Vocational Preferences Towards STEM Degrees in High School Students in Peru

Vocational Preferences Towards STEM Degrees in High School
Students in Peru

Iván Montes-Iturrizaga1, Eduardo Franco-Chalco1 and Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori 2

    Universidad María Auxiliadora, Canto Bello 431, San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, 15408, Perú.
    Universidad Continental, Av. los Incas, Arequipa, 04002, Perú.

                  An research was carried out to determine the vocational preferences of 1159 students
                  (764 males and 392 females) in the last two years of high school in the province of
                  Arequipa (Peru) in the light of sociodemographic and family variables. The emphasis
                  was directed towards STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
                  degrees and with the intention of knowing their specific distribution by area of
                  knowledge. The most relevant results show the existence of a predilection for
                  engineering degrees, and where the natural sciences did not merit significant
                  preferences. In this panorama, it was found that men showed interest in engineering
                  and in comparison with women. These findings are discussed from an epistemological
                  perspective based on critical realism, which proposes -among other aspects- the
                  transcendental relevance of natural sciences and mathematics for the sustained,
                  pertinent and harmonious development of engineering.

                  Vocational preferences, technological development, scientific development, realistic
                  epistemology, scientific planning

1. Introduction
   Since the creation of the National Council for Science and Technology (CONCYTEC) in 1981,
important promotion processes have been developed in light of competitive funds, access to
specialized libraries and training spaces. However, since the enactment of the new University Law
No. 30220 of 2014, a system of institutional licensing (universities) was built, which considers
scientific production, the existence of qualified researchers before the National Registry of Science,
Technology and Technological Innovation (RENACYT) [1] and special conditions (bonuses and
reduced teaching load) for all academics involved in the scientific and technological fields. In this
context, the country has been able to relate research and university development in a system of
implications; and where failure to sustain scientific production or the required number of researchers
(among other quality conditions or standards) is accompanied by measures such as the closure of
universities (suspension of the license) [1].

CISETC 2021: International Congress on Educational and Technology in Sciences, November 16-18, 2021, Chiclayo, Peru
EMAIL: imontes@uc.cl (I. Montes-Iturrizaga) efranco1@uc.cl (E. Franco-Chalco); kvillalba@continental.edu.pe (K.O.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9411-4716 (I. Montes-Iturrizaga); https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7465-2365 (E. Franco-
  Chalco); https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8621-7942 (K.O. Villalba-Condori).
             © 2021 Copyright for this paper by its authors.
               Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
             CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
The aforementioned has led to an increase in national scientific production. Thus, we have gone
from a handful of universities (32 out of 143) with research (in quantities greater than zero) to 95
universities with scientific production in frank growth [2]. In any case, these indicators (successful
and favorable, by the way) lead us to think that in the renewed scheme of research, development and
innovation (R&D&I), special interest has been given to technological studies and innovation (mostly
industrial and environmental) to the detriment of science itself [3], [4]. In addition, and in view of the
fact that this integrating denomination to understand science and technology (I+D+i or I+D) is used to
study government investment (GDP in science and technology) and production (published articles), it
is difficult to determine what science, technology and engineering really are. This fact was already
noticed many decades ago by Mario Bunge and a group of epistemologists [5], [6], [3], [4].
    Moreover, the government fund that has been financing research in Peru for the last 35 years has
made a greater commitment to proposals in the field of engineering. It is also worth mentioning that
the University Law itself, in several of its articles, confuses technological research and business
incubators with basic research. What is worrying here is the almost imperceptible support of the
natural sciences and mathematics under utilitarian prejudices that only give value to fields that solve
practical problems, when the sciences are primarily concerned, in the first instance, with cognitive
problems [7]. It could be added that in this series of confusions, science is misjudged from the point
of view of technologies and is therefore underestimated for not directly solving practical problems [4],
    In allusion to the above, it could be thought that natural resources are poorly understood and, to a
certain extent, prejudiced, since they are not considered relevant for the development of the
company's business [8]–[10]. Therefore, behind these decisions we see that the relationships and
transcendental importance of the natural sciences for the development of technologies and innovations
aimed at solving specific problems are ignored. Without properly consolidated natural sciences in a
country, we will be cognitively dependent on science from other latitudes. And, what is worse,
technological development itself at all levels would be harmed by not having rigorous knowledge to
be able to build their responses to the various challenges [5].
    Therefore, this problem would explain the lack of interest in studying natural sciences (physics,
chemistry or biology) and formal sciences (mainly mathematics) in Latin America, the United States
and most of Europe. We are probably facing a global problem that has put the aforementioned
sciences in check. However, developed countries have partially solved this problem thanks to the high
prestige of their universities, which attract thousands of students from countries such as India, China
and Latin America in general to study in fields such as physics, mathematics or chemistry [11]–[13].
Thus, for example, at least two-thirds (approximately) of U.S. scientists (physics, chemistry, and
biology) were born outside the United States; they are primarily graduate students who chose not to
return to their home countries [13].
    On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that in this study we recognize the transcendental
importance of technologies and engineering for social development and science itself [9], [14]. This
fact is undeniable and the great interest in STEM careers is praiseworthy; where the worrying thing is
the scarce interest in natural sciences and mathematics. This is a very complex phenomenon present in
many countries such as Spain [15], United States [16]–[19], England [20] or France [21]; and that
would merit qualitative methodological approaches interested in learning about family, school and
social influences, as well as those of the organizations in charge of promoting science and technology
in the country.
    This is in addition to other problems such as the low interest of women in studying STEM careers,
gender stereotypes at home in the face of these inclinations and the conviction of many young people
that the choice of career should be made for the supposed expectation of economic retribution (rate of
return) rather than for a real vocation [22]–[26].

