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Lectures and practical/lab: „Lecture hall Béla TORMAY” ground floor J Department: Locations Building „J” II-IIIrd floor
THE STAFF (Veterinary Genetics; Animal Breeding) 1. GÁSPÁRDY András, Assoc. Prof., Dr. habil. and head of dept: both theoretical and practical: population genetics, general animal breeding, cattle, sheep and goat, animal husbandry and production technology, chairman of exam commission. 2. ZÖLDÁG László, Emeritus Prof., DSc.: theoretical: clinical and animal genetics, horse breeding. 3. MARÓTI-AGÓTS Ákos, Assoc. Prof., Dr. habil.: both theoretical and practical in animal and clinical genetics, horse, cattle, dog and cat breeding. 4. VINCZE Boglárka, Assist. Prof., PhD: Both theoretical and practical: biotechnology, horse and ruminant reproduction tutor for English course education 5. ZENKE Petra, research fellow , PhD: Both theoretical and practical: qualitative population genetics, parentage control, pig breeding 6. SZABARA László, research fellow, B.Sc. practical: identification.
Contact persons (class representatives) • Name: van Eijk Victoria Elizabeth 2nd year • E-mail: vic.vaneijk@gmail.com • Phone: ???? • Name: Maria Cecilia Masini 2nd year inactive • E-mail: mariacecilia.masini@outlook.com • Phone: ????
English course hours Állatorvos-tudományi Kar 2019/20. tanév, 1. félév Hétfő Kedd Szerda Csütörtök Péntek Geneti Gene 1. óra cs (7- tics 8.15 - 9.00 GENETIK 8) (9-10) Tormay Futter 2. óra Tormay Genetics Tormay B (3) B 9.15 - 10.00 (1-3) Tormay 3. óra A Genetik 10.15 - 11.00 (4-6) 4. óra NUTRITION GENETICS Genetics Tormay 11.15 - 12.00 (1-6) (4-6) Tormay Tormay 5. óra Kotlán FUTTERMITTEL A A 12.15 - 13.00 6. óra Tormay Futter (1) GENETICS Genetik Laborállat-tudomány 13.15 - 14.00 (7-10) (1-3) Terem!!! Tormay 7. óra Futter (6) Tormay Futter 2. & 3. hét Genetika B (5) 14.15 - 15.00 GENETIKA plenáris Lab Animal Tormay 8. óra Tormay Futter (2) 15.15 - 16.00 Sci. (Kotlán) 9. óra Futter Laborállat-tudomány Kotlán Genetika (4) Lab Animal Sci. 16.15 - 17.00 plenáris Terem!!! 10. óra Tormay 2. & 3. hét 17.15 - 18.00 11. óra 18.15 - 19.00 csoport 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NÉMET MAGYAR ANGOL Futtermittel gyakorlatok: Szülészeti gyakorló
Week Date Lecture (2x2h/week) Date Plenary Practical 1. A-10.09. G.A.: Introduction. Domestication of species, evolutionary B-10.09. G.A.: Life career, lifetime and age estimation B-11.09. consequences B-12.09 A-11.09. 2. A-17.09. Kálmán Tory (SOTE): Pediatric genetics. B-17.09. Sz.L.: Individual markings, herd booking, identification, B-18.09. Fundamentals of Mendelian, cyto- and molecular genetics B-19.09. traceability A-18.09. 3. A-24.09. Z.L.: Mendelian exceptions (expressivity, penetrance, B-24.09. Z.P.: Taking biological samples, parentage and identity B-25.09. B-26.09. control, DNA-polymorphisms (microsatellites, SNP) allelic polymorphism, recombination immunogenetics, A-25.09. lethal genes, pleiotropy epigenetics) 4. A-01.10. M.Á.: Clinical genetics, hereditary abnormalities B-01.10. M.Á.: Molecular diagnosis of hereditary disorders B-02.10. B-03.10. (mono/oligogenic, mutations, diagnosis, prevention, A-02.10. liability) and epigenetics 5. A-08.10. M. Á.: Mendelian exceptions (linkage, sex linked, XL, ZL, B-08.10. M.