Page created by Benjamin Duran
Winter 2023 Program Guide
Welcome                                                                           Registering online is easy!
Let the spirit of a new year inspire personal growth by engaging in one of our    Visit
healthy mind-body, physical movement or healthy cooking and eating classes. Our   classes-events. Once there, you can
Winter 2023 Program Guide contains many new and returning programs that will      search for a class name or choose a
take place in the months of January, February and March. Where education meets    category of classes to explore. See
community, we await your presence in one of our classes this season.              further registration details on page 4.

In health & gratitude,                                                            Questions or concerns? Call 872-4102
                                                                                  or email
The Peter Alfond
Prevention & Healthy Living Team                                                  Free Quarterly Event
Anne Conners                            Julie Plummer
Director, Community Health              Community Programs Coordinator            Spring Into Action
Alicia Rice                             Melissa Emmons                            Join us on the Spring Equinox, March 20,
Community Programs Manager              Community Programs Coordinator            to celebrate the changing of the seasons!
Baylee Doughty                          Jami Sirois                               The snow will be melting, and we’ll all be
Community Programs Coordinator          Administrative Assistant                  coming out of our winter hibernations.
                                                                                  You’ll see how cultures around the world
Benjamin Ramsdell                                                                 herald the arrival of spring by tasting
Community Programs Coordinator                                                    some of their traditional holiday dishes,
                                                                                  and learn how we can take the idea of
                                                                                  “spring cleaning” to heart, inside and out.
                                                                                  We’ll eat, move, and be together as we
                                                                                  observe the daylight returning to our lives
                                                                                  and spirits.
                                                                                  Location: Alfond Center for Health,
                                                                                  Date: Monday, March 20, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                  Pre-registration is required to attend
                                                                                  this event.
Registration Information                          Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living
    To register for a class:
                                                      Center Policies
    1. Go to
                                                      Senior, Veteran, MaineGeneral Delays and Cancellations
    2. Choose the class you want.                     and Second Household          We reserve the right to cancel a
    3. Complete all registration information.
                                                      Member Discounts              class due to low enrollment or
                                                      We offer a 20 percent discount per      unexpected events. If that occurs,
    4. We accept credit and debit cards.              class to:                               you will be notified and your class
       Payment is required upon registration.                                                 fees will be refunded.
                                                       • Seniors (age 65 and older)
    5. We will confirm your registration by email.     • Veterans (those who served in        Weather Cancellations
                                                         the armed forces of the United       If we need to cancel a class session
    If you need help registering, are seeking            States)                              because of weather, we will put
    financial assistance or would like to request a
                                                       • Current MaineGeneral                 a message on our voicemail at
    special accommodation, please call
                                                         employees                            861-5257 at least two hours before
                                                                                              the class start time. We also list
                                                       • Second member of a household
    The Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living                                              weather cancellations on our
                                                         who registers for the same class
    Center will make reasonable modifications                                                 Facebook page:
    and accommodations to make sure people                                          
                                                      Payment Assistance
    with disabilities have equal opportunity to
    participate in all classes and events.            Additional help paying for classes is   Refunds
                                                      available on an as-needed basis:
                                                                                              Class fees will be returned if a class
    If you are a person with a disability who          • 50 percent off the cost of class     is canceled. Class refunds can be
    requires an accommodation to participate             (limited to two classes per          made if a class is dropped more
    fully in a Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy         quarter)                             than 24 hours before it starts.
    Living class or event, please let us know at                                              No refunds will be given within
    least 48 hours before the start of the class or    • 100 percent off the cost of class
                                                         (limited to one class per quarter)   24 hours of a class start time or
    event.                                                                                    after a class has started.
Winter 2023 Classes
Healthy Mind & Body                       Physical Movement               Healthy Cooking & Eating
NEW 2023 & Me                             Ai Chi                          Anyone Can Cook
Action for Self-Compassion                Bamboo Stick Exercise           Buddha Bowls
NEW Creative Theatre for Adults & Teens   Bodyweight Training             NEW Cooking for Tomorrow
NEW Expressive Arts                       Chair Yoga                      Cooking the Mediterranean Way
Find Your Path to Wellness                NEW Full Moon Snowshoe & Yoga   Eating for Heart Health
NEW Find Ways to Stress Less              Functional Flow                 Food As Medicine
NEW Healing Art Series                    Gentle Yoga                     NEW Hannaford Store Tour
Introduction to Mindfulness & Movement    Gentle Yoga Level 2             NEW Herbs & Spices
Meditation                                Indoor Walking Program          Instant Pot
NEW Joint Health Basics                   NEW Moving for Brain Health     Knife Skills
Matters of the Mind: Stress Management    Power Yoga                      Sheet Pan Cooking
Skills Series
                                          Qigong                          Soups & Stews
NEW Painting Glass Mandalas
                                          NEW Seated Stretch              Spring Rolls
Reiki Meditation
                                          Yin Yoga
Sacred Songs & Dances
                                          Yoga Sampler
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis
NEW Understanding Your Nervous System
Yoga Nidra

