of
                                                                         fans who come out year after year to witness a legend at work.
                                                                                                                                                   Makers Market
 rap direct from the East Coast (of Scotland) - expect big beats,        Something to shout about? Lulu has plenty! With support from
 heavy flows and good vibes.
                                                                         singer songwriter Siobhan Wilson.
                                                                         BELHAVEN BIG TOP
 8.30PM (90 MIN)                                                £10     8.30PM (120 MIN)                                                £35
                                                                                                                                                   The images shown are of typical Mactaggart & Mickel showhomes. The specification depicted may vary to other
                                                                                                                                                   house styles at these developments. Some fixtures and fittings may not be included in the sale price.
Page   18                                                                                              Sunday 8th August                              Sunday 8th August                                                                                                                Page   19

Little Nippers Messy                 Big Fish Little Fish                                                       Polly Pullar                           swim school                                                           Lemn Sissay
For full details see page 10.
10.00AM (45 MIN) &
11.15AM (45 MIN)               £3

SSC What's For Snack
                                                                                                                Polly Pullar is a conservationist,
Puppet Show                                                                                                     naturalist, writer and
For full details see page 14.                                                                                   photographer specialising in
SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE                                                                                       wildlife and countryside matters,
10.00AM (45 MIN)     FREE                                                                                      aswell as a wildlife rehabilitator.
                                                                                                                Here she talks about A Scurry of
                                                                                                                Squirrels – Nurturing the Wild,
                                     Big Fish Little Fish return with their multi award winning family          her work with red squirrels and        The last year has changed everyone, and everything. And so it is      Lemn Sissay OBE is a BAFTA nominated international prize-
                                     rave. There’s an optional, but full encouraged ‘Intergalactic              other wildlife.                        for Edinburgh's swim school who emerged fitter and stronger into      winning writer. His best-selling novel My Name Is Why tells his
                                     Planetary’ dress theme. The ‘Reliably excellent’ (The Guardian,                                                   2021 with their singles Let Me Inside Your Head and Outside, two      life story: one of neglect and determination, misfortune and hope,
                                     2019) family rave includes a multi-sensory dance floor with club           GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE              powerful and urgent songs that thrills the bands existing fans and    cruelty and triumph. Written with all the lyricism and power you
                                     classics and upfront dance music. All events will also offer a play        10.45AM (60 MIN)       £7             won them many more. With a BBC Introducing session under their        would expect from one of the nation’s best-loved poets, the
                                     and chillout area for babies, as well as a quality themed crafting                                                belts already this year, their debut EP scheduled for August (just    memoir has received rich critical acclaim, with The Guardian
                                     area featuring colouring murals, playdough and transfer tattoos.                                                  ahead of a headline show at the iconic King Tuts Wah Wah Hut) and     branding it 'searing and unforgettable'. Lemn will perform a
                                     All ages welcome                                                                                                  festival appearances the length and breadth of the country, 2021 is   special reading, reflecting on a childhood in care, self-expression
                                                                                                                                                       shaping up to be a breakthrough one for swim school.                  and Britishness.
                                     BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                     10.30AM (90 MIN)  £8 (ADULT) | £6 (CHILD) | FREE (PRE-WALKERS)                                                   BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                      BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                                                                                                                                       2.00PM (60 MIN)                                                 £5   5.00PM (60 MIN)                                                 £12

The Ugly Animal                      Beano - Mike Stirling                                                      Make Mess Matter -
Roadshow                                                                                                        Slime Session                         Samba Sene & Diwan                  Simon Watt -                       Mica Paris
                                                                                                                For full details see page 11.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Frogs & Friends
                                                                                                                KIDS ZONE
                                                                                                                1.00PM (45 MIN)                 £5