Á.: Autosomal and X-linked inheritance in practical B-09.10. B-10.10. animal breeding uniparental inheritance and monogenes, major genes, A-09.10. epistasis) 6. A-15.10. M.A.: Biotechnology in animal breeding (cloning, GMO, B-15.10. V.B.: Practical biotechnology: artificial insemination (AI) B-16.10. transgenesis, genome editing) B-17.10. and embryo transfer (MOET) A-16.10. 7. A-22.10. V.B.: Biotechnology in animal breeding (AI, ET, MOET, B-22.10. V.B.: Practical biotechnology: embryo manipulations B-23.10. EMT) B-24.10. (EMT) and cloning 23.10. Public Holiday A-23.10. 8. A-29.10. Z.P.: Qualitative population genetics: polymorphism, gene B-29.10. M.Á.: Transgenesis, gene editing, gene-mapping, QTL B-30.10. and genotype frequencies, haplotype B-31.10. analysis, application of genomial information A-30.10. 9. A-05.11. G.A.: Quantitative population genetics: heritability, B-05.11. Z.P.: Calculation of gene and genotype frequencies B-06.11. repeatability, correlation, regression B-07.11. A-06.11. 10. A-12.11. G.A.: Valuable traits, terms of breeding value and its B-12.11. M.Á.: Bioinformatics B-13.11. estimation B-14.11. A-13.11. 11. A-19.11. G.A.: Selection (methods, types, forms, selection index, B-19.11. G.A.: Calculation of breeding value B-20.11. MAS, efficiency) B-21.11. A-20.11. 12. A-26.11. G.A.: Mating methods and breeding systems: pure B-26.11. G.A.: Calculation of genetic improvement (response to B-27.11. breeding, crossbreeding, heterosis B-28.11. selection) A-27.11. 13. A-03.12. G.A.: Preservation and conservation of genetic diversity B-03.12. G.A.: Pedigree analysis, calculation of genetic B-04.12. and resources, endangered breeds B-05.12. relationship and inbreeding coefficients A-04.12. 14. A-10.12. M.Á.: Animal production technology. Concept of type, B-10.12. M.Á.: Taking body measurements on living animal and B-11.12. basics of conformation judging B-12.12. pictures (VAM), geometric morphometry A-11.12. G.A.: Assoc. Prof. Gáspárdy, András, Dr. habil. Head of department V.B.: Assist. Prof. Vincze, Boglárka, PhD. Tutor for English course Z.L.: Prof. Emer Zöldág, László, DSc. Z.P.: dr. Petra Zenke, res. fellow M.Á.: Assoc. Prof. Maróti-Agóts, Ákos, Dr. habil. Sz.L.: Szabára, László, B.Sc.
Recommended literature: - text book (ed. L. Zöldág) - Power.point presentations - lecture notes - practical notes
Attendance Socrative system • The presence on both the lectures and practicals are obligatory. • Altogether three absences from the practical are allowed, but the re-take of them is compulsory. The presence is controlled on every occasion. On the course of a re-take student has to account for the knowledge of the missed practical by the lecturer who kept the practical/lab before exam period.
Entering with pets for hygienic reasons is not allowed!
Midterm exam • During the semester, a computer control of knowledge will take place. • Knowledge of the basic data
Type and method of exam: - Exam within the exam period, which consists of two (practical and theoretical) parts. - At first, students are controlled by a questionnaire on computer (according to their rapid answers to basic figures, formulas used in calculations, definitions) as a threshold (60%) to enter into the theoretical part). - And then, they choose three questions, and after a preparation time they answer these orally. - All questions are published in advance (gat.univet.hu, www.univet.hu), GAT access available from 15th of November!