Healthy Mind & Body

                          NEW 2023 & Me                                Action for Self-Compassion
                          Tired of making New Year’s Resolutions       When we are busy tending to our
                          that never come true? Make this year         families, friends and jobs, it can be easy
                          different by learning how to set realistic   to put our own needs aside and focus
                          goals and take actionable steps toward       on others. However, what happens
                          becoming the best version of you.            when you run out of steam? Action for
                          Participants will be supported to initiate   Self-Compassion is a four-week group-
                          work on their individual goals and given     coaching workshop that offers time
                          tools to sustain their actions in the year   and space to cultivate self-awareness,
                          ahead. The group setting allows for          patience and compassion through
                          shared accountability and experience.        conversation, group exercises and
                                                                       action steps. By fortifying your own
                          Cost:             $32/person
                                                                       inner strength, you can better connect
                          Instructor:       Julie Plummer              and engage in the world around you
                                            MaineGeneral               with joy, ease and perhaps a new
                          Location:         Alfond Center for          perspective.
                                            Health, Augusta            Cost:             $56/person
                          Date:             Wednesday,                 Instructor:       Nicole Hudson
                                            Jan. 11 – Feb. 1
                                            5:15 – 6:30 p.m.           Location:         Zoom
                                            (4 sessions)               Date:             Wednesday,
                                                                                         Feb. 1 – March 8
                                                                                         7 – 8:15 p.m.
                                                                                         (6 sessions)

Healthy Mind & Body

NEW Creative Theatre for Adults             NEW Expressive Arts                           Find Your Path to Wellness
& Teens                                     Explore a variety of expressive art           This four-session series is geared
This class introduces teens and adults      forms including creative writing, music,      toward anyone looking for strategies
to a range of playful, creative games       movement and visual art in this group         to live healthier. Through an overview
and improvisational theatre techniques      for all ages. Participants will explore       of the dimensions of wellness,
intended to offer renewal in body, mind,    and affirm their innate creativity to craft   mindfulness and stress management
heart and spirit. Colorful silk scarves     individual and group works that capture       techniques, ways to get daily physical
will be available to feed the imagination   their collective histories and hopes for      activity and various popular eating
for costumes and a sense of humor.          fulfilling futures. No art experience is      patterns, participants will improve their
This is a wonderful, intergenerational      needed.                                       understanding of healthy habits. The
opportunity to rejuvenate a relationship                                                  group setting encourages support,
                                            Cost:             $42/person
with oneself and others during the                                                        accountability and shared strategies
winter. No previous experience is           Instructor:       Christine Little            among peers.
needed.                                     Location:         Arch Beta Resident           Cost:            $42/person
                                                              Center, Augusta
Cost:            $20/person                                                                Instructors:     Baylee Doughty,
                                            Date:             Friday, March 10 – 24
Instructor:      Maryam Mermey, PhD                                                                         Julie Plummer & Ben
                                                              2:30 – 4:30 p.m.                              Ramsdell
Location:        Alfond Center for                            (3 sessions)                                  MaineGeneral
                 Health, Augusta
                                                                                           Location:        Alfond Center for
Date:            Saturday, Jan. 28
                                                                                                            Health, Augusta
                 1 – 3 p.m.
                                                                                           Date:            Tuesday,
                                                                                                            Feb. 21 – March 14
                                                                                                            5:30 – 7 p.m.
                                                                                                            (4 sessions)

Healthy Mind & Body

    NEW Find Ways to Stress Less                 NEW Healing Art Series                       Introduction to Mindfulness &
    This four-session series is designed for     The Healing Art Series aims to provide       Movement Meditation
    anyone looking to lower stress in their      a relaxing opportunity for individuals to    Mindfulness meditation has many
    daily lives. Stress can be overwhelming      practice self-care, self-exploration and     physical and emotional benefits
    and hard to control. Participants will       improved emotional regulation through        including improvements in mood,
    learn about different ways to control and    art. Using various art forms, participants   anxiety and attention. This course
    lessen the negative effects of stress.       will ease into their own unique style of     introduces participants to mindfulness
    They will discuss and practice different     self-expression using reflective prompts     meditation skills along with steps and
    skills and techniques to manage stress       to guide the art-making process.             resources for continued practice. This
    and identify the stressors in their lives.                                                class will also focus on approaching
                                                 Cost:            $56/person
    Once they rehearse the new skills and                                                     movement and exercise mindfully,
    techniques, they can put them into real-     Instructor:      Paije Fraser                setting the stage for awe and continued
    life scenarios and help control stress for   Location:        Alfond Youth &              outdoor mindful exercise.
    the future.                                                   Community Center,
                                                                  Waterville                  Cost:           $25/person
    Cost:            $42/person
                                                 Date:            Wednesday,                  Instructor:     Jeff Matranga, PhD
    Instructor:      Derek Bowen
                                                                  Feb. 8 – March 22           Location:       Zoom
                                                                  (bi-weekly)                 Date:           Sunday,
    Location:        Alfond Center for                            9 – 11 a.m.                                 Jan. 29 & Feb. 5
                     Health, Augusta                              (4 sessions)                                10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    Date:            Monday, March 6 – 27                                                                     (2 sessions)
                     4 – 5:30 p.m.
                     (4 sessions)

