Ward-based learning in a pandemic: an approach to
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Future Healthcare Journal 2022 Vol 9, No 2: 1–7 ORIGINAL RESEARCH COVID-19Ward-based learning in a pandemic: an approach to ensuring sustainable medical education for healthcare students Authors: Charlotte Patterson, A Kerry Calvo,B Ruth SilvertonC and Alison RodgerD The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused significant disruption has lasted 17 months.1 The pandemic is anticipated to continue ABSTRACT to medical education, requiring those involved in its delivery to to have a profound impact on educating healthcare professionals. radically revise teaching programmes to ensure continuation It requires those of us involved in their education to adapt and of delivery of training to future healthcare professionals. rapidly develop innovative and sustainable methods of teaching We describe our experience of implementing an infec- and learning to ensure learners can still receive adequate training, tion teaching programme on a COVID-19 ward at a London pass exams and, most importantly, go on to provide safe and teaching hospital affiliated to University College London effective care for patients in the future. (UCL) Medical School during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We Here, we review the literature on novel approaches being performed a scoping literature review of all papers published implemented in medical education across the world in response on medical education delivery in the pandemic between to the pandemic and present several recommendations for January 2020 – May 2021. We used the results from this, ensuring its sustainable delivery. These recommendations were along with our pre-existing knowledge of medical education implemented at a large London teaching hospital heavily affected theory, to summarise 10 key learning recommendations for by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that is affiliated to University planning medical education in a pandemic. College London (UCL) and a major hub for medical education. SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to be the only significant interrup- Our recommendations are summarised into 10 tips, with the aim tion to medical education we see in our lifetimes. We should of creating a practical guide to enable provision of sustainable develop robust and sustainable teaching programmes with the medical education during a pandemic. aim of reducing disruption in the future. A practical solution to medical education in a KEYWORDS: medical education, SARS-CoV-2, ward-based learning, pandemic pandemic, medical students In August 2020, in between the UK’s first and second waves of the DOI: 10.7861/fhj.2021-0186 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic when COVID-19 cases were comparatively low in hospitals, we developed a novel teaching programme for medical students. This incorporated pre-existing medical education theory and evidence with government and hospital Background social distancing guidance. The programme we put together The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused significant global was a blended virtual and face-to-face teaching model to be disruption to medical education, with many UK universities initially implemented from September 2020 to July 2021 for small groups suspending clinical placements for healthcare students for many of 4th year undergraduate medical students who rotated though months, and subsequently limiting clinical contact with patients, a a 2-week long ‘infection, immunity and microbiology’ placement precaution that remains in situ to date and, at the time of writing, at a major London teaching hospital affiliated with UCL Medical School. The main delivery method for face-to-face teaching was at the patient’s bedside, and the students on this programme were to be based on one of the COVID-19 wards in the hospital. They were allocated to ‘teaching bubbles’ of up to five students to limit mixing of groups, and face-to-face clinical teaching with patients/ Authors: Aclinical research and teaching fellow in infectious clinicians was limited to 2–3 students. Tutors moved between diseases, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK bubbles, however, and this was a model used at many universities and University College London, London, UK; Bassociate professor both in the UK and globally.2 All learning in larger groups of medical education, University College London, London, UK; outside bubbles took place virtually on Blackboard Collaborate C nephrology specialty doctor and medical education fellow, (Anthology, Boca Raton, USA), MS Teams (Microsoft, Redmond, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK and University College USA) and Zoom (Zoom, San Jose, USA). The platform used was London, London, UK; Dprofessor of infectious diseases, Royal Free dependent on a combination of user preference and functions London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and University College of the particular platform to suit the teaching type; for example, London, London, UK MS Teams for departmental teaching, Blackboard Collaborate for © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved. 1