GA_Topiclist_1_Genetics_English.doc Sixty questions in oral part:
An example: 2. Baromfi fajok domesztikációja: alapfogalmak, ősök, időszakok, helyek 2. Domestication of poultry species (birds): fundamentals, ancestors, dates, locales 2. Domestikation der Hausgeflügel (Ahnen, Zeiten, geographische Regionen) 10. Kivételek a mendeli öröklődés szabályai alól: crossing over, kapcsolt és uniparentalis öröklés (genomiális imprinting, anyai-mtDNS) 10. Exceptions in Mendelian genetics: linkage, crossing over and uniparental inheritance (genomic imprinting, maternal-mtDNA) 10. Ausnahmen der Mendelschen Regel: Koppelung, Kopplungsbruch, uniparentale Vererbung (genomiale Imprinting, maternale-mtDNS) 54. A típus fogalma, jelentősége és változatai 54. Definition and importance of types in animal production 54. Begriff und Bedeutung des Typs in der Tierzucht
Education Summer practical (extramural farm work) responsible lecturer for English course student: Dr. Boglárka VINCZE, vincze.boglarka@univet.hu
Summer Report Guide_Breeding_2020.doc SUMMER PRACTICE GUIDELINES in ANIMAL BREEDING (04.02.2020) Deadline of online submission of the report including diary to naplo.atlt@univet.hu: 30.08.2020. Deadline of personal or via post-delivery of the report including diary to Department: 10.09.2020. The aims of summer practice are to directly experience the practical issues of animal breeding and technology of large- scale farm animals, and to highlight the cooperation and bond between breeding and veterinary work. General rules 1. Summer farm practical in Animal Breeding is compulsory. Former farm work experience does not substitute the present practice, as your knowledge gained during lectures and practicals gives the grounds for your critical approach, which is necessary for the proper performance of the summer practical. 2. The length of summer practical is 2 weeks 01.07.2020-12.07.2020. 3. The review of 2 different animal species is required. The farm has to be a large-scale facility, preferably dealing with dairy cows, swine, sheep, goat or fish. Horse, beef cattle and poultry breeding facilities are also accepted. Small family farms, zoos or minor breeding businesses are not accepted. 4. The Training Agreement (Annex 1.) shall be signed by the farm manager and the student, and it shall be attached to the report. It is possible to accomplish the farm practice at two separate farms. In this case, two separate Training Agreements shall be signed and attached.
Summer Report Guide_Breeding_2020.doc SUMMER PRACTICE GUIDELINES in ANIMAL BREEDING (04.02.2020) Deadline of online submission of the report including diary to naplo.atlt@univet.hu: 30.08.2020. Deadline of personal or via post-delivery of the report including diary to Department: 10.09.2020. The aims of summer practice are to directly experience the practical issues of animal breeding and technology of large- scale farm animals, and to highlight the cooperation and bond between breeding and veterinary work. General rules 1. Summer farm practical in Animal Breeding is compulsory. Former farm work experience does not substitute the present practice, as your knowledge gained during lectures and practicals gives the grounds for your critical approach, which is necessary for the proper performance of the summer practical. 2. The length of summer practical is 2 weeks 01.07.2020-12.07.2020. 3. The review of 2 different animal species is required. The farm has to be a large-scale facility, preferably dealing with dairy cows, swine, sheep, goat or fish. Horse, beef cattle and poultry breeding facilities are also accepted. Small family farms, zoos or minor breeding businesses are not accepted. 4. The Training Agreement (Annex 1.) shall be signed by the farm manager and the student, and it shall be attached to the report. It is possible to accomplish the farm practice at two separate farms. In this case, two separate Training Agreements shall be signed and attached.
Training_Agreement_2020.doc TRAINING AGREEMENT FOR SUMMER PRACTICE Between Department of Animal Breeding, Nutrition and Laboratory Animal Science, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary (DEPARTMENT) And ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (PARTNER ORGANISATION) And ……………………………………………………………………………………………… (Hereinafter “the STUDENT”) WHEREAS the PARTNER ORGANIZATION accepts the STUDENT as an intern within the framework of this agreement. The parties agree to the following: I - INTERNSHIP 1.1 The training period and this agreement will have a duration of 2 (+1) weeks, from ……………. to …………………...
