Page created by Francisco Pierce


                        COVID-19 AND
                    EPIDEMICS IN ASIA
                                       No. 2 | Summer 2021
   CATSarena                                                 1
    Centre for      Dr. Guido Sprenger, Professor for Anthropology, Acting Director

    Asian and       Dr. Annette Hornbacher, Professor for Anthropology


                    Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Professor for Intellectual History, HCTS, Acting Director

                    Institute of Chinese Studies
                    Dr. Enno Giele, Professor for Classical Chinese Studies
                    Dr. Barbara Mittler, Professor for Chinese Cultural Studies
                    Dr. Gotelind Müller-Saini, Professor for History of Modern Chinese Culture
                    Dr. Anja Senz, Professor for Contemporary China and East Asian Studies
                    Institute of East Asian Ar t Histor y
                    Dr. Sarah E. Fraser, Professor for Chinese Art History
                    Dr. Melanie Trede, Professor for the Histories of Japanese Art
                    Institute of Japanese Studies
                    Dr. Judit Árokay, Professor for Japanese Studies
                    Dr. Hans Martin Krämer, Professor for Japanese Studies

                    SOUTH ASIA INSTITUTE

                    Dr. Rahul Mukherji, Professor for Political Science, Acting Director
                    Dr. Martin Gieselmann, General Manager

                    Dr. Hans Harder, Professor for Modern South Asia Languages and Literatures
                    Dr. Ute Hüsken, Professor for Cultural and Religious History of South Asia
                    Dr. Stefan Klonner, Professor for Development Economics
                    Dr. Kama Maclean, Professor for History of South Asia
                    Dr. Marcus Nüsser, Professor for Geography
                    Dr. Axel Michaels, Senior Professor
                    Dr. William Sax, Professor for Anthropology, also Institute of Anthropology
                    Branch Off ices
                    Dr. Pablo Holwitt, New Dehli, India
                    Frederic Link, Kathmandu, Nepal
                    Belinda Cassandra Wise, Colombo, Sri Lanka


                    Dr. Christiane Brosius, Professor for Visual and Media Anthropology, Acting Director
                    Dr. Oliver Lamers, General Manager

                    Dr. Harald Fuess, Professor for Cultural Economic History
                    Dr. Nikolas Jaspert, Professor of Medieval History, ZEKG
                    Dr. Monica Juneja, Professor for Global Art History
                    Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Professor for Intellectual History
                    Dr. Barbara Mittler, Professor for Chinese Cultural Studies
                    Dr. Michael Radich, Professor for Buddhist Studies

                    CATS LIBRARY

                    Hanno Lecher, Head, East Asia Department
                    Dr. Eleonore Schmitt, Head, South Asia Department

2                                                                                                          CATSarena
Dear Readers,

The second issue of CATSarena           Cultures that examines transcul-
finds the world still dominated         tural art and social transformation.
by the COVID-19 pandemic – for          Workshops and spring school de-
this reason we chose to focus           aelt with diverse subjects such as
our essays on this subject. How-        Chineseness in the face of China’s
ever, things are changing. In its       rise to a major global power or the
first months, it seemed that the        position of the ‘vernacular’ in co-
pandemic would drive Europe             lonial and post-colonial literature
and Asia apart, with bursts of          from South Asia. New research
xenophobia of Europeans against         projects on various Asian coun-
Chinese or Indians against Euro-        tries, including lesser known ones         Guido Sprenger
peans. However, with the spread         such as Bangladesh and Laos,               CATS Speaker
of the virus everywhere, this initial   demonstrate the comprehensive-
sentiment appears to be on the          ness of the CATS approach.
wane. It now is being replaced by          Teaching saw serious difficul-
a longing for the other, a desire       ties, as in all parts of the university,
for travel. Usually, this takes the     but both staff and students made
well-known shape of tourism, with       significant efforts to come up with
all its asymmetries. Nevertheless,      creative solutions. Teachers and
it does document an overwhelm-          students gathered around “virtu-
ing need to engage with others,         al fireplaces” or organized guided
with those both distinguished and       tours through institutes – directed
linked to each other by what we         at students who have, a year into
perceive as cultural difference.        their studies, never seen their in-
   Our present issue shows how          stitute from the inside.
the dimensions of the pandem-              Once again, I hope this issue of
ic in Asia vary widely. Diseases        CATSarena shows how exciting
draw attention to human-animal          and diverse our centre is. We are
entanglements, but they are also        looking for your feedback. Please
occasions for humour – not even,        direct any suggestions or criticism
as one may assume, of the gallows       at
kind. Our contributors document
the range of local responses to
COVID-19, from the subversion of
health measures to the critique of
governments. In addition, we also
feature some more personal ac-
counts about travel and research
in unpredictable circumstances.
   Despite the pandemic, CATS has
been going strong in its develop-
ment of new research and teach-
ing. This includes the new CATS
Kolleg Epochal Lifeworlds that in-
vestigates historical turning points
and the way they establish new
narratives, with a specific focus
on China. CATS joined the inter-
national platform Worlding Public
CATSarena                                                                                           3


    7                                                    14
    Carsten Wergin and Uli Beisel                        Gautam Liu
    Multispecies Entanglements of Global Health          Gods and Outcasts – Ambivalent Attitudes towards
    Mobile Mosquitoes in Transdisciplinary Perspective   Health Workers in India during the Coronavirus Pandemic

    10                                                   16
    Anna Scarabel                                        Philipp Zehmisch
    The Last of the Foreigners (in Varanasi)             Existential Crisis? – Dealing with the COVID-19
                                                         pandemic in Pakistan
    Chunping Lin                                         18
    The Usage of Humor During the Pandemic in Taiwan     Marina Rudyak
                                                         Reporting Corona

4                                                                                                          CATSarena

21                                                          24
Barbara Mittler                                             CATS LIBRARY
CATS Kolleg Epochal Lifeworlds.
Worldmaking from a Global Perspective:                      25
A Dialogue with China                                       STUDENT’ S FORUM

22                                                          28
Barbara Mittler                                             INSTITUTE OF ANTHROPOLOGY
Virtual Spring School.
Rethinking the Sinophone—A Transcultural Perspective        34
                                                            CENTRE FOR EAST ASIAN STUDIES
Barbara Mittler                                             42
CATS Virtual Lecture Series 2021.                           SOUTH ASIA INSTITUTE
Living the Socialist Modern – The Chinese Communist Party
at 100: Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives           58
                                                            HEIDELBERG CENTRE FOR
                                                            TRANSCULTURAL STUDIES

CATSarena                                                                                          5

  in Asia
  COVID-19 and

            COVID-19 cases in February 2020,
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                      Focus

