WELCOME PACK 2020 - 2021 - Rossall School
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A WA R M W E L C O M E T O ROSSALL JUNIOR SCHOOL On behalf of all of the staff, I would like to welcome you and your son or daughter to Rossall. As staff, we understand that learning is most successful when a child is happy and feels secure. To help us to create and maintain an environment that will foster such development, we need to establish a true partnership with you as parents. We look to identify and enhance each child’s individual strengths and to offer opportunities to discover new experiences. To this end, the children at Rossall are encouraged to develop a love for learning, to pursue a wide range of interests and to explore their talents and skills. This Welcome Pack aims to communicate to you the important information that allows the School to run smoothly and fulfil its purpose effectively. If you have any further queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your first port of call would be to the School Office, who will then refer you to the most appropriate member of staff, normally the Class Teacher. We look forward to working together with you over the coming years to help your child achieve in all aspects of School life. M J Turner Head of Junior School 01253 774222 HOW TO KEEP IN TOUCH Visit our website www.rossall.org.uk Read our blogs www.rossall.org.uk/category/news/ Follow us on 2
MISSION S HA P I N G L I V E S , IN SP IRIN G EXCELLEN CE It is our mission to inspire young people to develop a life-long love of learning within a pastorally nurturing, culturally exciting and intellectually creative community. VISION Rossall School is a Charity, the Objectives of which are “to provide, at a moderate cost, for the sons and daughters of clergymen and others, without limit of age, a classical, mathematical and general education of the highest class.” (1844) The School is committed to inspiring young people to develop their potential by providing them with a first class educational experience within the context of an intellectually exciting and culturally creative community. KEY THEMES INS P I R I NG INTE LLECT UAL EXCI T EMENT A N D AC ADEM IC EXC EL L EN C E Rossall School inspires a lifelong love of learning through the outstanding quality of teaching and learning that it provides for young people. Children are encouraged to develop their intellectual interests beyond the confines of the formal curriculum and they are challenged to engage critically with the multitude of opportunities that the School provides to develop skills, knowledge and understanding. Children are encouraged to become self-motivated independent learners with an intrinsic desire to explore both the physical and metaphysical aspects of their existence. We are an open-minded community receptive to new ideas. Children are encouraged to share their ideas and learn through collaboration and debate. DE V E L O PIN G COM PASSI ONAT E AND CAR IN G YOUN G PEO PL E Rossall School’s unique educational offering provides a perfect context within which young people may acquire the emotional knowledge and interpersonal skills necessary to live happy and purposeful lives. The School’s inclusive and progressive ethos is complemented by the outstanding quality of our School community which serves to nurture resilience and develop maturity. Young people leave Rossall with the confidence and strength of character necessary to pursue their personal dreams and fulfill their professional aspirations. Above all, the School endeavours to develop young people who are caring and compassionate and we provide an extraordinary diversity of opportunities for young people to develop these attributes. E N GE N D E RIN G CULT UR AL AWAR ENESS AN D ARTIS TIC C R EATIV ITY Rossall School is committed to providing children with the opportunity to explore and develop their creative sensibilities through the outstanding quality of its performing arts and visual arts provision. Children are encouraged to develop their creative skills and their aesthetic sensibilities so that they may appreciate, comprehend and contribute to the world of infinite beauty that lies beyond the certainties of everyday life. E N S U R I NG PU BLIC B ENEFI T Rossall School is an internationally-minded community yet resolutely committed to the concept of localism. We recognise our extraordinary potential to serve the local communities of the Fylde Coast and we are committed to sharing our resources and skills with the people of Fleetwood and Blackpool. The School is committed to ensuring that the lives of local people and communities are enriched by our presence. We are part of the rich fabric of this area of the North West and we actively embrace our social responsibility to serve others. P R O MO T ING SPORT I NG EXCELLENCE Rossall is justifiably proud of its illustrious sporting history and recognises the many health and social benefits to be derived from regular exercise and participation in team sports. Striving for excellence within a sporting context helps young people develop transferable character attributes such as resilience, self-discipline and leadership skills. Alongside a lifelong love of learning, we provide an education which, for many young people, will result in an enduring love of sports. AN ED UCATION F O R T HE FUT UR E Rossall is committed to ensuring that it prepares young people for an uncertain future by developing transferable skills within a technologically enriched and well resourced environment. A Rossall education is outward facing and encourages children to become politically literate and engage with themes of contemporary relevance such as environmentalism and humanitarianism. 3
