Page created by Tony Chan
 M Y C H I L D ?
                   e For Children
  A Parent’s Guid                 s
                  ucational Need
  with Special Ed
© Nov 2018 Ministry of Education, Republic of Singapore

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                                                                        O R
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                                                          S C H O O L F
                                                           MY CHILD?         e For Children
                                                            A Parent’s Guid                 s
                                                                            ucational Need
                                                            with Special Ed
- S T E P G U I D                 E
                                                                A STEP-B Y
This guide is written to help parents understand how to
identify a school that best supports their children with
special educational needs (SEN).

Some children with SEN need extra help with their

education. For some, the extra help can be provided within a                 UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHILD’S
mainstream school. Other children may need more intensive                    NEEDS AND GETTING SUPPORT
and customised support that can only be offered by Special                     Understand Special Educational    5
Education (SPED) schools. Children with SEN can realise                        Needs (SEN)
their full potential and lead meaningful and purposeful lives                  Find a Qualified Professional     6
if they are given educational support that is well-matched                     Get Your Child Assessed           7
to their needs.                                                                Learn about Your Child’s Needs    8

                                                                               Clarify Your Child’s Needs and    11
This guide aims to help you understand:                                        Support Plans
                                                                               Get Support                       12
    What SEN is
                                                                             CONSIDERING THE OPTIONS
    How you can support your child
                                                                               Understand the Recommended        16
    The support available in mainstream and SPED schools                       Educational Placement

    How to apply to a mainstream or SPED school                                Learn More about the Schools      22
                                                                               Keep in Mind Other                23
We hope that this guide will be a useful companion as
you navigate this journey to explore the most appropriate                    APPLYING FOR A PLACE
educational support for your child. It is not meant to be a                  IN A SCHOOL
substitute for professional advice. Remember that every                         Get Details of the Application   47

child is different, and the information in this guide may or                    Process
may not apply fully to every child.                                             Prepare Important Documents      48
                                                                                Note Important Dates             49

                                                                             SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD’S
                                                                               Work Closely with Current         53

                                                                               and New Schools
                                                                               Prepare Your Child for            55

                                                                             MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                Educational Pathways             58

                                                                           EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN)

                                                          As parents, you play a key role in helping                        A child is considered to
                                                          your child. Understanding your child’s                            have SEN when he/she:

UNDERSTANDING                                             needs, strengths, and difficulties can help
                                                          you to identify the right kind of support for                       1   Has a disability 1; and

  YOUR CHILD’S                                            him/her.
                                                                                                                              2   Requires different and/

   NEEDS AND                                              Find out more about your child’s needs
                                                          by speaking to your child’s teachers,
                                                                                                                                  or additional resources
                                                                                                                                  beyond what is

GETTING SUPPORT                                           professionals working with your child, and
                                                          other parents/caregivers.
                                                                                                                                  generally available for
                                                                                                                                  the majority of same-
                                                                                                                                  aged children; and
Different children have different strengths, interests,   You can read books on SEN written by
and areas of needs. Some children may need additional     professionals to understand more about                              3Shows either
                                                          your child’s needs. You can also look for                          „„ More difficulty in
     help and support to adapt socially or learn.
                                                          websites by trustworthy organisations (e.g.,                          learning as compared
                                                          national organisations) and professionals.                            to the majority of
They may have more difficulties than their peers                                                                                same-aged children;
in areas such as reading, communication, making           To better understand your child’s needs                           OR
           friends, or learning in school.                and the educational setting that is most                           „„ Difficulty using
                                                          appropriate for him/her, you should seek                              educational facilities
                                                          the advice of a professional.                                         catered for the
                                                                                                                                majority of same-aged
                                                                                                                             „„ Some areas of
                                                                                                                                impairment, in terms
                                                                                                                                of social, academic,
                                                                                                                                physical, or sensory

                                                              In Singapore, persons with disabilities are defined as “those whose prospects of securing, retaining
                                                              places and advancing in education and training institutions, employment, and recreation as equal
                                                              members of the community are substantially reduced as a result of physical, sensory, intellectual,
                                                              and developmental impairments” (definition of persons with disabilities adopted by the Ministry
                                                              of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in the Enabling Masterplan 2007–2011).

                          4                                                                                   5
FIND A QUALIFIED                                                      GET YOUR CHILD
                 PROFESSIONAL                                                          ASSESSED
                                                                                               A professionally-conducted assessment
If your child is below seven years of age, you may consult                                      of your child would typically include:
professionals (e.g., doctors, psychologists, therapists) in
government/restructured hospitals for a professional assessment.

If your child is currently enrolled in a mainstream school, you may
consult psychologists from the Ministry of Education (MOE)
                                                                                                            Interviews with
through your child’s form teacher.                                                                                                   A careful analysis
                                                                                    A variety of          parent(s), the child,
                                                                                                                                     of findings from
                                                                                    assessments           and other relevant
Alternatively, you may get your child assessed by qualified                                                                          different sources
                                                                                                            parties such as
professionals in private practice.
Check the credentials of the professional who will assess your child.
He/she should have relevant qualifications and experience as his/
her professional judgement will influence recommendations for
your child’s education.                                                   Bring information on your child (e.g., medical records, school
                                                                          reports) when you meet the professional.

                                                                          Following the assessment, you can expect to receive a report on:

                                                                           1   A holistic profile of your child, including the strengths and
                                                                               difficulties of your child in the areas of physical development,
         A psychological assessment                                            communication, learning, and social-emotional functioning
         should be conducted by
         a qualified psychologist                                          2   A clear diagnosis of your child’s SEN
         registered with the Singapore
         Register of Psychologists2.
                                                                                     Bear in mind that a diagnosis does not
                                                                                     change your child; rather, it gives you a
                                                                                     better understanding of your child’s needs.

                                                                           3   Your child’s learning needs

                                                                           4   Practical and effective recommendations for intervention and
                                                                               support for your child


                                                6                                                                  7
LEARN ABOUT YOUR                                              Depending on the SEN that your child has been diagnosed with, he/she may
                                                                                           experience the associated specific difficulties as follows:

                             CHILD’S NEEDS                                                  SEN                   Specific Difficulties

                                                                                            Dyslexia              „„ Reading
Your child may be assessed to have one or more of the following
areas of needs:                                                                                                   „„ Spelling
                                                                                                                  „„ Writing
                                             BROAD AREAS OF NEEDS
                                                                                            Language              „„ Understanding and/or using spoken vocabulary
                                                                                                                  „„ Understanding lengthy spoken explanations
                                                                                                                  „„ Telling a complete story
                         Speech/ Language         Social, Emotional,        Sensory,
                             & Literacy             Behavioural             Physical
                                                                                            Attention Deficit     „„ Inattention
                                                                                            Disorder (ADHD)       „„ Hyperactivity
                         „„ Dyslexia             „„ Attention          „„ Hearing Loss
                                                    Deficit                                                       „„ Impulsivity
                                                                       „„ Visual

