LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...

Page created by Cheryl Berry
LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
LLA Annual Conference
  March 13-15, 2019

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...

                     ̵ Ǩ
             Library System                    BookFlix   TrueFlix       FreedomFlix       ScienceFlix   ScholasticGO
            Ascension Parish                      √           √              √                 √              √
           St. Tammany Parish                                 √                                √              √
            St. Charles Parish                                √
            Livingston Parish                     √           √              √                 √              √
        St. John the Baptist Parish                                                            √
          Pointe Coupee Parish                    √           √                                √              √
             St. Mary Parish                                  √              √                 √
            Concordia Parish                      √           √                                √
              Lincoln Parish                                                 √                 √
             Rapides Parish                                                                    √
        East Baton Rouge Parish                   √           √              √                 √
            Vermilion Parish                      √           √              √
               Winn Parish                                                                     √
               Iberia Parish                                                                                  √
             Jefferson Parish                                                                                 √
               Winn Parish                        √           √                                √
              Bossier Parish                                                                                  √
             Lafayette Parish                                 √                                √
              Sabine Parish                       √           √
            St. Martin Parish                     √


                                          ‘–ƒ – ‡”„‹‡ƒ†‹•–›Š‘”’‡ˆ‘”‘”‡‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘
                                              ƒ„‘—––Š‡•‡‹ ”‡†‹„Ž‡ Š‘Žƒ•–‹ ’”‘†— –•Ǩ
                                                     Herbie Thorpe                          Misty Thorpe
                                               herbiethorpe@gmail.com                  mistythorpe@gmail.com
                                                    (985) 807-7545                         (985) 807-6478
LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
Table of Contents
President’s Welcome ............................................ 4
Crowne Plaza Layout ........................................... 6
Schedule at a Glance .......................................... 7
Meeting Room Schedule
     Thursday ........................................................ 8-9
     Friday ......................................................... 10-11
Program Sessions
     Wednesday ................................................... 12
     Thursday .................................................... 12-21
     Friday ......................................................... 21-26
Featured Speakers .............................................. 27
Author’s Row .................................................. 28-29
Poster Sessions ..................................................... 31
Exhibitors ............................................................... 32
Exhibitor Info ................................................... 33-35

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
             Awards, Exhibits, and Sessions—Oh my! Have we got a conference for you! This will be One Heart,
    One Voice…One GREAT Conference hosted by the Louisiana Library Association, March 13-15, 2019, at the
    Baton Rouge Crowne Plaza! This is One GREAT Conference Committee, planning One GREAT Conference!
    They are experienced attendees and planners themselves, so the 2019 conference will set a high standard
    for future events!
             You will want to set aside all three days as the pre-conference sessions are going to offer “one of a
    kind can’t get anywhere else” experiences! Have you wanted to plan an author visit, book festival, or other
    major event, but didn’t know where to start? “Host it, and They Will Come” may be just for you! Have you
    thought of offering an escape room but need to experience one first before you plan one? “Escape to LLA”
    will offer you the chance to see what this is all about!
             Using Google Tools but do not feel confident or, perhaps, need training to even try? Come to the
    Google Tools training for a hands on experience! Does handling the “business” of being a librarian get you
    all bothered? The pre-conference on Business Librarianship should help you deal with numbers other than
             These sessions are planned with ALL librarians in mind, so get out of the comfort zone of your
    section, and plan to attend a pre-conference. The cost is minimal, and the experience will be maximum!
             We are having the ribbon cutting for Exhibits on Wednesday at 6:30, so you will want to head to
    Baton Rouge as early as possible. You won’t want to miss this time to meet the vendors. After the opening,
    lots of fun activities and games will be hosted by LLA members at the Crowne Plaza.
             Another exciting event planned for you is the Awards Recognition and Reception, which will be held
    on Thursday evening. Each year, when librarians hear about the food, and winners of the prestigious awards,
    they regret not attending. This event is included in your conference registration fee, so why not get the most
    for your money, and make a point to attend? Help us celebrate all that we have accomplished as individuals
    and an association. Recognizing worthy colleagues is another form of advocacy, as word of mouth and press
    releases help spread the news of notable things librarians do every day!
             Join me at the President’s Program where Dr. Tommy Karam, senior instructor at the LSU EJ Ourso
    College of Business, will be speaking about personal branding. It will be a session you truly don’t want to
    miss, followed by the LLA Business Meeting.
           Along with the regular conference sessions, there will be Round Table discussions, Lightning talks,
    and Poster Sessions, even a contributed paper or two! Yes, this will be One Great Conference, and you won’t
    want to miss it!
             Have we got a conference for you!

                                   Cathy Smith, LLA President

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
LLA Conference Attendance Policy
All conference programs, committee meetings, and section and interest group meetings are open to registered
attendees. Attendees must wear a conference badge to be admitted. The Awards Ceremony and Reception are open
to guests. As a reminder and courtesy to presenters and other attendees, LLA requests that everyone turn off or
silence all cell phones and other devices when attending conference programs.

ADA Compliance & Special Needs
Please see the registration desk for any questions or if special accommodations are required.

Registration Information
Registration is required for admission to the LLA Annual Conference and for all meal functions. Registration and
check-in will be at the Crowne Plaza in the atrium during the following times:
Wednesday, March 13:		          9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, March 14:             7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Friday, March 15:               7:30 am - 2:30 pm

Meal Event Tickets
Tickets for meal events will be placed in the registration packets of those who have pre-registered. Those who register
on-site should inquire at the registration desk for any extra availability. A message board will be located in the
registration area for attendees to post information about the exchange or resale of tickets.

Exhibits will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall in the Crowne Plaza. Please join us for exciting activities, and stop by each
exhibitor’s booth to visit and thank them for their support of LLA!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will take place from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2019.

Exhibits will be open during the following times:
Thursday, March 14:     9:00 am – 5:00 pm 		              Coffee Break:    4:30 - 5:00 pm
Friday, March 15:       9:00 am –11:00 am		               Coffee Break:    10:00 am – 10:30 am

Win a door prize by participating in the exhibits game! Game forms are located in your registration packet. Once
completed, please return the form to the LLA Exhibits Booth just inside of the Exhibit Hall.

Wireless internet is available to all attendees, speakers and exhibitors at no cost. Please use the wifi name
“LLAconference” with the password “library2019”. Signs will be posted throughout the Atrium of the Crowne Plaza

Suggested Attire
The LLA Conference is a time for networking and professional development with your library colleagues. It is
recommended that business casual attire be worn.

Authors’ Row & Poster Sessions
Be sure to check out the schedule on pages 28 & 29 for approximately 40 exciting author signings to be held in the
Exhibit Hall.

The Poster Session will be presented in the Atrium just outside of the Exhibit Hall. A complete schedule of poster
presentations is located on page 31.

Game Night
Join us on Thursday after the awards ceremony for a game night in Room 253!

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...

