Frederick News - April 30, 2021 - CCSD 46

Frederick News - April 30, 2021 - CCSD 46
Frederick News – April 30, 2021

Class Building
As the school year starts to wind down, we are starting to plan for the 2021/22
school year. Class building is one of our most important tasks in this planning
process. Our goal is to place students in the best possible learning setting. We
try to build classes that are balanced in terms of learning needs, styles,
emotional and social development, academic achievement, and behavior.

We welcome parent involvement in this process, as we recognize that parents
know their children better than anyone else. If you would like to offer insight,
share your perspective, or express a need on behalf of your child, we invite you
to send an email to both Mr. Goschy and me. Because it is very difficult to grant
requests for specific teachers, we ask that your input focus on your child’s
learning style, significant learning experiences, and/or the type of teaching style
to which your child responds best.

We will use this information, along with input from teachers, to place your child in
a classroom that will best meet his or her needs.

Mr. Detweiler email:
Mr. Goschy email:

Student Orientation
Each year, we work with our four feeder schools and with Grayslake Middle
School to help our students get a chance to learn about their new buildings for
the next school year. Our traditional activities will not look the same this year, but
we are currently working on ways to help those students learn about their new
buildings. Some of those activities may take place in person, and others may be
Frederick News - April 30, 2021 - CCSD 46
virtual. Some may take place yet this year, and others may take place over the
summer. As we continue to revise and finalize our plans, we will keep you
updated. Please look for more information about this in the coming weeks.

Registration 21-22 School Year
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year began on Thursday, April 15, 2021.
Families of new and continuing students should visit our Registration webpage
on our district website for information on the registration process.

Families of students continuing their CCSD 46 education should complete the
required registration forms no later than July 15, 2021. Please be sure to add any
new to the district students in your existing household parent portal.

Important Dates
MAY 12 – Late Start (9:50 AM)
MAY 17-26 – ISA / IAR State Testing
MAY 28 – Half Day
MAY 31 – No School (Memorial Day)
JUNE 2 – Last Day of School
Frederick News - April 30, 2021 - CCSD 46
Don’t Forget To Order Your Yearbook

      No doubt this school year is like none other!

                          Order your copy of the
          2020-2021 Frederick School Yearbook at


                          Or call 1-877-767-5217.

                         Yearbooks are $20 each
Send photos of your student on theme days, doing projects at home, show us your home "office",
    events you attend, getting together with friends in your masks and socially distanced.

               Let's document all the crazy new things we have had to adapt to!

               Submit your photos to Mrs. Greissinger by
                                     Clicking Here
¡Ordene su anuario hoy!
¡Sin duda este año escolar es como ningún otro!

                         Solicite su copia del
     anuario escolar de Frederick 2020-2021 en


                    O llame al 1-877-767-5217.

                                 El costo $20
Envíe fotos de su estudiante en días temáticos, haciendo proyectos en casa, muéstrenos la
"oficina" de su hogar, eventos a los que asiste, reuniéndose con amigos en sus máscaras y
                               distanciados socialmente.

  ¡Documentemos todas las locas cosas nuevas a las que nos hemos tenido que adaptar!

         Envíe sus fotos a la Sra. Greissinger haciendo
                                      clic aquí
Help Frederick School Close the Book on Cancer
    In the last year Frederick School has lost two important staff members to
   cancer. Laura Kazmer was a reading specialist and Michele Beye was a
resource teacher. In their memory, our students will be raising money for cancer
  support groups as well as some reading projects around our school building.

We will be hosting a Read-A-Thon at the end of May as well as selling t-shirts to
                    help spread the word about our project.