                                                                                                                Make Mess Matter -
At the Ugly Animal Preservation
Society, we celebrate and
                                                                                                                Potion Session                        An exuberant fusion of funky        The Ugly Animal Preservation
explore the incredible biology                                                                                  For full details see page 11.         mbalax/Afrobeat grooves, with       Society’s professor of comedy,
of the animal kingdom’s most                                                                                    KIDS ZONE                             undercurrents of ska, rock          Simon Watt (Inside Nature’s
monstrous. What adaptations                                                                                     2.30PM (45 MIN)                £5    and Senegalese soul; original       Giants, The Infinite Monkey
make them amazing? How did                                                                                                                            songs with impassioned vocals,      Cage) returns with his adults-
such hideous creatures evolve                                                                                                                         infectious guitar licks and         only stand up comedy lecture.
in the first place? The show                                                                                                                          irresistible dance grooves.         Simon explores why frogs are
features videos, demonstrations      Calling all Mischief-Makers… Join in the fun and mayhem with                                                                                         better than most people he         Mica Paris, one of Britain’s most respected soul singers, returns to
                                     this 45-minute show from the brains behind Beano. Get ready                                                      GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE                                              Fringe By The Sea following a sell-out show in 2018 with her brand
and lots and lots of audience                                                                                                                                                             knows and how studying them
participation. Presented by          for LOLZ in an interactive session led by Mike Stirling and Craig          Walk The Toun                         4.30PM (60 MIN)       £10
                                                                                                                                                                                          has changed the world!             new album ‘Gospel’. Mica was brought up on gospel music and
biologist and broadcaster, Simon     Graham, creators of Beano’s brand-new book, Dennis & Gnasher:              For full details see page 11.                                                                                sang in her south London church in Lewisham every weekend with
                                     The Battle for Bash Street School. Learn how to develop your                                                                                         Ages 16+                           her grandparents. ‘Gospel’ is Mica’s first album in over a decade
Watt. 'I support the ugly animal
                                     own personal Manual of Mischief with hilarious tips from Dennis,           MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX                                                  GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE          and seamlessly weaves together new material, traditional gospel
campaign. There are too many
                                     Gnasher, Minnie and friends.                                               OFFICE                                                                    8.30PM (60 MIN)        £7         classics and contemporary covers. ‘A stripped back format that
people trying to save cute
                                                                                                                3.00PM (90 MIN)         £5                                                                                  allows her voice full rein’ - The Sunday Times.
animals.' - Professor Brian Cox.     Created especially for kids 6+... but 'big kids' welcome too!
Recommended 5+                       GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE                                                                                                                                                               BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                     1.00PM (45 MIN)                                                      £6                                                                                                                9.30PM (60 MIN)                                                 £25
12.30PM (45 MIN) &
2.15PM (45 MIN) &
4.00PM (45 MIN)        £6
Page   20                                                                                               Monday 9th August                            Monday 9th August                                                                                                                  Page   21

Yoga Fundraiser in  Freedom & Form                                         Look Up                                Leuchie House -                    Little Nippers Messy                 North Berwick in                     Mill Youth Theatre Presents Emma
aid of MND Scotland Showcase                                                                                      The Big Hare Trail                 Play                                 Bloom Garden Walk
                                                                                                                                                     For full details see page 10.
                                                                                                                                                     KIDS ZONE
                                                                                                                                                     10.00AM (45 MIN) &
                                                                                                                                                     11.15AM (45 MIN)               £3

                                                                                                                                                     Make Mess Matter -
Join Nicola Bourke of East            Freedom and Form Dance               Simon explores some of the             This is your chance to hear all                                         Bananas by the seaside? This
Lothian Yoga School with an           Training invite you to come          science behind space exploration.      about the making of The Big        Slime Session                        garden walk from the Seabird
hour of breathwork, mindful           along to enjoy and support the       Which planet is hottest? Which         Hare Trail, meet some of the       For full details see page 11.        Centre to the Lodge Grounds led
movement and relaxation. The          homegrown dance talent from          would float in a swimming pool?        artists behind the designs and     KIDS ZONE                            by North Berwick in Bloom takes
focus will be on finding inner        our North Berwick studio as          Which is the most studied?             learn about the exciting future    1.00PM (45 MIN)                £5   in a wide variety of (sometimes
quietness and stillness, a space      Junior and Senior performance        And just how much space is in          plans at Leuchie House which                                            surprising!) planting. NBIB
to help us find clarity and joy in    teams present brand new pieces.      space? Join him in this live show      provides respite breaks for                                             volunteers provide floral displays
our busy lives. All proceeds will                                          to see what experiments you            people and their families living                                        that transform North Berwick in      Emma by Doon Mackichan & Martin Millar. A bold, witty and fresh
                                      THE LIGHTHOUSE LIVE STAGE                                                                                                                                                                adaptation of Jane Austen's novel which, while thoroughly modern,
go to MND Scotland, a charity         10.30AM (15 MIN)       FREE         can recreate at home or school         with long term conditions.                                              the summer, welcoming visitors
that helps those affected by                                               and learn about what you can                                                                                   to the station and bringing joy      retains the spirit and much of the language of the original. It is
                                                                                                                  Ticket proceeds go to Leuchie                                                                                night-time and an exhausted Jane Austen sleeps over the recently
this progressive and devastating                                           see if you only look up! Simon         House.                                                                  and colour to the town centre.
terminal illness.                                                          Watt is a biologist, writer, science                                                                                                                completed manuscript of her novel Emma. Her four nieces steal in
                                                                                                                  MARINE NORTH BERWICK HOTEL                                              If you have enjoyed the displays,    and decide to act out the text and, after her initial anger on being
BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                           communicator, comedian and TV                                                                                  please consider supporting NBIB
                                                                           presenter.                             11.00AM (60 MIN)       £7                                                                                   wakened, Jane tells them the story. The excitable teenage girls
9.45AM (60 MIN)               £10                                                                                                                                                        with a donation.                     often try to take the story into their own realms of fantasy but
                                                                           Suitable for ages 5+                                                                                           MEET OUTSIDE SCOTTISH                are always brought back to the real text by Jane.
                                                                           SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE                                                                                      SEABIRD CENTRE                       BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                                                           10.30AM (45 MIN) &                                                                                             2.00PM (60 MIN) DONATIONS           3.00PM (120 MIN)                                                £5
                                                                           12.15PM (45 MIN) &
                                                                           2.00PM (45 MIN)        £5