    Hotel Facilities
                                                    Crowne Plaza Layout
                            D                                                                                                                                                FIRE

            I               LEVEE
            GYM                       BAYOU
                                                     B                                                                 FIRE

                    E            W
                                      TW                                                                                                                   CYPRESS    II
                             F                IN
                                                G            CREOLE                                  FRONT
                            CLEMENS      G                                                                                  
                                                                                                                            M             CYPRESS    I                                    ATRIUM
                                                       H                       EXECUTIVE                                   CHAIRMAN’S

                                         QUEEN                                  OFFICES






                                                                   CENTER                                                                                                                          FIRE

                                                      SALES &
                                                                               K                     LOBBY

                                                                                                                                                                     O                                       DOCK
                                                                               FIRE                  LADIES                                                           PREMIER                III
                                                                               EXITS                                                                                 BALLROOM
                                                                                                    GRILLE                                      N

                                                        SWIMMING                                                                                                                                                 FIRE

                                                                                                   LOUNGE                                                                                                        EXIT

                                                                                                                       MEN                                                      II

                                                                                                                           BANQUET                                                                        FIRE
                                                                                                                           HOLDING                                                                        EXIT

                                                                             OUTDOOR               PATIO
                                                                              PATIO                GRILLE



            West Wing                                                                                                                                                Atrium Wing
            A B5?                                                                                                                                           N     'B5=95B 1
LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
                               Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)
Wednesday March 13, 2019
   Time					Event/Session					Location
   9:00 am - 5:00 pm			Registration						Atrium
   9:00 am - 11:00 am			  Pre-Con: Host it and They Will Come!		    Cypress I
   9:00 am - 12:00 pm			  Pre-Con: Escape to LLA Conference			      Room 253
   9:00 am - 12:00 pm			  Pre-Con: Business Librarianship			        Bayou & Levee
   10:00 am - 12:00 pm			 LASL Executive Board Meeting			           Chairman’s Library
   1:00 pm - 3:00 pm			   Pre-Con: Host it and They Will Come!		    Cypress I
   1:00 pm - 4:00 pm			   Pre-Con: Escape to LLA Conference			      Room 253
   1:00 pm - 4:00 pm			   Pre-Con: Google Tools: G Suite & Beyond		 Bayou & Levee
   4:00 pm - 6:00 pm			   LLA Executive Board Meeting			            Chairman’s Library
   6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 			  Ribbon Cutting & Exhibits Party			        Premier II & III
   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm			   Past President’s Dinner				               (By Invitation Only)

Thursday March 14, 2019
   Time					Event/Session					Location
   7:30 am - 4:00 pm			Registration						Atrium
   8:00 am - 8:50 pm			   Program Session 1					                       Meeting Rooms
   9:00 am - 5:00 pm			   Exhibits Open						                          Premier II & III
   9:00 am - 9:50 am 			  No Conflict Breakfast					                   Premier II & III
   10:00 am - 10:50 am			 Program Session 2					                       Meeting Rooms
   11:00 am - 11:50 am			 Program Session 3					                       Meeting Rooms
   12:00 pm - 1:20 pm 			 Public/Trustee Luncheon				                  Premier I
   12:00 pm - 1:20 pm 			 Academic LLA/ACRL-LA Luncheon			             Bayou & Levee
   1:30 pm - 2:20 pm			   Program Session 4					                       Meeting Rooms
   2:30 pm - 3:20 pm			   Program Session 5					                       Meeting Rooms
   3:30 pm - 4:20 pm			   Program Session 6					                       Meeting Rooms
   4:30 pm - 5:00 pm			   No Conflict Final Voting Friendliest Booth		 Premier II & III
   5:00 pm - 5:30 pm			   Cash Bar Awards Reception				                Atrium
   5:30 pm - 8:00 pm			   Awards Ceremony & Dinner Reception		         Premier I
Friday March 15, 2019
   Time					Event/Session					Location
   7:30 am - 2:30 pm			Registration						Atrium
   8:00 am - 2:00 pm			Poster Session						Atrium
   8:00 am - 9:50 am			   GODORT Breakfast & Business Meeting		        Premier I
   8:00 am - 8:50 am 			  Program Session 7 					                      Meeting Rooms
   9:00 am - 11:00 am			  Exhibits Open						                          Premier II & III
   9:00 am - 9:50 am			   Program Session 8					                       Meeting Rooms
   10:00 am - 10:30 am			 No Conflict Time for Last View of Exhibits		 Premier II & III
   10:30 am - 11:50 am			 President’s Program & LLA Business Meeting   Cypress II
   12:00 pm - 1:20 pm			  LASL Makerspace Lunch & Learn			             Premier I
   1:30 pm - 2:20 pm 			  Program Session 9					                       Meeting Rooms
   2:30 pm - 3:20 pm			   Program Session 10					                      Meeting Rooms       7
LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
Meeting Room Schedule - Thursday, March 14, 2019
                        Cypress I            Cypress II                Premier I Premier II&III Room 253                              Room 254                   Creole
                                                                     7:30 am - 4:00 pm Registration

                        Migrating from       What’s New In
                                                                                                                                        Refreshing our
                          Physical to     Children’s Literature         Roundtable                              Feast on Graphic                               Eugene P. Watson:
                                                                                                                                      Image: How We are
 8:00 am - 8:50 am     Streaming Media      and How to Use               Session 1                              Novels Across the                              Louisiana Library
                                                                                                                                      Making the Library
                      Collections: A Case Them In Teaching                                                        Curriculum                                       Legend
                                                                                                                                       More Welcoming
                            Study          and Programming

                                                                     9:00 am - 5:00 pm Exhibits Open

 9:00 am - 9:50 am                                                                           No Conflict
                                                                                           Breakfast in the
                                                                                             Exhibit Hall

                                                                                                                                                                God has left the
                                                                                                                                                                Building: Library
10:00 am - 10:50 am                                                     Roundtable                              Children’s Services   Panel Discussion:
                                                Recruitment                                                                                                       Architecture,
                                                                         Session 2                              Discussion Group      Southern Writers
                                               Strategies for                                                                                                  Librarianship, and
                        Finding Your                                                                                                                                the Soul
                                                a Diverse LIS
                      Genealogy in Print
                                              Diversity Interest                                                                                                   The Role of
                         and Online
                                              Group Business                                                     Children’s Book                               Academic Libraries
11:00 am - 11:50 am                               Meeting                                                                             Panel Discussion:         in Accreditation:
                                                                                                                Repair, A How-To                              What I Learned About
                                                                                                                                       Mystery Writers
                                                                                                                     Session                                   Creating Program
                                                                                                                                                                 Impact Studies

                                                                      Public/ Trustees
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm

                                              Attorney, Teacher,
                   Copyright and Copy Librarian: How One
                     Wrong: Helping       Talented Information                                                  Academic Section                                Public Section
 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm School Campuses        Professional Meshed                                                                           Lightning Talks
                                                                                                                Business Meeting                               Business Meeting
                   “Keep it Legal” in the Varying Strategies to
                       Digital Age        Successfully Engage
                                            Once Reluctant Readers

                                                                                                                Subject Specialists Connecting World Hosting Job Fair at
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm
                                                                                                                Business Meeting Book to your Library  Public Library
                       Legal Information                                                                                                Needs
                         Resources for      Discussing Diversity
                       Self-Represented     in Children’s Picture Visits with Leonardo
                       Litigants: LEAP is          Books                                                                                   UL Lafayette
                         Here to Help!                                                                                                     Institutional       Best Practices for
 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm                                                                                                                    Repository: Choosing      Being the Most
                                                                                                                                        the Right Platform      Effective Board
                                                                                                                                       for Our University’s   Member You Can Be

                                                                                           No Conflict Final
 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm                                                                        Voting “Friendliest

                                                                       Cash Bar Before
 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm                                                        Awards

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

                                                                     Awards Ceremony
                                                                     & Dinner Reception

 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
Meeting Room Schedule - Thursday, March 14, 2019
                         Riverboat                Bayou &                  Natchez                 Samuel                 Delta Queen                  Mississippi
                                                   Levee                                           Clemens                                              Queen
                                                                7:30 am - 4:00 pm Registration