                         „„ Language
                                                    Hyperactivity         Impairment
                                                    Disorder                                                      „„ Social communication and interaction (e.g.,
                                                                       „„ Cerebral Palsy    Autism Spectrum
                                                    (ADHD)                                                           back-and-forth conversations, eye contact,
                                                                                            Disorder (ASD)
                                                 „„ Autism             „„ Multiple                                   developing relationships)
                                                    Spectrum              Disabilities
                                                                                                                  „„ Restricted and repetitive behaviours
                                                    Disorder (ASD)                                                   and interests (e.g., rigid thinking patterns,
                                                 „„ Social                                                           excessive interest in a certain topic)
                                                    Disorder (SCD)
                                                                                            Social                „„ Using language for social purposes
                                                                                            Communication            (e.g., greetings)
                         „„ Intellectual Disability (ID)                                    Disorder (SCD)        „„ Changing speech to suit different social contexts
                                                                                                                  „„ Following rules for conversation
                                                                                                                     (e.g., turn-taking)
                                                                                                                  „„ Understanding information that is implied but
                                                                                                                     not explicitly stated (e.g., metaphors, sarcasm)

                                                           8                                                                    9
SEN                             Specific Difficulties
                                                                                                        CLARIFY YOUR CHILD’S
    Disability (ID)
                                   „„ Adaptive functioning3, which is the ability to                    NEEDS AND SUPPORT
                                      handle daily demands in life independently
                                   „„ Cognitive functioning, which is the ability
                                      to concentrate, formulate ideas, reason, and
                                      remember                                          Discuss with the professional what support your child needs.
                                                                                        These are some questions you may want to ask:

    Hearing Loss                   „„ Complete or partial loss of the ability to hear               About the diagnosis and
                                                                                                     the overall treatment
    Visual Impairment              „„ Partial loss of vision or blindness
                                                                                        „„ What are the therapy options4 available to my child? Which
                                   „„ Severe decrease in ability to see, which             would you recommend, and why?
                                      cannot be corrected with standard spectacles
                                                                                        „„ What area(s) of difficulty should I focus on first?
                                      or contact lenses
                                                                                        „„ How should I explain my child’s SEN to him/her and to other
                                                                                           family members?
    Cerebral Palsy                 „„ Poor muscle coordination
                                                                                        „„ What kind of progress can I expect for my child over the next
                                   „„ Decreased ability to move and control movements      few years?

    Multiple Disabilities          „„ More than one significant disability                             About home-based

                                                                                        „„ What interventions and strategies can I use at home?
                                                                                        „„ How can I help my child improve in his/her basic life skills
                                                                                           (e.g., personal hygiene)?
                                                                                        „„ What resources can you recommend?
      Although these are common
        diagnoses, every child is
      different. Two children with                                                                   About educational placement
        the same diagnosis may                                                                        and school-based support
                                                          Children make the best
       have very different needs                        progress when they receive
          and may progress at                           support that is matched to      „„ What are the school options that I should consider for my child?
            a different pace.                             their individual needs.       „„ What are the programmes available in mainstream and/or
                                                                                           SPED schools that can help my child?
                                                                                        „„ What interventions and strategies can be implemented in my
                                                                                           child’s school?

                                                                                            Therapy services (e.g., occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and speech-language therapy)
                                                                                            should be provided by registered Allied Health Professionals (governed by the Allied Health
    Includes communication, self-care, motor, and social skills                             Professions Act 2011).

                                                  10                                                                                   11
Other organisations that could support your child are:

                 GET SUPPORT
Many parents experience a range of emotions as they try to
understand their child’s SEN. These could include anxiety, grief,            Children Health
anger, fear, guilt, surprise, relief, acceptance, and hope.                      Services

                                                                                                         KK Women’s             National            Child
                                                                                                        and Children’s         University          Guidance
                                                                                                          Hospital6            Hospital7            Clinic8

                                                                                                         Family Service Centres:
                                                                                                         Community-based resource centres offering a broad
                                                                                                         range of community services for families in need
Parent Support Groups (PSGs) can be a source of comfort and
mutual understanding, as parents who have gone through similar
experiences can offer valuable information and advice.
                                                                                                                             Enables persons with disabilities
                       There may be a PSG in your child’s school that          SG Enable9                                    by providing referral services,
                       you can approach. There are also disability-                                                          grants, and employability training
                       specific PSGs, such as SPARK5 for parents of
                       children with ADHD.

                                                                                                        Early Intervention Programme for Infants &
                                                                                                        Children (EIPIC) Centres:

                                                                                                        Provides developmental and therapy services for
                                                                                                        infants and young children at risk of moderate to
                                                                                                        severe developmental delays
                                                                            Voluntary Welfare

                 Do not be afraid to reach out and ask for help.
                      Remember that you are not alone.
                                                                                                        SHINE Children and Youth Services:
                                                                                                        Provides social work and educational psychology
                                                                                                        services to children, youth, and their families

                                                                                                        Disability-specific VWOs
                                                                                                        E.g., Autism Resource Centre (ARC), Dyslexia
                                                                                                        Association of Singapore (DAS), and Down
                                                                                                        Syndrome Association

    http://www.spark.org.sg                                             9

                                           12                                                                        13

                               2                                                 The Act places the
                                                                                 responsibility of

        THE OPTIONS                                                              ensuring that children
                                                                                 regularly attend school
                                                                                 on the parents, and
                                                                                                                      Financial assistance schemes are available
In Singapore, the Compulsory Education (CE) Act10                                parents are considered
                                                                                 to have fulfilled their              in both mainstream13 and SPED14 schools to
makes schooling compulsory for children who are                                                                       ensure that no child is denied an education
                                                                                 CE obligations if their
Singapore Citizens residing in Singapore and of                                                                       because of his/her financial situation. You
                                                                                 children complete
           “compulsory school age”11.                                            primary education.                   may approach the school staff directly if
                                                                                                                      your family requires financial assistance for
Children have to regularly attend a national primary                                                                  your child’s education.
school, unless they have been granted exemption.
This refers to a government or government-aided
   school or government-funded SPED school.                                      With effect from 2019, the
                                                                                 CE Act includes children12
   For more information on the CE Act, please see https://www.moe.gov.sg/
                                                                                 with moderate-to-severe
   education/education-system/compulsory-education                               SEN who will have to attend
   Above the age of 6 years but below the age of 15 years                        government-funded SPED
                                                                                 schools.                                  Mainstream                      SPED
                                                                                                                            Schools                       Schools


                                 SPED SCHOOL

                                                                               Born after 1st January 2012

                                 14                                                                                      15
                                                                                                                     Recommended Mainstream

                  THE RECOMMENDED

                                                                                                                         School Placement
The professional will make a recommendation of the type of school best
suited to support your child’s needs, based on his/her level of adaptive and                       Your child may be recommended to attend                     ABC
cognitive abilities.                                                                               a mainstream school if he/she is assessed to
                                                                                                   be able to cope with the required demands.

               ADAPTIVE SKILLS                                     COGNITIVE ABILITIES             This means that your child is assessed to               1           30–40
                                                                                                                                                      TEACHER        STUDENTS
                                                                                                   have adequate adaptive skills to learn in
                                                                                                   large group settings and adequate cognitive
                                                                                                   abilities to cope with the national curriculum.    In mainstream schools,
                                                                                                   Also, he/she only requires some additional         the national curriculum
                                                                                                   support in one or two areas, due to SEN such       is offered in classes with
                                                                                                   as dyslexia, ADHD, mild ASD, mild language,        1 teacher teaching 30 to
                                                                                                   sensory, or physical impairments.                  40 students.

