Wednesday 26 & Thursday 27 May 2021 - QT Hotel, Gold Coast - Australian Airports Association
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WELCOME It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2021 Australian Airports Association’s (AAA) biennial Pavements and Lighting Forum, at the QT Hotel on the Gold Coast. The AAA Pavements and Lighting Forum forms part of the AAA’s commitment to provide the aviation industry with comprehensive technical training. This year, the Forum will feature a larger exhibition area with more space for networking between sessions. With a view to increase networking opportunities throughout, there will also be an Exclusive Evening Networking Event taking place on the Wednesday night and a tour of Gold Coast Airport on Thursday. The AAA team and I are looking forward to catching up with you all after what has been an incredibly challenging year. Thanks for your continued support. James Goodwin Chief Executive Australian Airports Association ABOUT THE AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTS ASSOCIATION The Australian Airports Association The AAA facilitates co-operation (AAA) is a non-profit organisation among all member airports and founded in 1982 in recognition of their many and varied partners in the need for one coherent, cohesive, Australian aviation, whilst contributing consistent and vital voice for to an air transport system that is safe, aerodromes and airports throughout secure, environmentally responsible Australia. and efficient for the benefit of all Australians and visitors. The AAA represents the interests of more than 330 airports and The AAA is the leading advocate for aerodromes Australia wide – from appropriate national policy relating local country community landing to airport activities and operates to strips to major international gateway ensure regular transport passengers, airports. freight and the community enjoy the full benefits of a progressive and The AAA also represents more sustainable airport industry. than 120 aviation stakeholders and 2 organisations that provide services to airports.
Partnering with leading Airports across Australia Fulton Hogan are leading contractors in airport pavement construction, surfacing and maintenance. Experts in heavy duty pavement construction, we combine our extensive technical knowledge and experience to deliver complex projects. We provide whole-of-life pavement management services at international, domestic, regional airports and defence facilities. Find out more here:
STAY CONNECTED AT THE AAA PAVEMENTS AND LIGHTING FORUM Enjoy complimentary WiFi You can find the Australian Airports Association on Network: QT-EVENT social media Password: QTEvents Tag your event social posts with #PL2021 Being COVIDSafe is everyone’s responsibility. Please follow COVIDSafe practices when attending the forum and exhibition. The safety of delegates, speakers and staff is our highest priority. You will be required to check in each day using the ‘Check In Qld App’ upon arrival at the QT Hotel using the provided QR code. This is a Queensland Government requirement. AIRFIELD GROUND LIGHTING it’s what we do Airports must be operational around the clock, avoiding unnecessary downtime and making every second count. You can count on the service experts from ADB SAFEGATE to keep your systems running 24/7. • Turnkey solutions • Design • Manufacture, supply and installation • Service and maintenance • Training • Annual technical inspections For all your AGL requirements and turnkey solutions, contact us at or +61 (3) 8545 1600. Airfield. Our Field.
T H A N K Y O U T O O U R PA R T N E R S Platinum Partner Premium Partner Event Partner Event Partner Event Partner & Coffee Station and Event Partner Catering Partner Exclusive Evening Printed Program Partner Lanyard Partner Networking Event Partner 4
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY O N E W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY 0 8 15 - 0 9 0 0 R E G I S T R AT I O N A N D E X H I B I T I O N O P E N 0900-0905 MC WELCOME Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast 0905-0908 A A A CHIEF EXECUTIVE WELCOME James Goodwin, Chief Executive, Australian Airports Association 0 9 0 8 - 0 9 10 A A A N AT I O N A L C H A I R M A N W E L C O M E Tom Ganley, National Chairman, Australian Airports Association 0 9 10 - 0 9 15 F U LT O N H O G A N W E L C O M E Michael Thompson, National Manager — Airports/Defence, Fulton Hogan 0 9 15 - 0 9 4 5 U N D E R TA K I N G A I R P O R T P R O J E C T S & D E A L I N G W I T H C O V I D -19 Donna Ghoussain, Safety, Quality, Environmental and Injury Management Manager — Infrastructure Services, Fulton Hogan • Planning phase • Implementing the system of works • Team leadership – COVID in play 0 9 4 5 -10 15 IMPLEMENTING THE CH A NGE FROM ACN-PCN TO ACR-PCR Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast • New ICAO pavement strength rating system • Examples of changing a PCN to a PCR • Cost and benefit to industry 10 15 -110 0 D E S I G N I N G PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G A R O U N D N O N - C O M P L I A N C E S A N D CONSTRAINED BUDGETS Chair: Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast David Alm, Principal Electrical Engineer Manager, Aviation and Power (SA), GHD Matt Glenn, Aviation Director-Airfields, Aurecon Australia Iain Lobegeier, Aerodrome Inspector, Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) • The interactions between competing requirements that make absolute compliance inpractical and unaffordable • When is a non-compliance a technicality and when is it important? • The importance of investing in some level of conceptual design before fixing budgets • Where there are non-compliances, who/how do we accept them as being insignificant? • How does ‘budget constraint’ impact the MOS terminology of ‘as far as practicable’ which is the cut off between doing something that is ‘preferred’ and doing ‘the otherwise limit’
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY O N E W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY 110 0 -113 0 MORNING TEA AND EXHIBITION 113 0 -115 5 M E L B O U R N E A I R P O R T TA X I W AY Z U P G R A D E Henry Ashton, Associate Project Manager, Donald Cant Watts Corke Tying new taxiway pavement into an operational runway (including pavement opportunities presented by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic) • Expedient pavement construction methodology to deliver new intersection with RWY 09/27 whilst maintaining operations • Modifications to methodology to support 32-hour closures • Opportunity to undertake five-day closures following COVID-19 impacts with benefits to all parties • Opportunity to fund refurbishment of TWY Echo during 12-week closure through savings realised from extended runway closure 115 5 -12 2 0 C H A L L E N G E S F O R P R O O F R O L L I N G D U R I N G A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T CONSTRUCTION Hudson Anstee, Project Engineer Pre Contracts — Airports and Specialised Pavements, Downer • The importance of proof rolling • The challenge of smaller rollers and larger aircraft • Potential solutions to improve proof rolling capacity 12 2 0 -12 4 5 E X P E D I E N T PAV E M E N T S F O R A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T W O R K S Luc Ramalinga, Chief Operating Officer, Antoun • Technical review and analysis of the delivery of expedient pavements over a 10-year period. • Review of numbers over this period including gains in strength, reduction in delivery time and operational constraints of airfields • Lessons learnt and the performance of laboratory performance of samples from each project • Future of delivery of expedient pavements and commercial — how can this work for airports? 12 4 5 -13 10 UPGR ADING MELBOURNE AIRPORT’S AGL INFR ASTRUCTURE Peter Parsons, Senior Program Manager, Melbourne Airport Scott Bailey-Erturk, Airfield Technical Manager, Melbourne Airport • Lighting upgrades to LEDs and full compliance with MOS 139 CAT III, with addition of IHP lighting • Major upgrade of AGL control system to support addressable taxiway lighting and other benefits • Coordination with ASA to support update including INTAS adaptation • Planned delivery of automated MOWP segmentation via ILCMS to improve operational control of works areas
