Analysis and Optimization of the MTU in Real-Time Communications over Switched Ethernet

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Analysis and Optimization of the MTU in Real-Time Communications over
                                Switched Ethernet

                        Moris Behnam, Ricardo Marau                                  Paulo Pedreiras
                                  IT / DEEC                                              IT / DETI
                         University of Porto, Portugal                         University of Aveiro, Portugal

                             Abstract                                       and the maximum packet size could be as low as 8 bytes per
                                                                            packet, e.g. as in the CAN bus.
   The Flexible Time-Triggered communication over                              However, the quantity, complexity and functionality of
Switched Ethernet protocol (FTT-SE) was proposed to                         NES systems has been increasing consistently. Due to this
overcome the limitation of guaranteeing the real-time                       evolution, in certain application domains the amount of in-
communication requirements of conventional switches, and                    formation exchanged over the network reached the limits
at the same time to support reconfiguration of dynamic                      achievable using traditional fieldbuses. Consequently, new
adaptive systems. The protocol fragments large messages                     protocols have been investigated, many of them based on
into a sequence of packets that are individually scheduled.                 high bandwidth general-purpose networks. In particular,
The maximum transmission unit (MTU), that restricts the                     Ethernet has been complemented with suitable transmis-
packets size, has a significant effect on the schedulability                sion control mechanisms to provide real-time services, be-
of the packets. In this paper, we investigate the problem of                ing the base for several real-time communication protocols
selecting the optimal MTU size that maximizes the schedu-                   currently used in NES, such as PROFINET, Ethernet POW-
lability of real-time messages. We propose two algorithms                   ERLINK, TTEthernet and FTT-SE.
to find optimal/sub-optimal values of MTU; the first one                       Unlike classical fieldbuses, originally optimized for
finds an optimal solution but exhibits high computational                   short data transmissions, Ethernet provides a relatively
complexity, while the second one is sub-optimal but exhibits                longer packet size, holding up to 1500 data bytes. The max-
a lower computational complexity. Finally, we evaluate our                  imum data size a packet can hold is commonly known as
proposed algorithms by means of simulation studies and                      Maximal Transmission Unit (MTU) and may have a rather
compare their results with the results of assigning MTU to                  noticeable impact in the performance of real-time commu-
the maximum packet size that the protocol can allow.                        nication protocols. For instance, in time-slot based proto-
                                                                            cols such as TTEthernet [11], the MTU constrains the min-
                                                                            imum slot duration. Whilst in cyclic-based real-time proto-
                                                                            cols, such as Ethernet POWERLINK [1] or FTT-SE [10], it
1    Introduction
                                                                            constrains the amount of idle time that may be included on
                                                                            every cycle to prevent overruns between cycles.
    Nowadays Networked Embedded Systems (NES) are                              The dissemination of NES in areas such as machine
pervasive, being present in almost all aspects of our daily                 vision, automated inspection or object tracking based on
life. In early days, NES were typically based on highly                     video streams, brought to the foreground the MTU opti-
constrained hardware resources and performed simple func-                   mization problem. This class of applications produces large
tions, typically digital IO and analog data interface. Addi-                amounts of data. For instance, an MJPG compressed image
tionally, specific network protocols, commonly designated                   may easily reach tens or even hundreds of KiB per frame
by fieldbus, have been developed to address the specifici-                  and it requires multiple packets to be transmitted. For this
ties of NES. Fielbuses normally have a very limited band-                   type of data, it would be desirable to use an MTU as large
width, being optimized to support frequent exchanges of                     as possible, in order to minimize the overhead associated to
small data. The data frequency could reach the KHz range                    the transmission of each Ethernet packet (38 bytes). How-
    1 This work was partially supported by the iLAND project, call 2008-1   ever, as discussed above, the use of a large MTU penalizes
of the EU ARTEMIS JU Programme an by the HaRTES project, funded by          the efficiency of some real-time protocols, raising an opti-
COMPETE/FCT under the name FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-007220.                      mization problem.
This paper investigates the problem of determining the      3   FTT-SE protocol
packet size that optimizes the protocol data-throughput effi-
ciency. This work is developed in the scope of the FTT-SE           FTT-SE [10] is an academic real-time communication
protocol, but the results obtained should be easily general-    protocol that exploits the Master/Multi-slave paradigm and
izable to other cyclic-based real-time protocols.               the advantages brought by Ethernet micro-segmentation,
    Two different algorithms are proposed. One is optimum,      namely the ability to forward packets in parallel and the ab-
but exhibits high temporal complexity, thus may not be suit-    sence of collisions on a one node per switch-port basis. This
able for online usage. The other is sub-optimal but exhibits    protocol uses a master node to coordinate the transmissions
a lower computational complexity, thus being more suitable      of other nodes. The communication is organized in fixed
to online usage.                                                duration slots called Elementary Cycles (ECs), which are
    The remaining of the paper is organized in the following    triggered by a periodic message (Trigger Message - TM),
way. Section 2 outlines related work. Section 3 presents        issued by the Master, containing the schedule for each EC.
a brief overview of the FTT-SE protocol. Section 4 intro-
duces the system model. Section 5 presents the schedula-
bility analysis. Section 6 the problem formulation. Section
7 describes the MTU optimization algorithms proposed in
this paper. Finally, Section 8 presents experimental results
and Section 9 concludes the paper.

