WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants

Page created by Lloyd Dennis
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
Environmental monitoring
                                            systems and remote controls

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice

           WIRELESS System for verification and
             certification of ENERGY YIELD of
                     photovoltaic plants
NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
Determination of the % Yield of Photovoltaic system with certified process.

    Determination of the Energy yield (produced Energy and radiated Energy).

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
    Print of the Verification Report with results of the monitoring campaign.

    Customizable and Configurable System trough simple keyboard and via web.

    Data recording on USB memory (2GB) with Numeric and Graphic Visualization.

    Monitoring according to directives IEC 61724, CEI 82.15 and EN60904.

    Pyranometers according to directives WMO (World Meteorological Organization), WRR (World
    Radiometric Reference), ISO 9060 class II, Class I or Secondary Standard.

    Possibility of alarm and data management also from remote with GPRS connection.

    No necessary connection, immediate installation thanks to wireless transmission up to 150m, with the
    possibility of expansion up to 100 sensors.

                        Monitoring of Solar                                          Detection of Produced
                      Radiation and Module’s                                        Energy from Photovoltaic
                           Temperature                                                        Plant

                                                          Data Acquisition,
                                                       Registration and Print of
                                                              the Report

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
The radiometric system Nesa, Belenos, is designed for monitoring campaigns of solar radiation of plants for the
production of electric energy from photovoltaic source and for a simple determination of the effective yield of
the plant, comparing the energy that the plant should theoretically produces with that really produced. The
system is provided “ready to use”, thanks to the use of wireless technology which requires no connection.

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
Belenos basic version consists of:
-    Robust aluminium Case containing the unit (datalogger) of data acquisition and registration on USB memory,
     the printer for printing the monitoring report at the end of the measurement campaign and the wireless
     unit for the communication with sensors.
-    A couple of wireless sensors to measure the global and diffuse solar radiation from which calculate the
     incident direct radiation on photovoltaic modules.
-    A couple of wireless sensors to measure the surface temperature of photovoltaic modules Pt100 1/3 DIN.
-    A wireless unit to detect the produced energy directly from the meter (option).
-    Bag with pole tripod for positioning and support of radiometric sensors.

System’s Operation
Belenos is configured to acquire radiometric and meteorological data according to WMO (radiation sensors on
horizontal plane) and current regulations, in particular, IEC 60904.

Every system requires few specific configuration parameters for every plant as:
      Plant position (Latitude and Longitude)
      Inclination angle of photovoltaic modules
      Plant direction (degrees West)
      Nominal power of the plant
Every parameter is easily inserted from the operator at the beginning of every measurement campaign
in order to calibrate the monitoring on the specific plant, by keyboard setting.

Belenos, one time started, records measures, manages communications and makes the astronomical
calculation of the sun position (azimut & zenit) to match exactly the measure of solar radiation acquired and
that incident on photovoltaic modules. In this way it is able to accurately estimate the effective radiated energy on
the analyzed plant.
Detecting at the same time also the energy really produced (KW) output from the plant directly from the
meter (option), it’s able to estimate the really yield of the plant instant by instant.

                                     Azimut, zenit, tilt angle

                                     γs = Zenit
                                     αs = Azimut

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
All measures are continuously recorded at programmable intervals (minimum 1 time per minute) and are
available both internal to datalogger and in USB removable memory. Data are easily converted in Excel format
(via web application supplied) to be then managed and processed.
Trough a simple web link, it’s also possible monitor the state of measures in real time in numeric and
graphic format. At the end of the measurement campaign, pressing just a button it’s possible to obtain
the print of the monitoring report in the form of a slip of paper which contains all relevant data of the plant:

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
                                Verification Photovoltaic System n.125
                                Date April 2010, 02        Time: 10.45

                                                                 Plant Data
                                Plant name:                                PRATO VERDE
                                Power:                                     4,2KW
                                Lat.: 12°02'21.0"N                         Long.: 45°51'46.0"E
                                Inclination: 32°                           Directing: 15°Ovest

                                                Verification Results
                                Produced Energy:              11.38 KW/h
                                Calculated Energy:            11.55 KW/h
                                % Yield:                      98.52%

                                           Data obtained by NESA system Belenos
                                               with certified instrumentation

Data registration is done on 2 separate memory supports:
1. Fixed support, internal to control unit, from min. 32MB of capacity.
2. Removable support (USB memory) with more capacity from 2GB to 4GB which guarantees additional safety
   copy of historical data. These data could be archived in encrypted form (option) to guarantee their integrity
   and durability up to the verification of the real plant performance. Then, data content in files are not
   interpretable if the user hasn’t a private key and a software provided by Nesa to remove the protection.

Belenos becomes so a real black box of the photovoltaic plant, as provides all information about the radiation
received, the yield and environmental measures that have influenced the performance.

The system is totally configurable from internet browser both in local than from remote (tele programming),
after authentication with user-name and password to access.

