Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021

Page created by Dolores Soto
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Westpac Property Tours
Beef Australia 2021

Beef Australia is proudly
supported by our
Principal Partners
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
                 4    ‘Eulogie’, Dululu (Half Day)

                 5    ‘Raglan Station’, Raglan (Full Day)

Contents         6

                      ‘Belah Valley’, Marlborough (Full Day)

                      ‘Boreelum’, Miriam Vale (Full Day)
Property Tours
                 8    ‘Arrow Cattle Yards’, Nerimbera (Half Day)
                 9    ‘Mystery Park’ & ‘Ametdale’, St Lawrence (Full Day)
                 10   ‘Tingle Hill’, Baralaba (Full Day)

                 11   ‘Jarrah Cattle Co.’, Banana  (Full Day)

                 12   ‘Netley’, Goovigen (Full Day)

                 13   ‘Doonside’, Milman (Half Day)

                 14   ‘Belmont Station’, Etna Creek (Full Day)

                 15   ‘Bindaree’, Yaamba (Half Day)

                 City Tours
                 16   Welcome to Rockhampton
                 17   Monday: ‘Bulls, Boats & Botanic Notes’
                 18   Tuesday: ‘History Her-Story Hops & Heifers’
                 19   Wednesday:  ‘Cows, Caves & Cocktails’
                 20   Thursday: ‘Bush Tucker & Darumbal Tales’

                 21   Bio Security Statement
                 22   Animal Welfare Statement
                 23   Your Health and Safety
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
To Beef Australia 2021
Westpac Property Tours
Central Queensland is home to a unique, beautiful and            gold rush days of 1858 when many thousands of people
productive landscape that has supported the creation of          arrived in Rockhampton in search of gold. Subsequently
Australia’s largest regional beef herd serviced from the Beef    goldmines were also discovered at nearby Bouldercombe
Capital of Rockhampton.                                          and Mt Morgan in 1882. The Mt Morgan mine became the
                                                                 richest single gold mine in the world, during its 100 years in
The Beef Australia host city has a population of approximately
82,000 people, and is the historical homeland of the
Darumbal people who inhabited the area prior to European         The towns of Rockhampton and Mt Morgan grew rapidly
settlement in 1853 by the Archer brothers. The city is           during those early days, with increasing prosperity built
located on the Fitzroy River, named after Sir Charles Fitzroy,   around the pastoral, cattle and mining industries. The Mt
governor of the colony of New South Wales.                       Morgan Mining Company had a major influence on building
                                                                 construction in Rockhampton. In the late 1880’s to 1890’s
The Greater Rockhampton region, covering an area of
                                                                 period, many fine sandstone buildings of outstanding
142,700 square kilometres, has a carrying capacity of 3.2
                                                                 architecture, including offices, churches, banks and
million head of cattle, as well as extensive farming lands
                                                                 warehouses sprang up along the town streets, many of them
and rich mineral deposits. It is renowned as the largest river
                                                                 overlooking the Fitzroy river. These buildings stand as a
catchment flowing to the east coast of Australia and has a
                                                                 legacy to the prominence of Rockhampton as a commercial
diverse environment from alluvial brigalow flats, to river red
                                                                 city port during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
gums and ironbark woodlands and ranges.
                                                                 Australia’s national beef exposition was established
The Gracemere saleyards CQLX complex, on the outskirts of
                                                                 in Rockhampton in 1988 as a project to celebrate and
Rockhampton, acts as the premium cattle selling centre of
                                                                 acknowledge the bi-centenary of settlement in Australia,
Central Queensland and each year in October conducts the
                                                                 1788-1988. Due to the great success of the first Beef
biggest Brahman bull sale in Australia. A weekly fat & store
                                                                 Expo, the people of Rockhampton and Central Queensland
sale is conducted each Friday, with a yarding of between
                                                                 encouraged the committee to continue similar expos in the
2000 - 5,000 head of cattle. The venue is also host to many
other breed societies bull sales as well as horse sales.
                                                                 Rockhampton is now one of the central nodes of the North
The first meatworks established in Rockhampton was the
                                                                 Australian beef industry, which comprises half of Australia’s
Lakes Creek meatworks, which began production in 1871,
                                                                 total cattle numbers. Many of the tropical-adapted breeds
and later became the largest in the southern hemisphere.
                                                                 have their society offices in Rockhampton and the beef
Now owned and operated by Teys Bros Australia, it is still
                                                                 industry remains a pillar of the central Queensland economy.
one of the largest meatworks in Australia, with a slaughtering
capacity of 1730 head per day. JBS Australia also operates       Rockhampton is now celebrating its 12th tri-annual Beef
in Rockhampton and has a daily slaughtering capacity of          Exposition, again attracting Australia-wide and International
676 head. Teys Bros Australia have another plant located in      visitors for all things beef related.
Biloela, which slaughters up to 703 head of beef per day.
                                                                 Welcome to the Beef Australia 2021 Westpac Property Tours,
Rockhampton’s early history was forged by the Canoona            and we hope you have a wonderful day.
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Half-day Tour
                                  Sunday, May 2


Your Hosts, Matthew and Janelle McCamley welcome
you to a half day tour of their generational grazing
property ‘Eulogie’, where guests will gain an insight into
the workings of a world class Brahman Stud business,
exploring both its success and need to navigate seasonal
adversity and the role of business diversification.
‘Eulogie’ is located 65km South          management of recovering pastures,
of Rockhampton featuring 2,832           property    improvement      projects
hectares of improved grazing country     and the integration of their aviation
as developed by the McCamley family      business.
over three generations. Eulogie is
                                         In 2012 Matthew and Janelle
home to a world class Brahman
                                         McCamley diversified their position to     Itinerary
Stud which features in the families’
Lancefield Stud brand.                   include an aviation business know as       7.30 am		    for 7.45am Coach Transfer
                                         ‘Stirling Helicopters’ which services a    		Departing Rockhampton
The Lancefield Brahman Stud              multitude of civil, industrial, defence,   		Showgrounds
was established in 1965 by Jeff          fire and agricultural purposes,            8.30 am		    Arrive Eulogie
McCamley and Ann McCamley and            servicing a wide customer base as
                                                                                     Morning Tea served
is now a premier brahman brand           well as complimenting the rural
                                                                                    9.00am		Presentations and Tour
across Northern Australia. The wide      day to day operation. This tour will
McCamley family collectively market      explore the use of aircraft in modern
                                                                                    12.00pm		 Lunch & Guest Speaker
under the Lancefield brand annually      rural operations.
at their Bull Sale in Rockhampton.
                                         The tour will conclude with a              2.00pm		Depart Eulogie
The McCamley family invite you to        fully catered lunch and provide an
review a world class working cattle      opportunity to network amongst             3:00 pm		 Arrive Rockhampton
operation and to gain insight into the   industry and will feature a guest          		Showgrounds
mitigation of adverse seasons and        speaker.