2   Related work

    The problem of fragmenting messages into smaller pack-
ets transmitted over large networks has been discussed
in [5]. In such networks, some routes can carry limited
packet size and large messages should be fragmented lead-
ing to a higher protocol overhead and a lower throughput.
For such problem, optimal routing techniques are devel-
oped to avoid message fragmentation as much as possible.
A similar problem can happen when transmitting messages
through high bit-error rate links such as wireless. Retrans-
mitting too large packet size degrades the efficiency of pro-
tocols and the same happens when transmitting small packet                      Figure 1: The FTT-EC structure.
size because of the high overhead. Adaptive and optimal so-
lutions have been proposed in [4] and [6]. However, the so-        The traffic scheduling activity is carried out on-line in the
lutions proposed to solve the fragmentation problems men-       Master, invoked once per EC and disseminated by means of
tioned above are not applicable to our case as the source of    the TM. The EC duration is tunable and can be designed to
the problem and the goals are different from ours.              suit the application needs. Typical EC durations range from
    The most related work from real-time scheduling ap-         1ms to tens of ms, depending on the application dynamics.
proaches is the limited preemption approach presented           Traffic scheduling is centralized, allowing an easy enforce-
in [3], where an optimal algorithm is presented to select op-   ment of any scheduling policy as well as performing atomic
timal preemption points in each task in order to increase       changes to the communication requirements. This last fea-
the schedulability of tasks, taking into account the over-      ture facilitates the deployment of mechanisms that allow ad-
head of task preemption and the generated blocking from         mitting and removing message streams, on-line, under guar-
lower priority tasks on the higher priority tasks. The prob-    anteed timeliness, and mechanisms for dynamic bandwidth
lem of selecting the optimal preemption points to increase      management.
the schedulability of the tasks is similar to the problem of       The protocol supports real-time synchronous and asyn-
selecting the optimal MTU size. However, the proposed al-       chronous messages, as well as non real-time traffic. The
gorithm in [3] is not suitable for our case, as the effect of   synchronous traffic is time-driven, being activated au-
non-preemptive regions (between two preemption points)          tonomously by the scheduler. The aperiodic traffic is event-
from lower priority tasks block higher priority tasks. In our   driven, driven from the distributed application at arbitrary
case any message can contribute to the idle time included       time instants. Messages are locally queued, awaiting trans-
on every scheduling cycle affecting the schedulability of all   mission while a periodic message updates the activation re-
messages.                                                       quests on the Master’s scheduler.
As depicted in Figure 1, the EC is organized in three in-   the maximum amount of idle time that can be inserted in
dependent time windows, Synchronous, Asynchronous and           an elementary cycle or window is upper bounded by the
the slot for the TM. The synchronous and asynchronous           transmission time of the largest packet. It is also observed
traffic is scheduled on the respective time windows, whereas    that the relative penalization due to the idle time is related
the non real-time traffic takes any transmission slot remain-   to the ratio between the elementary cycle (or window dura-
ing from both windows in a best-effort policy. The win-         tion) and the transmission time of the largest packet. This
dows have a user-defined maximum duration, which is en-         last observation is particularly relevant, since it constrains
forced at run-time by the scheduler. Consequently, no win-      the design space. The cycle duration is typically imposed at
dow overruns should occur, providing strict traffic isolation   the application design, based on the system dynamics, thus
among traffic classes.                                          reducing the optimization space to the M T U parameter.
    Further details about the FTT-SE protocol can be found
in [10] and [8].
                                                                5   Schedulability analysis
4   System model and assumptions
                                                                   The FTT-SE protocol does not allow window overruns,
