Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow

Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   October, 2021
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras                                                                                                                                October, 2021

Mexico City, 1991
Lives and works in Mexico City

By using drawing, sculpture, performance, writing and multimedia installation, Paloma Contreras Lomas addresses subjects such as gen-
der, violence, structure and political inheritance, class segregation and post-colonialism. Employing landscape as her video’s witness and
through the creation of costumes and characters with anthropological character, Contreras achieves rural portraits through the Mex-
ican thriller and explores the exotisation of the indigenous class, colonial guilt and the constructed middle class identity. By using inves-
tigation and approaching certain groups or communities, Contreras Lomas’ work contains affective bonds and, on occasions, a hint of au-
tobiographical projection.

Paloma Contreras Lomas has a bachelor’s degree in visual arts at La Esmeralda and was part of Programa Educativo SOMA, both in
Mexico City. As part of her studies, she did an exchange program with INBA in L’école de recherche graphique in Brussels and a diploma
program in Central Saint Martins, London. She obtained the CIFO Cisneros Fontanals grant (with acquisition prize) for emerging artists
and the Jóvenes Creadores del FONCA grant.

Her work has been shown at Palais de Tokio, Paris; Lille 3000 Eldorado, Lille; Museo Tamayo, Galería Lodos, MUCA Roma, Alumnos 47,
Ladrón Galería and Biquini Wax, Mexico City. In recent years it has been included in public and private collections such as CIFO, Colec-
ción Fundación M, KADIST and Phillips/Yuyito.

She has participated in residencies Lille 3000 Eldorado in Lille and AKI AORA in Quintana Roo.

She is part of the collective Biquini Wax EPS.
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras                                 Project selection                                                                                    October, 2021

El pantano de las ánimas / The Marshland of Souls

The show integrates Contreras’ recent interests, where a mine in Zacatecas becomes a theatrical stage. Subjects such as gender role and
political, economic and social hierarchies of the area, combined with the implications of the self-assumed status of middle class are ad-
dressed, as are the influence they have on Paloma’s perception as woman, Mexican and artist.

In the artist’s own words:

     This exhibition shows some of the landscape’s attire. Each of them escorted by a ghost or a specter.

     The observation of landscape as a political alternative.

     The secret of the hills, conversations between cacti and the hidden life of stones. Through different pop figures, by means of a televi-
     sual imaginary, of the eternally foreign tripper, I pretend to articulate certain apparitions in a country with several skies, where we
     might not be asking the correct questions to the horizon, because the answers might be on the soil’s humidity.

     With this, I do not pretend to romanticize a landscape where I was not born in, but to fictionalize the hills’ free will. In the show, dif-
     ferent characters born from fiction are disposed, inspired in a promise’s nostalgia of an agricultural country which turned into a ma-
     quila and a field of neoliberal experimentation.

     The representation of the Mexican countryside in the 20th century is still roaming as a ghost of the never fulfilled revolutionary prom-
     ise. Today, more than half of the Mexican skies are licensed, as if the stones or our ancestors-plateau did not have free will. Mexico’s
     landscape has hidden guerrillas, drug dealers and movie heroes. At the same time, The Fog has sheltered the State from coups, tuck-
     ing in the real children of the landscape, those who the Mother-State of Stone has termed as others historically.

     I am interested in imagining the abyss where characters enliven from their sculptural and literary condition. Where at some point,
     what underlies in the landscape accomplishes that the imaginary achieves to dominate and transform imagination.

     In The Marshland of Souls a saguaro appears, the same saguaro which observed Wayne’s western films, the one which is still there, watching how
     the subsoil is pinched, bought and stripped. The same which had fake saguaros produced, posing as a fern, posing as governor, to
     make us think it was them to make us think we were citizens with a point of view, when we are nothing in front of them: The Hills.
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras                                Project selection                                                                                 October, 2021

     …the answer is on the soil’s humidity.”
     - Paloma Contreras Lomas

The show The Marshland of Souls is composed by a multimedia installation which contains Plano americano as the core, a fiction Western
video filmed in a mine in the central-northern region of Mexico. Parallel to this, five textile sculptures are displayed, made of different ma-
terials such as latex, plush, foam and velvet. These are: a Yuca tree with plush hands and legs, mutilated limbs belonging to the TV charac-
ter El Coyote, accompanied by a saguaro armed to the teeth. A sombrero of a desertic landscape ready to be used by a ghost. A revolu-
tionary Bugs Bunny behind a mesophilic bush and a Consaupo’s bunker fitted in a lined hat.