                         More Than a Pretty       Coding for Little Bits:                          Best Practices In     Librarians Read and
                      Interface: The Louisiana Using Coding Concepts       Library Managers     Marketing & Outreach Rave: Upcoming Books
 8:00 am - 8:50 am                                                                                                                                     Power Up Your TAB
                      Digital Library as a Data in Classrooms and Youth Interest Group Business To Amplify Discovery & that Librarians are Wild
                                 Hub                  Programming               Meeting             Engagement                  About

                                                               9:00 am - 5:00 pm Exhibits Open

 9:00 am - 9:50 am

                       The Well-Tended                                                            Not Your Average                                    Excuse Me, I Believe
                      Team: Germination          Outreach Services/         No Space, No        Panel: Tugging @ Your                                You Have My Stapler...
10:00 am - 10:50 am and Growth through          Bookmobile Interest                                                          State of the State       and Other Business
                                                                              Problem           Heartstrings to Impact
                    Training, Teaching, and       Group Meeting                                                                   Library             Reference Questions
                                                                                                Students (& “Loving” It
                            Trickery                                                              While You’re at It!)                               You Shouldn’t Ignore

                                                                                                                          Public Libraries as Partners
                           Technology                                                              The Wonderful            for Community Health:       Print Culture & Books
11:00 am - 11:50 am                                                      Catch ‘Em All: Crash                                How the New Orleans
                        Enhanced Lessons                                                           World of Library        Public Library is Working
                                                                                                                                                       Interest Group Business
                                                                         Course with Canva
                           for Libraries                                                              Centers               to Improve Health and              Meeting
                                                                                                                           Promote Health Literacy

12:00 pm - 1:20 pm                               Academic LLA/
                                                ACRL-LA Luncheon

                                                                       3-5th Grade Booktalks
                                                                                                                              Tech Tools and
                       The Last Bastions of                              for the 2019-2020          A Roadmap to                                        LaSSAL Business
 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm                                                                                                            Techiniques for
                           Democracy                                      Louisiana Young            Innovation                                            Meeting
                                                                          Readers’ Choice

                                                                             6-8th Grade                                                                 Adventurous
                                                                                                   Puzzles and Pop
                          A Model Public                                  Booktalks for the                                                                Collection
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm                                                                                 Culture: Planning             Writing for
                           Library Board                                2019-2020 Louisiana                                                              Development:
                                                                                                  Escape Rooms for            Publication 101
                              Meeting              BreakoutEDU:            Young Readers’                                                                Finding Indie
                                                                                                   Preteen Patrons
                                                 Thinking Outside           Choice (LYRC)                                                                  Treasures
                                                   of the Box for
                          Growing eBook
                                                Library & Classroom
                         and eAudiobook
                                                   Collaboration        Louisiana Collection,    You, Too, Can Run a
 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm         Collections in
                           Louisiana via                                  State Library of        Tween/Teen Book           Presentations 101
                           cloudLink by                                       Louisiana                 Group

 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm

 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

LLA Annual Conference March 13-15, 2019 - Louisiana ...
Meeting Room Schedule - Friday, March 15, 2019
                        Cypress I             Cypress II              Premier I Premier II&III Room 253                                 Room 254                Creole
                                                                     7:30 am - 2:30 pm Registration
                                                                    9:00 am - 11:00 am Exhibits Open

                                                                                                                   Feeding Young                             “How Do I Reach
                                             Beyond Trinkets: 3D                                                  Minds: Libraries      Cutting Edge or       These People?”
 8:00 am - 8:50 am                            Printers as Library                                                  Respond to the       Crazy idea? You     Successful Practices
                                             Program Enhancers                                                    Needs of Hungry           Decide           From the Second
                                                                                                                        Kids                                 Smallest Parish in
                                                                    GODORT Breakfast &
                      Performer Showcase
                                                                     Business Meeting

                                                                                                                                             Teaching       Truly Collaborative:
                                                                                                                 HarperCollins Digital Information Literacy School and Public
 9:00 am - 9:50 am
                                                                                                                     Book Buzz           Through Drawing Library Partnerships
                                                                                                                                         and Short Stories     for Successful
                                                                                                                                                             Summer Learning

                                                                                         No Conflict Time for
10:00 am - 10:30 am
                                                                                         Last View of Exhibits

                                             All Conference
10:30 am - 11:50 am                          Program (ft. Dr.
                                             Tommy Karam)
                                             & LLA Business

                                                                     LASL Makersspace
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm
                                                                       Lunch & Learn

                                                Roundtable             LASL Business                                                                         Learning Kits from
 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm                                                                                               Contributed Papers
                                                 Session 3               Meeting                                                                                   A to Z

                      Preservation of Your
                        Library Materials

                                                                                                                                                             Let’s Get Social:
 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm                                                                                                                                          Using Social Media
                                                                                                                                                              at Your Library

Meeting Room Schedule - Friday, March 15, 2019
                       Riverboat              Bayou &                Natchez                 Samuel               Delta Queen             Mississippi
                                               Levee                                         Clemens                                       Queen
                                                            7:30 am - 2:30 pm Registration
                                                          9:00 am - 11:00 am Exhibits Open

                                                                                            No Money, Don’t
                                                                      Access for All:
                                                                                             Worry: Finding                                Create Inspiring
                                                                       Making Your                                  Human Library
8:00 am - 8:50 am     ACT Summer Camp                                                       and Curating Free                              Spaces - A Case
                                                                   Library Accessibility                              Collection
                                                                                            Open Educational                                    Study
                                             Procedures: The
                                             Root of Effective
                      2019-2020 Louisiana
                                                                                                                  How to Weed Your
                         Teen Readers’                              The Classroom and       HELP! I’m a School
                                                                                                                   Attic: Getting Rid    Media Literacy Week
 9:00 am - 9:50 am     Choice Booktalks                            the Street: Two More      Librarian! Now
                                                                                                                   of Junk Without         at Your Library
                        (9th-12th Grade                              Sites for Change             what?
                                                                                                                  Destroying History
                       Nominated Titles)

10:00 am - 10:30 am

10:30 am - 11:50 am

12:00 pm - 1:20 pm

                                             Beyond an Apple
                                                                                           Creating an Equity
                                              a Day: Providing                                                        Patent and
                                                                                           Strategy: The Good,
 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm                           Consumer Health                                                      Trademark Resource
                                                                                             the Bad, and the
                                            Information at Your                                                   Center: An Overview

                                            Caring for the Mind:                                                  Patrons and Profits:
                                             Providing Mental                              A Library’s Response   Processing Passport
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm
                                            Health Information                             to the Opioid Crisis     Applications at
                                              at Your Library                                                       Public Libraries