                                                                using the inserted idle-time based scheme described in Sec-
   This paper considers a simplified model that describes
                                                                tion 4. In the schedulability analysis, to model the possible
cyclic-based real-time protocols such as the FTT-SE proto-
                                                                scheduling suspension in each scheduling window, an idle
col. The system comprises a set (SM ) of N synchronous
                                                                time equal to the maximum packet size of all messages that
message streams, each stream (mi ) modeled using the peri-
                                                                use the link has to be considered, which decreases the effec-
odic real-time model (Equation (1)).
                                                                tive size of the window. [9] presented a schedulability anal-
                                                                ysis based on utilization bound for FTT-SE synchronous
          SM ≡ mi (Ci , Di , Ti , Si , Ri , M maxi )     (1)
                                                                message scheduling. Considering only the scheduling of
    For each mi , Ci represents the total transmission time     a downlink of a switch, the schedulability condition of the
that includes message fragmentation and overheads. We de-       link is given by Equation (2).
fine M maxi as the maximum transmission time among the
packets that compose mi . M maxi is defined per message                      X Ci                   LSW − Imax
                                                                                        ≤ U lub ×                         (2)
and it cannot be greater than the size of a packet holding                         Ti                  E
M T U data bytes. Di and Ti are the relative deadline and
message period, represented in multiples of ECs. In this        where U lub is the utilization bound assuming either RM or
paper, we assume implicit deadlines, i.e, Ti = Di and that      EDF, E is the elementary cycle duration and Imax is the
streams can be scheduled using Earlier Deadline First EDF       maximum idle-time, computed as follows:
or Rate Monotonic RM. Finally, Si is the source port (i.e.
the switch port where the data source is attached to the net-                      Imax = max(M maxi )                    (3)
work) and Ri denotes the receiving port of a unicast trans-                                   ∀i
mission.                                                           Let us define O as the overhead of the protocol added to
    The above model is also applicable to sporadic mes-         each packet. Let us also define nPi as the number of pack-
sages, with the only difference being that Ti represents the    ets required to transmit message mi . From the definition
minimum inter-arrival time, i.e., the minimum time between      of total message transmission time, Ci already includes the
consecutive instances of message mi . These models repre-       data transmission time Ci∗ and the protocol overhead, i.e.,
sent accurately the real-time synchronous and asynchronous      equal to nPi × O. Given Ci∗ , M maxi is evaluated depend-
messaging system of the FTT-SE protocol.                        ing on the number of packets nPi and the overhead O as
    The system model considered in this paper also as-          follows,
sumes the nonexistence of cycle overruns, which is usual
for cyclic-based protocols. Overruns are prevented defer-                                   Ci∗
ring the dispatch of messages that may exceed the cycle (or                        M maxi =       +O                      (4)
time window) capacity. Figure (2) illustrates this scenario,
in which message m48 does not fit inside the k th elemen-          Note that, from the definition of M T U , the transmission
tary cycle and remains in the ready queue. The message          time of all packets should be lower than the M T U , i.e.,
is eventually transmitted in the following cycle along with     M maxi ≤ M T U . Considering the protocol overhead O,
other higher priority messages that activate in the meantime.   nPi should satisfy the condition nPi ≥ d M T Ui −O e. How-
    The idle-time that results from deferring the message       ever, since the overall protocol overhead is directly propor-
transmission cannot be neglected from the system analy-         tional to the number of packets necessary to transmit a mes-
sis. This aspect is referred in [2], where it is shown that     sage, the condition is minimized (Equation 5).
Figure 2: Inserted idle-time illustration