 Brian Taylor's Lunchtime Blether                                          William Sutcliffe
 with Jim Sillars

                                                                                                                                                              HebCelt, Stornoway

                                                                                                                                                              Whether it’s music, food, art and culture, or sport - Scotland has a
                                                                                                                                                              wide variety of events for you to experience and enjoy.
 During a 60-year career in politics, Jim Sillars moved from being a        The Summer We Turned Green is a comedy about the most
 Labour MP and staunch Unionist – known as the hammer of the                serious issue of our times. It tells the story of a family who find
 Nats – to becoming a prominent member of the SNP. In his new               themselves living opposite a climate protest camp due to a                        Why not explore some of the fantastic online and in person events at
 autobiography, A Difference of Opinion, Jim gives the inside story         planned airport expansion. When the family’s rebellious teenage
 of his life in politics. Former BBC Political Editor Brian Taylor talks    daughter crosses the road and moves in with the climate rebels,         
 to Jim about his book, life and the issues of the day.                     her Dad comes up with an idea to flush her out by moving in, too.
 BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                           But events don’t go to plan.
 12.30PM (60 MIN)                                                    £7    Recommended for ages 12-16                                                         EventScotland is delighted to be supporting Fringe by the Sea as part of Scotland’s Events Recovery Fund.
                                                                            GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                                                            12.30PM (60 MIN)                                                   £5
Page   22                                                                                           Monday 9th August                             Monday 9th August                                                               Page   23

Make Mess Matter -                   Storytime With                       Belhaven Brewery Masterclass
Potion Session                       Sacha Kyle -
For full details see page 11.        Hushabye Lullabye
2.30PM (45 MIN)                £5

Walk The Toun
For full details see page 11.
                                     Welcome to Hushabye Lullabye!
MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX             Join Sacha Kyle, Creator/Author
OFFICE                               of the popular CBeebies series,
3.00PM (90 MIN)         £5          and snuggle up with Dillie Dally
                                     and friends as they embark
                                     on a beautiful journey above
                                     the clouds. This cosy, chilled
                                     session will include cuddle-up       Join Belhaven Brewery’s Master Brewer, Billy Mathers, as he talks
                                     time reading the first book from     all things beer. With over 35 years in the industry working in the
                                     the series Goodnight Dreams,         UK and oversees, Billy will take you on a journey through the
                                     with gentle movement and             brewing process, the raw materials and different styles before
                                     interaction learning more about      sampling some of Belhaven’s finest beers.Ticket includes samples
                                     the Hushabye characters.             of Belhaven's beers.
                                     All welcome but recommended          Ages 18+
                                     for ages 3-6                         MARINE NORTH BERWICK HOTEL
                                     GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE            6.00PM (60 MIN)                                                  £7
                                     3.00PM (75 MIN)        £5

Katy Wakefield Barre Vinyasa Flow Yoga                                    Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham

                                                                                                                                                   Grab life by the handlebars
                                                                                                                                                   EZ-Riders, is a new dedicated electric bike hire service offering a cleaner, greener
                                     Join Katy Wakefield for this
Join Katy for this fun, upbeat
class: low impact moves improve      creative yoga flow class. Moving                                                                              way to get around the region. We know the area like the back of our hands and can
posture, flexibility, balance,       between yoga postures warm
stability, endurance, and tone.      your body, gain strength and                                                                                  recommend loads of amazing routes, both on and off-road, that meander through
Suitable for all abilities.          deepen your yoga practice, finish
Ages 16+
                                     with a relaxing savasana. Suitable
                                     for all abilities.
                                                                                                                                                   and link the best places to visit in beautiful East Lothian.
Please bring your own mat.                                                Together Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham have established
                                     Ages 16+
                                                                          themselves as the epitome of excellence in the world of
                                                                                                                                                   All readers get 10% discount please use Code FBTSEZ10
                                     Please bring your own mat.           traditional music. With their musical magic and quick-witted
5.00PM (45 MIN)       £10                                                humour they will pull your emotional strings one moment and
                                     GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                     7.00PM (45 MIN)       £10           have you falling off the seat with laughter the next.
                                                                          'Probably the best traditional musicians you are ever likely to
                                                                           hear' Mike Russell, The Herald.                                         Please visit our website today for more information... It’s Ez.
                                                                          BELHAVEN BIG TOP
                                                                          8.00PM (90 MIN)                                                  £15

Page   24                                                                                           Tuesday 10th August                                Tuesday 10th August                                                                                                              Page   25

STEM Session -                      Mill Youth Theatre                      Barefoot Talk                        Ghillie Bhasan                                                                                               Brian Taylor's Lunchtime Blether with
Terrific Turbines                   Presents Return to                                                                                                                                                                        Denise Mina

                                                                                                                                                         Luxury Self-catering
Find out what renewable energy
is and why we need it. Then have
                                    Thought you knew the classic
                                    Lewis Carroll tale Alice in
                                                                            You're not a bitch, you just don't
                                                                            love yourself. Bernadette Petrie
                                                                                                                 Ghillie Basan has written over
                                                                                                                 40 books on different culinary          holiday accommodation in
a go at making your own terrific
wind turbine. From the Scottish
                                    Wonderland? Well think again!
                                    The Red Queen’s back and
                                                                            is a Life Coach, Speaker Artist &
                                                                            Author based in North Berwick.
                                                                                                                 cultures. Here she gives us
                                                                                                                 a master class in celebrating           North Berwick and Gullane.
Seabird Centre team.                she means business. Alice and           She is the founder of The            the best of Scottish produce,
Recommended for ages 7+             her sister need your help on            Barefoot Sanctuary, the spiritual    discussing two of her books –           Modern and stylish apartments ideally located                       Writer, broadcaster and lecturer Brian Taylor is the former Political
                                    this interactive adventure as           centre of creativity and healing,    The Scottish Brunch Bible and                                                                               Editor of BBC Scotland. In his Lunchtime Blether... series, Brian
SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE           they return to Wonderland               which opened in April 2014.          A Taste of the Highlands.               next to East Lothian’s beautiful beaches and                        welcomes guests from the literary and political worlds to chat
10.00AM (45 MIN)     £7.50         and attempt to defeat the Red                                                MARINE NORTH BERWICK HOTEL
                                                                                                                                                         golf courses. We are delighted to welcome our                       about the issues of the day. Joined by author Denise Mina, they'll
                                                                            GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                    Queen once again.                       10.00AM (60 MIN)       £7           11.00AM (60 MIN)       £7              returning guests each year together with our                        discuss Rizzio - the first in a brand-new series of novellas, Darkland
                                    (This is a promenade piece                                                                                           new friends. Minutes from cosy pubs & top                           Tales, from some of Scotland’s most exciting and genre-pushing
                                    around The Lodge gardens,                                                                                            class restaurants, you will enjoy the delights of                   novelists. Rizzio is a radical new take on one of the darkest episodes
                                    please dress for the weather).                                                                                                                                                           in Scottish history – the bloody assassination of David Rizzio in
                                                                                                                                                         North Berwick and Gullane.                                          Mary, Queen of Scots' chambers in Holyrood Palace.
                                    MEET AT SSE RENEWABLES
                                    ENVIROZONE                                                                                                                                                                               GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                    10.00AM (60 MIN)                  £5                                                                                                                                                    12.30PM (60 MIN)                                                  £7
                                                                                                                                                          NorthBerwickGetaway