Two pencil drawings inhabit in the same installation. The first one, a homage to a United States’ cartoon of the beginning of the century
and its imperialistic look of Mexico, where the Mexican desolated field is shown. An agrarian failed promise, where a pop-prehispanic
entity lives under dry soil, asleep on its own wealth. The second drawing, closer to the sculptural imaginary displayed in the show, por-
trays, perhaps, the same Yuca, darker, with fragrant guns, rolling out extremities and ghosts which count gold in the purest Western style:
the landscape-witness comes to life.

The show ends with a lightbox where 20 little sculptures covered in malleable foamy lie; interpretations of what’s popular, represented in
a pop-decaying imaginary.
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       El pantano de las ánimas / The Marsh-
                                       land of Souls, 2020

                                       Exhibition view, Pequod Co, Mexico City
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       El pantano de las ánimas / The Marsh-
                                       land of Souls, 2020

                                       Exhibition view, Pequod Co, Mexico City
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       El pantano de las ánimas / The Marsh-
                                       land of Souls, 2020

                                       Exhibition view, Pequod Co, Mexico City
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       El pantano de las ánimas / The Marsh-
                                       land of Souls, 2020

                                       Exhibition view, Pequod Co, Mexico City
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Otrxs mundxs, 2020-2021

                                       Exhibition view, Museo Tamayo, Mexico
Paloma Contreras October, 2021 - Webflow
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Otrxs mundxs, 2020-2021

                                       Exhibition view, Museo Tamayo, Mexico
Paloma Contreras                                  Project selection                                                                                     October, 2021

Dr. Psiquiatra o El Más Allá Mexicano / Dr. Psychiatrist or The Mexican Beyond

This show is a tribute to all the friends I’ve lost and to the landscape that has been watching over me through the years. The works come
from a literary text that I usually hide, but that is actually the genesis of this Mexican thriller. Fiction can be useful to help us talk about dif-
ficult or embarrassing things. In this particular project I use it to talk about the suspense in the middle class, in a country where this group
is extremely conservative, accommodated, and allergic to looking at itself in the mirror. I, proudly, belong to that lineage, so little spo-
ken about and so well hidden in art. I was taught, both by The State and in school, that if I wanted to politicize myself I had to acquire the
magical powers of declassing- the disappearance of class distinctions. The State (or the vestiges that remain of Him) has been very effi-
cient through history in reaffirming the colonial hierarchies that categorize and oppress. Mexico has decided to commercialize and over-ex-
ploit the indigenous identity, while making it invisible. We construct and benefit through its representation and exoticization, turning it into a
commodity, but we are not interested in the well being of the subjects we are guilty of oppressing. The same happens in art, we profit from
the representation of the abysmal other, unknown and romanticized, specifically in research projects of anthropological character. Terror
is embodied in a class that can neither be seen nor articulated, but that exudes a colonial anxiety and guilt that is kept hidden.

This is a tale. A fiction used to speak about declassing and about race and skin color, in a country that considers these subjects to be un-
tactful and tasteless. My chronicle is represented in props, costumes and garments of the political landscape, each one working as witness
and character, deciding what to show to its sons and what to hide from its bastards.

These works talk about the ghosts that I was about to find, that did nothing to warn me about the stupidity of the middle class, daring to go
into territories unknown. I was not aware that I was about to go into the Mexican other side. Nobody told me to go back to the comfort of
the city, into the fog that is not any less dangerous, but at least is better known. Juan del Monte whispered several times into my ears. He
told me I did not belong. The female body is in danger in that landscape, but it is also privileged in the face of that community, separated
by a colonial abyss.