CONTENTS WELCOME 2 Rossall’s Mission and Vision ........................ 3 PRE-ARRIVAL INFORMATION 5 Contact ..................................................... 5 Term Dates ................................................. 5 Junior Boarding .......................................... 6 Flexi-Boarding ............................................ 6 Fees: Nursery .............................................. 8 Fees: Junior School ..................................... 8 Payment of Fees .......................................... 9 Parent Portal ............................................... 9 Parent App .................................................. 9 Uniform ................................................... 10 ARRIVAL INFORMATION 14 House System ............................................ 14 Rossall Expectations ................................... 14 Your First Day ........................................... 16 ROSSALL LIFE 17 Early Years Foundation Stage ....................... 17 Junior School:Years 1 to 6 .......................... 18 4
P R E - A R R I VA L I N F O R M AT I O N C O N TA C T rossall.org.uk/about-rossall/staff-list K E Y S TA F F Up to now your primary contact has been with the Admissions Team. Once you have completed the admissions process, your next point of contact will be with the Junior School staff. Head of Junior School and Nursery Mr M Turner 01253 774222 email: m.turner@rossall.org.uk Director of Nursery Mrs N Stott 01253 774228 email: n.stott@rossall.org.uk Anchor Boarding Mr and Mrs Gair 01253 774212 email: hpanchor@rossall.org.uk T E R M D AT E S rossall.org.uk/about-rossall/term-dates & H O L I D AY S MICHAELMAS TERM 2020 New and existing Boarders return Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Term starts Thursday 3rd September 2020 Half term begins Friday 16th October 2020 Boarders return Sunday 1st November 2020 Term resumes Monday 2nd November 2020 Term ends Friday 11th December 2020 Travel dates for non-EU boarders ONLY* Thursday and Friday 10th and 11th December 2020 LENT TERM 2021 Boarders return Tuesday 5th January 2021 Term starts Wednesday 6th January 2021 Half term begins Friday 12th February 2021 Boarders return Sunday 21st February 2021 Term resumes Monday 22nd February 2021 Term ends Friday 26th March 2021 Travel dates for non-EU boarders ONLY* Thursday and Friday, 25th and 26th March 2021 SUMMER TERM 2021 Boarders return Tuesday 13th April 2021 Term starts Wednesday 14th April 2021 Half term begins Friday 28th May 2021 Boarders return Sunday 6th June 2021 Term resumes Monday 7th June 2021 Term ends Friday 9th July 2021 Travel dates for non-EU boarders ONLY* Thursday and Friday 8th and 9th July 2021 * Please note that there is no travel window for EU boarders. All EU boarders are expected to remain at school until the end of term. 5
JUNIOR BOARDING anchorhouse@rossall.org.uk rossall.org.uk/school-life/boarding ANCHOR HOUSE Anchor House is the Junior Boarding House for children aged 7-13. Y O U R F I R S T D AY The House can accommodate up to forty-five junior boarders. It is situated in an attractive position opposite the extensive school playing When you arrive, please go directly to Anchor House where Mr and fields to the left of the main Square and behind the Dining Hall. Mrs Gair will be waiting to greet you, take you around the House, show you your room and get you settled. There are two single bedrooms, six double bedrooms and a further nine bedrooms which contain three or four beds. Every child has a bed, T R AV E L A R R A N G E M E N T S matching wardrobe, drawers, a chair and bookshelf. Showers and toilets Please provide us with your travel details at least three weeks are available on each floor, with separate facilities for boys and girls. before the start of each half term by visiting: www.rossall.org.uk/admissions/holiday-travel-arrangements The House has two common rooms with comfortable seating, TV, there you will find a link for ‘Holiday and Travel Arrangements’ DVD, etc. It has a large games room containing table tennis, snooker table, table football and games console. It also has a library with On arrival at Manchester Airport*, you will be escorted through computer workstations, wifi and internet access and a kitchen with Customs and Immigration by a member of the airline staff. Please make microwave, kettle, toaster and fridge. your way to the Information Desk in the Arrivals Hall of Terminal 1 where a Rossall representative will meet you and take you back to Rossall