                                                                                                   The support available include the following:

                                                                                                    1   Specialised personnel such as Teachers trained in Special Needs
                                                                                                        (TSNs) and Allied Educators (Learning and Behavioural Support)
                                                                                                        [AED(LBS)] to help students with mild SEN integrate into the
                                                                                                        school environment.

                                                                                                    2   Specialised support programmes that cater to different levels
                                                                                                        and learning needs:

                                                                                                        „„ Learning Support Programme (LSP) and Learning Support
                                                                                                           for Mathematics (LSM) for Primary 1 - 2 students who
                                                                                                           require additional support in English language/ literacy
                                                                                                           skills and numeracy skills respectively.

                                                                                                        „„ School-based Dyslexia Remediation (SDR) programme for
Adaptive skills15 refer to the ability                  Cognitive abilities refer to the ability           Primary 3 - 4 students with dyslexia.
to handle daily demands in life                         to think, concentrate, formulate ideas,
independently.                                          reason, and remember.

     Includes communication, self-care, motor, and social skills

                                                   16                                                                                       17
3   Barrier-free facilities16 to help children with physical
         disabilities better access the learning environment.                                                            Recommended SPED
     4   Educational support services for children with visual
                                                                                                        SPED SCHOOL
                                                                                                                          School Placement
         impairment, hearing loss, and/or physical impairment.

         „„ Personnel from VWOs visit schools to assess stu-
            dents’ needs and recommend appropriate educa-                      Facilities          Your child may be recommended to attend a SPED school if he/
            tional provisions. They also provide consultation                                      she is assessed to require more intensive and customised support.
            to teachers to help them better understand these
            students’ learning and social needs.                                                   This means that your child is assessed to benefit from additional
                                                                                                   support in developing adaptive skills to cope in group settings
         „„ Assistive technology devices such as Frequency                                         and/or a customised curriculum. He/she may require a higher level
            Modulation (FM) equipment, text-to-speech soft-                                        of educational support due to SEN such as ASD, ID, significant
            ware, and magnifiers are also made available to                                        sensory or physical impairments, or multiple disabilities.
            support their learning needs.
                                                                                                   The support available include the following:
     5   Designated mainstream schools provide specialised
         support for children with moderate to profound                                             1   Smaller-class sizes with specialised in-class support, so
         hearing loss or visual impairment.                                                             that teachers can provide better attention and support to
                                                                                                        individual students.

 Type of SEN                School
                                                                                                   2    Specialised personnel which may include:

     Hearing Loss           „„ Mayflower Primary School
                            „„ Beatty Secondary School

     Hearing Loss           „„ Outram Secondary School                                                       Speech and                    Occupational
     (Oral approach18)                                                                                   language therapists             therapists to equip
                            „„ St Anthony’s Canossian
                                                                                                         to support students                students with
                               Secondary School
                                                                                                           with speech and               adaptive living skills
                                                                                                         language difficulties
     Visual                 „„ Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary
     Impairment19              School
                            „„ Bedok South Secondary
                            „„ Dunearn Secondary School
                                                                                                                                       Social workers to provide
                                                                                                          Psychologists to            family life support services
   https://www.moe.gov.sg/education/special-education/mainstream-schools#List-of-Mainstream-             provide assessment           (e.g., counselling, provision
   Primary-Schools-with-Barrier-Free-Accessibility                                                        and intervention               of financial assistance,
   Signing is the primary method of communication and instruction.
   Focuses on developing the skills of speaking and listening for communication and instruction;
                                                                                                               support                    caregiver and sibling
   primary school-aged students may attend Canossian School.                                                                                     support)
   Primary school-aged students may attend Lighthouse School.

                                              18                                                                                         19
3   Special physical facilities which may include modulation          Based on your child’s SEN profile, the professional will recommend a SPED
     rooms, vocational training rooms, and occupational therapy        school that best meets his/her needs. The profile of needs supported by the
     rooms – the facilities vary from school to school, depending      various SPED schools are as follows:
     on the needs of their students.
                                                                                                         Sensory Impairment
 4   Partnership with mainstream schools where there are joint                           Both national and customised curriculum are offered
     activities for students to interact and learn from one another.                   Hearing Loss                           Visual Impairment/ Hearing Loss

                                                                          „„ Canossian School                               „„ Lighthouse School20
In all SPED schools, every student also
has an Individualised Educational Plan                                          Intellectual Disability (ID) (schools also have a programme for ASD)
that is tailored to his/her unique learning                                                              Customised curriculum
needs. This could be based on the national
curriculum in some SPED schools, or a                                                     Mild ID                                   Moderate to Severe ID
customised curriculum in others, depending
on your child’s needs.                                                    „„ Chaoyang School                                „„ MINDS – Fernvale Gardens School
                                                                          „„ Katong School                                  „„ MINDS – Lee Kong Chian Gardens
The customised curriculum available in                                    „„ Tanglin School                                    School
SPED schools is designed based on the                                     „„ Delta Senior School                            „„ MINDS – Towner Gardens School
SPED Curriculum Framework ‘Living,                                                                                          „„ MINDS – Woodlands Gardens
                                                                          „„ Grace Orchard School
Learning and Working in the 21st Century’.                                                                                     School
                                                                          „„ Metta School
It specifies a set of desired living, learning
and working outcomes in six core learning                                                           Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
domains (academic, social-emotional,
                                                                                  National Curriculum                               Customised Curriculum
daily living, vocational, the arts, physical
education and sports), with Character and
                                                                                                                             „„ AWWA School Campus 2*
Citizenship Education as the foundation                                  „„ Pathlight School Campus 1
                                                                                                                             „„ Eden School
for a values-based SPED and Information                                  „„ Pathlight School Campus 2*
Communication Technology (ICT) as an                                                                                         „„ Eden School (Ang Mo Kio Campus)*
enabler for teaching and learning in SPED.                                                                                   „„ Rainbow Centre - Yishun Park
                                                                                                                                School (Woodlands)*
                                                                                                                             „„ St Andrew’s Autism School

                                                                                                           Multiple Disabilities
                                                                                                          Customised curriculum

                                                                              Multiple Disabilities & ASD                              Multiple Disabilities

                                                                         „„ AWWA School                                      „„ Cerebral Palsy Alliance
                                                                                                                                Singapore School
                                                                         „„ Rainbow Centre – Margaret Drive
                                                                         „„ Rainbow Centre – Yishun Park

                                                                       * Holding sites
                                                                          For students with Hearing Loss, only customised curriculum is offered with effect from the 2018
                                                                          P1 batch onwards.
                                          20                                                                          21
LEARN MORE ABOUT                                                                               KEEP IN MIND OTHER
                 THE SCHOOLS                                                                                    CONSIDERATIONS
With the professional’s recommendation, you can go on to learn                                If the professional has recommended a school type where more than one
more about the specific support available in school(s) that meets                             school is available, you can also consider the following when identifying a
the needs of your child. To learn more, you can:                                              school for your child:

                 SPED SCHOOL

Visit the schools’ websites                        Arrange school visits                                           Distance from home to school23
                                                                                                                   A school nearer your home means reduced transport costs and
                                                                                                                   shorter travelling time, which is less tiring for your child.