• Diploma works • Scientific Students’ Conference
Summer work, Thesis Plagiarism
Elective courses • Az ökológiai szemléletű állattenyésztés gyakorlata (Organic animal production) • Baromfifajok keltetése (Incubation of poultry eggs, Künstliche Brut) • Igazságügyi állatgenetika (Forensic genetics) • Kinológia és macskatenyésztés (Kinology and cat breeding) • Különleges állatok tenyésztése (Besondere Wiederkäuer) • Lótenyésztés (Horse breeding) • Szarvasmarha-tenyésztés • Spezielle veterinärmedizinische Genetik
Domestication of animal species (livestock, companion animals and pets)
Questions on exam 1. Domestication of Mammalian species: fundamentals, ancestors, dates, sites 2. Domestication of poultry species (birds): fundamentals, ancestors, dates, sites 3. Consequences in genotype due to domestication of species (mammals and birds) 4. Consequences in phenotype (conformation, production and reproduction) due to domestication of species (mammals and birds)
Domestication I (micro-evolution, micro-evolutionary genetics) • What is domestication? • Domestication was/is a process, when man was – Taming, breeding, raising and transforming of wild animals for his own sake during many generations; – Gradual multigenerational procedure and directed genetic progress (artificial selection) + mutations (micro-evolution) – Close relation to mankind and civilization development; – To the concept of domestic animals – in wider sense – belong: livestock, farm animals, companion animals (pets), laboratory animals. What is domestic animal?
Domestic animals • Farm animals - in production (horse, cattle, sheep, pig etc.). • Laboratory animals – with research purposes (rat, mice, rabbit, etc.). • Companion animals – to fulfil the social needs (cat, parrot, etc.).
Domestic animals • Farm animals - in production (horse, cattle, sheep, pig etc.). • Laboratory animals – with research purposes (rat, mice, rabbit, etc.). • Companion animals – to fulfil the social needs (cat, parrot, etc.).
Domestic animals • Farm animals - in production (horse, cattle, sheep, pig etc.). • Laboratory animals – with research purposes (rat, mice, rabbit, etc.). • Companion animals – to fulfil the social needs (cat, parrot, etc.).
• Tamed animals – adapted to the presence of human, but selection made through many generations does not differenciate it from its wild mates.
De-domestication: returning to wildlife and nature, feral forms, it is the opposite process of domestication which results in dedomesticated or feral animals (e.g. the mustang, dingo, bramby, soay). Australian Bramby Horse
Re-domestication: when a feral population is used as a domestic one again (e.g. ostrich) Ostrich in Hungary
The domestication played a very important role in the development of mankind since about 15,000- 6,000 years: - man could put the nature more and more into his service with less and less limitation, - domestication extended the area of human life, - it made mankind more or less independent of climate and natural resources, - it was a milestone of the development of human biology (protein of animal origin), history and culture - it started before plant cultivation. Black bull and wild horse, about 15000 B.C., Lascaux cave painting
Domestication II (microevolution, micro-evolutionary genetics) • Reasons: – (1) building up flesh reserves – (2) religious cult, sacrificial animals – (3) companion – (4) economical necessity (production) – (5) guard – (6) milk and other foods – (7) equipment and clothing of animal origin – (8) traction – (9) dung and fuel (bio char) – (10) transport
Domestication III (microevolution, micro-evolutionary genetics) • Possible methods: – (1) tracking and isolation, – (2) capturing – (3) rearing up young animals • How far domesticated? Degrees of domestication: – Pre-domestication, – Transition, semi-domestication – Full domestication • Many unclear steps: self domestication (e.g. turkey) • Remarkable differences between – Euro-Asian (domestication of majority of species!) and – American continent (llama, turkey, muscovy duck only)
Dmitrij Konstantinovits Beljajev Novosibirsk Institute for Cytology and Genetics from 1957
• Grades of domestication according to selection and productivity: – Basic producing-ability of species – Preproduction, – Production, – Super-production, specialization (single purpose, high yield, isolated keeping, computer, industrialised, monodietic feeding, biotechnology, precision livestock farming, animal welfare concerns) Bremen Town Musicians
• Time period: from 6000-12000 (15000) years up to present (mussel, deer, fur animals etc.) • from paleolitic era, 60000 years, dog
• Relatively small number (50) of wild animal species were domesticated. Those animals which: - were useful and profitable for man, - were not frightening the prehistoric man, - could be accustomed to human environment and to closeness of man (the social and not solitary animals, the species having a leader (predators), and comfort loving animals, and animals becoming safety from the man (preys)).
