Welcome educators to Randstad Education

Page created by Philip Jenkins
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
welcome educators to
Randstad Education
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
the world
of work in
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
  Section 1 ­welcome to                   p17   dress code
  Randstad Education                      p17   phone usage
                                          p17   training & education
   p1 what kind of employment
                                          p18   code of conduct, accountability
      do we offer
                                                & appraisals
   p1 office hours
   p1 work, health & safety               p18   code of ethics
   p2 safety is everyone’s                p18   drug & alcohol policy
      responsibility                      p19   our service standard &
                                                working conditions
  Section 2 areas of competency           p20   pregnancy WPS
   p3    ratios                           p20   conclusion
   p3    mandatory reporting
   p4    supervision                     Section 4 WPS information &
   p4    behaviour management
                                         incidence reporting guidance
   p5    manual handling training
   p5    safer manual han-                p23 participation in injury manage-
         dling of objects                      ment & rehabilitation programs
   p6    infection control                 p24 hazard identification,
   p6    immunisation policy                   risk assessment control
   p7    administration of medications     p25 reporting a hazard, incident,
   p7    first aid                             near miss, accident or injury
   p8    managing food aler-               p26 client incident reports
         gy anaphylaxis                    p27 workplace emergencies
   p8    skin care & sun protection
                                           p28 hazardous materi-
   p8    footwear                              als and substances
   p9    fire & electrical safety
                                          p29 material safety data
                                               sheet (MSDS)
  Section 3 guidelines and                 p30 safety signs
  agency procedures                        p31 induction checklist
   p11 casual shifts                       p32 declaration of WPS re-
   p13 on-site induction                       sponsibilities
   p14 completing a timesheet              p35 professional development
   p14 payroll & taxa-                     p37 locations & office contact details
       tion information
   p16 other responsibilities
        for agency members
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
section 1
welcome to
Randstad Education
             Congratulations on becoming a                       office hours
             Randstad Education employee!                        Your consultant will advise you of
             We’re glad to have you on board                     the opening hours of the Randstad
             with our Education division. This                   Education office you are working for.
             handbook has five sections —
                                                                 • Outside office opening hours, we
             please read them all carefully
                                                                   have an afterhours service that
             to help make your working
                                                                   manages calls around shift filling,
             life as successful as it can be.
                                                                   availability, emergencies etc.
             Working within the education                        • You should call your consultant
             sector we are positioned as the                       during business hours for
             industry leader by ‘Shaping the                       any queries — see the last
             World of Education’. We do this                       page of this book for your
             by helping people find the right                      local office contact details.
             job, helping contribute to society
             and the community in which we                       work health & safety
             live and work, and influencing                      Randstad’s method and values
             industry to set high standards,                     shape the way we work to achieve
             best practice and benchmarks.                       our vision of being the number one
                                                                 recruitment & HR services company,
             what kind of employment                             both locally and across the globe.
             do we offer?                                        For us this means number one in
             casual work                                         people practice. Importantly, to
             Casual agency work is available                     achieve this in Australia, Randstad
             across our entire network of offices                Pty Ltd underlines the importance
             and the majority of agency work                     in meeting its legal and social
             involves minimal notice, relying                    responsibility of providing and
             very much on your availability                      maintaining, so far as is reasonably
             at the time a shift is offered.                     practical, a safe and healthy
                                                                 working environment and
             permanent work                                      appropriate support mechanisms
             We offer a permanent placement                      for all employees, including
             service — please ask your consultant                temporary employees, contractors,
             if you would like more information.                 sub-contractors, customers and
             Maybe they have the permanent                       visitors (Randstad Work Health
             job you never thought to ask for.                   Safety & Welfare Policy).

Randstad Education | section 1 — welcome to Randstad Education
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
safety is everyone’s responsibility     For more information on WHS,
You must be committed to safety.        please see sections 2 & 4.
For your own safety, and the
safety of your work colleagues          We hope you enjoy working with us.
and clients, we expect your
commitment to include:                  Thank you for shaping the
                                        world of education.
• Reading the rest of this handbook,
  and asking your consultant about
                                        good to know you
  anything you don’t understand.
• Following any on-site
  safety rules and signs.
• Reporting any unsafe incident or
  practice to your on-site supervisor
  and your Randstad Consultant.
• Not doing any work you feel
  is unsafe, or is outside of your
  regular duties as communicated to
  you by your Randstad Consultant.

our commitment includes:
• This handbook, covering general
  and specific safety information
  for a range of work.
• Conducting regular
  Workplace Safety Inspections
  to make sure the site and
  the work you do is safe.
• Supporting you in the
  event of injury and illness
  sustained while at work.
• Randstad has in place an
  Employee Assistance Program
  (EAP) available to all employees.

                                                                             Page 2
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
section 2
areas of competency

             This section provides information             • if children disclose something to
             on the key areas of competency                  you, this is grounds for a report.
             required to work in the early                 • child abuse includes physical, sexual
             childhood and education industry.               and emotional abuse including
             It is also very important that all              neglect and domestic violence.
             candidates read and understand                • if you have a suspicion or a child
             section 2 of this booklet.                      makes a disclosure to you, you
                                                             must write your concerns down in
             ratios                                          detail, sign and date it. You must
             There must be at least 2 staff                  speak to the Nominated Supervisor
             with the children at all times,                 who will assist you in making
             both inside and outside.                        a report or deciding whether a
                                                             suspicion is reportable. (Please note
             The ratios for staff to children are :          this is not to be discussed with any
             0-2 yr olds: 1 adult per 4 children 1:4         other staff members. If unsure
             2-3 yr olds: 1 adult per 8 children 1:8         please contact your Randstad
             3-6 yr olds: 1 adult per 10 children 1:10       Education Branch Manager).
             OOSH – 1 adult per 15 children 1:15
                                                           • if a child discloses information
             Victoria only                                   to you, under no circumstances
             0 - 3 yr olds: 1 adult per 4 children 1:4       are you to question the child
             3 - 6 yr olds: 1 adult per 15 children 1:15     or seek further details from the
                                                             child. Write down exactly what
             mandatory reporting                             the child says and take this to
             All staff in Early Childhood /                  the Nominated Supervisor.
             Schools are mandatory reporters
             of child abuse. Meaning if you                supervision
             suspect or witness behaviour                  Educators must supervise children
             relating to or suspecting abuse               closely at all times to ensure they
             to a child you must report this.              are safe. This means scanning the
             • it is the ‘suspicion’ of child              environment, spreading out from
               abuse that must be reported                 other staff, monitoring activities and
               however there must be some                  taking into account the ages and
               basis for making a report.                  developmental levels of all children.