Healthy Mind & Body

NEW Joint Health Basics                   Matters of the Mind: Stress                  NEW Painting Glass Mandalas
This free MaineGeneral Sports Medicine    Management Skills Series                     The word mandala comes from ancient
program will focus on the factors that    Do you ever feel like stress is getting      Sanskrit and means “sacred circle.”
affect joint health as we age and look    the best of you? When matters of the         Participants are invited to paint a
at ways you can help promote your own     mind feel too big to bear, calming and       healing design, image and/or symbol of
joint health through physical activity,   balancing your nervous system can            what they hold sacred onto clear, glass
early intervention and nutrition. We      help renew a sense of wholeness and          circles. They may follow an inspiring
will discuss activities and programs      joy. Throughout this five-week series,       pattern from a choice of mandala
that promote joint health and provide     participants will discuss, learn about       coloring books or tap into their own
resources to help you remain physically   and experience techniques to manage          imaginations for ideas. The painted
active.                                   stress and cultivate emotional well-being.   mandalas will be fired and returned
                                          Topics to be explored and practiced          the second session, which allows
Instructor:     Richard Garini, ATC
                                          include journaling, deep breathing,          participants to share their painted
                                          guided imagery, mindfulness meditation,      mandalas and stories.
Cost:           FREE                      physical movement and yoga.                   Cost:          $25/person
Location:       Alfond Youth &
                Community Center          Cost:            $50/person                   Instructor:    Maryam Mermey, PhD
                Waterville                Instructors:     Melissa Caron,               Location:      Alfond Center for
Date:           Tuesday, Jan. 17                           Baylee Doughty, Mike                        Health, Augusta
                11 a.m. – 12 p.m.                          Keighley & Julie             Date:          Session 1:
                                                           Plummer                                     Saturday, Feb. 18
Cost:           FREE                      Location:        Alfond Youth &                              1 – 3 p.m.
Location:       Alfond Youth &                             Community Center                            Session 2:
                Community Center                           Waterville                                  Saturday, Feb. 25
                Waterville                Date:            Thursday,                                   1 – 2 p.m.
Date:           Thursday, Jan. 19                          March 2 – 30
                6 – 7 p.m.                                 5 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                           (5 sessions)                                                          9
Healthy Mind & Body

     Reiki Meditation                                                                         Sacred Songs & Dances
     Enjoy an hour of physical and emotional rest that combines the therapeutic elements      From the beginning of time, sacred
     of meditation and Reiki. This class will begin with a guided group meditation and        movement, song and story have brought
     transition to individual Reiki treatment where the instructor will offer the choice to   people together. In this class, experience
     place hands-on touch to participants’ feet or heads to promote the flow of healing       the exhilaration of singing and dancing
     energy.                                                                                  circle and partner dances from various
                                                                                              world traditions using simple music,
     Instructor:      Amanda Doody
                                                                                              lyrics and movements to touch the
                                                                                              spiritual essence within ourselves and
     Location:        Alfond Youth & Community Center, Waterville                             others. Sacred dances are like moving
                                                                                              mandalas and sung meditations, a
     Cost:            $16/person                                                              celebration and experiential voyage
     Date:            Tuesday, Jan. 24                                                        into the wisdom and compassion at
                      5 – 6 p.m.                                                              the heart of all spiritual pathways.
                                                                                              This practice is also known as Dances
     Cost:            $16/person                                                              of Universal Peace. Children age 11
                                                                                              and older are welcome. No previous
     Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 21                                                        experience is needed.
                      5 – 6 p.m.
                                                                                              Cost:            $20/person
     Cost:            $16/person                                                              Instructor:      Maryam Mermey, PhD
     Date:            Tuesday, March 21                                                       Location:        Alfond Center for
                      5 – 6 p.m.                                                                               Health, Augusta
                                                                                              Date:            Saturday, March 25
                                                                                                               2 – 4 p.m.

Healthy Mind & Body

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis                  NEW Understanding Your                     Yoga Nidra
Have you tried to quit smoking but just     Nervous System                             Yoga Nidra is a form of guided
can’t break the habit? Hypnosis can help    You’ve probably heard the terms “fight     meditation done by lying down on a
you regain control and stop smoking         or flight” and “rest and digest” when it   mat. Its emphasis on extended stillness,
for good. In this group-hypnosis setting,   comes to the nervous system. But do        silence and resting the body to exercise
you will identify and overcome physical,    you know how they function within your     the mind makes it uniquely challenging.
habitual and emotional triggers to          body and in your life? Understanding       Participants can relax in their own
smoking, take charge of sabotaging          Your Nervous System is a two-session       space with this virtual class and are
behaviors, and become confident and         workshop exploring and breaking            encouraged to bring pillows, neck
secure in your new life as a non-smoker.    down the biological functions of your      cradles or eye pillows and cover with a
For best results, participants are          body’s communication pathways and          blanket. Participants will not physically
expected to quit smoking on or before       help you engage more skillfully in life.   move during this class.
the date of the first session.              Participants will learn how the body and    Cost:           $56/person
Cost:            $60/person                 brain respond to stress, how to identify
                                            stressful triggers and how to reduce        Instructor:     Beth Jones
Instructor:      Arlene Wing                stress and increase calm using the          Location:       Zoom
Location:        Zoom                       power of the nervous system.                Date:           Thursday, Jan. 12 –
Date:            Thursday, Jan. 12 –        Cost:            $20/person                                 March 2
                 Feb. 9 (biweekly)                                                                      6:15 – 7 p.m.
                 4 – 5:30 p.m.              Instructor:      Nicole Hudson                              (8 sessions)
                 (3 sessions)               Location:        Zoom
                                            Date:            Thursday, Feb. 9 & 16
                                                             7 – 8 p.m.
                                                             (2 sessions)

Physical Movement

                         Ai Chi
                         This class will be based on elements
                         of Qigong and Tai Chi while in
                         the water. Participants will move
                         quietly in a mindful, meditative and
                         strength-focused routine with gentle
                         core exercises. This is an excellent
                         opportunity for those returning to
                         exercise and individuals who experience
                         discomfort during weight-bearing
                         Cost:           $28/person
                         Instructor:     Shalimar Chasse
                         Location:       Kennebec Valley
                                         YMCA, Augusta
                         Date:           Saturday,
                                         Feb. 11 – March 25
                                         1 – 2 p.m.
                                         (4 sessions)

