Foreign investment review

Page created by Judith Cross
Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                MEET OUR
                          NAVIGATING   THE COMPLEX    WORLDWIDE     NAVIGATING                   MANAGING    A SELECTION
                                                                                  AN UNCERTAIN                               FOREIGN
                           THE NEW     REGULATORY      REVIEW OF   AN UNCERTAIN                    THE FIR      OF OUR
                                                                                  CLIMATE MEAN                             INVESTMENT
                           NORMAL       LANDSCAPE    INBOUND M&A      CLIMATE                     PROCESS    EXPERIENCE
                                                                                    FOR YOU?                                  TEAM

                                                              Navigating the                     The complex                   Worldwide

Foreign                                                       new normal                         regulatory
                                                                                                                               review of
                                                                                                                               inbound M&A

Our global capabilities                                       Navigating                         What does                     Managing
                                                              an uncertain                       an uncertain                  the FIR
                                                              climate                            climate mean                  process
                                                                                                 for you?

                                                              A selection of                     Meet our
                                                              our experience                     foreign
Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                    MEET OUR
                                                                   NAVIGATING                        THE COMPLEX                            WORLDWIDE                                NAVIGATING                                        MANAGING      A SELECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AN UNCERTAIN                                   FOREIGN
                                                                    THE NEW                          REGULATORY                              REVIEW OF                              AN UNCERTAIN                                         THE FIR        OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CLIMATE MEAN                                 INVESTMENT
                                                                    NORMAL                            LANDSCAPE                            INBOUND M&A                                 CLIMATE                                          PROCESS      EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR YOU?                                      TEAM

Navigating the ‘new normal’
for foreign investment

Businesses are operating in a different and uncertain climate for
cross-border M&A. COVID-19 has accelerated the already heightening                                                                                                                                                                                  Foreign investment review decisions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   are always based on highly subjective
scrutiny of foreign investment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       criteria. Yet, the review authorities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        work behind closed doors and
We have witnessed a period of unprecedented scrutiny of
                                                                             FDI flows under different scenarios on the effectiveness                                                                                                                without public explanation of their
foreign investment issues and geo-political change, leading to a
tidal wave of legislative changes, proposed and enacted in most                  of public health and economic policy measures                                                                                                                      decisions. A company is best served,
major economies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     then, by counsel that has extensive,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   direct experience with complex cases,
COVID-19 has accelerated these changes. It has also driven the
steep downward trend for foreign direct investment (FDI) in
                                                                                                                                                                               Base = H2 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   from both the outside and the inside.
the first half of 2020, creating uncertainty around foreign
                                                                               1                                                                                                                                                                       This is where Freshfields shines.
investment opportunities in the coming term.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aimen Mir, Partner,
Foreign investment restrictions vary and are rapidly developing          0.5                                                                                                                                                                           Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of
around the world. Against this backdrop, you need a law                                                                                                                                                                                               Investment Security in charge of CFIUS
firm that has cutting-edge experience advising on complex                                                                                                                                                                                                        Washington DC
and difficult cross-border transactions across all the key                    0
                                                                                   H1          H2    H1          H2   H1          H2       H1          H2     H1          H2        H1          H2    H1          H2

jurisdictions to ensure your investments are successful.                                2015              2016             2017                 2018               2019                  2020              2021
Our global team of foreign investment experts has just that.                            Optimistic          Middle           Pessimistic                    Source: OECD FDI statistics database and OECD projections

Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                          MEET OUR
                                                                  NAVIGATING      THE COMPLEX       WORLDWIDE        NAVIGATING                        MANAGING        A SELECTION
                                                                                                                                        AN UNCERTAIN                                         FOREIGN
                                                                   THE NEW        REGULATORY         REVIEW OF      AN UNCERTAIN                         THE FIR          OF OUR
                                                                                                                                        CLIMATE MEAN                                       INVESTMENT
                                                                   NORMAL          LANDSCAPE       INBOUND M&A         CLIMATE                          PROCESS        EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                          FOR YOU?                                            TEAM