 Brainiac Live                                                              World of Wind With                   Little Nippers Messy                  Rowanbank Hula                    North Berwick In                   Walk The Toun                        Storytime With
                                                                            SSE Renewables                       Play                                  Sessions                          Bloom Wildflower                   For full details see page 11.        Chae Strathie -
                                                                                                                 For full details see page 10.                                           Walk                               MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX             Pinkie & Boo
                                                                                                                 KIDS ZONE                                                                                                  OFFICE
                                                                                                                 10.00AM (45 MIN) &                                                                                         3.00PM (90 MIN)         £5
                                                                                                                 11.15AM (45 MIN)                £3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mill Youth Theatre
                                                                                                                 Make Mess Matter -                                                                                         Presents Emma
                                                                            What is the connection between                                             Fun hula hoop workshop and        View the NBIB coastal wildflower                                        Join award-winning author and
                                                                            climate change, electricity and
                                                                                                                 Slime Session                         ‘mini’ performances for all the   bed and hear more about East       For full details see page 21.        all-round nincompoop Chae
                                                                            windmills in the sea? Come           For full details see page 11.         family to enjoy.                  Lothian's county flower Vipers     BELHAVEN BIG TOP                     Strathie for some high-energy,
                                                                            and explore the exciting world       KIDS ZONE                             SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE         Bugloss. Join us on a walk along   4.00PM (120 MIN)               £5   interactive fun with his latest
                                                                            of offshore wind with the            1.00PM (45 MIN)                 £5   1.30PM (30 MIN) &                 the beach to look at flowers                                            picture book, Pinkie & Boo.
                                                                            SSE Renewables Berwick Bank                                                2.30PM (30 MIN) &                 in the sand dunes then cross                                            Hear all about the lively little
                                                                            Offshore Wind Farm team as                                                 3.30PM (30 MIN) &                 into Coos Green to look at the                                          girl and her monkey friend, and
 Strap on your safety goggles boys and girls: WE’RE BACK!!! Due to          they explain how Scotland and                                                                                many flowers growing on the old                                         join in with songs, dancing,
 popular demand Science's greatest and most volatile live show is                                                                                      4.30PM (30 MIN) &
                                                                            East Lothian are playing our                                               5.30PM (30 MIN)        £5        common grazing land. Distance                                           puppets and more.
 returning with a vengeance. More mischievous than ever before              part in a global green energy                                                                                approx. one mile (terrain a
 Brainiac Live! explodes on stage and will take you on a breathless         revolution.                          Make Mess Matter -                                                      little uneven so please wear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Recommended for ages 3-7
 ride through the wild world of the weird and wonderful. Watch
 from the safety of your seat as the Brainiacs delve fearlessly into        Recommended for ages 5+              Potion Session                                                          appropriate footwear).                                                   GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3.00PM (45 MIN)       £5
 the mysteries of science and do all of those things on stage that          SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE            For full details see page 11.                                           MEET OUTSIDE SCOTTISH
 you’re too scared to do at home! ‘Excellent.... Science Museum             12.00PM (30 MIN)     FREE           KIDS ZONE                                                               SEABIRD CENTRE
 meets Top Gear’- The Guardian.                                                                                  2.30PM (45 MIN)                 £5                                     2.00PM (60 MIN) DONATIONS
 Recommended for ages 6+
 11.00AM (60 MIN) & 1.30PM (60 MIN)                             £14
Page   26                                                                                            Tuesday 10th August                                                                                                                                                                        Page   27

Belhaven & Marine
North Berwick Food
                                         Steampunk Sessions                                                        Viper Swing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Around Town
& Beer Pairings
                                                                                                                                                                  It’s not just in our auditoriums that you’ll find curiosity nodal-piquing activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Right across the town there is much to seek out…

MasterChef: The Professionals’                                                                                     Viper Swing plays hot string
Chris Niven will head up The Lawn                                                                                  jazz: infectious rhythms, joyful
restaurant at the Marine North                                                                                     improvisations and gravelly
Berwick - with approachable,                                                                                       vocals blend to evoke the
seasonal menus designed around                                                                                     swing-era spirit of the 1920s, 30s,   Artist in Residence                 Kesley’s Bookshop &                    The Coastal                          Georgina Bown SSA
flavour and simplicity, the focus will                                                                             and 40s. The band sets toes to        Eilidh Muldoon is FBTS‘s first      Author Signings                        Communities Museum                   Georgina’s fascination with
be on the best ingredients from East                                                                               tapping and hips to swaying.          ever Artist in Residence. Spot      If you would like to have a book       Delve into the culture and           organic and man-made monsters
Lothian. Join Niven for the ultimate                                                                               GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE             her designs at venues, around       signed by one of the authors           heritage of East Lothian’s           of the sea has led to the creation
Masterclass in pairings, where the                                                                                 8.00PM (60 MIN)       £12            town and on our ace new map,        appearing at the festival, please      North Berwick coastal ward           of Morph, on display at the
award-winning Belhaven ale, stout                                                                                                                        and catch her at one of her         pre-order on 01620 826 725 or at       villages by booking a tour           Marine North Berwick.
and beer are used in palate twist        A night of psychedelic-inspired art and music for 16-20 year olds                                               programmed events.
                                         on the Steampunk terrace with skills sessions in latte art, freeform                                                                      
combinations that will turn all your
preconceptions on their head.            doodling and group graffiti on offer. Or just hang out and listen
Think Belhaven Black matched             to local band Bluetile's soundtrack to the evening. Snacks and
with chocolate & plums, 80 Shilling      noodles available to buy on the night.
served with marmalade & whisky,          STEAMPUNK COFFEE
Scottish Ale served with smoked          6.00PM (240 MIN)                                                 £5
salmon… Wrong but oh so right!
Over 18s only.
6.00PM (60 MIN)        £14                                                                                                                              The Big Hare Trail                  The Barefoot Sanctuary                 ART CLUB                             Robert Montgomery
                                                                                                                                                         Hop around town to find these       An exhibition by local artist Ali      Submissions from the community       A poignant, poetic voice is
                                                                                                                                                         brilliantly decorated statues       Blevins ‘My Parkinsons Art Journey’.   on the theme of Openness are         brought to life with distinctive
 Just the Tonic Comedy Club                                                                                                                              raising funds for Leuchie House.         displayed in a special exhibition    text art in the Lodge Gardens.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at the Glenkinchie Lowland Stage
 With Ed Byrne                                                                                                                                                                                                                      venue.