Physical Movement

Bamboo Stick Exercise                     Bodyweight Training                      Chair Yoga
Bamboo Stick Exercise consists of         Bodyweight training is a strength-       Chair Yoga offers the benefits of
exercises using a long, light bamboo      training exercise that uses your own     traditional yoga practice without getting
stick. These exercises were created to    weight to provide resistance. Because    on the floor. Benefits include improved
support flexibility, stability and ease   it requires little to no equipment, it   posture and balance, increased strength
in our bodies, producing health and       is perfect for on-the-go or at-home      and flexibility, reduced stress and a
a sense of peace in body and mind.        workouts. Learn the exercises you can    sense of well-being. Done seated or
They are appropriate for any age. While   do to increase strength, coordination    using a chair for support, this gentle
these exercises are done standing and     and balance.                             practice adapts to your needs and
incorporate full range of motion in the                                            ability; no experience is needed. Add
                                          Cost:            $35/person
shoulders, modifications can be made                                               relaxing and energizing movement to
to honor individual areas of physical     Instructor:      Baylee Doughty          your day as you sit!
challenge.                                                 MaineGeneral
                                                                                   Cost:            $56/person
Cost:            $42/person               Location:        Zoom
                                                                                   Instructor:      Ann Parker
                                          Date:            Tuesday,
Instructor:      Christine Little                                                  Location:        Arch Beta Resident
                                                           Feb. 28 – March 28
Location:        Kennebec Valley                           3:30 – 4:30 p.m.                         Center, Augusta
                 YMCA, Augusta                             (5 sessions)            Date:            Wednesday,
Date:            Friday,                                                                            Jan. 11 – March 1
                 Feb. 3 – March 10                                                                  10 – 11 a.m.
                 7 – 8 a.m.                                                                         (8 sessions)
                 (6 sessions)

Physical Movement

     NEW Full Moon Snowshoe & Yoga                                                              Functional Flow
     Participants will begin class by warming up their bodies and spirits with a snowshoe       Functional Flow blends functional
     trek through Viles Arboretum as the sun sets and the full moon lights up the sky.          movements and flow yoga to help build
     Upon returning to the visitor’s center, participants will trade in their snowshoes for a   mobility, balance and strength while
     yoga mat to practice a full moon-inspired yoga sequence. Yoga mats, blankets and           challenging individuals to their own
     snowshoes will be provided. Please dress in warm layers, wear sturdy snow boots            potential. Expect to leave class feeling
     and bring a flashlight or headlamp.                                                        inspired, refreshed and energized.
     Instructors:     Baylee Doughty & Julie Plummer                                            Cost:            $28/person
                      MaineGeneral                                                              Instructor:      Julia Redman
     Cost:            $15/person                                                                Location:        Alfond Center for
     Location:        Viles Arboretum, Augusta                                                                   Health
     Date:            Friday, Jan. 6                                                                             Augusta
                      4 – 5:30 p.m.                                                             Date:            Saturday,
                                                                                                                 March 4 – 25
     Cost:            $15/person                                                                                 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.
     Location:        Viles Arboretum, Augusta                                                                   (4 sessions)
     Date:            Friday, Feb. 3
                      4 – 5:30 p.m.

     Cost:            $15/person
     Location:        Viles Arboretum, Augusta
     Date:            Friday, March 3
                      4 – 5:30 p.m.

Physical Movement

Gentle Yoga                                                                            Gentle Yoga Level 2
Stretch and strengthen your muscles, gain flexibility, improve balance, reduce         This class is for those who taken and
stress and relax with this gentle yoga class appropriate for beginners or those with   enjoyed Gentle Yoga but are looking to
experience.                                                                            move to the next level, as well as those
                                                                                       who have prior yoga experience.
Cost:            $56/person
Instructor:      Beth Jones                                                            Cost:            $56/person
Location:        Zoom                                                                  Instructor:      Julia Redman
Date:            Thursday, Jan. 12 – March 2, 9 – 10 a.m.                              Location:        Alfond Center for
                 (8 sessions)                                                                           Health. Augusta
                                                                                       Date:            Monday,
Cost:            $56/person                                                                             Jan. 30 – March 27
Instructor:      Amanda Doody                                                                           (no session Feb. 20)
                 MaineGeneral                                                                           11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Location:        Alfond Youth & Community Center, Waterville                                            (8 sessions)
Date:            Thursday, Jan. 19 – March 9, 3:30 – 4:15 p.m.
                 (8 sessions)

Cost:            $56/person
Instructor:      Julia Redman
Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta
Date:            Monday, Jan. 30 – March 27 (no session Feb. 20),
                 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
                 (8 sessions)

