YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS

   Breadth and depth of expertise

   Best practice from your
   Customer Success Team

   Comprehensive support from
   technical to school improvement
                                     WHO BENEFITS?




 SIMS ONLY                               MANAGERS
YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
WHO                                                       SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM

BENEFITS                                                    Our expert team will help you maximise the
                                                            impact of SIMS in your school to improve the

                                                            learning and achievement of your pupils.

                                                            Your dedicated Customer Success Manager
                                                            will assist you with understanding the breadth
                                                            of SIMS at a strategic level and advise on how
                                                            it can be used most effectively to meet your
Whether you are a senior leader,                            school priorities.
teacher, business manager or
administrator, your Capita SIMS support                     SIMS support can assist with the effective
                                                            leadership of your school so that you have
agreement will help to ensure your SIMS                     the evidence required in one place and the
software is kept running at optimum                         ability to share information with relevant
efficiency, with the added benefit of
strategic input from your Customer                          Join our webinars for senior leaders, where we
Success Manager (CSM).                                      will share insight into how you can use SIMS to
                                                            evidence the impact and outcomes of a range
                                                            of school improvement strategies.

  ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF                                    TEACHERS
       Our service desk staff are on hand to answer
       your SIMS questions, helping you to streamline       Ease your daily workload and maximise the
       your processes and reduce the time you spend         use of your data knowing that you’ll receive
       on administrative tasks.                             personalised, comprehensive support for SIMS
                                                            software and all SIMS modules.
       You’ll receive regular communications and
       guidance from your dedicated Customer                Our regular communications and guidance will
       Success Manager to support key tasks, such           enable you to better meet the needs of your
       as statutory returns, census, managing pupil         pupils by ensuring that every pupil’s progress is
       premium and highlighting new features within         tracked, helping to inform your lesson planning.
                                                            Our support will provide you with expert
       Join our webinars exclusively for administrative     assistance for all your SIMS modules.
       staff, where we will share our top tips for
       getting the most out of SIMS.

       Your CSM will share updates and provide tips
       on how to get the most from SIMS, ensuring
       you can access the information you need for
       each individual pupil.

       Your Customer Success Manager can advise you
       on how best to maximise your investment in
       SIMS, providing the expertise and guidance you
       need to ensure the effective use of data in your

       We’ll advise you on how to utilise SIMS to drive
       efficiencies and help your budget go further.

       With our expertise, you can ensure resources
       are put to the best possible use and evidence
       the impact of your spend.

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
                                          Over 3,000 schools and
                                          academies are directly supported by Capita
                                          Experienced, knowledgeable Service Desk Team
                                          Trusted to provide comprehensive SIMS support

We have a customer                                 ‘Response’ means initial                   ‘Resolution’ means a                     ‘Committed’ times are the
service level agreement                            contact from Capita                        solution is offered. If a visit          percentage of times we must
(SLA) in place to ensure                           regarding your case via email              is required, then the case               meet these response and
that we deliver great                              or telephone.                              will be put into a state of              resolution targets over the
                                                                                              ‘wait’ until the visit has been          course of your contract as
customer service.
                                                                                              carried out.                             part of our SLA.

                                                                                                           Response                            Resolution

                                                                                                     Response     Committed       Resolution    Committed
                                                Priority                                               time       service level     time        service level
                                                                                                                                                                  in 2019*

           Entire system failure. The failure of a time-critical activity, for example
   1       payroll or statutory returns.                                                              1 hour          90%          4 hours          75%            81%

           High – system or key module failure. A malfunction causing impact on
  2        ability to operate significant key business proceses or production. No                    2 hours          90%          8 hours          80%            77%
           workaround or manual process is available.

           Medium – an issue that causes a significant impact to business but a
  3        workaround or manual process is available.                                                4 hours          90%
                                                                                                                                  2 working
                                                                                                                                                    85%            87%

           System usage assistance or guidance is required on service/system/                                                     5 working
  4        hardware/software queries that are not the consequence of a failure.                      8 hours          90%
                                                                                                                                                    90%            97%

                                                                                        CASE LOGGING PROCESS
    SERVICE DESK                                                                        All cases are logged and a unique reference number is allocated to
                                                                                        each case. The service desk will endeavour to resolve a case at first contact.

    OPENING HOURS                                                                       If the case cannot be resolved immediately, a specialist will own
                                                                                        and manage this through to resolution. Contact will be maintained
    The enhanced support service desk is available                                      throughout the resolution process.
    by telephone, email or voicemail during the
    following service times: Monday to Friday:
                                                                                            “WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE GRATITUDE
    Service Desk: 0844 893 8000†                                                            FOR THE SUPPORT FROM MEMBERS OF THE CAPITA TEAM IN
                                                                                            ALL AREAS. THANKS GO TO THE HELP DESK FOR RESOLVING
    Email:                                                                 OUR ISSUES PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY, AND MANY
    An answerphone service operates outside of                                              THANKS GO TO OUR CUSTOMER SUCCESS MANAGER.
    these hours. These service hours exclude the days
    between Christmas and New Year and all English                                          WE HAVE BEEN INVOLVED WITH CAPITA FOR MANY YEARS
    public holidays.                                                                        AND HAVE FOUND OUR WORKING PARTNERSHIP TO BE
                                                                                            EXCELLENT IN HELPING US TO FLOURISH.”
    For further information on your agreement,
                                                                                            Pat Addison, School Business Manager, Wigmore Primary School
    please call 0800 170 1732.