Our experts can guide you
through this increasingly
complex regulatory landscape
We are particularly experienced in advising on complex and difficult
cross-border transactions, providing an integrated and co-ordinated                                                                                                     2020 has seen a further increase of
                                                                                                                                                                       governmental powers to screen and
approach to obtaining foreign investment, merger control and                                                                                                       potentially intervene in cross-border M&A.
other regulatory approvals across multiple jurisdictions.                                                                                                          It is therefore critical to conduct a foreign
                                                                                                                                                                         investment filing risk assessment
We combine the various types of advice and expertise needed          Our specialists also work closely together to ensure a joined-up                                     up front and factor this into deal
to lead to a successful outcome in these challenging matters,        foreign investment review approach and strategy across                                                  structuring and planning.
including legal, regulatory, political communication and             jurisdictions, which is becoming increasingly important
                                                                                                                                                                                      Alastair Mordaunt,
stakeholder analysis skills.                                         as agencies themselves seek to co-ordinate more.                                                                Partner, Hong Kong
We have foreign investment specialists based in numerous             Where necessary, we work with a trusted network of local law
countries globally who are leaders in their home jurisdiction,       firm partners whose jurisdictional experience in foreign
and many have previously worked as regulators in government          investment and antitrust complements our expertise.
and are intimately familiar with the review of foreign
                                                                     In addition, we have cultivated an international network of
investments from the ‘inside’.
                                                                     highly experienced public relations and communications
Our specialists enable us to offer our clients unique insights       consultants with whom we regularly engage, and we often
into the rapidly evolving foreign investment laws, and help our      recommend these experts to our clients as part of our
clients understand the complexities of the current economic          integrated team.
and political climate to enable them to make the right moves
for their business.

Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                MEET OUR
                                                       NAVIGATING   THE COMPLEX    WORLDWIDE     NAVIGATING                   MANAGING    A SELECTION
                                                                                                               AN UNCERTAIN                               FOREIGN
                                                        THE NEW     REGULATORY      REVIEW OF   AN UNCERTAIN                    THE FIR      OF OUR
                                                                                                               CLIMATE MEAN                             INVESTMENT
                                                        NORMAL       LANDSCAPE    INBOUND M&A      CLIMATE                     PROCESS    EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                 FOR YOU?                                  TEAM

A growing number of jurisdictions
worldwide review inbound M&A

Over 100 jurisdictions now
have foreign investment review
laws, and rules are constantly
being tightened – in particular
in this time of COVID-19.

Foreign investment law follows in the footsteps of
merger control law and has been spreading around
the world at a fast pace. Like in merger control, global
transactions require global strategies to be successful
and mitigate concerns of governments, which
themselves seek to co-ordinate their enforcement.
Frank Röhling, Partner, Berlin

Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                      MEET OUR
                                                          NAVIGATING       THE COMPLEX       WORLDWIDE        NAVIGATING                       MANAGING     A SELECTION
                                                                                                                              AN UNCERTAIN                                     FOREIGN
                                                           THE NEW         REGULATORY         REVIEW OF      AN UNCERTAIN                        THE FIR       OF OUR
                                                                                                                              CLIMATE MEAN                                   INVESTMENT
                                                           NORMAL           LANDSCAPE       INBOUND M&A         CLIMATE                         PROCESS     EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                FOR YOU?                                        TEAM

Navigating an uncertain climate
Key foreign investment review issues for dealmakers

      1                                                2                                                     3                                                4
  A wider range                                     The range of                                          A wide range of                                  Governments
  of buyers are                                     industry sectors                                      transactions are                                 are more willing
  becoming affected                                 affected is growing                                   triggering interest                              to intervene
  The rise of protectionist sentiment               Reviews increasingly involve deals that               Foreign investment rules will                    There has been an uptick in deals
  means that screening rules are                    are outside the ‘obvious’ national                    often have lower (or no) financial               failing as a result of regulatory
  increasingly being applied against                security sectors such as the military                 thresholds than merger control,                  issues, whether foreign investment
  foreign investors from any third                  and defence. The list of critical sectors             and may capture minority,                        or antitrust related. This trend can
  country, not just from jurisdictions              in many jurisdictions can be extensive,               non-controlling investments.                     be expected to continue.
  perceived to be particularly ‘risky’.             but not always clearly defined.