1.1 Professional degree choice as a complex process

   Several studies have found that young people (80%) are faced with the situation of choosing a
technical, technological or university degree after completing secondary or high school (80%). Thus,
this decision would be based on an analysis (superficial or deep) in which parents often play an
important role in terms of support or resistance [22], [27], [28]. In any case, the greater number of
young people finishing high school who neither work nor study is higher in rural areas (13.9%
compared to 18.2% in urban areas). In Arequipa, we find that this region has the third highest rate of
participation in higher education in Peru (38.4%) [29].
    It is also worth noting that preferences are to some extent structured by productive emphases, labor
traditions and the existing labor supply [22], [30], [31]. Therefore, and for example, in the city of
Arequipa (where this study has been developed), agroindustry, public services, construction and
mining activity stand out. In addition, the other regions adjacent to the Arequipa region also have
(foreign) mines of great importance in the local GDP. In any case, this last productive deployment
(mining) generates a large supply of jobs directly and through contracting companies would be
associated with the marked interest in engineering degrees [30], [31], [32].
    Under this scenario, it would be expected that this interest in technological degrees would be
accompanied by their respective share of degrees identified with the natural and formal sciences.
However, it should be mentioned that school psychology assumes that it is healthy for each young
person to be able to apply for a university place in the degree that he/she really prefers and without
any conditions associated with the supposed economic income or rate of return once the degree is
obtained. In addition, and in relation to the above, it is considered important to transmit to students the
idea that in order to work in a certain degree and be successful (socially and economically) it is
necessary to be good at what one does; and, therefore, it is rare to find someone like this in a degree
that does not arouse any interest other than monetary. For this reason, from a perspective concerned
with the personal fulfillment of future professionals, it is necessary to promote free decisions, free of
prejudices, stereotypes and economic reductionism [22], [27], [28], [33]. In this task, it has been
found that parents often exert pressure on their children to abandon their true vocation and study
degrees considered to guarantee higher salaries [23]. In summary, and taking into account the
authoritarian family styles still present in Peruvian families, it is likely that scientific degrees
(biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry) will be the best choice [34].

2. Research on vocational preferences
    We have identified a series of research studies related to the preferences for natural science and
mathematics degrees in young people who are about to finish high school. These studies, which are
presented in the first place and which coincide with the one presented in this paper, correspond -
mostly- to the fields of psychology, sociology and anthropology. The other studies are more
sociodemographic in nature and offer us a quantitative overview of the governmental figures on the
number of applicants in the statistical records of the National Superintendence of University Higher
Education (SUNEDU).
    In relation to the above, we have that a main variable that plays a major role in the way in which
people choose careers is gender. In this way, stereotypes become evident and play a relevant role in
the inclinations, preferences and concrete choices assumed by men and women. These investigations
are projected in two recently published papers in the Arequipa region where the existence of gender
stereotypes that would keep women away from STEM careers in general, parental resistance and
motivations based on economic interests, especially among men in state or public schools, were found
[22], [23].
    In the Latin American and North American spectrum, other studies tell us about the lack of interest
in scientific and technological careers in general and especially among women, who prefer social and
human sciences careers, perhaps due to stereotypes, family pressures and the influence of social
communication [24], [35]–[41].
3. Methods
   A survey (anonymous) was designed and applied to explore vocational preferences in the light of
personal, family, and sociodemographic variables to 1155 students (66% males) in the last two years
of secondary education (4th and 5th) in the province of Arequipa. The application of the instrument
was carried out with the informed consent of the educational institutions (urban) and the students
themselves. It should be noted that in this study (framed in a series of publications carried out this
year) we have used a few items such as: gender (male and female); type of educational institution
(public, private and parochial); and vocational preferences (What degree would you study if you had
the "total freedom" to choose).
   The test as a whole has theoretical and content validity determined through a system of judges.
Likewise, and given that this test does not include additive items, it is not possible to determine
validity and reliability from a statistical point of view.
   The statistical analyses, descriptive and chi-square (χ²), were carried out with SPSS for Windows
® software in its 26.0 version.