*Figures for 2019 contract year April to Aug.
†Calls to 0844/0845/0870 numbers will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your phone compa-
ny’s access charge.

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
      Your SIMS Only Support agreement offers experienced
      service desk analysts to support SIMS and discounted rates
      for training courses, consultancies and installations. This
      support contract includes:

KEEPING YOU INFORMED AND                        As part of your agreement, you’ll also     SIMS application suite update
UP TO DATE                                      have access to guidance providing top      management by SOLUS – we will
                                                tips for staff new to Hosted SIMS and      advise you of any changes to the SIMS
You will have access to a named
                                                to support routine tasks such as setting   application suite to enable you to carry
Customer Success Manager (CSM) who
                                                up and managing new users.                 out updates promptly when they are
has a real understanding of educational
                                                                                           made available to you via SOLUS.
changes. Your CSM will advise you in
understanding the breadth of SIMS               EXPERT SERVICE DESK SUPPORT
                                                                                           Database recovery service – this service
and how the effective use of SIMS can           Personalised support – from a service
                                                                                           is designed to assist you to recover,
support your school priorities.                 desk analyst who will talk through
                                                                                           from backup media, SIMS and FMS
                                                your case and, if required, access
                                                                                           data lost or compromised during a
As part of your contract, your CSM will         your system remotely to provide a
                                                                                           major system failure. However, Capita
also provide guidance, documentation            resolution.
                                                                                           is not responsible for the integrity of
and webinars to keep you informed
                                                                                           the SIMS and FMS databases. If a visit is
of enhancements and support                     Unlimited reactive support visits (for
                                                                                           required, this will be chargeable.
key processes, such as census and               remedial work) – visits to address cases
managing pupil premium.                         logged with the service desk where it
                                                                                           General advice on systems and
                                                is deemed by Capita to be the most
                                                                                           software – this consists of advice on:
Support for Hosted SIMS – for schools           appropriate course of action to resolve
with Hosted SIMS, you can access SIMS           a support case.
                                                                                           • hardware systems and their suitability
and all its features and functionality,
from any internet-connected device,             Support for SIMS application suite         • peripherals such as printers and
wherever you are. You’ll save time              – our experienced staff will provide       scanners
maintaining your IT systems, as we              comprehensive support for your SIMS        • backup software and operating
manage your SIMS upgrades, backups,             software. All SIMS modules are covered     systems
update filesets and apply patches as            by this agreement.                         • system security including antivirus

                                                                                           DISCOUNTED RATES
                                                                                           As an enhanced support customer you

                                                                                           will benefit from discounts on training
                                                                                           courses, school-based consultancy and
                                                                                           installations provided by Capita SIMS.
  Upgrade to a Whole Support agreement and benefit from an onsite visit each
  term. This will also allow you to take advantage of the expert support services
  which are offered as part of the Whole Support agreement, including:

  •    Key procedure assistance,            •      General SIMS administration
       including:                           •      SIMS health check
          - support for end of year         •      Technical health check
          - statutory returns               •      FMS visits
          - SIMS basic reporting

  You can also purchase these options from our +Services range.
  For more information, please call 0800 170 1732.

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
A GLANCE                                                                          YOUR
                                                                                               YOUR UPGRADE OPTIONS

   KEEPING YOU INFORMED AND UP TO DATE                                             SIMS ONLY    ADMIN ICT     WHOLE
                                                                                   SUPPORT      SUPPORT       SUPPORT

   A dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM)

   •     strategic support - to maximise the benefits of your Whole Support
         consultancy visits

   •     enhanced guidance, documentation and webinars

   •     senior leadership team overviews - delivered by your CSM


   These visits can be used to carry out key procedures and tasks within Core
   SIMS and FMS. These tasks can include end-of-year processes, data entry
   such as updating pupil and staff records, housekeeping and technical health
   checks for Core SIMS.


   Discounted rates on training, school-based consultancy and installations.


   Personalised support
   •     telephone support
   •     remote support
   •     email support

   General advice on systems and software, including:
   •     hardware systems
   •     peripherals such as printers and scanners
   •     backup software and operating systems
   •     system security and antivirus software

   Unlimited reactive support visits

   Support for SIMS application suite

   Database recovery service

   System recovery*
   Re-installation of the supported SIMS and FMS software plus operating system

   Support for other specified software (including Microsoft® and antivirus)

   Network support*
   For SIMS and other applications (email, EDI and Internet)

   Curriculum support
   Supporting your curriculum network, operating systems and a range of
   supported software

*Excludes hardware

        Visit the website for all the latest product news,                        To upgrade your support level, or
        webinars and guides to help you get more from                             for further information, please
        SIMS:                              call 0800 170 1732.