                               We are seeing increased scrutiny of transactions on national security grounds, with new rules on the horizon expected
                          to result in more transactions being subjected to government intervention. In 2020, widening of the rules to capture additional
                               transactions means that all types of buyer should assess the risks of intervention, irrespective of their country of origin.
                                                                                    Michele Davis, Partner, London

Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                        MEET OUR
                                               NAVIGATING          THE COMPLEX      WORLDWIDE       NAVIGATING                       MANAGING      A SELECTION
                                                                                                                  AN UNCERTAIN                                       FOREIGN
                                                THE NEW            REGULATORY        REVIEW OF     AN UNCERTAIN                        THE FIR        OF OUR
                                                                                                                  CLIMATE MEAN                                     INVESTMENT
                                                NORMAL              LANDSCAPE      INBOUND M&A        CLIMATE                         PROCESS      EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                    FOR YOU?                                          TEAM

    What does an uncertain climate mean for you?
                                                        FOREIGN INVESTMENT

         Deal                             Deal                                                                           Risk of
                                                                                 Disclosure                                                                       Exit
      timetable                         certainty                                                                       remedies

   More burdensome foreign       Unpredictability as authorities              Relevant body may require             Authorities may impose            Adds complexity to exit strategy
investment regimes and more         test new areas of security                  internal documents and            remedies if there are national       as potential purchasers may
   rigorous review processes       concerns and grapple with                  extensive information over               security concerns.                raise foreign investment
 leading to longer pre-closing     political pressure – adding              ownership structure, whether                                                     review concerns.
                                                                                                                   Remedies may conflict with
periods – can become a gating     greater risk of intervention,                purchasers have received
                                                                                                                  business strategy (eg may be
  issue for transactions with    even from ‘friendly’ countries.            foreign government subsidies,
                                                                                                                  forced to dispose of strategic
     no antitrust issues or                                                    transaction rationale and
                                                                                                                    assets or prevented from
  where antitrust clearances                                                     target activities – with
                                                                                                                  making changes to workforce,
      are received quickly.                                                 enhanced inter-governmental/
                                                                                                                  headquarters or R&D spend).
                                                                              cross-agency co-operation.

Foreign investment review
WHAT DOES                                          MEET OUR
                                            NAVIGATING     THE COMPLEX      WORLDWIDE     NAVIGATING                        MANAGING     A SELECTION
                                                                                                        AN UNCERTAIN                                         FOREIGN
                                             THE NEW       REGULATORY        REVIEW OF   AN UNCERTAIN                         THE FIR       OF OUR
                                                                                                        CLIMATE MEAN                                       INVESTMENT
                                             NORMAL         LANDSCAPE      INBOUND M&A      CLIMATE                          PROCESS     EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                          FOR YOU?                                            TEAM

Managing the foreign investment review process

                                                                                                                 Meet with
                      Consider                                                                                  government                 Be active,
                    counterparty              Is filing                                                        customers and             not passive, in
                        risk                mandatory or                                                          agencies                shaping risk

                                                                                          Carefully time
sensitivities of
 government                                                                                                                                                 Anticipate
                                                           Consider risk                 with government
     early                                                                                                                                                 and speak to
                                                            parties will
                                PLAN                          cry foul                                                    ENGAGE                            Don’t hide
                                                                                                                                                             the ball

                                                                                               Show how
                                                                                             to satisfy both
   Structure deal
                                                                                            commercial and
   to manage risk                                                                                                                               Use language
                                                 Consider effect                              government
                                                                                                interests                                        familiar to
                                                     of on
                                                  deal timeline
                             Consider                                                                                     Focus on
                          risk allocation                                                                              resolution, not
                             between                                                                                   disputation of
                              parties                                                                                     concerns

