Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools

Page created by Leon Keller
Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
                      Davison High School
                         January 15, 2021

     Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes?


 The deadline is Wednesday, January 20, 2021,
                  at 11:59pm.

See page 3 of these announcements for a link and
information on how to submit your Senior Quote.

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools

   The following communication was sent out recently to all parents in the district.
        Please make note of the deadline for making changes for Face-to-Face
                                or Virtual instruction.

Dear DCS Families:

As our second semester grows near, we are kindly asking parents who are interested
in switching their student from online to Face-to-Face instruction or vice versa when the second
semester begins February 1 and have not yet completed our survey, to please do so by 4
p.m. Monday, January 18. As you can imagine, being the second largest school district in Gene-
see County, we need some time to devote to the scheduling process. This is especially true at
the secondary levels where students have multiple classes during the day.

We also understand that this may be a difficult decision for some of our parents. If you choose
to request a change in your student's mode of instruction after Monday, January 18, we will
place his/her name on a wait list and try to accommodate the switch if an opening in the Face-
to-Face or Online mode of instruction becomes available.

Please note that the current daily schedules at each of our school buildings will not be changing
at this time. Face-to-Face students in grades 7-12 will continue to have two hours of online
courses. Davison High School Face-to-Face students will continue to attend classes from 9:55
a.m. to 2:09 p.m. and the Davison Middle School Face-to-Face schedule will remain 9:41 a.m.
to 1:55 p.m.

The link to our survey is below. If you have more than one child, please complete a survey for
each child you wish to change his/her status.

Please click on this link to begin survey:

Thank you for your continued support.

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
Senior Yearbook Quotes

Shared with you below is the link to submit a Senior Yearbook quote. The deadline is
     January 20, 2021, at 11:59 PM. Please make sure to read the directions.


                            Picture Retakes!!

                Picture retakes will be on
             Wednesday, January 20, 2021,
                       at 10:00am.
   This is for both face to face and Virtual Students.


   If you are a student on quarantine and you will miss the day for photo retakes
    on January 20th, you can still have a photo taken on Monday, February 1st.
     You will need to go to The Photo Factory at 3377 N. State Road in Davison
       on that date. Please call 1-800-695-0258 if you need more information.

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
ALL Senior Headshots
                                            MUST be submitted
                                          by Monday, February 1st
                                           to be in the yearbook!!

If you are interested in qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship Award, you MUST
       sign-up to take the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) by
         January 19th. The test will be given on January 26th at the High School.
    This test will be administered much like the SAT. You may only take the test once.
   If you score high enough, you may qualify to be chosen as a National Merit Scholar.
     This honor is looked highly upon by colleges and future employers, plus it could
                          earn you scholarship money for college.

    Sign up in the office with Mrs. Sullivan if you are interested in taking the exam.

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
Monday, January 18th Last day at 4:00pm for parents to complete the survey for
                     switching a student to/from online or Face-to-Face instruction.

Tuesday, January 19th Sign up for NMSQT by today with Mrs. Sullivan.

Wednesday, Jan. 20th    Last day for Senior Quotes.

Friday, January 29th    Last day for Senior Yearbook Ads

Monday, February 1      Senior Headshots for the Yearbook are due on this date!

Friday, February 26     Sign up for Davison Early College by this date!

Monday, January 18           MLK Day—NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, January 20        Picture Retakes 10:00am

Thursday, January 21         Virtual Band Concert 6:30pm

Tuesday, January 26          Virtual Band Concert 6:30pm

                                  There will be NO SCHOOL on the following dates:

                                             Monday, January 18 MLK Day
                                             Monday, February 15 Presidents Day

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
Student Photo Packages from The Photo Factory
    The student photos from The Photo Factory were distributed to face to face
     students on Thursday, January 7th, during 3rd hour. If you were absent,
           you can pick yours up at the main office at the High School.

       If you are an ONLINE ONLY student and did not pick your photos up
         at the Photo Factory, they can be picked up in the main office at the
                High School between the hours of 9:40am and 3:00pm.

   If you took a Senior Headshot, those were sent digitally by the Photo Factory
                          directly to the yearbook staff.

