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WoNeF, an improved, expanded and evaluated automatic French translation of WordNet Quentin Pradet, Gaël de Chalendar and Jeanne Baguenier Desormeaux CEA, LIST, Laboratoire Vision et Ingénierie des Contenus Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191, France quentin.pradet|gael.de-chalendar@cea.fr Abstract Three French WordNets exist. The French Eu- Automatic translations of WordNet have roWordNet (Vossen, 1998) has a limited coverage been tried to many different target lan- and requires significant improvements to be used guages. JAWS is such a translation for (Jacquin et al., 2007). It is also neither free nor French nouns using bilingual dictionaries freely accessible, which prevented the community and a syntactic language model. We im- from using and improving it. WOLF is a second prove its precision and coverage, complete French translation originally built using parallel it with translations of other parts of speech corpora (Sagot and Fišer, 2008) and since then ex- and enhance its evaluation method. The panded using various techniques (Apidianaki and result is named WoNeF. We produce three Sagot, 2012). WOLF is distributed under a free final translations balanced between pre- LGPL-compatible license. Finally, JAWS (Mou- cision (up to 93%) and coverage (up to ton and de Chalendar, 2010) is a translation of 109 447 (literal, synset) pairs). WordNet nouns developed using bilingual dictio- naries and a syntactic language model. 1 Introduction Our work expands and improves the techniques Reproducing the lexicographic work of WordNet used in JAWS and evaluates it based on the adjudi- (Fellbaum, 1998) for other languages is costly and cation of two annotators work. The result is called difficult to maintain. Even with some theoretical WoNeF1 and is distributed under the LGPL-LR li- problems, (Fellbaum and Vossen, 2007; de Melo cence. To our knowledge, all current WordNet ma- and Weikum, 2008) show that translating Prince- chine translations only exist in one version where ton WordNet literals while keeping its structure the authors decide what metric to optimize. We and its synsets leads to useful linguistic resources. provide such a version, but add two resources that WordNet automatic translations use the expand can serve different needs and have been obtained approach: its structure is preserved and only lit- using different means. The main WoNeF has an F- erals are translated. Three main techniques rep- score of 70.9%. Another version has a precision of resent this approach in the literature. The sim- 93.3%, and the last one contains 109 447 (literal, plest one seeds WordNet using bilingual dictionar- synset) pairs. The main contributions of this pa- ies (Rigau and Agirre, 1995), which can be filtered per are the improvement and completion of JAWS manually by lexicographers (Vossen, 1998; Tufiş with all parts of speech (section 3) and its eval- et al., 2004). A second translation method uses uation (sections 4 and 5). The evaluation is done parallel corpora, which avoids the use of dictionar- through an adjudication itself validated by measur- ies that may cause lexical bias. Back-translations ing the inter-annotator agreement, which validates between Norwegian and English were first ex- the expand approach to translate WordNet. plored (Dyvik, 2002), while (Sagot and Fišer, 2008) combine a multilingual lexicon and the dif- 2 JAWS ferent BalkaNet wordnets to help disambiguation. 2.1 Translation process Finally, the bilingual dictionaries extracted from the Wiktionary and the Wikipedia interlanguage JAWS was built with a weakly supervised algo- links allow to create new wordnets (de Melo and rithm that does not require any manually anno- Weikum, 2009; Navigli and Ponzetto, 2010) or im- 1 This work was partially funded by the ANR ASFALDA prove existing ones (Hanoka and Sagot, 2012). ANR-12-CORD-0023 project.