School. ANCHOR ROUTINE AFTER SCHOOL Pupils should arrive between the hours of 9.00am and 7.00pm. After Class Activities in the Junior School 4.00 - 5.00PM Te a 5.45 - 6.15PM *We recommend all students fly to and from Manchester Airport. Study Time (Junior) 6.30 - 7.00PM S t u d y T i m e ( Ye a r 7 & 8 ) 6.30 - 7.30PM T E M P O R A R Y- B O A R D I N G Temporary-boarding offers day pupils the chance to stay in our Junior ANCHOR WEEKEND ACTIVITIES boarding house, Anchor, for a night or a weekend on an ad-hoc basis. Every weekend is a fun-packed weekend in Anchor and there is Temporary-boarding is an excellent way to get a taste of boarding, something for everyone to do. Every Sunday, boarders embark on a perhaps as a stepping stone to flexi, weekly or full boarding. house trip to a variety of locations such as theme parks, cinema, ice-skating, bowling and the beach. Temporary-boarding costs just £42 per night and includes evening meals and breakfast. For more information, please email: anchorhouse@rossall.org.uk FLEXI-BOARDING rossall.org.uk/admissions/fees Rossall School has recently introduced new flexi boarding options and fees for parents and children who wish to board for one, two, three or four nights per week on a regular basis each week (Monday to Thursday). The flexi fees are set out below for 2020. The fees are made up of the day fee plus an additional cost for the relevant number of nights boarded each week during the term whether that is one, two, three or four. TERMLY FLEXI FEE TERMLY FLEXI FEE TERMLY FLEXI FEE TERMLY FLEXI FEE TERMLY WEEKLY 1 NIGHT 2 NIGHTS 3 NIGHTS 4 NIGHTS BOARDING FEE YEAR 3-6 £3,236 £3,622 £3,985 £4,347 £4,850 If you would like to consider a flexi-boarding option for your child or would like more information, please do contact your child’s houseparent or Lucy Barnwell on 01253 774321 or email hpanchor@rossall.org.uk Temporary or flexi-boarding is particularly useful on the nights when the pupils have a busy schedule of after school activities or to simplify domestic arrangements for the rest of the family. 6
FEES & PAY M E N T O F F E E S rossall.org.uk/admissions/fees SANDERLINGS BABY ROOM FEES D AY R AT E £47.00 Includes milk, nappies and wipes SANDPIPER AND PRE-SCHOOL FEES MORNING SESSION 8am-1pm £20.50 AFTERNOON SESSION 1pm-6pm £20.50 D AY R AT E £41.00 FULL WEEK £196 JUNIOR SCHOOL 4-7 (RECEPTION TO YEAR 2) FEES PER TERM M O N T H L Y D I R E C T D E B I T P AY M E N T S X 1 0 £2,815 £845 JUNIOR SCHOOL 7-11 (YEAR 3 TO YEAR 6) FEES PER TERM M O N T H L Y D I R E C T D E B I T P AY M E N T S X 1 0 D AY £2,815 £845 WEEKLY BOARDER £4,850 £1,455 FULL TIME BOARDER £7,215 £2,165 L U N C H E S ( C O M P U L S O R Y F O R D AY P U P I L S ) RECEPTION AND JUNIOR 4-7 £240 JUNIOR £275 OPTIONAL EXTRAS ONE-OFF FEES GROUP SIZE FEES PER TERM R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E ( U K ) £50 MUSIC SOLO £210 R E G I S T R AT I O N F E E ( I N T E R N AT I O N A L ) £195 LEARNING SUPPORT SOLO £210 DEPOSIT* (UK) £495 SPEECH AND D E P O S I T * ( I N T E R N AT I O N A L ) £2,500 SOLO £210 DRAMA * Refundable to you when your child leaves Rossall School. 2 £115 3 OR MORE £70 FEES PER TERM* AXA HEALTH INSURANCE £99 TEMPORARY BOARDING (PER NIGHT) YEAR 3 – 6 £42 * Students are automatically covered for Personal Accident and Dental Insurance unless parents inform us that they wish to opt out. Students are not covered for AXA Medical Insurance unless parents inform us in writing that they wish to opt in. For further information, please visit: www.rossall.org.uk/admissions/admissions-document-downloads All fees are subject to review in January 2021 and periodic increase in accordance with Rossall School’s Terms and Conditions 8
P R E - A R R I VA L I N F O R M AT I O N All fees are payable termly in advance, on or before the first day of each term. DIRECT DEBIT If you wish to pay by Direct Debit please contact Lisa Catterall at: l.catterall@rossall.org.uk BANK TRANSFER Fees Administrator: 01253 774233 Rossall’s bank details are as follows: l.catterall@rossall.org.uk Account name: Corporation of Rossall School Account Number: 05008204 rossall.org.uk/admissions/fees Bank: National Westminster Bank Branch: Victoria Square, Thornton-Cleveleys Sort Code: 60 08 26 IBAN Code: GB65NWBK60082605008204 SWIFT Code: NWBKGB2L The pupil’s name and account code (shown on the fees invoice) must be quoted on the bank transfer document. DEBIT/CREDIT CARD Debit/credit card payments can be accepted by email or in person at the Finance Office. Please note a 1.5% charge is added to credit/debit card transactions. There is also an option to pay via the online School Portal. Please note, AMEX is not accepted. CHEQUE Cheques can be sent by post or taken in person to the Finance Office at the following address: Lisa Catterall Fees Administrator, Rossall School, Broadway, Fleetwood, Lancashire FY7 8JW Please make cheques payable to The Corporation of Rossall School. Please note cash cannot be accepted. PA R E N T P O R TA L Rossall School provides a Parent Portal, so that parents can log in to the School systems and make use of a host of available