Woodside fires ahead Scarborough final investment decision locked in - Prime Creative Media

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Woodside fires ahead Scarborough final investment decision locked in - Prime Creative Media
OCT/NOV 2021

fires ahead
Scarborough final investment
decision locked in

Woodside fires ahead Scarborough final investment decision locked in - Prime Creative Media
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                                            Mega-deals on the cards
                                            create new avenues
                                            With the announcement of four major players in the sector
                                            combining to become two entities, the face of Australia’s oil
MOLLY HANCOCK                               and gas industry is set to be changed.

           he motto within Australia’s oil and              September, confirming they had entered                         diversified natural resources company
           gas industry at present appears                  into a merger implementation deed,                             by market capitalisation with over 80,000
           to be go big or go home.                         combining Santos’ carbon capture storage                       employees and contractors. With the
              The sector first saw the                      capability with Oil Search’s ESG programs                      proposed mergers creating an opportunity
power-move from Woodside and BHP                            in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Alaska.                          for long-life conventional portfolios of scale
when they announced in August that they                     Santos MD and CEO Kevin Gallagher said                         and diversity of geography, product and
had entered into a merger commitment                        the two companies would be stronger                            end markets, Woodside, BHP, Santos and
deed to combine their respective oil                        together and will have increased scale and                     Oil Search have opened up a new avenue
and gas portfolios to create a global                       capacity to drive a combined disciplined,                      for other companies to expand their growth
top 10 independent energy company                           low-cost operating model and unrivalled                        and capabilities.
by production.                                              growth opportunities over the next decade.
    The combined company is set to to                           Not only will the merger companies
have a high margin oil portfolio, long life                 create stronger balance sheets and strong
LNG assets and the financial resilience to                  cashflows for them, but it will also give                      Molly Hancock, Assistant Editor
help supply the energy needed for global                    Australia’s oil and gas industry a new look.         
growth and development over the energy                          As four large operators that boast a
transition. Woodside chief executive officer                lot of projects in Australia and PNG, by
(CEO) and managing director (MD) Meg                        bringing all the assets together to create
O’Neill said merging the two company’s                      two companies, they will provide choice
oil and gas business would deliver a                        for shareholders, unlock synergies in
stronger balance sheet, increased cash                      how these assets are managed and allow
flow and enduring financial strength to fund                capital to be deployed to the highest quality
planned developments in the near term                       opportunities. The merger companies will
and new energy sources into the future.                     also enable the skills, talent and technology
On November 22, Woodside confirmed                          of all four organisations to build a resilient
that that the two companies had signed a                    future as the industries’ needs evolve. With                                          FRONT COVER
                                                                                                                                                  Scarborough and Pluto
binding share sales agreement, bringing                     BHP pioneering the development of the oil
                                                                                                                                                  Expansion Project.
the merger one step closer. Santos and Oil                  and gas industry in Australia in the 1960s,                                           Image credit: Woodside.
Search followed suit at the beginning of                    it has grown to become the world’s largest

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 AGL Energy                SCOPE
 Level 22                  Proposed by AGL Energy, the Crib Point to Pakenham Pipeline is intended to relieve gas supply
 101 Miller Street         pressure on the Victorian market by connecting interstate and international LNG ships to the local
 North Sydney NSW 2060
 P: (02) 9921 2999         market via the floating storage and regassification unit (FSRU) at the existing Crib Point jetty.
                           The high-pressure buried pipeline will transport gas from 12 to 40 LNG ships each year and will
 PIPE STATS                connect to the existing network via a link in Pakenham. The project consists of a bidirectional
 Length: 55-60km           pipeline, as well as some plant and equipment setup, including metering and odourisation.
 Diameter: 600mm
                           March 2021: The Victorian Government has ruled out AGL Energy and APA Group’s proposed
                           gas import terminal at Crib Point and construction of a pipeline from the terminal to Pakenham.
                           Victorian Minister for Planning Richard Wynne said marine discharges from the proposed
                           project would have unacceptable effects on the environment in Western Port, which is listed as
                           a Ramsar wetland of international significance. The decision is based on an environment effects
                           statement (EES) produced by AGL and APA, around 6000 public submissions and a report into
                           the findings of the statement by an independent Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC).

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           February 2021: The Liberal National opposition in Victoria has vowed to stop AGL’s Crib Point
                           development if elected to government in November next year. Outlined in EnergyQuest’s
 OWNERSHIP                 monthly LNG report, Shadow Minister for Energy and Resources Ryan Smith said the opposition
 APA Group 100%
                           was against an import terminal due to community backlash.
                           December 2020: EnergyQuest expects that additional gas supplies are urgently needed for the
                           southern states, particularly Victoria, where gas is predominantly used for manufacturing and
                           commercial purposes. A public inquiry into AGL’s proposed Crib Point project commenced in
                           September and is due to continue until December 17. The project has drawn a record number
                           of objections, notwithstanding the dire outlook for gas supply in the southern states. The inquiry
                           is due to report to the Victorian planning minister within 30 days of the final day of hearings, by
                           February 24, after which the minister has 20 days to make a decision.
                           August 2020: AGL Energy advised in its 2020 financial year results that the gas spot price
                           declined through financial year as excess market supply from the northern states continued
                           with lower domestic demand and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. AGL expects gas supply
                           constraints to hit in the early to mid-2020s. As a result the company continues to pursue both
                           the Crib Point import project and competitive re-contracting of gas supply, to ensure adequate,
                           flexible supply with trading exposure to international LNG pricing.
                           May 2020: AGL, presenting at the 2020 Macquarie Australia Conference, advised that its long-
                           term focus continued to be on building optionality and flexibility into its portfolio through diverse
                           contracting (both for supply and storage) and with projects like Crib Point.
                           February 2020: In the company’s half year report, AGL reported that it was continuing to
                           progress the Crib Point LNG import project. The company outlined that the project remained
                           compelling, subject to environmental approval and a final investment decision. AGL also
                           highlighted that the timing and cost of the project would likely be impacted by the increased
                           complexity of it.
                           December 2019: APA Group announced that it entered into a new gas transportation
                           agreement on December 18 on the East Coast Grid with AGL Energy, commencing January
                           1 2020. The new two-year multi-asset, multi-service agreement replaces an expiring contract
                           with AGL.
                           November 2019: Still battling approvals. AGL’s import terminal and subsequent pipeline are
                           now anticipated to be operational in 2022. AGL purchased 50 PJ of gas from Esso to keep its
                           supplies strong until it can import LNG using the proposed facilities, scheduled to be connected
                           to the project’s compression station from October 2019.
                           July 2019: According to media reports, approvals for AGL’s import terminal and the APA Group
                           Crib Point to Pakenham may not be received until the middle of 2020 and may require design
                           changes and extra costs.