tated data, only the links between the French and sidered correct. The translation task is thus re- English Wiktionaries and a target syntactic lan- duced to the task of comparing on the one hand the guage model. The language model was trained lexical relations between WordNet synsets and on on a large corpus extracted from the Web (Grefen- the other hand the lexical relations between French stette, 2007). The corpus was analyzed by LIMA lexemes. (Besançon et al., 2010), a rule-based parser pro- Let’s take as an example the literal quill which ducing fine-grained syntactic dependencies. For can be translated to piquant or plume (Figure 1). a given relation r and a word x, the language In WordNet, quill is a meronym of porcupine model indicates what are the first 100 words co- which has already been translated by porcupine occurring most frequently with x through the re- by an initial selector. In the language model, pi- lation r. Thanks to the dictionary, JAWS does not quant is a noun modifier of porcupine but this is need to select each synset literals from the entire not the case of plume. Here, the noun-complement vocabulary but only among a small number of can- relation implies meronymy. It is thus piquant that didates (9 on average). The translation process must be chosen as the correct translation of quill. is done in three steps. First, an empty wordnet The language model allowed to choose between is created, preserving WordNet structure, but with the two possible translations. no literal associated to synsets. Then, the easiest A potential problem with this approach could be translations among dictionaries candidates are se- that the noun modifier relationship is not limited to lected to start filling JAWS. Finally, JAWS is ex- meronymy. For example, mémoire in the language tended incrementally using the language model, model comes from a book entitled Mémoires d’un relations between synsets and the existing JAWS. porc-épic (“Memoirs of a porcupine”). Fortu- nately, mémoire is not in the quill translation can- Initial selectors Four algorithms called initial didates and thus cannot be chosen. Paradoxically, selectors choose correct translations among those the language model cannot choose between two proposed by the dictionary. First, words appear- very different words, but is able to choose the cor- ing in only one synset are not ambiguous: all their rect translation of a polysemous word. While auto- translations are added to the French wordnet. This matically translating WordNet only with a dictio- is the monosemy selector. For example, all trans- nary or a syntactic language model is impossible, lations of grumpy are selected in the only synset combining the two resources can solve the prob- where it appears. Second, the uniqueness selector lem. identifies words with only one translation and se- Each such syntactic selector follows the same lects this translation in all synsets where the words principle as the meronymy selector and translates appear. The five synsets containing pill in English new synsets by identifying relationships between are thus completed with pilule. These two first lexemes through the syntactic language model. selectors were previously used in (Atserias et al., The match between the noun modifier relation and 1997) and (Benítez et al., 1998). A third selector the meronymy relation is direct, but this is not the translates words that are not in the dictionary us- case for all relations: there is for example no syn- ing the English word itself: the direct translation tactic relationship that directly expresses the syn- selector. A fourth selector uses the Levenshtein onymy between two literals. For these relations, edit distance: despite some false friends, if the dis- JAWS uses second order syntactic relations (Lenci tance between an English word and its translation and Benotto, 2012). See (Mouton and de Chalen- is short, it can be considered that they have the dar, 2010) for more details and other selectors. same sense. Two examples are portion and uni- versity). 2.2 JAWS limits JAWS expansion JAWS being partially filled, a JAWS suffers from two main limitations. Above new expansion phase leverages the relationships all, it only contains nouns, which prevents its use between WordNet synsets to propose new transla- in many applications. Also, its evaluation proce- tions. For example, if a synset S1 is a meronym dure makes it difficult to judge its quality. Indeed, of a synset S2 in WordNet and there is a context JAWS was evaluated by comparing it to the French where a selected literal in S1 is a meronym of a EuroWordNet and WOLF 0.1.4 (released in 2008). candidate literal C in S2, then the literal C is con- These two French wordnets are not gold standards:
Synset S2 Synset S1 meronym of - English : porcupine, hedgehog - English : quill - French : porc-épic - French : piquant? plume? (WordNet relation) (relatively large rodents with (a stiff hollow protective spine) sharp erectile bristles) mémoire, piquant, poil, noun modifier of porc-épic épine, yéti, ragoût, grotte, ... (language model) Figure 1: Translation through the part-of meronym relation. they suffer from either limited coverage or limited and anglicization produced predictable changes. accuracy. The authors decided to supplement this It is possible to apply the same changes to the limited evaluation by a manual evaluation of lit- French candidate literal before computing the Lev- erals that do not exist in WOLF, but it has been enshtein distance, bringing related words closer. done on 120 (literal, synset) pairs only by a single We remove diacritics before applying several op- annotator. The accuracy of JAWS is evaluated to erations to word tails (Table 1). For example, re- 67.1%, which is lower than WOLF 0.1.4 and sig- versing the "r" and "e" letter takes into account nificantly lower than the accuracy of WOLF 1.0b. (ordre/order) and (tigre/tiger). 2 As before, false Furthermore this score should be taken with cau- friends are not taken into account. tion because of the size of the test sample: the con- fidence interval is approximately 25%. 3.2 Learning thresholds In JAWS, each English literal can only correspond 3 WoNeF: JAWS improved and extended to the highest scoring French translation, regard- to other parts of speech less of the scores of lower-rated translations. This rejects valid candidates and accepts wrong ones. This section presents three key enhancements that For example, JAWS does not include particulier have been made to JAWS and its extension to in the human being synset because personne is al- cover verbs, adjectives and adverbs. A change that ready included with a higher score. is not detailed here is the one that led to a dramat- In WoNeF, we learned a threshold for each part ically higher execution speed: JAWS built in sev- of speech and selector. We first generated scores eral hours versus less than a minute for WoNeF, for all (literal, synset) candidate pairs, then sorted which helped to run many more experiments. these pairs by score. The 12 399 pairs present in 3.1 Initial selectors the WOLF 1.0b manual evaluation (our training set) were considered to be correct, while the pairs JAWS initial selectors are not optimal. While we 2 keep the monosemy and uniqueness selectors, we The Damerau-Levenshtein distance which takes into ac- changed the other ones. The direct translation se- count transpositions anywhere in a word (Damerau, 1964) led to poorer results. lector is deleted as its precision was very low, even for nouns. A new selector considers candidate translations coming from several different English -que -k banque → bank words in a given synset: the multiple sources se- -aire -ary tertiaire → tertiary lector, a variant the variant criterion of (Atserias et eur er chercheur → researcher al., 1997). For example, in the synset line, railway ie y cajolerie → cajolery line, rail line, the French literals ligne de chemin -té -ty extremité → extremity de fer and voie are translations of both line and -re -er tigre → tiger railway line and are therefore chosen as transla- ais ese libanais → lebanese tions. -ant -ing changeant → changing Finally, the Levenshtein distance selector has been improved. 28% of English vocabulary is Table 1: Changes to French word tails before of French origin (Finkenstaedt and Wolff, 1973) applying the Levenshtein distance.
outside this set were not. We then calculated the continued this work on all other parts of speech: thresholds maximizing precision and F-score. verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Here, generic selec- Once these thresholds are defined, the selec- tors have been modified, but in the future, we will tors choose all candidates above the new thresh- develop selectors taking into account the different old. This has two positive effects: valid candidates parts of speech characteristics in WordNet. are not rejected when only the best candidate is already selected (improving both recall and cov- Verbs Selectors chosen for verbs are the unique- erage) and invalid candidates which were previ- ness and monosemy selectors. Indeed, the Leven- ously accepted are now rejected thanks to a stricter shtein distance gave poor results for verbs: only threshold (increasing precision). 25% of the verbs chosen by this selector were cor- rect translations. For syntactic selectors, only the 3.3 Vote selector by synonymy gave good results, while the After applying all selectors, our WordNet is large selector by hyponymy had the performance of a but contains some noisy synsets. In WoNeF, noise random classifier. comes from several factors: selectors try to in- Adjectives For adjectives, all initial selectors fer semantic information from a syntactic analy- are chosen, and the selected syntactic selector is sis without taking into account the full complex- the selector by synonymy. ity of the syntax-semantics interface; the parser itself produces some noisy results; the syntactic Adverbs The configuration is the same than for language model is generated from a noisy corpus adjectives. We have no gold standard for adverbs, extracted from the Web (poorly written text, non- which explains why