This is about appearances in the hills. This is a story, a projection, an autobiography of the terror I encountered when I wore the fog sky
mask. I will not tell you where I’ve been, I’ll just tell a story, a fiction based in reality, a true Mexican suspense. This is the only way I have
to speak about some things that frighten and embarrass me.
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       El Monte / The Mount, 2019

                                       Digital Photo
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                        October, 2021

                                       Sombrero de Hidroeléctrica / Hydro-
                                       electric hat, 2020

                                       Plush hat, velvet, stuffed fabric, different
                                       100 x 110 cm
Paloma Contreras   Project selection   October, 2021
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                       October, 2021

                                       El Monte / The Mount, 2019

                                       Digital photo
                                       Variable measures
Paloma Contreras   Project selection   October, 2021
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La Cueva / The Cave, 2020

                                       Plush, foam, satin and wire
                                       25 x 120 x 120 cm
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       El Más Allá Mexicano / The Mexican
                                       Beyond, 2020

                                       Digital photography
                                       Variable measures
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Dr. Psiquiatra o El Más Allá Mexicano /
                                       Dr. Psychiatrist or The Mexican Beyond,

                                       Exhibition view, Salón Silición, Mexico
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Pistola Nerf de peluche / Nerf stuffed
                                       gun, 2019
                                       60 x 35 cm

                                       Pistola de peluche / Stuffed gun, 2019
                                       Variable measures
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                       October, 2021

                                       El monte / The Mount, 2019

                                       Hat lined with velvet, wool, plush and plas-
                                       25 x 120 x 120 cm
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Dr. Psiquiatra o El Más Allá Mexicano /
                                       Dr. Psychiatrist or The Mexican Beyond,

                                       Exhibition view, Salón Silición, Mexico
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Dr. Psiquiatra o El Más Allá Mexicano /
                                       Dr. Psychiatrist or The Mexican Beyond,

                                       Exhibition view, Salón Silición, Mexico
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                       October, 2021

                                       Bugs Bunny detrás de un arbusto mesófilo
                                       /Bugs Bunny behind a mesophilic bush,

                                       Charcoal on paper
                                       100 x 70 cm
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       La Espera Femenina/ The female wait,

                                       Mixed media
                                       50 x 50 cm
Paloma Contreras                               Project selection                                                                             October, 2021

Los dramas del sur / The South Dramas

The South Dramas consist of a series of episodes that emulate a non-typical TV format that are transmitted via YouTube and Instagram
TV. The project is closer to a video -art media that uses humor and irreverent images and languages in order to talk and communicate,
paradoxically, in a subtle way.

The South Dramas intends to be a platform where certain topics, like gender and violence, can be treated without solemnity, without any
intention of underestimating the importance of these, but using different media like video-art, humor, and b-series aesthetic, in order to
deepen them within a different gaze and treatment.

*Ongoing project at Biquini Wax EPS
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       The South Dramas. First chapter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       The South Dramas. First chapter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       The South Dramas. First chapter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       The South Dramas. First chapter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Episodio cazafantasmas. Second chap-
                                       ter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Episodio cazafantasmas. Second chap-
                                       ter, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Huele de noche. Third chapter, 2020

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Huele de noche. Third chapter, 2020

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras                              Project selection                                                                             October, 2021

Plano americano / American shot

American shot is a project that emerges from an ongoing investigation that began in 2017 in the Sierra Hermosa region, Zacatecas, as
part of an invitation from the Sierra Hermosa Community Museum.

From the construction of emotional ties and the approach to the nearest marble mine, currently, Contreras builds a fiction based on West-
ern films, in comparison with Mexican rural representations, which have not changed since the Mexican Revolution. Sierra Hermosa is a
community with approximately 200 inhabitants mostly women, children and older adults, heirs of the revolutionary stripe shop and the
hacienda system, currently plagued by state abandonment, Sierra Hermosa is a community about to disappear.
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Plano americano / American shot, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Plano americano / American shot, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Plano americano / American shot, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                    October, 2021

                                       Plano americano / American shot, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras                               Project selection                                                                                October, 2021

Sa La Na, a Yuum, Iasis / Laissez Faire-Laissez Passer

Sa La Na, a Yuum, Iasis / Laissez Faire-Laissez Passer is a multimedia installation conceived as an allegorical parody of Mexico’s economic
liberalization between 1986 and 1996.

Here, Keiko’s anatomy - the first orca superstar - operates as a container of a poetic and material staging that turns its housing into a mu-
seum populated with urban cultural matter.

This digestive ecosystem, formed by the remains of the sea beast, is a powerful metaphor for how neoliberal policies intertwine with a
Latin American context proper to late capitalism.