Program Sessions Wednesday & Thursday
      Wednesday, March 13                         (in 35 minutes).                              LLA Executive Board Meeting
                                                  Upon completion of the scenario above,        4:00 – 6:00 pm // Chairman’s Library
                                                  you will have time for questions and to
     Pre-Conference Programs                      examine the components of the escape          Ribbon Cutting & Exhibits Party
                                                  room more closely. You will leave not         6:30 – 8:30 pm // Premier II & III
     Host It and They Will Come!                  only with a unique experience, but also
     9:00 – 11:00 am, 1:00 – 3:00 pm // Cypress I a program guide for this and additional       Past President’s Dinner
     Sponsor(s): Public Section                   escape rooms that you can replicate at        7:00 – 9:00 pm // Invitation Only
     Description: Large scale community           your own library!
     programs can help a library connect users Speaker(s): Jeremy Bolom, Head of
     to the services offered. Attend our LLA      Public Service, and Kris Patrick, Teen
                                                                                                    Thursday, March 14
     Fair to meet and mingle with small and       Coordinator, Lincoln Parish Library
     medium sized libraries that host Writer’s                                                  Program Session 1
     Conferences, Book Festivals, Judged Art      Business Librarianship: Helping               8:00 – 8:50 am
     Shows, STEM/Science Days, Comic Cons,        Researchers and Entrepreneurs
     and TEDx events. Walk away with outlines Navigate the World of Business                   Migrating from Physical to Streaming
     on hosting an event. Win door prizes!        Information                                  Media Collections: A Case Study
     Speaker(s): Jessi Suire, Adult Services,     9:00 am – 12:00 pm // Bayou & Levee          8:00 – 8:50 am // Cypress I
     Terrebonne Parish Library; Misty             Sponsor(s): Subject Specialists              Sponsor(s): Academic Section
     Noble-Hodges, Outreach Coordinator,          Description: Business librarians are vital   Description: Academic libraries are
     Tangipahoa Parish Library; Sarah             when it comes to assisting researchers       increasingly moving away from physical
     Colombo, Assistant Director, West Baton      in discovering resources, providing          media collections toward more desirable
     Rouge Parish Library; Lesley Campbell,       knowledge, and supporting business           streaming media platforms that allow
     Head of Youth Services, Livingston Parish innovation. This workshop covers four           for unlimited simultaneous users
     Library; Ann Gomez, Branch Manager,          presentations that delve into the work       and unrestricted public performance
     Livingston Parish Library; Jennifer Seneca, of business librarians and how they           rights. The presenters will provide an
     Assistant Director, Livingston Parish        connect researchers, entrepreneurs,          introduction to the various streaming
     Library                                      and community business owners to             services and Acquisition models
                                                    information. The presentations are         available to libraries. This presentation
     Escape to LLA Conference: A Harry              designed for those with little or no       will also illustrate a yearlong project to
     Potter Themed Escape Room                      knowledge of business librarianship,       significantly downsize Sims Memorial
     Experience                                     though are also beneficial for public and  Library’s physical media collections
     9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 1:00 – 4:00 pm //          academic reference librarians, library     at Southeastern Louisiana University.
     Room 253                                       science students, and business owners.     Emphasis will be placed on transitioning
     Sponsor(s): Public Section                     Speaker(s): Tom Diamond, Allison           from an outdated VHS and DVD collection
     Description: Learning through                  Gallaspy, Ian Richardson, Andrew           to streaming media platforms like
     experience is the quickest way to gaining      Tadman, Natalie Denby                      Academic Video Online: Premium and
     new ideas. And, who said this couldn’t be                                                 Films on Demand, staff training initiatives,
     fun! Join us for an hour on Wednesday,         LASL Executive Board Meeting               and the results of the weeding process.
     March 13, 2018 for a Harry Potter escape       10:00 am – 12:00 pm // Chairman’s Library Speaker(s): Angela Dunnington and Paul
     room experience.                                                                          Kelsey, Southeastern Louisiana University
     At Hogwarts School, there are few              Google Tools: G Suite and Beyond
     professors that strike as much fear and        1:00 – 4:00 pm // Bayou & Levee            What’s New In Children’s Literature
     loathing into the heart of any student in      Sponsor(s): LASL                           and How to Use Them In Teaching and
     the secret organization of “Dumbledore’s       Description: G Suite applications have     Programming
     Army” as Delores Umbridge.                     the ability to streamline your workflow    8:00 – 8:50 am // Cypress II
     Unfortunately, you have caught her             and increase your productivity. This       Sponsor(s): LASL, Children’s Services/
     keen eye while practicing precise wand         session will highlight the functionality   Programming Interest Group
     movements for a defensive spell under          and best practices for frequently used G   Description: Come and find out what is
     your desk. Now you sit in her office for       Suite applications, as well as some other  new and fun in PreK-5th grade literature
     an evening’s detention. Suddenly, as she       Google tools that can make your life       and how to use it to teach to the state
     runs off to investigate illicit activities     (and work) easier. Attendees will benefit  standards in your school library or for
     outside the Room of Requirement, you           from bringing a laptop with the Chrome     programming in your public library. This
     have been left alone, locked in her office.    browser installed and access to a G Suite  interactive and fast-paced session will
     This is your chance for action, but will you   or personal Google Account login, which leave you with many ideas.
     escape or face her compounded wrath            will allow them to try out applications as Speaker(s): Shannan L. Hicks, Caddo
     upon her return? See if you (and your          they are shared.                           Parish Public Schools
     colleagues) have what it takes to solve        Speaker(s): Kim Howell, Tiffany
     the clues and ESCAPE before she returns
12                                                  Whitehead, Stephanie Wilkes, Chris Young
Program Sessions Thursday
Roundtable Session 1                       Feast on Graphic Novels Across the               addressing the needs of our students
8:00 – 8:50 am // Premier I                Curriculum                                       and patron base through addressing the
                                           8:00 – 8:50 am // Room 253                       building aesthetics, signage, outreach
Transforming School Libraries in           Sponsor(s): Subject Specialists, LASL,           and programing, and working with
Louisiana                                  Children’s Services/Programming Interest         student organizations on campus. We will
Description: There are many ways to        Group                                            also be addressing the challenges and
transform school libraries. From remixing Description: Once referred to as “the             limitations we have faced as a committee
what we have to fresh starts made each     marijuana of the nursery” and the “bane          throughout our continued efforts to
year, librarians are constantly updating   of the bassinet,” comics and graphic             better serve our students and patrons.
and transforming their libraries. This     novels have become increasingly                  Speaker(s): Abigail DeSoto, Government
round table discussion will center on      popular. Of course, librarians have              Documents Librarian, and Nolan Eller,
the steps taken in Caddo Public School     supported graphic novels for decades             University Archivist, Louisiana Tech
district to refresh and renew, with        because they can convey complex ideas,           Univeristy
input from the audience as to what has     increase vocabulary, and teach multiple
been done in other districts. From the     literacies while engaging students. The          Eugene P. Watson: Louisiana Library
discussion, new ideas will emerge on how graphic novel format spans genres                  Legend
librarians can continue to be relevant and (fantasy, historic fiction, realistic fiction,   8:00 – 8:50 am // Creole Queen
continue to transform their libraries to   biography, and informational texts) and          Sponsor(s): Academic Section
better serve their patrons and schools.    curricula including ELA, science, history,       Description: Eugene Payne Watson
                                           math, arts, and geography. The format            (June 29th, 1911-February 29th, 1964),
School Library and Public Library          often makes text and information more            librarian, Catholic, scholar, chess
Partnerships                               accessible and enjoyable for students            aficionado, and polio survivor, achieved
Description: Join the Children’s Services who have grown up in a digital world.             much in his brief span of fifty-two years.
Interest Group to discuss ways to develop Yet, many educators are still wary of             He was president of Louisiana Library
relationships with your Public Librarian   using them in the classroom. Join us             Association (1947-1948), founder of the
or School Librarian to make the best       as we Feast on Graphic Novels across             Louisiana state documents program
possible experience for the children we    the Curriculum. Get ideas on how to              and a major contributor to the Louisiana
service. It takes a village and there are  incorporate the graphic novel into your          Newspaper Index. He also established the
