Page created by Morris Walsh
                                                                                                                                      WHAT WE DO / QUICK-FIRE STATISTICS

                                                                                                                                      Between 250,000 - 280,000
                                                                       The website is one of the                        unique visitors for the last 3 years.
                                                                       most popular websites in New Zealand                           Consistent yearly growth.
                                                                       despite catering for just one region.
                                                                                                                                      Over 93,000 followers on Facebook.
                                                                                                                                      A top 5 followed page here in Canterbury
                                                                                                                                      and arguably the most engaged in social
                                                                                                                                      media page in Canterbury.

                                                                                                                                      We provide fully professional personalised
                                                                                                                                      forecasting for some of Canterbury largest
                                                                                                                                      ‘operations’ in a range of fields; from
                                         Canterbury Weather Updates is a household name in Canterbury.                                construction to tourism and entertainment to
                                         We’re now one of New Zealand’s most renowned and sourced weather                             name a few.
                                         providers, providing hundreds of thousands of people each year with
                                         highly personalised weather content on social media and on our website.                      A growing online membership with thousands
                                                                                                                                      of subscribers across the Canterbury region.

      Our focus is purely on the Canterbury region meaning our        With a growing visitors base and over 280 000 unique            Operating professionally
      detail and accuracy is of a high standard. We’re unique         visitors in the last year, our online presence is significant   for over 5 years.
      in the way we operate; we don’t use computer generated          across the Canterbury Region; not just in our major towns
      models and maps but take into account real, current             and cities but smaller rural communities which now have         Media work in television and radio with
      observations and reports from throughout the region,            highly moderated content at their fingertips.                   various media providers.
      meaning we get all the latest on what’s happening, and
      crucially, what’s about to happen.                              Our weather forecast content attracts a large and varied
                                                                      visitor base as outlined in our media kit and provides          Sponsoring events.
      All our content is personally moderated; we ‘feed’ no           fantastic and unique opportunities for reaching a
      computer generated or generic content into our forecasts.       significant audience online here in the Canterbury region.      We provide a more detailed, comprehensive,
                                                                                                                                      intensive and personalised weather service
      Cantabs tune in every day online, whether it’s planning         Our products and service are continuously being updated         for the people of Canterbury.
      their day, doing something active on the Port Hills or          with new information, functionality and features to ensure
      the Southern Alps, gardening, moving livestock or just          Canterbury Weather continues to offer highly detailed,          We have significant plans and development
      hanging out the washing - Canterbury is engaging daily          comprehensive and valuable weather content for the              for 2020 around new features, new towns and
      with Canterbury Weather Update on special media and on          people of Canterbury. We’re flexible and adaptable to           supplementing our forecast content
      our website.                                                    meet your specific request.                                     with computer generated numbers.

Sources: Google Analytics and Facebook numbers – Facebook insights

      Canterbury Weather Updates is a household                      We have a range of advertising options available to suit     WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM ONLINE ADVERTISING?
      name; our content is being engaged in daily by                 a wide range of budgets. Your content will be readily
                                                                     accessed and sourced on multiple platforms and devices.      It’s easy and highly effective. Gone are the days of purely
      tens of thousands of Cantabrians every day                                                                                  traditional print media and advertising. Your customers
      online, via our website and social media.                      We’re highly flexible and adaptable and can adjust to meet   are spending more and more time on their electronic
                                                                     your specific needs.                                         devices. Information can be accessed in seconds. Create
      We provide a significant reach and audience here in                                                                         and generate direct transfers from our social media page
      Canterbury though highly detailed and engaging content         WHO’S ADVERTISED OR ADVERTISING WITH CWU?                    and our website to your desired website or Facebook
      daily. We have tens of thousands of users online each                                                                       page.
      day sourcing our content and equally our growing               In short, everyone. We’ve had advertising from a wide
      membership base, now in the thousands, who seek out            range of businesses from the agricultural sector, events,    Take advantage of Canterbury Weather Updates
      our content with high levels of intensity and engagement.      tourism, local councils, gyms, outdoor clothing, just        significant marketing reach. It’s cost-effective, engaging
      Our online advertising is cost effective and can be easily     to name a few. Our audience is wide and varied. Our          and one of the quickest and most interactive ways to
      tailored to meet your specific needs.                          followers on our special media page are high income          advertise.
                                                                     earners; see our demographics for more specific details.

                                                                                                                                                               Lake Camp, Canterbury High Country. Francis Vallance.