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
    EXCLUSIVE                                       WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY:
                                                    THAT WERE NEW AND EXCITING!”

    MAKE A REAL                                     Glynis Condison - Preston Manor School
    As an enhanced support
                                                    MOTIVATED AND IS VERY ENGAGING AND PERSONABLE.”
    customer, you benefit from
    discounted training and                         Hannah Dunnaway - Stopsley High School
    consultancy from Capita SIMS.
    Our training courses cover all
    areas of SIMS, giving you and
    your staff the knowledge to
    use SIMS more effectively.

    WITH PREPAID                                      THIS YEAR WERE SATISFIED OR VERY SATISFIED
    Our prepaid packs allow you
    to purchase your SIMS training
    and consultancy allowance
    for the year ahead at a special
    rate, enabling your training                                         As an enhanced support customer, you receive a
    budget to stretch further.                                           discount on training and consultancy. To browse and
                                                                         book courses visit
    call the training team on 0800
    170 1724 or visit

As an enhanced support customer, you receive an exclusive
discount on our +Services range of IT and administrative
options. +Services offers you access to the expertise you require,
leaving you with the freedom to focus on what really matters.
Options include:

Onsite technical service - ensuring your
curriculum and network systems are
up to date, thereby releasing valuable
management time.

Hardware maintenance service -
assurance that if anything goes wrong
with your hardware, we can put it right.                                         CONTACT US
Remote backup and monitoring -                                                   These options are available to purchase on an
provides you with a remote service                                               annual contractual basis. Call the team to discuss
that ensures your data is protected,                                             your requirements on 0844 893 6000.*
monitored and recoverable.                                                       *Calls to 0844/0845/0870 numbers will cost 3 pence per minute, plus your
                                                                                 company’s access charge.

YOUR 2020/21 - Capita SIMS
Capita SIMS provides you with the             BESPOKE TOOLS FOR DATA                         ENSURE YOUR STAFF HAVE
expertise you need to drive improved          COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS                        ACCESS TO THE DATA THEY NEED
teaching and learning by ensuring             Successful school improvement                  We offer schools and MATs the free
you’re getting the most out of your           strategies rely on the effective               tools to export and analyse their SIMS
data.                                         collection and use of data. Our                data in Microsoft Power BI. We can also
                                              consultancy options can include                offer consultancy around this to set up
STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY                         working with you to implement a range          automated customised reports that
OPTIONS                                       of bespoke data collection and analysis        meet the different needs of the staff
Our expert consultants work with you          tools that directly support your school’s      in your school, from senior leaders to
to ensure you are gaining the specific        individual priorities. These can include       teachers.
intelligence that you need from your          adaptions to the Programmes of Study
data. They can advise on how best             resources and a bespoke system of              Your consultant will work with you to
to develop the effective use of data          marksheets and templates in SIMS               ensure each member of your team has
throughout your school in support             Assessment, as well as customised              access to the data they need to drive
of whole school improvement and               analytical reports providing insight into      school improvement. Data is presented
developing an ‘always prepared for            pupil attainment and progress.                 in easily assimilated charts with the
inspection’ policy. The focus of each                                                        functionality to filter, zoom and drill
consultation is tailored to meet the                                                         down. You can select from a multitude
needs of your individual school or                                                           of dashboards including attendance,
academy group.                                                                               absence, achievement, behaviour and
                                                                                             much more.


SENIOR & MIDDLE              GOVERNORS                    DATA MANAGERS
                             Gain access to the           Use bespoke tools and
Access expertise             performance data you         automated, scheduled
and bespoke tools            need to effectively set      reporting to improve
to improve tracking,         targets and monitor          the quality of the data
monitoring, assessment       and evaluate progress.       you share with your
and communication                                         stakeholders whilst
of the impact of your                                     saving valuable time.
school improvement
strategies on pupil
outcomes. Get more
from your investment
in your MIS to achieve
greater cost-effective
                                                                    Access our free SIMS Consolidated Reporting
use of your data                                                    tools that enable you to export and analyse
systems.                                                            your SIMS data in Power BI. Create bespoke
                                                                    dashboards and drill down into the detail.

                                                                    Find out more at

                                                                                          Find out about our tailored
                                                                                          packages and how they can
                                                                                          help your school. Visit
                                                                                          or call 0800 170 1724.

   AND MATS                                                                   Whether you are considering
                                                                              becoming an academy, have
                                                                              recently converted or you have been
                                                                              an academy or academy group for a
   From conversion to                                                         while, you need the right systems in
                                                                              place to successfully manage your
   driving improvement                                                        responsibilities.

