Vetiver system for soil and water conservation on the Burma-Thailand gas pipeline and community outreach programs p g - byby Dr.Songkiert ...
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Vetiver system for soil and water conservation on the Burma-Thailand gas pipeline and community y outreach p programs g by Dr.Songkiert Tansamrit Executive Vice President PTT Research & Technology Institute 22 February 2008 1
Agenda • Company C profile fil • Th The use off vetiver ti grass system t for f erosion i control t l andd slope stabilization along the yadana gas pipeline project right of way • Huay Khayeng, Thailand vetiver cultivation exemplar • The vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest • Conclusion 2
PTT Group Value Added in Business Value Chain Upstream Intermediate Downstream End Customer Natural Gas Mix Power Plants Electricity Pipeline Natural Industry Gas Gas Sales Gas Gas PTTEP Separation Mother Station PTT Stations DCS in Airport Plants NGV GSP Products GSP Products (C2, C3, LPG, NGL) Compresso r Crude & NGL Transportatio Condensate n Oil Crude & Condensate Oil G LPG O Crude Oil Procurement Tradin PTTRF g Petroleum Lube Base Plant Products P t Petrochemical h i l Plants Pl t E d Products End P d t : Intermediates (MEG, Phenol, etc.) Petrrochemical Plastic Resins Export Olefins & Aromatics Markets Plants 3
PTT Shareholder Structure America Europe 3.9% A i Asia 10 4% 10.4% 4.7% Public (SET) / 13.2% Ministry of Finance Thai Financial Institute 52.3% Ownership : Ministry of Finance ‘Direct and Indirect’ ~ 15.5% 68%, Public ~ 32% Vayupak y p Fund 4
PTT Performance & Recognition Largest Thai Public Company Shareholding Structure (as of Sep 20, 2007) Ministry of Finance 52.17%, Vayupak Fund 15.50%, Market Cap. (Bt mn) % Institutional & Public Investors 32.33% SET 6,211,611 100 PTT G Group 1 999 275 1,999,275 32 2 32.2 Award Recognitions PTT PTT 918,469 14.8 15% 207th : World’s Largest Corporations 2007 PTTEP 497,910 8.0 Affiliates IRPC 109,200 1.8 354th : World’s 2,000 Leading Companies 2007 17% TOP 162,182 2.6 PTTCH 166,119 2.7 1st : Large-Cap Corporate of the Year 2005/06 in Thailand Others 1st : Best Company in Thailand for CG 2006 68% PTTAR 120,027 1.9 1st : Best Managed Company in Thailand 2006 BCP 14,661 0.2 1st : Best Corporate Governance in Thailand 2006 TIP 5,250 0.08 Note : All data as of 11 Jan 2008; BAFS , 5,457 0.09 27st : Top 250 Global Energy Companies Asia/Pacific 2007 SET=796.47 SET 796 47 (P/E=11.56), PTT=326 (P/E 11 56) PTT 326 (P/E=10.33) (P/E 10 33) CG Regognition Awards 2006 & 2007 Relative Size to Economy Bn THB Global Top 40 Executives in Chemical by ICIS 2006 9000 PTT Group represents 8,438 large portion of 8000 1st : The Top Performers in Asia 2005 Thai economy 7000 1st : Best Managed Company in Asia 2005 SET 73.6% 6000 1st : Best Managed Company Oil&Gas 2008 5000 1st : Best in Corporate Governance in Thailand 2005 4000 3000 1st : Best CEO in Thailand 2005 PTT Group 23.7% 2000 PTT 10.9% Commitment to Social and Environmental Issues 2003/05/06 1000 Commitment to Energy Saving 2005/2006 0 GDP (2007E) Board of the Year Awards 2002/2003 & 2004/2005 & 2006/2007 Sovereign Ratings 1st : Best CEO 2005 / 1st : Best CSR / Best CG Report 2005 1st : Best Investor Relations (IR)2003 / 2006 Foreign Rating Moody’s * S&P Distinction in Maintaining Excellent Corporate Report Thailand A3 BBB+ รางว ัลร ัฐวิสาหกิจดีเด่น จากกระทรวงการคล ัง PTT A2 BBB+ ปี 2549 : คณะกรรมการร ัฐวิสาหกิจดีเด่น/ คณะกรรมการดีเด่น/ CSR ดีเด่น * Bond rating 5 ปี 2550 : การบริหารจ ัดการองค์กรดีเด่น/ ผลการดําเนินงานดีเด่น/ CSR ดีเด่น
Agenda • Company C profile fil • Th The use off vetiver ti grass system t for f erosion i control t l andd slope stabilization along the yadana gas pipeline project right of way • Huay Khayeng, Thailand vetiver cultivation exemplar • The vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest • Conclusion 6