Charlotte Patterson, Kerry Calvo, Ruth Silverton and Alison Rodger small group teaching and Zoom for large group lectures. This is Wenger and Meizrow on transformative learning; Sfard’s learning expanded on further in the results section. metaphors; and Kolb’s experiential learning theory.11–16 A After implementing this teaching model, we performed a summary of the key recommendations from the literature review is scoping literature review of articles published between January shown in Table 1 and each is discussed in more detail in the further 2020 and May 2021 containing the MESH terms (medical evaluation section.2–6,9–12,17 education [Title] OR student [Title]) AND (pandemic [Title] OR COVID-19 OR SARS-CoV-2 [Title]). There were 369 results. Non- Further evaluation: The 10 recommendations for English language articles were excluded (n=5). The remaining 364 medical education in a pandemic abstracts were screened for content and identified for full paper screening if they contained practical approaches to delivery of Recommendation 1: Students must feel safe in order to medical education in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Key themes were learn extracted from the abstracts on this basis, and nine papers were In 1943, Maslow published A theory of human motivation.11 He selected on this basis for full paper review.2–10 Papers describing described how basic human needs must be met for learning the impact of the pandemic on medical education but not offering to take place. These include ‘physiological’, ‘safety’, ‘love’, practical suggestions on how to address this were excluded. ‘esteem’ and ‘self-actualisation’, and are often presented as a hierarchy, demonstrated in Fig 1. Since then, his work has been Results heavily revised, critiqued and analysed.18,19 We maintain that We extracted 10 key themes from the identified literature and his work is more relevant in a global pandemic than ever. Many used these, with existing medical education theory and evidence, of us feel less safe than we did prior to the pandemic: might to inform our practice. This included several well-known education we catch SARS-CoV-2 and how will it affect us?6 It is imperative theories, including Maslow’s theory of human motivation; Lave, that students feel physically and psychologically safe when learning in a hospital, in particular when that hospital is filled with Table 1. Ten recommendations for planning medical patients who are highly infectious with a new and potentially education during a pandemic life-threatening disease. How will they learn if they don’t feel safe? If students are worrying about the efficacy of their personal Recommendation Key references protective equipment (PPE), they are unlikely to be able to 1 Students must feel safe in order to learn Maslow, 1943;11 focus on history-taking skills. Maslow’s ‘safety’ (a key factor in Gordon, 20209 human motivation) is removed. In addition to this, their sense 2 Technology should be used to Coleman, 2020;17 of belonging (Maslow’s ‘love’) will be reduced, as medical teams support medical education Gill, 2020;2 were busier than normal, as well as physically and emotionally Sparkes, 2021;3 exhausted with little reserve for teaching students.20 It will Gordon, 2020;9 be far harder for the students to achieve ‘self-actualisation’. Daniel, 2021;10 Their physiological needs may also not be met; hospitals in the Grafton-Clarke, 202116 UK adopted the use of PPE consisting of a minimum of a fluid resistant surgical mask (FRSM), gloves and a gown when having 3 Students must feel like part of the Maslow, 1943;11 contact with any patient. It is far more challenging to concentrate clinical team Kachra, 2020;4 and, therefore, learn when wearing PPE as it can be uncomfortable Lave, 199112 4 Trainees and trainers should be aware Lave, 199112 of potential educational opportunities (‘stimuli’) on the ward and know how Regular feedback on Introducon session to to identify these performance during describe how curriculum virtual tutorials would be met despite 5 Support students to work as volunteers Gill, 2020;2 Tour of ward, introducon the pandemic by name in the global pandemic response Agrawal, 20215 Self- actualisaon 6 Plan for future pandemics and Agrawal, 20215 create sustainable and resilient A WhatsApp group Esteem between students on teaching programmes Tour of the SARS-CoV-2 the rotaon and the ward teaching fellow 7 Increase communications with Kachra, 2020;3 Ensure students are comfortable with the students Agrawal, 20215 current PPE Social 5 8 Flexibility of exam schedules and for Agrawal, 2021 attendance requirements Safety Regular breaks 6 Highlight comfort 9 Recognise potential health Knowles, 2021; facilies implications (both physical and Gill, 2020;2 Physiological mental) for students and respond Katchra, 2020;3 rapidly Gordon, 2020;9 Daniel, 202110 Fig 1. Ensuring that factors influencing human motivation are met 2 during a pandemic and examples of how this can be achieved, based 10 Implement longitudinal clerkships, ie Gill, 2020 on Maslow’s hierarchy of learning needs.11 PPE = personal protective longer placements and less rotation equipment. 2 © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved.