 Cooper Energy                SCOPE
 Level 10                     Previous operator Santos first proposed the development of the Sole gas field off the
 60 Waymouth Street           coast of Victoria. Santos sold the Sole project to Cooper Energy in 2016. A 40km subsea
 Adelaide SA 5000
 P: (08) 8100 4900            pipeline connects the field to the Orbost gas plant on the Victorian coast, 10km from
                              Orbost. Operations at the Orbost gas processing plant involve separation, compression and
 PIPE STATS                   dehydration of raw gas. Sales gas is then transported to the Eastern Gas Pipeline.
 Capacity: 68 TJ/day
                              February 2021: Cooper Energy has reported record production and sales volumes in the
                              December 2020 half year as output has ramped up from the Sole gas field. Increased gas
                              production from Sole underpinned an 82 per cent increase in total production to 1.20 million
                              barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe).

                              PREVIOUS HISTORY
                              January 2021: Despite Cooper Energy’s half year production increasing to 1.16 million
                              barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe), quarterly production was down by 28 per cent to
                              0.49 MMboe. This was a result of lower Sole gas production during the reconfiguration
                              of the Orbost gas processing plant. “While works continue to establish a stable gas
 OWNERSHIP                    production rate at the Orbost gas processing plant, we are seeing positive signs from the
 Cooper Energy 100%           reconfiguration of the plant’s absorbers and remain confident that the plant’s capacity rate
                              of 68 terajoules a day (TJ/d) can be achieved over time,” managing director David Max-well
 CONTRACTORS                  said.
 Diamond Offshore: Drilling   December 2020: Cooper Energy has confirmed that reconfiguration works at the Orbost
 contractor                   gas pro-cessing plant in Victoria have been completed as planned. The plant, which is
 Subsea 7: Subsea pipeline    owned and operated by APA Group and processes gas from Cooper Energy’s Sole gas field,
 and installation             has also commenced its supply contract to industrial customers.
                              November 2020: Cooper Energy has mapped out a clear pathway and timeline for
                              the commence-ment of firm supply from Sole in the Gippsland Basin. Outlined in the
                              company’s annual general meeting report, Maxwell highlighted that it now means Cooper
                              Energy has a plan for higher produc-tion, prices and cash generation. “The first step is the
                              commencement of plant reconfiguration works at the Orbost gas processing plant next
                              week,” Maxwell said. “Production is expected to resume in early December, with the plant
                              reconfigured for more reliable and higher production than has been possible until now.”
                              August 2020: APA Group and Cooper Energy have executed an agreement to complete
                              the com-missioning of the Orbost gas processing plant (OGPP) in Victoria. The transition
                              agreement sup-plements the exisiting project documents, and sets aside potential claims
                              and entitlements available to either party, resulting in sharing of costs and revenue while
                              OGPP commissioning proceeds to-wards completion.
                              July 2020: Cooper Energy has hit a quarterly production record on the back of its first full
                              quarter since the Sole gas project commenced operations in the Gippsland Basin offshore
                              Victoria. In a quarterly update, Cooper reported that production increased by 118 per cent.
                              With commissioning of the plant ongoing, Cooper has recorded daily production from Sole
                              at 31 TJ and 48 TJ so far in July, with an average of 43 TJ. The plant performance is yet to
                              sustain gas supply of 68 TJ/day to complete the commission of the pant.
                              June 2020: The Orbost gas plant is progressively achieving a sustained increase in plant
                              output rates, including a a record of 55 terajoules a day during commissioning. APA
                              reported that output has averaged 34 TJ/day from May 20, with performance demonstrating
                              the plant’s capability to maintain production of 45 TJ to 40 TJ. The company found a
                              reoccurrence of fouling due to pro-longed foaming in the second absorber, which will require
                              a second shutdown for cleaning of the absorber vessel. APA has advised that a second
                              antifoam dosing pump has been installed since the previous shutdown at the beginning of
                              May to improve performance. The shutdown was scheduled for June 20-21, and was set to
                              take six days to complete.


 Senex Energy              SCOPE
 Level 14                  Project Atlas involves the delivery of natural gas from coal seams on acreage located
 144 Edward Street         near Wandoan and Miles in Queensland’s Surat Basin. The 56km2 acreage is estimated to
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3335 9000         contain P50 recoverable gas volumes of 201 PJ, with investment of more than $200 million
                           to drill around 100 wells and construct associated infrastructure. First gas was achieved
                           at the project in November 2019.

                           AUGUST 2021: Senex Energy has announced the final investment decision (FID) has been
                           taken for the $40 million expansion of natural gas production at Atlas by 50 per cent to
                           18 petajoules (PJ/year). Managing director and CEO Ian Davies said the Atlas expansion
                           project is yet another example of the low-risk, high-return organic growth opportunities
                           available to Senex with its established hub-and-spoke infrastructure operating model.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           February 2021: Senex Energy outlined in its quarterly report that daily production at
 OWNERSHIP                 Atlas reached 30 TJ/d subsequent to quarter end and continues to track towards initial
 Senex Energy 100%
                           nameplate capacity of 32 TJ/d. In addition, activities at Atlas are progressing, including
 PIPELINE                  work with Jemena on front-end engineering design (FEED) and long lead item planning
 CONTRACTORS               for the gas processing facility expansion, and FID targeted for the second half of the 2021
 Pipeline: Jemena          financial year.
 Compressions Station
 Construction: Valmec      September 2020: Senex Energy has been awarded additional Atlas acreage as part of
                           the Queensland Government’s domestic gas acreage tender process. The Atlas acreage
                           is immediately adjacent to its existing development in the Bowen Basin, and on trend with
                           the Scotia and Meridian gas fields. As a result, this will enhance the company’s exisiting
                           development, with the contiguous block bounded by prolific has producing acreage, and
                           resource quality and reservoir performance expected to be high-quality.
                           July 2020: Senex Energy has reported a 21 per cent increase in Surat Basin 2P gas
                           reserves to 239 petajoules (PJ) following the execution of its natural gas developments in
                           Queensland. In an independently assessed estimate of reserves and contingent resources,
                           the company’s appraisal and development drilling results at Atlas have driven a 62 per cent
                           increase in 2P gas reserves, with a 90 PJ increase to 234 PJ.
                           June 2020: Senex Energy has reported that Atlas production was exceeding 15 TJ/day and
                           increasing steadily towards nameplate capacity of 32 TJ/day. The company stated that
                           initial water treatment facilities at Atlas had been commissioned, with final construction
                           to be completed in early 2021. Senex managing director and chief executive officer Ian
                           Davies said the Surat Basin natural gas development project was executed superbly, with
                           strong support from partners and stakeholders.
                           May 2020: Senex Energy has signed a one-year agreement with CleanCo Queensland for
                           2.55 petajoules of natural gas from Project Atlas in the Surat Basin, Queensland. As part
                           of the agreement, Senex will supply natural gas from January 1, 2021, with gas supplied at
                           the Wallumbilla gas hub at a fixed price in line with current market levels. Senex managing
                           director and chief executive officer Ian Davies said the company was proud to be helping
                           power homes and businesses throughout Queensland with cleaner energy. “The increase
                           in supply of Atlas gas to CleanCo is a great outcome for Queensland, enabled by the state
                           government’s policy to support the domestic market,” Davies said.
                           April 2020: Senex has reached a number of important milestones at Project Atlas in
                           2020, including the return of Easternwell Rig 27 in March following the completion of
                           the Roma North drilling campaign. Senex also reduced its planned 60-well campaign at
                           Project Atlas to 50 wells due to strong initial production performance from the first 23
                           wells and learnings from Roma North. Six wells have been spudded, with 32 of 50 wells
                           now drilled and completed.