                                                                                                  ET’S BUILD BEAUTIFUL BRANDS

                                                                                                                                                         East Coast Garden Bar               Cazcabel’s Tequila Shack               Marine Litter Sculptures             The North Berwick
                                                                                     Telling brand stories,                                              Day-to-night festival fuel at The   Transport yourself to Mexico at        Marine Litter Sculptures created     Coastal Walking Festival
                                                                                   building beautiful brands                                             Lodge Gardens. Fresh coffee,
                                                                                                                                                         pastries, Hickory smoked burgers
                                                                                                                                                                                             Cazcabel’s Tequila Shack. Where
                                                                                                                                                                                             only the best, natural ingredients
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    using litter gathered during The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Big Beach Clean, organised by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A free programme of walks offers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         something for everyone with
                                                                                    for more than 30 years.                                              & incredible loaded fries, using
                                                                                                                                                         locally sourced ingredients.
                                                                                                                                                                                             are used by Don Cazcabel to
                                                                                                                                                                                             make his award-winning tequila
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Caledonian Horticulture and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LIL, will be on display along with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         routes around Aberlady, Gullane,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dirleton, Drem and North
                                                                                                                                                                                             and thirst-quenching cocktails,        information on how to tackle         Berwick. Find out more from
 Just the Tonic Comedy Club brings a ridiculously strong line up                                                                                                                             including the Platinum frozen          the problem of littering.
 featuring Ed Byrne, ‘Comedy’s holy grail.... Go see!' The Sunday                                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                             margarita. Find us near the Big Top.
 Ed had a total sell out run at Edfringe 2019, as well as major many
                                                                                           84 Commercial Street, Leith Edinburgh EH6 6LX
 national tours. Support acts for the night are Jo Caulfield and                                         t: 0131 557 5663
 Larry Dean. This very talented bill is held together by compere                                 e:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Nurdle Hunt
 Barry Castagnola.                                                                                                                                                                           Help tackle microplastic pollution on the beach! Learn how to
 BELHAVEN BIG TOP                                                                                                                                               identify a nurdle, find out why they are problem and how you can
 8.30PM (120 MIN)                                                  £18                                                                                                                      help at Nurdles are plastic pellets used to
                                                                                                                                                                                             make plastic products. But these tiny pieces of plastic are a big           Visit North Berwick
                                                                                       BRANDING • DESIGN • DIGITAL • MARKETING • STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                                                                             environmental problem. Find out more at Fidra’s interactive display         Discover the best of the town
                                                                                                                                                                                             at the SSE Renewables Envirozone.                                           and its vibrant high street,
Designed by Eilidh Muldoon
Page   30                                                                                                                                               Wednesday 11th August                                                                                                                  Page   31

                                 The Lighthouse Live Stage
                                                                                                                                                        Gong Yoga Nidra                        SSC Stem Session -                  Alan McLean                          Bookbug
                                                                                                                                                        Relaxation                             Oil Spill Challenge

                                    at The North Berwick Trust Harbour Hom
   North Berwick’s
 flexible business &
  co-working space

