Hello and welcome to Jubilee Church - Jubilee Church Shepperton

Page created by Marshall Kramer
Hello and welcome to Jubilee Church - Jubilee Church Shepperton
                                                           16th April 2021

       ello and welcome to Jubilee Church.

This Sunday is really significant for us at Jubilee as we welcome back the
scattered members of our congregation, albeit on a much-reduced scale.
We've decided to invite single people living alone back first just because
they must have experienced the most stress over the last year of on and
off lockdown. The plan is to see how this first stage of return works and
then move on to the next stage as soon as we can.

In the book of James, the reverse scenario was taking place. As
mentioned previously, James was writing to a rapidly scattering
congregation. In verse 1, he even likens the church to the 12 tribes of Israel
that were either scattered or forcibly relocated many centuries previously.
The first topic of conversation for this rapidly dispersing Christian
community was naturally, and understandably, how to deal with trial and
tribulation. However, James also feels that it is important to remind them
that despite their difficult circumstances they also need to remain strong in
resisting temptation.

Mike picks up this important theme in part 2 of our sermon series on James
as he reminds us of this vital topic. As we consider both this theme and
that of trial and tribulation, I am once again reminded of that powerful
Rick Warren quote: “God is more interested in your character than your
comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in
making your life happy.”

Dave Webb-Peploe
Lead Elder
Hello and welcome to Jubilee Church - Jubilee Church Shepperton
Some weeks God delights us with large deliveries, at other times we get
just the right things at just the right time. Monday morning was an
example of this. At 8.45am a lady arrived at the door of the Jubilee Centre with a
wonderful selection of Dog Food for a gentleman who was upset that he could
not feed his dog. Shortly after this our own Eileen came along with the exact
laundry liquid needed by a family whose child has an allergic reaction to
anything else.

 We currently need:
        Long life semi skimmed milk             Ginger or Golden Syrup cake
        Long life soya/almond milk
We have a good supply of strong carrier bags, baked beans, soup and pasta.
Thank you.

The Jubilee Centre is usually open Monday to Wednesday 9.00am-4.00pm. In
the event that no one is there we have a box in the porch where donations can
be placed. The box is also usually available on Thursdays and Fridays for small
donations. Please contact us if you need to arrange a large drop off.

As Dave’s mentioned, we are excited to begin welcoming people back into the
Jubilee Centre for our Sunday services this week. To ensure all our procedures
run smoothly we’re doing this gradually. The next group we’re planning to invite
back will be those who are the only Christian in their household, we’ll let you
know as soon as we move to this stage, hopefully soon!

Bookings for next Sundays service will open from 5pm Monday until 9pm
Thursday, see the church website for details and the booking link:

Please continue to pray that everything will run smoothly and safely as we work
through these changes, both in the planning before the service and during the
service itself as the livestream will continue alongside having people attending.
Hello and welcome to Jubilee Church - Jubilee Church Shepperton
We continue to remember John Cowles
     A faithful Husband to his wife Diana
     A faithful Father to his children: Rachel
         and Tim who are both following strongly
         in the faith
     A faithful Servant of the poor and needy
         through his work through Debtscape Shepperton financial advice service
     A faithful Administrator as he chaired the board of Trustees
     A faithful Treasurer as he stewarded the church's resources
In diligence of service to the kingdom of God, he was second to none. We would
do well to follow his example.

John’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 21st April at 12 noon. Due to the
current pandemic restrictions there are limited number of mourners able to
attend, so by invitation only, however the service will be live streamed with the
following details: https://www.obitus.com/
Username: dito4601 Password: 091434

A Service of Celebration for John’s Life will follow on Saturday 24th April at the
Jubilee Centre. Unfortunately numbers are also strictly limited for this service so
it will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Donations if desired in John's memory can be made to either Community
Money Advice or Ruth Strauss Foundation. John worked closely with
Community Money Advice delivering debt advice to the local community
(through Debtscape Shepperton) and the Ruth Strauss Foundation was also
chosen as he loved cricket and having non-smoking lung cancer. Donations are
being handled by Lodge Brothers, Shepperton via the following website:

We continue to pray for Diana, Rachel and Tim as they come to terms with their
 May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and
 be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you
                           peace. (Numbers 6v24-26)
Sunday 18th April
10.30am: Morning Worship (on YouTube click here to watch)
 Preacher: Mike Gilson
 Theme: When the Going Gets Tough: Coping with Temptation

Previous Sunday messages and worship can be found on our YouTube
channel if you’d like to catch up or watch again.

                                     This week’s diary
    Most groups are currently meeting online, although some are meeting in person in line
          with current guidance. Contact us if you’d like to join any of our groups.
  Monday 19 April                                  Thursday 22 April
  8.00pm Prayer Meeting (on                        FAITH - Youth Home Group
  Zoom)                                            Home Groups
  Tuesday 20 April                                 Friday 23 April
  8.00pm Focus Bible Study                         10.30am Bublees Baby Group
  Home Groups
  Wednesday 21 April                               Saturday 24 April
  7.00pm Oak Tree Cafe                             Service of Celebration of John’s
  Home Groups                                      Life
   Apologies if any groups have been missed off this week’s diary, do get in touch if you’d
                                like to be included in future.

Next week: Sunday 25th April
10.30am: Morning Worship (on YouTube)
 Preacher: Stephen Morris
 Theme: When the Going Gets Tough: Do not show favouritism

         STAFF DAYS OFF: Dave Webb-Peploe: Wednesday, Jo Jones: Friday
          WORKING DAYS: Jenny Wilsher: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

info@jubileechurchshepperton.org                       01932 228882

Jubilee Church Shepperton is the working name of Shepperton Community Church (Registered
charity number 1023505). We are part of Commission, and a member of the Evangelical Alliance.
                           Commission is an international family of churches united by a shared
                           passion for Jesus and his mission, and a clear vision to see ‘thousands
                           of lives transformed through hundreds of churches in tens of nations’.
                           Commission is led by Guy Miller with teams of leaders and is
                           enthusiastically part of the wider Newfrontiers family of churches.
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