Key Information			                                                                   Find out more about Eulogie:
Sunday May 2 Half Day Tour
Price: $125
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Full-day Tour
Raglan Station
                                                                       Monday, May 3


Your Hosts, Andrew and Roxanne Olive and family
welcome you to ‘Raglan Station’ a world class cattle
handling facility servicing the Live Export Trade from
Port Alma, south of Rockhampton.                                                                                    ‘Raglan
Highly regarded and renowned                freight costs and additional stress on                                    H
Brahman breeders Andrew, Roxanne            the animals, ensuring animal welfare.
and son Ryan Olive, warmly welcome
guests to ‘Raglan Station’ during Beef      A forum on Live Cattle Exports will
Australia’s Property Tours program in       include individual presentations              Itinerary
2021.                                       from the Queensland Live Export
                                            Association President, an export              7.30 am		 for 8.00am Coach Transfer
The Olive family have been breeding         Veterinarian,     and    International        		        Departing Rockhampton
Brahmans for more than 55 years, and        Feedlot representatives. Other topics
                                                                                          9.00 am		 Arrive Raglan Station
run 2,000 head including stud and           that will be discussed during the day
commercial cattle on their 12,000ha         include future export opportunities           		        Morning Tea served
Raglan district property.                   from Central Queensland, animal               10.00am		 Forums on Live Export
                                            welfare and marketing specifications.         		        Presentations:
A cattle handling facility was instigated                                                 		        • Export Opportunities
by Ryan Olive in 2018, to assist Central    After a visit to the cattle handling          		 from Central Queensland
Queensland producers to access a            facility, guests will enjoy lunch and         		        • Marketing &
live cattle exporting facility from Port    the opportunity to interact with the          		Specifications
Alma, South of Rockhampton, thus            speakers.                                     		        • Animal Welfare
reducing freight and husbandry costs                                                      12.00pm		 Lunch
associated with shipping live cattle        The coach will depart Raglan Station
                                                                                          1.00pm		Visit Yards
from centres further north.                 at 1.30pm (approx) with a drive-by
                                                                                          1.30pm		Depart Raglan Station for
                                            visit of the live export shipping facility    		 Port Alma drive-by
This central location offers local cattle   at Port Alma, before returning to
                                                                                          3:30 pm		 Arrive Rockhampton
producers the opportunity to access         the Rockhampton Showgrounds at                		Showgrounds
additional markets, whilst minimising       3.30pm.

Key Information			                                                                   Find out more about Raglan Station:
Monday May 3 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Full-day Tour
Belah Valley
                                                      Monday, May 3

                                                                                              H‘Belah Valley’
                                                                                          Morning tea and lunch are included
Your Host Alf Collins and family welcome you to “Belah                                    in the full day program, before guests
Valley” for a full day insight into the CBV Brahman                                       depart Belah Valley and return to
                                                                                          the Rockhampton Showgrounds at
operation, including genomics selection, cost effective                                   5.00pm.
production and soil health and wealth.
Alf Collins Snr, one of the most           they will help breeding cattle better,
innovative beef cattle breeders in the     and better suited to the environment                            Rockhampton
world, was awarded the prestigious         and to improving profit.                                        Showgrounds   H
Helen Newton-Turner Medal for 2017.        Alf has met these challenges head-on
Building      on     the    foundations    and collected performance records
established by his father in 1955
at Wandilla Stud, Alf Collins Snr
                                           underpinning reliable EBV’s and used
                                           the information backed by hard-
has applied enormous dedication,           nosed practical understanding of               7.15 am		    for 7.30am Coach Transfer
careful recording, and rigorous focus      functionality and survival ability, to
on breeding for profitability, to the      generate impressive genetic progress           		Departing Rockhampton
continuous improvement of Brahman          over several decades.                          		Showgrounds
cattle in the Collins Belah Valley (CBV)   Perhaps the most outstanding aspect            9.00 am		 Arrive & cattle drive
herd.                                      of that genetic progress is that it            		through
To encapsulate 60 years of intense         includes very substantial progress             9.40am		Welcome & Morning Tea
development of land, plants, cattle,       in female fertility – something that
                                                                                          10.00am		 Presentations on:
and people, the CBV philosophy has         has effectively been treated as “too
been that all of the above must be         hard” by most breeders in tropically           		 Genomics Selection
adapted, quick, resilient, and low cost.   adapted cattle world-wide.                     		 Landscape Development
Alf continues to be an outstanding         CBV has actively participated in
                                                                                           Soil Wealth and Health
pioneer and innovator in real-world        industry R&D, including significant            12.30pm		 Lunch
application of genetic technology,         contributions to beef CRC I, II, and III.      1.30pm		Discussion on:
and the demonstration that it is           Collaboration in research is ongoing
possible to breed genetically fertile,     and intense. Leading scientists will           		 Application of the theory
productive and profitable tropically       be guest speakers on the day.                  		 to asset development
adapted cattle and is an inspiration.      CBV genetics are in most states of             3:30 pm		    Depart Belah Valley
Alf is a deep thinker about what cattle    Australia, and regions of S.E. Asia,           5.00pm		Arrive Rockhampton
need to do in the tropical environment     Pacific, Latin America, Africa and             		Showgrounds
and has never been afraid to try novel     USA. Guests will enjoy morning tea
approaches or include new traits if        and lunch on this full day tour.               beefaustralia.com.au/propertytours

Key Information			                                                                     Find out more about Belah Valley:
Monday May 3 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Full-day Tour
                                          Monday, May 3