 Galilee Energy            SCOPE
 Level 26                  Galilee Energy’s Glenaras gas project is located in the ATP 2019 (formerly ATP 529) tenement
 71 Eagle Street           in the western section of the Galilee Basin. The project is designed to evaluate the quantity and
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3177 9970         quality of CSG in the Betts Creek and Aramac Coal Beds. In 2015, Galilee resumed full ownership
                           of the project. In October 2017, Galilee announced the signing of a binding memorandum of
                           understanding with Jemena to work together to deliver the Glenaras gas project to the domestic

                           May 2021: Galilee Energy has optimised production at its Glenaras multi well pilot program in
                           Queensland following the completion of the pump enhancement program (PEP). Natural gas is
                           now being recorded in five of the outer vertical wells and the PEP has succeeded in its objective of
                           increasing the water rate by over 30 per cent, with the current water rate now below 19,000 barrels
                           of water per day. The company also noted that the average natural gas rate from the pilot has
                           increased to approximately 70 Mscfd in aggregate.
                           April 2021: Galilee Energy has confirmed that its PEP at its Glenaras multi-well pilot program in
 OWNERSHIP                 Queensland is tracking to schedule. The first facet of the program was the upgrade to the power
 Galilee Energy 100%
                           generation system, with all the new larger horsepower pump now being completed. The company
                           has advised that the upgrading cabling to the vertical wells has also progressed. Workover activity
                           has been completed safely and within budget on the first three wells of the six well program –
                           Glenaras 19, 20 and 21. Galilee reported no sediment or fill was encountered and as a result there
                           was no need for further clean-out activities, meaning longer term pump reliability. The new larger
                           pumps at each of the above three wells have been commissioned and brought back online.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           January 2021: Galilee Energy has advised that each of the six new vertical wells as part of its
                           Glenaras multi-well pilot program are now in continuous production. The company also highlighted
                           that the total water rate from the full pilot is 14,500 barrels of water per day (BOPD).
                           December 2020: Galilee Energy has hit a key milestone at its Glenaras multi-well pilot program,
                           with all six new vertical wells now completed. The completions rig and camp have now been
                           demobilised from site, with the rig due back at the site in late January.
                           November 2020: Galilee Energy has officially completed the commissioning of Glenaras 19, 20 and
                           23 as part of its multi-well pilot program. The company previously announced that the Silver City rig
                           had completed the recent drilling campaign with the drilling of five additional vertical wells, with the
                           completions rig installing electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) to the wells.
                           October 2020: Galilee Energy has drilled the final well of the Glenaras multi-well pilot program,
                           with Glenaras 22 being drilled safely and on schedule. The Glenaras 22 vertical well was spudded
                           on October 11, reaching planned total depth and intersecting the full Betts Creek coal section, with
                           the rig released on October 16. The company also submitted two Potential Commercial Area (PCA)
                           applications to the Queensland Government to secure longterm tenure of the Glenaras gas project.
                           August 27, 2020: Galilee Energy has signed a drilling contract for the Glenaras multi-lateral pilot
                           program with Silver City, which will mobilise in the coming weeks. Galilee contracted Silver City’s
                           Rig 25 Schramm T200XD drill for drilling to commence in mid-September across five to six weeks.
                           Galilee will drill five new wells around the perimeter of the pilot, with Glenaras 17A to be used as
                           a prouder to achieve this objective. Meanwhile, Galilee Energy is confident in its Glenaras multi-
                           lateral pilot program in the Galilee Basin, Queensland after Schlumberger revealed significant
                           information from reservoir stimulation. As a result of the Schlumberger modelling, it has indicated
                           that, at Glenaras 17A well location, the entire Betts Creek coal sequence is being depleted almost
                           uniformly by the pilot.
                           June 2020: Galilee Energy has confirmed that the recently-drilled Glenaras 17A monitoring well
                           in Queensland has provided positive information on the reservoir characteristics and vertical
                           connectivity within the Betts Creek coal sequence. As part of the Glenaras multilateral pilot
                           program in the Galilee Basin (ATP2019), the company’s primary focus is converting the certified
                           contingent resources to reserves.


