Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School

Page created by Adrian Mcdaniel
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Message Stick '22
                                     Issue #1

 Acting Principal
 Darrell Crimson
 Deputy Principals
 Janelle Leslie
 Bek Power
 Kate Allen
 Dominic Pearce
 Rob Symons

 Business Manager
 Katrina Harvey
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Principal’s Report
It is my pleasure to welcome new families and continuing families to the new school year. I will be acting
Principal this term as Mrs Mickelborough has taken the role as acting Principal at Narangba Valley SHS for
the whole of 2022. I want to acknowledge the role that Mrs Mickelborough has played in leading our school
over the past six years. We have all benefited from her vision and leadership to always produce “beautiful

For our teaching staff, with the delay to the return to school, it felt like we were treading water, making
plans and renewing plans for the return of students to face to face learning. It’s so good to have students
back and now we are off and running. The benefit of the delay is that teachers are well and truly prepared
with their planning and teaching resources.

I’d like to take the opportunity in this article to share great outcomes from 2021 as well as outline what our
priorities are for 2022. There are some really pleasing results that our school community should be proud of.
My belief is that we should be promoting these more to show that we are not only the school of choice for
the Deception Bay area, but also a rival of many schools in the Moreton Bay region.
• Our enrolments continue to grow. Our 2022 enrolment is 1057. This is evident by the growth in Year 8,
    with 205 students making this our largest cohort, and the necessity to create an extra class.
• For our priority groups – First Nations; Maori/ Pasifika; Students with Disability, we are proud to report
    significant improvements in academic achievement and engagement.
• 100% of Year 12 students graduated with a Queensland Certificate of Education or QCIA.
• Our top ATAR result was 95. Out of 99.
• 41 students received early offers for university.
• Our Year 7 to Year 9 academic A-C results in Science, Maths, English and Humanities clearly exceed the
    North Coast region average.
Our priorities for 2022 have been informed by an internal school review that took place in 2021. The
recommendations are for us to maintain our current priorities but to further enhance the work we are doing
across our strategic pillars (Inclusion, Positive Education, Learning and Pathways). Our major priorities for
2022 are:
• Creation of an additional Deputy Principal role to further enhance the educational engagement and
    connection to culture for our First Nations and Maori/ Pasifika students. I welcome Dominic Pearce to this
• Continue to focus on Junior Secondary Reading skill development. For each 12 months, students should
    show at least 12 months of gain.
• Continue to track and support students to meet attendance and behaviour expectations and use senior
    QCE and ATAR health checks, so they can be better engaged in learning.
• Fund additional teacher aides to specifically support our Junior, Middle and Senior students.
• Fund “Third Teacher” boards in all classrooms. This is part of our schoolwide pedagogical practice
    (basically good teaching) to provide students with an additional resource that they can use to “bump up”
    their learning.
• Fund the conversion of classrooms into mini labs or supply additional ipads so that every student has
    access to an IT device when needed.

Finally, I want to pass on my best wishes to the Year 12’s of 2022. I will not say good luck, as it is your
fortune in your hands. It is how you choose to react to a situation that unfolds before you that will
determine your future success. My message to the 12s at their investiture introduced them to idea of their
life being viewed from the balcony and performed on the dancefloor. To have success, you must have a
balcony view to get organised and understand what is coming. To get the work done, you must get on the
dance floor, practice your moves, make some mistakes and perform.
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Our 18 student leaders are eager to represent our school and be the voice for all
students. We look forward to their leadership in 2022.