Your Hosts, Adam and Jacynta Coffey welcome you to
“Boreelum” for a full day tour, showcasing their 2,500ha
beef breeding and trading enterprise, 15km South West
of Miriam Vale.
Since purchasing ‘Boreelum’ 4 years       with programs such as the Graeme                                   H
ago, The Coffey’s have focused on         Acton Beef Connections Mentor
redeveloping approximately 400ha          Program, Nuffield Australia Farming
of failed 10-year-old hardwood            Scholarships, RCS Project Pioneer, the
plantation back to a productive           Marcus Oldham Leadership Course,
beef enterprise. Through fencing          The Lachlan Hughes Foundation and         Itinerary
subdivision, water reticulation and       more. A representative from Advance
                                                                                    6.45 am		    for 7.00am Coach Transfer
improving pastures they are now           Beef Leaders will be on site to speak
at a stage of a considerable uplift in    on another exciting program for the       		Departing Rockhampton
carrying capacity.                        beef industry.                            		Showgrounds
                                                                                    9.00 am		    Welcome & Morning Tea
Come and hear their story and partake     The property tour will include a          10.00am		 The Coffey’s story; How
in discussions around pasture and         pasture walk with focus on soil health    		 they came to be first
soil health, satellite monitoring, soil   and legumes with Agrimix Pastures’        		 generation beef producers
carbon projects, and supplementation      Greg Campbell and Agriculture and         11.00am		 Tour & Paddock Walk
for toxicity and methane reduction.       Pastoral consultant, Ross Newman.
                                                                                    1.00pm		Lunch featuring Rangeland
Adam and Jacynta will talk about          Cibo Labs will demonstrate how            		 Quality Meats beef
the exposure they have had to some        changes in ground cover have been         2.30pm		 Session 2: Pasture &
incredible mentors over the years who     monitored using satellite, Agriprove      		 soil health, Satellite
have supported them to overcome           will present on the latest soil carbon    		 monitoring, carbon project
                                                                                    		 & Olssons
many of the challenges they have          projects, and Olsson’s will discuss
faced and given them the incentive        how supplementation can be used to        3.30pm		Depart Boreelum
to make the most of every afforded        support the health of both cattle and     5.30pm		Arrive Rockhampton
opportunity. This commitment to           the environment.                          		Showgrounds
continued learning and change
                                          Join them for what will be a great day!   beefaustralia.com.au/propertytours
has led to a range of experiences

Key Information			                                                                  Find out more about Boreelum:
Monday May 3 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Half-day Tour
Arrow Cattle Yards
                                                                                     Tuesday, May 4

Your Hosts, Arrow Farmquip welcome you to this half                                      Rockhampton
day tour of the Arrow demonstration yards located
at Nerimbera, just outside Rockhampton, which will                                                              ‘Arrow
                                                                                                                Cattle Yards’
showcase the facility, including a fully operational set                                                            H
of stockyards with the latest low-stress stock handling
On this tour participants will have       technologies used in yard design,
access to a range of leaders in the       Queensland Police Service discussion
field of cattle yard design, animal       the    importance       of    livestock
welfare and safety and security of        management and identification to             7.45 am		    for 8.00am Coach Transfer
                                                                                       		Departing Rockhampton
livestock and property.                   prevent rural     crime, and health
                                          professionals discussion Q Fever and         8.30 am		    Introductions
The handling and training of livestock
                                          other zoonotic disease.
and technologies in designing fit
                                                                                       		Technology in yard
for purpose handling facilities are       This tour offers participants an insight     		design
continuously improving. Participants      into evolving beef practices and             		QPS livestock ID & theft
will witness practical demonstrations     highlights the benefits of low stress

                                                                                        Q Fever
on cattle handling and husbandry          handling for cattle and producers.
                                                                                       10.00am		 Morning Tea
tasks related to animal well-being,
                                          Buses will depart the Arrow Cattle           		 Demonstration: Stock
stockmanship      and        low-stress                                                		 Handling & Husbandry
                                          yards as 12.30pm returning to the            		tasks
livestock handling.
                                          Rockhampton        Showgrounds        at     12.30pm		 Depart Nerimbera
Other topics included in the half         1.00pm.                                      1.00pm		Arrive Rockhampton
day   program     include:     Updated

Key Information			                                                          Find out more about Arrow Cattle Yards:
Tuesday May 4 Half Day Tour
Price: $125
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Full-day Tour
 Mystery Park & Ametdale
                                                                                         Tuesday, May 4

                                                                                                  ‘Mystery Park’
                                                                                              H& ‘Ametdale’
Your Hosts, Rob and Ainsley McArthur (Mystery Park)
and Ian and Penny MacGibbon (Ametdale) will showcase
their St Lawrence coastal grazing operations during a
full day tour.
‘Mystery Park’ and ‘Ametdale’ are           Ametdale, owned by the MacGibbon
                                                                                                      Showgrounds  H
located in the St Lawrence district         family sits to the south of St
north of Rockhampton. The two               Lawrence on the Bruce Highway.
coastal properties have great variation     The MacGibbon’s have focused on
in landscape, soil types, uses and          improving their landscape while
management style.                           increasing     production     through
                                            rotational grazing and wet season
Mystery Park, a generational property
owned by the McArthur family sits to
                                            spelling. They are actively monitoring    Itinerary
                                            grass species changes and pasture
the west of St Lawrence. All family         yields.                                   6.45 am		 for 7.00am Coach Transfer
members are actively engaged in the                                                   		            Departing Rockhampton
operations of the intensive business        The picturesque coastal creek             		Showgrounds
                                                                                      9.00am 		 Arrive Mystery Park
which focuses on the building and           running through the property is a
                                                                                      		            Presentations: Welcome,
utilising a grass bank to service           stark reminder of the power of nature     		 History & current direction
enterprises that include breeding,          where exposed rock deposits were          9.30am		Morning Tea
trading and a full-service Agistment        made following cyclone Debbie.            		            Hear from Collaborators:
model as well as carbon diversity.                                                    		 RCS, Agersens & DAF
                                            Both families have put research           		            Tour of property highlights
Property Tour will include the              into action through utilising the         12.30pm		 Depart for Ametdale
opportunity to see virtual fencing          professional services of the Fitzroy      1.00pm		Welcome & lunch
working at a commercial scale with          Basin Association (FBA), Rural            1.30pm		Hear from Collaborators:
animals fitted with a GPS enabled           Consulting Services (RCS) and the         		            FBA, inspect cattle yards &
‘intelligent’ neckband to intensify         Department of Agriculture and             		 coastal creek tour
grazing management, keep livestock          Fisheries (DAF).                          4.30pm		Depart Ametdale
from riparian zones and move cattle                                                   6.30pm		Arrive Rockhampton
autonomously      using  Agersen’s          This full day tour is not to be missed.   		Showgrounds
eShepherd system.                                                                     beefaustralia.com.au/propertytours