ACADEMY STATUS                           YOUR ACADEMY GROUP                          ACADEMY OR ACADEMY GROUP
When you convert to an academy you       As a school or MAT leader, you need         Take advantage of one of our strategic
will need a new financial management     the insight to make the right decisions     development planning days. A
system to deal with the new financial    to improve standards.                       specialist consultant will work with
year which runs from September to        With SIMS Consolidated Reporting you        you to analyse your development
August. Our Academy SIMS Finance         can access detailed reports in Power        priorities. They will then work with you
Conversion Service helps you to set up   BI* on any of the information that is       to develop an action plan tailored to
your new financial system – giving you   stored in SIMS.                             your needs and recommend areas for
the best possible start to managing                                                  development.
                                         Data from your SIMS schools is pulled
your academy finances.
                                         into central dashboards, enabling you
                                                                                     WE’RE HERE FOR YOU…
                                         to monitor and compare performance
MAKING THE MOST OF SIMS                                                              Becoming an academy or academy
                                         in your school or across a Trust.
Use SIMS to meet your legal financial                                                group means you have greater
                                         * Microsoft’s PowerBI Desktop is            freedom to choose the support you
obligations, demonstrate improvement
                                         included within your O365 licence.          need. If you’re currently evaluating
and ensure you are making the most
of being an academy or academy                                                       your support options, find out more
group. SIMS can help you use your data                                               about the flexible support we provide:
effectively to drive improvement.                                          
We understand that efficient financial
management is of utmost importance
to any academy or academy group. Our        How SIMS helps
new SIMS Finance solution has been
specifically designed for managing          ACADEMIES AND GROUPS
school and multi-academy trust
finances. In a few clicks, you can go       SIMS CONSOLIDATED REPORTING - a consolidated view of your
from an overall group dashboard, to         academy group’s data
viewing individual purchase orders,
making it a comprehensive solution          SIMS FINANCE - our new finance solution to manage your school finances
to help you meet your financial
                                            HOSTED SIMS - access to SIMS from any internet-connected device

                                            SIMS DISCOVER - monitor at risk groups, assess intervention strategies and
                                            see the whole picture of your school

                                            SIMS SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT CONSULTANCY - providing you with
                                            the expertise you need to drive improved teaching and learning by ensuring
                                            you’re getting the most out of your data