Physical Movement

     Indoor Walking Program                      NEW Moving for Brain Health                 Power Yoga
     Walking has many health benefits,           This class uses dance to increase range     Power Yoga combines a Vinyasa-
     but getting outside every day can be        and stability of movement through           style yoga with a heart rate-increasing
     challenging. Did you know you can do a      full-body moves. By combining various       workout, giving you a powerful flexibility
     walking program in the comfort of your      of dance forms such as modern, ballet,      and strength-building exercise routine.
     home? With just enough space to take a      folk, tap and improvisation with music,     This class is for those who practice
     few steps in each direction, this at-home   participants will explore strategies that   yoga regularly and are looking for a
     walking program will get you moving.        support both fine- and gross-motor          more intense workout.
                                                 movements. Research shows that
     Cost:            $42/person                                                             Cost:             $42/person
                                                 the combination of music and dance
     Instructor:      Baylee Doughty             addresses many of the physical and          Instructor:       Mike Keighley
                      MaineGeneral               mental effects of diseases such as                            MaineGeneral
     Location:        Zoom                       Parkinson’s, dementia and others.           Location:         Alfond Center for
     Date:            Thursday,                  Cost:             $28/person                                  Health, Augusta
                      Jan. 12 – Feb. 23                                                      Date:             Tuesday,
                                                 Instructor:       Christine Little
                      (no session Jan. 26)                                                                     Jan. 24 – March 7
                      4:45 – 5:30 p.m.           Location:         Cohen Center,                               (no session Feb. 14)
                      (6 sessions)                                 Hallowell                                   5 – 6 p.m.
                                                 Date:             Friday, Jan. 6 – 27                         (6 sessions)
                                                                   2 – 3 p.m.
                                                                   (4 sessions)

Physical Movement

Qigong                                                                             NEW Seated Stretch
Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines controlled breathing, gentle   Stretch the body while sitting in a chair
movement and meditation to promote good mental, physical and spiritual health.     or using the chair as support. This
It offers many benefits, including improved balance and reduced stress levels.     gentle practice adapts to your needs
                                                                                   and ability; no experience is needed. Add
Cost:            $56/person
                                                                                   relaxing and energizing movement to
Instructor:      Shalimar Chasse                                                   your day as you sit!
Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta                                 Cost:            $28/person
Date:            Wednesday, Jan. 11 – March 1                                      Instructor:      Baylee Doughty
                 5:30 – 6:45 p.m.                                                                   MaineGeneral
                 (8 sessions)
                                                                                   Location:        Zoom
Cost:            $42/person
                                                                                   Date:            Tuesday, March 7 – 28
Instructor:      Audrey McGee                                                                       9 – 10 a.m.
Location:        Alfond Youth & Community Center, Waterville                                        (4 sessions)
Date:            Monday, Feb. 6 – March 13
                 4 – 5 p.m.
                 (6 sessions)

Physical Movement

     Yin Yoga                                                            Yoga Sampler
     Yin yoga is a slow-paced, meditative yoga where floor postures      Yoga offers the opportunity to get to know ourselves, our
     are held for long periods of time while participants relax          bodies and our worlds differently. And, just as individuals vary,
     their muscles and focus on breathing. It is great for all levels,   so do yoga styles. This series explores different yoga styles to
     especially those with joint issues. Benefits of this “quiet yoga”   broaden your knowledge and expand your practice to find what
     include decreased tightness and improved joint mobility and         works best for you and your body. Each week, we will explore
     range of motion. Participants must be able to get down onto         a different type and learn its benefits and how to incorporate it
     the floor.                                                          into our lives.
     Cost:            $42/person                                         Cost:            $28/person
     Instructor:      Audrey McGee                                       Instructor:      Nicole Hudson
     Location:        Alfond Youth & Community Center, Waterville        Location:        Zoom
     Date:            Saturday, Jan. 14 – Feb. 18                        Date:            Monday, Feb. 6 – 27
                      10 – 11 a.m.                                                        6:30 – 7:45 p.m.
                      (6 sessions)                                                        (4 sessions)

Healthy Cooking & Eating

Anyone Can Cook                               Buddha Bowls
Do you consider yourself a novice in the      Chances are, you’ve inadvertently made
kitchen? If so, this class is for you! We     a grain bowl out of leftovers before.
will start from the ground up, learning       However, these bowls — consisting of
about basic kitchen equipment, staple         grains, vegetables, protein and dressing
ingredients, cooking techniques and           — have the potential to become your
the building blocks of nutrition. You will    go-to weeknight staple. The best part?
understand how to read recipes and            They’re hard to mess up. Learn a few
make delicious food for you and your          simple rules that will help you throw
family, and you will also learn how to fill   together simple, delicious meals in no
those meals with all of the good stuff        time.
your body needs to thrive.
Cost:             $30/person                  Cost:            $20/person
Instructor:       Ben Ramsdell                Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell
                  MaineGeneral                                 MaineGeneral
Location:         Alfond Center for           Location:        Alfond Center for
                  Health, Augusta                              Health, Augusta
Date:             Monday, Jan. 16 – 30        Date:            Thursday, March 9
                  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                             11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
                  (3 sessions)

Healthy Cooking & Eating

     Cooking for Tomorrow                      Cooking the Mediterranean Way               Eating for Heart Health
     This three-class series is all about      You do not need to travel across the        Cardiovascular disease is one of the
     setting you and your family up for        globe to experience the health benefits     most prevalent in the state and country.
     culinary success. You will learn how to   of a Mediterranean Diet. After a quick      In this class, we’ll taste and talk about
     plan ahead for healthier, tastier meals   trip to your local grocery store, you can   some foods that can help prevent
     that take less time and energy. With      be on your way to discovering delicious     cardiovascular disease and learn some
     techniques like batch cooking, freezer    flavors and fresh foods that promote        ways to incorporate more of them into
     use and meal prep, you will cook fewer    health and prevent disease. With simple     your diet. (Spoiler alert: the recipes are
     times each week while still having new    recipes, you will learn how easy it is to   DELICIOUS!)
     things to eat every day.                  pick up some Mediterranean habits.
                                                                                           Cost:             $20/person
     Cost:            $30/person               Cost:            $30/person                 Instructors:      Anna Froman, ND &
     Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell             Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell                                 Denise Beland, RD
                      MaineGeneral                              MaineGeneral               Location:         Alfond Center for
     Location:        Alfond Youth &           Location:        Alfond Center for                            Health, Augusta
                      Community Center,                         Health, Augusta            Date:             Friday, Jan. 20
                      Waterville               Date:            Tuesday,                                     11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
     Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 14 – 28                     Jan. 17 – Jan. 31
                      5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                          11 a.m. – 1 p.m.           Cost:             $20/person
                      (3 sessions)                              (3 sessions)               Instructor:       Vishnu Nancoo, NP
                                                                                           Location:         Alfond Center for
                                                                                                             Health, Augusta
                                                                                           Date:             Tuesday, March 21
                                                                                                             5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Healthy Cooking & Eating