• There are two basic theories in the science of domestication: The monophyletic theory supposes that only one wild species was domesticated. According to the polyphyletic theory more than one wild ancestral species were behind the domestic form. Mating between domestic form and wild ancestor is possible.
Term of species • The species is the basic unit of zoology. • According to the species specific characteristics it can be decided which species an individual belongs to. A species is often defined as a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreed in nature, and produces fertile progenies. The subspecies and transitional species make the distinction difficult. • The domesticated forms can be bred with the wild ancestor.
Interspecies hybridisation • In many cases, individuals differing well from each other in forms, size and chromosomal numbers produces progenies, and from such a mating the homogametic offspring are often fertile (while the heterogametic sex is sterile, Haldane rule).
Matolcsi János (1923-1983) A háziállatok eredete Állattartás őseink korában
Bökönyi Sándor (1926-1994) The Przevalsky horse, London 1974
Domestication of Perissodactylia (hoofed) and Artiodactylia (cloven hoofed, even-toed, Suina) (species, ancestor, time) Horse (Equus ferus Tarpan (extinct), B.C. 4000 Y, ferus, Equus ferus Przewalski-horse South-East- Boddaert, E. f. (taki), forest wild Europe Przewalskii) horse Ass (donkey) African and B.C. 4000 Y, (Equus africanus f. Somali wild ass Egypt asius) Pig (swine, hog) Wild boar B.C. 8000 Y, (Sus scrofa scrofa, South-East- S. scrofa vittatus) Asia (vittatus), Europe (scrofa)
European wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa)
Domestication of Artiodactylia (even-toed, cloven hoofed, Pecora, or true ruminants) (species, ancestor, time) Cattle (Bos Aurochs or urus B.C. 7000 Y, primigenius f. (extinct 17th C) South-Europe, taurus, indicus) Mediterranean coast Yak (Bos Wild yak B.C., Tibet poephagus) Bali cattle, Gayal, Banteng, Gaur B.C., South- Couprey (Bos East-Asia javanicus, Bos gaurus frontalis)
„Buffalo”, Bison, (B. bison, bonasus) Hungarian grey cattle (Bos) Humped cattle (zebu, Bos indicus) Yak
Domestication of Artiodactylia (cloven hoofed, even-toed Pecora or true ruminants) animals (species, ancestor, time) Bibos, buffalo Water, river, B.C., India (Bubalus Indian, Asian (Bison „buffalo” is bubalis) buffalo different! Not domesticated!) Sheep (Ovis Red wild sheep, B.C. 9000 Y, aries) Asian moufflon South-West -Asia (Ovis aries, orientalis, vignei, ammon) Goat (Capra Bezoar-goat B.C. 8000 Y, aegagrus f. South-West -Asia hircus)
Domestication of Carnivorous animals (species, ancestor, time) Dog (Canis lupus Wolf (grey) B.C. more than f. familiaris) 12000 Y, Iraq (Palegawra cave) Cat (Felis Nubian wild B.C. 2000 Y silvestris f. catus) cat Egypt Silver fox Red fox New age, 19. (Vulpes vulpes) century, North- America
Domestication of poultry (Aves) (species, ancestor, time) Fowl (Gallus Red jungle fowl B.C. 3000 Y, India gallus) and other subspecies Goose (Anser Grey leg goose, B.C. 4000 Y, anser anser et swan-neck South-West-Asia rubrirostris; A. a. (knobbed) China cygnoides) goose Duck (Anas Mallard and B.C. 2000 Y, platyrhynchos) muskovy duck South-Europe, and (many other wild China, South- musk/barbary forms!) America duck (Cairina moschata)
Red jungle fowl, mallard and muskovy duck, grey goose China swan-neck (knobbed) and Egyptian goose
Domestication of poultry (Aves) (species, ancestor, time) Turkey (Meleagris Mexican wild B.C.1000 Y, Mexico gallopavo) turkey Guinea fowl African guinea fowl B.C.1000 Y, (Numida meleagris) Mediterranean coast Pigeon (Columba Rock-pigeon B.C.5000 Y,, livia) (dove) Mediterranean coast Quail (Coturnix Japanese quail New age, 20. coturnix) century, Japan