Randstad Education | section 2 — areas of competency
Welcome educators to Randstad Education
Educators are not to undertake         or behaviour management
other tasks whilst they are meant      issue immediately as it arises.
to be supervising the children. This
                                       Educators are not to use the
means tasks that would affect their
                                       terminology ‘naughty’ or
ability to supervise effectively.
                                       label children in any way.
Educators must interact in a           Conflict is to be used as an
meaningful way with the children,      opportunity for learning
not sit somewhere watching them.       not for punishment.
Educators are not to leave the         Educators are to inform a
children without telling another       permanent staff member of any
staff member where they are going      conflict or behaviour management
or without checking that ratios will   issue. Accident reports must be
still be maintained. For example, if   completed if a child is hurt in
you need to go to the bathroom,        any way, in any circumstance.
make sure there are enough staff
                                       If a parent/carer asks who hurt
present. If there isn’t, ask someone
                                       their child, educators must let
to replace you while you leave.
                                       them know it is confidential and
Accidents/Incidents: if a relief       refer them to the room leader.
staff member is present when
                                       If at any time an educator feels
an accident or incident occurs,
                                       unable to handle a conflict or
they must fill out the accident
                                       behaviour issue then they must
form and have it witnessed by a
                                       ask for assistance immediately
permanent staff member. The form
                                       from a permanent staff member.
must be taken to the Nominated
Supervisor to read and sign.
                                       manual handling
behaviour management                   Manual handling is the biggest single
                                       cause of workplace injuries and is a
Educators are expected to read
                                       significant risk within our industry.
and adhere to centres/schools
behaviour management policy.           Manual handling describes every day
                                       activities such as carrying, rolling,
No threats of any kind are to
                                       pushing, lifting and lowering loads.
be used with the children.
Educators are expected to deal
with any conflict between children
                                                                               Page 4
* Please ensure you follow                   3. lift slowly and smoothly. Use your
             the centre/schools policy and                   legs to perform the lift. Do not
             procedures. If in doubt — ask                   use jerking type movements.
             a permanent staff member.
                                                          4. carry the load close to your body
                                                             therefore placing less pressure
             safer manual handling of objects                on your lower back. Do not twist
             As people working in the early                  and turn your body at the same
             childhood and education industry                time. Turn using your feet.
             we are now very aware of safe
             manual handling. However,                    5. when placing the load down
             we need to remember safe                       — remember to use your legs.
             manual handling principles when                Do not bend your back.
             dealing with objects as well.              Failure to follow these steps, could
             If the transfer method you are             lead to serious injury, namely:
             using cannot be done by you                • back muscle strain
             alone, get help right away.                • rupture or hernia
             DO NOT TRY TO MANAGE                       • damaged discs
             BY YOURSELF!
                                                        Equipment should be in good
             To lift and carry objects in a             working order and appropriate for
             safe way, follow these steps:              the work area. Any faults or damage
                                                        must be reported immediately to the
                1. examine the load. Assess and         host and your Randstad consultant.
                   plan the lift. If the load is too
                   heavy, get help. If possible, get    infection control
                   a firm footing and keep feet
                   apart for stability, approximately   Infection control measures minimise
                   shoulder width apart.                the transmission of infections
                                                        or prevent cross infection. Staff
                2. bend your knees and hold             have a personal and professional
                   the load firmly with both            responsibility to practice infection
                   hands. Grasp the load at             control procedures at all times.
                   opposite corners. Keep the           Under OH&S guidelines, all
                   load close to your body and          staff including temporary staff
                   tense your stomach muscles           also have a legal responsibility
                   in preparation for the lift.         to adhere to infection control