Introduction • The Yadana Gas Pipeline Project needs to pass through a 50-kilometer stretch of the forest area, along which 20 meters construction right of way (R/W) are used, amounting to 600 - rai area. • Construction involves strip surface clearing, resulting in bare soil after pipeline i li installation, i t ll ti thereby th b exposed d to immediate soil erosion impact. • Vetiver grass plays a significant role in permanent soil erosion prevention and rehabilitation of the area. 7
Rationale • Thailand is a net energy import country, with 30% domestic production and 70% import. • At present, Thailand’s Thailand s commercial energy consumption is 900,000 barrels per day of oil equivalent: comprising oil, lignite, natural gas and hydropower. • Natural gas is cleaner among petroleum fuels. It meets both economic objective fuels and environmental concern, as well as safety aspect. • As natural gas resources in the Gulf of Thailand is quite limited, replacement and additional supply s ppl must m st be procured proc red from neighboring countries. 8
The procedures of the use Vetiver Grass System for Control and Slope Stabilization along the Yadana Gas Pipeline Right of Way Project Consideration Existing on Description Environmental Construction Condition St t Strategy & Techniques Formulate Pipeline Route Ranking Combined Formulate Selection Utmost Strategy for Strategy for I Impactt Application Implementation Plan Environmental Mitigation Evaluation Measure Implementation and Evaluation Consideration on Environmental Consideration C id ti Alternative Impact on Routes Assessment rehabilitation 9
Project Description • Laying a 238.5-kilometer 238 5 kilometer natural gas pipeline from Thai border at Ban I tong, Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi province i to t the th Ratchaburi R t h b i Power P Plant Pl t The pipeline construction of the 42-inch diameter (105-centimeter) requires the di i off 2.5-meter-wide digging 25 t id andd 2.5-meter- 25 t deep trench and installation. • There are 12 block valve stations and one Operation & Maintenance Center in Ratchaburi province to control gas transmission transmission. • g on March 24,, 1997 and completed • Construction began p on June 30,1998. , (July 1,1998 is the Agreement deadline.) 10
Environmental Impact Assessment • Pipeline route selection; comparing Thailand preliminary impact assessment; and selecting the route with minimal environmental impact. • Assess environmental impact of the chosen route in details, covering 13 issues on forest, wildlife, ecological system and community by studying Myanmar - Pre-construction conditions - Impact due to the construction 11
Significant of Environmental Impact Among the 13 environmental impact issues issues, soil erosion is prioritized as the utmost immediate impact due to the following reasons : 1. Characteristics of construction that immediately exposed soil to the erosion impact. 2. Slope Complex Soil Series in the forest area along KP 0 to KP 27 : Erosion rate would increased by 100 times compared with existing conditions of the area. 3. The impact on water quality, soil fertility, community and above all the pipe itself. 12
Strategic Approaches : Soil Erosion and Rehabilitation Construction Strategies and Techniques • In the areas with Slope Complex Soil Berm Series and in high mountain areas from KP 0 to KP 27, construction must Soft Plugs plastic be done and completed in one dry sacks (interwoven) season. • Build Permanent Physical Erosion Control Structure – Erosion prevention in the R/W – Build berms to divert and water to nearby stabilized areas outside the R/W – Build surface drainage control device 13