ways we can work together to promote       classroom—which graphic novels to                “Louisiana Room” of the Russell Library
information literacy. What works? What     choose, how to convince others about             which collected materials pertaining to
doesn’t? Please bring positive success     the benefits of graphic novels, and how          north Louisiana history. From 1950 to
stories as well as speed bumps from        to teach using the graphic novel. Not            1961 he dedicated his life to founding
either side. More heads are better than    only do graphic novels prepare students          Alpha Beta Alpha, the only coeducational
one!                                       for the SAT (which was updated in 2016           library fraternity. Over this ten-year
                                           to include more visual literacy) and for         period Watson gradually built a national
Louisiana Documents Educational            college, they also fulfill the Common Core       reputation as a leader in librarianship for
Programming Overview                       ELA standard requiring evaluation of             his work in recruitment of new librarians
Description: In a roundtable format,       content “presented in diverse formats and        to the profession. This paper will focus on
the State Library of Louisiana’s Recorder  media.” Best of all, graphic novels create       Eugene Watson, the expansion of Alpha
of Documents and members of the            LIFELONG READERS.                                Beta Alpha into a national fraternity of
state depository program will hold         Speaker(s): Alicia Schwarzenbach,                forty-five chapters (and 2000 members)
an overview of educational series          Delgado Community College, and Soline            and will conclude with a brief discussion
and discussion about Louisiana             Holmes, Academy of the Sacred Heart              of the library which bears his name.
Documents. The discussion topics grew                                                       Speaker(s): Michael E. Matthews,
out of the responses that depository       Refreshing our Image: How We Are                 Northwestern State University
librarians provided to a survey that       Making the Library More Welcoming
the Advisory Council of the Louisiana      8:00 – 8:50 am // Room 254
Public Documents Depository Program        Sponsor(s): Subject Specialists, Academic        More Than a Pretty Interface: The
conducted. Topics will include             Section, LaSSAL, Reference Interest Group        Louisiana Digital Library as a Data Hub
information on working with the public,    Description: Have you ever wondered              8:00 – 8:50 am // Riverboat
understanding the classification system,   how to make your library more                    Sponsor(s): Academic Section,
finding documents online, helpful          welcoming and aesthetically pleasing             Preservation Interest Group
resources, and an overview of depository to students and patrons? Through the               Description: The Louisiana Digital Library
work. This session will have information   creation and efforts of our library building     (LDL) is an online platform for libraries,
useful for newcomers, experienced          committee, we at Louisiana Tech’s                museums, archives, and historical
librarians, and library managers and       Prescott Memorial Library are striving to        organizations across the state. The books,
directors. Questions are encouraged        do just that. This presentation will focus       manuscripts, oral histories, maps, and
throughout the meeting.                    on the ways in which our committee is            photographs held in the LDL showcase
Program Sessions Thursday
    the cultural resources of Louisiana.           Librarians Read and Rave: Upcoming         Exhibits Open
    The metadata about these items is also         Books that Librarians Are Wild About       9:00 am – 5:00 pm // Premier I & II
    a great asset. When explored in their          8:00 – 8:50 am // Delta Queen              Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall: 9:00 – 9:50
    entirety, the data held in the LDL is as       Sponsor(s): Public Section                 am
    valuable as the digital facsimiles. This       Description: Join this panel of public
    talk will explore the LDL as a data hub, a     librarians from around the state as they   Program Session 2
    place to gather and share the metadata         sound off about the upcoming books that
    of the participating institutions. Open        they are most excited about and can’t      10:00 – 10:50 am
    data is a growing trend in archives and        wait to share with their patrons. (With
    special collections, enabling new types of     thanks to publishers Hachette, Houghton    Finding Your Ancestors: Genealogy in
    interactions with collection material. We      Mifflin Harcourt, Ingram Publisher         Print and Online
    will contextualize the field of open data      Services, Macmillan, Penguin Random        10:00 – 11:50 am // Cypress I
    in historical institutions, and explore uses   House, Sourcebooks, Workman, W.W.          Sponsor(s): Subject Specialists,
    for downloaded metadata from the LDL.          Norton. And special thanks to program      Preservation Interest Group, Academic
    Speaker(s): Scott Ziegler, LSU Libraries       advisor, Vicki Nesting!)                   Section, Reference Interest Group
                                                   Speaker(s): Shemeka Adams, Tangipahoa      Description: For the beginner to
    Coding for Little Bits: Using Coding           Parish Library; Zach Bartlett, New         advanced researcher, come learn about
    Concepts in Classrooms and Youth               Orleans Public Library; Lauren Bordelon,   print and online resources for useful
    Programming                                    Assumption Parish Library; Rebecca         genealogical research.
    8:00 – 8:50 am // Bayou & Levee                Cloud, Lincoln Parish Library; Sarah       Speaker(s): Charlene Bonnette, Manager,
    Sponsor(s): Children’s Services/               Colombo, West Baton Rouge Library          Louisiana Department, State Library of
    Programming Interest Group                                                                Louisiana
    Description: Through a grant funded       Power Up Your TAB
    partnership with Southeastern Louisiana   8:00 – 8:50 am // Mississippi Queen             Recruitment Strategies for a Diverse
    University, branch managers Lindsey       Sponsor(s): Public Section                      LIS Population/Diversity Interest
    Hines and Avery Smith, MLS developed a    Description: Teen Advisory Boards can           Group Business Meeting
    training including a wealth of resources  make a huge impact on your library              10:00 – 11:50 am // Cypress II
    and hands-on activities to be used in     and in your community, but in a multi-          Sponsor(s): Diversity Interest Group,
    classrooms and libraries. Come learn      branch system it is difficult to bring the      Public Section
    teaching strategies, do fun activities, and
                                              teens together. Livingston Parish Library       Description: In a panel discussion,
    take home plugged-in and unplugged        has implemented a series of successful          Project Recovery Scholars and
    resources to enhance your programming!    TAB programs that served to unite the           recipients of the Ollie H. Burns Minority
    Speaker(s): Lindsey Hines, Tangipahoa     teens into a cohesive front. In January         Scholarship reflect on the challenges
    Parish Library, and Avery Smith, MLS,     2017, we hosted our first annual TAB            and opportunities they have faced post-
    Tangipahoa Parish Library                 Convention. This program featured an            SLIS graduation and what strategies are
                                              opening address, three breakout sessions,       needed to recruit and retain a diverse
   Library Managers Interest Group            and, of course, lots of food. The TAB also      workforce to mirror our communities.
   Business Meeting                           attend field trips to a local book store        Following the panel discussion, a short
   8:00 – 8:50 am // Natchez                  to purchase materials for the collection.       Diversity Interest Group Business Meeting
   Sponsor(s): Library Managers Interest      The teens sold colored hair streaks at          will be held.
   Group                                      our annual Book Festival to raise money         Speaker(s): Dr. Alma Dawson, Professor
   Description: Members of the interest       to purchase t-shirts for all members.           Emeritus, LSU School of Library and
   group can bring topics to discuss and      At our upcoming TAB Convention, we              Information Science, Project Recovery
   share. We will discuss the groups purpose, are planning on launching two new               Scholars and Ollie H. Burns Minority
   etc.                                       initiatives in the coming year. The TAB         Scholarship Recipients
                                              Reader’s Choice Awards will be a teen-
   Best Practices In Marketing & Outreach driven program in which they nominate               Round Table Session 2
   To Amplify Discovery & Engagement          titles, refine the list, and open voting to     10:00 – 10:50 am // Premier I
   8:00 – 8:50 am // Samuel Clemens           whole of the parish. Teens will also be
   Sponsor(s): Public Section                 designing and developing a program              Cataloging Round Table
   Description: Take away best practices      that will be offered during the summer as       Description: The RoundTable will discuss
   for marketing and outreach from our        “Teen Advisory Board presents…” These           cataloging issues, practices, innovations,
   network of libraries to raise awareness    programs show that our teens have a             procedures, and standards. All library
   and usage of your OverDrive service. We’ll strong voice in our system and that we          types and skill levels are welcome. Library
   touch on the importance of goal setting, hear them.                                        school students and non-catalogers are
   leveraging the Resource Center, curation Speaker(s): Lesley Campbell, Livingston           welcome, too! Bring your cataloging
   and much more.                             Parish Library                                  issues and questions and we can
   Speaker(s): Whit Arnold, Product                                                           brainstorm together.