they are not included in our text content, non French sentences); and selected evaluation. However, comparison with WOLF translations in one step are considered valid in the (section 5.4) shows that adverbs are better than following steps while this is not always the case. other parts of speech. For the high-precision resource, we only keep literals for which the selectors were more confi- 4 WoNeF: an evaluated JAWS dent. Since multiple selectors can now choose a 4.1 Gold standard development given translation (section 3.2), our solution is sim- ple and effective: translations proposed by multi- Evaluation of JAWS suffers from a number of lim- ple selectors are kept while the others are deleted. itations (section 2.2). We produced a gold stan- This voting principle is inspired from ensemble dard for rigorous evaluation to evaluate WoNeF. learning in machine learning. It is also similar to For nouns, verbs and adjectives, 300 synsets have the combination method used in (Atserias et al., been annotated by two authors of this paper, both 1997) but we can avoid their manual inspection of computational linguists, both native French speak- samples of each method thanks to the development ers and respectively with a background in com- of our gold standard. puter science and linguistics. For each candi- This cleaning operation retains only 18% of date provided by our translation dictionaries, they translations (from 87 757 (literal, synset) pairs to had to decide whether or not it belonged to the 15 625) but the accuracy increases from 68.4% to synset. They used WordNet synsets to examine 93.3%. This high precision resource can be used their neighbors, the Merriam-Webster dictionary, as training data for other French WordNets. A the French electronic dictionary TLFi and search typical voting methods problem is to choose only engines to demonstrate the use of different senses easier and poorly interesting examples, but the of the words in question. Because dictionaries do resource obtained here is well balanced between not provide candidates for all synsets and some synsets containing only monosemic words and synsets have no suitable candidate, the actual num- other synsets containing polysemous and more ber of non-empty synsets is less than 300 (section difficult to disambiguate words (section 5.2). 4.2). During manual annotation, we encountered dif- 3.4 Extension to verbs, adjectives and ficulties arising from the attempt to translate the adverbs Princeton WordNet to French. Most problems The work on JAWS began with nouns because they come from verbs and adjectives appearing in a col- represent 70% of the synsets in WordNet. We location. In WordNet, they can be grouped in a
way that makes sense in English, but that is not Nouns Verbs Adj. reflected directly in another language. For exam- Fleiss Kappa 0.715 0.711 0.663 ple, the adjective pointed is the only element of Synsets 270 222 267 a synset defined as Direct and obvious in mean- Candidates 6.22 14.50 7.27 ing or reference; often unpleasant, “a pointed cri- tique”, “a pointed allusion to what was going Table 2: Gold standard inter-annotator agreement on”, “another pointed look in their direction”. These three examples would result in three differ- ent translations in French: une critique dure, une parts of speech. Even if it is a discussed met- allusion claire and un regard appuyé. There is no ric (Powers, 2012), all existing evaluation tables satisfactory solution in translating such a synset: consider these scores as high enough to describe the resulting synset contains either too many or too the inter-annotator agreement as "good" (Gwet, few translations. We view this issue as a mainly 2001), which allows us to say that our gold stan- linguistic one in the way WordNet has grouped dard is good. The expand approach for the transla- those three usages of pointed. We marked the con- tion of WordNets is also validated : it is possible to cerned synsets and will handle them in a future produce useful resource in spite of the difficulties work, either manually or with other approaches. mentioned in section 4.1. These granularity problems concern 3% of nomi- 5 Results nal synsets, 8% of verbal synsets and 6% of adjec- tival synsets. We present in this section the results of WoNeF. The other main difficulty stems from transla- We first describe the initial selectors and proceed tions in our bilingual dictionaries. Rare meanings with the full resource. Our gold standard is di- of a word are sometimes missing. For example, vided into two parts: 10% of the literals form the there is a WordNet synset containing the egg verb validation set used to choose the selectors that ap- for its coat with beaten egg sense. Our dictionar- ply to different versions of WoNeF, while the re- ies only consider egg as a noun: neither our gold maining 90% form the evaluation set. No train- standard nor JAWS can translate this synset. This ing was performed on our gold standard. Precision case appeared rarely in practice, and none of these and recall are based on the intersection of synsets senses are in the