Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Page created by Chris Moody
Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis

                    CATHOLIC CHARITIES

              VOICE                   SUMMER 2022

                                             Welcome to
                                              Elliot Park!

The Power of
Home comes
to Elliot Park
Elliot Park is one of Minneapolis’ oldest    s E
                                                ndeavors Residence will provide         support and qualify for services
neighborhoods. At the turn of the century,     173 units of supportive housing for       based on income.
Elliot Park boasted the city’s only two        single adults who have experienced      s T
                                                                                          he Frey Center at Elliot Park
parks. Adjacent to downtown and mere           homelessness, are veterans, or people     will become the organization’s new
blocks from the Mississippi River, today’s     with complex medical conditions.          headquarters, supporting Catholic
neighborhood welcomes an increasingly        s T
                                                he Richard M. Schulze Family            Charities’ administrative staff and
diverse population and has become              Foundation Recuperative Care              Aging and Disability Services teams.
a testament to creative adaptations in         Center, implemented in partnership
community living.                              with Hennepin County Public             Catholic Charities at Elliot Park is an historic
                                               Health’s Health Care for the Homeless   $75 million public-private partnership
On May 18, Catholic Charities officially                                               featuring critical funding from Hennepin
                                               program, will deliver medical respite
marked the opening of its new Elliot Park                                              County, Minnesota Housing Finance
                                               for up to 30 individuals.
campus. Catholic Charities at Elliot Park                                              Agency, the City of Minneapolis and
                                             s H
                                                ennepin County’s Health Care
represents a collaborative approach to                                                 Minneapolis Public Housing Authority,
                                               for the Homeless Clinic will care for
community living that includes:
                                               area residents who require medical                                  (Continued on page 3.)

Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Irene Kearney: A Legacy
Irene Kearney loved children and education. A Saint Paul native, she grew up on a
hog farm in Vadnais Heights with eight siblings. Although she and her husband Bill,
who died at 47, never had children of their own, she often spent time with and cared
for her many nieces and nephews.

                                                                                               Thank you to our
Irene spent most of her working years at Union Brass as a factory worker. Like so
many others who grew up in the Depression, Irene lived a prudent lifestyle. She never
had the opportunity to earn a great deal of wealth; however, she was able to pass a
significant gift to charity at the end of a very long and fruitful life. She passed away in    amazing volunteers!
January 2019 at the age of 95.                                                                 Volunteers play a vital role in enabling Catholic Charities
                                                                                               to deliver valuable programs and services to our
Her family remembers her enduring empathy for those in need. She was active in her
                                                                                               communities. This year, volunteers from the Richard M.
local parish, St. Bernard’s, volunteering often and participating in ministries providing
                                                                                               Schulze Family Foundation,
for the less fortunate, especially children. While she gave an occasional gift to
                                                                                               Wells Fargo, and U.S. Bank stepped up to create a warm
support our programs, it was a lovely surprise to learn that Irene had named Catholic
                                                                                               and welcoming space for residents moving into their
Charities—along with two other charities—as beneficiaries of her estate.
                                                                                               new Endeavors homes. From making care packages,
During her lifetime, Irene’s investments and IRAs grew. Irene                                  to cleaning rooms and hallways, to contributing those
had grown familiar with our work and wanted to continue to                                     final personal touches that make a house a home, our
have an impact on children we serve. Her gift will be used in                                  volunteers have demonstrated a true understanding of The
our Children and Family programs to help clients overcome                                      Power of Home. One of the greatest gifts you can give is
barriers and give them opportunities for happiness and success.                                your time, and we are grateful for your support.

POWER OF HOME                                        Legislative summary
GIVE YOUR VOICE                                      No one should have to                                 affordable childcare, and
Join 5,000 advocates to ask for critical             sleep outside, especially                                supporting the pandemic
funds for emergency services.
                                                     with a $9.2 billion                                        response. We advocated
GIVE YOUR GIFT                                       state surplus. That’s                                       for growing the supply
A gift of $150 provides emergency                    the message Catholic                                         of deeply affordable
shelter for 15 men and women.
                                                     Charities took to the                                       and accessible housing,
GIVE YOUR TIME                                       State Capitol as we                                         increasing access to
Volunteer as a shelter aide or serve                 worked with legislators,                                  mental health services, and
meals for our shelter guests.
                                                     partners and advocates                                   criminal justice reforms,
                                                     to advance state                                         too.
                                                     investments and reforms
                                                                                               The legislative session ended on
                                                     that will prevent and end homelessness,
                                                                                               May 23, but at the time this newsletter
                                                     promote housing equity, and achieve
                                                                                               went to print, session’s final outcomes
                                                     social justice in our community.
                                                                                               were not yet known.
                                                     Our policy agenda focused on
                                                                                               To learn more about what we
                                                     increasing public funding for
                                                                                               achieved with your advocacy and
                                                     emergency shelter services, reforming
                                                                                               support, visit cctwincities.org/
                                                     housing policies to help veterans and
                                                     individuals with disabilities live more
                                                     independently, increasing access to