Food as Medicine                             NEW Hannaford Store Tour
Whole foods are the cornerstone of any       Learn how to shop smart! Ria Saunders, one of the dietitians for Hannaford, will
healthy diet. This comprehensive four-       lead us through a tour of their Whitten Road store. We will learn how to shop more
session class will teach nutrition basics,   efficiently, how to read and make sense of food labels, and tips for saving time and
how to get all the nutrients you need        money while grocery shopping. We’ll even get to taste some samples along the way.
from whole foods through simple home         Did we mention that this tour is FREE?
cooking, and easy ways to incorporate
                                             Instructors:     Ria Saunders, RD & Ben Ramsdell
healthy habits into your routine.
                                             Cost:            FREE
Cost:            $40/person
                                             Location:        Hannaford, Whitten Road, Augusta
Instructor:      Anna Froman, ND
                                             Date:            Friday, Feb. 10
Location:        Alfond Center for                            11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                 Health, Augusta
Date:            Wednesday,                  Cost:            FREE
                 Jan. 18 – Feb. 8            Location:        Hannaford, Whitten Road, Augusta
                 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.            Date:            Friday, March 3
                 (4 sessions)                                 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Healthy Cooking & Eating

     NEW Herbs & Spices                          Instant Pot                                Knife Skills
     Fresh or dried, spicy or sweet, herbs and   The cooking appliance everyone’s           Knives are among the most important
     spices play an important role in cooking,   talking about! Learn how to make it work   pieces of kitchen equipment. Learn
     adding flavor without added fat, sugar or   for you. We will discuss what it does      what types you need, how to maintain
     salt. We’ll taste and learn about all the   (more than you might think), how to use    and use them, and all the basic knife
     ones you might encounter in your daily      it safely. Then make some deliciously      cuts you will use in your cooking.
     cooking, how they can play well together,   quick dishes with it. Instant fun!
                                                                                            Cost:           $20/person
     and try a few recipes that illustrate how
                                                 Instructor:     Ben Ramsdell               Instructor:     Ben Ramsdell
     powerful they can be.
                                                                 MaineGeneral                               MaineGeneral
     Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell               Cost:           $20/person                 Location:       Alfond Center for
                                                 Location:       Alfond Center for                          Health, Augusta
     Cost:            $20/person                                 Health, Augusta            Date:           Friday, March 17
     Location:        Alfond Center for          Date:           Wednesday, Jan. 11                         11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
                      Health, Augusta                            5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
     Date:            Tuesday, March 7,
                      5:30 – 7:30 p.m.           Instructors:    Ben Ramsdell &
                                                                 Brianna Trainor, RD
     Instructors:     Ben Ramsdell &                             MaineGeneral
                      Kalee Tinker, RD           Cost:           $20/person
                                                 Location:       Alfond Center for
     Cost:            $20/person                                 Health, Augusta
     Location:        Alfond Center for          Date:           Friday, Feb. 3
                      Health, Augusta                            11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
     Date:            Tuesday, March 28,
                      11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Healthy Cooking & Eating

Sheet Pan Cooking                         Soups & Stews                              Spring Rolls
Four pans on the stove and three in the   There is nothing quite like a bowl of      Spring rolls are a delicious and
oven? What if you could cook an entire    soup to warm you up and soothe your        nutritionally complete meal you can eat
meal and only have one or two sheet       soul on a cold day. In this hands-on       with one hand. Often seen as a side
pans to clean up? Learn how to put        cooking class, learn techniques and        dish in Asian cuisines, they will quickly
together simple, delicious meals that     recipes for soups and stews that are big   become a staple of your cooking! We’ll
you and your family will love!            on flavor and nutrition and easy on the    make some traditional-style rolls and
                                          wallet.                                    a number of dipping sauces for you to
Cost:            $10/person
                                                                                     try. You’ll also get lots of ideas on how
Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell             Cost:            $20/person
                                                                                     to customize your own spring rolls at
                 MaineGeneral             Instructors:     Anna Froman, ND           home!
Location:        Zoom                                      & Tiffany Jacobs-
                                                           Millett, RD               Cost:            $20/person
Date:            Tuesday, Jan. 10
                                          Location:        Alfond Center for         Instructors:     Patty Morini & Jane
                 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
                                                           Health, Augusta,                           Moore, RD
                                                           Teaching Kitchen                           MaineGeneral
                                          Date:            Friday, Feb. 17           Location:        Alfond Center for
                                                           11 a.m. – 1 p.m.                           Health, Augusta
                                                                                     Date:            Tuesday, March 14
                                                                                                      5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Healthy Living After A Stroke

                                     NEW Chronic Pain Management
                                     It is not uncommon for stroke survivors
                                     to experience chronic and ongoing
                                     pain. In this session, we’ll discuss
                                     different ways to manage pain at home,
                                     including ways to use the mind and easy
                                     movement techniques. Hear more about
                                     our six-week program, Living Well with
                                     Chronic Pain.
                                     Cost:           FREE
                                     Instructor:     Melissa Emmons
                                     Location:       Alfond Center for
                                                     Health, Augusta,
                                                     Conference Room 1 or
                                     Date:           Wednesday, Jan. 18
                                                     1 – 2 p.m.