The data download happens mainly in 3 ways:
- On site: via LAN connecting a portable PC with internet browser (ex. Internet Explorer) with standard
   protocols TCP/IP.
- On site: taking the USB memory and linking it directly to a PC.
- From distance: via a module of data transmission GPRS (optional) linked to the serial port RS232 from the
   control unit, through FTP protocol (file transfer protocol) after user authentication with user-name and

Instant data visualization
Instant data could be displayed in real time on the display of the system, on the web page of datalogger (web
server on-board) where it’s possibile obtain data in tabular and graphic format with tracking in real time of
acquired measures, or connecting on FTP remote area (optional).

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
The system is able to manage independently also alarms and pre-alarms that, according to the programmable
thresholds, can activate relays command, does regulations of analog outputs, send a signal from distance via SMS,
via mail, or directly to a remote operating centre (optional).

Available options:
- Certificate of calibration for solar radiation sensors accordino to ISO 9847 Type II C.
- UTA Combined sensor to measure temperature and air humidity.
- DV-A Wind direction sensor.
- BAR-A Sensor to measure the atmospheric pressure.
- PL400-N Sensor to measure the atmospheric precipitation.
- ZBS2 Wireless interface unit for Nesa sensors.
- RSG1 Solar radiation sensor First Class.
- RSG2STD Solar radiation sensor Secondary Standard.
- GPRS Transmission data unit from GPRS remote.

Another options can be provided or activated on demand.

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants
Technical Data


                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
Terminale TMF100                         TMF100 Terminal Unit
Tecnologia                               Technology                           32bit processor with Embedded Linux operative system
                                                                              on board
Ingressi                                 Analog/Pt100/0÷2Vdc/4÷20mA           n. 4 @ 12bit channels (Vmax 0÷2Vdc ; I 4÷20mA)
analogici/Pt100/0÷2Vdc/4÷20mA            Inputs                               n. 4 @ 24bit channels (Vmax 0÷2Vdc ; I 4÷20mA)
Ingressi digitali                        Digital Inputs                       n. 5 ingressi digitali in frequenza (max 1000Hz)
                                                                              n. 5 digital frequency input (max 1000Hz)
Uscite analogiche programmabili          Programmable Analogic outputs        n. 4 @ 12bit channels 0÷2Vdc
Uscite digitali                          Digital outputs                      n. 8 open drain channels for relais command
                                                                              (Vmax=50V, Imax=200mA)
Porte di comunicazione                   Communication ports                  n. 2 RS232
                                                                              n. 2 USB Host
                                                                              n. 1 LAN Ethernet 10/100Mb
Memoria dati interna                     Internal Data storage                A partire da 32MB / Min 32MB
Memoria dati esterna                     External Data storage                Pen-drive industriale USB 256MB÷4GB
Orologio datario                         Data-clock                           Sistema al quarzo e aggiornamento automatico via NTP
                                                                              Quartz management and automatic NTP connection
Watch dog                                Watch dog                            Reset hardware della Cpu / Cpu hardware reset
Protezioni                               Protections                          Contro corto circuiti e scariche indirette
                                                                              Polarity reverse and transient
Programmabilità e                        Programmability & Remote             Localmente, rete LAN e da remoto tramite modem,
Teleprogrammazione di:                   control of:                          GPRS, GSM, wireless, satellite, FTP. radio
                                                                              In local via serial port, LAN, from remote via modem,
                                                                              GPRS, GSM, wireless, satellite, FTP. Radio
                                                                              display LCD
Interfaccia locale operatore             User interface
                                                                              LCD display
Consumo                                  Current Consumption                  < 1W in funzionamento/full operation
Alimentazione                            Power supply                         24Vac, 110Vac, 220Vac (con trasformatore esterno),
                                                                              10,5 18Vdc, Pannello Solare, Generatore eolico /
                                                                              24Vac, 110Vac, 220Vac (with external voltage
                                                                              transformer) , 10,5 18Vdc, Solar Panel, Aeolian supply
Temperatura operativa                    Operative temperature                -45  70 C
Peso                                     weight                               0,8 Kg
Dimensioni                               Dimensions                           177x118x60mm
Marcatura                                Norms                                CE, SIT (on request)
                                                                              300x400x220mm (altre dim. Su richiesta)
Contenitore (opzionale) IP65 – IP68      (optional) IP65 Box – IP68
                                                                              300x400x220mm (other dim. on request)

Trasmettitore Wireless ZBS               Wireless transmitter ZBS
                                                                              Compatible IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee stack
Caratteristiche generali                 General characteristics
                                                                              Device address software or internal dip-switch settable
                                                                              Frequency: 2405 MHz ÷ 2480 MHz
Caratteristiche RF                       RF characteristics                   Nominal transmission power: 2mW
                                                                              Coverage outdoor: 150m, indoor : 50m
                                                                              High energy lithium battery 3,6V inside
Alimentazione                            Supply voltage
                                                                              2 years battery life with 6 second sampling rate
Norma ECC di riferimento:                Compliant with ECC Norms:            ETSI EN 300 238, ETSI EN 301 489, EN 61000-6-2, EN
direttive 2006/95/ECC, 89/336/EEC,       2006/95/ECC, 89/336/EEC,             61000-6-3, EN 60950-1
99/5/EC                                  99/5/EC directives