Piece created collectively by Biquini Wax EPS, presented at the Prince.ess.ess des Villes exhibition, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France, 2019.
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Biquini Wax EPS.
                                       Sa La Na, A Yuum, Iasos /
                                       Laissez Faire – Laissez Passer, 2019

                                       Mixed media
                                       Variable measures
                                       Whale approx.: 700 x 400 x 300 cm
                                       Video 1: 8:48 min
                                       Video 2: 10:48 min
                                       Flags / harpoons; 200 cm each (6 in to-
                                       Two channel excerpt of 3:27 min
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Biquini Wax EPS.
                                       Sa La Na, A Yuum, Iasos /
                                       Laissez Faire – Laissez Passer, 2019

Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Biquini Wax EPS.
                                       Sa La Na, A Yuum, Iasos /
                                       Laissez Faire – Laissez Passer, 2019

Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Biquini Wax EPS.
                                       Sa La Na, A Yuum, Iasos /
                                       Laissez Faire – Laissez Passer, 2019

Paloma Contreras                               Project selection                                                                               October, 2021

La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst of gold

The damn thirst for gold was a project developed within an invitation to a residence in Lille, France called Eldorado where the theme was

The city, due to the theme of the festival was flooded by Frida Kahlo and gigantic alebrijes, motifs represented in a grotesque way. Alche-
my came as a response to anxiety towards the third world, European alchemy, as a method to counteract the self-expression of an imag-
inary place that did not even exist in Mexico, but in Peru. The philosopher’s stone as an object of desire of the mafia and terrifying mi-
grant who lives in Europe more and more domesticated, increasingly closer. I was interested in taking advantage of the immediate format
of production, I took the residence as a place of experimentation within serie b Horror , I worked in the creation of fiction and characters
that I have been developing in my practice, resultingin a video installation where a philosopher’s stone hidden in an icy palette is sought
and desired by different medieval characters that appear in the present more similar to a rapper or a gangster in Adidas sports suits.

*Project developed as Biquini Wax EPS
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst
                                       of gold, 2019

                                       Video still
                                       4:15 min

Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst
                                       of gold, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst
                                       of gold, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst
                                       of gold, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La maldita sed del oro / The damn thirst
                                       of gold, 2019

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras                                Project selection                                                                                 October, 2021

La vida secreta de los perros / The secret life of dogs

The secret life of dogs has as a starting point the mutual dreams -dream telepathy- in the rural community of San Andrés Tzicuilan, Cuet-
zalan, Puebla. In this territory, the cornerstone of capitalism, private property does not operate in the same way as in the rest of the cities
of the country because a communal relationship with the land is maintained. Contreras’ hypothesis is that something similar happens with
dreams, that is, dreams as well as land are not private, but communal. Based on a critical link between desire and politics, she proposes
to analyze the phantom spectrum of mutual dreams as a space for the collective unconscious. The mutual dream as an imaginary place
where the community sublimates structural problems inherent in capitalism: dispossession, drug trafficking, racism, machismo, poverty,
etc. Therefore, Contreras identified the bull as a recurring and insistent phantasmagoric motive in the dreams of the community, which led
her to consider its image as a point of libidinal escape, a phallic image where discomforts of the people converge.

Currently, Paloma Contreras is producing a science fiction short film related to her research and experience in San Andrés Tzicuilan,
where the genre of horror and science fiction will be key to presenting the problem of anthropological work itself in contemporary art.
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Video still
                                       6:50 min

Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Video still
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Installation view MUCA Roma, Mexico
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       La vida secreta de los perros / The se-
                                       cret life of dogs, 2018

                                       Installation view MUCA Roma, Mexico
Paloma Contreras                             Project selection                                                                           October, 2021

Poema maquilista / Industrial poem

Performance presented at the Siqueiros Public Art Hall in collaboration with Wendy Cabrera Rubio.

Participation of Patricia Rubio in textile and automotive maquila and Edna (Andromeda) in music. The performance consisted of the
packaging of a McLaren Formula 1 car in front of the Siqueirian muralism, showing the hand that works in the dark from the performance
and poetic action; the hand of the Latin American women’s maquila.