Medical education in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic to wear and creates a barrier to communication, translating as also encouraged to participate in a question-and-answer session a barrier to learning in students’ minds; for example, reluctance on anything to do with SARS-CoV-2 and, for many students, this to go and see patients due to not wanting to wear PPE. Fig 1 opened up another platform for them to raise personal safety presents the approaches we used in our practice to ensure criteria concerns. Finally, their physiological needs (as per Maslow’s in Maslow’s hierarchy were met. hierarchy; Fig 1) were addressed by ensuring regular breaks Self-actualisation describes the ability of our students to become were timetabled, both while on the wards and when in virtual the best versions of themselves and fulfil their potential.11 We sessions to give them a break from PPE that they were potentially aimed to facilitate the students achieving this in two ways. Firstly, unfamiliar with wearing and to give them a break from screens. by ensuring clear intended learning outcomes (ILOs) were set out This approach is supported by many authors in the literature; for at the beginning of their placement. This allowed the students to example, Singh et al propose maximum screen time per day to be clearly see how their placement, despite the disruption caused by limited to 4 hours for learners.26 Comfort facilities, such as toilets the pandemic, would help them achieve their learning goals and and water machines, were highlighted at the start of placements. ‘self-actualise’. Secondly, by defining these ILOs in an introductory By ensuring these basic human needs were met, we aimed to session and directly relating these to the student curriculum, set a secure foundation for learning to take place during the students felt motivated to self-actualise. Maslow describes SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. how the ‘lower needs’ needed to be met in order for this self- actualisation to occur. Esteem was addressed by ensuring that Recommendation 4: Trainees and trainers must be students had regular sessions scheduled in with tutors through aware of potential educational opportunities (‘stimuli’) virtual platforms to optimise feedback. In addition to this, students on the ward and know how to identify these were taken around the ward and introduced by name to all team members to ensure that they felt recognised and to provide a In a workplace environment, students need to identify their own sense of belonging.21 learning opportunities and take a flexible, opportunistic approach to learning.27 We find Anna Sfard’s ‘participation metaphor’ Recommendation 2: The use of technology to support is particularly relevant here.14 Sfard describes an ‘acquisition learning in a pandemic metaphor’ and a ‘participation metaphor’, where the former describes learning as the gaining of knowledge and the latter The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has forced us to embrace technology places the learners as ‘newcomers and reformers’, who become in learning at an accelerated pace, and it will change the way ‘participating members of a community’. Sfard’s participation we work and teach forever. One of the biggest challenges faced metaphor ties in well with socio-cultural learning theory, where by medical educators was facilitating teaching while adopting learning becomes part of our day-to-day practice.15 social distancing in keeping with hospital, medical school and Learning in a ward-based setting provides unique opportunities, government guidance.22 Most UK medical schools advised that that can only be provided by being emersed this environment. We face-to-face teaching should be held in groups of a maximum propose that these should be divided into four broad categories: of two students at a time, or they suspended in-person teaching visual, linguistic, physical and practical stimuli (summarised altogether.2 In addition to this, from June 2020, Public Health in Fig 2). In our teaching programme, students were given an England (PHE) advised that FRSMs had to be worn in healthcare introduction lecture to the ward-based learning component facilities at all times, including any medical school buildings.23 As of their teaching and the concept of the ‘learning stimuli’ was a result, virtual teaching platforms were utilised to deliver medical introduced to the students to ensure they know how to identify education. Grafton-Clarke et al describe the approaches used these learning opportunities. worldwide to deliver medical education virtually in BEME guide These learning stimuli were specifically designed with the no 70.16 pandemic in mind. The normal learning opportunities available on The technologies we implemented are summarised in the ward were significantly reduced, with clinical teams primarily Table 2.24,25 We propose potential advantages and disadvantages occupied with delivering care and there was minimal time to associated with each of these methodologies based on our own support students in their learning, therefore, students would need experience of implementing this teaching programme. to identify these learning stimuli. The work of Lave and Wegner around a socio-cultural learning Recommendation 3: Students must be incorporated theory can be applied to all four of these stimuli.12 