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY O N E W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY 13 10 -1410 LUNCH AND EXHIBITION 1410 -16 0 0 BR E A KO U T S ES S IONS • PAV E M E N T S • AERONAUTICAL GROUND LIGHTING 16 0 0 -16 3 0 AFTERNOON TEA AND EXHIBITION 16 3 0 -17 0 0 U S C A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T R E S E A R C H P R O G R A M U P D AT E Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast • Four years of the APRP • Outcomes • Ongoing work • Return on investment 17 0 0 D AY O N E A N D E X H I B I T I O N C O N C L U D E S 17 15 -2 0 15 E VENING NETWORKING FUNCTION Downer, delivering high quality airfeld projects For more information email us today
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY O N E W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY PAV E M E N T S B R E A K O U T S E S S I O N S 1410 -14 2 0 WELCOME Richard Cowley, Pre-Contracts Manager, Fulton Hogan 14 2 0 -14 4 0 A LT E R N AT E S T O F L E X U R A L S T R E N G T H F O R A I R P O R T C O N C R E T E A C C E P TA N C E T E S T I N G Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast • The traditional approach and its cost • Alternates • Lab and field trials at Brisbane Airport 14 4 0 -15 0 0 A I R C R A F T PAV E M E N T — A I R C R A F T W A N D E R I N G I M PA C T I N D E S I G N C O N S I D E R AT I O N Louisa Pang, Principal Civil Engineer, Mott McDonald • Understanding of aircraft wandering impact to airfield pavement • Theoretical sensitivity check on airfield design with and without wandering impact across airfield — runway, taxiway and parking apron • Sensibility in adopting the wandering impact adjustment and FAA design principle • Consistency in design approach across industry in relation with FAA AC150-5320-6F — What is FAA’s advice? 15 0 0 -15 2 0 D E F I N I N G A U S T R A L I A N R I G I D C O N C R E T E PAV E M E N T D E S I G N A N D CONSTRUCTION PR ACTICE Sean Jamieson, Civil Engineer, Department of Defence • Australian practices for rigid airport pavements • Design tools and slab sizing • Joint types and details • Concrete strength 15 2 0 -15 4 0 D E V E L O P M E N T O F A D E C I S I O N S U P P O R T T O O L F O R A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T S Ian Thompson, Senior Principal — Pavements, People & Places Solutions, APAC, Jacobs • Airport pavement management • Decision support tools • Pavy • Examples of use 15 4 0 -16 0 0 T H E B E N E F I T O F J O I N T H E AT E R S F O R A I R P O R T S U R F A C E C O N S T R U C T I O N Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast • Hot, warm and cold joints • Joint heaters • Field trial of the effects and benefits
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY O N E W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY A E RO N AU TI CA L G RO U N D LI G H TI N G B R E A KO U T S E S S I O N S 1410 -14 2 0 WELCOME Michael Walter, Sales Manager, ADB Safegate 14 2 0 -14 4 0 AGL COMPE TENCY FR AME WORK - ALIGNMENT WITH AUSTR ALIAN I N D U S T R Y S TA N D A R D S Mark van Zomeren, Manager Airfields Section, Assistant Director Estate Engineering Policy, Estate & Infrastructure Group, Department of Defence • The need for specific AGL competencies • Proposed AGL competency types • Existing AIS competencies & the gap • Gaining competencies • Next steps 14 4 0 -15 0 0 C A S E S T U D Y: A G L S Y S T E M S I N M O D E R N A I R F I E L D P R O J E C T S Daniel Anile, General Manager of Projects and Operations, ADB Safegate • Importance of Full Turnkey Contractor • Stakeholder management • Key risks and challenges 15 0 0 -15 2 0 SAGL AND AS/NZS 30 0 0’S ‘COMPLIANCE BY SPECIFIC DESIGN’ David Alm, Principal Electrical Engineer Manager, Aviation & Power (SA), GHD • AGL arrangement is not covered by AS/NZS 3000 • Process and responsibilities are not well understood by industry • Requirement to prove compliance is being better enforced by regulator and asset owners 15 2 0 -15 4 0 G E N E R A L D I S C U S S I O N A R O U N D T H E I N D U S T R I E S (O N G O I N G) N E E D F O R C O M P E T E N C Y B A S E D T R A I N I N G F O R N E W ( A N D E X I S T I N G) AERONAUTICAL GROUND LIGHTING TECHNICIANS Craig Bradley, Head Trainer, Airways Training Services • Reducing risk in the airfield workplace • 17 Stages of AGL competancy • Competancy process outcomes • Basic Airfield Lighting Course • Responsibilities of PCBU 15 4 0 -16 0 0 HOW TO APPROACH NON-COMPLIANCES FROM A DESIGNER’S PERSPECTIVE David Ashwell, Lead AGL Designer, Beca • How design non-compliances can be addressed by designers • How construction non-compliances can affect project outcomes • Recent project examples of non-compliances on a project
Exclusive Evening Networking Event W E D N E S D AY 2 6 M AY 2 0 2 1 5 .15 P M - 8 .15 P M Join us for canapes and drinks at the stunning outdoor venue ‘The Green’ at QT Hotel. With the poolside paradise lapping nearby, this fun and relaxed setting is the perfect spot to network with your industry peers. Event Partner Gold Coast Airport Tour T H U R S D AY 2 7 M AY 2 0 2 1 1. 3 0 P M - 3 P M ( B U S D E P A R T S F R O M Q T H O T E L AT 12 . 3 0 P M ) Gold Coast Airport is one of Australia’s fastest growing airports, now welcoming more than 6.5 million passengers each year. The airport is the gateway to Australia’s premier tourist destination and its unique location services both South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
INNOVATIVE PAVEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR THE AVIATION & ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE INDUSTRIES With over 20 years experience, we are the premier pavement services company in Australia. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES: • ASIC Approved Escorts • Line Removal & Pavement • Runway Rubber Removal Cleaning • Anti-Slip and Fuel Resistant • Pavement Rejuvenatiotn Treatments • Laser Texture Depth Testing • Project Management • Skid Resistance Audits • Friction Testing & Reporting • Pavement Retexturing • Concrete Curing Compound Removal • Aviation Line Marking • Landside / Airside Works • Taxiways, Aprons, Runways Find out more on our website Contact us on 0477 022 675 We are located at stand booth 1