features. Furthermore, all information will also be available to pupils via their own login to the Rossall Portal. This should simplify your interaction with your child’s school life and help to keep important documents in one place and to oversee your child’s progress. By being able to view information about their attendance, subject sets, calendar, public examinations, timetable, school reports and extra-curricular activities, you will be able to help support them in partnership with School so that they can make the most of their time at Rossall. The Portal also contains contact details and medical information. The information can be checked and the School can be notified of any changes via the relevant email link. The more up-to-date the information is, the more useful it is, should the School need to contact you at any point. We take data protection and security very seriously at Rossall and as such our systems use encryption and other current security measures to ensure that both your own and your child’s data is fully protected from security threats. PA R E N T A P P A Parent App will be available to download and access alongside Parent Portal. The Parent App allows you to keep up-to-date with the latest from Rossall School. Details on how to join the Portal and App will be sent early on in the term. 9
UNIFORM RosShop: 01253 774252 rosshop@rossall.org.uk & ESSENTIALS rossall.org.uk/admissions/uniform The Rossall School uniform is available to buy on www.schoolblazer.com Fitting samples are available in the RosShop to enable you K E Y: to try before placing your order. The RosShop also sells schoolblazer.com Optional pre-owned uniform. RosShop Boys Most items will need to be purchased via the Schoolblazer Retailer of your choice Girls website. For full details, please see the lists below. NURSERY JUNIOR 4-7 (RECEPTION – YEAR 2) CHECK CHECK ITEM PUPIL SUPPLIER ITEM PUPIL SUPPLIER LIST LIST Schoolwear Schoolwear Grey Leggings/Pinafore/Skirt/Trousers Tartan Pinafore School Polo Shirt Navy Crested Blazer with red pipe School Sweatshirt White Button to neck shirt Navy Crested Reversible Stormproof School tie Sensible Black Shoes Navy Crested Cardigan with Red Stripe Charcoal Grey Trousers Grey Hosiery Navy Printed Book Bag School Hat Sportswear Navy Crested Reversible Stormproof School Polo Shirt Sensible Black Shoes Navy Shorts Navy Crested V-neck Jumper with red stripe White Socks Charcoal Grey Trousers Black Plimsolls Navy Fleece Scarf* Navy Printed PE bag Navy Crested Beanie* * Rossall hats and scarves are available on School Blazer and in the RosShop Navy Fleece Gloves Navy Printed School Bag Navy White Stripe Dress** Sportswear Crested Tracksuit Top Navy Training Pant White Crested Polo Shirt Navy PE Shorts White Socks Sports Trainers (Not black) Navy Printed PE Bag Navy Swimming Costume Navy Swimming Trunks Printed Swimming Hat * If you wish to wear a hat and scarf, please note that these must be the official School hat and scarf. ** The navy and white stripe dress may only be worn in the Summer Term. 10
P R E - A R R I VA L I N F O R M AT I O N JUNIOR 7-11 (YEAR 3 – YEAR 6) BOARDING ESSENTIALS AND CASUAL CLOTHING CHECK CHECK ITEM PUPIL SUPPLIER ITEM LIST LIST Schoolwear Casual/smart clothes (trousers, jumpers, fleece, shirts, T-shirts etc. Tartan Kilt Underwear White Button to Neck Blouse Nightclothes School House Tie Dressing gown Navy Crested V-neck Jumper with red pipe Slippers Navy Crested Blazer with red pipe Washing bag and toiletries Grey Hosiery Shoe cleaning kit, polish and spare laces Navy Crested Reversible Stormproof Suitcase/holdall Sensible Black Shoes Towels (shower and sports) Charcoal Grey Trousers Duvet, pillow, duvet cover and pillow case (OPTIONAL*) White Shirt Laptop** Navy Fleece Scarf* Navy Crested Beanie* Navy Fleece Gloves Navy Crested School Bag Sportswear Crested Tracksuit Top Navy Training Pant White Crested Polo Shirt School Midlayer School Navy Crested Game Socks White Socks *Optional - School does supply these. Navy and Red Skort with white piping **Laptops are optional and are not essential. There is ample access to School computers in all Houses. Navy and Red Crested Games Bag All items must be labelled and should preferably be tumble-dryable. Sports Trainers (Not black) Crested Rugby Shirt Navy Shorts LESSON ESSENTIALS Football Boots with Kitemarked Studs CHECK ITEM Navy Swimming Costume LIST Navy Swimming Trunks Pencil case with HB pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, coloured Printed Swimming Hat pencils, fountain pen and ballpoint pen (black or blue ink only) Equipment 30cm ruler Hockey Stick Y3-6 School bag Tennis Racket Y3-6 Glue stick Gum Shield** Y3-6 Scissors Sticky tape * If you wish to wear a hat and scarf, please note that these must be the official School hat and scarf. ** We encourage and recommend the use of mouthguards and they are compulsory for Rugby and Hockey. Opro Calculator (as recommended by the Maths Department) (www.opro.com) supply custom-fit mouthguards and visit the School at the beginning of the academic year.This service is available to all pupils unless you select to opt-out – a letter is sent out prior to Opro’s visit. Please use the extra spaces to list your own items 11