Parties:                                                                                               • CHAPS payment system.
Capita Business Services Limited, trading as       2. Agreement                                        • A debit or credit card.
Education Software Solutions, a company            2.1 In consideration of the payment of              • A Direct Debit mandate.
registered in England No. 2299747,                 the Charges, Capita agrees to supply to
(hereinafter referred to as ‘Capita’) of 30                                                            Payment by Cheque beyond 1st April 2014
                                                   the Customer the Services specified in              will not be acceptable and may mean the
Berners Street, London, W1T 3LR,                   the Support Agreement for the Term in               loss of your SIMS support until cleared funds
                                                   accordance with the provisions of this              are received at the bank.
AND                                                Agreement.
                                                                                                       6.4 Without prejudice to any right of
                                                                                                       termination, in the event that any payment
The school named in the attached                   3. Term                                             due under this Agreement is not made on
Agreement Summary (hereinafter referred to         3.1 Subject to Clause 16, the Term of this          the due date (in the absence of genuine
as the ‘Customer’)                                 Agreement shall be the Initial Term which           error) Capita shall (at its discretion) be
                                                   shall automatically continue for subsequent         entitled to charge interest (both before and
                                                   annual periods thereafter until terminated by       after any judgement) on a day to day basis
                                                   either party giving not less than 90 days prior     upon the overdue amount at 8% (eight per
1. Definitions                                     written notice to the other party, to expire on     cent) above the Bank of England base rate
                                                   the next annual renewal date.                       from time to time as defined by the Late
In this Agreement, the following words                                                                 Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act
and phrases have the following meanings:                                                               1998.
‘Additional Services’ means any services           4. Warranties
other than the Services to be provided by                                                              6.5 Capita reserves the right to suspend the
Capita at the Customers request for an             4.1 Capita warrants that it will supply the         Agreement or the provision of any Services
additional charge                                  Services by appropriately qualified and             provided by Capita under this Agreement
                                                   trained personnel.                                  in circumstances otherwise entitling it to
calculated in accordance with Capita’s then                                                            terminate this Agreement. Such suspension
current standard scale of charges unless           4.2 The Customer warrants that it is the
                                                   legal owner or licensee of all software and         shall not be deemed to represent a waiver of
otherwise agreed between the parties;                                                                  Capita’s right to terminate this Agreement.
                                                   hardware that Capita supports as part of
‘Agreement’ means the Agreement                    the Services and that it has all required           6.6 Upon expiry of the Initial Term, Capita
Summary and the Support Agreement which            permissions to permit access to the software        reserves the right to increase the Charges
incorporates these terms and conditions;           and hardware by Capita.                             subject to giving the Customer at least 90
‘Agreement Summary’ means the document             4.3 Save as expressly specified in this             days written notice thereof to have effect
of that name attached to the Support               Agreement, all other terms, conditions,             from the first day of the next annual period.
Agreement which contains, inter alia, details      warranties, representations, or guarantees          6.7 Where Services are provided at the
of the Customer and a summary of Capita’s          which might have effect between the                 Customers location then the cost of
agreement with the Customer;                       parties or be implied or incorporated into          providing suitable means of travel, hotel
‘Charges’ means the charges to be paid by          this Agreement or any collateral contract,          accommodation and subsistence, etc. for
the Customer to Capita pursuant to Clause 6        whether by statute, common law or                   Capita staff will be added to the charges in
in respect of any part of the Services;            otherwise, are hereby excluded, including,          the Agreement Summary.
‘Customer Personal Data’ means any                 without limitation, the express or implied          6.8 Capita reserves the right to charge for the
personal data which is transmitted by or on        conditions, warranties or other terms relating      provision of any additional services provided
