Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes

Page created by Christian Valdez
Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
Belfast Community
Closing Report - August 2020
Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
                                                                              Community Response
Acknowledgement and Thanks
We would like to acknowledge and thank all agencies, staff and volunteers for their hard work
and dedication to the community response in supporting those who needed help during the
lockdown period. Below are some of the agencies who supported the community response
in Belfast however there are many more agencies and volunteers who also assisted local
communities during this time.


  Inter Comm                                                  SOS Bus NI
Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
                                                                                                                             Community Response
Key Achievements
                                                         • 9,770 calls handled by
• Local                       • Belfast                    the Contact Centre
                                                                                             • 930 welfare                   • More than 30
  communities                   Community                                                      referrals were                  staff provided
                                                         • 6,908 enquiries were in
  were the 1st                                             relation to food parcels            managed
                                Response Hub                                                   by the Area                     with ‘Big Word’
                                                         • 5,115 calls handled by
  across the city and           established                local community run helplines       Teams (this included            training to improve
  mobilised resources,          within 9 days            • 4,577 calls were made by the        providing advice                communication with
  formed partnerships and       (distribution Hub,         Contact Centre to residents to      and signposting for
                                customer helpline and      prepare them for the closure of     prescription pick up,           people who don’t
  recruited volunteers to
  support with localised        remote contact centre)
                                                           the scheme and to signpost them
                                                           on to community support where       emotional support and           have English as their
  responses                                                needed                              emergency food)                 first language

• 107,407 food                                                                               • Over £1.6 million allocated   • Weekly meetings
                                                         • 1,273
  parcel’s and hot                                                                             (or in the process of being
                                                                                               allocated) to Community
                                                                                                                               took place at
  food delivered over                                                              PACK
                                                                                                                               community level
  16 weeks
                              • 9,320 deliveries or                                          • 134 community organisations     between key
• 50,533 food parcel’s from     prescription                                                   received funding as part of     partners to co-ordinate
  Community Response
  Hub and 56,874 food
                                pick-ups were              packs were                          community response
                                                                                             • At least 150 community
                                                                                                                               and align resources,
                                                                                                                               reduce duplication and
  parcels and hot food from
  Community Organisations
                                made on behalf of
                                                           provided                            organisations to receive
                                                                                               funding to support the
                                                                                               community recovery
                                                                                                                               maximise outcomes
Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
                                                                                                   Community Response
Belfast City Council Community Hub

           DfC commence                    Work is                        Belfast’s                       Regional stock
31 March
           engagement          1-7 April
                                           completed            8 April
                                                                          Community            24 April
                                                                                                          limits are met,
  2020     with local            2020      at speed to           2020     Response              2020      which caps the
           authorities to                  establish                      Helpline goes                   allocation for
           establish local                 Belfast’s                      live and initial                Belfast at 4,700
           response hubs                   Community                      food deliveries                 food parcels per
                                           Response Hub                   are made                        week

           Call back process
           commenced to
                                           Self-referral food
                                           parcel scheme
                                                                          Continued to
                                                                          provide weekly
                                                                                                          Food parcel
 7 May
           prepare residents   26 June
                                           delivered by         29 June
                                                                          food parcels         31 July
           for the closure                                                to around
           of the scheme
                                           Belfast City
                                           Council ceases                 900 shielding                   ends for all
           and signpost to
           local community
                                           distribution and               individuals by Red
                                                                          Cross via Inverary
                                           centre is stood
           support                         down                           Community Centre
Belfast Community Response - COVID-19 - Meetings, agendas, and minutes
                                                                          Community Response
Grant Funded Allocated by
Belfast City Council

 27 March          9 April              May                 July              July
   2020             2020              to present            2020              2020