 Santos                    SCOPE
 60 Flinders Lane          The Roma East project will involve bringing 480 wells online, including the drilling of around 430
 Adelaide SA 5000          new wells, connecting existing appraisal wells, and drilling pre-developed wells in the Roma
 P: (08) 8116 5000
                           region. The project will also include around 420km of water, gas gathering and other pipelines,
                           120 TJ per day of additional compression, 670km of power lines and around 25km of fibreoptic
                           cables. A water-handling facility for irrigation and more than 200 hectares of additional irrigation
                           in the Roma area will improve livestock carrying capacity. The project is expected to add
                           nearly 50 PJ a year to gas production in Queensland in 2020 – equivalent to about 8 per cent
                           of expected east coast domestic gas demand in 2018.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           July 2020: Santos outlined in its 2020 second quarter activities report in July that drilling was
                           complete in the Roma East project with 387 of 424 wells online to date and the last well is
                           expected online in the third quarter. Continued production growth from Roma resulted in gross
                           daily production increasing to 165 TJ/day at the end of the quarter, driven by new development
 OWNERSHIP                 areas of the field and sustained high production in legacy areas.
 Santos 100%               April 2020: Drilling continues at the Roma East project with 368 wells drilled and 340 of 424
                           wells online to date, Santos reported in its March 2020 report. Continued steady production
                           growth from Roma resulted in gross daily production increasing to 155 TJ/day at the end of the
                           quarter, with production continuing to build.
                           January 2020: Drilling continues at the Roma East project with 327 wells drilled and 302
                           wells online to date, Santos reported in its December 2019 update. Continued steady
                           production from Roma resulted in gross daily production increasing to 137 TJ/day at the end of
                           the December quarter.
                           November 2019: Santos reported in its September quarter report it had drilled 274 wells and
                           brought 223 wells online at the Roma East project.
                           October 2019: Santos is continuing drilling operations towards its 480 wells targeted wells at
                           Roma East. In its 2019 half year results, the company reported that the project had maintained
                           an average cost of $0.83 million/well.
                           August 2019: Operations are continuing with 222 wells drilled and 181 wells online. Santos said
                           production from the project was building in line with expectation as dewatering continued.
                           May 2019: Drilling continues at the project with 158 wells drilled. There are now 109 wells online
                           and Santos achieved first gas sales from the development during the first quarter of 2019.
                           March 2019: Santos has now brought 86 wells online at the project, with a forecast of 380
                           wells to be online by the end of the year.
                           February 2019: Drilling continues at Roma East with 121 wells drilled with 80 wells now on
                           flare. At the end of December 2018, gross daily production had increased to 82 TJ/day.
                           November 2018: Drilling on the Roma East project continues, with 95 well sdrilled, 15 wells on
                           flare and early dewatering commenced as at October 18, 2018.
                           October 2018: Santos has awarded the Roma East Backbone Project to MPC Group. This
                           includes 34km of DN500 gas pipelines, 34km of DN400 water pipeline and 35km of 66kV
                           overhead powerline. MPC Group’s team has mobilised to a site near Roma and commenced
                           mainline operations.
                           August 2018: Drilling continues in the Roma East project with 51 wells drilled to date.
                           May 2018: The Roma East project has commenced, and two drilling rigs have drilled 15
                           wells to date.
                           April 2018: Santos and its GLNG partners will invest $900 million in upstream developments
                           in the Maranoa, Western Downs, Central Highlands and Banana regions this year. As well
                           as upstream developments around the Fairview, Scotia and Arcadia fields, this investment
                           includes the first year of funding for the new $750 million Roma East project, which will be
                           developed over the next three years. Santos executive vice president onshore upstream
                           Brett Woods was joined by Queensland Minister for Mines and Energy Dr Anthony Lynham to
                           launch the Roma East project, following the drilling of the first of 430 new wells in March.


 Arrow Energy              SCOPE
 Level 39                  Arrow Energy, a joint venture between Shell and PetroChina, is advancing the Surat gas
 111 Eagle Street          project with the aim of commercialising gas resources located in an area 160km west of
 Brisbane QLD 400
 P: (07) 3012 4000         Brisbane in Queensland’s Surat Basin. The project received its environmental approval from
                           the Australian Government on December 20, 2013, and by the Queensland Government on
                           October 25, 2013. In December 2017, the company signed a seven-year gas supply deal with
                           the Queensland Curtis LNG development to commercialise the majority of the company’s
                           gas reserves in the basin, which would reduce the amount of new infrastructure needed for
                           the project.

                           March 2021: Rey Resources has agreed with Southernpec Australia (SouthnA) to extend the
                           commencement date of the Surat gas project stage two, 75 per cent investment, until April 16.
                           SouthnA currently holds significant interests in seven conventional gas production licences in
                           the Surat gas project, located south of the Roma GLNG asset in the Surat Basin, Queensland.
                           The Surat gas project includes the Waldegrave joint venture where SouthnA is the operator
 OWNERSHIP                 with its joint venture partner Armour Energy. In addition, stage three will see Rey invest or
 Arrow Energy 100%
                           assist SouthnA to raise up to $5 million for additional 20 per cent interest in SouthnA before
                           the beginning of the third stage JV work program in October 2021.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           January 2021: Arrow submitted original plans to drill six wells last year. However, the
                           Queensland Department of Environment and Science has opened a public consultation for a
                           much larger campaign. Outlined in the document, the application will expand the proponent’s
                           existing coal seam gas activities and add an additional 280 wells, a 440km pipeline and
                           other associated activities. Arrow’s environmental authority (EA) has been assessed by the
                           department as a major amendment as it proposes to increase the surface area of the existing
                           activities by more than 10 per cent and involves a significant increase in scale.
                           November 2020: Valmec has secured early works on the first phase of Arrow Energy’s Surat
                           gas project. The company’s initial contract with Arrow is to deliver critical water treatment
                           facilities, valued at $16 million, and forms part of the first phase of works at the major gas
                           development. The turnkey project involves procurement, construction and commissioning
                           works at the Daandine facility.
                           April 2020: Joint venture partner Shell Australia has taken a final investment decision (FID)
                           to develop the first phase of Arrow Energy’s $10 billion Surat gas project in Queensland. The
                           project is expected to deliver up to 90 billion cubic feet per year of gas to market at peak
                           production, which will flow to the Shell-operated QGC liquefaction plant to be sold locally and
                           exported to international markets. Construction of the project will commence in 2020, with first
                           gas sales expected in 2021. The Surat gas project will bring an extra 5000 petajoules of gas to
                           market over 27 years, including about 270 terrajoules a day (TJ/day) during phase one’s peak
                           production, towards a whole-of-project peak of 700TJ/day. The project is expected to create
                           an initial 200 new construction jobs during its first phase and a further 800 operation and
                           construction jobs over its life.
                           August 2019: Despite aiming to begin development of the project later this year, Arrow has
                           expressed that this is not a forgone conclusion as political decisions are made regarding east
                           coast gas shortages. According to The Australian Financial Review, Shell said the project
                           needed consistent attention to keep it on track and the company was concerned about a 25
                           per cent increase in gas production royalties announced in Queensland.
                           June 2019: Arrow Energy has awarded a joint venture a contract for construction on two of
                           its major projects. Under the contract, a JV comprising China Petroleum Engineering and
                           Construction and Nacap (CNJV) will deliver off plot construction management services for
                           Arrow for construction works in the Surat and Bowen basins in Queensland. CNJV will include
                           construction of the surface well pad infrastructure, as well as Arrow’s gathering networks.


 Senex Energy              SCOPE
 Level 14                  The Western Surat gas project will focus on the development of the Glenora and Eos blocks,
 144 Edward Street         and appraisal of the Mimas and Tethys blocks (collectively, Roma North) in its initial stages.
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3335 9000         The primary objective is to reach minimum initial production of 16 TJ/day, with potential for
                           expansion to 24 TJ/day. Up to 425 wells and associated infrastructure are expected to be
                           constructed for the project.