behalf of the Customer to, or is otherwise         to the use of reasonable skill and care, or the     as a result of the failure by the Customer
processed by, Capita under this Agreement          performance, satisfactory quality or fitness        to meet its obligations as set out in this
or which is generated under this Agreement;        for purpose of any part of the provision of         Agreement.
‘Effective Date’ means the date of signature                                                           6.9 Capita reserves the right to charge, as
of this Agreement by the Customer;                                                                     follows, for pre scheduled activities which
‘Force Majeure’ means any event beyond             5. Indemnity                                        are subsequently cancelled or postponed by
the reasonable control of Capita including,        The Customer warrants that it has the right         the Customer:
without limitation, strikes, labour disputes,      to authorise Capita to provide the Services         • 100% payable if less than 2 full working
acts of God, war, riot, civil commotion,           under this Agreement and is duly authorised         days’ notice is provided
malicious damage, fire, flood and storm;           to enter into this Agreement. The Customer          • 66% payable if less than 10 full working
‘Data Protection Legislation’ means the Data       shall indemnify and hold Capita harmless            days’ notice is provided
Protection Act 1998, and from 25 May 2018,         from any claim caused by or arising from any
                                                   unauthorised use by Capita, in the course           • 33% payable if less than 20 full working
the General Data Protection Regulation (EU                                                             days’ notice is provided
2016/679) or any replacement legislation           of providing the Services, of any item used
applicable in England and Wales from               by or under the control of the Customer for
time to time and any other applicable laws         which Capita has been contracted to provide         7. Intellectual Property Rights
relating to the processing of personal data;       Services.
                                                                                                       7.1 Unless expressly agreed by Capita in
‘Initial Term’ means the initial term of this                                                          writing, no Intellectual Property Rights of
Agreement as set out in the Agreement              6. Charges and Payment Terms                        whatever nature in respect of any matter
Summary; ‘Intellectual Property Rights’            6.1 The Charges for the Services for the Initial    related to the Services shall vest or be
means any copyright, patent, registered            Term are set out in the attached Agreement          deemed to vest in the Customer.
design, trademark, database and/or other           Summary.
intellectual property right of whatever
nature subsisting anywhere in the world;           6.2 Payment is due annually in advance for          8. Confidentiality
‘Services’ means the services to be provided       each annual period beginning on 1st April.          8.1 Capita and the Customer shall use all
by Capita as set out in the attached Support       The Charges do not include any amount               reasonable endeavours to keep confidential
Agreement;                                         arising in respect of VAT (or other applicable      (and ensure that their employees, agents
                                                   taxes), which, if applicable, shall be payable      and sub-contractors keep confidential) all
‘SIMS’ means Capita’s Schools Information          by the Customer and added to such Charges
Management System software;                                                                            information received by them relating to
                                                   at the rate in force at the time that they          any part of the business and affairs of the
‘Support Agreement’ means the document             become due.                                         other party and, in the case of the Customer,
of that name which incorporates these terms        6.3 Payment of the Charges shall be made            any aspect of the Services designated as
and conditions and which sets out, inter alia,     by the Customer within 30 days of the date          confidential by Capita provided that these
the details of the support services that are       of invoice from Capita. It is a condition of this   obligations shall not apply to information
offered by Capita;                                 Agreement that all Charges due for payment          which:
‘Term’ means the term of this Agreement            after 1st April 2014, be paid by direct bank        8.1.1 is or becomes publicly known through
pursuant to Clause 3;                              transfer into the Capita Business Services          no wrongful act of the party concerned; or
‘Working Day’ means Monday to Friday               Limited bank account at Barclays Bank PLC
                                                   (Account Number: 60864978, Sort Code: 20-           8.1.2 is required to be disclosed by an order
between the hours of 08:00 and 17:00                                                                   of law or other binding Customer; or
excluding (i) public holidays and (ii) the three   67-59) using any of the following options:
days that are not public holidays between          • BACS (including the Faster Payments               8.1.3 is disclosed to any adviser of either
Christmas and New Year each year.                  Service)                                            party bound by a professional duty of