                                                                                                                   It also provides better opportunities for you to forge a strong
                                                                                                                   relationship with your child’s school, which means better co-
                                                                                                                   operation in supporting your child.
       Attend open-houses                      Speak to school personnel

             You may also refer to the following resources:

                                                                                              Your child’s interests                                School identity
                                                                                              Consider your child’s non-academic                    Consider each school’s unique
         Mainstream schools —                     SPED schools —
                                                                                              interests (e.g., sports, music, tech-                 strengths, such as the school’s vi-
            Primary School                     An Information Guide
          Education booklet21                   to Special Education                          nology), and find out if the school                   sion, mission, culture, and Parent
                                               Schools in Singapore22                         offers CCAs and activities that match                 Support Group(s).
                                                                                              these interests.
                       For information on SPED schools,
                 you may also refer to Page 26-45 of this booklet.

     https://www.moe.gov.sg/docs/default-source/document/education/special-education/files/   23
                                                                                                   For a listing of all mainstream primary schools by area, please refer to https://www.moe.gov.sg/
     special-education-for-exceptional-lives.pdf                                                   admissions/primary-one-registration/information-on-primary-schools/listing-by-planning-area

                                                22                                                                                             23
MAP OF        L S
                S C H O O                                                             Rainbow Centre

                                                                                   Yishun Park School

                                                                                    Chaoyang School
                                                                             Fernvale Gardens School
                                                                            AWWA School Campus 2*
                                                                                       AWWA School
Woodlands Gardens School
                                                                               Cerebral Palsy Alliance
Rainbow Centre                                                                     Singapore School
Yishun Park School (Woodlands)*
                                                                                        Metta School
Delta Senior School

Eden School

Grace Orchard School

                                                                                      SPED SCHOOL


                                                                                       Katong School
      Sensory Impairment
                                                                            St Andrew’s Autism School
      Mild ID
      (Including students                                                                     MINDS
      with ASD)                                                                Towner Gardens School
      Moderate to Severe ID                                                         Canossian School
      (Including students
      with ASD)                                                                      Pathlight School
                                                                                           Campus 2*
      Autism Spectrum
                                       Rainbow Centre
      Disorder (ASD)                                                                    Eden School
                                       Margaret Drive School
                                                                               (Ang Mo Kio Campus)*
      Multiple Disabilities
      and ASD                          MINDS                                         Pathlight School
                                       Lee Kong Chian Gardens School                        Campus 1
      Multiple Disabilities
                                       Tanglin School                              Lighthouse School

* Holding sites
                                  24                                   25
To find out more about the SPED school(s) that the professional has recommended                     SCHOOL                  ADDRESS                        REGION       PAGE
for your child, you may refer to the relevant section(s):
                                                                                                    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Note: All information is accurate at the time of print. For the most updated information, please
refer to the school’s website.                                                                      AWWA School             7 Fernvale Road S797635        North East    -
                                                                                                    Campus 2*               (Co-sharing space at MINDS –
                                                                                                                            Fernvale Gardens School)
 SCHOOL                       ADDRESS                                  REGION           PAGE
                                                                                                    Eden School             101 Bukit Batok West Ave 3     West          38
 Sensory Impairment                                                                                                         S659168

 Canossian School             1 Sallim Road S387621                    Central            28        Eden School             2 Ang Mo Kio St 44 S569250     North East
                                                                                                    (Ang Mo Kio
 Lighthouse School            51 Toa Payoh Rise S298106                Central            29
 Mild ID (Including students with ASD)
                                                                                                    Pathlight School        5 Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 S569739    North East    39
                                                                                                    Campus 1
 Chaoyang School              10 Ang Mo Kio St 54 S569184              North East         30
                                                                                                    Pathlight School        6 Ang Mo Kio St 44 S569253     North East
 Katong School                900 New Upper Changi Road                East               31
                                                                                                    Campus 2*
                                                                                                    Rainbow Centre –        11 Marsiling Lane S739148      North         42
 Tanglin School               143 Alexandra Road S159924               Central            32
                                                                                                    Yishun Park School
 Delta Senior School          3 Choa Chu Kang Grove                    West               33        (Woodlands)*
                                                                                                    St Andrew’s Autism      1 Elliott Road S458686         East          40
 Grace Orchard                6A Jurong West St 52                     West               34        School
 School                       S649297
                                                                                                    Multiple Disabilities and ASD
 Metta School                 30 Simei St 1 S529949                    East               35
                                                                                                    AWWA School             11 Lorong Napiri S547532       North East    41
 Moderate to Severe ID (Including students with ASD)
                                                                                                    Rainbow Centre –        501 Margaret Drive S149306     Central       42
 MINDS – Fernvale             7 Fernvale Road S797635                  North East         36        Margaret Drive
 Gardens School                                                                                     School

 MINDS – Lee Kong             802 Margaret Drive S149311               Central                      Rainbow Centre –        15 Yishun St 61 S768548        North
 Chian Gardens                                                                                      Yishun Park School
                                                                                                    Multiple Disabilities
 MINDS – Towner               1B Lengkong Lima S417557                 East
                                                                                                    Cerebral Palsy          65 Pasir Ris Drive 1 S519529   East          44
 Gardens School
                                                                                                    Alliance Singapore
 MINDS – Woodlands            30 Woodlands Ring Road                   North                        School
 Gardens School               #01-01 S737883
                                                                                                   * Holding sites

                                               26                                                                                         27
     A  I R M E N T                                                                    LIGHTHOUSE SCHOOL

IMP                                                                                    (HEARING LOSS OR VISUAL IMPAIRMENT)

                                                                                              (65) 6250 3755

(HEARING LOSS)                                                                         Lighthouse School (LHS) caters to                     „„ Learning support for students
                                                                                       children with visual impairment (VI)                     with VI:
                                                                                       and children with hearing loss (HL),                     Students with low vision are provided
   (65) 6749 8971
                                                                                       between 7 and 18 years old.                              with special assistive devices such as
   admin@canossian.edu.sg                                                                                                                       handheld and desktop magnifiers.
   http://www.canossian.edu.sg/                                                        Mainstream Programme                                     Students who are totally-blind will
                                                                                       In LHS, students who are able to access                  receive a specialised medium of
                                                                                       the Mainstream Programme follow the                      instruction in braille with the use
Canossian School caters to children           The school offers a range of co-cur-     National Primary School Curriculum24.                    of special equipment like Perkins
with hearing loss between 7 and 14            ricular activities including overnight   At the end of Primary 6, students                        Brailler, Braille Notetaker, Screen
years old.                                    camps and overseas trips to pro-         will take the Primary School Leaving                     Reader software, Crammer Abacus,
                                              vide opportunities for integration       Examination (PSLE). Upon passing the                     and talking Scientific calculator.
The school offers the mainstream              into the community. To provide ad-       PSLE, they will move on to designated
primary level curriculum and pre-             ditional support, the school has a       secondary schools to continue with                    „„ Learning support for students
pares children for the PSLE. Children         well-equipped audiological lab with      their secondary education.                               with HL:
move on to mainstream secondary               audiologists on-site to attend to the                                                             For students with hearing loss, the
schools. Those who are not placed in          hearing needs of all students.           The Special Education Programme                          mode of instruction is Singapore
mainstream secondary schools will                                                      LHS also offers special education to                     Sign Language (SGSL), which is
be placed in specialised secondary                                                     students who are not able to access                      socially recognised and used in
schools. Students who are able to                                                      mainstream curriculum. The school                        the larger signing community in
cope linguistically may be offered                                                     meets the unique and multi-faceted                       Singapore. Students with HL are
Mother Tongue Languages.                                                               needs of every student with VI or                        engaged in interactive lessons
                                                                                       with HL through the Individualised                       through the use of SMART boards
Students at the school communicate                                                     Education Plan (IEP) and the                             and iPads.
using an oral approach. Through the                                                    customised curriculum. The curriculum
school’s Inclusion Programme with                                                      includes numeracy, literacy, science,
their mainstream sister school, stu-                                                   motor skills, daily living skills, arts,
dents have opportunities for daily                                                     physical education, vocational skills
interaction with their hearing peers                                                   training, social emotional learning,
for their academic learning as well as                                                 orientation & mobility (VI), and sign
development of healthy social skills.                                                  language (HL).

