Cancer Care SEPTEMBER 2021

Page created by Deborah Osborne
Cancer Care SEPTEMBER 2021
Nehemias Acevedo (5 years
                                                                                            old) shares his feelings thanks
                                                                                            to materials provided by


KidsCan!: A beacon of light in a difficult time
Hearing that you have cancer can be an overwhelming         KidsCan!, which offers a safe space to communicate
experience for patients and their loved ones. “Our          about the cancer experience and fosters community
patients who learned of a new cancer diagnosis during       among patients and families, had to pivot from their
the global pandemic have expressed feeling a profound       traditional in-person monthly meetings at the start of
sense of isolation as they navigated their treatments       the pandemic. The program leaders wanted to ensure
and other medical appointments without the physical         the content shared each month would be engaging and
support of family or friends,” shared Jean Hartford-Todd,   used beyond just the online meeting. To meet this goal,
Duke Cancer Patient Support Program child life specialist   families are mailed a package with the materials needed
and co-lead for KidsCan!.                                   to participate in theme-based activities each month.
Hartford-Todd continued, “Patients with young children      Hannah Sasser, Duke Cancer Patient Support Program
and teens have shared that their children have also felt    child life specialist and co-lead of KidsCan!, explains the
alone and they have been forced to have a constant          purpose of these packages. “These packages have served
front row seat to their parents’ cancer illness without     as the vehicle to provide cancer education and encourage
the support and distraction of school, playdates and        conversations both in the home and at our virtual
extra-curricular activities.” Being able to provide the     KidsCan! meetings each month. They help to build on the
virtual KidsCan! program has allowed children and teens     supportive relationships that are most important—how
who participate in KidsCan! to connect with peers at a      families support each other.
crucial time.                                               The materials are empowering to parents as well as
                                                            engaging for children, serving an important role in
                                                                                                  continued on page 2

Cancer Care SEPTEMBER 2021
continued from page 1

                                       Cancer Support Services
establishing conversations and
quality engagement for families.“
In addition to ongoing cancer          Duke Cancer Institute offers a variety of support services and resources
education, the themes of coping,       for patients and their loved ones to assist with navigating life during
problem solving, mindfulness,          and after cancer treatment. In honor of this year’s Survivorship Day, the
bravery and love are evident           Supportive Care and Survivorship Center created
in each set of materials. These        SurvivorshipDay—a site featuring videos that highlight each of the services
themes encourage connectedness,        listed in this calendar.
resiliency and care among families,    We encourage you to visit these sites to hear directly from our providers
which are helpful tools in coping      who strive to make the cancer experience better for everyone we serve.
with the daily changes a family
faces when there is a cancer
KidsCan! offers a take-home
family meal, available for pick-up     Patient and Nurse                        Chaplain Services &
the Monday prior to the KidsCan!       Navigation                               Education
meeting. In addition, parents have     Navigators help identify and evaluate    Duke chaplains are on-site seven
the option to participate in a group   barriers to timely diagnosis and         days a week to offer spiritual support
                                       treatment of cancer. We focus on         to you and your loved ones. When
just for them on the first Monday
                                       patients who are faced with multiple     requested, they connect you with
of the month at noon. During
                                       barriers such as transportation,         faith-specific representatives
this group parents share their
                                       housing and financial concerns. To       from the community. To learn
successes and challenges related to
                                       learn more, visit DukeCancerInstitute.   more, contact Chaplain Services &
supporting their children and teens                                             Education at Duke Cancer Institute
during the cancer experience                                                    locations. In Raleigh, call 919.812.
Patients and their families                                                     7972; for Duke Cancer Center in
interested in KidsCan! can choose      Clinical Social Work                     Durham, 919.684.3586; or Duke
to participate in any or all of the    Oncology and palliative care social      Cancer Center North Durham,
                                       workers help patients and their loved    919.470.5363. To learn more,