Randstad Education | section 2 — areas of competency
guidelines. It is your responsibility      It is important to ensure staff
to ensure when completing an              and clients are protected against
orientation to a facility that you        transmission of infection or
are made aware of facility infection      cross infection of diseases.
guidelines and adhere to them.            report any cases to host and
                                          your Randstad consultant.
Effective infection control measures
are to treat all persons as potentially
                                          immunisation policy
infectious without discrimination.
Please ensure you follow standard         We recommend anyone working
precautions at all times, including:      within the Education industry
                                          consults with their GP for
• reading and understanding
                                          information on immunisation
  site infection control
                                          and vaccinations.
  policies and procedures.
• follow hand washing guidelines.         administration of medications
• the appropriate use of protective       Please refer to centre/schools policy
  apparel including gloves as
  per facility guidelines.                • as a blanket rule, casual Educators
• the appropriate use of cleaning           are not to administer medication
  agents and protocols for                  without consent from a supervisor
  occupational exposure to                  or permanent staff member.
  blood and body substances.
                                          first aid
• waste management — always
  follow correct disposal procedures.     To administer first aid you must
                                          hold a current first aid certificate
• always cover lesions at work.
                                          or work according to guidelines
In case of an accident where bodily       for your qualifications. It is your
fluids are to be dealt with, staff        responsibility to maintain a
are to follow ‘Infection Control          current first aid certificate and
Guidelines’ as detailed at the            CPR certificate and supply a copy
work site or according to current         to your Randstad consultant to
training. Ensure these guidelines         update your file. Please contact your
are shown to you as part of your          Randstad consultant for further
induction to the work site.               information on how to obtain your
                                          first aid certificate. You may be
                                          required to administer first aid.
                                                                                  Page 6
If you hold a first aid certificate,      circulation: Check if the casualty has
             it is your responsibility to:             a pulse. If the person is not
             • assess the situation.                   breathing, mouth-to-mouth
                                                       resuscitation should be commenced.
             • identify any life threatening
                                                       if you are certified to perform CPR
             • prioritise treatment.
                                                       If the person has no pulse,
             • consider that the child may             Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
               have more than one injury.              (CPR) should be commenced.
             • give appropriate treatment
                                                       Proceed to deal with the situation
               according to level of training
                                                       according to your first aid training
               and facility guidelines.
                                                       and the level of your training.
             • notify others/seek assistance.
             • arrange transportation                  managing food allergy &
               via an ambulance to the                 anaphylaxis in Education
               nearest medical facility.               Food allergy is now a real
             • notify your on site supervisor or       phenomenon and many childcare
               organisations on call service.          and school services will at sometime
             • complete all appropriate                care for a child at risk of a severe
               documentation.                          allergic reaction to food. Healthy
                                                       food choices are not always safe
             When faced with an accident or            ones. The foods that trigger 90%
             emergency situation you should            of reactions in Australia are milk,
             follow the DRABC Action Plan:             eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (for example
             danger: Check for danger to you,          cashews, almonds), fish, shell fish
             the casualty or others.                   (for example prawns, lobster and
             response: Check if                        crab), soy, sesame and wheat.
             casualty is conscious.                    It is important to note that any
             airway: Ensure airway                     food that contains a protein can
             is open and clear.                        trigger an anaphylactic reaction.
                                                       For this reason, these foods are
             breathing: Check if the casualty          not to be taken into any education
             is breathing.                             setting including after school care.

Randstad Education | section 2 — areas of competency
Please contact your local consultant     footwear
to ensure you are aware of the           It is a requirement to wear enclosed
state or territory requirement.          shoes at all times. This does not
                                         include highheels. It is prohibited
skin care & sun protection               to wear thongs (flip flops) or open
Australia has the highest rate of        toed sandals. If you are unsure
skin cancer in the world. Two out of     please talk to a consultant.
every three people in this country
will develop skin cancers during         fire & electrical safety
their lifetimes, and every year it       At the commencement of an
kills up to 1,200 Australians.           assignment you will receive training
prevention is better than a cure!        in the event of an emergency
                                         specific to that site. If you do
If you are working outdoors,             not receive this, ask, or notify
it is a legal requirement that           your Randstad consultant.
the following is required:
                                         Keep an eye out for electrical
• hats should shade the head, face,
                                         hazards, including:
  neck and ears, and have
  a broad rim.                           • cracked or faulty insulation
• sunglasses should fit closely to       • equipment that is overheating
  the face and meet Australian           • damp or humid conditions
  standards. Wrap around
                                         Always adopt safe work practices
  style glasses provide the best
                                         when dealing with electricity. If
  protection from UV radiation.
                                         you have wet hands, clothing or
• a broad-spectrum water-                equipment, then dry before use.
  resistant sunscreen should be          Make sure you wear oil resistant,
  applied generously at least            non-conductive footwear.
  20 minutes before going out
  in the sun. Re-apply your              Most work sites have implemented
  sunscreen every two hours.             an electrical safety program within
                                         each workplace. This covers:
remember: You must protect your
                                         • provision of safe electrical
skin at all times, not just in summer!
Staff must encourage the children
wear protective clothing such as         • electrical tagging of electrical
hats and should role model this.           appliances after testing
                                           to ensure compliance.
                                                                                Page 8
• regular inspections of electrical
               appliances within the workplace.

             These cover guidelines that state:
             • non-approved electrical appliances
               must not be brought
               onto the workplace.
             • any instruction for the safe use
               of electrical appliances MUST
               be followed.
             • any electrical appliance
               MUST be tested and tagged
               prior to being used.
             Any electrical equipment not
             supplied by the centre/school,
             for example, personal mobile
             phone chargers, must NOT be
             brought into the workplace
             and used unless inspected.

             training program
             Randstad has training available in
             most areas of key competencies.
             Please contact your consultant to
             discuss our training program.
             This section covers most of the
             day-to-day information required
             for working an agency shift,
             such as protocol on a shift and
             how to complete a timesheet.

Randstad Education | section 2 — areas of competency
Page 10
section 3
guidelines & agency
             Please read carefully as                               ability to fulfil the commitment,
             each state and territory has                           please do not accept the shift.
             different requirements.
                                                                    2. procedure to obtain a casual shift
             casual shifts                                          We will contact you when an
             1. roster availability                                 appropriate assignment/shift
             Casual work is available between                       becomes available and provide
             6am - 7pm, Monday to Friday.                           all the shift details including;
                                                                    • name and address of centre/school
             Please call/email your consultant
             with your availability every Thursday,                 • directions to centre/school
             informing us of your preferred                         • shift start and finish times
             days, shifts and locations.                            • car parking availability
             Contact us if you wish to update or                    • any special work requirements/
             be removed from the availability list,                   client profiles
             unless you notify us otherwise we                      • person to report to on arrival
             will assume you are available for the
             days and shifts originally requested.                  If you agree to work that shift, you
                                                                    will be confirmed to the centre/
             Staff who have recorded availabilities                 school as willing to attend that
             with a vacancy match will be                           shift. Having accepted a shift you
             contacted for work prior to those                      will be expected to attend.
             without recorded availability.
                                                                    If an emergency arises and you are
             If you do not have work on the day                     unable to attend, you must provide
             please contact Randstad Education;                     as much notice as possible. If you
             Early childhood educators please                       are unwell and unable to make an
             call between 7.15 and 7.30am,                          accepted shift, please telephone as
             and school teachers please call                        soon as possible. We operate 24/7.
             between 6.15am and 7.00am                              If running late for a shift, please
             at this time, please ensure you                        notify us with your expected time
             are up and ready for work.                             of arrival. We will in turn contact
             Once you have provided Randstad                        the organisation and notify them.
             with your availability, if unable                      Take a packed lunch to your
             to work for any reason please                          shift in case there is no catering
             telephone us immediately. If there                     close by (no eggs or nuts).
             is any doubt at all about your