14 Support Specialist
Program Sessions Thursday
Accessibility and Libraries                    Children’s Services Discussion Group          Description: This session will explore the
Description: Do you have a lot of              10:00 – 10:50 am // Room 253                  radical changes in public and academic
questions about accessibility and              Sponsor(s): Children’s Services/              library architecture over the past 150
libraries? This round table is for you! Do     Programming Interest Group                    years. Libraries were once considered to
you have a lot of answers to questions         Description: This is a chance for             be centers of both the intellect and the
about accessibility and libraries? This        Children’s Services staff to discuss what’s   divine spirit, second only in importance
round table is also for you! Let’s get         new on the horizon, problems, and have        to the campus chapel or local church.
together to ask questions and try to           questions answered. It is a time to share     Today, the library is transforming from a
get some answers together. Specific            what we do and how we do it.                  sacred space to a retail space. Why? The
topics that may be discussed include                                                         presenter will provide a historical tour
accessibility of print resources, digital      Panel Discussion: Southern Writers            of library architecture from the middle
resources, physical spaces, and assistive      10:00 – 10:50 am // Room 254                  19th century to the present day and will
technology in the library. This round table    Sponsor(s): Public Section                    discuss how seemingly small changes
is appropriate for all types of libraries.     Description: Join authors Kent Wascom,        in construction were likewise reflected
                                               David Armand, and Maurice Carlos              in the “evolution” of librarianship (from
Somebody’s Watching Me: A                      Ruffin as they discuss what it means to       vocation to profession) and users (from
Roundtable about Paranoia and the              be a modern writer in the South. The          patrons to customers).
Public Library                                 discussion will be moderated by Sarah         Speaker(s): Michael Matthews,
Description: Every library has a couple        Colombo, Assistant Director of the West       Northwestern State University of
of patrons who believe some odd things.        Baton Rouge Library and book review           Louisiana
Maybe that Toby Keith is breaking into         columnist for the West Side Journal.
their computer to steal song lyrics. Or        Kent Wascom is the author of The Blood        The Well-Tended Team: Germination
maybe it is that plumbers are planting         of Heaven, named a best book of the           and Growth through Training,
mold into people’s homes to make them          year by the Washington Post and NPR,          Teaching, and Trickery
ill. We all have these peculiar patrons and    Secessia, and The New Inheritors. He          10:00 – 10:50 am // Riverboat
typically they come to us for information      was the winner of the 2012 Tennessee          Sponsor(s): Public Section, Library
requests or technical help and, aside          Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival        Managers Interest Group
from their belief, they appear normal. The     Prize for Fiction, selected as one of         Description: The excuse of being
question is, “how do you best help these       Gambit‘s 40 Under 40, and described           “too busy” to include developmental
patrons without being drawn into their         by The Washington Post as “one of the         opportunities for your staff and team can
story and keep yourself and the library        most exhilarating historical novelists in     be damaging to your workplace. Over
from becoming part of the ‘conspiracy’?”       the country.” David Armand is a novelist,     time, neglect may lead to individual and
There is a ton of information out that         memoirist, and poet. He is the author         organizational stagnation, burn-out, and,
helps out with so called “difficult” patrons   of The Pugilist’s Wife, Harlow, The Deep      in some cases, apathy and negativity.
and a fair amount about patrons with           Woods, My Mother’s Home, and Debt.            Supervisors should assume responsibility
mental illness, but information about          He is the winner of the George Garrett        and take the initiative to incorporate
helping paranoid patrons can be difficult      Fiction Prize and the Writer-in-Residence     as many training opportunities into
to find. Let’s brain storm on how to best      at Southeastern Louisiana University.         their employees’ routines as possible.
help your paranoid patron!                     Maurice Carlos Ruffin has been a recipient    Come join the harvest of inspirational
                                               of an Iowa Review Award in fiction and a      ideas today and sow your own seeds of
Affirming Ourselves: Libraries and the         winner of the William Faulkner–William        achievement in your team tomorrow.
Accreditation Process                          Wisdom Creative Writing Competition           Speaker(s): Jeremy Bolom, Lincoln Parish
Description: Is your academic library          for Novel-in-Progress. His debut novel        Library
participating in accreditation this year       We Cast a Shadow was called “a singular
or in the next few years? Most academic        and unforgettable work of political art”      Outreach Services/Bookmobile
libraries in Louisiana are active in the       by Publishers Weekly and “Brilliant and       Interest Group Meeting
Southern Association of Colleges and           devastating” by Booklist.                     10:00 – 10:50 am // Bayou & Levee
Schools (SACS) reaffirmation and interim       Speaker(s): Kent Wascom, Southeastern         Description: Interest Group gathering
reporting process. Responsibilities            Louisiana University, David Armand,           for those working on bookmobiles or
include data collection, draft writing,        Southeastern Louisiana University, and        offering outreach services. The discussion
compilation of supporting documents            Sarah Colombo, West Baton Rouge               will be based on the needs of those in
and other duties. Furthermore,                 Library                                       attendance such as, homebound services,
libraries are frequently involved in the                                                     programming out of the library, pop-up
establishment and implementation of            God has left the Building: Library            libraries, and services to senior or daycare
the accompanying Quality Enhancement           Architecture, Librarianship, and the          centers.
Plan (QEP). This round table serves as         Soul
a discussion and support session for           10:00 – 10:50 am // Creole Queen
those administrators and faculty who are       Sponsor(s): Academic Section, Public
involved in SACS accreditation.                Section, Preservation Interest Group                                                         15
Program Sessions Thursday
     No Space, No Problem                                                                     Cheré Coen, and Ashley Weaver for a
     10:00 – 10:50 am // Natchez                   State of the State Library                 panel discussion moderated by Sarah
     Sponsor(s): Public Section                    10:00 – 10:50 am // Delta Queen            Colombo, Assistant Director of the West
     Description: Don’t have a meeting             Sponsor(s): Public Section                 Baton Rouge Library and book review
     room or an inch of space to spare? Don’t      Description: State Librarian Rebecca       columnist for the West Side Journal.
     know how to make your incredible ideas        Hamilton will present an overview of       The panel will discuss mystery writing.
     happen in your current library layout? No     the activities and initiatives of the StateRob Kuehnle is a graduate of the
     problem! Join us as we talk about how to      Library of Louisiana.                      University of the South (Sewanee)
     creatively use existing library spaces for    Speaker(s): Rebecca Hamilton, State        where he studied creative writing under
     fun and innovative library programming        Librarian, State Library of Louisiana      Sewanee Review editor, Andrew Lytle.
     in both small and large branches. We                                                     His debut murder mystery novel, Grand
     will share how we went from story time        Excuse Me, I Believe You Have My           Slam Murders, will be released in January
     and book club to tech talks, coding club,     Stapler... and Other Business Reference of 2019 under the pen name R.J. Lee.
     jewelry making, and even a mystery            Questions You Shouldn’t Ignore             Cheré Coen is a veteran newspaper and
     dinner! No budget? Branch too busy            10:00 – 10:50 am // Mississippi Queen      magazine journalist who writes freelance
     to take up valuable real estate with a        Sponsor(s): Reference Interest Group,      travel and food stories for print, blogs
     “traditional” program? We will also discuss   Subject Specialists, Academic Section      and social media. She is the author of the
     passive programming, displays, social         Description: This presentation will        Viola Valentine Mystery Series under the
     media, and more ways to engage patrons!       serve as a primer for reference librarians pen name Cherie Claire. Ashley Weaver is
     Join us for some practical and fun ideas      looking to develop or sharpen their        the Technical Services Coordinator for the
     that you can start using right away.          business subject knowledge. Topics         Allen Parish Libraries in Louisiana. She is
     Speaker(s): Jennifer Mayer, Crissie           covered will include the most common       the author of the Amory Ames Mysteries.
     Molina, Virginia Parker, and JoAnna           types of information resources             She was nominated for an Edgar Award
     Reeves (St. Tammany Parish Library)           patrons need and how to find them in       for Best First Novel for the first book in
                                                   comprehensive database collections to      the series, Murder at the Brightwell.
     Not Your Average Panel: Tugging @             which you may already have access or
     Your Heartstrings to Impact Students          using free and open resources. There’s no The Role of Academic Libraries in
     (& “Loving” It While You’re At It!)           reason a business reference question has Accreditation: What I Learned About
     10:00 – 10:50 am // Samuel Clemens            to be a drag! Those TPS reports might be Created Program Impact Studies
     Sponsor(s): LASL                              another matter.                            11:00 – 11:50 am // Creole Queen
     Description: Student members of the           Speaker(s): Allison Gallaspy               Sponsor(s): Academic Section, Subject
     Louisiana Teen-age Librarians Association                                                Specialists, Distance Learning Interest
     (LTLA) and their librarian-sponsors will      Program Session 3                          Group
     “lure” you into providing fun and student-    11:00 – 11:50 am                           Description: This pertains to how
     loving experiences to students who love                                                  academic libraries help the programs
     to read, be involved &/or yearning to be      Children’s Book Repair, A How-To           at their institutions with accreditation
     a part of a “home” (a.k.a. club). After a     Session                                    or re-accreditation. I will go over how I
     presentation about the LTLA, students         11:00 – 11:50 am // Room 253               create my studies using information from
     & sponsors will answer questions              Sponsor(s): Children’s Services/           my library’s OPAC and Word. I will talk
     as potential LTLA sponsors ponder             Programming Interest Group, LASL,          about how I have changed how I do them
     becoming a part of a dynamic group that       LaSSAL                                     over the years and the information that is
     students love being a part of!                Description: Children’s books take a lot   typically requested. I will talk about what
     Speaker(s): Moderator-Tiffany                 of wear and tear, especially those Disney  happens during a site visit and how the
     Whitehead, LASL President; Student            books! Learn the basics of book repair so studies help with showing your worth to
     Presenters-Joy Sutton, LTLA State             you can: Tip a new page in to replace torn the department (s) in question.
     Treasurer, & JaeLynn Taylor, Zachary HS;      out or crayoned book pages, stabilize      Speaker(s): Caitlin Cooper, Delgado
     Natalie Clemmons, LTLA Vice President,        a book spine, learn what best removes      Community College
     Lacassine HS (note: additional officers       pencil and crayon, receive a list of fairly
     may attend-names to be submitted);            inexpensive supplies with places to           Technology Enhanced Lessons for
     Librarian-Sponsors-Christina Knight,          purchase them, and more! Bring a book         Libraries
     Student Relations Committee (SRC) Chair,      you would like to repair.                     11:00 – 11:50 am // Riverboat
     Zachary HS; Renee Martin, Past SRC Chair,     Speaker(s): Susan Broussard, Children’s       Sponsor(s): LASL
     Central Private School; Janet Lathrop, SRC    Services East Baton Rouge Parish Library      Description: Elementary, Middle,
     Hotel/Convention Center Liaison, West                                                       and High School librarians will share
     Feliciana MS (note: additional librarian-     Panel Discussion: Mystery Writers             technology enhanced lessons that have
     sponsors may attend; names to be              11:00 – 11:50 am // Room 254                  been taught in the libraries of Louisiana.
     submitted)                                    Description: Join authors Rob Kuehnle,        Participants will be able to dissect the