                                                                                            For students with Hearing Loss, only customised curriculum is offered with effect from the
                                                                                            2018 P1 batch onwards.

                                         28                                                                                             29
              UDENTS W
                       ITH ASD)                                                             KATONG SCHOOL
                                                                                               (65) 6445 8027

                                                                                            APSN Katong School caters to children
   (65) 6456 6922
                                                                                            with mild intellectual disability (MID)
   cys@apsn.org.sg                                                                          and mild autism between 7 and 16
   http://www.apsn.org.sg/schools/chaoyang-school/                                          years old. It is the only APSN School
                                                                                            which runs both the Primary (7 to 12
                                                                                            years old) and Secondary (13 to 16
APSN Chaoyang School caters to                    The school also leverages on Co-          years old) curriculum.
children with mild intellectual disability        Curricular Activities (CCA) and
and mild autism, between ages 7 and 12.           Character and Citizenship Education       APSN Katong School offers two
Upon graduation from APSN Chaoyang                (CCE) to deliver comprehensive and        programmes – MID General Programme
School, the students will proceed to              holistic education to all. There is       and ASD Structured Programme
APSN Katong School or APSN Tanglin                also pervasive use of ICT to facilitate   (primary levels only). The latter is to
School for secondary education.                   teaching and learning across all          prepare the students for successful
                                                  curriculum domains.                       transition into the MID Programme.
APSN Chaoyang School offers two key
programmes – Integrated Programme                                                           The curriculum domain comprises
for students with mild intellectual                                                         Functional Academics, Social-
ability and ASD; and ASD Structured                                                         Emotional and Daily Living Skills,
Programme for students with ASD                                                             Physical Education and Sports, Visual
who require additional structures and                                                       and Performing Arts, and Vocational
support.                                                                                    Education. Character and Citizenship
                                                                                            Education is infused in the Learning
The curriculum domains include                                                              Domains and CCA.
Functional Academics (Literacy,
Numeracy, & Science), Life Skills                                                           ICT plays the enabler role in enhancing
(Independent & Community Living                                                             student learning. APSN Katong
Skills such as Self Help, Social                                                            School delivers Holistic, Student-
Competence, Home Economics,                                                                 Centred Education, while forging
Healthy & Safe Relationship), Visual                                                        strong community partnerships in
Arts, and Physical Education.                                                               support of meaningful educational
                                                                                            experiences for their students.

                                             30                                                                                       31
TANGLIN SCHOOL                                                                       DELTA SENIOR SCHOOL

   (65) 6475 1511                                                                       (65) 6276 3818
   ts@apsn.org.sg                                                                       dss@apsn.org.sg
   http://www.apsn.org.sg/schools/tanglin-school/                                       http://www.apsn.org.sg/schools/delta-senior-school/

APSN Tanglin School caters to students        Character & Citizenship Education      APSN Delta Senior School is a                      APSN Delta Senior School is an
between 13 and 16 years old with mild         (CCE) sets the foundation for a        post-secondary school that offers                  Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
intellectual disability and concurrent        values-based education that under-     vocational training to students aged               with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
significant limitations in adaptive           pins all the learning domains, where   17 to 21 with mild intellectual disability.        since 2008.
behaviour as expressed in conceptual,         students will be imbued with morally   As students are in their final phase of
social, and practical adaptive skills.        consistent character to become so-     schooling at APSN before they transit
                                              cially responsible citizens.           and integrate into the community,
The curriculum at APSN Tanglin School                                                the school facilitates the transition of
aims to engage students in life-long                                                 students from school to society to live
learning and leading independent lives                                               quality lives.
as they become active contributors
in society. The holistic and person-                                                 The school offers a competency-based
centred curriculum includes Literacy,                                                vocational programme, providing
Numeracy, Science, Vocational                                                        broad industry skills and practical
Education, Vocational Guidance,                                                      knowledge leading to Workforce
Social Emotional Learning, Physical                                                  Skills Qualification (WSQ) certification.
Education, and the Arts.                                                             There are four areas of vocational
                                                                                     specialisation at APSN Delta Senior
Vocational Education at APSN Tanglin                                                 School: (1) Food Services, (2) Hotel
School enables students to be work-                                                  & Accommodation Services, (3)
ready in the areas of (1) Food &                                                     Horticulture, and (4) Retail Operations.
Beverage, (2) Hotel & Accommodation                                                  The programme includes foundational
Services, (3) Horticulture, and (4)                                                  skills such as employability skills
Retail Operations. Work Exposure and                                                 under the WSQ framework (e.g.,
Work Experience Programmes are part                                                  workplace literacy and numeracy,
of Vocational Education.                                                             communicate and relate effectively
                                                                                     at the workplace, solve problems and
Information & Communication Tech-                                                    make decisions, personal effectiveness,
nology (ICT) is a key enabler to                                                     basic information and communication
enrich teaching and learning as well                                                 technology, workplace safety and
as extend learning experiences                                                       health, and industry specific skills).
beyond the school, into the home and                                                 The programme equips students to
community to attain the SPED out-                                                    perform specific jobs well in a range of
comes of living, learning and working                                                industries such as food and beverage,
in the 21st century.                                                                 hospitality, landscaping, and retail.