Key Information		                         Find out more about Mystery Park:            Showgrounds
                                                                                      Find out more about Ametdale:
Tuesday May 4 Full Day Tour                                                           TBC
Price: $195
                                                                                      ?.00pm		Depart Mystery Park
Westpac Property Tours - Beef Australia 2021
Full-day Tour
Tingle Hill
                                         Tuesday, May 4

Your Hosts, John and Jess Bidgood welcome you to
“Tingle Hill”, Baralaba for a full day tour which will
showcase the management of the family’s organic
grazing and trading operation.
The Bidgood’s vision is to run a         Founder of RCS - Terry McCosker                ‘Tingle Hill’
profitable organic beef enterprise       will be the guest speaker and will talk
that rejuvenates the environment         about:
and improves soil health. They strive    • The principles of grazing and
to leave the land they are custodians    business management, focusing              Itinerary
for in better shape than they found it   on how we can regenerate an                7.15 am		 for 7.30am Coach Transfer
for the next generation and to teach     ecosystem whilst running a profitable      		            Departing Rockhampton
them the importance of a healthy         beef enterprise.                           		Showgrounds
environment.                             • Look at tools we can use to improve      9.30 am		 Welcome & Morning Tea
                                         our soil health, draw down carbon          10.00am       Presentations by RCS
The Bidgood’s are focused on soil        and build biodiversity above and
health and are using cell grazing                                                                 Founder Terry McCosker
                                         below the ground.                                        on principles of grazing
to improve the ground cover and          • Shed light on the research and                         & business management,
diversity of species. They are           benefits of inoculating seed with                        soil health, draw down
consistenly looking for ways to          Johnson-Su compost before planting.                      carbon, build biodiversity,
improve their soil functions, with                                                                Johnson-Su compost
a focus now on what is below the         John and Jess will be showing                            before planting.
ground to improve all ecosystem          how they use MaiaGazing to track,                        Paddock tour of
services.                                plan and forecast their grazing, and                     multispecies planting &
                                                                                                  cell design for grazing
                                         demonstrate how they turn this data                      management.
John and Jess strongly believe that      into meaningful information that they
healthy soil makes healthy plants,       make stocking rate decisions with.
                                                                                    		            Presentation on the use of
which makes healthy animals and                                                     		MaiaGrazing
therefore healthy happy humans.          Following lunch, the Bidgood’s will        12.00pm		 Lunch
They are focused on the big picture      host a Q and A session and wrap            		            Q&A and Wrap Up
and the role agriculture can play in     up prior to guests departing for           2.30pm		 Coach Departs Tingle Hill
healing the landscape and improving      the Rockhampton Showgrounds at             4.30pm		Arrive Rockhampton
human health.                            2.30pm.                                    		Showgrounds

Key Information			                                                                 Find out more about Tingle Hill:
Tuesday May 4 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Full-day Tour
Jarrah Cattle Co.
                                                                            Tuesday, May 4

                                                                                            Showgrounds   H
Your Hosts, Sarah and Sam Becker and family welcome
you to “Glenarchy”, Banana for a full day insight into
Jarrah Cattle Company’s vertical integrated beef cattle
This comprises commercial, trade          Guests will hear from innovative
and seedstock genetics. The Becker        speakers, at the cutting edge in
family has a financial background,        their field, undertake a virtual reality             HCattle Company’
practising what they preach, with an      experience for a snapshot of the
agricultural business that is backed      entire operation and walk through a
by numbers as well as years of rural      sample of the groups cattle herd.          Itinerary
                                          Discussions will centre around             6.45 am		    for 7.00am Coach Transfer
At its heart, Jarrah Cattle Company       the key elements of a beef cattle          		Departing Rockhampton
is a family owned and hands-on            enterprise, starting from the paddock      		Showgrounds
operated cattle breeding business,        right through to the consumer.             9.00 am		    Welcome & Morning Tea
committed to providing the most                                                      10.00am		 Discussions on:
relevant, efficient and market            The full day program will cover
                                          topics including ‘Paddock to Market’,
                                                                                      ‘Paddock to Market’
orientated genetics to the Australia
beef industry.                            ‘Paddock to Bottom Line’ and
                                                                                      ‘Paddock to Bottom Line’
                                          ‘Paddock to Advocacy.” Guests will         		 Inspect Jarrah Herd &
The operation is based on an              participate in panel discussions,          		 Virtual Reality Experience
imperative to develop a fully             question time and inspect a sample         12.30pm		 Lunch
accountable      and     commercially     of the Jarrah herd and undertake
                                                                                     1.30pm		Discussion on:
focused cattle operation. Fertility and   a virtual reality experience of the
quality; the major drivers of profit,     operation.
                                                                                      ‘Paddock to Advocacy’
stand at the forefront. A bull breeding                                              		Panel discussion &
herd, was established to supply           Morning tea and lunch are provided         		questions
superior genetics for the commercial      before guests depart Glenarchy at          3.00pm		Bus Departs Glenarchy
herd, to ensure performance of            3.00pm to return to the Rockhampton        5.00pm		Arrive Rockhampton
progeny and predictability throughout     Showgrounds.                               		Showgrounds
the business.

Key Information			                                               Find out more about the Jarrah Cattle Company:
Tuesday May 4 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Full-day Tour
                                 Wednesday, May 5


Your Hosts, Dale and Alicia Retschlag welcome you to
“Netley” for a full day tour with a focus on biology, soil
health, regenerative agriculture, high density grazing and
livestock handling.
‘Netley’, is a 485-hectare property       relationship between the different
located near Goovigen, 121 kilometres     plants which enhances microbial                 H‘Netley’
south west of the Beef Capital of         activity in the soil therefore creating
Australia, Rockhampton.                   a stronger more resilient plant

Dale grew up on a dairy in the South
                                          population.                               Itinerary
East Queensland region and realised       The full day program will include an      6.45 am		    for 7.00am Coach Transfer
the importance of livestock integration   overview of the operation prior to        		Departing Rockhampton
in a cropping system. The Retschlags      morning tea, followed by paddock          		Showgrounds
purchased Netley four-years-ago and       walks to look at crops, livestock and     8.30 am		    Welcome & Overview
are improving soil health by using a      grazing management, prior to a soil       9.30am		Morning Tea
multifaceted approach which includes      health discussion during lunch. After
                                                                                    10.00am		 Presentations on:
irrigated multi-species fodder crops      lunch, Neil McDonald - who conducts       		 Soil health
and livestock integration to stimulate    Livestock Handling and Working