Healthy Living After A Stroke

NEW Lifestyle Changes After a Stroke                              NEW Building Connections After a Stroke
Dr. Emese Simon, physiatrist on the MaineGeneral Physical         Stroke can interrupt your world and, as a result, impact your
Rehabilitation Unit, will delve into some lifestyle changes you   connection with yourself and others. It also may make you long
may be experiencing after a stroke. She will gladly answer any    for what once was and potentially fear what may come. This
questions you have at this free class.                            free class will use creative art techniques to help individuals
                                                                  understand and explore topics of grief, social relationships and
Cost:            FREE
                                                                  sense of belonging and safety.
Instructor:      Emese Simon, MD
                 MaineGeneral                                     Cost:            FREE
Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta,               Instructor:      Julie Plummer
                 Conference Room 1 or Zoom                                         MaineGeneral
Date:            Wednesday, Feb. 15                               Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta
                 1 – 2 p.m.                                                        Conference Room 1 or Zoom
                                                                  Date:            Wednesday, March 15
                                                                                   1 – 2 p.m.

Other Programs & Resources

     A Matter of Balance                             Cooking Matters for Parents                    Cooking Matters for Teens
     Do you have a fear of falling? A fear of        Feeding your family healthy, affordable        Cooking Matters for Teens is a free,
     falling is a reasonable concern, but falls      meals is always a challenge, but we            six-week, hands-on cooking and
     can be predictable and preventable.             have tips and resources that can help!         nutrition series, designed for teens
     This eight-session, two-hour group              Cooking Matters for Parents is a               up to age 18. Teens will learn about
     class emphasizes practical strategies to        six-session, hands-on cooking class that       various nutrition topics and make a meal
     reduce the fear of falling and increase         is FREE and full of great information.         together at each class. At the end of the
     activity levels. You will learn to view falls   Class members leave each week with             series, participants will be challenged
     as controllable, discuss changes you            a bag of groceries to make the recipes         to make their own healthier take on a
     can make at home to reduce the risk of          they learned in class at home.                 popular take-out food.
     falls and practice exercises to increase
                                                     Cost:            FREE                           Cost:            FREE
     strength and balance.
                                                     Instructor:      Debbie Barnett                 Instructors:     Alison Laplante &
                                                     Location:        Alfond Center for                               Samantha Grenier
                                                                      Health, Augusta,                                MaineGeneral
                                                                      Teaching Kitchen               Location:        Alfond Youth &
                                                     Date:            Wednesday,                                      Community Center
                                                                      Feb. 15 – March 22                              Education Room
                                                                      11 a.m. – 1 p.m.               Date:            Wednesday,
                                                                      (6 sessions)                                    Feb. 15 – March 22
                                                                                                                      3 – 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                      (6 sessions)
     For specific class dates and times or for
     more information, call 872-4102 or visit
                                                     There are resources throughout your local community to help with food security. See what’s
                                                       available near you:
Other Programs & Resources

Diabetes Prevention Education              NEW Freedom From Smoking®
Learn how to take small, practical steps   Quitting isn’t easy - but it’s easier with the right help. The American Lung
to make healthy lifestyle changes that     Association’s Freedom From Smoking® program will give you tools to overcome your
can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.       tobacco addiction and quit for good! The program features a step-by-step plan for
Discuss how to eat healthier, increase     quitting and each session is designed to help you gain control.
physical activity, read nutrition labels
                                           Cost:           FREE
and start food journaling. Hear more
about the year-long National Diabetes      Instructor:     Vicki Foster
Prevention Program that can provide                        MaineGeneral
additional support and accountability.     Location:       Alfond Center for Health, Augusta
Cost:            $15/person
                                           Date:           Monday,
Instructor:      Melissa Emmons                            Jan. 9 – Feb. 27 (no session Feb. 13)
                 MaineGeneral                              3:30 - 5 p.m.
Location:        Alfond Youth and                          (8 sessions)
                 Community Center,
Date:            Wednesday, March 1
                 5 – 6:30 p.m.

Other Programs & Resources

     Living Well for Better Health                                      Living Well with Diabetes
     It can be challenging to know where to start when it comes         Feel better, be in control and connect with others as you
     to becoming a healthier you! Living Well for Better Health can     learn ways to manage your diabetes. We help one another
     help you take charge of your chronic conditions by guiding         reach small goals each week by sharing ideas and exploring
     you through topics like physical movement, healthy eating,         solutions to eat healthier, move more and monitor/manage
     communications skills, working with your health care provider      blood sugar levels.
     and more.