£120,000         £635,000            £210,000             £486,000         £150,000
emergency        community           thematic funding     recovery         recovery
response         response funding    allocated to 12
                                                          funding being    summer
                 allocated to 9      groups to deliver                     funding micro
funding                              on thematic          allocated to     grants to be
                 strategic groups-
allocated to     focusing on         areas such as        9 strategic      allocated to up
9 strategic      providing food,     food, mental         groups across    to 150 grassroots
groups to        connectivity,       health, BME,         Belfast to       organisations
provide urgent   financial advice
                                     domestic violence,   assist with      across Belfast
                                     counselling, LGBT                     to assist with
support          and support         and others           recovery         recovery
                                                                                                                                        Community Response
Making a Difference
       I’m incredibly proud of the agents               The highlight for me was being           I was contacted by                    Within the hub, my role involved
       and team leaders who conducted the               able to make a difference to each                                              organising welfare support for
contact work, the supervisors who pulled this    individual who called. Some had severe
                                                                                                 constituents who received     individuals/families, this ranged from advice
altogether, the area team who dealt with         difficulty accessing food, needed mental   a food box, to say thank you.      and support for mental health and emotional
those with more complex needs, the packers       and physical health support or were        Our communities have come          wellbeing to prescription pick-ups and food
and dispatchers, the delivery drivers who        just a bit lost about where to turn. And                                      referrals. The highlights were how quick
knocked, waited, went upstairs, round back                                                  together like no other time I’ve   everyone was willing to help, the satisfaction
                                                 sometime a listening ear was all they
gardens, revisited day after day to ensure       needed, when they felt the effects of      seen before to help those in       of knowing we were helping people in need.
someone who was vulnerable got a food
                                                 social isolation.” Contact Hub Agent.      need.” Elected Member.             Working in partnership is so important.”
parcel.” Community Response Lead.                                                                                              Community Support Coordinator.

     On behalf of the                                 A social worker praised                   These kind gestures                  Thank you so very much for
     Department, I wanted to                          the delivery drivers. She                                                      helping us access support,
say thank you for all that you and                                                              help restore our
                                                 said when delivering especially                                               when we had nowhere else to
your teams have done to support                  to the elderly they are giving             faith in human nature              turn to. You were very effective
the COVID-19 emergency food                      them more time to get to the               and gave us a feeling              in making things happen we just
box scheme and the wider Covid                   door. Thanks.”                             of community spirit.”
response.” Department for                                                                                                      can’t thank you enough.”
                                                 Partner Agency.                            Belfast Resident.                  Belfast Resident.

        The community sector were able to
        identify those most in need, were
flexible and agile to the response and had
a strong infrastructure to links with services
that could support local communities. Going
forward we want to build on the good work
during the pandemic to further strengthen
the community sector infrastructure and
volunteering within local communities
across Belfast.” Community Group.
                                                                                                                                                                             Community Response
Community Response Process

           Strategic Driver/                                      Key Partner                                         Regional Helpline                            Belfast Hub
  Regional Coordinator Funding Body                          - Referrals and advice                                - Referrals and advice            - Helpline and food parcels distribution

 Belfast Community Helpline referrals                 Contact centre support                              Area team support                          Food Distribution Team

 • Belfast Health and Social Care South               • Food parcel scheme admin and                      • Contacting statutory or C&V services     •   Organising driving rotas
   Eastern Health and Social Care Trusts                delivery lists                                      on behalf of individuals to source       •   Creating delivery schedules
   (Food Parcel requests for shielded                 • Referrals to the Area Team                          support                                  •   Delivering food parcels
   patients)                                          • General advice                                    • Urgent need of food support              •   Supporting vulnerable residents
 • Belfast residents or third party on their          • Signposting to emotional support                  • Linking in with partners to stay up to
   behalf, with consent                                 where possible                                      speed on support available and where
 • Regional Helpline referrals                        • Signpost to community and voluntary                 there were gaps or service pressures
                                                      • Analytics, analysis and reporting

Funded community and voluntary groups/volunteers

• Directly supported individuals and families in Belfast to receive timely support in relation to a wide range of needs such as
  food, emergency response, emotional wellbeing, prescription pick-ups and by providing general and specialist advice
• Continuing to provide ongoing support to local communities in Belfast
                                                                   Community Response
Food Distribution for Community Hub

• Between the 8 April and          • Approximately 5,000 food
  31 June, there were a total        parcels were delivered each
  of 6,980 requests for food         week to residents across
  parcels processed by the           Belfast.
  contact centre and a total of
  50,533 food parcel deliveries
  made to vulnerable residents
  in Belfast via the community
  response hub. The heat
  map on the right hand side,
  shows the distribution of food
  requests across the city.
                                                                                                Community Response
Contact Centre
                                                      Total welfare referrals in CRM

                                                      Third party escalation or referral: 697

                                                      Medication: 121
                                                      Social contact: 82
                                                      Fuel and utility: 24
                                                      Postage: 2
                                                      Transport: 4
                                                      Food parcel delivery: 6908