Multispecies Entanglements
                                                                                   As the 2020 SARS-CoV2 pandemic
                                                                                   painfully showed, a better under-
                                                                                   standing of the mobility patterns
of Global Health                                                                   of disease agents and their vec-
                                                                                   tors is crucial for early detection
Mobile Mosquitoes in Transdisciplinary Perspective                                 of outbreaks and their successful
                                                                                   containment. From a social science
                                                                                   perspective, the increased mobility
by Carsten Wergin                        form of multispiecies storytelling.1      of the invasive Ae.albopictus high-
Associate Professor of Anthropology         Ae. albopictus, also known as          lights linkages between humans
and Uli Beisel                           the “Asian tiger mosquito” due to         and nonhumans that in the context
Professor of Human Geography             its striped legs and body, is consid-     of entomology, global medicine and
                                         ered native to the tropical and sub-      health research remain understud-
In light of environmental degrada-       tropical areas of Southeast Asia          ied. The multispecies story we tell
tion and biodiversity loss due to cli-   but is today found in many parts of       is based on case studies from Mex-
mate change, it is crucial we widen      the globe, including Australia, Af-       ico, Tanzania, India, and Germany.
our discussions about social-cul-        rica, the Americas, and Europe. It        It describes the spread of
tural change in the Anthropocene         is an epidemiologically important         bopictus as a cross-border phe-
from narrow, human-centered con-         vector for the transmission of many       nomenon that equally transcends
siderations toward more specula-         viral pathogens, including those of       national narratives of diseases and
tive fields of more-than-human suf-      yellow fever, dengue, and chikun-         their impact on politics, societies,
fering. One of the most persuasive       gunya. Ae.albopictus have reached         and cultures around the globe.
methods to account for entangled         different countries mainly through           In our project, experts for mos-
lifeworlds is found in “multispecies     human activities and transporta-          quitoes – entomologists and ecol-
storytelling” (Haraway 2016). Mul-       tion. After emerging in the United        ogists – and experts for human
tispecies stories challenge anthro-      States via imported second-hand           mobility – anthropologists and hu-
pocentric narratives that tend to        automobile tires from Asia, the           man geographers – work together
depict the bodies of other species       mosquito has been found in the            to understand how the mobility of
as rhetorically passive resources for    Mexican Yucatan peninsula, where          mosquitoes and humans is linked. 2
human appropriation. With a focus        dengue is a concern not only for          We identify mobility patterns of hu-
on what is considered #4 of the “100     medical entomologists but also the        mans, travelling for work or leisure,
world’s worst invasive alien spe-        local industry, which largely de-         and how those are entangled with
cies,” the Aedes albopictus (GISD        pends on international tourism to         how and where Aedes mosquitoes
2019), we propose a rather “radical”     its world heritage sites.                 move. This is to enable the design
                                                                                   of public health interventions that
                                                                                   control the spread of invasive mos-
                                                                                   quitoes and the diseases they carry.
                                                                                      The Mediterranean Basin offers a
                                                                                   case in point. Since the late Bronze
                                                                                   age, this region continues to be a
                                                                                   global hotspot for trade, transport,
                                                                                   and migration. As a result, countries
                                                                                   surrounding the Mediterranean
                                                                                   Sea share not only goods but also
                                                                                   common health threats posed by
                                                                                   vector-borne diseases transmitted
                                                                                   by mosquitoes. Since at least the
                                                                                   1960s, the Asian tiger mosquito’s
                                                                                   geographical distribution has con-
                                                                                   tinuously expanded. As a result, dis-
                                                                                   eases like dengue or chikungunya
                                                                                   are no longer considered restricted
                                                                                   to tropical and subtropical regions,
                                                                                   and are developing a strong urban
                                          Aedes albopictus (Source: WikiCommons)   component (Jourdain et al. 2019, 10).
CATSarena                                                                                                                  7

                                                                                      Global Aedes albopictus distribution in 2015.

    Recent surveys showed that         er politics. Through this framing,       public, since the animals can theo-
    bopictus have spread across the           invasive mosquitoes are linked to        retically transmit a suite of serious
    entire peninsula of Italy, parts of       migrating humans in a problematic        infectious diseases (see also Ern-
    Sicily and Sardinia, and into Swit-       way that is not only dehumanizing        wein & Fall, 2015). At the same time,
    zerland. In late 2007, the first   and delegitimizing refugees and          this mosquito, as a sentinel device
    bopictus eggs were discovered in          migrants, but also establishing a        older than humans, also offers a
    southwestern Germany (Pluskota            wrong, racially charged idea of how      form of “radical hope” in times of
    et al. 2008), where they continue to      invasive mosquitoes travel and ex-       crises through its capacity to adapt
    arrive via freight transport from Ita-    tend their habitats.                     to climate change and counteract
    ly and Switzerland. The mosquitoes           Meanwhile, Ae. albopictus con-        violent human efforts to propel it to
    migrate along the German A5 mo-           tinue to show tremendous resil-          extinction (Lear 2006). But how can
    torway and have by now settled in         ience in adapting to different geo-      one track entangled human-non-
    the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan re-         graphical and climatic conditions by     human mobility in such a way as to
    gion, which counts approximately          taking advantage of human-made           limit our impulses stemming from
    2.4 million inhabitants. Unwittingly      environments and infrastructures,        such loaded terms as “invasive-
    aiding vector mobility, travellers,       which has led to their successful        ness” and “eradication” and instead
    truck drivers, and gardeners be-          global spread in recent decades.         search for ways to live together on a
    come “companion species” of Ae-           In order to address the complex          mobile and warming planet?
    des (Haraway 2008).                       socio-ecological dynamics at play,          We suggest that a focus on the
       The mosquito’s disregard for           there is certainly a need to consider    entanglements of human and mos-
    political and economic borders            the Asian tiger mosquito as a learn-     quito mobility is urgently needed
    creates a significant challenge for       ing species – a migratory species        to detect disease outbreaks early
    possible control mechanisms, and          that makes use of and stimulates         and to develop successful, locally
    places these insects alongside oth-       social-cultural change, and in doing     supported control strategies. How
    er “hyper-objects” such as CO2 or         so reveals problems typical of those     are human and mosquito mobil-
    micro-plastic (Morton 2013). In ad-       of the Anthropocene, such as the         ities linked? What methods are
    dition, Ae. albopictus is considered      prioritization of the economy over       most suitable to understand their
    by the European Centre for Disease        planetary health.                        entanglements and develop more
    Prevention and Control (ECDC)’s              The movement of the mosquito          successful control measures? Ae.
    Ae. albopictus Factsheet as “one          further calls into question the quest    albopictus has shown tremendous
    of the top 100 invasive species”          for local eradication strategies         resilience in adapting to different
    (ECDC, 2020). It is thus subjected        while demanding transdisciplinary        geographical and climatic condi-
    to a rhetoric of “illegality” and “bor-   research partnerships. Increased         tions by taking advantage of hu-
    der control” that is enmeshed with        sightings of the Asian tiger mosqui-     man-made environments and in-
    global trade as much as climate           to in Germany has growing poten-         frastructures, which has led to its
    change concerns, race, and pow-           tial to generate anxiety in the wider    successful global spread. These
8                                                                                                                       CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                                       Focus