Engineering Erosion Control Structure Diversion Berm : Herring bone Diversion Berm : Ladder berm Soft Plugs Drainage system e.g. Riprap 14
Physical Permanent Erosion Control Structure with Agronomic and Revegetation Erosion Control KP 1+800 : 2001 KP 1+800 : 2001 Jute sacks and vetiver grasses were used to rebuild berms. KP 1+ 800 : 2002 Live stakes Li t k were pegged d to t hold h ld the soil-filled jute sacks together with vetiver grasses. 15
The Progress of Vetiver Grass System & Lessons Learned A total of 5,000 live stakes of 7 native plants were used to peg into the jute sacks. 1. Garuga pinnata Roxb. 2. Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) B.L.Burtt & Hill 3. Pterocarpus indicus Hasm. 4. Lagerstroemia tomentosa Presl 5 5. Erythrina subumbrans (Hassk (Hassk.)) 6. Cephalanthus tetrandra (Roxb.) Ridsdale & Bakhf. 7. Elaeocarpus hygrophilus Kurz. 16
Strategic Approaches : Soil Erosion and Rehabilitation Botanical Strategies and Techniques • Grow 1.5 million vetiver grass slips in the areas with i h high hi h risks i k off erosion, i according to technical principles. • Grow grass and leguminous cover to enhance soil richness richness. • Grow a total of 61,250 perennial trees, 3 meters from pipeline center along the pipeline R/W 17
The Application of Engineering and Botanical Techniques with Vetiver Grass Slip Planting Positioning Engineering Erosion Control Re-vegetation & Agronomic Structure Erosion Control Classification Soft Grass Special S i l Plugs&Berms Vetiver Tree + Techniques and Grass Legume Drainage System E0 = Low Risk - - - ( ) E1 = Moderate Risk - - - E2 = High Risk - E3 = Very High Risk • Remarks : In E0 areas,, growing g g trees mayy not be required. q 18
0 0 800 800 1600 1600 025+040 000+000 025+482 000+562 025+795 001+150 026+154 001+578 026+488 002+064 026+869 Ground Level 002+627 027+183 002+997 027+779 Ground Level (m) (m) 028+166 003+414 028+500 003+776 028+889 004+257 029+406 004+654 029+805 005+049 030+325 005+693 030+706 006+249 031+090 006+752 031+385 007+437 031+898 007+972 032+458 032+935 008+472 033+279 008+977 033+706 009+419 033+950 009+966 034+240 110+489 034+543 110+984 034+977 111+522 035+495 111+974 035+972 112+389 KP 0- KP 25 036+336 KP 25 – KP 50 113+018 036+629 036+999 0113+505 037+385 0113+966 037+777 0114+535 038+252 0115+201 038+703 0115+733 039+052 0116+219 Vetiver grass combined with re-vegetation, 040+154 0116+746 040+977 0117+260 041+444 0117+919 Identify the Erosion Rating Risk R/W Profile 042+082 0118+700 042+656 043+548 0119+252 044+259 0119+707 agronomic erosion control methodology and construction engineering 044+952 0220+341 045+692 0221+090 046+207 Special Techniques, E3 0221+625 047+003 methodology is a key to erosion control success in the Yadana Gas Pipeline Project 0222+277 047+603 0223+060 048+431 0223+678 048+920 Additional Vetiver Grass Growing, 0224+245 Grass / Legume / Trees, E1 and E0 049+343 Additional Vetiver Grass Growing, E2 0224+957 19
Physical Permanent Erosion Control Structure with Agronomic and Revegetation Erosion Control KP 19 + 900: March 1998 KP 19 + 900: January 1999 KP 19 + 900: October 1999 20
The Application of Engineering and Botanical Techniques with Vetiver Grass Slip Planting Positioning KP 12 + 280: July 1997 KP 12 + 280: September 1999 21
The Application of Engineering and Botanical Techniques with Vetiver Grass Slip Planting Positioning KP 46 + 300: December 1997 KP 46 + 300: July 1998 KP 46 + 300: January 1999 KP 46 + 300: October 1998 22