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
WIRELESS System for verification and certification of ENERGY YIELD of photovoltaic plants

RSG-N Radiazione solare
                                         Global solar radiation
campo di misura tipico                   typical measurement range    0…2000 W/m2

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
Range spettrale                          spectral range               0,3µm ÷ 3µm
segnale di uscita standard               standard signal output       10µV/(W/m2)
                                                                      RSG2STD-N: Secondary Standard
Classe di Precisione conforme            Accuracy Class conforming to
                                                                      RSG1-N: First Class
ISO9060                                  ISO9060
                                                                      RSG-N: Second class
                                                                      ISO 9847 Metodo II C - ref. WRR (World Radiometric
Certificazioni/Calibrazioni              Certifications/Calibrations
                                                                      RSG-A: 0…2Vdc (typical range 0…1300 W/m2)
Altre uscite disponibili                 Other avilable outputs
                                                                      RSG-B: 4…20mA (typical range 0…1300 W/m2)

RSD Radiazione solare Diffusa Diffuse solar radiation
                                                                          RSG2STD-N: Secondary Standard
Sensori utilizzabili                     Usable sensors                   RSG1-N: First Class Diffuse
                                                                          RSGD-N: Second class Diffuse
                                                                          Peso/weight: 6kg
                                                                          Diametro/diameter: ø570mm
Caratteristiche anello di schermo        Features shadow band
                                                                          Altezza/height: 55mm
                                                                          Regolazione/regulation: manuale/manual

Contact temperature sensors

TA-N - Temperatura                       Temperature
campo di misura tipico                   typical range                    -30 ÷ +70°C
precisione                               accuracy                         DIN 43760 1/3 DIN class
segnale di uscita standard               standard signal output           Pt100 (4 fili/cables)

Optional meteorological sensors

TA-N - Temperatura                       Temperature
campo di misura tipico                   typical range                    -30 ÷ +70°C
precisione                               accuracy                         DIN 43760 1/3 DIN class
segnale di uscita standard               standard signal output           Pt100 (4 cables)

UR-A - Umidità                           Humidity
campo di misura tipico                   typical range                    0 ÷ 100%
precisione                               accuracy                         ± 2%
segnale di uscita standard               standard signal output           0÷1 Vdc

BAR-A Pressione Atmosferica Atmospheric Pressure
                                                                          800 ÷ 1100 hPa
campo di misura tipico                   typical range
                                                                          (600÷1100 su richiesta/on demand)
sensibilità                              sensibility                      0.05 hPa
precisione                               accuracy                         0.4 hPa @ 20°C

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
PL400-N - Pluviometro                        Rain gauge

Superficie orifizio                                                             400cm2
                                             Orifice area
max intensità misurabile                     max counting rate                  0 ÷ 300 mm/h
sensibilità                                  sensitivity                        0.2 mm
precisione media                             average accuracy                   ±3%

                                                                                                                                                NESA Srl si riserva di apportare eventuali modifiche al presente prodotto senza obbligo di preavviso / NESA Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of this products without prior notice
VV-N Velocità vento (disponibile             Speed wind (available in the
anche nella versione riscaldata a basso      heated version also with low
consumo 4W@12Vdc)                            consumption 4W@12Vdc)

campo di misura tipico                       typical measurement range          0 ÷ 50 m/s (raffiche/blasts >80 m/s)
precisione                                   accuracy                           0.1 m/s (0,4 ÷ 30m/s); ± 2% v.m. (>30 m/s)
                                                                                Impulsi / pulses 0…150Hz
segnale di uscita standard                   standard signal output
                                                                                (Other avilable Ouputs: 0…2Vdc or 4…20mA)
Certificazioni/Calibrazioni                  Certifications/Calibrations        MeasNet, SIT, Dewi

DV-A Direzione vento (disponibile Wind direction (available in
anche nella versione riscaldata a basso      the heated version also with low
consumo 4W@12Vdc)                            consumption 4W@12Vdc)
campo di misura tipico                       typical measurement range          0 ÷ 360° (raffiche/blasts 0 ÷ 70 m/s)
precisione                                   accuracy                           ± 1°
soglia                                       starting threshold                 0.25 m/s
                                                                                0…2 Vdc
segnale di uscita standard                   standard signal output
                                                                                (Other avilable Ouput: 4…20mA)
Certificazioni/Calibrazioni                  Certifications/Calibrations        DKD

Order Form

            Belenos Measure system of energy yield of photovoltaic plants
            System consists of case, sensors and bag with pole tripod, 220Vac/12vdc power pack

            * Alimentazione/Power Supply (220Vac, 24Vac, 12Vdc, PS, EO)


            Trasmissione dati / Data transmission (GPRS, Modem, Cable LAN, WiLan)                                                     GP

            Altre richieste:
 Esempio di codice d’ordine / Example of order code                                                               BELENOS     PS     GP

* = campi obbligatori da indicare / obligatory fields to point out

NESA Srl - Via Sartori, 6/8 - 31020 - Vidor (TV) - Italy - Tel+39.0423.985209 - Fax+39.0423.985305 - E-mail: info@nesasrl.it - www.nesasrl.it
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