Randstad Education | section 3 — guidelines and agency procedures
We may telephone and ask if you are         • always sign in on at the
interested in a particular shift as:          designated site. If available
• you have specifically been                  please use the Randstad
  requested by the client.                    Education ‘casual sign-in book’.
• a booking may match                       • you may be signed to a
  your specialist skills or be                different room or class than
  geographically close to you.                originally allocated.
• we may be experiencing                    The following must be carried
  peak demand.                              with you on site:
Although you may be booked for a            • current qualifications
full shift you may be requested to          • identification badge (Randstad)
complete the shift earlier or later at
                                            • working with children clearance
the client’s request. Please contact
your consultant if this occurs.             4. change of shift times/location/
                                            task when you arrive at the facility
We are committed to giving you at
                                            Any concerns regarding a shift,
least an hours notice of cancellation.
                                            please remember to remain calm
Sometimes a site will cancel at the
                                            and professional at all times.
last minute. It is advisable that you
leave your mobile phone turned on
                                            on-site inductions
right up until the start of your shift in
order for us to contact you and offer       The first time you attend a new site
an alternate assignment if possible.        you must receive orientation/site
Please also have voicemail activated.       induction prior to commencing work.
                                            It is your responsibility to ask for
Please discuss with your consultant         on-site induction if it is not offered.
what is working/not working for
you. Notes will be placed on your           On site induction should include:
file to make sure we are considering        • organisation overview and site
your individual requirements.                 tour – amenities, facilities and
                                              location of equipment etc.
3. when arriving on shift
                                            • shift duties and responsibilities.
• arrive 10–15 minutes prior
  to the start of your shift.               • co-ordinator and supervisor
                                              for the shift.

                                                                                      Page 12
• site specific hazards and safety                     • food handling and meal assistance.
               procedures such as emergency                         • medications and initiating
               evacuation; fire and evacuation                        medications.
               procedures; location of fire exits
                                                                    • personal protective
               and fire fighting equipment
                                                                      equipment and usage.
               and specific job-site related
               information. Emergency                               • incident reporting.
               codes, phone numbers and                             Proof of completion of
               any emergency procedures.                            on-site induction
             • security measures in place for your                  • if available please sign off the
               safety; safe places for meal-breaks                    client site induction form.
               and acceptable area for smoking.
                                                                    • your consultant will contact
               Ask about security arrangements
                                                                      you a number of times
               (e.g. lockers) for your personal
                                                                      each year to consult and
               items. Cash and valuables
                                                                      monitor WHS compliance.
               are your responsibility — you
               should ensure they are well                          Please notify your Randstad
               secured. Don’t take unnecessary                      Education consultant immediately
               items to work with you.                              if an on-site induction
             • location of first aid equipment                      will not be provided.
               and facilities.
             • made aware of children                               completing a timesheet
               with allergies and medical                           There are two methods for
               conditions/procedures.                               completing a timesheet — online or
             • job specific training, hazards                       a paper copy. Your consultant will
               and associated risks with the job/                   advise which one you should use.
               task and associated information                      • record centre/school name, start
               regarding the specific work                            and finish times and hours worked.
               you are undertaking.                                 • for hard-copy timesheets, you must
                                                                      obtain a supervisor’s signature on
             The centre/school policy and                             the timesheet. For a copy of this
             procedures and equipment for:                            timesheet please visit
             • manual handling.                                       www.randstadeducation.com.au
             • challenging behaviour.
             • infection control.
Randstad Education | section 3 — guidelines and agency procedures
• for timesheets completed online,     Please advise us in writing if any
  once you ‘submit’ your hours the     banking or taxation details change,
  client/organisation will authorise   providing at least one weeks notice.
  the hours online before pay day.
• meal breaks are not always           B - School teachers NSW
  paid. Please ensure you check        Schools in NSW are paid fortnightly
  prior to leaving the centre.         by the Department of Education.
• please complete a separate           2. change of name, address or
  timesheet for each individual                telephone number
  centre worked. Any shifts            Don’t forget to notify us immediately
  completed at one centre in           of any of these changes:
  one week can be completed
  on one timesheet.                    • for change of telephone number,
• you must add your “Employee            please inform your consultant
  ID Number” to your timesheet           by phone.
  to avoid a delay in processing.
                                       • address or name-change
                                         notification must be in writing, in
payroll & taxation information
                                         advance, to avoid payslips going
1. payday                                astray and delaying payments.
A - Early childhood/                   3. superannuation
Independent Schools
                                       In accordance with government
Payroll is processed weekly and the
                                       legislation in Australia, Randstad
money is paid directly into your
                                       contributes in line with the
nominated bank account each
                                       superannuation guarantee
Thursday pm (Australia). If there is
                                       contributions to all agency members
a public holiday in NSW it is likely
                                       if they earn more than $450 per
that your pay will be delayed that
                                       month. Ask your consultant if you
week, as pays are processed in NSW.
                                       are unsure which fund will relate
You have the option of receiving       to you, as it will depend on your
your payslips by either post or        role. However you may also choose
email. Payslips are posted by mail     your own superannuation fund by
on on the day you receive your         completing the Super User Choice
payment. Payslips are sent via         form when you receive it in the
email the day after payday.            mail and return it promptly.

                                                                               Page 14
4. taxation                                            South Australia
             Australia — your tax file number                       DECD — (08) 8462 1305
             declaration form must be lodged                        New South Wales
             with Randstad, within 28 days of the
                                                                    DET — 1300 338 001
             commencement of your first shift.
             Australia — when completing the                        *please note: If you are working
             taxation employment declaration                        in government schools please
             form, care should be taken with                        contact your consultant as Randstad
             the question regarding tax-free                        Education is not always responsible
             threshold. Please call the Australian                  for your payroll. Similarly, if you
             Taxation Office on 13 28 61 if you                     are working in an independent or
             require assistance completing                          Catholic school please follow payroll
             the form.                                              procedures in this hand book.