Learning into the clinical team becomes part of the student’s practice by being on the ward and In addition to team introductions, social needs in Maslow’s observing the environment and conversations happening (stimuli hierarchy (Fig 1) were facilitated by a team WhatsApp group 1 and 2). Examining a patient (stimulus 3) can happen as part of a to ensure regular communication between students and the ‘community of practice’; for example, on a ward round. ‘Legitimate clinical team. The students were also encouraged to send direct peripheral participation’ can be achieved by undertaking practical messages to tutors at any time to ensure that their pastoral needs procedures (stimulus 4). were met and to rapidly address any concerns. We intended for The weaknesses to learning in the workplace environment can this to help the students feel safer, as they could easily ask the be related to the learner and trainer. There are always learning clinical team questions about any concerns they had and double opportunities in a ward environment, but the student has to check understanding. Additional sessions on how to don and doff know what to look for and how to identify them. This may be very PPE were organised to ensure students were comfortable and learner dependent, and disproportionately affect less confident familiar with this process, and students were observed and given students who don’t ask to be involved in practical procedures or feedback on their ability to do this correctly. The students were which patients are suitable to clerk. © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved. 3
Charlotte Patterson, Kerry Calvo, Ruth Silverton and Alison Rodger Table 2. The use of technology to deliver medical education in a pandemic Technology Potential use in Example of Advantages Disadvantages teaching implementation Breakout rooms Case discussions Virtual clerking of Allows social distancing, both No opportunity to practise between small patients (one student from other students and from examination skills groups of students is the doctor and patients More challenging to practise (2–3); students then one student is the Potential to discuss signs communication skills with patients meet with the wider patient in a role-play (through multimedia) and Clearly not the same as seeing group to present scenario)24 symptoms that they may not clinical signs in ‘real life’ and discuss their Small group discussion have seen on the ward case and working through Learning about a wide range clinical cases of clinical cases specifically targeted to the curriculum Sessions can be recorded, allowing absent students to catch up Team instant Communication of Students are invited to Rapid and instant Inappropriate use; for example, messaging venue changes and an instant messaging communication to the disclosing confidential patient group technology issues group for their student group details in error while asking about a Sense of belonging placement facilitated Access to support for students clinical case by a member of the if required Intrusive: it may blur the line Pastoral support medical team, who can between work and home life if a Clarification of Opportunity to ask questions rapidly communicate personal device is being used technical terms used with the students Overwhelmingly positive in clinical meetings feedback from our group of Access to technology: may students; local data gathered disadvantage students without unanimously found approval for access to smartphones/WhatsApp WhatsApp use in small groups Virtual meeting Encourage student Asking students open Encourages participation from Requires access to an online whiteboard and participation when questions eg ‘What all students, not just the most learning platform polling asked questions would you ask this confident Students may not engage and it is through typing patient?’; multiple Multiple answers can be difficult for a facilitator to identify responses on the students can respond typed at once those not engaging screen (ie virtual at once whiteboard such Asking students to as Blackboard label photos of clinical Collaborate signs (Anthology, Boca Raton, USA)) Virtual meeting Highlight key Using the chat Allows engagement with Access to technology: may live chat learning points from function on virtual students during a busy clinical disadvantage students without clinical cases platforms or WhatsApp meeting when, historically, access to smartphones/WhatsApp. Clarify any to answer questions clinicians may not have had Inappropriate use; for example, confusions that during a virtual clinical time to answer questions disclosing confidential patient details students might have meeting, for example from students in error while asking about a clinical MDT discussing Allows students to clarify any case in breach of GDPR policies24 patients on a ward uncertainties that they have Students may not engage and it is (anonymously) Allows a medical educator to difficult for a facilitator to identify those question students and check not engaging (‘cyber-anonymity’)25 understanding Requires a facilitator The whole group (for example, junior doctors) can’t benefit from discussion unless all are in the WhatsApp group Constant messaging may distract from the clinical meeting if only one facilitator is available 4 © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved.