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY T W O T H U R S D AY 2 7 M AY 0800-0830 R E G I S T R AT I O N / I N F O R M AT I O N D E S K A N D E X H I B I T I O N O P E N 0830-0900 MC WELCOME Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast 0835-0905 S U N S H I N E C O A S T E X PA N S I O N P R O J E C T — PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G Jimmy Low, Leader – Aviation, Tonkin • Project Summary • Pavements — dredging, flexible, rigid, trapezoidal grooves and friction • Lighting — ALER, CMS and ATC interface, Medium Intensity Runway LEDs, runway starter extension 0905-0935 L E A D I N G T H E P R O J E C T T E A M W H I C H D E L I V E R E D A U S T R A L I A’ S F I R S T S T O N E M A S T I C A S P H A LT R U N W AY P R O J E C T Salomon Kloppers, Manager Airport, Central Highlands Regional Council (Emerald Airport) • An innovative project delivery governance structure • Saving money through an iterative costed design process • Technical difficulties that had to be overcome in working on the site and with Stone Mastic Asphalt and how they were overcome 0 9 3 5 -10 2 0 B A L A N C I N G S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y W I T H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T S Chair: Jimmy Low, Leader – Aviation Tonkin Phillip Bell, Civil Engineer, ACG Australia Jerry Tan, Blended Products Manager, Downer Jaco Liebenberg, Senior Technical Director, Aviation and Pavement Engineering, GHD • The desire for sustainable pavements • The opportunities for sustainability • The risk and benefits • The impediments to introducing sustainable pavements to airports 10 2 0 -10 5 0 MORNING TEA AND EXHIBITION 10 5 0 -112 0 N O R F O L K I S L A N D A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T R E PA I R / R E S U R F A C I N G A N D LIGHTING REPL ACEMENT Kieren Moss, Director, Aileron Edge • Complexity of project delivery in a remote location in the midst of a global pandemic • Importation of all materials • Pavements both flexible and rigid • Lighting replacement ALER, CMS, Medium and Low Intensity Runway LEDs, runway starter extension
PAV E M E N T S A N D L I G H T I N G F O R U M P R O G R A M D AY T W O T H U R S D AY 2 7 M AY 112 0 -115 0 E S T I M AT I N G T H E VA L U E A N D C O S T O F T H E A U S T R A L I A N A I R P O R T PAV E M E N T A S S E T B A S E Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast • The area, type and thickness of the pavements at all of Australia’s 511 paved airports was estimated • The value was estimated based on the replacement cost and the cost was estimated based on typical maintenance life cycles and rates • The results quantify the ongoing investment required to maintain this critical infrastructure is an acceptable condition 115 0 -115 5 CHAIRMAN CLOSE Tom Ganley, National Chairman, Australian Airports Association 115 5 -12 0 0 MC CLOSE AND WR AP UP Dr. Greg White, Director, Airport Pavement Research Program, University of the Sunshine Coast 12 0 0 -12 3 0 LUNCH AND EXHIBITION 12 3 0 -13 3 0 B U S E S T O D E PA R T Q T H O T E L T O G O L D C O A S T A I R P O R T 13 3 0 -15 0 0 GOLD COAST AIRPORT TOUR Tonkin is a leading provider of integrated, multidisciplinary engineering services for airport operators. We have a long, successful history in aerodrome design and construction, dating back to the original Kangaroo Island Airport upgrade in 1984. We connect our clients across Australia with exceptional outcomes in: • Geometric design of runways, taxiways and aprons • Pavement design • Electrical and lighting design • Drainage upgrades • Civil and structural components • Procurement, project management and contract administration • Construction phase services • Master-planning and grant funding assistance. Jimmy Low Leader - Aviation
Join us in Sydney for the AAA National Conference 2021 Hear from aviation experts, network with peers and discover the latest airport innovations advancing the sector. F I N D O U T M O R E AT A I R P O R T S C O N F E R E N C E . A S N . A U
MEET OUR SPEAKERS D AV I D A L M DANIEL ANILE HUDSON ANSTEE Principal Electrical Engineer General Manager of Projects Project Engineer Pre Contracts Manager, Aviation and Power and Operations, ADB — Airports and Specialised (SA), GHD Safegate Pavements, Downer David has worked with GHD since Daniel Anile has a background in Hudson Anstee is a Pre-Contracts August 1997, having worked with electrical engineering. From delivery Engineer in Downer’s Airport and the Commonwealth’s Business Unit of largescale turnkey projects, he Specialised Pavements team and Works Australia and its has worked closely with a large has been involved in the design and predecessors since completing number of airports, contractors and construction of airfield pavements for an electrical engineering degree in consultants across Australia, New five years. 1983. Zealand and the Pacific to deliver high-quality airfield lighting systems Hudson is a chartered civil engineer David has significant design, from design through to and an approved Aerodrome Safety documentation and construction commissioning. Inspector. experience in aviation infrastructure which he has Daniel has most recently completed In 2020, Hudson commenced a developed over the past 30 years, the Brisbane Airport NPR project for Research Masters at the University of particularly AGL field installation, ADB Safegate and has worked on the Sunshine Coast as part of the power supply, control systems and many other large scale AGL projects University’s Airport Pavement 400 Hz ground power. both in capital cities and Defence Research Program to investigate the bases throughout his 13 years in compaction and proof rolling of David has contributed to aviation the industry. Australian airfield pavements. projects within Australia, Asia Pacific and the Middle East, has presented at international AGL conferences and has provided training on AGL to several short courses presented here in Australia and overseas. He is currently a member of the AAA’s AGL TWG.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS HENRY ASHTON D AV I D A S H W E L L S C OT T B A I L E Y- Associate Project Manager, Lead AGL Designer, Beca ERTURK Donald Cant Watts Corke Airfield Technical Manager, Melbourne Airport Henry is an Associate Project David has nine years of experience in As the Airfield Technical Manager, Manager at Donald Cant Watts electrical engineering consulting Scott is responsible for the Works Corke and has extensive design and supporting major airport projects and Operations Coordination, SME for delivery experience specialising in including airfield ground lighting. He Airfield Lighting and Commissioning major civil infrastructure projects. has a strong technical knowledge of Airfield projects. Scott has worked at He has 18 years of experience with lighting, airport electrical Melbourne Airport for the past three eight of those managing the delivery infrastructure design and airfield years, the first two of which as an of aviation projects at Melbourne standards. His projects include many Airfield Lighting Officer. Airport and Heathrow Airport. notable clients such as Department of Defence, Melbourne Airport, Gold Four years prior to joining Melbourne Henry is the External Project Coast Airport and Sunshine Coast Airport Scott worked across Australia Manager for the Taxiway Zulu Airport. installing and upgrading airfield Project and has previously project lighting systems. managed the Southern Apron David is the lead AGL designer involved Expansion and Taxiway Victor South in some of the largest airport Projects for Melbourne Airport. in Australia including P0007 National Airfields Maintenance Works (NAMW) Project and the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Project (SCAEP).