• Between the 8 April and         • In addition, to
  31 July 2020, the contact         the calls the
  centre handled 9,770 calls        contact centre
  in regards to the community       also dealt with
  response. From these calls,       emails. At the
  7,838 requests for support        peak of the
  were recorded and dealt with,     crisis around
  88% were in relation to food      300-600 emails
  request enquires this also        were processed
  included residents calling to     each day.
  find out date of deliveries,
  clarification on missed
  deliveries, and customers
  cancelling deliveries.
                                                                                                                                  Community Response
Area Team
                                                             Total welfare referrals in CRM

• Between the 10 April until the 31 July, there were 930                                                         189

  welfare referrals supported by the 4 Area Teams (North,
  South, East and West).                                                                 109

• The majority of referrals were for charity or community                                                   50

  support (43%), non emergency service support (20%),            6                  12
                                                                                               2   4                   5
                                                                                                                                       11              7
  collection and/or delivery of prescriptions (11%) and

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• On receipt of a referral staff within the Area Support



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  Teams would then work closely with both statutory and

  community and voluntary partners to make sure that
  the person’s needs were met in a timely and effective
  manner. Knowledge of services and relationships with
  service providers have developed and grown as a result
  and this is something we will continue to build on as we
  move into recovery.
                                                                                               Community Response
Grant Funding

                                                                              Council      DfC
                                                       Area of expenditure    contribution contribution Total
                                                       Covid-19 Community
                                                                              £149,300     £485,700     £635,000
                                                       Support Fund

                                                       Thematic Funding       £210,000     0            £210,000
• A total of £1,601,000 grant funding has been made
  available to community and voluntary organisations   Emergency Response
  to support residents across Belfast.                 Funding
                                                                              £120,000     0            £120,000

• Of the £1,601,000, £1,115,300 has been contributed   Recovery Funding
                                                                              £486,000     0            £486,000
  from the Council and £485,700 has come from the      Strategic (Current)
  Department for Communities.                          Recovery Summer
                                                       Funding Micro Grants   £150,000     0            £150,000

                                                       Total                  £1,115,300   £485,700     £1,601,000
                                                                                             Community Response
Strategic and Thematic Funded Partners
- Key Achievements

134                          56,874                           212                       5,115
Local groups funded to       Food parcels or hot meals        Emergency payments made   Calls/referrals to local
provide community response   provided                                                   community helplines received

1,273                        320                              190
Resilience packs provided    Deliveries or pick-ups made on   Education Chrome Books
                             behalf of shielding residents    provided
                                                                                                 Community Response
Lessons Learned

                   There has been significant learning captured as part of the emergency
                   response, which will shape our recovery plans:
• Ability to be         • The importance        • The significant       • The opportunity to      • Having a community
  responsive to           of effective            capacity, support       work with partners        infrastructure
  local needs by          relationships           and reach available     to embed an area          that is robust
  empowering              between council,        at community level      based approach            with established
  communities             statutory and           both funded staff       to identifying and        relationships has
                          community               and programmes          addressing local          been important
                          partners to support     and through             needs and priorities      in delivering
                          agile service           volunteering                                      a partnership
                          delivery                                                                  community
                                                                                                                 Community Response
Next Steps

                      Looking ahead, as we develop our plans for the City’s recovery, we
                      will work with communities and city partners to further develop
                      community confidence, capacity and resilience across neighbourhoods
                      through a range of programmes of support, including:

• Developing                • Working with communities        • Continue to build community capacity,
                                                                working with the sector and partners
                                                                                                         • Resourcing the sector to deliver
                                                                                                           and creating community wealth -
                              and city partners to identify
  integrated services         specific area recovery
                                                                to bring forward a new community
                                                                support framework for Belfast, which
                                                                                                           maximising opportunities presented
                                                                                                           by investments in the city to stimulate
  at a local level (area      priorities, which will give       will build upon the skills, knowledge,     the local economy, support local supply
                                                                capacity and resilience already            chains, create community wealth and
  working model)              focus to our recovery plans       demonstrated                               deliver social and economic value

• Supporting local          • Investing in the
  businesses –                regeneration of our
  retaining and               neighbourhoods
  creating jobs
Stay Safe
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