                                                                                                                   
                   nPj =                                    (5)       X Cj∗      U lub × LSW  U lub × Imax X nPj × O 
                               MTU − O                                         ≤            −              +
                                                                            Tj         E             E          Tj
                                                                       ∀j                                              ∀j

   Taking into account the protocol overhead O in the anal-                                                                   (7)
ysis, Equation (2) can be rewritten as follows:                          Then the optimization goal is to minimize function
                                                                      f (nP ) in Equation (8), which is as a function of the mes-
                                                                      sage packet number nP . Notice that Imax is a function of
      X Cj∗ + nPj × O                                                 nP , see Equations (3) and (4).
                                LSW − Imax
                      ≤ U lub ×                             (6)
              Tj                   E                                                         U lub × Imax X nPj × O
                                                                                 f (nP ) =               +                     (8)
                                                                                                   E          Tj

6   Problem formulation
                                                                      6.1      Example

   Equation (6) indicates that the schedulability of the mes-            For illustration purposes, consider an example with
sages can be increased either by decreasing the effective             O = 0.5 time units, E = 20 time units, LSW = 18 time
load (left hand side of Equation (6)) and/or by increasing the        units, scheduled with the Rate Monotonic scheduling pol-
schedulability bound (right hand side of Equation (6)). Fur-          icy. Consider also the message set shown in the table below
thermore, all parameters of Equation (6), except the num-
ber of packets and the inserted idle time, are fixed, thus the                       C     2    4     10    20   30
schedulability of the message set depends on both these pa-                          T     20   60   120   200   240
rameters. However, Equations (3), (4) and (5) indicate that
the number of packets and inserted idle-time both depend on               Figure 3 presents the effective load and the effective
M T U . Selecting a smaller M T U will increase the number            schedulability bound as a function of the M T U . As ex-
of packets of the messages, and consequently the effective            pected, as the M T U increases both the effective load and
load, while decreasing the idle time. Conversely, select-             the schedulability level are reduced. However, the reduction
ing a larger M T U decreases the effective load at expenses           is not strictly monotonic and happens at different rates. In
of an higher idle time. Considering these two contradict-             the present case, the system is only schedulable for M T U s
ing effects in the schedulability analysis, we may conclude           in the range [3...3.8].
that there is a trade-off between decreasing the effect of idle
time and the protocol overhead when changing the proto-               7     Optimization algorithms
col’s M T U .
   We can formulate our problem as follows: Given a set of                Depending on the protocol specification, requirements
stream messages SM transmitted though the same down-                  and constraints, the minimum and maximum packet trans-
link and scheduled using EDF or RM scheduling algorithm,              mission times are restricted to certain limits M T Umin and
find the optimal M T U such that the schedulability bound in          M T Umax . Note that M T Umax ≤ LSW to be able to send
Equation (6) is maximized. To do so, we will rewrite Equa-            at least one packet every EC. This range of M T U will be
tion (6) as a function of the number of packets, as shown in          used by the algorithms that will be explained in the follow-
Equation (7)                                                          ing section.
mum f (np) is the optimal solution (Lines 13-16).
                                                     Eff. load               This algorithm iterates N ×(nPimax −nPimin ) times and
       0.6                                           Sched. bound        since nPimax is proportional to Ci∗ (see Equation (5)), the
                                                                         number of iterations depends on the transmission times of
                                                                         the messages. Note that, if the transmission times of mes-
                                                                         sages are not high, then some values of M T U within the
      0.45                                                               range [M T Umin , M T Umax ] will not be considered (dis-