                           June 2021: Heavy lifting has begun to boost production of natural gas from Senex Energy’s
                           Roma North operation in Queensland’s Surat Basin. Two compressors have been lifted into
                           position as part of its infrastructure partner, Jemena’s, $15 million expansion of the natural
                           gas processing facility. Senex advised that the construction contract, which was awarded to
                           Wasco, has created dozens of jobs.
                           May 2021: Jemena has started work on the $15 million expansion of the Roma North
                           gas processing facility in Queensland’s Surat Basin. The company advised that work
                           commenced following it awarding Queensland-based Waco Australia a construction
 OWNERSHIP                 contract for the project. Jemena executive general manager of gas markets Antoon Boey
 Senex Energy 100%
                           said Wasco Australia has a proven track record in completing complex projects at gas
                           processing facilities across the region and was well suited to partner with Jemena on
                           the expansion project.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           January 2021: Senex Energy’s Roma North expansion is on track to be online by the first
                           quarter of the 2022 financial year, with further production expansions at Roma North and
                           Atlas both within the front end engineering design (FEED) phase. Key activities at Roma North
                           are underway, including the execution of the gas processing facility expansion, well design
                           and gathering campaign, progressing land access and other approvals, and procurement
                           and fabrication of long lead items including compressors and well field equipment.
                           October 2020: Senex has made a final investment decision (FID) on a 50 per cent expansion
                           of natural gas production at Roma North in Queensland, with the increase expected to be
                           online in the first quarter of 2022. With an extensive Surat Basin gas resource position and an
                           established hub-and-spoke infrastructure operating model, the company confirmed it was
                           positioned to contribute to Australia’s recovery from COVID-19.
                           July 2020: Senex Energy has reported a 21 per cent increase in Surat Basin 2P gas reserves
                           to 239 petajoules (PJ) following the execution of its natural gas developments in Queensland.
                           Senex’s production outperformance at Roma North has also continued, driven by a
                           10 per cent increase in 2P gas reserves.
                           June 2020: Senex Energy has hit an important milestone with it completing the $400
                           million Surat Basin natural gas development project in Queensland. The company has now
                           completed an 80-well Surat Basin drilling campaign, a program it reduced from the110 wells
                           originally planned due to production outperformance. Alongside its infrastructure partner
                           Jemena, Senex has also built and commissioned natural gas facilities at Roma North and
                           Atlas, delivering greenfield gas processing infrastructure capacity of more than 20 petajoules
                           (PJ) a year. In addition, Senex outlined that Roma North has been consistently producing
                           above nameplate capacity at around 18 terajoules per day (TJ/day), with Atlas production
                           exceeding 15 TJ/day and increasing steadily towards nameplate capacity of 32 TJ/day.
                           April 2020: At Roma North, the initial 50-well drilling campaign was reduced to 35 wells
                           based on production outperformance. Senex has completed and drilled the final 15 wells
                           of the 35-well campaign, with the Easternwell Rig 27 demobilised and returned back to
                           Atlas. Senex also reached the plant’s nameplate capacity of 16 TJ/day during the quarter,
                           more than 12 months ahead of schedule. As a result, the company has entered the front-
                           end engineering design (FEED) phase on the low-cost 8 TJ/day expansion of the gas
                           processing facility to 24 TJ/day, which is expected to be finalised in the second half of 2020.


 Comet Ridge                SCOPE
 GPO Box 798                The Mahalo project is located in the ATP 337P permit in the Denison Trough. This area is
 Brisbane QLD 4001          prospective for coal seam gas in Permian aged coals that are draped over a large north-
 P: (07) 3221 3661
                            south trending structural high known as the Comet Ridge. These coals have proven to be
                            productive at the Origin Energy Spring Gully coal seam gas development project 150km to
                            the south on the same structural high. The Mahalo project has a range of potential volumes
                            of gas in place ranging from a minimum of 181 Bcf up to a maximum of 990 Bcf. The most
                            likely volume is estimated to be in excess of 400 Bcf.

                            October 2021: Comet Ridge commenced drilling operations at Mahalo North 1 vertical well
                            on October 16, 2021. Later in the month, the company also started drilling operations at the
                            Mahalo North 2 dual lateral well.

                            PREVIOUS HISTORY
 OWNERSHIP                  May 2021: Comet Ridge and its joint venture partners have continued to assess the best
 Comet Ridge 40%            way to take the Mahalo gas project forward during the first quarter of 2021. The company
 Santos 30%
 APLNG 30%                  also had to consider the best way to maximise the three 100 per cent blocks that lie
                            immediately north of the Mahalo gas project. The three blocks have been marked as driving
                            down unit costs and increasing the total gas off take form the combined Mahalo hub
                            area when combined as a development concept. The Queensland Government has given
                            Comet Ridge the green light for a new Bowen Basin project, allowing the company to begin
                            exploration for new sources of gas. The state’s Resources Minister Scott Stewart said the
                            company has been granted an authority to prospect (ATP) over a 338 square kilometre
                            parcel of land located in the gas rich Bowen Basin. The new ATP will allow Comet to begin
                            exploration for new sources of gas while utilising its existing gas infrastructure in the region
                            to plug straight in and get gas to market faster.
                            October 2020: Comet Ridge has been awarded petroleum survey licence (PSL) 2048, an
                            area that covers part of the Mahalo gas hub in Queensland, for two years. The area, which
                            covers more than 1962km2, also includes the export route to the south where there are
                            two existing large diameter pipelines running into Gladstone – the Jemena Queensland gas
                            pipeline and Santos’ GLNG pipeline.
                            September 2020: Comet Ridge has been selected by the Queensland Government
                            as the preferred tender for two additional gas blocks in the Mahalo gas hub in Central
                            Queensland. The first block, PRL2020-1-1, will be named Mahalo East. Located west of
                            Gladstone, it covers 97km2 and sits east of Mahalo North. The second block, PRL2020-1-2,
                            is set to be called Mahalo Far East. It covers 338km2 and is slightly further east again.
                            July 2020: Comet Ridge has been granted petroleum leases 1082 and 1083 at the Mahalo
                            gas project for 30 years by the Queensland Government. Comet Ridge reported that the
                            petroleum lease awards are the final regulatory approval required to move the project into
                            June 2020: The Queensland Government has granted Comet Ridge an environmental
                            approval for development of the Mahalo gas project (MGP). This milestone marks the
                            second of two environmental steps needed for the project to move into production,
                            following the Commonwealth Government Environment Protection and Biodiversity
                            Conservation act (EPBC) approval in May.
                            March 2020: Comet Ridge and LogiCamms have signed a memorandum of understanding
                            to work towards a 65km-plus pipeline connection option from Mahalo North in Queensland.
                            In a statement, Comet has reported it is continuing to work with Denison Gas and the
                            Mahalo joint venture on the transportation of Mahalo North gas to market. Comet Ridge has
                            entered into an agreement to consider an export solution by building a new pipeline which
                            would transport not only Mahalo North gas but accommodate its 40 per cent share in the
                            Mahalo JV gas.