4. Results
   The first general results (Table 1) show that the majority of preferences are for engineering degrees
(18 specialties) with 33.1% (n = 384). It is also eloquent that only 1.6% (n = 18) were interested in
natural science degrees such as biology, physics, chemistry, geology and others. In addition, it is
worth mentioning that none of the students who participated in the study expressed a preference for
the degree in mathematics, which is taught at the public university of the province (Universidad
Nacional de San Agustín) at no cost, given the precept that these public institutions are free of charge.
Finally, it is important to note that in the category "other degrees" we have grouped almost 60 from
the fields of social sciences, human sciences, health sciences, armed and police forces, arts and
technical careers such as mechanics, electricity and carpentry.

Table 1
Degrees preferred by the young people in the sample
    Degrees            f                    %
Natural Sciences      18                   1,6
Engineering           384                 33,1
Other degrees         757                 65,3

    Table 2 shows the test of association between the sex variable and the professional degrees. It is
clearly perceived that men show a greater predilection for natural sciences and engineering degrees
(this being more noticeable in the former). In the grouping we made around "other degrees", social
sciences and human sciences predominate; which to a certain extent are fields mostly preferred by
women and for this reason their predominance (80.1%), these results were statistically significant (χ²
= 57.34, df = 2, p < 0.001).

Table 2
Degrees preferred by the young people in the sample according to the sex variable
                                 Men                          Women
Degrees                      f             %              f               %
Natural Sciences            15            2,0            3               0,8
Engineering                308            40,3           75             19,1
Other degrees              441            57,7          314             80,1
Table 3 shows the association between the type of school and the degree categories generated in
light of vocational preferences. Natural science degrees were preferred to a greater extent in private
and parochial educational institutions. This same tendency is also projected to engineering degrees.
The opposite case is observed in the category "other degrees" where students from public schools are
more oriented. These results were statistically significant (χ² = 11.37, df = 4, p = 0.023).

Table 3
Degrees preferred by the young people in the sample according to the type of educational
                          Public               Private               Parochial
                  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
      Natural         4          0,7        4          2,0        10           2,7
      Engineering    117         30,4      71          34,6      135         35,5
      Other          402         69,0     130          63,4      225         60,8

5. Discussion
    The results show the scarce predilection for natural science (and mathematics) degrees in a large
sample of students who are about to graduate from secondary education in the province of Arequipa.
Likewise, these findings are worrying if we intend to achieve a harmonious development of science
and technology in a given territory (province, region or country) [5], [6], [22]. For, as noted in the
previous pages, we find the interest in engineering valuable, but the possibility of not having scientists
who can support the technologies is disturbing.
    In any case, we do not have a parameter or standard that tells us how many natural scientists and
mathematicians are required in a given country or subnational state, except for the trends that tell us
of a balance between scientists and engineers, as in England, where there are more scientists than
engineers [42].
    On the other hand, our study still shows a weak preference of women for science and engineering
degrees, which tells us that there are still prejudices, self-exclusion and sexist segregation in these
disciplines; a fact that is repeated in most of Latin America [24], [35], [43]. Similarly, with regard to
the type of school, we see that scientific and engineering degrees (equally) are preferred to a greater
extent by those who attend private and parochial schools (the same ones that have a lower pension or
payment) compared to those who attend public institutions. Perhaps, given that those who attend
public schools come from families with fewer resources, they may prefer degrees with greater
possibilities of obtaining a stable job in the state sector, such as the human and social sciences. Also,
those who attend public schools would prefer engineering degrees for a quicker and more profitable
incorporation into the labor market.
    However, for future research, it will be necessary to explore from qualitative perspectives
(interviews, discussion groups and life histories) the thoughts, beliefs and stereotypes that could be
behind the low preference for natural sciences (and mathematics). Finally, we highlight the significant
preferences for engineering degrees in Arequipa, which are essential for economic and social
development in every sense of the word [30]. The latter is not in question from any point of view and
it is likely that these elections are triggered by the boom in Arequipa's productive vocations (mining,
construction, industry and manufacturing in general) and the favorable action of the National Council
of Science and Technology (CONCYTEC) [31], [22]. In this scenario, no decisive and balanced
actions have taken place for the natural sciences (and mathematics). In this context, it is likely that
science fairs (at the school level) that take place in other scenarios can serve as an input for the
country. [44], [45]. Perhaps, and this is only an explanatory hypothesis, the poor understanding of
what science is and its confusion with technology could be important clues to elucidate the problems
encountered. [4], [3].

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