Medical education in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic Table 2. The use of technology to deliver medical education in a pandemic (Continued) Technology Potential use in Example of Advantages Disadvantages teaching implementation Virtual Traditional lectures Departmental infection Widens access to teaching; Some audience and presenters may platforms to and small-group teaching on various for example, those having to find engagement challenging in deliver seminars teaching delivered infection topics shield can still access sessions this format and small-group via a virtual platform Lectures to large from home Disadvantages those without teaching groups of students Allows recording of sessions access to technology Small case-based for those with alternative Frustration to participants and discussions with a commitments lecturer, eg due to poor connectivity group of students Global participation in meetings Potential cost practicality implications: no need to book expensive venues, provide refreshments or find suitable venues to hold meetings GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation; MDT = multidisciplinary team. Trainers can help address these ‘weaknesses’ in the learner designed to empower the students to identify opportunities in the by ‘advanced organising’, whereby trainees can learn from context of a pandemic. their presence, observation and participation, and students are encouraged to reflect on their new experiences.26,28 Some trainers Recommendation 5: Support students to work as may not be aware they need to encourage students in this way; volunteers as part of the pandemic response they may be busy, not have time to consider students’ learning needs and expect them to identify opportunities themselves. Many universities across the world, including UCL, encouraged Older educators may have learnt acquisition-metaphor-based medical students to work as volunteers or as paid healthcare learning and, therefore, be less familiar with a participation- assistants during the pandemic and excused them from clinical metaphor-based learning that is arguably more applicable in a teaching or placements to do so.2 Some universities suspended ward-based setting.14 teaching altogether and asked students to help on the wards and In conclusion, there are many valuable learning opportunities in the intensive treatment units as full-time volunteers, which in the workplace, but educators and learners need to be aware of resulted in a mixed response from students and controversy in these and how to identify them. Our ‘learning stimuli’ model was some settings.29 One group of medics in Dehli, India, proposed that students are given credit for the time spent volunteering towards their training and argue that, while different from their normal training, the clinical experience of working as part of a team in response to a pandemic will be invaluable preparation for their future careers.5 Seeing medical equipment eg ECG Formally recognising their involvement not only helps students machine and blood progress in their healthcare training, but also contributes to bo les the students’ sense of belonging and feeling part of the team. This may help them build esteem and ultimately achieve self- actualisation. Visual Observing ward Recommendation 6: Plan for future pandemics and Undertaking staff present paents, a procedure Praccal Linguisc handovers and create sustainable and resilient teaching programmes interacons The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused significant disruption to Physical medical education since March 2020 and is likely to continue to cause disruption for years to come. Rather than implementing last-minute changes to teaching programmes, and we suggest that all learning facilities implement robust teaching programmes Examining a paent that will allow effective medical education to be delivered regardless of how long the current pandemic lasts. With increasing globalisation, this is unlikely to be the last pandemic we see in Fig 2. An approach to identifying ward-based learning opportunities: our lifetimes. We should plan for future pandemics and create the four learning stimuli. ECG = electrocardiography. sustainable and resilient teaching programmes. © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved. 5
Charlotte Patterson, Kerry Calvo, Ruth Silverton and Alison Rodger Recommendation 7: Increase communication with advantage of shorter placements is to gain maximal exposure to students medical specialties. However, the pandemic may force us to revert back to the LIC model that is still widely practised in the USA, largely Increased communication has been highlighted in the worldwide based on Prof Hirsh’s work in 2003 who was instrumental to the literature to support trainees at a challenging time in their model’s implementation. Research has demonstrated that this education, ensure they feel supported, and reduce stress and improves the student–patient relationship and a sense of duty of anxiety levels.2–6,17 This recommendation is based on pre-existing students to patients and draws on Flexner’s work dating back to literature from the SARS pandemic of 2003.4 1910 describing that continuity of service facilitates closeness to patients and, subsequently, improved service.33,34 Recommendation 8: Flexibility to exam schedules and attendance requirements Conclusion and future implications Agrawal et al in Delhi recommend that not only should medical We propose ten recommendations to delivering a medical schools encourage students to volunteer to