anthropogenic environments war-               Bibliography
rant surveillance at points of en-            European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (2020). Aedes Albopictus - Fact-
try to understand introduction                sheet for experts. Accessible via:
pathways, causes, and routes of               facts/mosquito-factsheets/aedes-albopictus (last accessed, 31/08/2020)
invasions and connect these to                Ernwein, M., and J. J. Fall. 2015. “Communicating Invasion: Understanding Social Anxi-
different aspects of its biology and          eties around Mobile Species.” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 97 (2):
   Related transdisciplinary re-              Haraway D.J. (2008) When Species Meet. University of Minnesota Press.
search points to the fact that hu-            Haraway, Donna. 2016. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene.
manity is itself an enterprise that           Durham and London: Duke University Press.
needs rethinking. Since the fast-             Jourdain, F., A.M. Samy, A. Hamidi, A. Bouattour, B. Alten, C. Faraj et al. 2019. Towards
paced spread of Ae. albopictus                harmonisation of entomological surveillance in the Mediterranean area. PLoS Negl
is intertwined with internation-              Trop Dis 13/6: e0007314.
al trade and human mobility, we               Lear, J. 2006. Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation. Harvard Univer-
believe that intervention to slow             sity Press.
or halt its spread is possible. Its           Morton, T. (2013) “Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World.
control, however, needs in-depth              Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
analyses of multispecies coexis-              Pluskota, B., V. Storch, T. Braunbeck, M. Beck, N. Becker1. 2008. First record of Stego-
tence rather than a continued fo-             myia albopicta (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Germany. European Mosquito Bulletin 26:
cus on the eradication of unwant-             1-5.
ed companion species.                         Web Sources
                                              GISD 2019.

1 This CATSarena presents a condensed
version of our earlier article “Disappear-
ance, Invasion and Resistance: Multi-
species ethnography, insect control and
loss,” which has appeared in: M. Hall and
D. Tamir (eds.) Mosquitopia: The Place of
Pests in a Healthy World. London, New
York: Routledge, 2021.
2 Further principal investigators in our
transdisciplinary project are: Norbert
                                               Uli Beisel                                     Carsten Wergin
Becker (GFS - Institute of Dipterology,        is Professor of Human Geogra-                  is Associate Professor of Anthro-
Speyer), Fredros Okumu (Ifakara Health         phy at Free University Berlin. She             pology at Heidelberg University
Institute, Tanzania), Gerardo Suzán (Uni-      has worked on “mosquito-par-                   and Senior Fellow at the Hei-
versidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico),         asite-human entanglements” in                  delberg Centre for Transcultural
and Ashwani Kumar (Indian Council of
Medical Research). We would like to            malaria control in Ghana and                   Studies. His research is located
acknowledge the generous support we            Sierra Leone, and continues to                 at the intersections of heritage,
received from the Volkswagenstiftung           be fascinated by practices of de-              culture, and ecology, with region-
(Ref: 9A 577) for our pilot study. For more    marcation between human and                    al foci in the Mascarene Archipel-
information on the project, visit: http://
                                               non-human organisms, and the                   ago, Northwest Australia, and the (Date last         possibilities for their coexistence.           wider Indian Ocean World.
accessed: 14 February 2021)
CATSarena                                                                                                                                 9

     The Last of the Foreigners
     (in Varanasi)
     by Anna Scarabel
     PhD Student

     My research-stay in Varanasi was
     supposed to come to an end some-
     time in March 2020. However, at
     that time, my homeland Italy regis-
     tered the first wave of COVID-19. I
     thought I’d play it smart and post-
     poned my travel back for a few
     days, as I believed everything was
     going to be fixed in a week or two.
     I was thus rushing from one corner
     of the city to the other to collect
     the documents for my visa exten-
        This was a very exhausting time,
     but I was resolutely determined
     to make it work. At that time,
     COVID-19 was entering the Indi-
     an imaginary as the Italian disease
     and - in extension - the disease of
     tourists and foreigners in general.
     This idea mainly originated from
     the news that, at the beginning of
     March, 13 Italian tourists were all                      A view of deserted ghats in Varanasi. Photo courtesy of the author.
     found positive to COVID-19 during
     a trip in North India. Everywhere
     in Varanasi, a palpable sense of      eign woman” took place in those           down, this link rapidly dissolved.
     suspicion began to arise towards      days. During my previous stays in         The fact that many media reports
     foreigners. In my head, the situa-    the city, my white skin had often         blamed foreigners for spreading
     tion was not very tragic and I thus   granted me some sort of unde-             the virus had immediate repercus-
     continued moving in the city. Yet I   served VIP status. This “special          sions. The whiteness of my skin
     decided to take a few precautions:    status” has always brought to me          - associated in Indian mythology
     for instance, I stopped riding in     a sense of difference and lack of         with the complexion of many gods
     shared riksha and started book-       inclusivity, but at the end of the        - had overnight become some-
     ing the private ones. It took me a    day, not having to stand in lines         thing to avoid, to stay away from:
     few days before I could find a de-    and attracting people’s curiosi-          something not to be touched. Ev-
     cent mask, and for that I paid an     ty seemed like a pleasant way to          erywhere I went, this transforma-
     enormous amount of money, as I        be “different”. Even though in or-        tion gained momentum: people
     could only enter a few shops - of-    thodox Hindu religious contexts           stayed well away from me, and
     ten shop keepers would grumble        foreigners are often looked down          when passers-by crossed my
     something incomprehensible to         upon for their lack of education in       path on the street, they covered
     keep me away from them.               matters of ritual purity, this impu-      their nose with a scarf to protect
        I believe that the way I was       rity “status” is sometimes counter-       themselves from what they per-
     treated was not dictated by ha-       weighted by a sense of purity and         ceived as a potential virus-spread-
     tred or repulsion, but rather by a    elevated status deriving from a fair      er. At that point, I started to feel
     fear of the disease. A great shift    complexion.                               uncomfortable. I tried to be quick
     in the imaginary of the “white for-      In the last days before the lock-      in my works and avoided unnec-
10                                                                                                                    CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                Focus