confidentiality.                                   10.4 During the Term of this Agreement,           the performance of the sub-processor’s
8.2 Each party shall notify the other in           Capita shall maintain in force with a             obligations and where applicable, providing
writing if it becomes aware of any breach          reputable insurance company or companies,         the Customer with reasonable prior notice of
of confidentiality and give all reasonable         public and product liability, professional        any addition, removal or replacement of any
assistance to the other party in pursuing its      indemnity and employers’ liability insurance      such sub-processors;
rights where a breach of confidence occurs.        and Capita shall upon written demand
                                                   produce to the Customer sufficient written
8.3 The Customer will ensure that the              evidence of the existence and maintenance         11.5.5 not process or transfer Customer
terms of this clause are equally applied to        of such cover.                                    Personal Data outside the European
the Customer, its servants, agents or sub-                                                           Economic Area without the prior
contractors.                                                                                         documented consent of the Customer
                                                   11. Data Protection                               (which consent shall not be unreasonably
                                                   11.1 Within this Clause the terms “controller”,   withheld or delayed).
9. Termination of Agreement
                                                   “data subject”, “personal data”, “personal
9.1 Either party may terminate this                data breach”, “process (“processed” to be
Agreement in the event that the other party                                                          11.5.6 have in place the appropriate
                                                   construed accordingly) and “processor” shall      technical and organisational security
enters into a voluntary arrangement with           have the same meanings as in the Data
its creditors or (being an individual) is the                                                        measures to protect the Customer Personal
                                                   Protection Legislation. With respect to the       Data against accidental or unlawful
subject of a bankruptcy order or (being            parties’ rights and obligations under this
a partnership, company or other body)                                                                destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised
                                                   Agreement, the parties acknowledge that           disclosure or access;
enters into any formal proceedings (or             in relation to any Customer Personal Data,
anything analogous) for its administration,        the Customer is a controller and Capita is a
receivership, winding-up or liquidation            processor.                                        11.5.7 notify the Customer without undue
(except for the purpose of amalgamation or                                                           delay after becoming aware of any personal
a solvent reconstruction) or otherwise ceases                                                        data breach involving Customer Personal
to trade.                                          11.2 The parties acknowledge their                Data, taking into account the nature of
9.2 Either party may terminate this                respective obligations under the Data             processing and the information available to
Agreement in the event that the other              Protection Legislation and shall give each        Capita;
party commits a material breach of this            other such assistance as is reasonable to
Agreement and, if the breach is capable of         enable each other to comply with such
remedy, the party in breach fails to remedy        obligations, however, for the avoidance of        11.5.8 take appropriate technical and
the breach in question within fifteen (15)         doubt the Customer agrees that where              organisational measures, insofar as
Working Days of receiving written notice           Capita has satisfied a contractual obligation     is possible, to assist the Customer in
from the other party requiring the same.           under this Agreement, then such satisfaction      responding to requests for data subjects
                                                   of the contractual obligation is deemed           for access to or rectification, erasure or
9.3 Where the termination of this Agreement        to satisfy the same or similar requirement        portability of Customer Personal Data or
by Capita results from a breach of this            under the Data Protection Legislation.            for restriction of processing or objections
Agreement by the Customer, Capita shall                                                              to processing of Customer Personal Data
be entitled to retain all the Charges paid to                                                        (but Capita will not itself respond to any
Capita by the Customer up to and including         11.3 The Customer warrants, represents            such data subject request except on
the date of termination.                           and undertakes to Capita that it has lawful       written instructions from the Customer).
9.4 Any termination of this Agreement shall        grounds for processing the Customer               Furthermore, Capita will, upon the request
be without prejudice to the remedies of            Personal Data, and that any instruction given     of the Customer, provide assistance to the
either party in respect of a subsisting breach.    to Capita in relation to the processing of the    Customer relating to the Customer’s security;
                                                   Customer Personal Data shall be lawful.           impact assessment; data breach reporting
9.5 Capita reserves the right to terminate
support Services of any third party item                                                             requirements; and data protection or data
listed in the Agreement Summary should             11.4 The parties confirm that the Data            privacy authority consultation obligations
such third party cease to provide software         Protection Schedule at Schedule A contains        under the Data Protection Legislation taking
maintenance services on which Capita relies        the necessary information in relation to          into account the information available to
to provide Services under this Agreement.          the subject matter and duration of the            Capita. Capita may charge the Customer
                                                   processing; the nature and purpose of             its reasonable costs (or the rates otherwise
                                                   the processing; the type of personal data;        agreed between the parties) for its time
10. Liability                                      the categories of data subjects; and the          spent and expenses incurred in providing the
10.1 Neither party shall exclude or restrict its   obligations and rights of the Customer.           Customer with co-operation and assistance
liability in connection with this Agreement                                                          as required by this Clause;
resulting from death or personal injury
caused by negligence of that party, its            11.5 Where Capita processes Customer
                                                   Personal Data under or in connection with         11.5.9 make available to the Customer such
officers, employees, contractors or agents, nor                                                      information as the Customer reasonably
for fraud nor breach of obligations implied        this Agreement, Capita shall:
                                                                                                     requests and Capita is reasonably able to
by section 12, Sale of Goods Act 1979 or                                                             provide, and, permit and contribute to such
section 2, Supply of Goods and Services Act        11.5.1 save as required otherwise by law, only    audits, including inspections, conducted by
1982, nor any other liability which may not        process such Customer Personal Data as is         the Customer (or the Customer’s appointed
be excluded by law.                                necessary to perform its obligations under        auditors), as is necessary to demonstrate
10.2 Subject to Clause 10.1 the aggregate          this Agreement, and only in accordance with       Capita’s compliance with the Data Protection
liability of Capita, whether for damages,          the Customer’s documented instructions;           Legislation. The Customer will give
payments of compensation or by way of                                                                reasonable notice of any audit and will be
indemnity or of any nature howsoever arising                                                         fully liable for any associated costs (including
under or in relation to this Agreement or          11.5.2 put in place appropriate technical         those of Capita); and
any part thereof (including as a result of         and organisational measures to meet its
negligence) shall be limited to the aggregate      own obligations under the Data Protection
payments made by the Customer to Capita            Legislation;                                      11.5.10 save as may be required by law, and
in the preceding twelve (12) months, in                                                              at the Customer’s cost and option, either
respect of the Services in respect of which                                                          delete or return the Customer Personal Data
                                                   11.5.3 ensure Capita staff who will have          to the Customer on expiry or termination
the liability has arisen.                          access to Customer Personal Data are subject      of this Agreement, provided always that
10.3 In no event shall Capita be liable to         to appropriate confidentiality obligations;       nothing in this Clause shall oblige Capita
the Customer in respect of loss of profits,                                                          to provide assistance which does not relate
business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated                                                           directly to the Services performed pursuant
savings or indirect or consequential loss or       11.5.4 be entitled to engage sub-processors
                                                   to process Customer Personal Data                 to this Agreement.
damage (whether caused by negligence or
otherwise) or the acts or omissions of any         subject to Capita ensuring that equivalent
third party (whether as a result of negligence     requirements to those set out in this Clause      11.6 Capita shall inform the Customer in
or otherwise).                                     are imposed on any sub-processor(s), Capita       writing if, in Capita’s opinion, an instruction
                                                   remaining fully liable to the Customer for