                                         32                                                                                        33
GRACE ORCHARD SCHOOL                                                                     METTA SCHOOL

   (65) 6561 9128                                                                           (65) 6788 5800
   info@go.edu.sg                                                                           enquiry@mettaschool.edu.sg
   http://www.go.edu.sg/                                                                    http://www.mettaschool.edu.sg/

Grace Orchard School provides spe-              The Universal Design for Learning        Metta School caters to children                       Baking to equip them with basic
cial education to children with mild in-        (UDL) framework is used for the          with mild intellectual disability (MID)               vocational skills.
tellectual disability (MID) and children        planning of all teaching and learning    and/or mild autism. Children are
with mild autism and MID. Children              in the school.                           between 7 to 21 years old.                         „„ Vocational (V) Programme
are between 7 and 18 years old.                                                                                                                The V programme provides training
                                                Co-curricular activities are offered     The school offers the following                       leading to vocational certificates
The school offers two programmes –              to all students during curriculum        programmes:                                           for students aged 17 to 21. It offers
a programme for children with MID               hours in the following areas: Sports,                                                          well-established ISC programmes
and a programme for children with               Performing Arts, Uniform Groups and      „„ ASD (A) Programme:                                 in Housekeeping, Baking & Food
ASD. There is also a structured ASD-            Clubs. Camps, Overseas trips, and           The A programme caters to the                      Preparation through on and off-
MID integration process which allows            Values in Action projects are held          learning and developmental needs                   the-job training. With satisfactory
for students with autism who are able           annually to undergird the explicit          of students with autism between 7                  results, students can further pursue
to assess group instructional settings          teaching with the school values.            and 18 years old. Class size is smaller.           the 4-module ISC courses in Baking
to transit successfully to the MID                                                          The programme aims at developing                   Practices and Hospitality Services.
programme.                                      The Pastoral Care Programme engag-          and improving independent living                   Upon successful completion and
                                                es their youth in meaningful and safe       skills and social skills of students.              meeting the stipulated require-
A value-based curriculum is offered,            after-school activities typically held      Basic pre-vocational skills training is            ments, they can apply for relevant
where there are two distinct levels in          within a specially designed space           offered to enhance work readiness                  NITEC programmes in ITE.
the school:                                     called the ‘Youth Hub’.                     for senior classes.
                                                                                                                                            „„ Employment Pathways
„„ The Junior Level (7-12 year olds)                                                     „„ Basic (B) Programme                                Programme (EPP):
   In the Junior levels, foundations                                                        The B programme caters to                          The EPP, also known as the School-
   are built in the learning domains of                                                     students with MID between 7 to                     to-Work (S2W) Transition Pro-
   Social-Emotional, Academic (En-                                                          12 years old. It aims to equip them                gramme, caters for students aged
   glish, Mathematics, and Science),                                                        with a good foundation in areas                    17 to 18 who are not on the voca-
   Daily Living, Arts, as well as Phys-                                                     such as Literacy and Numeracy,                     tional certification track. EPP stu-
   ical Education through the use of                                                        interpersonal communication, as                    dents undergo vocational training
   evidence-based strategies.                                                               well as self-management skills.                    such as WSQ modules, Food and
                                                                                                                                               Hygiene course, job trials and on-
„„ The Senior Level (13-18 year olds)                                                    „„ Career (C) Programme                               the-job training to enhance smooth
   The Senior levels build on these                                                         The C programme caters to stu-                     transition from school to work.
   foundations to prepare their                                                             dents between 13 to 16 years old.
   students in pre-vocational skills                                                        Besides Workplace Literacy and
   such as career guidance and work-                                                        Numeracy modules, students will
   readiness skills required for post-                                                      undergo structured Work Expo-
   school life.                                                                             sure, Integrated Training in House-
                                                                                            keeping, Food Preparation and

                                           34                                                                                          35
R    A    T   E   T  O
S E V E R  E     I  D
                    S W ITH ASD)
                                                         MINDS special schools provide special
                                                         education to children with intellectual
                                                         disability aged 7 to 18 years, including
       ST U D E N
                G T                                      children diagnosed with autism
(INCLUDIN                                                spectrum disorder.

                                                         The schools offer the following

                                                          1   Junior programme
MINDS SCHOOLS                                                 (7 to 12 years)

School                            Contact and Email
                                                          2   Senior programme                           The Senior programme also includes
                                                              (13 to 18 years)                           vocational preparation with work
                                                                                                         attachments for transition to after-
Fernvale Gardens School               (65) 6481 6697      3   Special programme                          school services (S2W). Senior students
                                      fgs@minds.org.sg        (across all ages for those who             undergo vocational training such as
                                                              need high support)                         attaining SOA under WSQ modules in
                                                                                                         Food and Hygiene, Hard Floor Cleaning,
Lee Kong Chian Gardens School         (65) 6473 8332     The curriculum is tailored to meet the          and Basic Washroom Cleaning.
                                      lgs@minds.org.sg   needs of individual students with a
                                                         focus on helping them to function and           The Special programme is for children
                                                         integrate into society. The curriculum          who have challenging behaviours or
Towner Gardens School                 (65) 6446 2612
                                                         includes:                                       have additional concerns that may
                                      tgs@minds.org.sg                                                   impact their learning ability. The
                                                         „„ English language                             programme emphasises the learning
Woodlands Gardens School              (65) 6468 0566     „„ Mathematics                                  of basic independent living skills.

                                      wgs@minds.org.sg   „„ Health education                             Additionally, the school offers a range of
                                                         „„ Social competency skills                     co-curricular and enrichment activities
  http://www.minds.org.sg/SPED.html                                                                      which include uniform groups, sports,
                                                         „„ Domestic science
                                                                                                         information and communications
                                                         „„ Physical education                           technology, and the arts. The school
                                                         „„ The Arts                                     also organises modular activities such
                                                                                                         as educational trips, rock-wall climbing,
                                                         „„ Science                                      and camping trips.

                                36                                                                  37
                                                 PATHLIGHT SCHOOL

                                                    (65) 6592 8925

                                                 Pathlight School is an autism-focused            All Pathlight secondary school stu-
                                                 school that offers the mainstream                dents do not have base classrooms in
EDEN SCHOOL                                      academic curriculum together with                Pathlight. They attend classes taught
                                                 life readiness skills. The school’s base         by Pathlight teachers at the Satellite
                                                 curriculum is Singapore’s mainstream             Partnership Schools daily, and have
   (65) 6265 7400
                                                 school curriculum (leading to PSLE,              opportunities to interact socially with
   enquiry@edenschool.edu.sg                     GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ Level qualifications).           mainstream school students during
   http://www.edenschool.edu.sg/                 All students in Pathlight are exempted           recess and selected school events/
                                                 from taking Mother Tongue.                       classes. For those who are ready, they
                                                                                                  join mainstream classes for certain
Eden School provides an autism-                  The school caters to children with               subjects.
friendly education for children with             autism, aged 7 to 18 years old, who are
autism aged between 7 and 18 years               cognitively able to access mainstream            This model provides for purposeful
old, who would benefit from a life skills        academics in a structured group                  and appropriate integration and allows
or vocational route.                             setting of 8 to 12 students. Besides             Pathlight students to apply classroom
                                                 the usual academic subjects, the                 learning of social skills to the real
The school aims to deliver a balanced            school also offers a non-academic                world. It also contributes to building
curriculum within structured and                 curriculum. This curriculum includes             awareness among mainstream
authentic environments that promote              social and communication skills, daily           communities of people with autism,
dignity, meaning, and independence.              living skills, work habits, emotional            and towards a more inclusive society.
The curriculum domains include work              management, moral education, and
habits, self-management, functional              physical education. All students are
communication, social skills, functional         also exposed to up-to-date IT & Design
academics, ICT, and vocational skills.           courses and relevant ICT knowledge
The teaching of critical soft skills such        and skills to prepare them for the
as quality, stamina, hygiene, and safety,        digital age.
is embedded within the curriculum.
                                                 Pathlight follows a Satellite Partnership
Instruction is differentiated to meet            model that is endorsed and supported
the learning needs of each student.              by MOE for their secondary school.
Co-curricular activities are tailored            The model promotes 4 levels of
to develop students’ interests and               integration: physical, academic, social,
strengths, and include opportunities             and professional.
for both local and overseas learning