essary excursions. I never felt in      ing to happen after that: a 21-day
real danger, but rather unwanted.       lockdown was applied to the entire
On the last days of freedom, be-        country.
fore a national lockdown was im-           Two very hot months later, I
posed on the 24th of March 2020,        went out again for the first time.
I could cut the tension in the air      I was a little bit scared to be
with a knife: all the familiar faces    back in the streets and see peo-
around my residence were hiding         ple (something I was not used to
from me, so that I would not be         anymore). I slightly feared retalia-
tempted to chat with them. I start-     tions generated by the difficulties
ed receiving messages from local        of the last two months, but it was
friends asking how my family was        nothing like that. The stigma of
doing at home, how the situation        the foreigner as “ the one with the
really was. Some of them sent me        virus” was gone. The attitude of
photos circulating on WhatsApp          the days preceding the lockdown
showing the tragic situation of Ita-    was replaced by the sad resigna-
ly: there was one picture of a town     tion that we were all in the same
square covered with dead bodies         situation. That was now evidently
with the caption “ The pandemic in      a worldwide pandemic, a problem
Italy.” Another picture showed the      of the world in its entirety. The ge-
Brasilian president Bolsonaro with      ography of the town had changed:
the caption “President Conte cries      in my area, it applied the rule that
the Italian victims: only God can       the shops opened every other day
save our country now!”                  according to their side of the main
    All these images and (some-         street. While I was walking down
times fake) news shocked the            the main road, my presence was
imaginary of many. On Sunday the        somehow noticed as I was the only
22nd of March 2020, a one-day           foreigner around, but I did not feel
curfew was proclaimed by Prime          uncomfortable. Everything was
Minister Modi. At the end of the        calm: there were less people on
day, Indians were asked to switch       the street, but those shopping in
off the lights in their houses, go on   the market seemed relaxed. Most
their balconies and rooftops with       people had come up with creative
lit candles, and thus celebrate the     ways to protect themselves from
national unity in the fight against     the virus. The panorama was quite
COVID-19. I was at home when            variegated; I could see balaclavas
Varanasi switched off the lights        worn under the burning sun as well
completely: even the street lights      as transparent masks “effectively”
went off. For a few seconds, the        worn to cover the chin. I was in an
city was completely dark. Then          area of the city that is relatively
millions of candles were lit, am-       wealthy and that probably spared
arus (two headed drums) played          me from the sight of destitute sit-
hard, conch shells were blown           uations. I established a routine of
accompanied by thundering invo-         going grocery shopping twice a
cations of the god Shiva from all       week. The shopkeepers were now
sides: “Hara hara Mahadev! Hara         kind and talkative: the initial fear    Anna Scarabel
hara Mahadev!” I could also dis-        was replaced by a desolate resig-       is a PhD student in the Depart-
tinctly hear the sound of frying        nation. They thought that Italy and     ment of Cultural and Religious
pans beaten with ladles and fire-       Europe were the first ones after        History of South Asia. Since Oc-
crackers. The rest were unknown         China to be hit by the pandemic         tober 2019, she has been carrying
sounds. This national ritual was        and thus kept on asking me: “Is         out research at the Banaras Hin-
designed to create a national, co-      back home fine now? When is this        du University of Varanasi as part
hesive spirit against COVID-19. To      all going to end?”                      of the DAAD funded programme
me, the scene had a surrealistic           “I hope very soon,” I repeatedly     “A New Passage to India.”
touch. Yet something else was go-       said, “very soon indeed.”
CATSarena                                                                                                           11

     The Use of Humor During the
     Pandemic in Taiwan
     by Chunping Lin                        Coronavirus, nor can it help to                    ments with artifacts as a choice of
     Research Associate                     stop to spread the virus, but humor                different greeting methods in the
                                            has been invaluable in relieving                   pandemic, such as the picture of a
     The word “幽默 yōumò,” which             people from the stress and ten-                    late Ming Dynasty statue, seen in
     means “humor” in Chinese, is origi-    sion during the current pandem-                    Fig. 1 with the words: “75% 消毒酒
     nally from Jiǔzhāng 九章 of the Chu      ic across cultures. 4 In 2020, many                精” (75% disinfectant alcohol) and
     Lyrics 楚辭 Chǔcí (475 B.C. – 221        great humorous sketches related                    “敬酒式問候” (toasting greetings).
     B.C.) and was used to describe the     to the pandemic appeared on Sin-                   These posts were used to promote
     tranquility of nature.1 Lin Yutang     ophone social media. On April 4th,                 Taiwan’s National Palace Museum
     林語堂 (linguist, philosopher, and        in the German-Taiwanese students’                  臺灣國立故宮博物院 at the same
     translator, 1895 – 1976) translat-     Facebook group “德國臺灣同學會”                           time.
     ed the English word “humor” with       two jokes were posted, one in Chi-                    The use of humor was not just
     the word “幽默 yōumò”. This Pho-         nese, the other in English, both of                limited to private life or advertis-
     no-semantic matching contains          which convey the same message:                     ing, even governments employed
     the sound of “yōumò” for humor                                                            humor to promote behavioral mea-
     and the profound meaning of hu-           “ 隔離,人權沒了。不隔離,人全                                sures during the pandemic.
     mor after smiling. 2 Lin Yutang fur-      沒了。” (Gélí, rénquán méi le. Bù                     For instance, the Ministry of Edu-
     ther defined the nature of humor,         gélí, rén quán méi le. Isolation,               cation, Republic of China (Taiwan),
     saying that “humor is generous,           human rights are gone. Not iso-                 published a series of posts on
     transcendent, and at the same time        lated, all the people are gone.)                Facebook, in which Taiwan’s most
     incorporates the idea of compas-                                                          famous astrology expert Jesse
     sion 幽默是敦厚的,超脫同時加入                        “Quarantine, No Human Right(s).                 Tang 唐綺陽 was imitated, in order
     悲天憫人之念。” 3 He promoted the                No Quarantine, No Human Left.” 5                to promulgate the prevention prior-
     use of humor, so that the word “幽                                                         ities. Take the case of Fig. 2 Aquar-
     默 yōumò” has occupied a place in       In addition to this type of exclu-                 ius: “因為會背洗手七字訣而被同學
     the Sinophone world and has be-        sively word-based humor, it can                    覺得怪。你知道你是最棒的。” (Your
     come more deeply rooted in the         also appear as a combination with                  classmates think you’re weird be-
     lives of intellectuals.                images or videos. For example, Tai-                cause you can recite the seven ab-
        Humor may not cure the illness-     wan’s National Palace Shop 故宮                      breviations for hand washing. But
     es and symptoms caused by the          精品 posted a series of advertise-                   you know you are the best.) The se-
                                                                                               ries was very well received by the
                                                                                               public. Jesse Tang also praised the
                                                                                               creativity from the Ministry of Ed-
                                                                                               ucation after receiving the positive
                                                                                               feedback through the news. In ad-
                                                                                               dition, Taiwan’s “Digital Minister,”
                                                                                               Audrey Tang, mentioned in the arti-
                                                                                               cle “ The Key to Taiwan’s Pandemic
                                                                                               Success: Fast, Fair, and Fun” 6 that
                                                                                               Taiwan employs the “humor over
                                                                                               rumor” strategy to fight disinforma-
                                                                                                  At the beginning of the pandem-
                                                                                               ic, there was a rumor of a shortage
                                            Fig. 1 Advertisement of the National Palace
                                            Museum in Taiwan, showing a figure of Li           of raw materials for toilet paper in
                                            Taibai (701–762); he was a famous poet and         Taiwan due to the increased pro-
                                            genius in the Sinophone world and also an          duction line for medical masks. In
                                            oenophile.                                         the government advertising seen
                                            /a.349905788354455/3343309739014030/?type=3        in Fig. 3, Su Tseng-chang 蘇貞昌,
12                                                                                                                        CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                                           Focus

