Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
Adora Winquist
A visionary in the nascent field of Quantum Alchemy
and a pioneer in the field of vibrational medicine
          and aromatherapeutic healing.

Adora is known for establishing one of the first
brands to combine aromatherapy and energy
healing on a national scale, evolving it into a world-
renowned, award-winning company. She is the
co-author of Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant and
Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood, and Love,
a revolutionary book to guide readers along the
path of self-mastery and the ultimate expression of
               their personal truth.

“Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.”
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
Since 1990, Adora Winquist has
used her gifts to help awaken            CRYSTALRAVEN.COM

and evolve the consciousness of          DETOXNOURISHACTIVATE.COM

humanity, serving a mission of           PROGRAMS
activating and uniting all kingdoms      SEEDS OF THE SPIRIT
of life on our planet.                   MARY MAGDALENE SACRED CIRCLE
                                         THE SOUL INSTITUTE

Among a full collection of products
                                               Adora Winquist Modern Alchemist
and services, she offers facilitation,
education, and guided ceremony                 ADOrawinquist
/ meditation, along with custom
vibrational medicine / aromatherapy
blends at                   ADOrawinquist

When she isn’t supporting others               ADOrawinquist, llc
on their healing journey, Adora can
                                               ADOra winquist
be found spending time with her
creative partner and two
young daughters.                                       CONTACT
     Click Here to download               
     Hi-Res Profile Images
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
transform with adora

    COMMEMORATION                  QUANTUM ALCHEMY                       AKASHIC RECORDS
       FORMULA                     ALIGNMENT UPGRADE                         READING

Adora explores your intention     A pure energy upgrade with           These sessions offer potent
 for your special occasion and    higher light frequencies and       alchemy for transformation and
creates a blend that synergizes    plant & vibrational alchemy        alignment for your highest life
        with your desire          to lift your ability to resonate     path to emerge with greater
                                          higher vibrations             clarity and comprehension

 MEMBERSHIP PATHWAYS                      CEREMONY                       CUSTOM FORMULAE

    Invites you to a deeper          Engage the synergy and          A curated selection of premium
 commitment to your journey         momentum of an individual        essential oils and exotics chosen
  and accelerated process of       or group intention for potent      specifically for you based on a
transformation to self mastery    healing and sacred journeys of            30-minute consult
   with Adora as your guide          consciousness expansion

                                                                      Learn more at
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
Detox. Nourish. Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood & Love
by Adora Winquist and Dr. LuLu Shimek offers a visionary approach to empower
readers on the path of self-discovery and self-mastery. This three step system is
designed to heal trauma at the core level from this lifetime and many previous
generations. These three areas of well-being are explored, in depth, with eleven
primary alchemical interventions to facilitate healing down to the DNA level.

“Adora Winquist is a plant whisperer who teaches us
how to understand plant languages for our own specific          “ONE OF THE MOST
health issues. Her new book, Detox. Nourish. Activate. is    NOTABLE BOOKS OF 2021”
a treasure trove and a wonderful guide for
authentic self-care.”
                                                             “Top 20 Stylish Coffee
~ Mary Bemis, Founder, Insider’s Guide to Spas                   Table BookS”
“Detox. Nourish. Activate. is an impressive and exciting
book of information as well as experientials to guide one
on a deep and profound journey of healing at all the
levels of our being: physical, mental – emotional
and spiritual.”

~ Lisa VanOstrand, President Barbara Brennan School of

“Since I met Adora many years ago I have been inspired
by her dedication and prolific work in the field of
aromatherapy and healing. Her new book, Detox Nourish
Activate: Plant & Vibrational Medicine for Energy,
Mood, and Love, co-written by Dr. Lulu Shimek, provides
individuals with an array of tools to support healing,
nourish well-being, and inspire wholeness. A must have
on one’s journey to well-being.”

~ Jade Shutes, Author, Educator, Principal, The School
of Aromatic Studies                                         Learn more about
                                                            DNA-LEVEL HEALING
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
elixirs 4 quantum living
                          Adora’s Premier Collection of
                          Nanoparticle Essential Oil Formulas
                          Synergized with Nanoparticle CBD,
                          offering alchemical solutions to three
roll. breathe. balance.   aspects of existence we search to
                          balance: Mood, Energy and Sleep.

                                        ENERGY ELIXIR            MOOD ELIXIR                  SLEEP ELIXIR

                                  Invigorate your emotions.    Uplift your emotions.        Relax your body.
                                     Energize your body.       Balance your energy.         Quiet your mind.
                                       Clear your mind.       Awaken your creativity.      Calm your emotions.