Welcome to Your school uniform is now ready to order! Simply log in at www.schoolblazer.com Why not order early and relax this summer with FREE UK P&P from 6th July - 19th July 2020. We have now extended our returns period to 120 days, meaning that you can return your items for free if you find that something you’ve ordered at the start of the summer holidays doesn’t fit at the end of the summer Name tapes holidays! available to send Enjoy our simple, easy-to-navigate website for straightforward shopping - we even feature a new How to Shop video. Plus, you can shop easily on your phone and tablet. Ethically-sourced Name-taping is currently unavailable due to COVID-19. We hope to re-instate this service Our as soon as possible. Intelligent FastTrack delivery is available. Sizing System offers a simple step by step 120 days Free UK returns with 120 process to help you determine days to return your the right size to return item items 24-hour Telephone 365 days helpline available Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Availability of all Sat 9am-5:30pm school uniform We are committed to Fully- making your preparations customised An for the new term as easy and website, displaying only environmentally responsible pain-free as possible. If you have items specific to your school and/or house once a registered company any questions or require help, please do not hesitate to contact our Helpline user is logged in. on 0333 7000 703, Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm or email Schoolblazer at Mobile and customerservices@schoolblazer.com tablet-friendly website, enabling easy and quick shopping Call: 0333 7000 703 www.schoolblazer.com Email: customerservices@schoolblazer.com 12
Schoolblazer.com was founded by parents for parents to take the chore out of shopping for school uniform. Our secure online ordering service allows you to shop for uniform and sportswear at your convenience, on a website personalised to your child’s school. Order early and enjoy your summer, knowing that you can return an item for up to 120 days! Frequently Asked Questions How do I know what sizes to order? We ask you to input your child’s measurements and our Intelligent Sizing System will indicate the recommended size on the shopping page. However, this is a suggestion only, based on the measurements you have entered. Should you wish to choose an alternative size, you can use the drop-down menu to select this. What if I need to return an item? We offer a free returns service so please return any item unsuitable using our online returns tool, and we will either refund or exchange as required. Do I have to pay for name tags? We only charge for the cost of the name tags. We hope to re-instate our free name tag sewing service soon. How long will my order take to be despatched? We aim to despatch orders within 3 working days, and more swiftly than this wherever possible. I need an item that is showing as out of stock on the website, what should I do? As an online retailer we typically hold much higher levels of stock than a high street store, but if an item you require is showing as out of stock, please place your order and we will work to supply this as quickly as possible. What if I need further information or help with my order? Our Schoolblazer website features lots of useful information including a How to Shop video and more Frequently Asked Questions. Alternatively you can call our Customer Services Team on 0333 7000 703 and they will be happy to help. www.schoolblazer.com Email: customerservices@schoolblazer.com Call: 0333 7000 703 13
HOUSE SYSTEM ASSHETON, CLIFTON AND HESKETH The House System sits at the heart of Rossall and becomes a very important element of school life in terms of community and identity. As pupils enter the School, they will be allocated to one of the three junior houses. House ties, inter-house competitions and friendly inter-house rivalry are all an integral part of the system. ASSHETON CLIFTON HESKETH ROSSALL E X P E C TAT I O N S T H E F O L L O W I N G E X P E C TAT I O N S A P P L Y T O A L L P U P I L S AT ROSSALL JUNIOR SCHOOL: S C H O O L E X P E C TAT I O N S 1. Full school uniform should be worn at all times; this includes games kit as stipulated. Exceptions are made in the summer when specific rules are announced. 2. Hair should be clean, neat and tidy, without artificial colouring or extremes of style. Boys’ hair should not come below the collar or fall across the eyes. Long hair should be clipped or tied back (black or navy hairband) whenever school uniform is worn. 3. No jewellery may be worn, with the exception of one pair of gold sleepers or stud earrings which must be removed for sporting activities. 4. School shoes should be black with a sensible heel. 5. Pupils must not buy or sell goods, or borrow without permission. 6. Pupils should respect all Fire and Health and Safety precautions and be familiar with the routines designed to promote their own safety. JUNIOR SCHOOL CONDUCT CODE I N M Y G E N E R A L B E H AV I O U R I W I L L T R Y T O : • Be polite, well – mannered and respectful • Act sensibly and safely • Use appropriate language • Be honest, even if I have done something wrong • Be trustworthy • Look after my belongings, name appropriately and avoid losing things • Take a pride in my appearance and wear my school uniform correctly 14