 Armour Energy             SCOPE
 Level 27                  Armour Energy completed the acquisition of petroleum resources, tenures, production and
 111 Eagle Street          transportation infrastructure assets on the Roma Shelf in the Bowen-Surat Basin, Queensland
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3303 0620         from Origin Energy in September 2016. The project consists of gas, LPG condensate
                           processing and gas compression facilities at Kincora, a gas storage facility with a capacity of
                           7.5 PJ, over 3000km² acreage containing 15 production licences, four authorities to prospect
                           and four petroleum pipeline licences. These assets are all located near the Wallumbilla gas
                           hub on Australia’s east coast.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           January 2021: Armour Energy’s 2020 work program has established proof of concept in the
                           Basal Rewan formation, unlocking new potential throughout the Kincora gas project. The
                           company reported that the Basal Rewan results have established the potential for a significant
                           new pay zone across its existing well stock. Armour is encouraged by the sustained high
                           bottoms-hole pressures in the Basal Rewan and higher levels of permeability identified in the
                           Warroon #1 well, paving the way for a potential material reserves maturation plan to unload
 OWNERSHIP                 across the company’s Surat acreage.
 Armour Energy 100%
                           November 2020: Armour Energy has completed the multi-stage stimulation activities on the
                           Horseshoe #2 well as part of its Surat Basin 2020 work program at the Kincora gas project.
                           Armour will now install a production string and the Horseshoe #2 well will commence the
                           clean-up and blowback phase prior to returning to sales gas production. The company also
                           reported that it had completed the stimulation activities on the Horseshoe #4 well, with it
                           finishing a single-stage stimulation of the basal Rewan sandstone over a 4m interval from
                           1936m to 1940m.
                           October 2020: Armour Energy has completed pre-stimulation activities at the Kincora gas
                           project. The three-well stimulation program has been awarded to Condor Energy Services,
                           which will commence the Horseshoe#4 stimulation in due course. On completion of the
                           Horseshoe#4 stimulation program, Condor will mobilise its stimulation equipment for, firstly, a
                           two-stage program on the Horseshoe#2 well site to target both the Basal Rewan resource and
                           a deeper gas-saturated Intra Wallabella sandstone deposit.
                           September 2020: Armour has commenced work on its Surat 2020 work program at the
                           Kincora gas project. The work program consists of a three-well stimulation campaign,
                           which will be executed over the next three months at the Horseshoe 4, Horseshoe 2 and
                           Warroon 1 wells.
                           July 2020: Armour has reported in its 2020 quarterly activities report that the upcoming
                           2020/2021 work program will deliver further stimulation of wells and well optimisations over
                           a two-stage program across multiple wells. This program is set to target the accessing and
                           converting 2P reserves recognised in the Kincora Reserve increase.
                           June 2020: The company has announced its capital raising program of $3.36 million is
                           intended to be used for the purposes of progressing the Kincora project area well intervention
                           and work program. The funds will also be used for the payment of interest and scheduled
                           amortisation reductions in respect of the company’s Amortising Notes for the balance of 2020;
                           exploration expenditure; the costs of the raisings; and general working capital.
                           May 2020: Armour’s gas sales at Kincora for the March quarter averaged 7.6 terajoules a day
                           (TJ/day), representing a slight increase compared with the previous quarter of 7.5 TJ/day. The
                           company also revealed there was a new 2P oil reserve of 1.22 million barrels at its SuratBowen
                           Basin acreage. The adding of material oil reserves and resources to Armour’s portfolio
                           validates the long term and diverse potential of the wider Kincora project.
                           April 2020: Armour Energy is aiming to cut operating expenditure at Kincora by 20 per
                           cent, while maintaining reliable production in a safe and environmentally compliant manner.
                           This will include revised staff rostering and schedules but will unfortunately include some
                           redundancies. Armour planned to implement the site-related changes by the end of April.


 Galilee Energy            SCOPE
 Level 6                   Project Venus is a 50:50 joint venture between Real Energy and Strata-X Energy and is located
 167 Eagle Street          in permit ATP2051, Surat Basin, Queensland. The permit has displayed the attributes of a
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3177 9970         highly prospective coal seam gas (CSG) acreage. The tenement is surrounded by major CSG
                           producing tenements and covers 153km2 approximately 9km west of Miles. It is within 6km of
                           a gas pipeline connected to east coast gas markets offering the potential for early cash flows
                           once the significant gas resources are progressively converted to reserves.

                           June 2021: Pure Hydrogen has recorded an initial gas breakout at its Venus-1 well, located on
                           Project Venus in Central Queensland, after only 50 barrels of water production. The early gas
                           breakout confirms the interpreted high gas saturation of the target Walloon coals. The company
                           reported that the breakout gas rate, estimated at 84,000 cod, is expected to continue to
                           increase as the controlled pressure draw down expands radially into multiple high gas saturated
                           coal reservoirs from the low-cost Venus-1 vertical production well. The results of the flow test
                           to data and current gas pressure build-up suggests a successful, more robust enhancement at
                           Venus-1 could substantially decrease the time to achieve commercial gas flows.
 OWNERSHIP                 May 2021: Pure Hydrogen has increased its coal seam gas (CSG) resources at Project
 Galilee Energy 100%       Venus in Queensland, with the upgrade confirming a maiden 2C contingent re-sources of
                           130 petajoules. The independent review of its Surat Basin CSG resources was completed by
                           Sproule Inc, with the resource upgrading being a portion of the 694 PJ of prospective resources
                           in project Venus with the balance of 536 PJ remaining as prospective resource.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           November 2020: Strata-X Energy and Real Energy have reached a total depth of 715m at the
                           Ve-nus-1 well within the Surat Basin Walloon CSG fairway, Queensland. The JV advised that
                           good gas shows were recorded in the uppermost 3-5m thick coal seams, with fair to good gas
                           shows in the deeper thinner coal seams. Strata-X outlined that the Juandah coals would be
                           underreamed be-fore running a liner, with a wellhead then installed and the Silver City rig being
                           September 2020: Strata-X Energy and Real Energy, plan to commence ground operations
                           on the first coal seam gas well at the Surat Basin site in Queensland during October. Roma-
                           based drill-ing contractor Silver City has been selected to drill the Venus-1 well. It will be drilled
                           to 400m, cased, then drilled out to a total depth of 680m, leaving the highly gas saturated
                           Juandah coal seams open and uncased. The joint venture reported that after the Silver City
                           rig is demobilised, a Wellpro coil tubing unit will be mobilised and carry out a short-term initial
                           water influx test.
                           July 2020: Strata-X Energy and Real Energy have entered into an agreement to merge and be
                           re-named Pure Energy. The companies reported that it represents an opportunity to create a
                           materi-al gas business from the 100 per cent owned gas resources contained within projects
                           located in the Surat and Cooper Basins in Queensland. Pure Energy’s project Venus is located
                           within the Walloon CSG fairway and immediately adjacent to gas pipeline infrastructure in
                           the Surat Basin.
                           April 2020: Real Energy and Strata X Energy are preparing to commence operations
                           on Project Venus in the Surat Basin, Queensland. The joint venture reported that it was
                           looking to complete the re-entry of Connor 1 well, which was originally drilled in 2008. It
                           has showed that 34m of net Walloon coals were present and there was 100 per cent gas
                           saturation in the upper Walloon coals. The re-entry plan is to: drill out cement to 384m; mill the
                           bridge plug; undertake abrasive perforations of coals seams from 410 to 645m; flow test the
                           well using a water test rig; undertake a controlled draw-down to determine water influx and
                           induce gas breakout; and use storage tanks for water from flow testing. Real Energy stated
                           that preparations for the re-entry of Connor 1 were well-advanced and the field work was
                           expected to start towards the end of the current quarter, subject to finalising scheduling with
                           contractors and site permits.