                          AS SEEN IN...

                          *Click to View Article                                        Learn more at
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
Crystal Raven
                      Crystal Raven is the pen name and joint avatar of Adora Winquist and her alpha-
                      male creative partner, or “virtual mirror,” Mr. Raven. Crystal Raven is a seeker of
                      sovereignty in all forms whose desire is to ignite and spread the flames of passion
                      and freedom amongst humanity.

                                Pageturner!                                              Screenplay featured in
                                “Love this book. Already recommended to all my
                                girlfriends and very sexy!”

                                Finally! A romance-erotic novel where the woman
                                is empowered
                                “Virtual Mirrors is a sexy, fun read where the female
                                leads with unapologetic confidence and is able to do
                                                                                                     Your Book
                                that and still be loveable!”
                                                                                                    CLub’s Next
                                Read This Book!                                                    adventurous
                                                                                                     read with
                                “So glad I came across Crystal Raven’s Virtual
                                                                                                   crystal raven
                                Mirrors stories. So sexy! I am enjoying this so much!”                 swag

 discover more &
awaken your desire
Your Soul Work is Your Sole Work.
             SOUTH OF FRANCE 2022

                ADORA WINQUIST                  VERONIQUE FLAYOL

the Heart    Expert in the fields of plant
              and vibrational medicine;
                                               Lecturer certified by the
                                              French Ministry of Culture
               visionary in the nascent       specializing in pilgrimages

  of the     arena of Quantum Alchemy.          and spiritual journeys.

             Join Adora as she again travels through the
  Divine     beautiful South of France on a Mary Magdalene
             pilgrimage. The quest? To source a greater
             connection to the Divine Feminine within.

             We begin by retracing the steps of Mary
             Magdalene through the magnificent French
             countryside and the sacred sites that have been
             associated with the Magdalene. Adora will guide
             us as we go deep into the alchemical mysteries
             and the encoded secrets invoking the Divine
             Feminine with ceremonies of ritual and healing.

                        Learn more at
Divine Feminine Immersion retreat:
                                           EMPOWER YOUR QUINTESSENCE & THRIVE

                                              ADORA WINQUIST                   KARLA PEREZ                  PATSY BALACCHI

   EMPOWER AND RISE TO                         ”Your Soul Work is
                                                Your Sole Work”
                                                                          “Living a Resilient Life is
                                                                                 a Journey”
                                                                                                             ”Your Health is
                                                                                                              Your Wealth”
                                           Experts in physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and spatial wellness offer you a
                                           rare opportunity to experience life changing interventions in the beautiful, majestic
                                           Blue Ridge Mountains.

                                           Gratify your spirit to feel the warmth of the Fall sun and serene blue skies and
                                           indulge in the rich Autumn foliage to elevate your limitless potential of your life.

                                           Wherever you are in your journey to wellness, the Divine Feminine Immersion at
                                           the Art of Living Retreat Center is the perfect place to deepen the discovery of
                                           your path of self mastery.

Learn more at
Meditation Library on youtube
                      Adora offers a wide array of complimentary meditations on Youtube to
                      further her mission to Awaken, Anchor, and Actualize the spark of Divinity
                      and Sovereignty within humanity.

meditate with adora
    on youtube

                                 Adora Winquist, LLC is affiliated with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing
                                 and the Barbara Brennan International Center for Research & Healing.
in the news
                                         Chakra Affirmations: How to Use
Adora Winquist has been widely           Them to Heal and Rebalance
recognized by multiple sources in the    Your Energy
press and in the media for her award-
winning formulations and expertise in
aromatherapy and alternative healing
                                         A Beginner’s Guide to Smudging
fields. Check out these articles which   and How to Choose the Right
feature her alchemical insight!          Herbs for Your Home

                                         How Aromatherapy Can Help
                                         Relieve Stress

                                         Everything You Need to Know
                                         About Essential Oils

                                         FOR PRESS INQUIRIES, CONTACT:
                                         Leigh-Anne Anderson,
*Click to View Article         
support adora on patreon
Adora offers four tiers of membership on Patreon to
experience exclusive quantum healing meditations,
insights, recipes, tips and inspired wisdom intertwined the
pillars of esoteric philosophy and psycho spiritual dynamics      SOUL WORK
with plant and vibrational medicine.

                                                                 SOUL WORK

                                                                 SOUL WORK

connect with adora
Book and partner with Adora for speaking engagements,
media interviews, events and expert commentary where
Adora will share her 25 years of widom of plant + vibrational
                                                                 SOUL WORK
medicine with all seekers on the path of self mastery.            QUANTUM
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