                                                                                     Paddock walk
root growth, biology and soil carbon.     Dog schools - will provide a cattle
                                                                                    		 Discussion on plant
This system has helped reduce water       handling demonstration. By having
                                                                                    		 species & livestock
usage as well as synthetic inputs and     co-operative livestock you are able to    		rotation
tillage.                                  successfully incorporate livestock into
                                                                                    12.00pm		 Lunch & Soil Health
                                          a cropping rotation program which
Wagyus are intensely grazed under                                                   		Presentation
                                          is essential to good regenerative
five centre pivots - three are                                                      1.00pm		Dog/Livestock handling
producing multi-species crops while                                                 		demonstration
two are irrigated leucaena. Livestock     At the conclusion of the program,         3.00pm		Coach Departs Netley
production and performance has            guests will depart Netley, arriving at    4.30pm		Arrive Rockhampton
increased. The multi-species crop is      the Rockhampton Showgrounds at            		Showgrounds
beneficial as it provides a symbiotic     4.30pm.

Key Information			                                                                    Find out more about Netley:
Wednesday May 5 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Half-day Tour
                                           Wednesday, May 5

                                                                                           H ‘Doonside’
Your Hosts, Billy and Jo Geddes welcome you for a half
day tour of Bill and Kay Geddes’ “Doonside”. Located
some 40 minutes from the Rockhampton Showgrounds
the morning will tour the 8,000 hectare multi breed
Grazing Enterprise.
‘Doonside is a high quality generational    The Wagyu commercial enterprise
                                                                                                     H Rockhampton

grazing property located to the north       operated by Billy and Jo focusses
of Rockhampton featuring a diverse          on producing a consistent quality
mix of country and pasture types.           product through good supply chain
                                            management from the grassfed
This coastal property is in a high          weaner through to the branded boxed
rainfall region and serviced by the
Alligator Creek and showcases a
                                            beef product and a world class eating
variety of pasture improvement                                                       7.45 am		    for 8.00am Coach Transfer
projects including both the pondage         This tour will provide guests an         		Departing Rockhampton
pasture infrastructure as well as           opportunity to understand not just the   		Showgrounds
a new improved pasture planting             production aspect of a high quality      8.40 am		    Host Welcome address
tetchnique trial.                           beef product but will also include       9.00am		Demonstrations and
                                            full paddock to plate experience; an     		Presentations
The Geddes operate a multi breed            eating experience to be remembered.      9.30am		Morning Tea
commercial and stud enterprise                                                       10.00am		 Demonstrations and
which has been refined over a               ‘Doonside’ is a one-of-a-kind            		Presentations
lifetime with Bill Geddes to feature        coastal property in close proximity      11.30am		Buses Departs Doonside
the emerging Grey Brangus Stud              to Rockhampton and has featured in       12.15pm		Arrive Rockhampton
reviewing the upcoming progeny and          several property tours in the past and   		Showgrounds
discussion the features of this breed.      is back by popular demand.

Key Information			                                                                   Find out more about Doonside:
Wednesday May 5 Half Day Tour
Price: $125
Full-day Tour
Belmont Station
                                                                           Thursday, May 6


Your Hosts, Central Queensland University welcome you                                    H
to “Belmont Station” for a full day tour which will exhibit
how Agtech can be used to develop and support a whole
of property management plan.
The Belmont Research Station has               production information with
been the premier research station for          Dept of Environment paddock                               Showgrounds
the north Australian beef industry for         mapping data to assist with whole                       H
over 60 years.                                 of property grazing management
The 3260-hectare property is located
37km north of Rockhampton on               •   Riparian recovery trial – inspection
the Fitzroy River. It provides the             of a new paddock scale riparian
ideal environment for research into            recovery trial which is measuring      Itinerary
livestock production in the tropics            productivity and environmental
and sub-tropics of northern Australia.         changes on a series of fenced and      7.15 am		    for 7.30am Coach Transfer
                                               unfenced paddocks fronting the         		Departing Rockhampton
The Belmont Research Station tour              Fitzroy River                          		Showgrounds
will link to the Beef 2021 agtech focus,                                              8.00 am		    Welcome & Overview
which includes a new initiative, the       •   Presentations from Central Qld
Ken Coombe Tech Yards.                         Livestock Centre of Excellence         8.30am		Demonstrations/
                                               partners AgForce and the Qld           		Presentations
During this full day tour, guests              Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries.     10.00am		 Morning Tea
will experience presentations and                                                     10.30pm		 Demonstrations/
demonstrations including:                  Guests will then tour CQIRP (Central       		Presentations
                                           Queensland Innovation Research
•   Demonstration of the improved                                                     12.00pm		 Lunch
                                           Precinct). The tour will include
    DataMuster          walk-over          demonstrations and presentations           1.00pm		CQIRP Demonstrations/
    weigh system and its use for           in the testing area for new on-            		Presentations
    NLIS compliance and herd               animal sensor technologies to track        3.00pm		Depart CQIRP
    management                             individual animals and monitor             4.00pm		Arrive Rockhampton
                                           behaviour change.                          		Showgrounds
•   Linking     DataMuster        cattle

Key Information			                                   Find out more about CQ University:                    Data Muster:
Thursday May 6 Full Day Tour
Price: $195
Half-day Tour
                                            Thursday, May 6