Fig. 2 Hilarious posts by Taiwan’s Ministry                  Fig. 3 This humorous clarification post
      of Education on Facebook have been                of the Taiwan’s premier got over 100,000
               reposted about 12,000 times.                     positive reactions on Facebook and
        Source:    received attention from international media.

the premier of Taiwan, is shown                         film was criticized, there were also
from his back with graphical el-                        many positive comments from the
ements which emphasize the re-                          UK, Switzerland, and Germany. In
gion of his buttock, together with                      the pandemic, we see humor and
a well-known toilet paper brand.                        the diverse use of humor not only
The caption reads in Taiwanese: “                       spreading across different cultures,
咱只有一粒卡臣。” (We have only                                 but also used extensively across
one bottom), referring to the slo-                      various communities (civil and
gan “ We have only one Earth”                           governmental) to combat the in-
from the environmental movement.                        convenience and negative effects
The table below the headline lists                      brought on by the virus.
the facts about the raw materials,
which are different for toilet paper
and for masks. The rumor that toi-
let paper was almost out of stock
in Taiwan was dispelled by this ad-
vertisement, which not only made
people laugh but also relieved pub-
lic tension. As a result of the large
number of retweets, the panic buy-
                                                        1 the word 幽默 yōumò in 九章 Jiǔzhāng: 滔滔孟夏兮,草木莽莽。傷懷永哀兮,汨徂南土。
ing of toilet paper was successfully                    眴兮杳杳,孔靜幽默…。幽默
ceased after one weekend. 7
                                                        2 “愈幽愈默而愈妙,故譯為幽默” by 林玉堂 Lin Yutang in 論幽默 on humor, 1947 上海時
   The humorous strategy was ap-
                                                        代書局 S.5
parently not limited to the Eastern
world, but was even applied by the                      3 “幽默是敦厚的,超脫同時加入悲天憫人之念” by 林語堂 Lin Yuting,
                                                        論幽默 on humor:
federal government in Germany:
On November 15, 2020, the Ger-                          4 Various Scientific Research Reports on Humor during the pandemic:
man government released a video
under the hashtag “#besondere-                
helden” 8 on Youtube, urging young
                                                        5 Source: 德國臺灣同學會:
people to stay at home. The video
depicted an elderly man who re-                         6 Source:
calls fighting the pandemic from a
future perspective by simply stay-                      7 Tang Feng’s talk on 7:30
ing home. Although this humorous                        8 See Helden
CATSarena                                                                                                                                   13

     Gods and Outcasts
     Ambivalent Attitudes towards Health Workers
     in India during the Coronavirus Pandemic

                                       by Gautam Liu                          care of patients lying in their beds
                                       Lecturer in Hindi                      filled with vomit and feces, washing
                                                                              their clothes, burning the filth with
                                       The COVID-19 pandemic in India         disinfectants is not the deed of a
                                       generated a strange phenomenon         man, only a god can do this work.”
                                       in how health workers were per-            Now what happened in today´s
                                       ceived. On the one hand officials      time during the Coronavirus pan-
                                       were not tired in proclaiming doc-     demic? Attacks on healthcare
                                       tors and nurses as gods, on the        workers in the first phase of the
                                       other hand health workers were         outbreak became so frequent that
     Mag. phil. Gautam Liu             ostracized by large parts of the       the Resident Doctor´s Association
     joined Heidelberg University in   general population. Paradoxically,     of the All India Institute of Medical
     2007 and teaches Hindi. His re-   it was the very life-saving works of   Sciences wrote a letter, dated 16th
     search focuses on Hindi litera-   the medical professionals which        April 2020, to the Ministry of Home
     ture and language ideologies in   turned them into outcasts. Making      Affairs stating “ We, as healthcare
     South Asia.                       sense of these grossly ambivalent      professionals, are not as scared
                                       attitudes requires a deeper under-     of infections as we are of being
                                       standing of the traditional mindset    assaulted and abused by the very
                                       of Indian society.                     community we treat.” 1 The main
                                          In the epochal Hindi novel Mailā    reason given in the letter for the
                                       āṁcal (The Soiled Border, 1954),       attacks is the perception that the
                                       which entirely plays in a village      doctors “are spreading COVID-19”.
                                       in Bihar, the author Phanishwar-       It seems that apprehensions to-
                                       nath Renu (1921-1977) projects         wards health workers in the wake of
                                       the novel´s protagonist, a Western     infectious disease outbreaks as we
                                       trained physician, in line with his    have seen in the Hindi novel of 1954
                                       progressive ideology as a modern       wherein the doctor was accused
                                       secular saint in newly independent     of spreading cholera by disinfect-
                                       India. The apotheosis of the doctor    ing the village well still persists in
                                       is based upon his successful ef-       considerable parts of North India´s
                                       forts to control a cholera outbreak.   society. Healthcare professionals
                                       Though the villagers were in the       also had to face ostracization. The
                                       beginning very sceptical about his     Guardian reports: “In cases report-
                                       actions, such as disinfecting the      ed across the country, healthcare
                                       well by putting chemicals in it, and   professionals described the grow-
                                       therefore accusing him of spread-      ing stigma they are facing from
                                       ing the disease through this mea-      their neighbours and landlords, re-
                                       sure, the self-sacrificing manner      sulting in many being refused taxis,
                                       in which he treats the patients ul-    barricaded from their own homes,
                                       timately changes their mind: “ḍāk-     or made homeless.” 2
                                       tār ādmī nahīṁ, devtā hai devtā!...        To understand this backlash
                                       kai aur dast se bhare bichāvan par     against health workers, let´s recall
                                       leṭe hue rogī kī sevā karnā, kapṛe     the above-quoted passage of Mailā
                                       dhonā, davā ḍālkar gandagī jalānā      āṁcal. The medical protagonist in
                                       ādmī kā kām nahīṁ, devtā hī kar        this rural novel is called a devtā, a
                                       sakte haiṁ.“ “ The doctor is not a     god, because of his taking care of
                                       man, but a god, a god! …Taking         cholera patients. So, on the one
14                                                                                                        CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                             Focus