The performance culminated with a written poem: INDUSTRIAL POETRY, CHAPTER I
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Poema maquilista / Industrial poem,

                                       Poem and performance
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Poema maquilista / Industrial poem,

                                       Poem and performance
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Poema maquilista / Industrial poem,

                                       Poem and performance
Paloma Contreras                               Project selection                                                                                October, 2021

La fiebre de oro / The gold fever

The gold fever is a multimedia project that unfolds the notion of Mexican trade union suspense. The title refers to the state of intoxication
of the former workers of the extinct Mint of Mexico and at the time they secretly minted gold coins for the outgoing president. The project
has been developed in a five-year investigation with former workers of the National Union of Former Workers of the Mint. The pieces ex-
plore the phantasmagoria of Mexican trade unionism. The cinematic genre of the SSM and its scenographic display allows to make vis-
ible spectra that still lurks the contemporary Mexican political system. Film genre that refers to the apparent normalized quiescence of a
unionized worker. The subject is actively involved in an economic-cinematographic fiction, that is, he works at the same working hours
throughout his life.

How is a unionized and third-world ghost plastically represented?

Starting from the invention of the SSM genre, Contreras intends to comment on the present through the body-economic-affective expe-
riences of forced retirement of workers, who become reappeared in an economy that intends to disappear them. In a nation-state that
holds so many secrets, the viewer becomes a detective and police semi-professional investigation into a method of artistic production.

What is their secret? What keeps them together? Nostalgia? Complicity? Anything worse? A slow murder that unfolds within your guts?
Paloma Contreras   Project selection   October, 2021
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                       October, 2021

                                       Video still shoot at the National Union of
                                       Coin workers, 2017

Paloma Contreras   Project selection                       October, 2021

                                       Video still shoot at the National Union of
                                       Coin workers, 2017
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Fidel Velázquez no está muerto / Fidel
                                       Velazquez is not dead, 2016

                                       Drawing series
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Fidel Velázquez no está muerto / Fidel
                                       Velazquez is not dead, 2016

                                       Drawing series
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                     October, 2021

                                       Fidel Velázquez no está muerto / Fidel
                                       Velazquez is not dead, 2016

                                       Drawing series
Paloma Contreras                                 Project selection                                                                                    October, 2021

Fanzine menstrual / Menstrual zine

The Menstrual zine project - called this way to echo the metabolic cycles of the body - which is made up of a series of artistic manifes-
tations that start from a typically literary format, but that adopt different supports, such as drawing, performance or installation. Experi-
menting with the poetic potential derived from the spoken word, and retaining the publication name to remember that any narrative pas-
sage is subject to endless poetic variations; and that the main strength of the poem is not only to free the text of the page, but to release
the word from the entire system that surrounds it. The publication works as a reflection of a process that is always the same, in a body that
preserves - and defends - its identity through the exercise of always being different. I started this project as a result of a traumatic event,
at first I had no idea of the future. I realized that I was telling the same story all the time and that every time I told it, the stage and my at-
tacker were changing little by little. I felt a determination to survive and use feminist thinking as political demand. From a narrative game
that simultaneously connects and disconnects from reality, it seeks to escape the authoritarian control of it and the need to submit to the
power of a single narrative. From here it is that we can intuit that in the words themselves there is also the potential to alter reality, and the
possibility of liberating our desires and impulses, from a imposed control.

Project presented at Biquini Wax EPS
Video of the publication:
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Fanzine menstrual / Menstual zine,

                                       Performance view
                                       Multimedia installation
Paloma Contreras   Project selection                      October, 2021

                                       Fanzine menstrual / Menstual zine,

                                       Multimedia installation
Paloma Contreras   Project selection   October, 2021
Paloma Contreras                             CV                                                                                                                    October, 2021