Sources: Google Analytics and Facebook numbers – Facebook insights

                    WEBSITE WWW.CWU.CO.NZ                                                                                        SOCIAL MEDIA / FACEBOOK

          250-280,000                                           35-45,000                          97 PERCENT              93,241+
          unique visitors in the last 3 years.                  regular users per month on           of users are in New   A growing social media page. Canterbury’s
          Constantly yearly growth.                             average over the last 12 months.     Zealand. 95 percent   most sourced social media weather page
                                                                                                     in Canterbury.        and the second most sourced weather page in
                                                                                                                           New Zealand despite catering for just 1 region.
                                                                                                                           A top 5 social media page across all sectors

          2.7 MILLION                                           1.16 MINUTES                       GENDER                  and businesses in the Canterbury Region.

          page views in the last 12 months.                     average time spent online.           53% female
                                                                                                     47% male              FOLLOWERS
                                                                                                                                   55% female
                                                                                                                                   45% male

                                          DESKTOP                                       AGE RANGE                          AGE RANGE
                                                                                        18-24                      2%      18-24                                   14%

                        67%                                                             25-34                      17%     25-34                                   25%
                       MOBILE                                        12%
                                                                     TABLET             35-44                      26%     35-44                                   27%
                                                                                        45-54                      29%     45-54                                   19%
                                                                                        55-64                      18%     55-64                                   9%

                     DEVICES                                                            65+                        8%      65+                                     6%
                     Operating system: 59% IOS | 41% Android.

Sources: Google Analytics and Facebook numbers – Facebook insights

                                                                            URBAN TOWN PAGES                                                    SPONSORSHIP
                                                                     The Towns and Cities section is where people get their local         We provide some fantastic sponsorship opportunities to build
                                                                     forecasts. We have a significant following in Christchurch,          your online presence and present your services and products.
                                                                     Ashburton and Rangiora and a growing online presence in              We can be flexible and adaptable in our approach.
                                                                     Timaru and Geraldine.
                                                                                                                                          • Direct links to your website on social media.
                                                                     Banner position available on desktop and mobile devices.
                                                                     Square/side position available on desktop and mobile devices.        • ‘Tagging’ of your social media business.
                                                                                                                                          • The Daily ‘highs’ issued every day.
                                                                            RURAL CANTERBURY
                                                                                                                                          • Webcam image of the day issued every day.
                                                                     Canterbury Weather Updates provides more moderated content
                                                                     for rural Canterbury than any other provider in New Zealand.         • Canterbury Weather Live
                                                                     Our rural towns have significant following online at   • Sponsoring the rain radar image. Used on our homepage,
                                                                     and equally on Facebook.                                               town pages and social media.
                                                                     Farmers manging weather risk, livestock and machinery are
                                                                     engaging in our content daily. We provided moderated content
                  HOMEPAGE                                           for a range of smaller rural towns from Waimate in the south to
                                                                     Kaikoura in the north.                                                     CANTERBURY
          The Home page of is the entry                                                                                           WEATHER UPDATES
          page for a lot of people and it attracts a wide            We have a significant following online in all our smaller rural            TV – coming soon
          range of people needing to check different                 towns, with a high percentage of members living in smaller rural
          types of forecasts for their daily activities.             communities. Check the full list on our website.                     Currently in the design process
                                                                     Banner position available on desktop and mobile devices.
                                                                                                                                          and talks with professional media
          Banner position available on desktop and mobile devices.
                                                                     Square/side position available on desktop and mobile devices.        agencies here in Canterbury.

                                                                                                                                          This will be a special and unique service for the people of
                SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                                                                                          There are a lot of opportunities to get involved with Canterbury
         More and more people are using social media; in fact by 8am every day over                                                       Weather Updates TV from sponsored shows, to pre-roll
         20,000 people have read and engaged in our social media posts.                                                                   advertising.
         Our social media page attracts significant attention with around 1-3 people                                                      Sponsorship and advertising opportunities can be integrated
         in Canterbury on social media engaging in our content weekly.                                                                    with our social media and advertising on
         We can provide innovative and highly interactive options to boost your brand                                                     If you would like to know more – please get in touch for a formal
         and social media following.                                                                                                      meeting.

Sources: Google Analytics and Facebook numbers – Facebook insights
Hanmer Springs. Gavin Martin Photography.

                                                                                                                                                                 BANNER ADVERT

                                                                                                                                                                 SQUARE ADVERT

           NEXT STEP

       We would love to hear from you. Get in touch via email, phone or alternatively book an
       appointment to discuss possible options and how we can help you achieve specific goals.

                CONTACT                                                   Ad specifications                             Terms and conditions                             Payment
       Owner and Director:                                           BANNER:                                       Rates are effective October 2019 until           Canterbury Weather Updates will
                                                                     28px by 90px - FILESIZE 40kb                  further notice. All materials are due            invoice for advertising served upon
       Russell Voice                                                                                               no later than 3 working days before              commencement of the campaign.
                                                                     SQUARE:                                       campaign start date. Rates are in New            Payment is due by 20th of month
       P: 027 381 8395                                               300px by 250px - FILESIZE 40kb                Zealand dollars and exclusive of GST.            following invoice. Cancellations within one
       E:                               You design the advertisement & provide        Canterbury Weather Updates reserves the          week of booked campaign date bear a
                                                                     the link URL and we’ll look after the rest.   right to reject any advertising for reasons      50% penalty fee. Banking information will
                                                                                                                   of suitability or relevance. Advertising is      be provided with campaign invoice.
                                                                                                                   subject to availability.

Sources: Google Analytics and Facebook numbers – Facebook insights
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