                 For more information about our Read-A-Thon visit:

Shirts are light gray with pink lettering and original artwork. They are
available in youth and adult sizes. The cost is $10 per shirt. If you
are interested in ordering, please fill out the form below and return it
to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, May 10th.


student’s name:______________________________ phone:___________________

grade:_________ homeroom:________________________                Remote: ▢ yes

 size       YS       YM       YL      YXL         AS   AM   AL   AXL    2X       3X


number of shirts ordered:_______ x $10.00 = __________           cash        check

Please make checks payable to Frederick School.
Help Frederick School Close the Book on Cancer
In the last year Frederick School has lost 2 important staff members to
 cancer. Laura Kazmer was a reading specialist and Michele Beye
was a resource teacher. Both of them spent their 16 years at Frederick
  working daily to help our students develop a love and a passion for
      reading. It seems appropriate to celebrate their lives with a
 READ-A-THON. Our students will be raising money for cancer support
   groups that were important to our staff members as well as some
              reading projects around our school building.

                  Please support our students as they
          Close the Book on Cancer By Opening One!!

 We have a fabulous way to promote your business to all these families
 for much less than typical advertising. And best of all Frederick School
                       keeps most of the money.

 When you support our Read-A-Thon your business advertisement is
 placed on several pages viewed by our reader’s family, friends, and
supporters. We will also be printing t shirts and including the names of
                       our sponsors on the back.

 For a $100 minimum donation your advertisement will appear on the
pages listed below and your name will appear on the back of the tshirts.

  Go to
          and enter 41770
Community Consolidated
       School District 46
       565 Frederick Road • Grayslake • Illinois • 60030 (847) 223-3650 FAX (847) 223-3695

                                                                                   April, 2021
Dear District 46 Parents/Guardians,

We wanted to provide you with this update regarding assessments for the remainder of the school year. There
have been many questions regarding assessments and we wanted to be as clear as possible.

State Required Assessments
As you may know, the state of Illinois waived state assessments last year during the pandemic. This year, the
state has indicated that they do not have any plans to waive the assessment requirements for Spring, 2021
due to the fact that the federal government requires states to assess students or they would forfeit federal
dollars. The following are the assessments that are still required for this school year:
    ● Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) - this reading and math assessment is given to nearly all
        students in grades 3-8
    ● Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) - this alternative reading and math assessment is given to a small
        number of students with disabilities in cases where IAR is not appropriate to assess the students'
        learning. Specific criteria is defined and considered as an IEP decision
    ● Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) - this science assessment is given to students in grades 5 and 8
    ● ACCESS - this assessment is given to all identified English Learners each year until they show English
        Language proficiency

The state has not made any accommodations to test students remotely; therefore testing will only be available
onsite. The requirement that 95% of our students must take each test has been waived, so we have more
flexibility regarding student participation. The state has notified us that the IAR and ISA data can not be
compared to prior year assessment data nor will we be able to compare our results to any future assessment
data. Finally, the 2021 assessment data will not impact our overall district and school ratings.

In order to meet the state requirements for assessing our students, District 46 has the following plan:
    ● ISA District Window (Grades 5 and 8 only): May 17-19
    ● IAR District Window (Grades 3-8): May 20-26
    ● DLM-AA Window: Identified and communicated by school
    ● ACCESS Window: Identified and communicated by school

The IAR and ISA Assessments will be given first thing in the morning with one test session each day. Revised
school schedules will be followed on these days much like schedules for our Late Start days. Once the
assessments are completed each day, students will begin their regular day and all students will be expected to
participate in the learning activities for the day or will be marked absent for the day.

Remote students will be invited to come to school each morning for the assessments. Parents/guardians of
remote students will be asked to complete this survey indicating if their child will be attending school to
participate in the assessments. Alternative instruction will not be provided during the testing window if a
student does not attend school to take the assessments since available staff in grades 3-8 will be involved in
assessing students. Please note that unfortunately, transportation to and from school for remote students for
assessment purposes cannot be provided. Please remember that there is no penalty for students who do not
participate in the state assessments during this year’s testing period.

Families will be provided a detailed schedule from each school with the specific times for assessments each
day. Students who miss portions of the tests will have make-up opportunities in the afternoons each day or on
May 27-28.