hand, the doctor ensures maximum          discourse. Maybe reminding the
hygiene by “burning the filth with        people that healthcare workers are
disinfectants.” The doctor in this        to be respected as gods will not
case stands for scrupulous clean-         suffice to eradicate general misgi-
liness and therefore for the preser-      vings.
vation of health. On the other hand,         Thus, the divine status of medi-
he is in constant contact with pati-      cal professionals remains a very
ents “who lie in their beds filled with   volatile one in today´s India, espe-
vomit and feces.” In traditional In-      cially during the outbreak of a con-
dian society, only the untouchables       tagious disease such as COVID-19.
as a profession come into contact
with such impurities. Now, in times
of a highly contagious epidemic, it
is the people working in the health
profession who are more prone to
getting infected and are therefore
frequently regarded with suspicion.
    To counteract this backlash, In-
dia´s prime minister Narendra Da-
modardas Modi appealed in a vid-
eo conference on March 25th 2020:
„ saṃkaṭ kī is ghaṛī meṁ aspatāloṃ
meṁ safed kapṛoṁ meṁ dikh rahe
doctor-nurse īśvar kā hī rūp hai. āj
ye hī hameṁ mṛtyu se bacā rahe
haiṁ apne jīvan ko khatroṃ meṁ
ḍālkar.“ “In this moment of crisis,
the doctors and nurses you see
in hospitals in white clothes are a
form of God. Today they only save
us from death by putting their own
life in danger.” 3 These words were
translated in the English media
with the following headline: “ Those
in white coats are like gods.” In
August 2020 judges of the Gujarat
high court gave the following state-
ment: “In the past we have seen
instances of assaults on doctors
and other healthcare workers. That        1
is unacceptable. For those who            2 The Guardian, 30.3.2020 “Indian doctors being evicted from homes over coronavirus
believe in God to be the life giver       fears.”
and life saver, our doctors are the       ed-from-homes-over-coronavirus-fears
personification of God on earth.”4        3
Taking recourse to the apotheo-           tion-with-the-people-of-varanasi-on-the-menace-of-coronavirus-548961
sis of health workers is evidently a      4
common practice in India´s public         gods-on-earth-states-this-high-court/

CATSarena                                                                                                                       15

     Existential Crisis?
                                                                                         because they have no or limited ac-
                                                                                         cess to health facilities. As a result
                                                                                         of such insufficient health services
     Dealing with the COVID-19                                                           and enumeration mechanisms, the
                                                                                         real number of infections must pre-
     pandemic in Pakistan                                                                sumably be much higher than the
                                                                                         official number.
                                                                                            At the moment, the so-called
                                                                                         “third-wave” is arriving, carrying
     by Philipp Zehmisch                      wide-spread resistance to the lock-        mutants with it and causing anoth-
     Research Assistant                       down was that it inhibited major           er rise of infections: on 21 March
                                              parts of the struggling Pakistani          2021, 3,878 cases were confirmed
     When the pandemic was rapidly            economy from functioning in the            and 42 had passed away in the last
     spreading across the globe about         usual, uneven and unequal ways,            24 hours, with 29,576 active cases
     a year ago, Pakistan declared a          driving millions of employees, work-       (The Dawn, Islamabad, p. 3). Wor-
     country-wide complete lockdown,          ers and daily wagers in a struggle         rying about the deadly potential
     which lasted from mid-March un-          for survival, depression, domestic         of this “wave,” one is left wonder-
     til mid-May 2020. Due to everyday        conflict and violence. The policy of       ing for other than socio-econom-
     forms of popular resistance, how-        lifting the lockdown hence present-        ic reasons in order to explain the
     ever, the lockdown was never as          ed itself as a basic ethical question:     common reluctance to abide by the
     “complete” as the term suggests.         Will people starve to death or die of      government’s enforcement of lock-
     Shops stayed illegally open, often       corona? Hence, other solutions to          downs, social distancing and sani-
     with only half-closed shutters, and      the crisis than a complete lockdown        tary measures such as the wearing
     many resisted the demand of social       had to be found. The Government            of masks or washing of hands.
     distancing.                              of Pakistan decided to replace the            One answer may be found when
         Why? On the one hand, Paki-          strict lockdown with “smart lock-          looking at the realm of religion and
     stan faces a variety of other prob-      downs,” cordoning off single areas         piety that have taken particular in-
     lems, which leads many to ignore         with high numbers of infections. A         fluence on the ways in which Paki-
     the dangers implied in the spread        strategy that seemed to work out           stanis are coping with the effects
     of the pandemic. Poor people’s           quite well, if one believed the official   and challenges of the pandemic.
     lives are constantly subjected to        numbers of infections; these have          In Pakistan, Islam is supposed to
     existential struggle for survival and    been comparatively low during the          function as a most common de-
     against a variety of odds, among         last few months; among others, be-         nominator that links large parts of
     which the pandemic appears a             cause fewer tests were conducted           an ethnically, religiously, linguis-
     lesser evil. Hence, on a very gen-       than before; further, some actors          tically and culturally diverse pop-
     eral level, one may understand why       in the public realm even declared          ulation to the master narrative of
     some Pakistanis have so far taken        Corona to be “over”, and many be-          an Islamic nation-state. While this
     the pandemic not as important as         lieved it, too.                            narrative is constantly contested,
     most people in other countries, es-          Official numbers have, most            fragmented, subverted, and under-
     pecially in Europe, do. The agenda       probably, always been much low-            mined due to the sheer diversity
     of social distancing, which the gov-     er than the actual number of cas-          of sects and orientations encom-
     ernment has promoted in concor-          es, as the majority of cases are not       passed within the very general
     dance with countries across the          detected; only persons belong-             notion of Islam, it surely provides
     world, can only be realized by the       ing to the middle-class and elite          a context and a religiously loaded
     upper classes of the country; only       can afford to get tested. Further,         atmosphere that lends religious in-
     by those who can afford enough           a government servant involved in           terpretations, often involving mor-
     space to live in a separate room         pandemic related policies assured          alizing arguments, particular vigour
     when falling sick and who can get        me that no number regarding in-            and validity.
     food delivered by others, often by       fections, their cure or death rates           What were then some of the re-
     their servants. The demand of so-        would be accurate, as there is no          sponses to pandemic related poli-
     cial distancing, however, is virtually   systematic mechanism of thorough           cies, considering that these do not
     impossible for families from poorer      data generation and enumeration.           only inhibit means of survival and ev-
     backgrounds, as extended families        Most infected persons, especial-           eryday movement, but also obstruct
     often share only one or two rooms.       ly in rural areas and urban slums,         people to fulfil social obligations and
         Another major reason for the         are simply not counted statistically       ritual as well as religious duties?
16                                                                                                                    CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                     Focus