                Lily Yates
                              COUNCIL (SRC)               Leane Kruger
                President                                 Vice-President
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Year 12 2022 Senior Investiture

  In week 5, our year 12 Students celebrated their Senior Investiture Ceremony,
 receiving their badges to officially begin their final year of education. As part of
the ceremony the students gave their “Senior Pledge” where they committed to
   the values of a Deception Bay State High student. On behalf of their Deputy
    Principal - Mr Symons, Head of Senior Schooling – Ms Kelly, and Year Level
   Leader – Ms Fanani, we congratulate the students and look forward to their
                           continued success this year.
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Date Claimers
25/02 | Bay Coin Event Mini Games Tournament   08/03 | 2022 Secondary Youth Leadership
07/02 | School Photos                          10/03 | Swimming Carnival + Baycoin Event
07/02 | Year 7 Immunisations PM                11/03 | ARTIE T1 Launch - Year 7 students only
08/03 | Bay Coin Event -Tik Tok Dance Party    16/03 | P&C Meeting and AGM

                                      2022 School Photos
Advancedlife Photography will be
onsite on the 7th March to take
school photos. Students are
reminded to:

•    Wear your full formal school
• Place your order online before
     the day by going to:
and       enter this code: PCA 52X
• Payment can be made using
     Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or
     Latitude Pay
• If you are unable to order
     online, please hand your
     completed order envelope
     with payment directly to the
     photographers on the day of
If you have any queries concerning
school photographs and ordering,
please      contact     advancedlife

                        Year 11 and 12 Students Headstart Program
Headstart gives Year 11 and 12 students the chance to
start uni in high school, giving them a real university
experience and setting them up for their future.
Students will study first-year uni subjects and receive
credit to take time off their degree. USC will cover the
cost of the first course and additional courses are only
$400, so your students will also save money on their
full degree. Students and their parents are invited to
the online Headstart Information Evening on 22 March
from 5.30-6.30pm where further information about the
program will be provided.
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
The First Weeks of '22

       We live in a beautiful part of
Queensland, and our local environment
     has inspired the Y9 Art unit this
Semester entitled 'By the Bay'. Students
 were great ambassadors for the school
 as they ventured to the foreshore with
  Ms Handebo and Mrs Harries. During
the excursion students documented the
       wild-life, vegetation and the
   environment as part of the artistic
     process to build a bank of visual
  research in preparation for their art

                                               Officer Woodward from the
                                            Moreton Bay District Police spoke
                                           to our Year 11 Social & Community
                                               Studies class early this term.
                                              Students generated their own
                                           questions to assist them with their
                                            assessment that investigates legal
                                            rights and responsibilities. We’re
                                                 so appreciative to Officer
                                            Woodward for coming in to speak
                                                    with us– thank you!

  Students in 8R Humanities have
already been hard at work learning
about Aztec history and practicing
   their reading skills. It’s been a
      great start to the year!
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
One week after leaving school, I decided to
start a small business where I run deliveries,
dump runs or lend a helping hand to other
businesses. Since then, my business has
taken off with over 400+ Likes and Follows
on my Facebook page ‘Mate and His Ute’. I
have been accepted into the Hope Academy,            In 2022 I have chosen to study at
a fully accredited Uni and I will now study a        University, and over the school holidays I
Diploma of Business. If you don’t already            was       accepted    into   the     University
know, I love politics. I’ve been closely             of Queensland, studying a Bachelor
volunteering with State Member Chris                 of Arts/Education (Secondary). My dream job
Whiting and Federal Candidate for Petrie,            is     to    become      a   teacher      either
Mick Denton. During this time, I’ve met a lot        teaching Japanese, or teaching English to
of politicians such as Premier Annastacia            Japanese students. Whilst organising
Palaszczuk and Anthony Albanese. With just           my enrolment, I have come to the conclusion
under two weeks until I hit the books again          that the huge shift from high school to
at Uni, I am nervous to meet new                     university is a big change, but I’ve learnt that
classmates and teachers, however I am                life is all about changes and to just take
excited for what’s to come.                          it one step at a time. I really miss
Casey Apiata                                         high school, but at the same time, I’m just as
                                                     excited as I am nervous to start Uni!
                                                     Nise Talanai
After leaving high school it was hard to adjust to not
having the normal routine we had at school, but
eventually everything come together. Right now, I’m
taking a beauty course, which I attend a couple of
days a week. My aim of starting is to start my own
business in lash extensions and eyebrow tinting.
The rest of the week I do dance at Bloodline,
competing, performing, advertising and having fun.
I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the future,
but I’m praying that God continues to open doors
full of opportunities and options and holds me
accountable and keeps me going, one step at a
time. I’m excited for what’s to come!
Preshys Aiono
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Junior Secondary News
                                   Year 7 & 8 Students have received their
                                   diaries to assist them with their personal
                                   organisational skills. Parents and carers
                                   can support their child by encouraging
                                   them to input key family and school dates
                                   such as birthdays, events and assessment