MEET OUR SPEAKERS PHILLIP BELL CRAIG BRADLEY DONNA GHOUSSAIN Principal Engineer, Airport Head Trainer, Airways Safety, Quality, Environmental Consultancy Group Training and Injury Management Manager — Infrastructure Services, Fulton Hogan Phil is a qualified Civil Engineer with a Craig Bradley is a Charted Donna has worked in the Masters in Pavement Technology. He Engineering Associate with a construction, manufacturing and has more than 25 years’ experience passion for training, leadership and mining industry for approximately working on airports and civil management. 20 years, bringing extensive infrastructure schemes across operational experience in green, Australia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands, Craig holds an Advanced Diploma in brownfield construction works, Dubai and Mongolia. Phil has Electrical Engineering with a earthworks, superstructures, rail, specialised in airport engineering background in Defence-related airports, coal, Iron-ore, roadwork, design for the past 16 years and electronic and communication traffic management, risk predominately works in developing systems and has been an integral part management, training, investigation, innovative, affordable and of electronic systems training within and emergency response. constructable aircraft assets in the Defence sector for over 15 years. remote, regional and challenging Donna has an ability to lead and locations. Craig also has more than 20 years’ motivate teams by maintaining experience in airfield lighting and has strong relationships with clients and Phil has had lead engineering been involved with AGL projects both all other stakeholders. design and delivery responsibility for domestically and airport projects in locations ranging internationally. She also has a history of from the tropical Pacific Islands to successfully working with frozen central Mongolia and arid operational teams and regions in the Middle East as well as management at all levels, utilising sites around the most remote supporting and implementing the locations in Australia. Phil leads legislative and system ACG’s engineering team which requirements. includes PhD and Master’s level civil and electrical engineers.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS M AT T G L E N N SEAN JAMIESON SALO M O N KLO PPE RS Director Aviation, Airfields, Civil Engineer, Department Airport Manager, Central Aurecon of Defence Highlands Regional Council Matt Glenn is a Principal Engineer in Sean Jamieson is a PhD research Salomon is a finance and investment Aurecon’s Melbourne office and is student at the University of the professional now working in the Director Aviation, Airfields, overseeing Sunshine Coast and Airfield airport industry in Australia. He has all airfield projects globally as well as Engineering Officer in the Royal experience working for listed and providing technical guidance to the Australia Air Force (RAAF). Sean has international investment houses and company’s specialist aviation team. worked at Defence’s Directorate of banking groups in a range of senior Estate Engineering Policy which is roles. Matt has more than 20 years’ responsible for providing airfield and experience specialising in airfield aircraft pavement policy and advice for Salomon has worked for industry design, construction and maintenance Defence’s 28 sealed airfields. associations in both investment and as well as airport and airfield planning. aviation sectors and he has Matt has been involved in a number of In his current role, Sean provides experience working for and managing significant airport projects throughout pavement and spatial assessment of regional airports, delivering capital Australia, New Zealand, South Africa uncertified airfields for RAAF infrastructure projects, as well as and South East Asia. operations. leading diverse local government departments. Among others, he completed a range of programs from the Airports Council International, has a BCom (Hons) in Business Management, a Graduate Certificate in Airport Management and a Master of Aviation Management.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS JACO LIEBENBERG I AIN LO BE GE IE R JIM MY LOW Senior Technical Director: Team Leader, Aerodromes, Leader, Aviation, Tonkin Aviation and Pavement Civil Aviation Safety Authority Engineering, GHD Jaco provides a lead role in the project Iain currently coordinates the Jimmy Low was the Project Manager management and delivery of detailed aerodrome inspectorate that provides (Construction) with the Sunshine aviation design services throughout regulatory oversight of Australian Coast Council (SCC) on the Sunshine GHD. He is an experienced principal aerodromes/airports. Responsibilities of Coast Airport Expansion Project engineer with 24 years’ experience in the role include the review of surveillance (SCAEP). Jimmy has degrees in Civil the design and delivery of heavy duty outcomes and recommendations to Engineering and Pavement pavement-related infrastructure in the delegate for regulatory approval or Technology as well as qualifications Africa, Australia and the Pacific. He exemptions. in project management and airport regularly provides professional advice operations. to various airport and road pavement Prior to the past six years with CASA, projects. Iain managed operations at Prior to working for Sunshine Coast Rockhampton Airport for 11 years. This Council, Jimmy worked with Adelaide Jaco’s involvement in the introduction role included project management of Airport Limited as the Projects and of crumbed rubber chip seals, foamed maintenance and upgrades for all airside Engineering Manager delivering a bitumen stabilised base layers and facilities. He was both burdened and wide range of projects at Adelaide use of recycled construction material assisted in this position by experience in and Parafield airports. Jimmy is on airports pavements in Australia the engineering design offices of now the National Airports Leader indicates his commitment in the Rockhampton and Calliope councils for Tonkin Consulting and continued development of sustainable but high as a municipal engineering designer and to work for Sunshine Coast Council quality, pavements. supervising designer. to complete the final stages of the SCAEP.