WHAT DOES                                         MEET OUR
                                                                           NAVIGATING     THE COMPLEX       WORLDWIDE          NAVIGATING                       MANAGING        A SELECTION
                                                                                                                                                 AN UNCERTAIN                                        FOREIGN
                                                                            THE NEW       REGULATORY         REVIEW OF        AN UNCERTAIN                        THE FIR          OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                 CLIMATE MEAN                                      INVESTMENT
                                                                            NORMAL         LANDSCAPE       INBOUND M&A           CLIMATE                         PROCESS        EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                                   FOR YOU?                                           TEAM

        A selection of our experience
         We have experience navigating foreign investment                                                                                                       A group of private equity firms             KKR on the acquisition of
         regimes across the globe                                                                                                                                and institutional investors on             a co-controlling stake in
                                                                                                                                                                   the US$3.4bn takeover of                      Axel Springer.
                                                                                                                                                                 satellite telecommunications
                                                                                                                                                                      company Inmarsat.

   Vossloh on the divestment         London Stock Exchange Group                  Airbus on the US$1.2bn sale            Wencan, a specialist in the               Volkswagen, on the CFIUS                   Infineon Technologies
of its locomotives business to a       on the proposed US$27bn                   of Airbus Defence Electronics      manufacture of aluminium alloy auto         review of its investment in Argo           on its acquisition of Cypress
 subsidiary of the state-owned     acquisition of Refinitiv, a financial                    to KKR.                    components, on its acquisition              AI, the autonomous vehicle              Semiconductor Corporation.
  China Railway Rolling Stock         markets and infrastructure                                                    of Le Bélier, a leading publicly listed            platform company.
       Corporation (CRRC).                 business (ongoing).                                                       aluminium auto parts company in
                                                                                                                     France and supplier of aluminium
                                                                                                                       parts to the aerospace industry.

                                                                                                                            A leading Canadian
                                                                                                                           institutional investor

    Midea on its €4.5bn bid              AB InBev on its £71bn                   Comcast Corporation on the              AABB   on the
                                                                                                                           leading      US$6.4bn
                                                                                                                                    Canadian      sale of its
                                                                                                                                                institutional       The ANTA and FountainVest
   for the German robotics              acquisition of SABMiller.              global merger control and public           power   gridinbusiness
                                                                                                                            investor             to Hitachi.
                                                                                                                                         connection   with                  consortium
       company KUKA.                 The transaction was the third                interest aspects of its £30bn                several investments in                on the €4.6bn acquisition
                                      largest in corporate history.                    public bid for Sky.                    multinational industrial                    of Amer Sports.
                                                                                                                              manufacturing groups.                                                                                  8
WHAT DOES                                       MEET OUR
                                                            NAVIGATING      THE COMPLEX       WORLDWIDE         NAVIGATING                        MANAGING     A SELECTION
                                                                                                                                AN UNCERTAIN                                      FOREIGN
                                                             THE NEW        REGULATORY         REVIEW OF       AN UNCERTAIN                         THE FIR       OF OUR
                                                                                                                                CLIMATE MEAN                                    INVESTMENT
                                                             NORMAL          LANDSCAPE       INBOUND M&A          CLIMATE                          PROCESS     EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                  FOR YOU?                                         TEAM

                                                 Our global co-ordination team
             ASIA-PACIFIC                               CONTINENTAL EUROPE                                           UNITED KINGDOM                                          UNITED STATES

  Alastair Mordaunt                                 Frank Röhling                                            Michele Davis                                      Aimen Mir
  Partner,                                          Partner,                                                 Partner,                                           Partner,
  Antitrust,                                        Antitrust,                                               Antitrust,                                         Antitrust,
  Competition                                       Competition                                              Competition                                        Competition
  and Trade                                         and Trade                                                and Trade                                          and Trade