             Do not send us an incomplete form                      other responsibilities for
             — this will cause a delay in processing                agency members
             and must be returned to you.
                                                                    1. remaining an active staff member
             Randstad will send you one Payment                     Membership with Randstad remains
             Summary (previously known as                           current for 12 months from the
             Group Certificate,) following the                      date of your last shift. If you wish to
             end of the financial year, (30th June                  advise your availability after this time
             — Australia).                                          you will need to rejoin the agency
                                                                    by attending an interview again
             5. pay queries
                                                                    and ensuring any competencies/
             early childhood
                                                                    registrations are updated.
             Contact the Payroll Hotline on
             1300 363 377 (Australia) for any                       2. schools
             payroll issues. The hotline operates                   While working in Government
             between 8.30am and 5.30pm                              Schools it is your responsibility
             (AEDST) Monday to Friday.                              to ensure all personal and
                                                                    banking details remain current.
             Department of Education                                If these need to be updated all
             If you have a pay query after                          updates are provided directly to
             working at a public school                             your Government Department,
             please contact the following:                          this includes any changes to
                                                                    your working rights/visa.

Randstad Education | section 3 — guidelines and agency procedures
3. early childhood education            • it is your responsibility to ensure
Each state and territory government       you attend the worksite in
is responsible for the legislation        comfortable clothing appropriate
under which child care services are       to worksite requirements.
licensed. This is administered by the   • clothing must be of a neat, casual
relevant regulatory authority in each     and tidy appearance. Offensive
state and territory. Please contact       slogans and track-suits must not be
your local authority to ensure            worn. No ripped or dirty clothing
you are aware of any legislation          permitted at any worksite.
changes or new requirements in
                                        • simple earrings are acceptable but
the industry. Australian Children’s
                                          excessive piercings and tattoos
Education & Care Quality Authority
                                          should remain inconspicuous.
(ACECQA) are responsible for
the approval of all qualifications.     • agency ID badge must be worn
Please refer to their website for         at all times unless specified at
a current listing of approved             the centre/school site that it
qualifications, if your qualification     must not be visible — in this case
does not appear please contact            it must be carried with you.
ACECQA directly for assessment.         • shoes must be clean and in
Please see below website                  good condition and long hair
for state based contacts and              must be tied back securely.
also ACECQA details.
www.acecqa.gov.au                       phone useage
                                        • please ensure you do not carry
dress code                                your phone with you whilst
• black trousers, skirt,                  working. Personal text/calls must
  culottes or long shorts.                only be taken on your breaks.
• collared shirt covering shoulders
                                        training & education
• runners and work boots are
  acceptable. No thongs, open-          • Randstad Education provides
  toe shoes, high-heels.                  professional development
                                          opportunities to enable you to
• a hat must be worn at all
                                          update your skills and knowledge.
  times during outdoor play.
                                          Key competencies are mandatory
                                          and are to be updated yearly.
                                          Upcoming notification may be
                                                                                Page 16
advised on payslips. Everyone is                    code of ethics
                encouraged to be proactive about
                                                                    Randstad Education
                their professional development.
                                                                    follows the Early Childhood
                Attendance will be documented for
                                                                    Australia code of ethics.
                future reference and a certificate
                of attendance provided.                             • respect
             • we appreciate any information                        • democracy
               regarding further education                          • honesty
               completed independently                              • integrity
               of the agency so we can
                                                                    • justice
               update your personnel file.
                                                                    • courage
             code of conduct, accountability                        • inclusivity
             & appraisals                                           • social responsiveness
             The following standards are based                      • cultural responsiveness
             on the premise that all children                       • education
             can expect to be provided with
             professional services by appropriately
             qualified and experienced
             staff. Each educator/teacher is
             accountable for his/her practice.                      For further information please
                                                                    contact ECA: 1800 356 900
             code of conduct                                        www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au
             • all staff must work within
               the boundaries of their                              drug & alcohol policy
               job specification.                                   Randstad has a no smoking policy
             • all agency members are expected                      on its premises. While on a centre/
               to demonstrate current knowledge,                    school site you are required to
               skill and care at all times.                         observe the client’s smoking policy.
             • skylarking and practical jokes                       The consumption of alcohol
               are prohibited in the workplace.                     within Randstad or a client/
               Engaging in skylarking or practical                  organisation site without the
               jokes can cause serious injuries.                    full knowledge and consent
               This practice may also result in                     of the manager is strictly
               instant dismissal or removal from                    forbidden. Similarly, attendance
               a client/organisation’s work site.
Randstad Education | section 3 — guidelines and agency procedures
at work or work functions              equal employment opportunities
under the influence of alcohol         (EEO) objectives
or drugs is strictly forbidden.        We are committed to achieve the
                                       following EEO objectives by ensuring:
Please note: Any failure to comply
with safe working instructions         • all employees and temporaries/
could lead to the cessation of           contractors are treated fairly.
your assignment or the possible        • the potential of every employee
termination of your employment.          and temporary/contractor is
                                         fully utilised and developed.
our service standards &                • all policies and procedures are
working conditions                       consistent with EEO principles.
no discrimination                      • employee morale and
We aim to ensure that in the             motivation are improved by
application of all company policies,     increasing staff confidence
practices and procedures, no             in the fairness of our human
discrimination takes place and           resource practices and access to
all employees and temporaries/           employment opportunities.
contractors enjoy equal access to
                                       • the objectives of our EEO
opportunities within the company.
                                         program are achieved which
The basis of employment decisions
                                         includes the training of all staff
is the individual merit of employees
                                         on EEO and related issues.
and temporaries/contractors.
                                       investigation of complaints
no harassment
                                       Complaints of discrimination or
We aim to ensure no sexual,
                                       harassment will be taken seriously
racial, religious or other kinds of
                                       by the company. The complaint will
harassment occur in the workplace.
                                       be investigated in an empathetic,
no bullying                            fair and confidential manner.
We aim to ensure no bullying           Action will be taken to ensure the
occurs in the workplace.               harassment stops. Appropriate
                                       warnings or disciplinary
no vilification
                                       action will be taken where
We aim to ensure no vilification
                                       discrimination or harassment
occurs in the workplace.
                                       is found to have occurred.