                                                                                                                          Duke Supportive Care and Survivorship Center :: September 2021
offerings. This service is available
                                       ones cope with the emotional and         visit
at no charge to families with
                                       practical concerns that accompany        SurvivorshipDay/Emotional-Health-
children and teens ages 4–18. If
                                       the diagnosis and treatment of           and-Well-Being/Therapy-and-
you are interested in participating,
                                       cancer. Individuals and family           Counseling-Services.
call 919.684.4497 or email
                                       members are assessed to identify                and address specific needs. We work      Therapy and Counseling
                                       together to establish interventions      Our medical family therapists provide
                                       to help you alleviate stressors          individual, couples and family therapy.
                                       and financial burden associated          They help you and your loved ones
    Support services are               with cancer diagnoses, as well as        cope with the impact of cancer.
                                       connect you and your loved ones to       Psychiatry and psychology services
   offered both in-person
                                       resources such as disability, home       are also available and offered as
  and remotely. Please call            health/ hospice, advance directives      part of our treatment for emotional,
   919.684.4497 for more               and end of life care. To learn more,     psychological and relational
        information.                   visit           issues associated with a cancer
                                       SurvivorshipDay/Navigating-Your-         diagnosis. To learn more, visit http://
Cancer Care SEPTEMBER 2021
Sexual Health Services                      Teen and Young Adult                      Self-Image Services
Sexual health services provide              Oncology Program                          Our self-image consultants offer a
education on the impact cancer              Duke Cancer Institute’s Teen and          variety of services and products to
treatments have on sexual health and        Young Adult Oncology Program              assist individuals with changes in
intimacy, and therapy services that         provides teen and young adult             body-image experienced during
address concerns surrounding sexual         patients (ages 15 to 29) and their        cancer treatment and survivorship.
function, sexual feelings, intimacy         loved ones with support and               If you are interested
and changes in sexual health. To learn      community during a cancer diagnosis,      in a self-image consultation, call
more, visit http://dukecancerinstitute.     treatment and survivorship. The           919.613.1906 or email
org/supportivecare/sexual-health-           program offers specialized medical
intimacy.                                   care; individual, couples and             To learn more, visit
                                            family therapy; peer connection;
Quit at Duke                                and activity-based groups, both           Services.
Quit at Duke is a program designed          in the medical center and in the
to help people quit using tobacco           community. To learn more, visit
products. Services are provided by TYAO.
tobacco treatment specialists and
behavioral medicine clinicians. For         Palliative Care                                    Self-image
more information or to schedule an          Duke’s palliative care experts help you        Boutiques are OPEN
appointment, please call 919.613.           find relief from the pain, symptoms
QUIT (7848). To learn more, visit
                                                                                          at Duke Cancer Center
                                            and stress of serious illness. No             matter your age or the stage of your           and Duke Women’s
quitatduke.                                 illness, we work closely with you and              Cancer Care
                                            your doctors to help you understand                  Raleigh.
Survivorship Services                       your treatment options and make
Our cancer survivorship initiative          decisions about your care. We’re
focuses on the design and delivery          here to help you gain emotional and
of high-quality survivorship care. We       psychological strength, and to ensure
                                            you and your loved ones experience                             Available
partner with you and your loved
                                            the best possible quality of life.                             Legal
ones to achieve healthy, fulfilling lives
beyond cancer. Areas of care that are       Although palliative care providers
                                                                                                             Duke Law
addressed include assessment and            sometimes see people at the end
                                            of life, and we may talk with you
management of both physical and                                                                              Health
                                            about what hospice offers, we are           Care Planning Project offers
emotional needs that may result
                                            not hospice care. We can help with          legal assistance to prepare
from the cancer experience, cancer
                                            pain control, symptom management,           important documents, such as
screenings and monitoring, and              complex medical decisions, navigation       Health Care Power of Attorney,
counseling related to prevention and        of complex health care issues and           Advance Directive (Living Will),
health promotion. We offer a number         advance care planning, including a          and Durable Power of Attorney
of clinical and supportive services. For    living will or healthcare power of          at no cost for DCI patients.
more information, call 919.668.2122.        attorney. To schedule an appointment,       Law student volunteers and
To learn more, visit DukeHealth.            call 919.668.6688, option #7. Please        supervising attorneys meet
                                            visit for            with clients over video or phone.
                                                                                        To learn more or schedule an
Survivorship-Services.                      more information. To learn more,
                                                                                        appointment, please email
                                                                               or call 919.613.7169.