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS KIEREN MOSS L O U I S A PA N G P E T E R PA R S O N S Director, Aileron Edge Principal Civil Engineer, Senior Program Manager, Mott MacDonald Melbourne Airport Kieren has been instrumental in the Louisa is a Chartered Professional As a Senior Program Manager, successful delivery of airport Engineer of Engineers Australia with Peter is responsible for the delivery of infrastructure projects at airports Fellowship status. She has 18 years critical airfield infrastructure projects across Australia. He has 30 years’ of industry experience specialising in at Melbourne Airport. Peter has been engineering and project construction Heavy Duty Pavement working at Melbourne Airport for the experience. Over the past decade Engineering across all transport past five years leading the Kieren has led consultant aviation sectors including airfield, port and infrastructure planning and design for infrastructure teams in planning, highway. She has been involved in the proposed third runway, while also design and construction of new and various airfield projects in Asia (HKIA, supporting other airfield projects. existing assets. During this time Kieren Changi IA, Macao IA and 2nd Bangkok Peter is a Chartered Civil Engineer and has held the roles of Business Director IA), Australasia (Auckland, Brisbane, has 15 years of experience in the — Airports at Beca, Principal — Airports Melbourne, Gold Coast) and in the planning, design and project (ANZ) at Jacobs and is currently Pacific Islands (Tuvalu, Samoa, management of airfield infrastructure Director of Aileron Edge. In all of these Vanuatu and Tonga). Louisa and has worked on airport projects roles, Kieren has provided airfield specialises in pavement structural located in Australia, UK, Middle East expertise and constructive approach evaluation and assessment, forensic and Africa. contributing greatly to the successful investigation, airfield pavement design, delivery of airport projects. construction supervision and providing independent peer review and expert Prior to his employment with advice. Her recent undertaking was engineering consultants, Kieren was as pavement technical advisor of the the Projects Group Manager at Pacific Island Aviation Investment Brisbane Airport Corporation, Program in 2019. undertaking a range of commissions for major airport infrastructure projects. These ranged from planning studies through to detailed design, documentation and construction.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS LUC RAMALINGA J E R R Y TA N IAN THOMPSON Chief Operating Officer, Antoun Blended Products Manager, Senior Principal — Pavements, Downer People & Places Solutions, APAC, Jacobs Luc’s career in aviation has spanned Jerry has more than 12 years’ Ian is Jacobs’ airfield pavement lead in more than 15 years in leadership experience in design and development the Asia Pacific Region. Recent projects roles within Airfield infrastructure and of asphalt and bituminous products include Brisbane’s new parallel runway, Airport Operations notably as Airfield for Downer with a key focus on driving Olympic Dam new runway, Taxiway Manager at Melbourne Airport for innovation, sustainability and material Zulu at Melbourne and structural more than five years. performance. assessment and strengthening of the old parallel runway at Bangalore. Luc is a qualified Civil Engineer and Jerry currently manages Downer’s has achieved an Executive MBA from Bitumen Blended Products Division Ian has carried out many pavement Melbourne Business School. Luc’s and National Research & Development condition assessments and has an current role as Chief Operating Officer business unit. His oversight of the R&D interest in pavement management is to lead the experienced Antoun team business includes specialist asphalt and sustainability. This has included in supporting clients in the aviation designs for airfield, racetrack and the development of the decision sector to manage their critical assets shipping port applications, in addition support tool “Pavy” — an online in new innovative ways. to recent innovations including 99 per program designed to help airport cent Recycled Asphalt and operators make financial decisions Reconophalt. about pavement maintenance. Jerry has been recognised nationally across the flexible pavements industry for cultivating high-performing technical teams and maximising client project value through strategy development and implementation of innovative R&D.
MEET OUR SPEAKERS M A R K VA N Z O M E R E N GREG WHITE Manager Airfields Section, Director, Airport Pavement Assistant Director Estate Research Program, University Engineering Policy, Estate & of the Sunshine Coast Infrastructure Group, Department of Defence Mark is a skilled Systems Engineer with Dr Greg White is the Director of the more than 14 years’ experience working Airport Pavement Research Program with sustainable energy systems, training at the University of the Sunshine facilities, and airfield infrastructure on Coast. Following a career as an the Defence estate. Mark is currently the Airfield Engineering Officer in the Royal manager of a multidisciplinary team of Australian Air Force, Greg worked for engineers which makes up the Airfields a number of leading Australian design Policy section for Defence Infrastructure. consultants as a Principal Airport Pavement Engineer and then as the With a keen interest in work health safety Technical Manager Airports for one of and the human factors associated with Australia’s leading airport construction electrical systems, Mark is collaborating and surfacing companies. with the AAA on the development of a comprehensive competency framework Greg holds a number of Masters level for all personnel who work directly on degrees, as well as a PhD, all earned AGL systems. in the area of pavement materials and engineering.