                                            Baycoin Bulletin
                                   Baycoin Events are back for 2022 and we are
                                             kicking off the fun with
                                                  3 epic events:
                                             Mini Game Tournament
                                               TikTok Dance Party
                                            Swimming Carnival 2022

                                         Senior School News
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships, are typically offered in Years 10, 11 and 12. Students are
trained in the workplace, and with a registered training organisation, while continuing to study at school.
Students are required to attend their workplace one day during the week (this is a paid day). However,
the employer may also ask students to work weekends and after school.
As part of a traineeship, students will be required to undertake a certificate. This certificate will be linked to
the industry in which they work. For example; If a student is employed by a café, they may complete a
Certificate III in Hospitality, or a Certificate III in Business. It is up to the employer to decide which qualification
best suits their business. However, students can ask which certificate is linked to a traineeship before
they apply for it.
Because students will be having a day off school and completing a certificate, they may need to reduce
their workload at school by dropping a subject. This needs to be discussed with Ms Kelly.
To commence a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBT), a student must have the support of the
employer, the school, and their parent/guardian.
School-based traineeships and apprenticeships are a great opportunity but are not suitable for all students.
Please talk to Ms Kelly, Mrs Peereboom, Ms Righetti or Ms Cave for further information.
Message Stick '22 Issue #1 - Deception Bay State High School
Stay updated                                                           Finance News
Stay tuned to our                                                                       Payment for 2022 Student Resource
Facebook page for
upcoming events.
                                                                                                 Scheme are due.
                                                                                       Please contact the office 3897 2222 if
                                                                                       you need to arrange a payment plan.
Search Deception Bay
State High School on Facebook                                                 Tuckshop News
      Contact Details
                                                   The Tuckshop will be serving cooked
Street Address
Deception Bay State High School                    meals like Beef Stroganoff from Term 1.
Corner Philip Pde and                              Meals will vary each week.
Government Streets
Deception Bay
Queensland 4508
                                                                                    P&C News
Postal Address
Deception Bay State High School                                           Attention Year 12 students:
PO Box 92                                               Eligible students have been invited to order their 2022 Senior
Deception Bay
Queensland 4508
                                                         Jersey in the 2nd round. The final date for ordering is Friday
                                                            18th March 2022 at 9am. Please note that all payments
Phone: (07) 3897 2222
                                                                   are required in full at the time of ordering.
Facsimile: (07) 3897 2200
Email:                                                 No layby’s or
Website:                                              Payment Plans.                         Uniform shop is
Hours: 8:00am–3:30pm weekdays                    open on Monday-Friday
Advertising & Marketing                           8.00am - 9.00am only.
Tracey Anderson                                     To check eligibility,
                                                    please contact your
Uniform Shop                                      YLL leader, Ms Fanani
8:00am–9:00am weekdays

                                                               Uniform Prices
             Full range of uniforms are in stock now. Opening hours Monday to Friday 8.00-9.00am
Lay-bys available with 20% deposit payable and the remaining amount needs to be paid in full within 3 months.
                                                                         Polo shirt​       $45​   Girls’ formal shorts​   $38​

                                                                          Shorts​          $35​       Girls’ skirt​       $40​

                                                                       Girls’ blouse​      $35​   Boys’ formal shorts​    $35​

                                                                         Girls’ tie​       $10​    Microfibre jacket​     $55​

                                                                                                     Zipper fleecy
                                                                        Boys’ shirt​       $35​                           $35​

                                                                         Boys’ tie​        $23​   DBSHS bucket hat​       $13​
including all black shoes with the formal uniform on Mondays

          It is Deception Bay State High School policy that all students wear the correct uniform each day.
               If you have any questions about the uniform, please contact the office on (07) 3897 2222.
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