                                                                         carded from the search space). The discarded values of
                                                                         M T U are ∀M T U 6= M maxi |∀mi ∈ SM &∀nPi ∈
      0.35                                                               [nPimin , nPimax ]. All discarded MTUs will not give better
                                                                         results than the considered ones in the algorithm. The rea-
                                                                         son is that Imax is evaluated based on M maxi which is in
      0.25                                                               its turn evaluated based on the given nPi independently of
       0.2                                                               M T U , hence M T U does not affect Equation (8). The only
             2   4   6      8     10     12     14       16         18
                                 MTU                                     condition to satisfy concerning M T U is Imax ≤ M T U
                                                                         and we assign M T U = Imax to enforce packet transmis-
Figure 3: Effective load and schedulability bound as a function fo       sion time of all messages to be less than Imax .
the M T U
                                                                         Algorithm 7.1: S EARCHING ALGORITHM()
7.1      Searching algorithm
                                                                          1f = high value
                                                                          2 for (mi = m1 tomN )
    To find an optimal M T U that increases the schedulabil-              3 fi = high value
ity of messages, we can consider a very simple algorithm                  4 for(nPi = nPimin to nPimax )
based on iterating M T U from M T Umin to M T Umax . In                   5      M T Utemp = Imax = dCi∗ /(nPi )e + O
each iteration, it finds the number of packets for all mes-               6      nP = Find nP All(Imax , O)
sages using Equation (5) and then it evaluates f (nP ) us-                7      ftemp = f nP (Imax , nP )
ing Equation (8). Finally, the M T U value that minimizes                 8      if ftemp < fi
f (nP ) will be the optimal solution. However, the computa-               9         M T Ulocal = M T Utemp
tional complexity of this algorithm can be high. It requires              10         fi = ftemp
M T Umax −M T Umin iterations, which may not be suitable                  11       end if
for online usage.                                                         12 end for
    To decrease the search space, another algorithm based                 13 if fi < f
on the number of packets can be used. Given M T Umin and                  14      M T U = M T Ulocal
M T Umax , the minimum nPimin and maximum nPimax                          15       f = fi
number of packets for each message can be specified using                 16 end if
Equation (5). Then, for each possible number of packets                   17 end for
within this range, M T U is evaluated as explained in Algo-               18 return MTU
rithm 7.1.
    Algorithm 7.1 shows an algorithm that finds the optimal
M T U based on the number of packets. The algorithm iter-
ates for each message mi (Line 2) and then it goes through               7.2    Simplified algorithm
all possible number of packets nPi , from nPimin to nPimax
(Line 4) and for each iteration it enforces Imax = M maxi                   In the previous section, we have presented two differ-
(Line 5). This can be done by assigning the number of pack-              ent algorithms that find optimal M T U with relatively high
ets for all other messages mj |i 6= j to values that make their          computational complexity which may not be suitable for
packet size less or equal to M maxi (Find nP All function                adaptive systems where the algorithms are applied online.
in Line 6). Find nP All function uses Equation (5) to eval-              In this section we propose a lower computational complex-
uate the number of packets for all messages (considering                 ity algorithm based on an analytical solution that finds a
M T U = Imax ). The algorithm starts by calculating f (np)               sub-optimal value of M T U .
(Line 7) and then the local optimal M T U that minimizes                    Equation (8) can be reformulated to be a function of
f (np) based on mi (Lines 8-11). Finally, considering all                nPi (the number of packets of one message mi ). Assum-