Your Hosts, Mick and Noela Alexander and sons Mathew
and Lachlan, extend a warm welcome to ‘Bindaree’,
where a half day tour will showcase the benefits of Soil
Health and Regenerative Agriculture in the beef industry.
‘Bindaree’ is the home of certified          health. The Alexander family’s main                                 H
organic beef in the Rockhampton and          goals are to use happy healthy                               Showgrounds
Capricorn regions of Queensland with         livestock to improve soil heath,
stock grazing the 1400ha of clean            sequester carbon, improve plant
pristine floodplains of the Fitzroy          health and reduce the impact of
River and only 42 kilometres from            climatic cycles (droughts and floods).
                                             Guests will depart the Rockhampton
Mick, Noela, Mathew and Lachlan              Showgrounds at 7.45am and take a
have spent 7 years developing                brief 45min (approx) coach trip to
Bindaree to be a case study for              Bindaree in Garnant.                      Itinerary
regenerative agriculture in the beef
industry. The farm and herd includes         Tour guests will hear about strategies    7.30 am		    for 7.45am Coach Transfer
Braford, Droughtmaster females and           to improve the health of soils, plants,   		Departing Rockhampton
Santa-Angus sires, which are organic         animals and communities. Presenters       		Showgrounds
certified, EU and grass finished. Beef is    include Dr Thakur Bhattarai on the        9.00 am		    Welcome & Morning Tea
sold directly into the local community       topic of soil carbon, John Feehan
                                                                                       9.30am		Presentations:
as paddock to plate.                         will present on dung beetles, Beef
                                             nutritionist Jim Wade will speak on
                                                                                        • Soil Carbon
Bindaree was the first grazing               matching nutrition to grass, and Dr
                                                                                        • Dung Beetles
property in Queensland to be                 Dana Stanley (CQ University) will
                                                                                        • Soil Management
baselined in 2016 for soil organic           speak on pasture dieback.                 12.00pm		 Lunch
carbon. The tour will have a focus on                                                  12.30pm		 Buses Depart Bindaree
demonstrating the importance of soil         Morning tea and lunch are served
                                             on this half day tour, returning to       1.15pm		Arrive Rockhampton
health, dung beetles, regenerative
                                             the Rockhampton Showgrounds at            		Showgrounds
agriculture, soil carbon, measuring,
pasture regeneration and animal              1.15pm.

Key Information			                                                                     Find out more about Bindaree:
Thursday May 6 Half Day Tour
Price: $125
To Rockhampton
The Beef Capital of Australia

                                                                 The industry is supported by experienced labour and
Rockhampton is recognised as the beef capital of Australia
                                                                 access to veterinarians, expert researchers and advisors.
with livestock production being dominated by beef cattle,
                                                                 CQUniversity’s Institute for Future Farming Systems is a
currently numbering 3.2 million head in the Greater
                                                                 global leader in delivering practical solutions which are
Rockhampton Region. The climate and geology of the Fitzroy
                                                                 bolstering the productivity, profitability and sustainability
Region, dominated by the Fitzroy River, provides expansive
                                                                 of the livestock and horticulture sectors. In particular, it
pastoral and agricultural land, supported by easy access to
                                                                 is internationally recognised for its specialist skills in the
road, rail, sea and airfreight networks, and strong service
                                                                 development of non-invasive, precision management tools,
hubs in Rockhampton, Gladstone and Emerald.
                                                                 with its research in this area independently assessed as
The Rookwood Weir, currently in early construction stage,        above world class.
is a landmark project that will capture valuable water in the
                                                                 Beef Australia, Australia’s national beef expo is one of the
lower Fitzroy River. This will ultimately generate intensive
                                                                 world’s great beef cattle events, is held once every three
agricultural industry with the region’s suitability for grain
                                                                 years in Rockhampton.
growing and proximity to grain growing areas.
                                                                 Beef Australia 2021, from May 2 to 8, celebrates all facets of
Rockhampton is serviced by two export focused abattoirs
                                                                 the Australian beef industry with approx. 100,000 attendees.
with a total daily processing capacity of 2400 head, and
                                                                 It will facilitate new trade and export opportunities by
as a result of increasing demand for Australian beef, our
                                                                 exposing the local supply chain to international industry
Region is actively seeking investment in more cattle feedlots
                                                                 leaders and feature more than 5000 cattle from over 30
and a boutique cattle abattoir. A study by the Queensland
Government identified potential to develop at least four large
cattle feedlots in the region with a capacity of approximately   The accompanying major trade fair will promote more than
30,000 standard cattle units (SCUs) each. The total potential    500 businesses and the entire region is involved in actively
turnoff of these feedlots could reach approximately 445,000      promoting the Australian beef industry over multiple events
finished head annually.                                          and venues.
City Tour                                                                           Monday, May 3

 Bulls, Boats & Botanic Notes
See the city from a different view with a river cruise, taking
in the magnificent heritage-listed strip Rockhampton is
famous for. A Public Art Bull Statue Tour will show you
the iconic bull statues popular with visitors and locals
alike, and finally a guided walk through the Rockhampton
Botanic Gardens will treat you to some lunch and the
history of trees more than 100 years old.
Explore Rockhampton by water               • 9:00am: Depart Beef Australia
                                             Main Entry Gate
aboard River Cruises CQ for an
enjoyable 1.5 hour cruise throughout       • 9:30am: Cruise through the city
the city limits where you will have          limits aboard River Cruises CQ
morning tea on board whilst learning         along the Fitzroy River seeing
                                             wildlife and learning about the
about the port city’s rich history and       city’s rich history by water (1.5hr)
spotting wildlife - maybe even a
                                           • 11:00am: Tour of Rockhampton’s
                                             famous public art Bull Statues         9.00am Bus Departs Beef Australia
Followed by a public art Bull Statue         (30mins)                                      Main Entry Gate
Tour as we make our way towards            • 11:30am: Guided walk of the 100               Tour Duration:4 Hours
the heritage-listed Botanic Gardens          year old trees with the Botanic        1.00pm Return Beef Australia Main
that were established in 1869 with           Gardens (45mins)                              Entry Gate
a Guided Walk of the trees that are        • 12:15pm: Lunch at the Garden Tea              * Please advise any
older than 100 years.                        Rooms under the 100+yo banyan                 dietary requirements at
                                             fig trees (45mins)                            time of booking.
Finally we get to sit under the 150 year
old Banyan Fig Trees with a delicious      • 1:00pm: Return to Beef Australia
                                             Main Entry Gate                        beefaustralia.com.au/propertytours
lunch from the Garden Team Rooms.