 Galilee Energy            SCOPE
 Level 6                   Galilee Energy was granted operatorship and a 100 per cent interest in ATP 2043, known as
 167 Eagle Street          Kumbarilla, in August 2019, as part of the Queensland Government’s 2019 release of new
 Brisbane QLD 4000
 P: (07) 3177 9970         petroleum resource areas. The acreage, which covers 384km2, overlaps the Bowen and
                           Surat basins and has a 2C contingent gas resource of 504 PJ. Galilee’s initial program at the
                           Kumbarilla project in the Surat Basin will include the drilling of three exploration coreholes
                           targeting coal seam gas resources in the Walloon subgroup. The Walloon coals will be cored
                           and a full suite of wireline logs will be obtained, giving Galilee a full assessment of the coal
                           seam gas resource and begin planning the future drilling and pilot program.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           June 2020: Galilee Energy advised in its quarterly report that the exploration program at
                           Kumbarilla is progressing well, targeting the conventional oil and gas potential in the permit.
                           The reprocessing of over 675km of 2D seismic in and around Kumbarilla has provided
                           high-quality imaging of the subsurface structural and stratigraphic architecture along the
                           regionally prominent Moonie-Goondiwindi Fault System, which traverses through a large
                           portion of the permit and hosts the nearby Moonie oil field.
 OWNERSHIP                 May 2020: Galilee Energy has completed phase one of the Kumbarilla exploration program
 Galilee Energy 100%       after reaching total depth at the third and final well and drilling through the complete Walloon
                           subgroup. The company reached a total depth of 1073m at the KC3 well in late April, with the
                           complete Walloon Subgroup being intersected with wireline logs confirming 22m of net coal.
                           As a result, an extensive suite of new subsurface data has been acquired, confirming net
                           coal development of 22m to 25m across the area, exceeding pre-drill expectations.
                           April 2020: Galilee Energy has reached total depth on the second well of three at its
                           Kumbarilla drilling program in the Surat Basin, Queensland. The KC2 well reached total
                           depth of 1140m and successfully drilled through the complete Walloon Subgroup, coal
                           bearing section. Galilee reported that the Walloon Subgroup was intersected with wireline
                           logs confirming a net coal of 25m across the Upper Juandah, lower Juandah and Tarom
                           coal measures. The Savanna Rig 406 is now being prepared for mobilisation to the third well
                           location for Kumbarilla Central 3 (KC3). Galilee Energy continues to progress the Kumbarilla
                           Central 2 (KC2) prospect, announcing on April 17 that it was preparing to spud the well later
                           in the day. Galilee advised that the Savanna Rig 406 was being mobilised to the second well
                           location, which is targeted to be drilled to a total depth of 1050m for testing. Following the
                           drilling of KC1, 20 high-quality coal samples have been collected from the full hole core and
                           placed into gas desorption canisters.
                           March 2020: Galilee Energy has commenced drilling operations at its 100 per cent owned
                           and operated Kumbarilla project in the Surat Basin, Queensland. The company reported that
                           the Savanna Rig 406 spudded the well, with surface hole drilling commencing at a depth
                           of 248m measured depth and drilling ahead in the 8 1/2-inch hole. Galilee reported that
                           the initial program at the Kumbarilla project would include the drilling of three exploration
                           boreholes targeting coal seam gas resources in the Walloon Subgroup.


 Santos                    SCOPE
 60 Flinders Street        The Narrabri gas project (PEL 238) hosts large resources of coal seam gas in two distinct and
 Adelaide                  widespread coal measure sequences. A number of wells have been drilled and completed in
 South Australia 5000
 P: (08) 8116 5000         the Bohena area, 25km southwest of Narrabri, with promising results. Early production results
                           supported a production model interpretation of a major CSG province, with the potential for high
                           (3-5 Bcf) recoverable reserves per well. ESG has signed a heads of agreement with APA Group
                           regarding a new gas pipeline that could be built and connected to the Central West Pipeline for
                           CSG delivery from the Narrabri area into the New South Wales gas market. Previously known as
                           the Gunnedah Basin CSG project.