A R R I VA L I N F O R M AT I O N WHEN I AM WITH OTHER CHILDREN I WILL TRY TO: • Be unselfish and share with others, taking my turn fairly • Think before doing or saying anything which might hurt someone’s feelings • Include everyone if working in a group or playing games • Not do anything deliberately to upset another child WHEN IN LESSON I WILL TRY TO: • Arrive at my lessons on time • Have the correct books and equipment ready • Wait quietly if the teacher has not arrived, getting on with my work or reading • Listen attentively when the teacher is speaking • Stop talking when the teacher requests • Put up my hand if I wish to speak to the teacher • Get on with my work quickly, using my time effectively • Take an interest in my learning • Listen to what other people have to say and respect their opinions • Take pride in the appearance of my work • Complete my work to the best of my ability • Record Prep neatly and fully in Prep Diary • Remember to take the necessary books and equipment home at the end of the day • Remember to complete my Prep and hand it in on time WHEN AROUND SCHOOL I WILL TRY TO: • Open doors for visitors, staff and other children when appropriate • Walk when in the corridors • Be in the right place at the right time • Keep the school tidy by not dropping litter • Pick up any litter and put it into the nearest waste bin • Line up quickly and sensibly at the end of break and dinner • Only eat or drink where allowed • Play in a safe and sensible fashion • Stay inside the school bounds • Queue in an orderly manner when in the dining hall, eat sensibly and tidy away 15
A R R I VA L I N F O R M AT I O N Y O U R F I R S T D AY SANDERLINGS ROOM (3 MONTHS - 2 YEARS OLD) Please arrive at the Nursery entrance from 8.00am and bring with you any additional information you have completed.You will need to bring a bag with spare clothes, bottles, soothers and anything else you think your baby will need to settle during the day. Routines will have been discussed with yourself during your child’s settling-in session. SANDPIPERS ROOM (2 - 3 YEARS OLD) Please arrive at the Nursery entrance from 8.00am and bring with you any additional information you have completed with you. We will require a named bag with a spare change of clothes and any additional items, as discussed. These items are to be left on your child’s peg and are to be replaced if necessary. Wellington boots and waterproof pants or puddle suits should be brought in for wet weather, and the blue school coat should be worn. Morning sessions end at 1.00pm (with lunch) and afternoon sessions end at 6.00pm PRESCHOOL (3 - 4 YEARS OLD) Please arrive at the main Nursery entrance from 8.00am and bring with you any additional information you have completed with you. We will require a named bag with a spare change of clothes and any additional items, as discussed. These items are to be left on your child’s peg and are to be replaced, when necessary. Wellington boots and waterproof pants or puddle suits should be brought in for wet weather and the blue school coat should be worn. Your named PE kit (if requested) needs to be brought in a named bag, and placed on your child’s peg. Morning sessions end at 1.00pm (with lunch) and afternoon sessions end at 6.00pm. JUNIOR SCHOOL (4 - 7 YEARS OLD) RECEPTION, YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2 Please arrive from 8.15am at the Junior School (4-7) building entrance, ready for registration at 8.30am. Any new pupils should bring with them the completed personalised booklet. Your named PE kit and swimming kit needs to be brought in a named sports bag. This is to be placed in the cloakroom with your school blue coat and hat. Please bring a school bag to the classroom to put in your reading book and Prep diary. This is to be taken home each evening. It is advisable that a named water bottle is brought into the classroom each day. The School day ends at 3.20pm and wrap-around care is available, with after school clubs until 6.00pm by prior arrangement. JUNIOR SCHOOL (7 - 11 YEARS OLD) YEAR 3 TO YEAR 6 Please arrive from 8.00am at the Junior School entrance ready for Registration at 8.25am. Your named PE kit and swimming kit needs to be brought in a named sports bag. This is to be placed in the changing room. It is advisable that a named water bottle and a healthy snack is brought in each day for breaktime. Please bring with you a branded school bag and a pencil case.You will be taking home each evening a reading book, some prep and your prep diary. The School day ends at 4.00pm with the option of prep-club or enrichment clubs from 4.00 – 5.00pm and activities from 5.00pm to 5.30pm; the School buses departs at 5.25pm Wrap-around care is available in the form of a Breakfast Club in the mornings and After School Clubs including Prep Club until 6.00pm by prior arrangement. Clubs begin in the second week of each term, but pupils may stay until 5.15pm from the first day of term. The pupils may sign into Anchor House for breakfast or tea by prior arrangement. For more information about wrap-around care, please contact the Junior School at juniorhead@rossall.org.uk Drop off and collections procedures may be altered for September. Any changes will be emailed to all parents prior to term commencing. 16