Key Information			                           Find out more about the destinations you’ll visit during this tour:
Thursday May 6 City Tour
Price: $99
City Tour                                                                                 Tuesday, May 4

 History, Her-Story, Hops & Heifers
Explore Rockhampton’s colourful history with a tour along
Rockhampton’s famous heritage strip. Enjoy a signature
beef dish paired with a fresh brew or gin cocktail whilst
listening to the tales of a local matriarch’s life on the
land, finishing with a tour of Rockhampton’s famous bull
Rockhampton has a rich history
stemming from its gold rush days of
                                          • 11:00am: Depart Beef Australia                            H
                                            Main Entry Gate
mining in Mount Morgan and now                                                                        Lane
boasts the National Trusts’ longest       • 11:15am: Walking tour of Australia’s
heritage strip, Quay Street. See the        longest stretch of CBD Riverfront
sights along the way of the beautifully     Heritage-Listed Buildings (45mins,
revitalised     Riverside     Precinct      700 metres of sealed pavement)
including public art, each with an
interesting story to tell.                • 12:00pm: Lunch at Headrick’s
                                            Lane Restaurant and Micro-
Staying with our heritage theme we          Brewery with a local matriarch
stroll down to Headrick’s Lane, a           guest speaker from the land
magnificently restored and heritage-
listed former warehouse, now
                                            sharing her colourful story of          Itinerary
                                            growing up in Central Queensland
boasting a micro-brewery and fine           – Head Chef will serve up their
dining. Enjoy a signature beef dish                                                 11.00am Bus Departs Beef Australia
paired with a fresh brew or gin             signature Beef Dish paired with                 Main Entry Gate
cocktail whilst listening to the tales      their onsite brewed beers tasting
                                            paddle can be swapped for locally               Tour Duration:4 Hours
ofa local matriarch’s life on the land
that will have you captivated.              distilled gin cocktail (1.5hr)          2.00pm Return Beef Australia Main
                                                                                            Entry Gate
After lunch is a tour of the city’s       • 1:30pm: Tour of Rockhampton’s
famous bull statues, a popular talking      famous public art Bull Statues                  * Please advise any dietary
point among visitors and locals alike,      (30mins)                                        requirements at time of
each representing the breeds of our                                                         booking
region, of course with some photo         • 2:00pm: Return to Beef Australia
opportunities along the way.                Main Entry Gate                         beefaustralia.com.au/propertytours

Key Information			                         Find out more about the destinations you’ll visit during this tour:
Thursday May 6 City Tour
Price: $99
City Tour                                                      Wednesday, May 5

 Caves, Cows & Cocktails
Take a one hour tour of one of the largest privately
owned cave systems in Australia, followed by a sightsee                             H
of Rockhampton’s famous bull statues. Finish the
afternoon with a cocktail or mocktail overlooking the
beautiful Fitzroy River at the Boathouse waterfront
Appreciate unique rock formations          • 2:00pm: Depart Beef Australia            Rockhampton
of the limestone caves at Capricorn                                                   ShowgroundsHHBoathouse
Caves, a multi-generational family           Main Entry Gate
owned cave system that was first
discovered in 1881. With a one hour        • 2:30pm: Capricorn Caves Tour
tour you will have the opportunity to        (1hr)
explore the cave system whilst being
guided on a journey of the history         • 3:30pm: Tour of Rockhampton’s
and discovery that has become the
                                             famous public art Bull Statues
Capricorn Caves.
                                             (30mins travel from Caves +         Itinerary
Next is a tour of the city’s famous bull
                                             30min tour)                         2.00pm Bus Departs Beef Australia
statues, each representing the breeds
                                                                                        Main Entry Gate
of our region, of course with some
                                           • 4:30pm: Cocktail (or mocktail) at          Tour Duration:3 Hours
photo opportunities along the way,
finishing up with a nice cool beverage       the Boathouse overlooking the       5.00pm Return Beef Australia Main
at stunning waterfront restaurant, the       Fitzroy River (30mins)                     Entry Gate (optional)
Boathouse. Take in the views of the                                                     * Please advise any
Fitzroy River and the historic building    • 5:00pm: Return to Beef Australia           dietary requirements at
strip of the Riverside Precinct while                                                   time of booking.
sipping on your choice of cocktail or        Main Entry Gate (optional)

Key Information			                          Find out more about the destinations you’ll visit during this tour:
Thursday May 6 City Tour
Price: $99
City Tour                                                                Thursday, May 6

 Bushtucker & Darumbal Tales
Explore Rockhampton with the Traditional Custodians
of the Land, the Darumbal people, with an On Country                                                      Mount
experience listening to Darumbal dreaming stories and                                                     ArcherH
learning about bush tucker, bush medicine atop Nurim
Circuit, overlooking Rockhampton City and Tunuba                                  Rockhampton
(Fitzroy River)!                                                                  H
Delve into the history and tales        Please wear closed in shoes, a hat
of the Rockhampton with the             and sun safety.
Traditional Custodians of the Land,
                                        • 2:00pm: Depart Beef Australia
the Darumbal people, with an On
                                          Main Entry Gate
Country experience where you will
learn and be educated on significant    •    2.30pm: Welcome to Country
sites, listen to Darumbal dreaming           with Traditional Dancing              Itinerary
stories, identify medicinal plants      •    2.45pm: Nurim Tour of                 2.00pm Bus Departs Beef Australia
and taste bush tucker atop Nurim                                                          Main Entry Gate
Circuit, a new development with              * Traditional Plant use
                                                                                          Tour Duration:3 Hours
elevated boardwalk and stunning              * Darumbal Dreamtime Stories          5.00pm Return Beef Australia Main
amphitheatre views that overlook the                                                      Entry Gate (optional)
city and Tunuba (Fitzroy River)!             * Traditional Fire Making
                                                                                          * Please advise any
                                             * Taste of Traditional Bush Tucker           dietary requirements at
This cultural tours is facilitated by
                                                                                          time of booking.
Darumbal people or Representative       •    5:00pm: Return to Beef Australia
                                                                                          * Please wear closed in
from Darumbal People Aboriginal              Main Entry Gate (optional)
                                                                                          shoes, a hat and
Corporation Registered Native Title                                                       sun safety.
Body (DPAC RNTBC) on behalf of the
Darumbal People.