                           PREVIOUS HISTORY
                           November 2020: The Australian Government has approved Santos’ proposal for the Narrabri
                           gas project in New South Wales, with the company now set to embark on a 12-18 month
                           appraisal program. Managing director and chief executive officer Kevin Gallagher said the
                           conditions of the approval were consistent with those already set by the New South Wales
                           Independent Planning Commission. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said the
                           announcement that the project had passed all environmental approvals meant that jobs and
 Santos 100%               gas would soon start flowing.
                           September 2020: The New South Wales Independent Planning Commission (IPC) has
                           approved Santos’ Narrabri gas project due to its potential to improve Australia’s east
                           coast gas security and boost the state economy by delivering social benefits and ongoing
                           employment opportunities. In making its determination, the IPC has relied on materials
                           including a whole-of-government assessment conducted by the Department of Planning,
                           Industry and Environment. However, the IPC has granted a phased approval that is subject to
                           stringent conditions that Santos must meet before the project can progress to the next phase
                           of development. The four phases include: phase one – appraisal; phase two – construction;
                           phase three – production; phase four – rehabilitation.
                           July 2020: The Narrabri gas project has reached another milestone with the New South Wales
                           Department of Planning, Industry and Environment endorsing the project and referring it to
                           the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) for final approval. The Department of Planning,
                           Industry and Environment concluded its assessment of the Narrabri gas project and referred
                           the project to the IPC for public hearing and determination, recommending approval with
                           strict conditions.
                           June 2020: Santos is set to decide on whether or not to develop the Narrabri gas project after
                           new regulations were introduced by the New South Wales Government. The regulations will
                           allow for the consideration of new projects to continue over the coming months and for the
                           Independent Planning Commission (IPC) to hold public hearings. As a result, the IPC will be
                           able to make a decision on whether or not to provide consent for the development of Narrabri
                           within 12 weeks of it receiving the Department of Planning’s assessment report.
                           April 2020: Santos is set to decide on whether or not to develop the Narrabri gas project after
                           new regulations were introduced by the New South Wales Government. The regulations will
                           allow for the consideration of new projects to continue over the coming months and for the
                           Independent Planning Commission (IPC) to hold public hearings. As a result, the IPC will be
                           able to make a decision on whether or not to provide consent for the development of Narrabri
                           within 12 weeks of it receiving the Department of Planning’s assessment report.
                           June 2019: According to The Australian Financial Review (AFR), AGL has shown an interest in
                           purchasing gas from the Narrabri CSG production project. AGL is one of several major energy
                           retailers with purchase potential for the project, and has already signed three agreements with
                           Perdaman, Brickworks and Weston Energy. The company is considering its options, although
                           upstream investment is not on the cards.

             OF AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ichthys LNG Project                                                                                                    Greater Sunrise Gas
                                                                                                               Shell Prelude FLNG Project                                                                                                           NT.1 INPEX, 8.4 MMt/a LNG; 1.6 MMt/a LPG;                                                                                         Fields Development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NT.3 Woodside Petroleum,
                                                                                                               Shell Development Australia                                                                                                                     100,000 bbl/d condensate, 2017
                                                                                               WA.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4 MMt/a, TBA
                                                                                                               3.6 MMt/a LNG; 0.4 MMt/a LPG;                 Bayu-Undan
                                                                                                                                                                Field                 NT5
                                                                                                               1.3 MMt/a condensate, 2017                                                                                                                           Darwin LNG Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                     DARWIN                                                NT.2 ConocoPhillips, 3.24 MMt/a, 2003
                                                                                                                                  BONAPARTE BASIN
                                                                                                                                                              NT8   Blacktip
                                                                                                                                                                    Gas Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bonaparte FLNG
                                                                                                                                                                                NT6             NT7
                                                                                                                                 Gas Field                                                                                                                         GDF SUEZ, 2 MMt/a, 2018

                                                                                                               BROWSE BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BEETALOO BASIN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Abbot Point LNG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Q.1 Energy World Corporation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2 MMt/a, TBA
                                                 Browse Development                                                                Broome
                                       WA.1 Woodside Energy, 25 MMt/a, TBA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Q.2 GLNG Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NORTHERN TERRITORY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Century Mine                                                                                                                                                      Santos, 7.8 MMt/a, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tennant Creek
                                                                                                                WA.7 Pluto Gas Project
       Gorgon Project
WA.4 Chevron Australia, 15.6 MMt/a, 2016                                      W11                                          Woodside Petroleum, 4.3 MMt/a, 2012
                                                                                                                                                                                            Tanami                                                                                                     QUEENSLAND

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q.3 QCLNG Project
                                                                        W9                                                                                                                                                                                            Mt Isa
                                                                                                                                                         NWS LNG Plant                                  NT11                                                                                                                                                                               Q1
       Wheatstone Project                                                                                                                       WA.6 CANNING  BASIN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               QGC, 8 MMt/a, 2015
WA.3 Chevron Australia, 8.9 MMt/a, 2017                               W21
                                                                                                    W6                                                North West Shelf Australia LNG
                                                                               Dampier                     Port Hedland                                  16.3 MMt/a, 1989                                                                                                              Q10                                                                                                  Mackay
                                                                  W24                                                                  Telfer
                                                                             W16                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cannington
                                                                                                     W14                  W8                                                                                                           GEORGINA BASIN                                                                                                    BOWEN BASIN
                                                       W23                                                                                                                                                NT3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alice Springs                                                Q9                                                          Barcaldine

        Scarborough Gas Field LNG                                                         W4                                                                                                               Palm Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ADAVALE BASIN                                                                           Q28
 WA.5 Development                                                                                                                                                                            AMADEUS BASIN
        Woodside Energy, 10 MMt/a, TBA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Q3
                                                                                                                                 WESTERN AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                                Gilmore Gas Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Q12       Q25     Q23         Q24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tarbat                                                     Q15                                Q21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Q22                                         Q5
                               CARNARVON BASIN                                                                                                                                                  COOPER-EROMANGA BASIN                                                             Ballera
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Q16                      S1                                        Cheepie                          Wallumbilla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jackson                                                                         Q20
                                                                                                                                                W25                                                                                                           Moomba                        Q17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q13                   Q6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COOPER BASIN                                             Q7                                                        BRISBANE
                                                                                               Mount Magnet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moonie
                                                                                                                                                W22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Q27

                                                             Geraldton                   W3         Windimurra                                                                                         SOUTH AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SURAT BASIN                                                          APLNG Project
                                                                                                                                            Kalgoorlie                                                                                                                                                                                  N5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Q.4 Origin Energy, Sinopec and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ConocoPhillips, 9 MMt/a, 2016
                                                       PERTH BASIN                                                                                                                                                                                                      S3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GUNNEDAH BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NEW SOUTH WALES                                                                                      Tamworth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Port Bonython                                                                                                                         N8
                                                                                               PERTH                                                                                                                                      Whyalla                                                                                                                                     Dubbo
                                                                                    W2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Newcastle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Parkes        N11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Port Pirie                                                                                                                      Orange
                                                                              Bunbury                                          Esperance                                                                                                                            Angaston                                                                                                                             N7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             S4        Mildura                                         Griffith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wagga Wagga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             V2        Carisbrook                         Wodonga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SYDNEY BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mount Gambier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mortlake                  MELBOURNE                 V6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             S8                                                                              V7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Portland           V3                                                          Longford
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Geelong                                                              Orbost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        V12                            V14                       V16 V8                V15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             V4                                                  V17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Casino Gas Field                               V9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bass Strait Fields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GIPPSLAND BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OTWAY BASIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BASS BASIN



                0        100         200         300                 400                 500                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TASMANIA

                                 0         100               200              300                    400            500


                        Compressor                       Proposed
                        Pump Station
                                                        Project Name
                               LNG Project       P.1    Proponent, Total planned capacity,
                                                        Commissioning Year

             16 / OCT/NOV 2021 / PPO PROJECTS: WWW.PPO.COM.AU
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