Pigeon/dove, turkey Quail, guinea fowl
Control of presence Socrative-System • Wifi: Tormay Password: Univet2018 • Install student app • https://SOCRATIVE.com • room name: ENGGENETIC • Student ID: NNNN/E
Anwesenheit Socrative-System • Installieren • https://SOCRATIVE.com apps • room name: DEUGENETIK • StudentID: NNNN/D
Consequences of domestication I • Conformation - extremely low and high body mass, gigantism, muscle hypertrophy, dwarfism (achondroplasia), hornlessness, new colour variations (pigmentation), unusual body and body part shapes, hair coat, lack of shedding, hairlessness, feathering; ear position. • Other anatomical changes - prolongation of the digestive tract; refinement of teeth, bones; pug- headedness, extremes of the respiratory system; number of finger and vertebral bones, fat deposits (fat tailed, fat ramped). • Resistance tends to decrease, technology tolerance increases; life span is reduced.
Biodiversity and conformation of cattle „Highland Cattle by The Sea” Painted by William Smellie Watson of Scotland, 1872 (Univ. Saskatchewan, Dept. Anim. Poultry Sci.
Canine biodiversity and conformation
Fowl and pigeons show extremely high diversity within the same breed as well
Rare English Anglonubian Lincoln, Jakob China sheep, long-, short-, fattailed
Organs and organ systems Shetland pony Dwarf pig Dwarf Pygmi Goat Belgian blue-white beef cattle (hypertrophy of muscles, myostatin gene) Basset Hound
Consequences of domestication II • Productivity mostly increases, and feed intake and feed conversation are enhanced. • Reproduction improves (prolificacy, progeny number per period of time), early sexual and breeding maturity; seasonality and continuous srxual activity, tolerance of biotechnological processes; growth of the genitals; less sexual dimorphism. • Behaviour, instinct - gentler, more adaptable to man (nervous system in decline, decrease in brain mass, perception and fitness); aggressiveness sometimes); they have lost most of their qualities of (wild) life.
Production, reproduction Fec(B) prolific gene in Booroola merino sheep (FecB and FecX dominant genes) „Four ham type”, stress-sensitive Pietrain pig Muscular hypertrophy in Texel sheep breed (Cally Pyge, CLPG gene)
Swine prolificacy: genes for estrogen and prolactin receptors
Genomic consequences of domestication • Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): importance (cattle, dog, sheep), stable cytoplasm DNA, nearly constant during species evolution (single mutation in 2000Y) • Nuclear DNA: – Gene- (=allele-) frequency changes and fixation on many gene loci; increase of homozygosity. – Number of chromosomes: – Domestic swine and Asian wild boar 2n=38, European wild boar 2n=36 (fusion?) – Horse and tarpan: 2n=64, wild horse (Przewalski- horse, taki): 2n=66 (fission?), ass: 2n=62 – Sheep and moufflon 2n=54 (fusion), Asiatic wild sheep 2n=56, 58, different habitats and crossings 55 ,56, 57, 58. All wild and domestic goat 2n=60 – Crossing of domestic and wild species is generally successful, offspring are fertile! – In crossed individuals of domestic and wild species intermediate number of chromosomes – Transgenesis, gene edition
Nuclear genome, Canine karyotype (chromosomes, 2n = 78)
• What human activity does not exist during domestication? A Taming. B Use. C Breeding. D Pampering. • What is domestication based on? A Only on mutation. B Only on artificial selection. C On both. D On none of these. • In which phase of domestication is the performance of the animals highest? A Basic ability of the species in first phase. B Pre-production. C Production. D Super-production.
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