VISIT OUR E XHIBITORS Booth 1 Booth 2 Booth 3 Booth 4 T R A I N I N G S E R V I C E S Booth 5 Booth 6 Booth 7 Booth 8 Booth 9 Booth 10 Booth 11 Booth 12 Booth 13 Booth 14
M E E T O U R PA R T N E R S T R A I N I N G S E R V I C E S Platinum Partner Premium Partner Event Partner Fulton Hogan is Australia’s largest and ADB SAFEGATE is a leading Airways Training Services is a privately most experienced provider of runway, provider of airfield solutions that boost run company training aerodrome taxiway and apron construction, upgrade efficiency, improve safety and personnel since 1992. and maintenance services. As specialists environmental sustainability and reduce in airport civil construction, surfacing and operational costs for airports, airlines Specifically, we upskill the Aeronautical maintenance, we provide whole-of-life and ANSP’s. We work with customers Ground Lighting Services sector pavement management services at to identify performance bottlenecks and offering Basic and Advanced airfield international, domestic and regional jointly solve them through integrated ground lighting courses also AGL airports and defence facilities. As airport solutions that improve airport and airline Technicians Competent Person owners and operators balance the performance. These solutions address Courses and Certification. upgrading of infrastructure with the every aspect from approach to departure needs of more passengers, and the – airport traffic handling and guidance, We continue to offer these services demands of new aircraft types, Fulton airfield lighting, tower-based traffic utilising our training instructors with Hogan continues to play a key role in control systems, intelligent gate and wide ranging airport industry supporting the Australian airport market. docking automation, services and experience and knowledge. We understand the extreme performance advanced analytics. requirements of civil infrastructure and The courses will ensure your most the unique demands on their owners and ADB SAFEGATE has more than 1,100 important asset is being looked after operators. Our focus is to work employees across 45 nationalities in by competent staff who continue collaboratively with our customers and 25 countries and operates in more than to adapt with the technology that is design partners to safely deliver 175 countries, serving more than 2,500 implemented in Australia’s thriving quality customer outcomes. Our people, airports globally, from the busiest and airports. equipment and management systems largest such as Atlanta, Beijing, Dubai, offer the broadest range of tailor-made Heathrow, Charles De Gaulle, Airways Training Services ensures your airport solutions. We also appreciate Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Istanbul, New greatest asset is protected. Book your the requirement for many airports to Delhi and Changi to fast-growing airports personnel into a relevant course today. continue operating during construction across Asia and Africa. and upgrade works. Thanks to rigorous Contact Details planning and on-site management, we Contact Details Airways Training Services have an excellent record in meeting the ADB Safegate Australia Samantha Attard day-to-day time demands of our clients. 8/677 Springvale Rd, Office Manager Mulgrave, Vic 3170 PO Box 35, Tullamarine Vic 3043 Contact Details Website: Website: Fulton Hogan Email: Email: Michael Thompson Phone: +61 3 8545 1600 Phone: +61 487 208 180 National Manager – Airports / Defence Website: Email: or Mobile: + 61 419 002 406
M E E T O U R PA R T N E R S Event Partner Event Partner | Coffee Station & Catering Partner Avionics are changing the airfield, At Downer, our customers are at the Downer also provides expert project Defence, Shipping Ports, heart of everything we do. management services, Construction/Transport Systems for engineering advice in soil and Industries throughout Australia, and Our purpose is to create and sustain pavement stabilisation, capital SE Asia. the modern environment by infrastructure upgrades, pavement building trusted relationships with recycling and outsourced facilities Our commitment is to put our customers. Our promise is to management of road, terminal and safety and health above all else. We work closely with our customers to airfield assets. care about our clients, our people help them succeed, using and the communities in which we world-leading insights and solutions. Contact Details work. As experts in our fields, we With a history dating back more than Downer understand the risks attached to 150 years, Downer designs, builds Callum Bollard any project we undertake and work and sustains assets, infrastructure Pre-Contracts Manager — Airports & to mitigate those risks from the and facilities and we are the leading Specialised Pavements start. We have the know-how, tools, provider of integrated services in Road Services systems and process to make your Australia and New Zealand. Website: project a success. Email: At Downer, we are committed to Our vision is to lead the way in first providing high-quality services to or class lighting technology products our commercial and Defence airfield Mobile: +61 418 278 175 and services by harnessing the clients, delivering construction and power of innovation and technology. maintenance of flexible and rigid airfield and landside pavements, as Avionics — Lighting The Way well as HV electrical and AGL infrastructure. Contact Details Avionics Airfield Lighting Downer has a proven history of Daniel Callard successfully delivering these Sales & Marketing Manager services under managing contractor, U6, 10/18 Ocean Street, Botany design and construct, ECI head NSW 2019 contract and construct only Website: commercial models. Email: As one of Australia’s major manufacturers and suppliers of Phone: +61 428 976 628 bitumen-based products, we deliver airfield-grade binders, asphalt and emulsion products to our projects through Downer’s extensive national network of fixed and mobile plants.
M E E T O U R PA R T N E R S Event Partner Printed Program Partner Lanyard Partner RETEX Pavement Services is a Avdata’s expertise in airport data Tonkin is a leading provider of specialist contractor to the airport reporting and billing services has been integrated, multidisciplinary industry providing: built up over three decades of engineering services for airport • Rubber Removal experience in the industry. We began operators. • Friction Testing our billing service in 1989 and now • Pavement Retexturing provide services to more than 180 We have a long, successful history in • Laser Texture Depth Assessment airports across Australia. Avdata aerodrome design and construction, • Linemarking Paint Removal collects and manages air traffic data dating back to the original Kangaroo from multiple sources including audio Island Airport upgrade in 1984. RETEX operate a range of specialised recorders and gives you easy equipment located in most states access to the information you need. Tonkin delivers exceptional outcomes and territories of Australia, providing We specialise in tailored solutions, with for our clients across Australia national coverage to all civil aviation in-house programming capacity so throughout the life cycle of aviation and Defence facilities. All personnel are that our system can be set up to meet facilities, including technical feasibility experienced and ASIC cleared and all your requirements. We understand the of new facilities, engineering design equipment is fully insured for airside challenges faced by local councils and of airside and landside facilities, operations. RETEX can provide a full airport managers and have a construction stage services and asset suite of programmed maintenance long-standing commitment to services management services for existing services for runways and airfield for regional and remote communities. facilities. pavements. RETEX operate a SARSYS Friction Tester delivering fully ICAO Contact Details With extensive experience in compliance test assessments of Avdata regional project delivery, we help airport pavements. This surface Bron Wiseman connect people in rural and remote friction tester delivers real-time hard Chief Operating Officer areas with best-in-class airport copy results for immediate Unit 9C, 189 Flemington Road, solutions. assessment and electronic Mitchell ACT 2911 spreadsheet data for maintenance Website: Learn more about how we can help programming. Your one-stop airfield Email: you at pavement maintenance team. Phone: +61 2 6262 8111 Mobile: +61 490 846 311 Contact Details Contact Details Tonkin RETEX Pavement Services Jimmy Low George Kyriakakis Leader – Aviation | Senior Engineer General Manager Website: 353/52 Currumbin Creek Road, Email: Currumbin Qld 4223 Phone: +61 8 8132 7547 Website: Mobile: +61 436 437 924 Email: Phone: +61 401 909 950