                                            38                                               39
                                                                                                 B I L I T I E S

                                                                                          AND ASD
   (65) 6517 3800

St. Andrew’s Autism School caters to            All students undergo structured
individuals with autism who are 7 to            transition planning, which is initiated
18 years old and can adapt and learn            at age 13 to provide sufficient runway    AWWA SCHOOL
in small class sizes with a structured          for the best post-18 outcomes. The
environment.                                    School-to-Work (S2W) transition
                                                                                             (65) 6511 5280
                                                programme, in collaboration with
The interests and needs of the students         MOE, the Ministry of Social and Family       awwaschool@awwa.org.sg
are met through customised curricula            Development, and SG Enable, offers           http://www.awwa.org.sg
that emphasise communication,                   more training and support for work-
functional literacy and numeracy,               capable youths.
daily living skills, social-emotional                                                     AWWA school provides special educa-
learning, and vocational skills. The            Occupational, speech, and music           tion to students aged 7 to 18 years old
students gain opportunities to                  therapy address learners’ sensory and     with multiple disabilities and students
participate in community initiatives            regulatory needs in alignment with        with autism.
and collaborative programmes with               their individual educational goals.
external partners, which will further           Psychologists offer professional sup-     Other than a structured academic and
enhance their communication and                 port in improving student learning.       non-academic curriculum and CCA
social interaction skills.                      Guidance and support is provided          programme, the school constantly
                                                to family members and caregivers          explores collaboration opportunities
The learning domains are comple-                through pastoral care and training in     with stakeholders to expose their
mented with programmes in ex-                   autism support skills by the Parent       students to different platforms in the
pressive arts (art, dance, music) and           Support Group and social workers,         community that they could participate
adaptive physical education, as well            with psychologists. The community         in and have richer learning experiences.
as Co-Curricular Activities to enhance          is involved through programmes that       This enables students to develop, as
the holistic development of the stu-            engage volunteers and foster autism       well as generalise and adapt their skills
dents. Character and Citizenship Ed-            awareness in the community.               learnt. AWWA School aims to maximise
ucation and Information Communica-                                                        the potential of its students to lead
tion Technology is integrated across all                                                  dignified and independent lives.
learning domains to maximise learning
outcomes. In community-referenced                                                         AWWA School embarked on the
learning, students practise functional                                                    School-to-Work (S2W) Transition Pro-
academic, social and communication                                                        gramme in 2017, to give their students
skills, as well as acquire generalisa-                                                    greater support to move on to the
tion skills and confidence to foster a                                                    workplace, thus increasing the chances
sense of independence, autonomy,                                                          of positive post-school outcomes for
and dignity.                                                                              students and their families.

                                           40                                                                                         41
RAINBOW CENTRE SCHOOLS                                                   Rainbow Centre (RC) schools offer               RC schools also provide services to
                                                                         an education that goes beyond the               students’ families, such as:
                                                                         disabilities of the students they serve,
School                           Contact and Email
                                                                         integrating co-curricular activities and        „„ A Special Student Care Centre for
                                                                         therapeutic services into their main               after/before school care
Margaret Drive                        (65) 6472 7077                     curriculum.
                                      rcmds@rainbowcentre.org.sg                                                         „„ Family Life Services, where social
                                                                         RC’s curriculum focuses on:                        workers provide person-centred
                                                                                                                            care planning and capability build-
Yishun Park                           (65) 6482 2592                     „„ Daily Living                                    ing for those involved in support-
                                      rcyps@rainbowcentre.org.sg                                                            ing persons with disabilities, and
                                                                         „„ Social Emotional Learning
                                                                                                                            advocating for as well as building
                                                                         „„ Language and Communication                      more inclusive communities
Yishun Park (Woodlands)               (65) 6817 9300
                                                                         „„ Numeracy
                                      rcwoodlands@rainbowcentre.org.sg                                                   „„ Family Empowerment Programme,
                                                                         „„ Physical Development
                                                                                                                            a strengths-based, family-driven
   http://www.rainbowcentre.org.sg/                                      „„ Vocational                                      crisis-stabilisation programme
                                                                                                                            that equips parents/caregivers
                                                                         The schools offer In-Curricula Exposure            with the knowledge and skills to
                                                                         (ICE) and extra-curricular activities              manage unresolved challenging
                                                                         that expose students to a variety of               and/or aggressive behaviours, as
                                                                         leisure and interest groups, including             well as possible future behaviours
                                                                         student leadership, sports, the arts,              which could arise. Caregivers are
                                                                         and information and communications                 also made aware of resources and
                                                                         technology.                                        support available in the community.

                                                                         They teach students values to guide
                                                                         them to become active, contributing
                                                                         members of society.

                                  42                                                                                43
       B I L I T I E S
                                                                                   The school tailors the curriculum               Pre-vocational training is provided for
                                                                                   to meet the individual needs of the             selected children aged 13 years old and
                                                                                   children, covering the 6 domains in             above with moderate to good motor
                                                                                   academic, vocational, daily living,             and cognitive functions, preparing
                                                                                   physical education, the arts, and social        them for future sheltered or open
                                                                                   and emotional.                                  employment. School-to-Work (S2W)
                                                                                                                                   Transition Programme is offered to
                                                                                   The following programmes are offered            students who have the potential to
CEREBRAL PALSY ALLIANCE                                                            at CPAS School:                                 work by customising suitable training
SINGAPORE SCHOOL                                                                                                                   pathways and work options for them.
                                                                                    1   High Support programme
                                                                                        (students with moderate to high            Co-Curriculum Activities (CCAs) are
   (65) 6585 5634
                                                                                        support needs)                             provided for students to build their
   cpasschool@cpas.org.sg                                                                                                          skills and confidence or to gain ex-
   http://www.cpas.org.sg/                                                          2   Functional programme                       periential learning. There are also
                                                                                        (students with mild to moderate            Community Involvement Programme,
                                                                                        support needs)                             Student Leadership Programme,
CPAS School is run by Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) and offers the                                                      and Learning Journey Programme ca-
SPED Curriculum, as recommended by MOE. CPAS School caters to children              3   Academic programme                         tered to students so as to provide a
with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities (except Autism Spectrum Disorder).        (students with mild support needs,         holistic education.
Many of the students face challenges in movement, posture, and development              suitable cognition level, and who
and are not able to benefit from mainstream education. Students are between             display ability to handle demands          A Trans-Disciplinary (Trans-D) Ap-
7 to 18 years old.                                                                      of mainstream primary curriculum           proach is being adopted, and it aims
                                                                                        leading to the Primary School              to enhance holistic and comprehensive
                                                                                        Leaving Examinations, PSLE)                development in students by adopt-
                                                                                                                                   ing a common view of educational
                                                                                                                                   needs. The approach is a consensual
                                                                                                                                   commitment for consistent and inte-
                                                                                                                                   grated planning & implementation.
                                                                                                                                   It also provides more opportunities for
                                                                                                                                   professional exchange of knowledge
                                                                                                                                   and skills between teachers and Allied
                                                                                                                                   Health Professionals (AHPs).