Paloma Contreras Lomas                       2017                                           La dinastía del pájaro, Galería de Arte An-   El arte del videotape contra la TV, Juan
(Mexico City, 1991)                          Un gesto burocrático más que crítico,          tonio López Sáenz, Culiacan, Mexico           Acha: por una nueva problemática artísti-
                                             Ladrón Galería, Mexico City, Mexico                                                          ca, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City,
STUDIES                                                                                     2018                                          Mexico
SOMA Educational program, SOMA, Mex- 2015                                                   Nuevo manifiesto de cine mexicano,
ico City, Mexico                             Fanzine Menstrual, Biquini Wax EPS, Mexi-      Galería Lodos, Mexico City, Mexico            2015
                                             co City, Mexico                                                                              Sin Valor, 2a Muestra de Libros de Artista,
Diploma in Contemporary Art, Central Saint                                                  Ahora en común. Más opacidad, MUCA            Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporá-
Martins, University of the Arts London, Lon- GROUP SHOWS                                    Roma, Mexico City, Mexico                     neo MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico
don, United Kingdom                          2020 – 2021
                                             Otrxs mundxs, Museo Tamayo, Mexico             Kiosko, Fundación Alumnos 47, Mexico          RESIDENCIES
Bachelor in Visual Arts, Escuela Nacional    City, Mexico                                   City, Mexico                                  2019, Lille 3000, Eldorado, Lille, France
de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmer-
alda”, INBA, Mexico City, Mexico             2020                                           2017                                       2017, AKI AORA, Tulum, Mexico
                                             Siembra, Biquini Wax EPS at kurimanzutto,      Cosas más extrañas (as part of Biquini Wax
  Academic exchange (with the support of     Mexico City, Mexico                            EPS), GSD Kirkland Gallery of Harvard      GRANTS AND AWARDS
  INBA), L’école de recherche graphique                                                     University, Boston, USA                    2020, CIFO Cisneros Fontanals Grant, Cis-
  (ERG), Brussels, Belgium                   ¡Cállate los ojos!, SOPORTE (in collabora-                                                neros Fontanals Art Foundation, Emerging
                                             tion with Archivo Colectivo), Mexico City,     El Instituto para el Estudio del Fascismo, Artist Category, Miami, USA
SOLO SHOWS                                   Mexico                                         collective performance with José Rodrigo
2021                                                                                        García and Blake Shaw, AKI AORA, Tulum, 2019, Jóvenes Creadores, Fondo Nacional
Area X, Art Basel Miami Beach Positions,     2019                                           Mexico; performance as part of the Cam-    para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA), Mexi-
Miami, USA                                   Biennale d’Architecture d’Orléans comis-       el Collective show; Museo Universitario de co City, Mexico
                                             sioned by Frida Escobedo, Frac Centre-Val      Arte Contemporáneo MUAC, Mexico City,
2020                                         de Loire, Orléans, France                      Mexico                                     2019, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and
The Marshland of Souls, Pequod Co, Mexi-                                                                                               Development Next Generation Grantee (as
co City, Mexico                     des Villes (as part of Biquini   If You Want to Do Something, Forget This   part of the collective Biquini Wax EPS), Am-
                                             Wax EPS), Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France       Debt, and Remember It Later, Celaya Broth- sterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Psiquiatra o el más allá mexicano,                                                      ers Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico
Salón Silicón, Mexico City, Mexico           La maldita sed del oro (as part of Biquini                                                2019, Research grant (received as part of
                                             Wax EPS), Lille 3000, Lille, France            2016                                       the collective Biquini Wax EPS and the Si-
Paloma Contreras                               CV                                           October, 2021

erra Hermosa Community Museum), Fun-           OTHER ACTIVITIES
dación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo, Mexi-         Member of the artistic space Biquini Wax
co City, Mexico                                EPS, and of the SOMA educational pro-
                                               gram (2016 – 2018)
2017, William Bullock-FEMAM Award of
Critical Museography (received as part of      CURATORIAL ACTIVITY
the collective Biquini Wax EPS), Museo Uni-    2018
versitario de Arte Contemporáneo MUAC          Collective curatorship with the group “Los
in collaboration with the British Council,     Yacusi”, Melquíades Herrera: reporta-
Mexico City, Mexico                            je plástico de un teorema cultural, MUAC,
                                               Mexico City, Mexico
CIFO Collection, Cisneros Fontanals Art        2016
Foundation, Miami, USA                         Collective curatorship with the group “Los
                                               Yacusi”, Juan Acha: por una nueva por-
Colección Fundación M, Mexico City, Mex-       blemática artística, MAM, Mexico City,
ico                                            Mexico

KADIST, San Francisco, USA

Phillips/Yuyito, Mexico

El Más Allá Mexicano, in Mad Marginal
Cahier #5, Sternberg Press, 2020

Las botas de hule precioso, in La Tempestad
Magazine, 2018

El secuestro de Elenita, in Nuevos Manifies-
tos Mexicanos, Random House, 2017
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