M E E T O U R PA R T N E R S Exclusive Evening Networking Event Partner We may not be the biggest but we are Contact Details the best. Queensland Airport Lighting Website: Queensland Airport Lighting provides Email: specialist support services for all Phone: +61 7 4775 6711 airfield lighting-related requirements. We utilise tested and proven processes and methods for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of all infrastructure assets. Using innovation, and technology, combined with our “One Team Approach” mentality we are considered benchmark service providers capable of delivering a holistic life cycle expectation for new or existing facilities. Our commitment to Industry Best Practice is unparalleled by any other organisation. Products and Services: • AGL Asset Maintenance Planning & Monitor • AGL Asset Condition Appraisal & Risk Management Evaluation • AGL New Facility Construction • Pilot Activated Lighting Controls • Pit & Duct Construction • Cable hauling using dynamometer • Primary Circuit evaluation • GPS/GIS Interactive Maintenance Systems • AGL Control & Monitoring Systems • Technical Auditing
MEE T OUR E XHIBITORS T R A I N I N G S E R V I C E S Booth 2 Booth 5 Booth 12 ADB SAFEGATE is a leading provider of Airways Training Services is a Airport Lighting Specialists has been airfield solutions that boost efficiency, privately-run company training providing comprehensive services to improve safety and environmental aerodrome personnel since 1992. aerodromes since 1990. sustainability and reduce operational costs for airports, airlines and ANSPs. Specifically, we upskill the Our staff have extensive experience in The company works with customers to Aeronautical Ground Lighting Services airport lighting, with technical training identify performance bottlenecks and sector offering Basic and Advanced and practical knowledge to support our jointly solve them through integrated airfield ground lighting courses also products. solutions that improve airport and AGL Technicians Competent Person airline performance. These solutions Courses and Certification. Airport lighting is our only business. address every aspect from approach to We can supply everything needed to departure – airport traffic handling and We continue to offer these services light your runway, from project guidance, airfield lighting, tower-based utilising our training instructors with packages to spares and assistance. traffic control systems, intelligent gate wide ranging airport industry and docking automation, services and experience and knowledge. We are proud to offer Australian made advanced analytics. project packages which include LED The courses will ensure your most runway, taxiway and PAPI lights ADB SAFEGATE has more than 1,100 important asset is being looked after manufactured locally by Airport employees across 45 nationalities in by competent staff which continue Lighting Specialists. 25 countries, and operates in more to adapt with the technology that is than 175 countries, serving more implemented in Australia’s thriving Contact Details than 2,500 airports globally, from the airports. Airport Lighting Specialists Pty Ltd busiest and largest such as Atlanta, Mike Fisher Beijing, Dubai, Heathrow, Charles De Airways Training Services ensures Factory 5 / 20 Peel St, Eltham, Gaulle, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Istanbul, your greatest asset is protected. Victoria 3095 New Delhi and Changi, to fast-growing Website: airports across Asia and Africa. Book your personnel into a relevant Phone: +61 3 9432 0511 course today. Contact Details ADB Safegate Australia Contact Details 8/677 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, Airways Training Services Vic 3170 Samantha Attard Website: Office Manager Email: PO Box 35, Tullamarine Vic 3043 Phone: +61 3 8545 1600 Website: Email: Mobile: +61 487 208 180
MEE T OUR E XHIBITORS Booth 11 Booth 4 Booth 13 We are an internationally diverse civil Avionics are changing the airfield, COLAS Australia combines local construction and engineering business Defence, shipping ports, knowledge with the expertise from which focuses on bringing advanced construction/transport systems for being part of a world-leading transport technologies and innovative solutions industries throughout Australia and infrastructure group, to provide our to our clients. As the authority in South East Asia. customers with safe sustainable mission-critical infrastructure, our solutions for their airport pavements. specialised and experienced team Our commitment is to put safety and This is achieved through our local utilises our E6 Methodology® to solve health above all else. We care about subsidiary companies with the infrastructure challenges for your most our clients, our people and the provision of spray sealing and asphalt important assets. For our clients, this communities in which we work. As contracting in conjunction with means a job done right with minimal experts in our fields, we understand pavement preservation solutions such loss of revenue, whether that’s dealing the risks attached to any project we as Microsurfacing and Sealcoat. As a with the complexity of replacing undertake and work to mitigate those fully integrated bituminous materials concrete slabs on your aprons and risks from the start. We have the business we are also able to offer taxiways overnight or restoring critical know-how, tools, systems and specialised binders for use in airport infrastructure. process to make your project a environments. success. Contact Details Contact Details Antoun Our vision is to lead the way in first COLAS Australia Luc Ramalinga class lighting technology products Unit 2, 3-5 Gibbon Road, Chief Operating Officer and services by harnessing the power Winston Hills, NSW 2153 Email: of innovation and technology. PO Box 184, Winston Hills, NSW 2153 Mobile: +61 419 750 291 Website: Avionics — Lighting The Way. Contact Details Avionics Airfield Lighting Daniel Callard Sales & Marketing Manager U6, 10/18 Ocean Street, Botany NSW 2019 Website: Email: Mobile: +61 428 976 628