Support Groups
Due to COVID-19 precautions, support groups scheduled for September
will be held virtually. Duke Cancer Patient Support Program’s support       Kids Can!
groups are professionally facilitated groups, where patients and their      KidsCan! is
caregivers have an opportunity to meet people in a similar situation,       a program
share what’s happening and get support, tips and ideas from those           designed to
                                                                            support children
who understand what you’re going through. Registration is required. To
                                                                            and teens, ages 4
learn more, please call 919.684.4497 or visit
                                                                            to 18, who have
Therapy-and-Support-Groups.                                                 a parent or significant caregiver
                                                                            living with a diagnosis of cancer.
                                                                            Monthly meetups focus on issues
General Cancer Support                  Blood and Marrow                    such as understanding cancer,
Thursday :: September 16                Transplant Survivorship             changes in the family life, feelings,
5 to 6 p.m.                             Support Group                       self-care, memories, cooperation,
Third Thursday of the month             Wednesday :: September 15           love and family.
Patient and caregiver groups are        4 to 5:30 p.m.                                      The next virtual
held separately. Topics typically       Third Wednesday of the month                         gathering will be
include communicating, finding          To register, email                                   held on Monday,
information, making decisions,
                                                                                             September 13
solving problems negotiating and        or call 919.668.2480.
standing up for your rights. To                                                              at 6:30 pm. To
register, email Tracy.Berger@duke.      Caregiver Support Group             learn more or to register, contact
edu or call 919.681.6835.               Thursday :: September 16            Hannah Sasser at 919.954.4117, or
                                        6 to 7 p.m.                         email
LGBTQ+ Cancer Support                   Third Thursday of the month
Wednesday :: September 22               To register, email Tracy.Berger@
5:30 to 7 p.m.                 or call 919.681.6835.
Fourth Wednesday of the month
To register, email Geoffrey.Vaughn@ or call 919.668.4029.
                                        Prostate Cancer
                                        Monday :: September 27
                                                                            Young Adult Meetup (18–39) and
                                        4 to 6 p.m.                         TYAO Teen Meetup (15–17)
Metastatic Cancer                       Fourth Monday of the month          Are you a teen or young adult with
Support Group for Women                 To register, email John.            cancer? Visit our newly renovated
Wednesday :: September 15      or             site at
3 to 4:30 p.m.                          call 919.668.2480.                  TYAO to navigate resources and
Third Wednesday of the month                                                services available to you at ease.
To register, email Ginger.Gialanella@   NEW: Fertility Support Group or call 919.307.0332.          for Women After Cancer              Join us for TYAO virtual meetups
                                        Thursday :: September 2             this month on Tuesday, September
Breast & GYN Cancers                    5:30 to 6:30 p.m..                  28 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for
Tuesday :: September 14                 First Thursday of the month         young adults (18–39 years old)
5:30 to 7 p.m.                          To register, email Oncofertility@   and Thursday, September 23 from
Second Tuesday of the month    or call 919.668.9752.      6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for teens (15–17
This group is for patients only.                                            years old). To register email
To register, email
or call 919.307.0332.
Rest, Relax, Renew
                            Virtual Tai Chi for              Tuesday of the month. Visit       SupportiveCare, physical well-
                            Cancer                           being.
 The Duke Cancer                                             SupportiveCare, physical well-
 Patient Support            Friday :: September                                                This program is funded by the
                            10 & 24                          being to learn more and to        Duke Raleigh Hospital Guild.
 Program provides                                            register.
                            2:30 to 3:15 p.m.
 services and resources     Join Dr. Jay Dunbar, founder                                       Exercise
 to help support            and director of The Magic        NEW: Mind, Body                   Consultations
 patients and their         Tortoise Taijiquan School,       Approaches to                     Mondays :: 2 to 4 p.m.
 loved ones. For a list     in a virtual Tai Chi class for   Coping with Cancer                Wednesdays :: 8:30 to
 of complimentary           cancer patients and survivors.   Wednesday :: September 8          11:30 a.m.
 services, visit            These sessions typically         & 22
                                                                                               Supportive Care &   occur on the 1st and 3rd         1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                               Survivorship Center offers
 supportivecare or call     Friday of the month, with        Mindfulness can be a
                                                                                               exercise consultations by
 919.684.4497.              the exception of September.      powerful tool to manage the
                                                                                               exercise physiologists. These
 To help ensure the         Visit DukeCancerInstitute.       stress that can accompany
                                                                                               personalized sessions are
                            org/ SupportiveCare, physical    living with and life after
 continuation of these                                                                         available to oncology patients
                            well-being to learn more and     cancer. These no-cost virtual
 vital programs and                                                                            and survivors at no cost.
                            to register.                     sessions teach mind and
 services, please get                                        body approaches to coping
                                                                                               Video chat or phone sessions
 involved by visiting                                                                          are available on Mondays
                            Virtual Yoga for                 with cancer. Through the
                                                                                               between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
                            Cancer                           focus on the breath and the
                                                                                               and Wednesdays between
 SurvivorshipDay/Get-                                        present moment, patients
                            Tuesday :: September 14                                            8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Email
 Involved-With-DCI.         & 28                             and their caregivers will learn
                            12 to 1 p.m.                     to discover the ability to
                                                                                               edu, call 919.660.6648, or
                            Join certified Yoga for Cancer   respond rather than react to
                                                                                               visit DukeCancerInstitute.
                            instructor Laura Woodall in      life’s stressors.
                                                                                               org/ SupportiveCare, physical
                            a class designed specifically    For more information, email       well-being to make your
                            for cancer patients and or          appointment today.
                            survivors. Sessions occur        call 919.681.6835, or visit
                            on the 2nd and 4th     

Helping cancer survivors
live a healthy, full
life while navigating their
unique needs.

Cancer Survivorship Services
Learn more or schedule a visit:
919.668.2122 or Cancer Survivorship Services
SEPTEMBER 2021         Duke Cancer Institute Virtual Support and Activity Groups

           Monday                            Tuesday                    Wednesday                        Thursday                        Friday
                                                                 1                              2                             3
For more information and to register, contact:                                                  Fertility Support for Women
919.684.4497                                                                                    After Cancer

6                                 7                              8                               9                            10
                                                                 Mind/Body Coping with Cancer                                 Tai Chi for Cancer

13                                14                             15                             16                            17
KidsCan!                           Breast & GYN Cancer Support   BMT Survivorship Support       General Cancer Support
                                   Yoga for Cancer               Women’s Metastatic Cancer      Caregiver Support

                                                                                                                                                   © DUKE CANCER INSTITUTE / September 2021
20                                21                             22                             23                            24
                                                                 LGBTQ+ Cancer Support          TYAO Teen Meetup (15–17)      Tai Chi for Cancer
                                                                 Mind/Body Coping with Cancer

27                                28                             29                             30
Prostate Cancer Support           TYAO Young Adult Meetup
                                  Yoga for Cancer
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