Local Assessments
District 46 has not administered any NWEA MAP assessments so far this year due to the high number of
students who were being taught remotely and concerns about the test reliability and validity. With a significant
number of our students returning to onsite and some updates in the testing procedures, we have decided to
schedule Reading and Math MAP testing for our students in grades 1-7 on April 26 and April 27 for our
students. We will be allowing 90 minutes for students to complete each MAP assessment. Our eighth grade
students will be allowed to request to take the assessment if needed for potential petitions to change their high
school placements. Parents/guardians will need to make this request directly to the principal by April 20, 2021.
Remote students will take MAP tests remotely during the same time, but likely with a different group of
students. The data from these assessments will be used for a number of purposes including:
    ● Identification of students who might benefit from attending summer school
    ● Identification of 4th grade students who might qualify for higher level math classes in 5th grade
    ● Identification of students who will require immediate intervention in the Fall
    ● Assisting with class building for Fall, 2021
    ● Providing data points for future consideration of student growth or needs

Each school will provide a more detailed schedule for Spring MAP testing.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s principal, teacher or us if you have any questions.


Paul Louis- Assistant Superintendent                     Amanda Woodruff- Curriculum Coordinator

             Community Consolidated School District 46 will provide an educational environment that maximizes the potential of
                 ALL students to be prepared for life’s opportunities while developing a lasting appreciation for learning.
Community Consolidated
       School District 46
       565 Frederick Road • Grayslake • Illinois • 60030 (847) 223-3650 FAX (847) 223-3695

                                                                                    Abril, 2021
Estimados padres/tutores del Distrito 46,

Queríamos darles información actualizada con respecto a las evaluaciones para el resto del año escolar.
Hemos recibido muchas preguntas con respecto a las evaluaciones y queríamos ser lo más claros posible.

Evaluaciones requeridas por el Estado
Como ustedes deben saber, el estado de Illinois optó por no realizar las evaluaciones estatales el año pasado
durante la pandemia. Este año, el estado ha indicado que no tienen ningún plan para renunciar a los requisitos
de evaluación para la primavera de 2021 debido al hecho de que el gobierno federal requiere que los estados
evalúen a los estudiantes o perderán el subsidio federal. Las siguientes son las evaluaciones que todavía se
requieren para este año escolar:
   ● Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR): esta evaluación de lectura y matemáticas se realiza a casi
       todos los alumnos de 3º a 8º grados.
   ● Mapas dinámicos de aprendizaje (DLM): esta evaluación alternativa de lectura y matemáticas se aplica
       a un pequeño número de alumnos con discapacidades en los casos en que el IAR no es apropiado
       para evaluar el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Se definen criterios específicos y se consideran como una
       decisión del plan IEP
   ● Evaluación de Ciencias de Illinois (ISA) - esta evaluación de ciencias se da a los estudiantes en los
       grados 5 y 8.
   ● ACCESS - esta evaluación se realiza a todos los estudiantes de inglés que han sido identificados cada
       año hasta que demuestren su competencia en el idioma inglés

El estado no ha hecho ninguna adaptación para examinar a los estudiantes que aprenden remoto; por lo tanto,
las pruebas sólo estarán disponibles de manera presencial. El requisito de que el 95% de nuestros
estudiantes deben tomar cada prueba ha sido eximido, por lo que tenemos más flexibilidad en cuanto a la
participación de los estudiantes. El estado nos ha notificado que los datos de las evaluaciones IAR e ISA no
pueden compararse con los datos de las evaluaciones del año anterior ni podremos comparar nuestros
resultados con los datos de las evaluaciones futuras. Por último, los datos de la evaluación de 2021 no
afectarán a nuestras calificaciones generales del distrito y de la escuela.