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from the Customer infringes the Data                in respect of the matter concerned shall           the Customer shall not be entitled to sub-
Protection Legislation but only in relation         be suspended without liability until the           licence, assign or otherwise transfer its rights
to a breach of General Data Protection              Force Majeure ceases to exist. Either party        or obligations under this Agreement without
Regulation ((EU 2016/679)) and/or other             may terminate the supply of the part of            the prior written consent of Capita (not to
Union or Member State data protection               the System or the Services concerned if the        be unreasonably withheld). Capita is entitled
provisions and not jurisdictions outside            Force Majeure cannot be remedied in all            to assign or otherwise transfer its rights or
of these areas. However, the Customer               material respects within six (6) months of its     obligations under this Agreement to another
acknowledges that:                                  commencement.                                      wholly owned subsidiary of Capita plc.
                                                                                                       16.8 This Agreement shall be binding on
11.6.1any information Capita provides is            14. Notices                                        and shall continue for the benefit of the
not legal advice or guidance in any way                                                                successors and permitted assigns (as the
                                                    14.1 Any notice to be served under this            case may be) of each of the parties hereto.
whatsoever, and that Capita makes no                Agreement shall be in writing and either
warranty or representation regarding the            delivered personally or sent by first class        16.9 All provisions of this Agreement shall so
information (express or implied); and               recorded delivery post to the party to whom        far as they are capable of being performed
                                                    the notice is addressed at its address set out     and observed continue in full force and
                                                    in the Agreement Summary or such other             effect notwithstanding expiry or earlier
11.6.2 this Clause shall not relieve the                                                               termination.
Customer of its obligation to ensure that           address subsequently notified in writing to
all instructions to Capita comply with all          the other party.                                   16.10 No whole or partial failure to exercise
applicable legislation, including all Data          14.2 A notice is deemed duly given if              and no delay in exercising any right
Protection Legislation; and                         delivered personally when left at the              hereunder shall operate as a final waiver
                                                    recipient’s address for service or if sent by      thereof unless expressed as such in writing.
                                                    first class recorded delivery post, at 10.00       16.11 The rights and remedies provided
11.6.3 Capita may charge the Customer its           hours on the second Working Day following          in this Agreement are cumulative and not
reasonable costs (or the rates otherwise            the recorded day of posting.                       exclusive of any rights or remedies otherwise
agreed between the parties) for its time                                                               provided by law.
spent and expenses incurred in providing the
Customer with co-operation and assistance           15. Severability                                   16.12 The parties do not intend any third
as required by this Clause.                                                                            party to have the right to enforce any
                                                    15.1 If any provisions of this Agreement           provision of this Agreement under the
                                                    should ever be determined to be illegal,           Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
11.7 Notwithstanding anything to the                invalid or otherwise unenforceable by              or otherwise.
contrary in this Agreement, if any of the           reason of the laws of any state or country
                                                    in which this Agreement is intended to be          16.13 The Customer agrees to provide Capita,
following occur:                                                                                       without charge, access to all computer time,
                                                    effective then to the extent and within the
                                                    jurisdiction in which such provision is illegal,   resources, accommodation, skilled staff and
11.7.1 any changes/modifications to the             invalid or unenforceable it shall be severed       telecommunications as reasonably required
Data Protection Legislation (including in           and deleted here from and the remaining            by Capita in the provision of the Services.
connection with the withdrawal of the               provisions hereof shall survive, remain in full    16.14 If any part of this Agreement is
United Kingdom from the European Union              force and effect and continue to be binding        judged to be illegal or unenforceable, the
and/or the EEA) including the requirement           and shall not be affected except insofar as        continuation in full force and effect of the
to amend, update, modify or replace any             may be necessary to make sense of this             remainder of the provisions shall not be
systems Capita use to process the Customer          Agreement, and shall be interpreted so as          prejudiced.
Personal Data;                                      to give effect to the intention of the Parties     16.15 The parties hereby agree that this
                                                    insofar as that is possible.                       Agreement may be electronically signed. The
11.7.2 any new, clarified or amended                                                                   parties agree that any electronic signatures
guidance or polices issued by a supervisory         16. General                                        appearing on this Agreement have the same
authority;                                                                                             legal status as handwritten signatures for
                                                    16.1 No press or other public statement            the purposes of validity, enforceability and
                                                    shall be made in respect of this Agreement         admissibility.
11.7.3 any direction or instruction issued by a     without the prior written consent of the
supervisory authority (whether relating to the      other party (consent not to be unreasonably
Customer or Capita in respect of the Services       withheld).                                         17. TUPE
(including any processing of the Customer           16.2 No variation of this Agreement shall be       17.1 The Customer and Capita agree
Personal Data) then any increased effort or         binding unless made in writing and signed          that it is not their intention that on the
costs incurred by Capita in association with        by a duly authorised officer of each party.        commencement, termination or expiry
the aforementioned shall be additionally            16.3 The headings to Clauses in this               of this Agreement any transfer of an
chargeable to the Customer.                         Agreement are for ease of reference only and       undertaking further to the Transfer of
                                                    shall not be construed otherwise.                  Undertakings (Protection of Employment)
                                                                                                       Regulations 1981 (‘TUPE’) arises. In the event
11.8 The Customer shall indemnify and keep          16.4 This Agreement sets out the entire            that any of the matters referred to in this
indemnified Capita against any liability,           agreement and understanding between                Agreement do constitute a transfer within
fines, claims, demands, expenses and costs          the parties in connection with its subject         the meaning of the Transfer of Undertakings
(including legal fees) arising as a result of any   matter and shall override all previous             (Protection of Employment) Regulations
breach of the Data Protection Legislation by        verbal or written agreements and                   2006 (‘TUPE Regulations’) in respect of any
the Customer, or Capita acting in accordance        understandings, save in respect of fraudulent      employee either of the Customer, Capita or
with any instruction, policy or procedure of        misrepresentation. This Agreement shall            the previous service provider then Capita
the Customer.                                       apply to the provision of Services to the          and the Customer agree to comply in full
                                                    exclusion of any other conditions (including,      with their respective obligations in law,
                                                    but not limited to, any conditions forming         including under the Transfer of Undertakings
12. Restriction                                     part of a purchase order subsequently              (Protection of Employment) Regulations
12.1 Neither party shall at any time prior to       provided by the Customer to Capita).               2006.
or within twelve (12) months of termination         16.5 The parties respectively shall ensure
or expiry of this Agreement solicit the             that there are done and executed all
employment of any person who is employed            acts, documents and other things as may            18. Law and Jurisdiction
by the other in the course of providing,            reasonably be required for securing each           18.1 This Agreement shall be governed by
assisting or developing the Services, unless        of the rights and obligations of the parties       and construed in accordance with English
first agreed between the parties.                   under this Agreement.                              law and each party irrevocably submits to
13. Force Majeure                                   16.6 This Agreement may be entered into in         the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of
13.1 If either party is unable to carry out         any number of counterparts each of which           England.
any of its obligations under this Agreement         shall be deemed to be an original and which
due to a Force Majeure this Agreement shall         together shall comprise this Agreement.
remain in effect and both parties’ obligations      16.7 Save as provided in this Agreement,

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