Characteristic of the broad distrust      accepted by numerous individuals        led by the government demanding
of the state and elites in general,       in Pakistan. There is a wide-spread     individual discipline and respon-
religion and urban legends have           conviction that individual suffer-      sibility, these globally applied pre-
entered into a lethal mix with var-       ings result from God’s fury. One        scriptions prove inappropriate to
ious conspiracy theories, which           analyst marked the pandemic as          contain the spread of the pandemic
are also circulating with regards to      a “test” for people, guaranteeing       in Pakistan. Here, religion and pub-
COVID-19 and treatments. Spread,          that they return to Allah in order to   lic morality have come full circle at
among others, by religious hardlin-       seek absolution for their transgres-    the expense of people’s distrust in
ers, one can encounter a popular          sions. A reporter, while considering    science, the body politic, the state,
reluctance to get tested for epi-         Corona an azaab (torment or dis-        its health system, and its capabil-
demics due to apparently hidden           cipline) from Allah, contended that     ity to deal with the pandemic. Es-
imperialist agendas, instituted by        these were direct results of sins       pecially those who do not belong
the so-called “enemies of Islam”          committed such as the enjoyment         to the elite encounter myriads of
with the goal to harm the global          of sex and infidelity, which implies    alternative, most often religiously
Islamic community (Ummah). In             that the sinner has wandered away       charged, world-views and explana-
this guise, not only polio workers        from God and turned selfish.            tions that help them coping with the
are regularly killed because polio           As a result, the majority of Pa-     disastrous impacts of COVID-19 on
drops have been declared a West-          kistanis is disregarding orders by      their everyday lives. The void cre-
ern conspiracy to cause infertility       the government. They don’t wear         ated by long-standing neglect of
among Muslims; similarly, health          masks and continue to meet others,      public welfare by the state, espe-
personnel seeking to test diseased        especially at significant life cycle    cially when it comes to recent neo-
persons for COVID-19 have been            rituals such as weddings and fu-        liberal reforms of the health system
attacked once and again.                  nerals as well as religious congre-     through significant budget cuts,
   According to a dominant con-           gations, including Friday prayers.      seems to be filled with meaning by
spiracy narrative, going to hospitals     Most Pakistanis attach more value       forces who follow their own logic,
implies the danger of being disap-        to everyday rituals and demands         arguments, and reasoning.
peared and one’s body parts and           of etiquette, like handshakes and
organs being harvested and sold           hugs, than an abstract danger of
“abroad”. The discrete and isolated       infection through shaking hands.
treatment of Corona patients gets         Further, interlocutors in the moun-
easily associated with malevolent         tains behind Islamabad, where I
powers and enemies of the state.          lived with my family during the first
Last year, a mob attacked doctors         six months of the lockdown, were
and healthcare workers and van-           convinced that Corona would not
dalized a hospital in Karachi when        affect those who live in the coun-
doctors kept a deceased patient’s         tryside, work with their bodies,
corpse – against the will of his rela-    and eat healthy food. Expressive
tives – in order to wait for the result   of a common scepticism towards
of a COVID-19 test.                       science, which is replaced with pi-
   Another urban legend that cir-         ety and fatalism, one interlocutor
culates is that people came to pray       opined that God has already de-
at the grave of a Corona victim,          cided who will die when. As every-
and they, apparently, saw an emp-         thing would happen according to
ty grave, implying the bodies had         God’s will, one should calm down         Philipp Zehmisch
been disappeared. Hence, many             and peacefully await one’s fate. I       joined the South Asia Institute,
patients do not report their illness      am tempted to ask: Do these peo-         Heidelberg in October 2020.
because they fear that – once in          ple have many other options than         He teaches social and cultural an-
government quarantine – they will         waiting it out and continuing as be-     thropology. His PhD dissertation
not return. Some orthodox religious       fore?                                    concentrated on migration and
scholars even claimed that the vi-           To conclude, Pakistanis face a        subaltern politics in the Andaman
rus was intended to target Islam          variety of contested information in      Islands, India. Philipp’s current
and Muslims.                              their everyday life, disseminated        research focuses on statehood,
   In turn, the contention that           both by state and religious actors.      borderlands, and ethics in post-
COVID-19 is a result of God’s anger       While there is formally a private        colonial Pakistan.
for the transgressions of morals is       domain of citizens, which is tack-
CATSarena                                                                                                                 17

     Reporting Corona
     by Marina Rudyak
     Assistant Professor

     The seminar “Reporting Corona:
     State Media, Critical Journalism
     and Citizen Witnessing during the
     COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan” at
     the Institute of Chinese Studies
     explores the news and informa-
     tion production in locked-down
     Wuhan. It analyses the different
     types of reporting and writing,
     their motivations and their ways
     of coping with censorship.
        The lockdown of Wuhan, a city                         Medical staff from Wuhan East-West Lake District People’s Hospital,
                                                                dressed in full hazmat gear, wishing everybody a Happy New Year:
     of 11 million people and one of Chi-
                                                    “We are here, you can spend the new year at ease!” (有我们在,大家安心过年!)
     na’s largest industrial hubs, was
     announced overnight. On January
     22, 2020, a Wednesday before the
     weekend of the Spring Festival,        infected medical personnel were            der control. What all accounts had
     China’s most important holiday,        ordered not to tell anybody about          in common was the expressed
     the Chinese government declared        their infections.                          wish and sense of responsibility
     that starting at 10 a.m. the next          The lockdown was expect-               to witness and record.
     day, all train stations and airport    ed to last for at least one month             A journalist team of Caixin (财新),
     would shut down. No one would          (it lasted for 76 days). After the an-     a privately held media platform
     be allowed to leave the city.          nouncement, everybody who was              known for its investigative jour-
        At the same time, an online pro-    not Wuhan-based tried to leave             nalism, decided to stay, despite
     paganda campaign was launched          the city, including journalists, both      concerns for their health and
     to promote positive, patriotic, and    Chinese and international. Of the          safety. The executive deputy edi-
     nationalistic messages. On the         international media, only one per-         tor of Caixin Media, Gao Yu (高昱),
     second day of lockdown, 24 Jan-        son stayed: the veteran China cor-         explained their motivations in the
     uary, a video showing five medi-       respondent Chris Buckley, who re-          article “Reporter’s Notebook: We
     cal staff from Wuhan East-West         ported for the New York Times (he          Stayed in Wuhan as the Trains
     Lake District People’s Hospital,       was expelled from China in May             Pulled Out” on 23 January:
     dressed in full hazmat gear, wish-     2020). Of the Chinese media, only
     ing everybody a Happy New Year:        a few remained to provide critical           “ We’ve seen many issues that
     “ We are here, you can spend the       coverage, largely unchallenged by            need to be clarified and covered
     new year at ease!” (有我们在,              the propaganda apparatus, with               by journalists... As journalists, I
     大家安心过年!) was promoted all              virtually no state media present             hope we can record what is tru-
     over the Chinese internet to ease      on the ground. Only on 4 February            ly happening, no matter wheth-
     the Corona virus panic. The offi-      did the Propaganda Department                er fortunate or not. What we
     cial narrative focused on the unity    announce that it would send more             can do is to strive to record the
     of China and the dedication and        than 300 journalists to Wuhan and            truth for the future.”
     resilience of common Chinese           the Hubei Province to “report” and
     people, particularly emphasising       “guide the public opinion.”                The Caixin team spend 76 days
     the contributions of medical and           Despite the government orders,         in Wuhan until the lockdown was
     army personnel. Beijing declared       critical journalists, citizen jour-        lifted, focusing on in-depth cover-
     a “People’s War” against Corona.       nalists, and bloggers produced             age of the origins of the outbreak
     Meanwhile, hospitals in Wuhan          accounts that significantly chal-          and uncovering, i.a. that the virus
     and media outlets received orders      lenged the official narrative that         had been identified on 24 Decem-
     not to talk about the outbreak;        the leadership had everything un-          ber 2019 and sequenced on 27
18                                                                                                                    CATSarena
COVID-19 and Epidemics in Asia                                                                                      Focus