help in healthcare education programme during a pandemic, devised from our own facilities as part of the SARS-CoV-2 response but that this should experience delivering a blended virtual face-to-face teaching contribute towards their clinical training.5 As has happened programme to groups of medical students during the SARS-CoV-2 with many secondary schools in the UK, formal exams should pandemic and from existing literature to date in this area. It is be suspended and alternative forms of assessment should be imperative that students feel safe, wanted and welcome in order considered, the scope of which is beyond this paper.30 to learn and that their physiological as well as psychological needs are met, recognising the impact the pandemic may be having on Recommendation 9: Recognise potential health these. Technology should be embraced and has many advantages implications for students and respond rapidly over the traditional teaching methodology. We propose a novel The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had a significant impact on the approach to ensuring students are aware of learning stimuli mental health of healthcare professionals and the general public on the ward to maximise their learning, as well as encouraging alike.31 Kachra and colleagues highlight that medical learners are student involvement as volunteers in the pandemic response to at particular risk of burnout and may be at increased risk of issues supplement their clinical training. Finally, we must prepare for such as depression and suicidal ideation.4 Burnout is defined in future disruption to medical education and implement stable and the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases robust teaching programmes to ensure stability in the education (ICD-11) as ‘a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic of future healthcare professions. ■ workplace stress that has not been successfully managed’ and can result in feeling exhausted, mentally distanced from one’s job References and lead to reduced professional efficacy.32 Burnout is sadly now 1 World Health Organization. WHO Director-General’s opening a well-recognised issue affecting health professionals worsened remarks at the media briefing on COVID19 -11 March 2020. WHO, by the pandemic. Kachra highlights the need to recognise the 2020. www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director- potential health implications of the pandemic on medical general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing-on-covid-19–11- learners and respond proactively; for example, through teaching march-2020 [Accessed 28 October 2021]. programmes consistently and persistently reaching out to learners, 2 Gill D, Whitehead C, Wondimagegn D. Challenges to medical edu- rather than waiting for learners to ask for help.4 Mental and cation at a time of physical distancing. Lancet 2020;396:77–9. physical health may impact both on their learning and, therefore, 3 Sparkes D, Leong C, Sharrocks K, Wilson M, Moore E, Matheson NJ. something tutors can help address. BEME guide no 63 by Gordon Rebooting medical education with virtual grand rounds during the et al identify this theme in the global literature and highlight the COVID-19 pandemic. FHJ 2021;8:e11–4. 4 Kachra R, Brown A. The new normal: Medical education during and need to offer additional support to learners.9 beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Can Med Educ J 2020;11:e167–9. In our teaching setting, trust-wide initiatives were instigated 5 Agrawal S, Tandon V, Srivastava RM, Kaur A. COVID-19 pandemic- including seminars on burnout and mental health issues. In testing times for post graduate medical education. Indian J addition to this, the medical school offered one-to-one pastoral Ophthalmol 2021;69:157–8. support meetings with students. In the infection department, 6 Knowles KA, Olatunji Bunmi O. Anxiety and safety behaviour usage regular emails were sent by the teaching fellow encouraging the during the COVID-19 pandemic: The prospective role of contami- students to reach out if they were struggling, providing contact nation fear. J Anxiety Disord 2021;77:102323. details and ensuring students had access to support services. 7 Feroz AS, Ali NA, Ali NA et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of communities: an exploratory qualitative study protocol. BMJ Open 2020;10:e041641. Recommendation 10: Implement longitudinal integrated 8 Singh K, Srivastav S, Bhardwaj A, Dixit A, Misra S. Medical clerkships, ie longer placements and less rotation Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single Institution Experience. Indian Pediatr 2020;57:678–9. Gill and colleagues from UCL discuss the potential implications in 9 Gordon M, Patricio M, Horne L et al. Developments in medical edu- their Lancet paper on challenges to medical education at a time of cation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid BEME sys- physical distancing.2 They advocate the use of longer attachment tematic review: BEME Guide No 63. Med Teach 2020;42:1202–15. to smaller groups of healthcare teams (traditionally known as ‘firms’ 10 Daniel M, Gordon M, Patricio M et al. An update on develop- in the UK and longitudinal integrated clerkships (LICs) in the USA) ments in medical education in response to the COVID-19 and suggest that LICs may need to replace the constant rotation of pandemic: A BEME scoping review: BEME Guide No 64. Med Teach healthcare learners that is currently practised in the UK. The major 2021;43:253–71. 6 © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved.