Enjoy an eclectic mix of free, live music as you relax with a bite to eat and a drink at the harbourside.
            Summer Shorts is a showcase of local and emerging talent, in association with East Lothian Arts Service and ELJam.                          Experienced local yogi and             Take on the challenge of            Hosted by North Berwick              Join some of the North Berwick
         Plus our resident DJs will be on rotation (until 2.00AM @ weekends) - Steve Austin with funky soul, disco and house, and                       therapist Jo McCoy leads this          cleaning up an oil spill in this    Compassionate Community              library staff for a special Bookbug
                           Kaiser Matt showcases his beat, jazz, r’n’b, yeye, soul, twist & blues record collection.                                    deep restorative session. This         fun interactive session. From the   project. Psychologist Alan           session in the Envirozone.
                                                                                                                                                        blissful 90 minutes will start         Scottish Seabird Centre team.       McLean's masterclass explores        Rhymes and stories are intended
                                                                                  INKFIELDS: 6-8.00PM                                                   with a gentle warming up of            Recommended for ages 7+             the Emotion-Ring, a template         for under 5s, but older siblings
                                                LIAM T CLAYTON: 3-5.00PM
           THE DAUGHTERS: 12-2.00PM                                               Samuel James-Griffiths                                                the body, some calming breath                                              of emotions, organised by their
Friday                                          Singer/songwriter who's                                                                                                                        SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE                                                are very welcome to come along
           Alt folk duo from Haddington                                           combines innovative, live-loop RESIDENT DJs                           work and then a relaxing Yoga                                              purpose. For anyone interested
                                                performed around the country                                                                                                                   10.00AM (45 MIN)     £7.50                                              (one adult must stay with child/
6th August sing original songs of love, life,   for 10 years with his acoustic
                                                                                  performances, thickly textured FROM 8.00PM                            Nidra journey incorporating the                                            in better understanding the role
           faith and freedom.                                                     records and original hand-                                                                                                                                                            children).
                                                guitar. (Summer Shorts)                                                                                 powerful sound vibrations of the                                           emotions play in our lives.
                                                                                  drawn artwork.                                                        Gong. No experience is necessary,                                                                               SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Proceeds go to St Columba’s          11.30AM (30 MIN)     FREE
              OI MUSICA MINI               IAN SMITH: 3-5.00PM                                                                                          just bring your presence and
                                           North Berwick singer-       MIDNIGHT                                                                                                                                                    Hospice.
              BLOCO: 12-2.00PM                                                                     THE GENERAL (DJ SET):                                willingness to let go, allowing this
Saturday                                   songwriter plays classic AMBULANCE:                                                RESIDENT DJs              deep relaxation to boost your                                              GLENKINCHIE LOWLAND STAGE
              The sound of hot,            Americana, folk, country 6-8.00PM                       8-10.00PM
7th August    dusty streets at carnival                                                            Club tunes with a jungle/ FROM 10.00PM               well-being.                                                                10.30AM (90 MIN) &
                                           and blues on guitar and Alternative rock duo                                                                                                                                            2.00PM (90 MIN)       £7.50 |
              time! Joyous sounds for      harmonica along with                                    drum ‘n bass leaning.                                Ages 18+
              summer vibes.                                            Fraser and Amelia.                                                                                                                                                      £3 (CONCESSION)
                                           guest musicians                                                                                              BELHAVEN BIG TOP
              MARTINA CANNON: 12-2.00PM JAMES BROWN IS ANNIE:                                                                                           10.00AM (90 MIN)               £22
Sunday                                                                              SAINT AMBROSE: 6-8.00PM            RESIDENT DJs
              A ‘country-esque’ set from         3-5.00PM                           Alt indie rock from Dunbar.
8th August    Edinburgh-based singer             Full-fat, calorie-laden, whipped- (Summer Shorts)                     FROM 8.00PM
              songwriter.                        up funk ‘n’ soul.
                                                             CAVALCADES: 3-5.00PM                           RICHARD BUCHANAN: 6-8.00PM
              HONEYSUCKLE SWING: 12-2.00PM
Monday                                                       Formed in Musselburgh, Tony, Angus, Nathan Former member of Scotland’s The Lost
              Jackie Hunter, Graham High & Nick Gent
                                                             and Rhys offer up an eclectic mix of punk      Soul Band, Richard will be performing
9th August    with songs from the great swing era, in a
              gypsy jazz style.
                                                             ethos and rock instrumentals. (Summer
                                                                                                            songs from his recent solo releases and
                                                                                                            other favourites.
                                                                                                                                                         Great British Bake Off Winner                                             Little Nippers Messy                 The Drama Mill
                                                                                                            SANDY WYLES: 7-9.00PM                        Peter Sawkins                                                             Play                                 Presents - What A