            Below is information and a link to access virtual tutoring.
    Parents, please be aware that there must be a third person in the meeting
    (parent, sibling, another student being tutored) for transparency reasons.

                                 ATTENTION PARENTS!

If you need to update contact information, phone numbers, or email addresses, you
  must go to “ParentVue”, select “student info”, then select “edit info”, and make
    your changes or corrections. Do NOT go to the registration portal to do this.

                        You must come in or email the school to:

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
ATTENTION PARENTS: Senior Highlights

   To celebrate our seniors during this historic time, we will be highlighting several
 students in each month’s DHS Insider. If you would like to get your senior involved,
        please email Jane Morrison at with the
                  subject line: Senior Highlights—(Student’s Name).
                 The parameters of this project include the following:
        Less than 250 words, 1-3 pictures of the student, student’s high school
           accomplishments, future life plans, current goals, hobbies, and a
                      little message from your family, if desired.
               All entries may be edited for space and appropriateness.
 If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Morrison, or call DHS at 810-591-3531.
      We would love to get as much participation as possible to celebrate all of the
            hard work these seniors have put in during the past four years.

           Recognition Ads

             Click the following link for a brief video message regarding how to
             place an ad for your Senior in our Davison High School yearbook.

                                                 Click on this link to create your ad:

                                      Yearbook Ad Deadline: Friday, January 29th

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools
BOY’S BASKETBALL INFORMATION: See pg. 9 for tryout details.

Boy’s Swim will begin on Monday, January 18th, from 2:30—4:30pm
at the Kearsley pool.
Anyone planning to participate MUST have a yellow all clear
card from the athletic office. Yellow cards must be given to
Coach Q on the first day of practice. If you don’t have a yel-
low card, you cannot participate, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please see Mrs. Bruce in the athletic office to get your yellow

                            This is an update on wrestling practice times. The first
                            day of wrestling practice will be on Saturday, January
                            16th, at 12:00pm in the wrestling room. Then Monday
                            through Friday at 2:30. Anyone planning to participate
                            MUST have their yellow all clear card from the athletic
                            office. If you have any questions, please see
                             Mrs. Bruce in the athletic office.


         Bowling for boys and girls will start on
                  Tuesday, January 19th.
  Anyone interested in bowling this season, must be at
   Rollaway Lanes by 5:40pm for temperature checks
          before the bowling begins at 6:00pm.
       Only participants are permitted to enter -
              NO PARENTS OR GUESTS.
You must wear a mask and bring your own water bottle.
       If you show up at 6:00pm or later, you will
                not be permitted to enter.
Yellow All Clear Cards must be shown to Coach in order
  to participate. Please see Mrs. Bruce in the athletic
              office to get your yellow card.

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools

Please make note of the following changes
for the conditioning and tryouts for the boy’s
basketball season.

Boy’s basketball conditioning schedule for the 2021 winter season in the
DHS gym:

Saturday, January 16             8:30am—10:00am         All Levels
Sunday, January 17               Noon—2:00pm            All Levels

January 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22      2:30—4:00pm            Freshmen
                                 4:00—6:00pm            10th & Up

Boy’s Basketball tryouts are planned to take place on:
Monday, January 25th and Tuesday, January 26th

                                 2:30—4:00pm            Freshmen
                                 4:00—6:00pm            10th & Up

ALL students must have their gold card prior to January 15th in order
to try out. This includes paperwork that must be completed in the
athletic office with Mrs. Bruce.

                NO GOLD CARD, NO TRY OUT!
                     NO EXCEPTIONS!!
          **Every student-athlete must wear a mask the entire time
                   and bring their own bottle of water.**

Announcements Davison High School January 15, 2021 - Is there a deadline for Senior Quotes? - Davison Community Schools

       Are you interested in getting a head start on earning college credits?
    Are you a sophomore and want to learn more about Davison Early College?

          Please review the smores link below and be sure to click on the
     Davison Early College Presentation link provided in the smores newsletter.

The Davison Early College application is now open for interested 10th grade students.

                     DEADLINE for application submission is
                         Friday, February 26th, 2021!


Seniors—have you started your check list for college?

     Do you need some help with….

                                                Here’s your answer!!