most polysemous synsets (BCS present in WoNeF and our gold standard. Preci- synsets as defined in section 5.2), confirming that sion is the fraction of correct (literal, synset) pairs it doesn’t affect the quality of our gold standard for in the intersection while recall is the fraction of the most important synsets. Yet WoNeF could be correctly retrieved pairs. improved by using specific dictionaries for species 5.1 Initial selectors (as in (Sagot and Fišer, 2008) with WikiSpecies), medical terms, etc. Unwanted translations are an- For nouns, verbs and adjectives, we calculated the other issue. Our dictionaries translate unkindly to efficiency of each initial selector on our develop- sans aménité (without amenity) which is a com- ment set, and used this data to determine which positional phrase. While such a translation is ex- ones should be included in the high precision ver- pected in a bilingual dictionary, it should not be sion, the high F-score version and the large cover- integrated in a lexical resource. The last diffi- age one. Scores are reported on the test set. culty lied in judgment adjectives: for example, Table 3 shows the results of this operation. Cov- there is no good translation of weird in French. erage gives an idea of the size of the resource. De- Although most dictionaries provide bizarre as a pending on the objectives of each resource, the se- translation, this one does not provide the stupid lected initial selectors are different. Since differ- aspect of weird. There is no translation that would ent selectors can choose the same translation, the fit in all contexts: the synset meaning is not fully sum of coverages is greater than the coverage of preserved after translation. the high coverage resource. 5.2 Global results 4.2 Inter-annotators agreement We now focus on the overall results which include Table 2 shows the inter-annotator agreement mea- the application of initial selectors and syntactic se- sured through Fleiss kappa for the three annotated lectors (Table 4). The high-precision method also
P R F1 C 5.3 Results by part of speech monosemy 71.5 76.6 74.0 54 499 Table 5 shows the detailed results for each part unicity 91.7 63.0 75.3 9 533 of speech. Concerning nouns, the high precision mult. sources 64.5 45.0 53.0 27 316 mode uses two selectors, both based on the noun Levenshtein 61.9 29.0 39.3 20 034 modifier syntactic relation: the meronymy selector high precision 93.8 50.1 65.3 13 867 described in section 2.1 and the hyponymy selec- high F-score 71.1 72.7 71.9 82 730 tor. The high precision resource for nouns is our high coverage 69.0 69.8 69.4 90 248 best resource. The high F-score version has an F- score of 72.4%, which ensures that present (literal, Table 3: Top part: Precision, Recall and synset) pairs have good quality and that it does not F1-measure of initial selectors on all translations miss too many translations. The nominal version (nouns, verbs and adjectives). Bottom part: scores is better than JAWS by 2.8% points of F-score. for various combinations of them. Coverage C is the total number of pairs (literal, synset). P R F1 C nouns 96.8 56.6 71.4 11 294 applies a vote (section 3.3). As in the previous PR verbs 68.4 41.9 52.0 1 110 table, the coverage C is the number of (literal, adj. 90.0 36.7 52.2 3 221 synset) pairs. Without using structure-based nor nouns 71.7 73.2 72.4 59 213 conceptual distance-based selectors as in (Farreres JAWS 70.7 68.5 69.6 55 416 et al., 2010), we obtain a coverage at 93% preci- F1R verbs 48.9 76.6 59.6 9 138 sion for our French wordnet (15 625) equal to their adj. 69.8 71.0 70.4 20 385 Spanish one (11 770) and larger than their Thai one (2 013). nouns 61.8 78.4 69.1 70 218 CR verbs 45.4 61.5 52.2 18 844 All synsets P R F1 C adj. 69.8 71.9 70.8 20 385 high precision 93.3 51.5 66.4 15 625 Table 5: Results by part of speech. Horizontal high F-score 68.9 73.0 70.9 88 736 parts give scores for the high-precision resource high coverage 60.5 74.3 66.7 109 447 (PR), the high-F1-measure one (F1R) and the BCS synsets P R F1 C high coverage one (CR). JAWS containing only high precision 90.4 36.5 52.0 1 877 nouns, it is compared with the high F-score high F-score 56.5 62.8 59.1 14 405 nominal WoNeF resource. high coverage 44.5 66.9 53.5 23 166 Results for verbs are lower. The main reason Table 4: Global results for all synsets and BCS is that verbs are on average more polysemous in synsets only. WordNet and our dictionaries than other parts of speech: verbal synsets have twice as many can- In WordNet, most words are monosemous, but a didates as nouns and adjectives synsets (Table 2). small minority of polysemous words are the most This shows the importance of the dictionary to represented in texts. It is precisely on this minority limit the number of literals from which algorithms that we wish to create a quality resource. To evalu- must choose. The synonymy selector is the only ate this, we use the list of BCS (Basic Concept Set) syntactic selector applied to verbs: it uses second- synsets provided by the BalkaNet project (Tufiş et order syntactic relations for