Con el fin de cumplir con los requisitos del estado para evaluar a nuestros estudiantes, el Distrito 46 tiene el
siguiente plan:

   ●   Período de evaluación del distrito para ISA (sólo para los grados 5 y 8): 17-19 de mayo
●   Período de evaluación del distrito para IAR (Grados 3-8): 20-26 de mayo
   ●   Período de evaluación para DLM-AA: cada escuela ha identificado y comunicado
   ●   Período de evaluación para ACCESS: cada escuela ha identificado y comunicado

Las evaluaciones IAR e ISA se harán a primera hora de la mañana con una sesión de pruebas cada día. Los
horarios escolares revisados se seguirán durante estos días al igual que los horarios de nuestros días de
inicio de clases tarde. Una vez que las evaluaciones se completan cada día, los estudiantes comenzarán su
día regular y se espera que todos los estudiantes participen en las actividades de aprendizaje del día o
serán marcados como ausentes ese día.

Se invitará a los estudiantes remotos a asistir a la escuela cada mañana para tomar las evaluaciones. Se
pedirá a los padres/tutores de los estudiantes remotos que completen esta encuesta indicando si su hijo
asistirá a la escuela para participar en las evaluaciones. No se proporcionará instrucción alternativa durante el
período de pruebas si un estudiante no asiste a la escuela para tomar las evaluaciones, ya que el personal
disponible en los grados 3 a 8 estará involucrado en la evaluación de los estudiantes. Por favor, tenga en
cuenta que, desafortunadamente, no podemos ofrecer transporte de ida y vuelta a la escuela para los
estudiantes remotos para efectos de tomar la evaluación. Recuerden que no hay ninguna penalidad para los
estudiantes que no participan en las evaluaciones estatales durante el período de pruebas de este año.

Las familias recibirán un horario detallado de parte de cada escuela con los horarios específicos de las
evaluaciones de cada día. Los estudiantes que pierdan partes de las pruebas tendrán la oportunidad de
recuperarlas durante la tarde cada día o el 27 y 28 de mayo.

Evaluaciones locales
El Distrito 46 no ha administrado ninguna evaluación NWEA MAP en lo que va de año debido al alto número
de estudiantes que estaban siendo enseñados de manera remota y a las preocupaciones sobre la fiabilidad y
validez de la prueba. Con un número significativo de nuestros estudiantes que regresan al aprendizaje
presencial y algunas actualizaciones en los procedimientos de prueba, hemos decidido programar las pruebas
de lectura y matemáticas MAP para nuestros estudiantes en los grados 1-7 el 26 de abril y el 27 de abril.
Vamos a permitir 90 minutos para que los estudiantes completen cada evaluación MAP. Permitiremos a los
estudiantes de octavo grado que soliciten tomar la evaluación si desean cambiar sus asignaciones de la
escuela secundaria. Los padres/tutores tendrán que hacer esta solicitud directamente al director antes del 20
de abril de 2021. Los estudiantes remotos tomarán las pruebas MAP a distancia durante el mismo tiempo,
pero probablemente con un grupo diferente de estudiantes. Los datos de estas evaluaciones se utilizarán para
una variedad de propósitos incluyendo:
    ● Identificación de los estudiantes que podrían beneficiarse de la asistencia a la escuela de verano
    ● Identificación de los alumnos de 4º grado que podrían calificar para clases de matemáticas de mayor
        nivel en 5º grado
    ● Identificación de los alumnos que requerirán una intervención inmediata en otoño
    ● Asistencia en el desarrollo de clases para el otoño de 2021
    ● Proporcionar puntos de datos para futuras consideraciones sobre el desarrollo o las necesidades de
        los estudiantes
Cada escuela proporcionará un horario más detallado para las pruebas MAP de primavera.

No dude en ponerse en contacto con el director de su hijo, con su profesor o con nosotros si tiene alguna


Paul Louis- Superintendente adjunto                     Amanda Woodruff- Coordinadora de currículo

            Community Consolidated School District 46 will provide an educational environment that maximizes the potential of
                ALL students to be prepared for life’s opportunities while developing a lasting appreciation for learning.
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