ROSSALL LIFE E A R LY Y E A R S Junior Office: 01253 774222 n.stott@rossall.org.uk F O U N D AT I O N S TA G E : a.trippier@rossall.org.uk NURSERY & RECEPTION N U R S E R Y: S A N D E R L I N G S , S A N D P I P E R S The teachers spend time interacting with children to promote creative and critical thinking skills and early language and communication. EYFS AND PRESCHOOL assessments are carried out throughout the year to record children’s Rossall Nursery is situated in a modern, purpose-built premises within attainment, providing teaching staff and parents accurate and reliable Rossall School where we have created a magical and inspirational judgements about the child’s attainment. environment that is designed to promote curiosity, awe, and wonder. We are an experienced, friendly team that provides a high-quality Nursery At Rossall, we enhance and extend the EYFS programme with our and Preschool experience, where the children are at the heart of everything distinctive, bespoke and highly regarded Rossall curriculum. we do. We believe in providing open-ended learning and exploring opportunities through play, which allows children to create and explore a world that they can master, whilst developing their self-esteem and ACTIVITIES confidence. Weekly swimming lessons are provided to the Reception pupils throughout the year and are taught by a specialist swimming teacher in The Nursery is open for fifty weeks of the year* excluding Bank Holidays. the Rossall Swimming Pool. Additionally, the children receive PE, Spanish After your child has turned two, you have the option of splitting your days. and Music lessons from specialist teachers. The day is divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon with lunch being considered as part of the morning session and a snack included in A variety of activities are managed by the teaching staff in the After the afternoon session. School Prep and Enrichments Clubs, which include dance and movement, Junior (4-7) String Group, arts and crafts, colouring and MORNING SESSION 8.00am to 1.00pm drawing, yoga/mindfulness, and Little iStars, amongst others. Throughout AFTERNOON SESSION 1.00pm to 6.00pm the course of the year the pupils are involved in whole school instrumental and drama performances and are encouraged to take part in Chapel Services and Assemblies. Starting with a minimum of three sessions per week to begin with, upon reaching the age of 3, we recommend at least five sessions per week to Annually all the pupils participate in the Junior School Sports Days, enable your child to experience the full range of activities. the Square Race and a number of inter-house competitions. Parents, grandparents, family and friends are always welcome to attend. *The Nursery is closed for two weeks at Christmas. Exact dates are usually confirmed to parents at the beginning of each academic year. PA R E N TA L I N V O L V E M E N T The school operates an open door policy; there are opportunities for a N U R S E R Y PA R E N T A P P short conversation at drop off and pick up, or if a longer discussion is EYlog enables you to understand your child’s development on a more required an appointment will need to be made through the Junior School regular and real time basis. We will share with you the exciting things that office, please email juniorhead@rossall.org.uk have happened during the day through your child’s learning journey. It is also possible for you to contribute to observations from home too, making As a parent or guardian you are expected to support your child/ children the learning journey even more comprehensive, whilst enabling parents to with daily reading, prep, preparation for Show and Tell and generally be partners in learning and development. encourage your child/children to discuss their daily life in School. RECEPTION CLASS CURRICULUM There is an opportunity to read and review pupil work at the end of each In Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) half term and Academic and Pastoral Parents’ meetings are held each term. programme. Our staff develop early learning goals for each pupil within a dynamic and stimulating environment and there are plenty of opportunities Within the School there are opportunities to be involved in the following for outdoor experiences as these serve to further enhance their learning. committees: All children have plenty of opportunities in the classroom, outdoors and • Friends of Rossall committee in the wider community that inspires a sense of wanting to investigate and • Parents’ Feedback meetings explore. • Christmas Fair committee The EYFS framework covers the main areas of learning: In addition, a Grandparents’ Day, hosted once a year, provides the • communication and language extended family with the chance to visit the school, see the environment • physical development their grandchild is in everyday and review the work that has been done. • personal, social and emotional development • literacy We welcome feedback and regularly host Parent Forums and discussion • mathematics groups. • understanding the world • expressive arts and design 17