local optimal values of M T U , the one that makes the mini-             ing that M maxi is the maximum among all messages, i.e.,
Imax = M maxi , then Imax = d nPii e + O (see Equa-                            8     Evaluation studies
tion (4)). Also, since M T U = Imax then nPj =                   d Imaxj−O e
(see Equation (5)). Substituting these two equations in                           In this section, we evaluate the improvements that can
Equation (8),                                                                  be achieved by the algorithms presented in Algorithm 7.1
                                                                               and Algorithm 7.2 in terms of increasing the schedulability
                                                                              of messages, compared to the case when the maximum pro-
                                 U lub ×               +O                      tocol’s M T U is used (M T Umax ). The evaluation is per-
        f (nPi ) =           
                                                                              formed through different simulation studies as will be ex-
                                                                               plained in the following section.
                         P            dCj∗ /(dCi∗ /(nPi )e)e×O
                     +           ∀j               Tj                    (9)    8.1     Simulation settings
   Equation (9) can be linearized by removing all ceilings                        In each simulation study, the two algorithms are applied
from the equation,                                                             on synthetic message sets generated randomly to find the
                                                                               optimal (suboptimal) values of M T U . Message sets are
                                                                              generated based on the following input parameters:
               U lub ×       nPi      +O            X nPi × Cj∗ × O
  f (nPi ) =                                    +                                  • Uset defines a message set utilization and it is equal to
                         E                                 Tj × Ci∗                          P C∗
                                                                                     Uset = ∀j Tjj .
  By assigning the first derivative of f (nPi ) equal to zero,                     • [Timin , Timax ] defines a range of message period.
we can find nPi that minimizes f (nPi ).
                       v                                                           • N defines the number of messages.
                                   Ci∗ × U lub
                 nPi = t
                                     P C ∗ ×O                          (11)        Given each set of input parameters mentioned above,
                                 E × ∀j C ∗j ×Tj                               100000 message sets are randomly generated. In each set,
                                                                               the message set utilization Uset is divided randomly among
   Equation (11) can be used in Algorithm 7.1 instead of the                   the N messages. Message periods are selected randomly
inner loop to find the number of packets for each message                      within the range of [Timin , Timax ]. The message transmis-
as shown in Algorithm 7.2. In Algorithm 7.2, the function                      sion time for each message is derived from the desired mes-
fn P i() in Line 3 uses Equation (11) to evaluate the number                   sage utilization. All randomized parameters are generated
of packets for mi .                                                            following uniform distributions.
   The complexity of the algorithm is reduced to O(N )                             The following assumptions are made in all simulation
which makes it suitable for dynamic systems. However,                          studies: the channel transmission rate is 100Mbps, the ele-
since we have linearized Equation (10), the result of Equa-                    mentary cycle duration is E = 1ms, the protocol overhead
tion (11) may not always be optimal but still are near to                      is 44 bytes (including Ethernet overhead 38 bytes and FTT-
optimal as will be shown in the next section.                                  SE overhead) which makes O = 3µs, and the minimum
                                                                               and maximum possible packet size [100, 1500] bytes, i.e,
Algorithm 7.2: S IMPLIFIED ALGORITHM()                                         [M T Umin , M T Umax ] = [8, 120]µs.