MEE T OUR E XHIBITORS Booth 3 Booth 7 At Downer, our customers are at the Downer also provides expert project Fulton Hogan is Australia’s largest and heart of everything we do. Our purpose management services, most experienced provider of runway, is to create and sustain the engineering advice in soil and taxiway and apron construction, upgrade modern environment by building pavement stabilisation, capital and maintenance services. As specialists trusted relationships with our infrastructure upgrades, pavement in airport civil construction, surfacing and customers. Our promise is to work recycling and outsourced facilities maintenance, we provide whole-of-life closely with our customers to help management of road, terminal and pavement management services at them succeed, using world-leading airfield assets. international, domestic and regional insights and solutions. With a history airports and defence facilities. As airport dating back more than 150 years, Contact Details owners and operators balance the Downer designs, builds and sustains Downer upgrading of infrastructure with the assets, infrastructure and facilities and Callum Bollard needs of more passengers, and the we are the leading provider of Pre-Contracts Manager — Airports & demands of new aircraft types, Fulton integrated services in Australia and Specialised Pavements Hogan continues to play a key role in New Zealand. Road Services supporting the Australian airport market. We understand the extreme performance At Downer, we are committed to Website: requirements of civil infrastructure and providing high-quality services to our Email: the unique demands on their owners and commercial and Defence airfield or operators. Our focus is to work clients, delivering construction and collaboratively with our customers and maintenance of flexible and rigid Mobile: +61 418 278 175 design partners to safely deliver airfield and landside pavements, as quality customer outcomes. Our people, well as HV electrical and AGL equipment and management systems infrastructure. offer the broadest range of tailor-made airport solutions. We also appreciate Downer has a proven history of the requirement for many airports to successfully delivering these services continue operating during construction under managing contractor, design and upgrade works. Thanks to rigorous and construct, ECI head contract and planning and on-site management, we construct-only commercial models. have an excellent record in meeting the day-to-day time demands of our clients. As one of Australia’s major manufacturers and suppliers of Contact Details bitumen-based products, we deliver Fulton Hogan airfield grade binders, asphalt and Michael Thompson emulsion products to our projects National Manager – Airports / Defence through Downer’s extensive national Website: network of fixed and mobile plants. Email: or Mobile: + 61 419 002 406
MEE T OUR E XHIBITORS Booth 8 Booth 10 Booth 6 The HUESKER Group is one of the JJ Ryan Consulting specialises in Orion is a supplier of LED aviation world’s leading manufacturers of infrastructure planning, design, lights for airport and obstruction geosynthetics with a corporate head construction, operations management lighting at commercial airports, Air office located in Gescher, Germany, and and whole-of-life asset management. Force bases, general aviation airports a local Australian subsidiary. We are experts at integrating and obstruction landmarks throughout innovative solutions with our Australia and the Pacific. Orion has HUESKER provides innovative and considerable engineering and been supplying stand alone lighting specialised solutions for roads and operational expertise to deliver various systems since 2004 with our main pavements, earthworks and airside and landside aviation projects, Partner being Flash Technology from foundations, mining, hydraulic providing advice for airport the US. Approach lighting, runway, engineering, environmental operators, airlines, investors, threshold, PAPI, taxiway, apron and engineering as well as industrial developers and regulators. We are Strategic Expedient Aviation Ground and agricultural applications. proud to have designed and developed Lighting are just a few of our Airspace Lab — innovative software products. Stand alone lighting With decades of global experience that combines visualisation of airport systems for windsock, car park, area in rehabilitation and construction of safeguarding surfaces with technical and street lighting are also available. airport pavements, HUESKER offers reviews to mitigate the risk of high-quality reinforcing geosynthetics, impacting protected airspace. Contact Details including the renowned HaTelit® ORION technology for effective asphalt Contact Details Richard Holliday reinforcement which has proven its JJ Ryan Consulting Pty Ltd Managing Director engineering performance at Australian Melbourne Address Unit 36, 30 Mudgeeraba Road, airports. Suite 1.02, Level 1, 10 Ferntree Place, Worongary QLD 4213 Notting Hill, VIC 3168 Website: Contact Details Website: Phone: +61 7 5559 1666 HUESKER Australia Email: Mobile: +61 414 982 116 PO Box 593, Coolum Beach QLD 4573 Phone: +61 3 9850 8979 Website: Email: Gold Coast Address Phone: +61 7 3088 8000 Suite 3/39-41 Nerang St, Nerang, QLD 4211 Phone: +61 7 5536 5905 Sydney Address Level 5, 203-233, New South Head Road, Edgecliff NSW 2027 Phone: +61 2 8252 6597
MEE T OUR E XHIBITORS Booth No. 9 Booth No. 1 Booth No. 14 We may not be the biggest but we are RETEX Pavement Services is a Specialising in crack sealing and the best. Queensland Airport Lighting specialist contractor to the airport pavement preservation treatments, provides specialist support services for industry providing: SuperSealing uses world-leading all airfield lighting-related requirements. technologies to preserve, protect and We utilise tested and proven processes • Rubber Removal transform your pavements. and methods for design, installation, • Friction Testing • Preservation – SuperSealing commissioning and maintenance of all • Pavement Retexturing preserves, protects and infrastructure assets. Using innovation, • Laser Texture Depth Assessment transforms your pavement assets and technology, combined with our • Linemarking Paint Removal to extend their life and look great! “One Team Approach” mentality we are • Heat Island – IPWEA award considered benchmark service RETEX operate a range of specialised winning CoolSeal – cool your providers capable of delivering a equipment located in most states and outdoor work areas and increase holistic life cycle expectation for new or territories of Australia, providing national passenger comfort with the existing facilities. Our commitment to coverage to all civil aviation and Defence award winning and fuel resistant Industry Best Practice is unparalleled facilities. All personnel are experienced, CoolSeal by any other organisation. and ASIC cleared and all equipment is • Recycling – SuperSealing fully insured for airside operations. recycles hundreds of tyres each Products and Services: RETEX can provide a full suite of week whilst extending the life of • AGL Asset Maintenance Planning programmed maintenance services for your pavements & Monitor runways and airfield pavements. • AGL Asset Condition Appraisal & RETEX operate a SARSYS Friction Tester SuperSealings new product range – Risk Management Evaluation delivering fully ICAO compliance test ConSealed crack sealant, GuardTop • AGL New Facility Construction assessments of airport pavements. This and CoolSeal – can help your Airport • Pilot Activated Lighting Controls surface friction tester delivers real-time, adapt for the future. • Pit & Duct Construction hard copy results for immediate • Cable hauling using dynamometer assessment and electronic spreadsheet Contact Details • Primary Circuit evaluation data for maintenance programming. Your SuperSealing Pty Ltd • GPS/GIS Interactive Maintenance one-stop airfield pavement maintenance 13 Wadhurst Drive, Boronia VIC 3155 Systems team. PO Box 2284, Bayswater VIC 3155 • AGL Control & Monitoring Email: Systems Contact Details • Technical Auditing RETEX Pavement Services Phone: +61 3 9801 1622 George Kyriakakis Contact Details General Manager Queensland Airport Lighting 353/52 Currumbin Creek Road, Website: Currumbin Qld 4223 Email: Website: Phone: +61 7 4775 6711 Email: Mobile: +61 401 909 950
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