three types of ver- al., 2004). This list contains 8 516 synsets lex- bal syntactic dependencies: if two verbs share the icalized in six different translations of WordNet. same objects, they are likely to be synonyms or They should represent the most frequent synsets near-synonyms. This is the case for dévorer and and those with the most polysemous words. While manger which both accept the object pain. Other the high F-score and the high coverage resources syntactic selectors have not been used for verbs lose precision for BCS synsets, this is not the case because of their poor results. Indeed, while the for the high precision resource. In fact, the vot- detection of hyponymy using only the inclusion of ing mechanism makes the high-precision resource contexts was effective on the nouns, it has the per- very robust, even for the BCS synsets. formance of a random classifier for verbs. This
highlights the complexity of verbal polysemy. For nouns, verbs and adjectives, it means that For adjectives and verbs, only the synonymy we contribute 10 914 new high precision (literal, selector was applied. For high F-score and high synset) pairs by merging WoNeF and WOLF 1.0, coverage resources, the same selectors (initial and in other words 94% of the high precision WoNeF syntactic) are applied, which is why the results pairs which shows how much the two approaches are the same. While the inter-annotator agreement are complementary: different literals are selected. was lower on adjectives than on verbs, results are This produces a French wordnet 10% larger than much better for adjectives. This is mainly due to WOLF with an improved accuracy. A merging the number of candidates from which to select: with the high F-score resource would be slightly there are twice as less candidates for adjectives. less precise, but it would provide 81 052 new (lit- This highlights the importance of dictionaries. eral, synset) pairs comparing to WOLF 1.0b, re- sulting in a merge containing 73 712 non-empty 5.4 Evaluation against WOLF synsets and 188,657 (literal, synset) pairs, increas- Using our gold standard to compare WOLF and ing WOLF coverage by 75% and the WoNeF one WoNeF would unfairly penalize WOLF for all cor- by 63%. rect words not present in our dictionaries. Con- versely, we cannot consider WOLF as a direct Conclusion reference as WOLF itself is not fully validated. In this work, we have shown that the use of a syn- The last publication giving overall WOLF figures tactic language model to identify lexical relations (Sagot and Fišer, 2012) indicates a number of pairs between lexemes is possible in a constrained en- around 77 000 with 86% precision3 . We thus com- vironment and leads to results with a state of the pare the intersections between the high-precision art precision for the task of translating WordNet. WoNeF (93.3% precision) and WOLF 0.1.4 and We offer three different resources, each with a dif- 1.0b (Table 6). It shows that although WoNeF is ferent purpose. Finally, we provide a validated still smaller than WOLF, it is a complementary high quality gold standard that has enabled us to resource. The comparison of the differences be- demonstrate both the validity of the approach of tween WOLF 0.1.4 and WOLF 1.0b is instructive translating WordNet by extension and the validity as it highlights WOLF improvements. of our specific approach. This gold standard can also be used to evaluate and develop other French ⊂ ⊃ L WOLF 0.1.4 WordNet translations. WoNeF is freely avail- Nouns 18.7 3.0 10 526 able on http://wonef.fr/ under the LGPL- Verbs 6.5 0.8 1 743 LR licence. A web interface based on sloWTool Adjectives 26.9 5.8 3 710 (Fi[Pleaseinsertintopreamble]er and Novak, 2011) Adverbs 23.8 5.6 757 (initially developed for sloWNet, the Slovenian ⊂ ⊃ L WOLF 1.0b WordNet) allows to browse the resulting Word- Nouns 49.7 8.6 6 503 Net online. The current distribution formats are Verbs 26.5 2.6 1 338 the DEBVisDic XML and WordNet-LMF formats. Adjectives 36.4 13.3 2 530 This allows to integrate WoNeF into the Global Adverbs 41.2 12.6 543 WordNet Grid and facilitates access and conver- sions into any lexical resource format. Table 6: Intersections between the high precision Future work on WoNeF will focus on verbs, ad- WoNeF and WOLF 0.1.4 and 1.0b. ⊂ is the jectives and adverbs, for which dedicated new se- percentage of WoNeF pairs included in WOLF lectors may be considered to improve coverage. and ⊃ is the percentage of WOLF pairs included For example, the synonymy selector can be ex- L in WoNeF. is the number of new elements tended to the WordNet adjectival quasi-synonymy contributed by WoNeF. relationship because distributional semantic tech- L niques tend to identify quasi-synonyms rather than The column gives the number of transla- synonyms. tions that are present in WoNeF but not in WOLF. Another important source of improvement will 3 The detailed results for WOLF 1.0b are not currently be to enrich our syntactic language model by tak- available. ing into account reflexive verbs and multi-word
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