                                                           TEXT “HOME” TO 50457 TO SUPPORT THE POWER OF HOME.
Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis

                                                                                                                                            Dorothy Day
What we have learned:                                              partners kept people together. Elderly Minnesotans were given
                                                                   a bed in a private room instead of a bunk with a locker.
                                                                                                                                            Breakfast 2022
A view from                                                        Affordable housing is the answer to
                                                                   homelessness. There is not nearly                                        Supporters gathered at the Dorothy Day

the field
                                                                   enough housing today, but efforts                                        Community Breakfast in May to celebrate over
                                                                   already underway to change that will                                     40 years of meals, shelter, and shared impact.
                                                                   make a difference in the next few years.                                 Past Catholic Charities leaders Tim Marx and
We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home—a                                                                                    Tracy Berglund were honored for decades of critical
                                                                   During COVID, we learned we
chance to find stability and to thrive. We believe that the real                                                                            work, along with Board Chair Kathy DiGiorno, who
                                                                   could respond quickly to urgent needs.
solution to homelessness is a home, and that housing is critical                                                                            received our Servant Leader Award. Guests enjoyed coffee
                                                                   We must maintain that sense of urgency,
to building a stable and healthy life.                                                                                                      and conversation before CEO Michael Goar welcomed
                                                                   keeping temporary shelters in place until                                attendees with a message of gratitude. Other speakers
We also believe that dignified shelter should be available         permanent homes are built. Every                                         included Board Chair-Elect Desirae Butler, Minnesota
at any time to everyone. Every day, we support those who           day, Catholic Charities works                                            Housing Commissioner Jennifer Ho, Ramsey County
are experiencing homelessness resulting from a health or           with public and private                                                  Board Chair Trista MatasCastillo, and Haven Housing’s
financial crisis, an eviction, or a lost job. Most don’t know      partners to build                                                        Executive Director Monica Nilsson. For the first time in
what the future holds.                                             a community where                                                        three years supporters were able to gather together, and
                                                                   everyone has the                                                         it felt great!
We learned a lot during COVID, as we needed to shelter people      chance to thrive.                                                        Special thanks to our Underwriting Sponsors:
in creative ways to keep people healthy. Temporary locations                                                                                AgriBank, M Health Fairview, Herregan Distributors, and
like hotels and former dormitories enabled people to stabilize                                                                              Pohlad Companies!
despite the pandemic. Sites accommodating families and

The Power of Home in Elliot Park
(Continued from page 1.)

                                                                                                                                            Award winners Tracy Berglund, Kathy DiGiorno and Tim Marx.

                                               intertwined with health outcomes. Every        composition of the neighborhood,” said        Support the mission of
                                               day, our Health Care for the Homeless          Goar. “With the creative support of our

                                                                                                                                            all summer long!
pro-bono business investments, and             teams stand side-by-side with Catholic         partners, we look forward to partnering                  Catholic Charities
generous donors. President and CEO             Charities to serve our neighbors and           with individuals to provide the support
Michael Goar welcomed distinguished            strengthen our community.”                     they need to thrive.”
attendees who praised the organization’s
                                               Catholic Charities now provides over            Endeavors residents began moving in          When you support Catholic Charities, you aren’t just
adaptive reuse of a former nursing home
                                               1,000 deeply affordable housing units           early June. Administrative staff and Aging   helping neighbors in need, you are giving them hope for
to co-locate the Endeavors program with
                                               in the Twin                                                       and Disability Services    a more equitable community.
Catholic Charities’ administrative services.
                                               Cities. “We are                                                   Departments will
“With this partnership, Hennepin County                                            “H ome  is a place   where                              A gift today provides shelter and housing, meals, and supportive
                                               thrilled to join                                                  transition to the new
launched its commitment to growing                                                   we all can build our                                   services. It also helps us advocate to change
                                               the Elliot Park                                                   facility in July.
deeply affordable housing serving our                                                                                                       the systems that can lead to homelessness. By both
                                               community                             futures.”
residents with dignity and support,” said                                                                                                   serving and advocating for those most in need, we can
                                               and add to                                  — Minnesota Housing
Hennepin County Board Chair Marion                                                      Commissioner Jennifer Ho                            ensure that everyone experiences the Power of Home.
                                               the dynamic
Greene. “We know housing is closely
                                                                                                                                            Please consider giving a gift before June 30.
                                                                                                                                            Visit cctwincities.org/donate today.
Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis

                                                                                                    New beginnings
                                                                                                    As I transition into my role as the Chief Program Officer for Catholic Charities,

                                                                                                    I have had the opportunity to reflect on everything I’ve experienced in 15 years with
                                                                                                    this amazing organization. Despite the challenges of the past two years, I have faith
                                                                                                    in our programs and hope for a future of shared impact.
                                                              Published by Catholic Charities
                                                              of St. Paul and Minneapolis           s Catholic Charities Endeavors Residence recently opened in the Elliot Park neighborhood,
                                                              341 Chester Street                        providing a place to call home for nearly two hundred people who have experienced
                                                              Saint Paul, MN 55107                      homelessness—including the elderly, veterans, and those who have complex medical needs.
                                                              Phone: 612-204-8500                   s Teams
                                                                                                             have also been busy readying the location that will soon be home to Hope Street,
A charitable gift annuity is a                                To donate: 612-204-8374
                                                                                                        Catholic Charities’ emergency shelter for youth experiencing homelessness. I am excited
                                                              To volunteer: 612-204-8435
wonderful way to leave a legacy                               Web: cctwincities.org                     to welcome youth into such a trauma-sensitive space—with plenty of room to ensure all 30
with Catholic Charities.                                                                                youth feel safe and cared for as they focus on their journey toward housing and healing.
                                                              Michael Goar
                                                              President & Chief Executive Officer   These new beginnings are possible because of your advocacy and support of our work. Thank
When you make a gift of cash or appreciated assets, we in
return will make payments for life to you, you and a loved    Kathleen Erickson DiGiorno
                                                                                                    you for helping us annually assist more than 20,000 people regardless of faith, background or
one, or another person. After all payments have been          Chair, Board of Directors             circumstance. Your partnership means so much to the individuals we serve.
made, Catholic Charities will receive the remaining value
of your gift for the causes you care about most.
To learn more, contact Paul Deakins at 612-204-8472                                                 Keith Kozerski
or legacy.giving@cctwincities.org.                                                                  Chief Program Officer

       VO I C E   lic Chari
                            ties Po       dcast
                                                             Social justice
                                                             education in the
                                                                                                                               action. By the end of the week, they had also collected
                                                                                                                               over 230 petition signatures and invited fellow
                                                                                                                               students to contact legislators—many even joined

     A Catho
                                                                                                                               the Catholic Charities advocacy network!

Last year, Catholic Charities introduced the
“Voice” podcast. Since then, our team has shared
                                                             community                                                         This fantastic experience began with a single
                                                                                                                               connection: a conversation between an AHA
                                                             This spring, Catholic Charities had the chance to                 teacher and a Catholic Charities team member.
conversations with local leaders,                                                                                              What followed is just one example of
                                                             engage students, faculty, and staff at Academy of Holy
neighborhood partners, and national                                                                                            how someone can bring charity
                                                             Angels during their 2022 Justice Week, an event led
experts on topics ranging from                                                                                                 and justice opportunities to
                                                             by the school’s Social Justice Club. Our Social Justice
homelessness in the suburbs to the                           Advocacy and Engagement Team offered resources for                their community. Whether you
relevancy of Catholic Social Teaching.                       student leaders that included a family homelessness               are an educator, parishioner,
You can find the episodes wherever                           simulation, interactive budget activities, and opportunities      or member of a neighborhood
you get your podcasts.                                       to engage in legislative advocacy for housing justice.            group, and if you’d like to find
                                                                                                                               ways to engage your school,
Let us know if you have ideas for                            In just one week, students raised over $1,000 to support          parish, or community with
future podcast topics, and                                   Catholic Charities’ direct services. However, they knew           education or advocacy, please
happy listening!                                             that balanced service includes not just charity—but also          contact michael.rios@cctwincities.org.
                                                             education and advocacy. With the aid of Catholic Charities,
                                                             these young leaders helped instruct their peers and teachers
                                                             on issues related to housing justice as well as ways to take

                                                               INTERESTED IN SOCIAL JUSTICE EDUCATION FOR YOUR GROUP? EMAIL MICHAEL.RIOS @ CCTWINCITIES.ORG
Welcome to Elliot Park! - Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis
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