              ELINOR EVANS: 12-2.00PM
Tuesday       First Scottish harpist to win the              GULLANE COMMUNITY CEILIDH BAND:                Americana singer-songwriter, writes                                                                                    For full details see page 10.        Waste!
                                                                                                            about love and heartache and the
10th August   prestigious Trophée Camac de Harpe             3-5.00PM                                                                                                                                                              KIDS ZONE
                                                                                                            importance of not going under when the
              Celtique in Lorient in 2019.                                                                                                                                                                                         10.00AM (45 MIN) &
                                                                                                            going gets tough. (Summer Shorts)
              AARON KING DUO: 12-2.00PM                                                                                                                                                                                            11.15AM (45 MIN)               £3
                                                             LUCY MACPHERSON: 3-5.00PM                      DYNAMIC DUO – VERSION TWO:
Wednesday     A fresh and modern acoustic jazz
                                                             Pop, Britpop and indie originals and covers. 6-8.00PM
11th August   experience covering the greats plus
                                                             (Summer Shorts)                                A great variety of covers for all tastes.
              modern takes on jazz classics.
              HAMISH MCGREGOR                                       STANTON:                   DEVILS IN SKIRTS:
              AND HIS FRIENDS           AM/FM: 3-5.00PM             6-8.00PM                   9-11.00PM                                                                                                                           Freedom & Form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Join us on a journey under the
12th August
              THE MELLOTONES:           Funky, folksy, country
                                        blues from father/
                                                                    Indie/folk/rock originals Female fronted rap/rock RESIDENT DJs
                                                                    from this Musselburgh      band backed by original FROM 9.00PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Showcase                             sea where some sea creatures
              Play standards from the   daughter duo.               four-piece. (Summer        beats and melodic                                                                                                                   For full details see page 20.        need our help!
              Great American Song Book.                             Shorts)                    vocals. (Summer Shorts)                                                                                                             THE LIGHTHOUSE LIVE STAGE            A fun, interactive drama
              ABERLADY MOONSHINE CODY FEECHAN: 12-                                             EINSTEIN’S WARDROBE:                                                                                                                10.30AM (15 MIN)      FREE          workshop for children from
                                                                    BLUETILE: 3-5.00PM
              ORCHESTRA: 10-11.30AM 2.00PM                                                     6-8.00PM                                                                                                                                                                 P1 - P4 looking at ocean
Friday                                                              Four-piece indie band
              Traditional jazz and      Singer-songwriter from formed in North                 Steven McDonald, David RESIDENT DJs                       When Peter Sawkins won the Great British Bake Off in                                                           conservation.
13th August   blues standards and       Fife, noticed for her       Berwick known for their Salvona & Gillian Hunter FROM 8.00PM                         November 2020, it was the culmination of an amazing journey
              originals arranged in a   unique voice and subtle exciting live shows.           play folk, country, jazz                                                                                                                                                 SSE RENEWABLES ENVIROZONE
                                                                                                                                                         that began when he started watching the show aged 12. Just                                                     1.30PM (45 MIN)        £5
              contemporary style.       Scottish lilt.                                         and blues.                                                8 years later, he won the coveted GBBO cake-stand with his
              SANDY WYLES: 12-2.00PM                                              DMS (Deaf Mute Society):                                               imaginative, distinctly Scottish twists on baking classics, his           Fantoosh Sketchy
              An Americana singer-
              songwriter, writes about          DANCING MICE: 3-5.00PM            6-8.00PM                                                               unsurpassed flair for flavour and his witty, self-deprecating
                                                                                                                                                         honesty. And, of course, his sheer passion for baking. Here he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Walking Workshop
Saturday                                                                          This fivesome deliver              RESIDENT DJs
              love and heartache and the        Melodic, quirky indieprog/                                                                               reveals some of his trademark baking tricks.                              For full details see page 11.
14th August   importance of not going under electropop from Edinburgh.            groove-drenched vibes with         FROM 8.00PM
              when the going gets tough.                                          contagious hooks. (Summer                                              MARINE NORTH BERWICK HOTEL                                                MEET AT FBTS HARBOUR BOX
              (Summer Shorts)                                                     Shorts)                                                                11.00AM (60 MIN)                                                  £7     OFFICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11.30AM (90 MIN) &
Sunday        527 SOUND SYSTEM TAKEOVER: from 12.00PM                                                                                                                                                                              2.30PM (90 MIN)        £18.50
              A wee sound system & collective initially founded in a Glaswegian kitchen playing family friendly RESIDENT DJ
15th August   reggae with live flute.                                                                                                                                                                                                                | £14 (U16s)
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