Key Information			                          Find out more about the destinations you’ll visit during this tour:
Thursday May 6 City Tour
Price: $99
Biosecurity Policy Statement
Beef Australia 2021
Westpac Property Tours
Policy Position                                               •   Communicate with the host property to confirm the
                                                                  entry and exit procedure for attendees and the bus
Biosecurity is critical to protecting the Australian Beef         company.
Industries productivity, the environment, human health,
social and cultural value and to support international        The roles and responsibilities of the Property Host in
and domestic market access for Australian beef. The           biosecurity are to:
Beef Australia Property Tours Committee recognises
biosecurity is a shared responsibility and is committed       •   Provide bins for discarded waste products from tour
to working with industry, visitors, tour hosts and tour           attendees
attendees to implement biosecurity procedures that            •   Provide hand soap in bathroom facilities for tour
prevent or minimise the impact of diseases, pests and             attendees
weeds entering or exiting a property.
                                                              •   Provide a footbath or similar in the carpark for tour
Background                                                        attendees
Beef Australia is a premier event held every three years      •   Provide a designated parking area for visitor vehicles
in Rockhampton, Queensland to showcase the Australian             (preferably signposted)
Beef industry. It boasts an average weekly attendance of
100,000.                                                      •   Ensure visitor vehicles are limited to designated
                                                                  roadways with no access to paddocks or production
Property tours offering tour attendees an opportunity to          areas
interact with the Australian beef supply chain have been
integrated into Beef week to further promote Australian       •   Brief tour attendees on the entry and exit procedures
beef. There is a requirement to protect the host’s                and the property specific biosecurity practices as
business from a potential outbreak of diseases, pests             detailed in the respective property’s Biosecurity
and weeds incursion, caused by property tour attendees,           Plan.
through additional biosecurity measures.
                                                              The roles & responsibilities of the tour attendees are to:
“On-farm Biosecurity” is a set of procedures that prevent
or minimise the impact or spread of diseases, pests           •   Complete the biosecurity checklist on the registration
and weeds on a property, around a property or off the             platform.
property. The processes are risk based. Business should       •   Wear clean clothing, preferably long sleeved and
asses the risks of future activities on their properties to       long pants if attending property tours with outside
ensure any threats are adequately mitigated.                      activities, a hat or cap and enclosed footwear.
Obligation                                                    •   Enclosed footwear is to be wiped free of mud, dirt
The roles and responsibilities of the Beef Week Property          and debris in the tread.
Tours Committee in biosecurity are to:                        •   Do not bring food products of any form- if you bring
•   Provide attendees with biosecurity guidelines and a           your own food, you will be requested to discard of
    checklist via the registration platform                       packaging and any uneaten food in the bins provided.

•   For any tours that include close handling of livestock,   •   Follow the directions of the property host.
    provide a questionnaire in the registration platform      •   Wash hands after contact with animals and before
    asking if the attendee has had contact with Foot              eating.
    and Mouth Disease within the last 7 days. A positive
    response will exclude those people from attending         •   Do not feed or approach animals unless asked to by
    that tour.                                                    the property host.
•   Provide attendees pre-visit information via email to
    respective property hosts including a visitor register.
Animal Welfare Policy Statement
Beef Australia 2021
Westpac Property Tours
Policy Position                                            Obligation
Animal health and welfare are fundamental to farmers       The roles and responsibilities of the Beef Australia
and the Australian beef industry’s reputation.             Property Tours Committee in animal welfare are to:
The Beef Australia Property Tours Committee                •   Ensure hosts are aware of the Beef Australia
recognise good animal welfare practices not only meet          Property Tours Committee’s animal welfare policy
community expectations but will ensure Australian              and have access to the Australian Animal Welfare
farmers are recognised as global leaders.                      Standards and Guidelines for Cattle document.
All animals deserve to be treated with care and respect.   •   Ensure hosts are adhering to the Standards at all
                                                               times when handling cattle and, in so doing, are
Background                                                     supporting Australia’s reputation as upholders of
Beef Australia is a premier event held every three             good animal health and welfare practices.
years in Rockhampton, Queensland to showcase               The roles and responsibilities of the Property Host in
the Australian beef industry. It boasts an average         relation to animal welfare are to:
attendance of 100,000.
                                                           •   Adhere to minimum best practice standards for
Property tours, that offer tour attendees an opportunity       animal welfare.
to interact with the Australian beef supply chain, have
been integrated into Beef 2021 to further promote          •   Maintain a watchful eye over visitors’ interaction
Australian beef. There is a requirement to protect the         with livestock.
Australian beef industry’s reputation as a world leader
in animal welfare.                                         The roles and responsibilities of the tour attendees
                                                              are to:
The Beef Australia Property Tours Committee
supports the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and       •   Follow the directions of the property host and tour
Guidelines for Cattle. The ‘Standards’ have been or will       organisers.
be legislated to represent minimum welfare standards       •   Do not feed or approach animals unless cleared to
in the Australian beef industry and the ‘Guidelines’           do so by the property host.
offer additional measures for producers to adopt if
they wish to go above and beyond the minimum. The
Standards and Guidelines were developed jointly by
industry and governments.
Your Health & Safety
Beef Australia 2021
Westpac Property Tours
COVID SAFE PLAN                                            Hand washing and hand sanitising stations will be
                                                           provided by Beef Australia in various key locations
Please find below some information on our current          around the event precinct
COVID Safe Control Measures planned for Beef
Australia in May 2021. We continue to monitor and          Beef Australia will provide an enhanced cleaning
adapt to any changes required and will update all          schedule throughout the event precinct
participants and ticket holders as required.
                                                           Beef Australia will provide an overnight deep clean of
Social Distancing                                          all venues, pavilions and facility
Beef Australia will implement and manage physical          Contact tracing information will be recorded for each
distancing control measures in line with Government        person who accesses the event precinct so as to
Health regulations throughout the event precinct           comply with QLD Health Directions
Beef Australia will have COVID Safe Marshals roaming       Contact tracing information will only be shared with
through the event precinct                                 QLD Health if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19
                                                           at the event
Beef Australia will have a COVID Compliance Officer
on site                                                    All details recorded electronically for the purposes of
                                                           contact tracing will be maintained for the required 56-
Enhanced Public Health Measures                            day period and directed by QLD Health, after which
The following existing public health measures will be      they will be destroyed
enhanced to facilitate the appropriate management
and mitigation of risks associated with the transmission
of COVID-19.                                               For any enquiries please contact the Beef Australia
Every person attending the site will be required to
complete a daily Health Screening Check at the site        EMAIL beefexpo@beefaustralia.com.au
entry locations prior to being allowed to access the
event precinct
Once the Health Screening Check has been
successfully completed, no further health screening
will be required to enter any of the venues, pavilions
or sites within the event precinct
Beef Australia Ltd ABN 34 111 657 160

 PO Box 199 | Level 1, 195 Bolsover Street

 Rockhampton Qld 4700
 P 07 4922 2989

 E beefexpo@beefaustralia.com.au


Beef Australia is proudly
supported by our
Principal Partners
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