December; on 1 January 2020, the           and you don’t rush to the front-
province had ordered scientists to         lines, what kind of journalist are
destroy the samples. The report,           you?”
like many other Caixin articles,
was censored but remains stored          The last sentence being a side
in a web archive.                        blow to all the state media jour-
   Ordinary citizens, too, chal-         nalists who left Wuhan. Chen
lenged the official narrative. Re-       was more explicitly critical of Chi-
coding what was going on with            na’s President Xi Jinping, whose
smartphones and social media             noticeable absence in the early
accounts, they shared their own          phase of the outbreak was widely
stories and the stories of oth-          discussed on the Chinese inter-
ers in Wuhan. Some of them, like         net:
the lawyers Chen Qiushi (陈秋实)
and Zhang Zhan (张展), identified            “ I don’t care where Xi Jinping
themselves as “citizen journalists”        went, but I, Chen Qiushi, came
(公民记者) – a term that first be-             here.”
came prominent in the immediate
aftermath of the South Asian tsu-        Chen, a well-known citizen jour-
nami of December 2004. In the ab-        nalist in China with a huge online
                                                                                      Chen Qiushi at Wuhan Train Station
sence of professional journalists,       following, had covered the 2019-
first-person accounts, filmed with       2020 Hong Kong protests. For
camcorders, mobile phones, and           that, he had been blocked from
digital camera snapshots, posted         the Chinese social media:              (公民记者陈秋实武汉疫区采访实
online through blogs or personal                                                录), the last one on 4 February
webpages filled the gap. Research          “ I will use my mobile phone         – the same day the Propaganda
on citizen journalism in China de-         camera for witnessing and re-        Department announced to send
scribes the aftermath of the Wen-          porting the real situation of the    more than 300 journalists to Wu-
chuan earthquake of 12 May 2008            outbreak in Wuhan, and I want        han. Thereafter, Chen Qiushi went
as the formative moment for Chi-           to feature the voices of Wuhan       missing and remains under arrest
nese citizen reporting. While the          people. Although I am blocked        till now.
authorities banned most report-            on the Chinese internet for re-          By now, more known interna-
ing on the scene, requiring jour-          porting on Hong Kong, I still        tionally than the Caixin-Team or
nalists only to channel the official       have Twitter and Youtube.”           Chen Qiushi reporting is the se-
version of the events produced                                                  ries of blog posts by the acclaimed
by the state media agency Xin-           However, by reverting to Twitter       Chinese writer Wang Fang (汪芳)
hua or the central television outlet     and Youtube, he was violating          that have been translated into En-
CCTV, reporting by ordinary cit-         Chinese law: both are censored in      glish and German as the “ Wuhan
izens who began reporting what           China and can only be accessed         Diary”. Wang, who writes under
had happened, relayed first-hand         with the help of a Virtual Private     the pen name Fang Fang (方方),
news about the earthquake. With          Network (VPN) client, which is         was with her family in Wuhan
a ban on reporting and only a few        outlawed for most in China. By 10      when the city went into lockdown.
critical journalists who tried to cir-   February, Chen had 433,000 sub-        She started writing on 25 January:
cumvent it on the ground, Wuhan          scribers on Youtube and 246,000
presented a similar scene.               followers on Twitter despite the         “ I just received a message from
   The Beijing lawyer Chen Qi-           Great Firewall. His videos were          [an] editor for the literary journal
ushi arrived in Wuhan on the Lu-         translated into other languag-           Harvest, suggesting that I start
nar New Year’s Eve, the 24 Janu-         es on Youtube by online volun-           writing a series that we could
ary, on the last train from Beijing.     teers. He also became known to           call ‘ Wuhan Diary’, or ‘Notes
His first video log starts with the      the international audience after         from a Quarantined City’... I re-
words:                                   being interviewed by several in-         ally should start writing about
                                         ternational media outlets. Chen          what is happening. It would be
  “ Why am I here? Because this          recorded 14 episodes of “Citi-           a way for people to understand
  is my responsibility as a citizen      zen Journalist Chen Qiushi’s re-         what is really going on here on
  journalist. If there is a disaster     portage of the Wuhan epidemic”           the ground in Wuhan.”
CATSarena                                                                                                                  19

     After the first entry on 25 January,
     59 more entries followed, with tens
     of millions of netizens following
     her account, even though many of
     her posts were quickly censored
     (they are archived on China Digital
        There is another “ Wuhan Diary”
     (武汉日记), written by an anony-
     mous citizen of Wuhan and pub-           Marina Rudyak
     lished by the Australia-based polit-     is Assistant Professor of Chinese
     ical artist and dissident Badiucao (     Cultural Studies. Her research
     巴丢草). The first entry, written on        focuses on China’s internation-
     January 23, starts with the line “23     al development cooperation and
     January 2020. The first day of lock-     political ideology.
     down. Let’s consider it a record for
     ourselves.” The author wrote 56
     posts, most of them are translated
     by Badiucao on his blog. Badiucao,
     who has over 70 thousand follow-
     ers on Twitter, used his platform to
     raise awareness for the blog:

       “I am helping a #Wuhan res-
       ident to translate, illustrate &
       share diary to the world. An
       insight of real life under quar-
       antine of #COVID2019 from
       China. Please read and share!
       #coronavirus #武汉肺炎”

     Initially, there was a brief window
     of non-sanctioned storytelling,
     different in scale from any previ-
     ous major outbreak or disaster in
     China. After the Lunar New Year,
     articles, blog posts, or any type of
     witnessing on Chinese social me-
     dia that did not fit the official nar-
     rative were quickly censored, often
     within hours. To preserve them for
     posterity, anonymous activists cre-
     ated web archives and Telegram
     groups where alternative links or
     screenshots of posts censored
     on the Chinese web were stored.
     Some witnessing accounts circum-
     vent the censorship by posting on
     platforms outside China, mainly on
     Youtube and Twitter. Together, they
     constitute a huge body of primary
     sources for future scholarship and
     material to teach how those in the
     epicentre of the Corona outbreak
     witnessed and reported it.
20                                                                                CATSarena
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