                                                                               8.2     Results
 1f = high value
 2 for (mi = m1 tomN )
                                                                                   We have performed 5 different simulation studies;
 3 nPi = fn P i()
 4 Imax = M T Utemp = dCi∗ /(nPi )e + O                                            • Study 1 is specified having N = 10, [Timin , Timax ] =
 5 nP = Find nP All(Imax , O)                                                        [2×E, 50×E], LSW = 0.5× E, EDF scheduling and
 6 fi = f nP i(Imax , nP )                                                           Uset = [0.33, 0.42] with 0.05 increment.
 7 if fi < f
 8     M T U = M T Utemp                                                           • Study 2 changing LSW (compared to Study 1) to
 9      f = fi                                                                       0.25 × E.
 10 end if                                                                         • Study 3 increasing the number of messages for each
 11 end for                                                                          set (compared to Study 1) to 20 messages.
 12 return nP
                                                                                   • Study 4 changing the range of message period Ti
                                                                                     (compared to Study 1) to 50, 100.
• Study 5 changing the scheduling algorithm to RM                        120%
    (compared to Study 1).

   Table 1 shows the results of applying the two algorithms                80%
(optimal and simplified) on all simulation studies using the               60%                                            MaxMTU
maximum Usub that keeps the schedulability of all (100000)                                                                Optimal
message sets. In this table, Ubave , Ubmin and Ubmax are the                                                              Simplified
average, minimum and maximum utilization bounds calcu-                     20%

lated based on the right hand side of Equation (7). M T U in                0%
the table shows the range of maximum transmission times
that are evaluated for the message sets.                                                   Uset

  Study/Alg.       Ubave       Ubmin       Ubave         MTU (µs)                     Figure 4: The results of Study 1.
  Study1/Opt.     41, 92%     41, 60%     41, 98%       [32.6, 49.8]
 Study1/Simp.     41, 90%     41, 59%     41, 98%       [32.9, 49.8]
  Study2/Opt.     19, 36%     18, 95%     19, 43%       [24.4, 37.7]
 Study2/Simp.     19, 35%     18, 93%     19, 43%       [24.5, 37.7]       100%
  Study3/Opt.     41, 73%     41, 02%     41, 95%       [35.2, 51.5]       80%
 Study3/Simp.     41, 72%     40, 98%     41, 94%       [33.9, 51.5]
  Study4/Opt.     41, 98%     40, 97%     41, 99%       [39.5, 44.1]       60%                                            MaxMTU

 Study4/Simp.     41, 98%     40, 97%     41, 99%       [41.7, 44.1]                                                      Optimal
  Study5/Opt.     28, 97%     28, 56%     28, 98%       [33.6, 53.5]                                                      Simplified
 Study5/Simp.     28, 90%     28, 52%     28, 98%       [34.0, 53.5]
            Table 1: Measured results of all studies.

    Figure 4 shows the schedulability bounds of Study 1,                              Figure 5: The results of Study 2.
when M T U is evaluated using Algorithm 7.1 (labeled Op-
timal), Algorithm 7.2 (labeled Simplified) and M T U =
M T Umax (labeled maxMTU). As shown in Figure 4 and                    the protocol overhead effect on Equation (7). However, the
Table 1, the results of the two algorithms are very close and          additional number of packets is bounded by the number of
the difference between them is very small. The reason is               tasks.
that the error from linearizing Equation (9) can be up to                  To measure the effect of message periods, we increased
N × O and the product of this is divided by the messages               the range of the periods in Study 4. As shown in Table 1,
period, which attenuates the impact of linearizing.                    this can increase the utilization bound but in very small
    Comparing the results of the algorithms and the use of             amount compared to the results of Study 1. The reason
M T Umax , we can see that the algorithms can increase the             is that since Uset is fixed, increasing the periods of gener-
utilization bound by approximately 5.5, i.e., the utilization          ated messages will increase their transmission times, which
bound is improved by 15%. Note that the results of the                 in its turn increases the number of packets and will have
figure are obtained assuming LSW = 0.5 × E and because                 negative effect on the schedulability bound. On the other
of the effect of Imax , the schedulability bound of EDF is             hand, increasing the message periods will decrease the ef-
reduced to the range shown in the figure.                              fect of protocol overhead on Equation (7) which will have a
    Figure 5 shows the schedulability bound of Study 2 (de-            positive effect on the schedulability.
creasing LSW). It is clear that the improvement achieved                   Finally, in Study 5, RM is used instead of EDF and the
by using the algorithm is higher when LSW is decreased                 results are shown in Figure 6. The utilization bound is de-
(the utilization bound is improved by 69%). The reason for             creased because U lub = 0.69, however, the algorithms still
this big improvement is that decreasing LSW will make the              achieve a significant improvement compared to the case of
contribution of Imax higher on Equation (7) and only the               using M T Umax .
iterative procedure in the algorithms decrease Imax .
    Comparing the results of Study 3 and Study 1 in Ta-
ble 1, it is clear that the number of messages does not have           9    Summary
a significant effect on the results. When increasing the num-
ber of messages, the utilization bound decreases slightly be-            In this paper, we have studied the effect of MTU size
cause it may increase the number of packets which increases            on the schedulability of the FTT-SE protocol. Reducing
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