                                                                               Page 18
grievance handling procedure                         conclusion
              The company grievance handling                       We hope you find agency work
              procedure details the action                         meets your objectives and enhances
              employees and temporaries/                           your career. The very nature of
              contractors can take if they feel                    agency work is both challenging for
              that they have been discriminated                    you and for us. We ask you assist us
              against or harassed. All managers                    in meeting our clients’ expectations
              will also act in the capacity of an                  as they impact on everyone.
              EEO contact officer; employees                       Remember, when you are
              and temporaries/contractors can                      working an agency shift, you
              speak to their Randstad manager                      are promoting yourself as well
              about raising an issue or making                     as representing Randstad. We
              a complaint, if they so wish.                        strive to deliver a quality service
              Further information about                            to both our agency members and
              the equal opportunity and                            our clients, and in doing so we
              harassment and grievance-                            welcome any feedback from you.
              handling procedure program can                       As a representative of Randstad,
              be viewed via our websites:                          please remember to:
              http://www.randstad.com.au/grievance                 • be punctual and reliable.
                                                                   • have an appropriate uniform
              pregnancy WPS
                                                                     and good grooming.
              If you are undertaking a temporary
                                                                   • be flexible to adapt to
              or contract assignment through
                                                                     the client’s environment,
              Randstad and are pregnant, there
                                                                     culture and standards.
              may be additional health and safety
              requirements to ensure yours and                     • have a friendly smile and good
              the baby’s welfare. It is important for                sense of humour while on staff.
              you to discuss this with us as early as              The WHS Act clearly states that the
              possible so we can assist with ensuring              employer (Randstad) and the centre/
              both the employer’s and employee’s                   school (Randstad’s clients) has a duty
              duty of care are protected. Randstad                 of care to provide a healthy, safe
              may, at its discretion, request                      and hazard-free work environment.
              medical clearance for particular                     This means the provision of training,
              assignments or for assignments                       information, instruction and
              within the six-week period before                    supervision to ensure a safe place
              and/or after the birth of your child.                of work and safe systems of work.

Randstad Education| section 3 — guidelines and agency procedures
Page 20
section 4
WHS information &
incidence reporting
             participation in injury management                              temporary employees
             and rehabilitation programs.                                    Temporary employees are legally
                                                                             required to protect their own health
             Randstad has:
                                                                             and safety and to avoid adversely
             • legal responsibility to take all                              affecting the health, safety and
               reasonable steps to ensure                                    welfare of any other person.
               the client has controlled
               potential risks/hazards to our                                You will contribute by:
               temporary employees.                                          • following the policies and
             • to monitor workplaces/practices                                 procedures implemented by
               and conditions to eliminate                                     Randstad and its clients.
               or minimise hazards.                                          • having a positive attitude to safety.
             centres/schools must:                                           • ensuring you are familiar with the
                                                                               work environment, including first
             • provide a safe working
                                                                               aid and fire/emergency procedures.
               environment, safe systems
               of work, and equipment                                        • making sure you know how
               that is in safe condition.                                      to do the job safely.
             • provide client site-specific                                  • reporting any hazards and
               inductions that include the                                     communicating any concerns
               provision of information,                                       regarding job safety.
               instruction, training and                                     • doing the role you were booked
               supervision to ensure the safety                                for. Any changes to the work
               of temporary employees.                                         environment or tasks must
             • ensure when a temporary                                         be approved by Randstad.
               employee is injured while                                     The Randstad management team
               performing work on a client site,                             is committed to, and encourages,
               the provision of suitable alternative                         open lines of communication
               duties within the capacity of the                             between temporary employees
               injured temporary employee and                                and themselves on all matters.
               participate in the rehabilitation
               process, wherever possible.