JUNIOR SCHOOL Junior Office: 01253 774222 juniorhead@rossall.org.uk YEARS 1 TO 6 CURRICULUM Our approach to the curriculum may be described as ‘discreetly Our Learner Profile (opposite) helps to motivate children and rigorous’ - the pupils enjoy their learning so much that they may not enables them to access the curriculum successfully. even realise the progress that they are making. We believe in learning without limits. Our pupils do not sit SATs From the age of 5 to 11 (Year 1 to Year 6), we deliver a broad examinations but they are assessed regularly and receive positive curriculum that supports the development of independent learning and constructive feedback throughout the year. By setting goals and skills, curiosity and creativity, alongside subject specific rigour. Our targets based upon their own work, they are encouraged to fulfil their curriculum offers all pupils the chance to develop skills, knowledge potential and celebrate their progress. and understanding, thus ensuring that they possess the securest of foundations for success within our Senior School. LEARNING DEVELOPMENT International mindedness (the key to having a better understanding A child’s progress is not linear and there will be times when a little and appreciation of one another) is promoted through the work the additional support is required. Our Learning Development Team children undertake to equip them with skills for the future.Their provides an outstanding quality of support for all children at all stages literacy and numeracy lessons are linked to the work being covered of their education. If you have any concerns about your child’s within the topics and each class rigorously covers phonics work to aid progress, please raise it with the class teacher. them in their reading and spelling. A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES Our inspiring and exciting curriculum covers the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. The foundation subjects of A variety of clubs are held each lunchtime and after school; these are History, Geography, Religious Education, Design Technology, Art, changed on a termly basis and include: Arts and Crafts, Sports, Music, Computing, Music and Physical Education are delivered through an General Interest, Academic Pursuits and Games. engaging approach which is often interdisciplinary and project-based. Physical Education, Music and Spanish lessons are taught by specialist The Enrichment Programme is available to all pupils and there is also teachers. Drama, the arts and science are embedded within a bespoke the opportunity to get involved in the Student Council. Annually all and engaging daily offering. pupils participate in a number of inter-house, school sporting activities and external competitions. Throughout the course of the year the Personal, Social and Health Education is also taught throughout all pupils learn and are involved in a range of musical concerts and drama sections of the School and this complements our outstanding pastoral productions and are encouraged to take part in Chapel Services and care and wellbeing programme. All of this is supplemented by plenty of assemblies. clubs, activities and outdoor learning opportunities. As a Beach School we make full use of the outdoor environment and shore to enhance All pupils in Key Stage 2 experience a Residential Outdoor Education the childrens’ learning. Annually the children will have an Outdoor Programme, encompassing team building and educational visits. There Education Week, where they learn about the environment and enjoy a are also opportunities to embrace international visits. variety of outdoor activities. A holistic approach to learning is adopted in the classroom, with cross BUS SERVICE curricular links and connections; the curriculum focuses on real life contexts which encourages the children to take their learning beyond We provide an extensive School Bus Service for Rossall day pupils the School. living in the Lancashire region that covers the whole of the Fylde, Wyre, Preston and Lancaster areas.The buses arrive at Rossall School at The small classes encourage in-depth learning, focused support and 8.20am each morning and leave at 5.25pm each evening. open ended collaboration. In addition, within the classroom, the pupils have access to a variety of technology to further enhance the learning www.rossall.org.uk/admissions/transport-travel/ experience. 18
Rossall School, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 8JW Telephone 01253 774201 Email admissions@rossall.org.uk www.rossall.org.uk 20
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