Medical education in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic 11 Maslow A. A theory of human motivation. Radford: Wilder 24 Steinert Y: Twelve tips for using role-plays in clinical teaching. Med Publications, 1943. Teach 1993;15:283–91. 12 Lave JW, Wenger E. Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral par- 25 IGI Global. Implications of anonymity in cyber education. IGI ticipation. Cambridge University Press, 1991. Global, 2011. www.igi-global.com/chapter/implications-anonymity- 13 Mezirow J. Perspective transformation. Adult Education. 1978; cyber-education/51910 [Accessed 10 November 2021]. 28:100–10. 26 Singh K, Srivastav S, Bhardwaj A, Dixit A, Misra S. Medical educa- 14 Sfard A. On two metaphors for learning and the dangers of tion during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single institution experi- choosing just one. Educational Researcher 1998;27:4–13. ence. Indian Pediatr 2020;57:678–9. 15 Kolb DA. Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning 27 Dennick R. Twelve tips for incorporating educational theory into and development. Prentice Hall, 1984. teaching practices. Med Teach 2012;34:618–24. 16 Grafton-Clarke C, Uraiby H, Gordon M et al. Pivot to online learning 28 Kaufman D. ABC of learning and teaching in medicine Applying for adapting or continuing workplace-based clinical learning in educational theory in practice. BMJ 2003;326:213–6. medical education following the COVID-19 pandemic: A BEME sys- 29 Launder M. Medical students apologise for ‘menial’ tasks com- tematic review: BEME Guide No 70. Med Teach 2021 [Epub ahead plaint. The Nursing Times 2021. www.nursinginpractice.com/latest- of print]. news/medical-students-on-nursing-shifts-apologise-for-menial- 17 Coleman E, O’Connor E. The Role of WhatsApp in medical edu- tasks-complaint [Accessed 19 May 2021]. cation; a scoping review and instructional design model. BMC 30 Gov.uk. How GCSEs, AS and A levels will be awarded in summer. Medical Education 2020;19:279. Gov.uk, 2020. www.gov.uk/how-GCSES-and-A-levels-awarded 18 Hofstede G. National cultures in four dimensions: a research-based [Accessed 6 July 2021]. theory of cultural differences among nations. International Studies 31 Phiri P, Ramakrishnan R, Rathod S et al. An evaluation of the of Management and Organization 1983;13:46–74. mental health impact of SARS-CoV-2 on patients, general public 19 Wahba M, Bridwell L. Maslow reconsidered: review of research on and healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-anal- the need hierarchy theory. Organizational Behaviour and Human ysis. eClinicalMedicine 2021;34:100806. Performance 1976;15:212–40. 32 World Health Organization. Burn-out as an ‘occupational phe- 20 Shaukat N, Ali DM, Razzak J. Physical and mental health impacts nomenon’: International Classification of Diseases. WHO, 2019. of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: a scoping review. Int J Emerg www.who.int/news/item/28-05-2019-burn-out-an-occupational- Med 2020;13:40. phenomenon-international-classification-of-diseases [Accessed 10 21 University College London Arena Centre. Creating a sense of November 2021]. belonging for your students. UCL, 2020. www.ucl.ac.uk/teaching- 33 Kempson M. LIC blog. Hull York Medical School, 2020. https:// learning/publications/2020/apr/creating-sense-belonging-your- lichyms.hosted.york.ac.uk students [Accessed 10 November 2021]. 34 Flexner A. Medical education in the United States and Canada: 22 Cabinet Office. Staying alert and safe (social distancing). Gov.uk, a report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement 2020. www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-alert-and- of Teaching. New York: The Carnegie Foundation for the safe-social-distancing/staying-alert-and-safesocial-distancing-after- Advancement of Teaching, 1910. 4-july [Accessed 30 August 2020]. 23 NHS England. New government recommendations for England Address for correspondence: Dr Charlotte Patterson, NHS hospital trusts. NHS, 2021. www.gov.uk/government/publica- Department of Infectious Diseases, Royal Free London NHS tions/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-infection-prevention-and-control/ Foundation Trust, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG, UK. new-government-recommendations-for-england-nhs-hospital- Email: charlotte.patterson2@nhs.net trusts-and-private-hospital-providers [Accessed 5 July 2021]. Twitter: @charpatts; @kerry_calvo; @DRuthclaire © Royal College of Physicians 2022. All rights reserved. 7
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