                                      44                                                                                      45

                                                                      APPLICATION PROCESS

                                                                     If your child would be                          If your child would be
                                                                     better supported in a                           better supported in a

    APPLYING FOR                                                      mainstream school,
                                                                         take part in the
                                                                                                                          SPED school,
                                                                                                                     find out details of the

       A PLACE
     IN A SCHOOL                                                         Primary One                                    SPED School
Once you have identified the school that will best                       Registration                                    Application
meet the needs of your child, you can proceed to                          Exercise25                                      Process26
             apply for the school.

                                                                                                       SPED SCHOOL


                       46                                                                           47
PREPARE IMPORTANT                                                                  The referring agency will                          Referring agencies include:
                  DOCUMENTS                                                                          be able to assist you in
                                                                                                                                                 „„ Government and government-aided
                                                                                                     completing the form
                                                                                                     and submitting it to the
          Mainstream                                                      MAINSTREAM
                                                                                                     relevant SPED school.                       „„ SPED schools
                                                                                                                                                 „„ Government/restructured hospitals

                                                                                                                                                 „„ EIPIC Centres

                                     To apply for a mainstream school, please ensure                                                             „„ Private professionals (who have
                                     that you prepare the necessary documents,                                                                      worked closely with your child)
                                     as listed on

https://www.moe.gov.sg/admissions/primary-one-registration/required-                                 Applications can only be processed if all required documents are received
documents-for-primary-one-registration-exercise                                                      in order. Missing or inaccurate information may result in delays in processing.

                                                                                                     For more details on admission criteria or processes, please visit the respective
                                                                                                     SPED schools’ websites.
                                                                                                                      NOTE IMPORTANT DATES
                                                                                                                                              Mainstream Schools

                                     To apply for a SPED                When completing
                                     school, please download            the form, please refer
                                     the SPED School                    to the accompanying                                                    MAINSTREAM
                                     Application Form27 from            user guide at

                                     https://www.moe.gov.               https://www.moe.
                                     sg/docs/default-source/            gov.sg/docs/default-
                                     document/education/                source/document/
            SPED SCHOOL              special-education/files/           education/special-
                                     sped-school-application-           education/files/user-                            Once you have shortlisted the mainstream schools for your
                                     form.doc                           guide.pdf                                        child, check which registration phase28 your child is eligible for
                                                                                                                         and the dates to register your child.

     This is a standard form that has to be completed for all children applying to any of the SPED   28
     schools funded by MOE and the National Council of Social Service (NCSS).

                                                 48                                                                                                49
SPED Schools
                                                       Take note
Once you have shortlisted the SPED                     of important
school(s) for your child, you can find                 dates for the
out more from their websites. Some                     Open Houses,
SPED schools hold Open Houses                          and deadlines
where interested parents can visit.                    for application
                                                       and registration.                               Contact the school
                                                                                                       or referring agency
                                                                                                       if you have queries
                                                                                                       on your application.
                                                     Receive        By deadline
      Visit schools’                                 application    stated in the
      open-houses                                    outcome        Letter of Offer
                              SPED SCHOOL                                                                                                           In the event that
                                                                                                                                                    the SPED school
                                                                                                                                                  you have indicated
                                                                                                                                                   in the application
     Minimally 6 months            Within 6 months
                                                                                                                                                  form is unsuitable
                                                                                                                                                   for your child, the
                                                                                                                                                    SPED school will
Get your child              Submit application                      Register                                                                         seek the advice
assessed                    by school’s deadline                    your child                          While waiting for a                       from MOE’s Multi-
                                                                                                        confirmed place in                         Agency Advisory
                                                                                                      the SPED school, you                           Panel (MAAP)29
                                                                                                        should continue to                         to recommend an
                                                                                                        work closely with                          alternative SPED
Ensure that your child      Different SPED schools       Register your child at                        your child’s current                          school that can
is assessed at least        have different student       the school according                         school to support his/                       meet your child’s
six months before           admission intake             to the timeline in the                            her learning.                             learning needs.
the closing date of         timelines for the year;      Letter of Offer to
application so that         some may have more           confirm placement.
you will have all the       than one student
documents ready in          intake per year.
                            Some SPED schools
                            might have admission
                            deadlines as early
                            as the first half of
                            the year, so it is
                            important to check
                            the deadline early.

                                                                                           Comprises specialists and professionals from MOE, the Ministry of Health (MOH), the SPED
                                                                                           schools, and NCSS

                                         50                                                                                           51
                                                                      CURRENT AND NEW

                      4                                               SCHOOLS
                                                           A strong partnership between the home and both your child’s
                                                           current and new schools is important for your child’s transition.

The experience of going to a new school, be it
a mainstream or SPED school, can be both an
       exciting and stressful experience.

Some children may find this experience challenging
due to the many changes they have to go through,
especially for those with SEN. You and your family
play a very important role in helping your child
             cope with these changes.

                                                                    The Current School

                                                SCHOOL     Before your child enrols in the new school, discuss with your
                                                           child’s current teachers on ways to help prepare him/her mentally
                                SPED SCHOOL

                                                           for the transition to the new school. Maintain this communication
                                                           throughout the transition process to ensure his/her smooth
                                                           transfer to the new school.

                       52                                                                       53
The New School
                                                                                     PREPARE YOUR CHILD
Upon enrolling your child in the new school, work closely with the
new school to support your child’s transition.                                       FOR TRANSITION
                                                                          1   FAMILIARISE YOUR CHILD WITH THE ENVIRONMENT
  UNDERSTAND THE                            SHARE INFORMATION
  NEW SCHOOL                                ABOUT YOUR CHILD             You can help your child become more settled into the new school
                                                                         environment by getting him/her to visit the school and attend
  Attend orientation and/or                 Be open in sharing           orientation/induction programmes.
  induction programmes to find              information about
  out more about the school                 your child so that the       You can also talk to him/her about daily school routines, such as
  culture and practices, special            new school knows how         the flag-raising ceremony, recess, and assembly.
  needs provisions, as well as              to plan and provide
  any additional support to help            support for him/her.
  your child transit smoothly.              These include his/
  Speak to your child’s teachers            her strengths, areas of
  and allied educators/health               difficulties, and current/
  professionals to find out                 prior support received.
  about the school routines
  (e.g., your child’s class
  timetable) and programmes.

  COLLABORATE TO                            COMMUNICATE
  ENSURE EFFECTIVE                          FREQUENTLY
  SUPPORT                                                                2    HELP YOUR CHILD ADJUST TO THE NEW SCHOOL
                                            Maintain open
  Collaborate with the school               communication (calls,        You can help your child adapt to the new school environment by:
  to ensure consistency in                  emails, meetings) with
  the teaching and support                  school personnel. Let the    „„ Teaching your child some of the appropriate, expected
  for your child at home as                 school know how best            behaviours (e.g., listening and following instructions, paying
  well as in school.                        they can work with you.         attention during lesson time, keeping hands and feet to self).
                                                                         „„ Teaching your child basic self-care and communication skills
                                                                            (e.g., asking for help, toileting, communicating needs and wants).
                                                                         „„ Establishing good daily routines for your child (e.g., packing
                                                                            his/her school bag the night before, sleeping early, eating a
                                                                            healthy breakfast before school).

                                      54                                                                         55
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