                                                                        LOUD Crowd®
     Living Well with Chronic Pain                                      LOUD Crowd® provides accountability and education through
     When you are in pain, it can be hard to focus on anything else.    weekly group sessions where SPEAK OUT!® exercises are
     It’s time to stop letting pain pause the rest of your life! This   performed and participants practice speaking with intent.
     class will explore how eating healthy, doing gentle-movement       As an added bonus, this maintenance program promotes
     exercises and learning how to balance activity and rest can        camaraderie and provides support and encouragement.
     help improve your quality of life. Class is open to adults who     *For individuals with Parkinson’s who have participated in
     have chronic pain as well as caregivers.                           SPEAK OUT!
                                                                        Cost:            FREE
                                                                        Instructor:      Angie Linnell, Speech-Language Pathologist
                                                                        Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta
     For specific class dates and times or for more information,        Date:            Wednesdays, Ongoing
     call 872-4102 or visit                         4 – 5 p.m.
Other Programs & Resources

National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)                           Tai Chi for Health and Balance
Being at risk for developing type 2 diabetes can be scary, but        Tai Chi is an enjoyable low-impact exercise that can help
you can do things to help reduce your risk. By eating healthier       improve balance, relieve pain, increase strength and prevent
and increasing activity, you can improve your blood sugar level       falls. It is effective, easy on the joints and good for those with
and your overall health. The National Diabetes Prevention             arthritis. Take this one-hour, 20-session class to improve the
Program provides a whole year of support from a trained               health of your mind and body.
lifestyle coach, along with peer support within a group setting.
                                                                      Cost:             $45/person
Don’t miss your chance to find encouragement, advice and
support from others trying to live a healthier lifestyle, just like   Instructor:       Baylee Doughty
you. This class meets weekly for 16 weeks, then twice a month
for eight months, for a total of one year.                            Location:         Boys & Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley, Gardiner
                                                                      Date:             Tuesday & Thursday, Feb. 7 – Apr. 13
                                                                                        11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                        (20 sessions)

    For specific class dates and times or for more information, call 872-4102 or visit
Class Sites

     Arch Beta Apartments            Alfond Youth &                 Boys & Girls Clubs of           Cohen Community Center
                                     Community Center               Kennebec Valley

                                                                                                    Promoting life-long learning,
                                                                                                    health, wellness, nutrition,
                                                                                                    community engagement and
     Subsidized housing for the                                     The Boys & Girls Clubs of       social well-being of all older
                                     The Alfond Youth &
     elderly and disabled located                                   Kennebec Valley meets           and disabled adults. The
                                     Community Center is a
     in a private setting on the                                    the daily needs of children     Cohen Center is open to the
                                     place for all youth and
     scenic outskirts of Augusta.                                   ages 6 weeks to 18 years,       public for aging and disabled
                                     their families to grow and
     Comfortable, attractive 1-2                                    through youth and community     adults seeking socialization,
                                     thrive. Our 72,000-square-
     bedroom units. Rent includes                                   programming that enables all    friendship, assistance and
                                     foot facility provides
     heat, hot water, electricity                                   young people to reach their     group activities. An Area
                                     opportunities for childcare,
     and trash removal. Classes                                     full potential as productive,   Agency on Aging.
                                     youth and adult recreation,
     meet in Arch Beta’s spacious,                                  caring, responsible citizens.
                                     fitness classes and                                            22 Town Farm Road
     light-filled community room.                                   With our new Clubhouse, we
                                     community events. Join us                                      Hallowell, ME 04347
                                                                    also provide a safe space for
     21 Gray Birch Drive             today and see what’s new!                                      207-626-7777
                                                                    our senior citizens to meet
     Augusta, ME 04330
                                                                    weekly along with community
     For more information or an                                     programming for all.
                                                                    14 Pray St
     please call 622-4908.
                                                                    Gardiner, ME 04345
                                     126 North Street
                                     Waterville, ME 04901           582-8458
Class Sites

Hannaford                        Kennebec Valley YMCA            University of Maine                      Viles Arboretum
Supermarkets                                                     Cooperative Extension

                                                                                                          Viles Arboretum is a free,
                                                                 University of Maine Cooperative          easily accessible botanical
Discover a shopping              The Kennebec Valley             Extension can provide nutrition and      garden open from dawn to
                                 YMCA’s mission is to provide    healthy lifestyle education, such as:    dusk, seven days a week. It
experience where everything
we do is geared toward           the community with an            • Healthy food selection and meal       includes six miles of trails,
making it easy and               inspirational environment for      preparation/cooking                   several botanical collections
convenient for you to shop       the enrichment of all people     • Kitchen skills                        and local art on 224 acres.
for a variety of high-quality,   through social, recreational                                             Viles Arboretum’s preserved
                                                                  • Menu planning
local fresh foods and            and learning activities.                                                 land and trail system,
                                 Caring, honesty, respect and     • Budgeting                             interpretive materials,
groceries at everyday low
prices.                          responsibility are the basis     • Supermarket teaching tours            exhibits, programs and
                                 for all we do.                                                           events are designed for
29 Whitten Road                                                   • Altering recipes for health and
                                 31 Union Street                    savings                               people of all ages to provide
Augusta, ME 04330
                                 Augusta, ME 04330                • Recipes and practical tips            opportunities for education,
                                 622-9622                                                                 recreation and inspiration.
                                                                  • Cooking for crowds
                                                                                                          153 Hospital Street
                                                                  • Food preservation
                                                                                                          Augusta, ME 04330
                                                                 Don’t see your topic of interest here?
                                                                 Call us:                       
                                                                 622-7576 or 800-287-1481
                                                                 (Kennebec County)
                                                                 474-9622 or 800-287-1495
                                                                 (Somerset County)
MaineGeneral Health
35 Medical Center Parkway
Augusta, ME 04330
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