Program Sessions Thursday
lessons & ask questions on best practices    health literacy and ways libraries can       Copyright and Copy Wrong: Helping
using technology in the library setting.     improve community and individual             School Campuses “Keep it Legal” in the
Speaker(s): Kim Howell, Kristy Sturm,        health, as well as the types of activities   Digital Age
Charlene Picheloup                           and programming the NOPL has                 1:30 – 2:20 pm // Cypress I
                                             implemented. Through a grant awarded         Sponsor(s): Subject Specialists, LASL,
Catch ‘Em All: Crash Course with Canva       to the New Orleans Public Library            LaSSAL, Preservation Interest Group
11:00 – 11:50 am // Natchez                  from the NIH, the NOPL hired a Health        Description: Do students--and many
Sponsor(s): Public Section                   Literacy Educator who is implementing        teachers--at your school seem to regard
Description: Learn how to take your          community health programming and             everything on the internet as fair game?
marketing from drab to dynamic with          health literacy efforts throughout the       In this session, we will explore the
the free, online graphic design software     library system, while providing general      common pitfalls concerning fair use and
Canva! Programming Coordinator Misty         awareness of the NIH All of Us Research      the kinds of digital media common to
Noble-Hodge, MLIS, and Branch Manager        Program. Participants can expect             every school campus--movies, online
Avery Smith, MLS, share best practices in    tips for engaging customers around           print materials, music, and more. During
marketing and show you just how easy         health literacy, as well as easy ways to     the discussion, we will also connect fair
graphic design can be by giving a crash      implement health programming in your         use of digital media to the Louisiana
course in Canva. You’ll leave this session   library.                                     Library Standards on ethical information
prepared to maximize the effectiveness       Speaker(s): Jessica Styons, New Orleans      use. Participants will walk away with
of your marketing and equipped with          Public Library Deputy Director; Elaine       talking points and activities to use in
the skills to create modern, eye-catching    Hicks, Tulane University Matas Library       the classroom with students and at
fliers, bookmarks, infographics, and more.   of the Health Sciences Public Health         professional development days with staff
Speaker(s): Misty Noble-Hodge, MLIS,         Librarian; Dana Wilkosz, New Orleans         at your schools.
of Tangipahoa Parish Library, and Avery      Public Library Health Literacy Educator      Speaker(s): Leslye Jackson Gilchrist,
Smith, MLS, of Tangipahoa Parish Library                                                  Caddo Parish Magnet High
                                             Print Culture & Books Interest Group
The Wonderful World of Library               Business Meeting                             Attorney, Teacher, Librarian: How One
Centers                                      11:00 – 11:50 am // Mississippi Queen        Talented Information Professional
11:00 – 11:50 am // Samuel Clemens                                                        Meshed Varying Strategies to
Sponsor(s): LASL                             Section Luncheons                            Successfully Engage Once Reluctant
Description: During this session, you will                                                Readers
learn how to incorporate various types       Public/Trustees Luncheon                     1:30 – 2:20 pm // Cypress II
of centers into the Library curriculum.      12:00 – 1:20 pm // Premier I                 Sponsor(s): Diversity Interest Group,
Two elementary school librarians will        Sponsor(s): Public Section                   LASL
share their journey to using centers in      Description: Dan Heitman, The Advocate       Description: One fierce educator
their library programs. You will see some    (Baton Rouge newspaper), will be the         confronted with a well-known dilemma
center ideas as well as ways to implement    featured speaker.                            faced by many teachers; getting reluctant
them into your daily lessons for all grade   Speaker(s): Dan Heitman, The Advocate        readers to read. Kiera Vargas incorporates
levels.                                                                                   a model that encompasses an interactive
Speaker(s): Kim McInnis, Librarian, A. C.    Academic LLA/ACRL-LA Luncheon                approach to instruction. This not only
Steere Elementary School, Caddo Parish       12:00 – 1:20 pm // Bayou & Levee             improves students’ literary engagement,
Schools; Jennifer Powers, Librarian,         Sponsor(s): Academic Section                 but also encourages students to read
Riverside Elementary School, Caddo           Description: Scott Ziegler, Head of          more and actually become lovers of
Parish Schools                               Digital Problems and Services at LSU         reading. She credits listening to her
                                             Libraries will be speaking about the New     students makes her a better teacher. She
Public Libraries as Partners for             and Notable in the Louisiana Digital         employs empathy to make the content
Community Health: How the New                Library. Academic Librarian Luncheon         of the books applicable to present day
Orleans Public Library is Working to         co-sponsored by ACRL-LA and the LLA          issues. Once capturing their appreciation
Improve Health and Promote Health            Academic section. Always a good time         for the written word, she is then able
Literacy                                     and great opportunity to connect with        to introduce them to more challenging
11:00 – 11:50 am // Delta Queen              colleagues.                                  literary works such as Richard Wright’s
Sponsor(s): Public Section                   Speaker(s): Scott Ziegler, Head of Digital   Native Son, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The
Description: In this presentation, NOPL      Problems and Services, LSU Libraries         Scarlet Letter, and John Steinbeck’s Of
Deputy Director, Jessica Styons; Tulane                                                   Mice and Men.
University’s Matas Library of the Health                                                  Speaker(s): Kiera Vargas, Educator and
Sciences Librarian, Elaine Hicks; and        Program Session 4                            2019 Teacher of the Year for Madison
NOPL Health Literacy Educator, Dana          1:30 – 2:20 pm                               County, Florida
Wilkosz discuss the importance of