Randstad Education | section 4 ­— whs information & incidence reporting guidance
consultation                              employees irrespective of where
Consultation should occur when            they work. Temporary employees
decisions are made that directly          are therefore required to attend
affect the health and safety              a Randstad induction prior to
of temporary employees.                   commencing their first assignment/
                                          shift and are expected to work in a
Randstad is responsible for ensuring
                                          safe and sensible manner at all times.
regular consultation, however you
are also encouraged to contact
                                          hazard identification, risk
your Randstad consultant to
                                          assessment & control
discuss any issues you may have.
                                          what is a hazard?
Randstad is committed to                  A hazard is something that has
consultation and co-operating             the potential to harm the health
with temporary employees on               and safety of people at work.
all health and safety issues.
The consultation process will involve     As a temporary employee you have
the sharing of information and            the responsibility to identify and
the exchange of views to provide          report all hazards at any client site
the genuine opportunity for all           where you are working. This is
to contribute effectively to the          also to be reported to the client’s
elimination or control of risks.          onsite coordinator/supervisor and a
                                          Randstad representative immediately.
Regular consultation provides
a free flow of information and            stay alert for hazards
gives all temporary employees the         • overheating equipment
opportunity to discuss WHS issues.        • trip hazards (hole in
induction                                   floor, cords etc)
Randstad places great emphasis            • accumulated rubbish
on the prevention of work-related           (poor housekeeping)
accidents and illness. Our safety         • incorrect disposal of sharps
induction is part of the company’s
                                          • overloaded electrical
orientation and prevention strategy
for all new temporary employees.
                                          • storage of flammable material
The induction covers all safety aspects     near a heat source
of WHS applicable to temporary
                                          • electrical wiring defects (cracked
                                            insulation on cord etc)
                                                                                   Page 22
• explosive dangers (spilt flammable                            implement any necessary changes,
               liquid, flammable vapours, dust etc)                          and if required implement a safe and
             • failure to switch off equipment                               effective Return to Work program.
               when not being used                                           All Randstad employees who
             slips, trips & falls                                            are involved in an incident or
             Slips, trips and falls are among the                            accident at work are required
             most common workplace accidents                                 to have an ‘Incident/Accident
             and often occur due to hazards.                                 Report Form’ completed — which
             Below are some things to remember:                              your Randstad consultant will
                                                                             complete on your behalf when
             • slow down when travelling
                                                                             you call to notify of the accident.
               across greasy or wet surfaces.
             • hold on to railings and ensure                                workers compensation
               slippery surfaces are cleaned                                 Randstad’s temporary employees are
               up or made less hazardous.                                    covered by Workers Compensation/
                                                                             ACC. Randstad is bound by the
             • make a point of choosing
                                                                             provisions of the Rehabilitation
               non-slip footwear.
                                                                             and Workers Compensation Act,
             Report all damaged, slippery or                                 and therefore is responsible for
             hazardous surfaces to a Randstad                                all claims administration and
             consultant or on-site client                                    rehabilitation processes.
             representative immediately.
                                                                             Temporary employees who
                                                                             are injured at work and wish
             reporting a hazard, incident,
                                                                             to lodge a claim MUST contact
             near miss, accident or injury
                                                                             Randstad immediately after
             Phone Randstad immediately                                      the accident or injury occurs.
             All accidents require reporting and
             some accidents require immediate                                All claims will be investigated by
             reporting by law. In order to do this,                          Randstad’s dedicated WPS team.
             once the supervisor/coordinator at                              A claim may be further investigated
             the site has been advised, notify                               by a formal investigator as part
             Randstad immediately so we can                                  of normal internal procedures.
             fulfil our legal obligations. This is                           This will involve the temporary
             essential in allowing Randstad to                               employee, the client/organisation
             direct you to appropriate medical                               and any other relevant parties, being
             treatment, assess the accident/injury,                          interviewed by the investigator.
Randstad Education | section 4 ­— whs information & incidence reporting guidance
It is an offence to provide false or     Information required when
misleading information about a           completing incident reports includes:
claim. You must provide Randstad         • what happened?
with a Workers Compensation
                                         • location of incident.
Medical Certificate with any claim
to cover all time lost from work due     • time and date of incident.
to the workplace related injury.         • who was present?
                                         • precursors to incident/what
client incident reports                    happened before the incident.
An incident report is an official        • who was involved?
document detailing an unusual
                                         • any injuries as a result
event or an incident, which may
                                           of the incident?
affect the safety of clients, staff
and/or the general public. Most          • any property damage.
client sites will have a procedure       • seriousness of incident.
for incident reporting.                  An incident report is used to:
When you commence any shift, it is       • alert managers to problems
your responsibility to ensure you are      so assistance can be given to
aware of the reporting procedures          reduce the likelihood of the
and requirements of that workplace         incident happening again.
in relation to major issues/incidents.
                                         • put strategies in place to
Incident reports must be concise,          deal with specific issues.
specific and should not contain          • provide means of quickly
subjective language such as personal       identifying additional needs such
opinions. All client-required incident     as extra support or training.
reports must be completed as soon
                                         • provide a picture of developing
as possible and before leaving the
                                           behaviour patterns.
work-site at the completion of the
shift where the incident occurred.       • provide both positive and negative
You should take a copy of any              information on staff performance.
client incident report you complete      • provide a safeguard for
and after reporting the incident           both clients and staff.
to your Randstad consultant, you
                                         Remember, you are completing
must also provide a copy of the
                                         a legal document. An incident
client incident report to Randstad.
                                         report can, at any time, be

                                                                                 Page 24
tendered as evidence in legal                                   injury to personnel, visitors and
             proceedings. Do not include                                     temporary employees. Please
             personal opinions of the incident.                              ensure you are aware of the site
                                                                             emergency response procedures
             At all sites, there are approved first-
                                                                             where you are working.
             aid facilities and qualified personnel
                                                                             You must also ensure you are
             in case of an injury or emergency.
                                                                             aware of the location of fire
             The aim is to ensure personnel who                              extinguishers, evacuation procedures
             suffer possible injury receive quick,                           and assembly points. Policy and
             efficient and effective first-aid.                              procedure manuals are available
             • seek medical attention                                        at all facility-based shifts.
               where required.                                               The following are examples
             • if an injury occurs at your                                   of emergencies that could be
               workplace, no matter how small,                               encountered at a work site:
               inform your on site supervisor and                            • serious fire
               Randstad consultant immediately.
                                                                             • explosion
               It is imperative you have
               immediate contact with Randstad,                              • gas leak
               as soon as it is safe to do so.                               • major chemical or
             • if further medical treatment                                    flammable liquid spills
               is required — your on-site                                    • bomb threat
               supervisor and Randstad                                       • earthquake
               consultant will give specific
               directions to manage the transfer                             Once you are safe and have dealt
               or transportation of the injured                              with the emergency as required by
               person to a medical provider.                                 the client/organisation’s emergency
                                                                             response procedures, advise your
             workplace emergencies                                           Randstad consultant immediately.
             An emergency is any sudden and
                                                                             hazardous material & substances
             unexpected event demanding
             immediate attention.                                            ‘Hazardous substance’ means a
                                                                             substance that is (a) listed on Work
             In the event of an emergency,                                   Safe Australia’s List of Dangerous
             all client sites have formal                                    Hazardous Substances, or that is
             emergency action plans to prevent                               (b) determined to be a hazardous