Alastair is a co-head of the Asia antitrust       Frank is a partner in our antitrust,                     Michele is a partner in our London office.         Aimen is a partner in our Washington office.
practice and also co-heads the firm’s foreign     competition and trade, global investigations             Her practice covers all aspects of EU and UK       With more than a decade of experience
investment skills group. He specialises in        and regulatory practices, based in Berlin.               competition law and she specialises in merger      shaping and implementing US national
international cross-border merger review and      He also co-heads the firm’s foreign investment           control and foreign investment reviews.            security and investment policy, Aimen focuses
foreign investment-related work. His extensive    skills group. Frank focuses on all aspects of            Michele has particular experience of advising      on the national security review of foreign
experience both at the regulator and as a         competition matters, often advising on global            clients in the regulated sectors, including        investments conducted by the interagency
private practitioner across three continents      merger and foreign investment reviews.                   energy and utilities, water and telecoms.          Committee on Foreign Investment in the
gives him a deep understanding of working         He has worked in several offices around the              As well as London, she has also spent time         United States (CFIUS), US technology transfer
effectively with regulators and devising          network, in-house (Nestlé) and for                       on secondment in our Beijing, Brussels and         and export control policy, and other national
successful strategies for his clients             governmental agencies.                                   Washington DC offices.                             security and foreign policy-based regulation
in the context of transactional work.                                                                                                                         of international business transactions.
                                                                                                                                                              He joined the firm after serving in several
                                                                                                                                                              leadership roles in CFIUS and the US
                                                                                                                                                              Department of the Treasury.

 1   2                                                                                                                                                                                                        9
WHAT DOES                                       MEET OUR
                                               NAVIGATING   THE COMPLEX         WORLDWIDE          NAVIGATING                      MANAGING    A SELECTION
                                                                                                                  AN UNCERTAIN                                      FOREIGN
                                                THE NEW     REGULATORY           REVIEW OF        AN UNCERTAIN                       THE FIR      OF OUR
                                                                                                                  CLIMATE MEAN                                    INVESTMENT
                                                NORMAL       LANDSCAPE         INBOUND M&A           CLIMATE                        PROCESS    EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                    FOR YOU?                                         TEAM

                                       Key contacts by region
            ASIA-PACIFIC                             CONTINENTAL EUROPE AND UNITED KINGDOM                                                                     UNITED STATES
Alastair Mordaunt   Kaori Yamada    Frank Röhling             Juliane Hilf             Michele Davis             Alex Potter                   Aimen Mir                Christine Laciak
Partner,            Partner,        Partner,                  Partner,                 Partner,                  Partner,                      Partner,                 Special Counsel,
Hong Kong           Tokyo           Berlin                    Düsseldorf               London                    London                        Washington DC            Washington DC

Hazel Yin           Ninette Dodoo   Aude Guyon                Jérôme Philippe          Andreas von Bonin         Rafique Bachour
Partner,            Partner,        Counsel,                  Partner,                 Partner,                  Partner,
Beijing             Beijing         Paris                     Paris/Brussels           Brussels                  Brussels

                                    Gian Luca Zampa           Ermelinda Spinelli       Stephan Denk              Maria Dreher
                                    Partner,                  Counsel,                 Partner,                  Counsel,
                                    Rome                      Milan                    Vienna                    Vienna

                                    Álvaro Iza                Alexander Viktorov       Paul van den Berg         Winfred Knibbeler
                                    Partner,                  Counsel,                 Partner,                  Partner,
                                    Madrid                    Moscow                   Amsterdam                 Amsterdam

1     2                                                                                                                                                                                    10
WHAT DOES                                                           MEET OUR
                              NAVIGATING              THE COMPLEX                WORLDWIDE                NAVIGATING                                            MANAGING                  A SELECTION
                                                                                                                                    AN UNCERTAIN                                                          FOREIGN
                               THE NEW                REGULATORY                  REVIEW OF              AN UNCERTAIN                                             THE FIR                    OF OUR
                                                                                                                                    CLIMATE MEAN                                                        INVESTMENT
                               NORMAL                  LANDSCAPE                INBOUND M&A                 CLIMATE                                              PROCESS                  EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                                      FOR YOU?                                                             TEAM

 This material is provided by the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP (a limited liability partnership organised under the law of England and Wales) (the UK LLP)
and the offices and associated entities of the UK LLP practising under the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer name in a number of jurisdictions, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP,
                         together referred to in the material as ‘Freshfields’. For regulatory information please refer to
    The UK LLP has offices or associated entities in Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, China, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain,
                  the United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP has offices in New York City, Silicon Valley and Washington DC.
                                               This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide legal advice.

                                                            © Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, September 2020, 08316
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