               LOCAL Scholarship applications are ready for you to fill out!
          This is your chance to win FREE money for college. These are LOCAL
                 scholarships that are awarded on your senior honors night.
                       Follow these easy directions to start the process:
1.   Go to google classroom.
2.   Click the plus sign (+)
3.   Enter the class code: z4ffurr
4.   “2021 Scholarships” will appear
5.   Read and follow directions carefully. Scroll down through the many scholarship
     opportunities and start filling them out. Someone has to win and it may be YOU!

                                GOOD LUCK!
           And remember, DUE DATE for ALL scholarships is March 5, 2021!

Genesee County Prevention Coalition
                               Youth Advisory Board

This is in regards to a new youth engagement collaboration forming as part of the Drug
     Free Communities grant with the Genesee County Prevention Coalition. As a
  substance abuse prevention coalition, they focus on reducing risk factors as well as
promoting protective factors in our area youth. The GCPC has developed an initiative
  that works to bring together a diverse group of high school aged leaders ages 14-19
   years from across Genesee County as consultants for promoting substance abuse
                                prevention in the county.

   The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a body of young people that will convene on
   behalf of the Genesee County Prevention Coalition (GCPC) to inform and advise
   communication strategies that directly impact their peers around substance use.
   YAB members will be recruited from a wide variety of organizations and schools
  throughout Genesee County. The diverse perspectives provided by YAB members
     will prove invaluable for GCPC’s understanding on how to promote healthy
                        choices among Genesee County youth.

    If you are interested in being a part of this group, please visit this link for more
                             information and the application.

Student Support & Tutoring

                  DHS is offering student help time every school day,
                   Monday through Friday, from 2:11pm to 2:41pm.
         During this help time, DHS teachers will be supporting and tutoring
    our students in either Google Meet/Zoom meeting, or in a face to face meeting.
                Please contact your teacher(s) for support or tutoring.

                                      NHS Tutoring Tuesday & Thursday

                                     Volunteers from NHS will be offering
                                          tutoring after school every
                                     Tuesday and Thursday in the Library
                                               from 2:15—2:45

      Order your yearbook NOW before
                the prices go up!
      Order online by going to the Jostens
yearbook website at or
 call 1-877-767-5217 or fill out an order form
   and return to the main office at the high
 school. Order forms can be picked up in the
         front office at the high school.

                              ATTENTION SOPHOMORES!

   Any 10th grade student in good standing attending school in Genesee County may
           apply for the Judge Marable Student of the Month/Year Award.

  The purpose of the award is to encourage Flint area high school students to focus on
   academic achievement and career goals. Each month a student is recognized and
     awarded a certificate and $75 cash. The award is based on completion of an
  application and essay. Awardees will be invited to visit the 67th District Court and
                          shadow Judge Marable for a day.

                Please visit the attached link for application and details.

Care Team Hospice Opportunities

   The Care Team Hospice is currently looking for volunteers for two programs.
       The first is a pen-pal program with current patients in hospice care.
    This opportunity requires student consent agreeing to not share any patient
           information as well as a parent consent if they are under 18.

The second opportunity is for in-person volunteering with hospice patients providing
companionship/caregiver respite. To volunteer for this position, you must be 16 years
        old and have a valid state ID/driver’s license for a background check.
 You will also need to have a negative TB test and to attending training. This oppor-
      tunity is mainly on hold due to COVID restrictions, however, we are still
   contacting interested volunteers to create their file with the intent to continue
                      onboarding them as restrictions are lifted.

     For any questions, please contact Ashley Gordon, Volunteer Coordinator at
             The Care Team Hospice at 833-483-2272 or 810-407-4001.

 For any questions about current Community Service opportunities or your hours,
                    please contact Mrs. V. in the Career Center.

Athletic Signing Ceremony Dates 2020-2021

          The athletic signing ceremonies for the 2020-2021 school year
                       are planned for the following dates:

                           Wednesday, February 3, 2021
                            Wednesday, April 14, 20-21

           These ceremonies will be held in the auditorium at 5:00pm.

If you are signing a letter of intent to play your sport at the collegiate level, please
   stop by the athletic office to sign up for one of these signing ceremony dates.
      If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bruce in the Athletic Office.

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