Program Sessions Thursday
     Academic Section Business Meeting            as the epitome of democracy, largely
     1:30 – 2:20 pm // Room 253                   because of the commitment librarians          Tech Tools and Techniques for
     Sponsor(s): Academic Section                 and their institutions have made to the       Collaboration
     Description: Join this open meeting for      American Library Association’s Library        1:30 – 2:20 pm // Delta Queen
     current and prospective members of the       Bill of Rights. While this remains true,      Description: This session will be an
     LLA Academic Section to hear reports on      libraries are actually doing much more        overview of free software that enables
     recent section activities, budget, and our   to promote democracy than ever                collaboration. Specific tools to be
     plans for the year ahead. What else can      before. Libraries are engaging with           surveyed will include Git, GitHub,
     we offer as a section to support Louisiana   the community, in a nonpartisan way,          Slack, Trello and others. We’ll also
     Academic Libraries? How can we make          to ensure that our users are exercising       look at techniques that programmers
     our next virtual conference even better?     their civic rights. Whether that means        and technologists use to harness the
     Catch up on recent events and participate    registering people to vote or hosting         collective wisdom of their teams, such
     in this lively discussion.                   a naturalization ceremony, all types of       as pair programming and Agile sprint
     Speaker(s): Jennifer Hamilton, LLA           libraries are finding ways to get people      planning meetings.
     Academic Section Chair; Heather              excited about what it means to be a           Speaker(s): Mike Waugh, Library Services
     Plaisance, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect; and       citizen. See what ideas might work for        Platform Manager, LOUIS Libraries
     Sarah Dauterive, Secretary                   your library!
                                                  Speaker(s): Tony Barnes, New Orleans          LaSSAL Business Meeting
     Lightning Talks                              Public Library; Monique Breaux,               1:30 – 2:20 pm // Mississippi Queen
     1:30 – 2:20 pm // Room 254                   University of Louisiana at Lafayette;         Sponsor(s): LaSSAL
                                                  Tiffany Ellis, University of Louisiana at     Description: Support Staff of all Libraries
     Curiosity v. the Cat: Who really was         Lafayette; Sonnet Ireland, St. Tammany        are invited to attend. Come and find out
     killed?                                      Public Library; Bill Snyder, New Orleans      what LaSSAL is all about!
     Description: Cat memes are funny and         Public Library                                Speaker(s): Kathy Tuminello, Chair
     cute, but in the information/internet age
     are we seeing a death of curiosity? And      3-5th Grade Book Talks for the 2019-          Program Session 5
     what can librarians do about it?             2020 Louisiana Young Readers’ Choice          2:30 – 3:20 pm
                                                  1:30 – 2:20 pm // Natchez
     Impacting Students with One Heart,           Sponsor(s): Children’s Services/              Legal Information Resources for Self-
     One Voice @ a Time!                          Programming Interest Group                    Represented Litigants: LEAP is Here to
     Description: Participants will mingle        Description: The 3rd-5th grade Louisiana      Help!
     with student & librarian-sponsor             Young Readers’ Choice committee               2:30 – 4:20 pm // Cypress I
     members of the LA Teen-age Librarians        will booktalk the exciting lineup of 15       Sponsor(s): Reference Interest Group,
     Association (LTLA) as they introduce the     nominated titles. This is the book list       Subject Specialists, Public Section,
     highlights & advantages of the student       students are encouraged to read and vote      GODORT
     organization; share pictures, scrapbooks     on during the 2019-2020 school year.          Description: The need for legal self-
     & brochures; answer questions & ”lure”       Speaker(s): Angela Germany                    help services in Louisiana is immense
     school librarians to provide a library                                                     and continues to grow. Often those
     club that is geared to peak interest,        A Roadmap to Innovation                       with legal needs can’t afford an attorney
     promote friendship & cooperation,            1:30 – 2:20 pm // Samuel Clemens              and don’t know where else to turn but
     develop leadership, & inspire interest in    Sponsor(s): LaSSAL, Public Section            their local library. Librarians feel they
     librarianship as a profession!               Description: As pioneers of technology,       are not qualified to help these patrons,
                                                  library staff are in a constant state of      or they fear they will end up providing
     3D Printing Demystified                      rearranging, remixing, and reimagining.       unauthorized legal advice. However,
     Description: A 5-minute introduction         While modern technology certainly             there is a middle ground. Librarians can
     on the process of 3D printing, from the      fosters innovation, it is a road fraught      do what they do best, which is to provide
     tools needed to design your print to the     with potential peril. Join me as I revisit    information and assistance. This program
     anatomy of the 3D printer.                   my journey from Alaska to Louisiana and       will introduce attendees to the variety
                                                  the tech pit stops along the way. This        of services and resources available to
     Public Section Business Meeting              session will serve as a roadmap for the       librarians for helping patrons with legal
     1:30 – 2:20 pm // Creole Queen               trail I blazed: From proposal, purchase,      needs in their communities, including
     Sponsor(s): Public Section                   and needs assessment, to customization        the Legal Education Assistance Program
                                                  and programming. The final destination,       (LEAP), public law libraries, local and
     The Last Bastions of Democracy               iPads in my library, was well worth the       statewide service providers, and online
     1:30 – 2:20 pm // Riverboat                  trip. I hope to get you inspired and on the   legal information resources.
     Sponsor(s): Public Section, Academic         road, too!                                    Speaker(s): Miriam Childs, Director,
     Section, GODORT, Subject Specialists         Speaker(s): Stephanie Niesen,                 Law Library of Louisiana; Sara Pic,
     Description: Libraries are often seen        Beauregard Parish Library                     Research Lawyer/Librarian, Law Library
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