Randstad Education | section 4 ­— whs information & incidence reporting guidance
substance by the manufacturer        gradual onset symptoms:
or importer of the substance on      • vomiting, diarrhoea
the basis of Work Safe Australia’s
                                     • feeling sick
Approved Criteria for classifying
Hazardous Substances.                • headaches, dizziness
                                     • skin problems
There are four ways a hazardous
substance can enter your body:       • allergies
1. inhaled — breathed in             • long-term disease such as
                                       birth defect or cancers
2. ingested — swallowed
3. absorbed — through the skin       identifying hazardous substances:
4. injected — needle or sharp       • inspect the workplace and check
    object entering your skin          the labels.
                                     • tell your supervisor if any chemical
hazardous substances could be:
                                       or substance is causing
• cleaners and solvents                you problems.
• disinfectants                      • ask your supervisor about
• garden sprays                        the chemicals you use. Find
• other chemicals                      out if they are dangerous.
• dusts or solids                    Viewing the Material Safety
• body fluids                        Data Sheet (MSDS) can do this
                                     for each of the substances
Hazardous substances can             that are located on-site.
cause either sudden injuries or
gradual onset of injuries.           Warning labels must be on
                                     all containers for hazardous
sudden injury symptoms:              materials. Information is given
• burns                              in words, symbols or pictures,
• poisoning                          and must be written in English.
                                     Information includes:
• coughing
                                     • a word to describe how hazardous
• sore eyes
                                       the substance is e.g. POISON.
• suffocating
                                     • dangerous goods class to tell
                                       you the major hazard posed by
                                       substance e.g. FLAMMABLE GAS.

                                                                              Page 26
• advice on physical risks, health                              MSDS registers should be
               risks, directions for safe use, first-                        located within close proximity
               aid procedures and emergency                                  of hazardous substance(s)
               procedures. Also reference to the                             being used. If unsure, ask your
               Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).                            supervisor or contact Randstad.

             material safety data sheet (MSDS)                               safety signs
             MSDS are used internationally to                                Safety signs advise what you
             provide the information required                                must do to be safe. They will
             for allowing the safe handling of                               be different colours, shapes
             substances. MSDS’s assist employers                             and have different pictures.
             to discharge their general duty of                              Colour and shape tells
             care to employees by providing                                  you if the sign is:
             them with information on the
             hazardous substances they are
                                                                                          A prohibition sign:
             working with and the hazards
                                                                                          Red and white on
             associated with those substances.                                            a circle with a diagonal
             They are able to give you the                                                bar
             following information:                                                       A caution sign:
             • use of hazardous substances                                                Yellow and black on a
               correctly and safely.                                                      triangle
             • understanding of safety                                                    A safety sign:
               recommendations and the rationale                                          Green and white
               for these recommendations.                                                 on a rectangle
             • recognise symptoms                                                         A mandatory sign:
               of over-exposure.                                                          Blue and white on
                                                                                          a circle
             Suppliers of hazardous substances
             are responsible for the provision
             of MSDS’s that the manufacturer
             or importer has prepared.

Randstad Education | section 4 ­— whs information & incidence reporting guidance
Page 28
induction checklist
  candidate name: _________________________________________________

  A Randstad consultant will ensure they go through an induction with you prior to
  commencement of your first shift and ensure you have been inducted thoroughly into
  the following topics. Please tick each box below to confirm you have been inducted on
  each topic:

  q welcome to Randstad Education                                                   q on-site induction
  q agency contact hours                                                            q timesheet instructions
  q manual handling                                                                 q pay queries
  q food allergies                                                                  q tax file number & Banking
  q first aid                                                                       q change of personal details
  q skin care and sun protection                                                    q dress code & appearance
  q nappy changing procedure                                                        q accountability
  q staff to child ratios                                                           q confidentiality
  q use of mobile phones                                                            q drug & alcohol policy
  q availability for work                                                           q WHS responsibility & Randstad Policy
  q sign-in and sign-out                                                            q hazard identification, risk assessment
  q extension, shift changes & cancellation of shifts                               q undertaking employment with
  q ID badges                                                                           Randstad clients
  q qualifications and police check

  I, ............................................................................., have been inducted prior to
  commencement of my first shift in the above operational procedures and the WHS
  policy and procedures of Randstad.

  signature...................................................................... date........................................

  Randstad representative name..................................................................................

declaration of WHS

  I have read and understood the agency guidelines handbook.

  I understand and agree that my safety and the safety of work colleagues is my
  responsibility, and as such I agree to:

  Follow any on site safety rules and signs.

              a always ensure I read and understand on site inductions
                — site and job specific information.

              a ensure an induction is completed by the host employer on
                commencing the assignment.

              a ensure if an induction is not provided Randstad is notified
                immediately and work is not commenced until this is resolved.

              a participate in additional on site inductions provided by clients.

              a always wear the necessary equipment for personal protection.

              a report any unsafe hazard, incident or practice to my site
                 supervisor and Randstad consultant.

              a report any workplace injuries to my site supervisor before
                 leaving the site, as well as my Randstad consultant.

  Please initial each of the above points and sign below.

  signature...................................................................... date........................................

                                                                                                                                 Page 30
    professional development
    Randstad Education can help you attain
    • Certificate III in Children Services
    • Diploma in Children Services
    • Certificate IV in Outside School Care

    For more information please visit www.randstadeducation.com.au

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             Page 32
locations & office
contact details
      contact us anytime
      Randstad Education has 11 offices across Australia offering
      a dedicated education recruitment solution in regional and
      metropolitan areas.

      Sydney Early Childhood      T +61 (0) 2 8238 0200
      Sydney Schools		            T +61 (0) 2 8238 0240
      Newcastle		                 T +61 (0) 2 4032 7388
      Melbourne Early Childhood   T +61 (0) 3 8630 7400
      Melbourne Schools           T +61 (0) 3 8630 7406
      Adelaide			                 T +61 (0) 8 8468 8021
      Brisbane			                 T +61 (0) 7 3337 5230
      Canberra			                 T +61 (0) 2 6132 3888
      Darwin			                   T +61 (0) 8 8923 4388
      Perth			                    T +61 (0) 8 9320 1688
      Hobart			                   T +61 (0) 3 6212 7588

      My consultant is

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