Rehabilitation performance i.e. multiplication results of the C and P Factor for each KP as of the end of the first and second rainy seasons • Construction Erosion Rating • Physical Permanent Erosion Control (C x P Factor) • Agronomic and Re-vegetation Erosion Control 1.0 46 14714 304831492032 0.9 15 50 21 23 Very High 2 4217 567891 43 18 44 19 • In the 1st year, C x P changed to 0.4 38 393540 26 3 111633 36403727 1234 45 13 28 29 41 25 22 24 C Factor is Cropping Management Factor 0.8 • 1st rainy season, C x P decreased to 0.24 P Factor is Physical Erosion Control 0.7 • 2nd rainy season, C x P improved to 0.13 Structure and High which closed to the pre-construction Erosion Control Practice 06 0.6 period or natural condition condition. 0.5 6 10 11 12 13 • From KP 1 to KP 27, the rehabilitation was 1 2 3 255 22 slower than KP 28 to KP 50 as according 9 23 26 7 24 8 Moderate 0.4 4 14 4816 15 494217 31 32 30 50 19 20 18 3335 28 27 2140 36 to the q quality y of soil that underwent 43374429 3834 47 39 4541 1 10 22 23 2 11 mining activities. 0.3 3 4 52461225 26 46 7 8 913 14 20272128 1 2 10 0.2 33 29 3 12 22 235 11 Low 32 17 154516 18 3031 3446 47 3537 423843 44 194836494150 39 40 24 25 26 138 439640 3619372021 37 28 91627 8 1291 30 1 210 0.1 1225 322 5 11 3117321833 34 35 41 42 443544 45 24 361937 1 382623 4396294030 1911 2171 1 1 47304831 20 32 916 2021 277 28 832 1225322 51 11 23 46 242 14 17 49 43 15 44 1850 21 23 46 4748 49 50 31424814333 41347 17 144344535 36243727338 92021 16 31 26 742439 818 28 32 0629540 304535 1225 11 223 322 11 1710 5611 3 38 567891 19 26 46 184 495 50 41 46 47 4844333 494434 50 3624 1937 338 202126439 42940 4 451627 28 293525 11 33 391234 40 22 27 16 946 41 747 31 28 832 4218 484333 30 544 49 34 504535 Normal 0.0 36037 41 13 24 1st Rainy Season 2nd Rainy Season 3rd Rainy Season 4th Rainy Season 5th Rainy Season 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1999 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 2000 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 620017 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 2002 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1997 1998 Year 23
Significant Role of Vetiver Grass • As soon as vetiver slips were properly planted, the row of vetiver grass would immediately serve to prevent erosion while vegetation would take time to grow grow. Vetiver grass kept soil moisture moisture, maintained and enhanced the even growth of leguminous and grass seedlings. • When grown, with continuously expanding bushes, vetiver grass enhances and reinforces the Physical Erosion Control Structure constructed in areas with high risks of erosion to become Natural Permanent Erosion Control eventually. eventually 24
Significant Role of Vetiver Grass • Vetiver grass kept soil moisture and helped perennial tree saplings to grow up to a perennial tree as well as native species. • In case of erosion, the areas in which vetiver grass was grown would be easier for repair than the areas with vegetation alone • Local people can use leaves of vetiver grass in making handicrafts, making roof, etc. 25
Agenda • Company C profile fil • Th The use off vetiver ti grass system t for f erosion i control t l andd slope stabilization along the yadana gas pipeline project right of way • Huay Khayeng, Thailand vetiver cultivation exemplar • The vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest • Conclusion 26
Huay Khayeng Community • Villages : Comprised of 8 villages, 10 communities, and totaling 1,315 households (8,457 people) • Location: Limestone mountain terrain 300 meters above sea level; 10 km. from the Thailand- Thailand Myanmar border, • Occupation: Predominantly husbandry, i.e. rice, cassava, corn, livestock, etc.; modest odest labor abo force o ce • Economic status: Virtually destitute due to ineffective agricultural means; average income equals 12,200 Baht/person/year (2004) 27
Vetiver Cultivation : Problems and Rationale In response to His Majesty the King’s wish to encourage people to grow vetiver for soil and water conservation, PTT initiated full- scale publicity statewide. Publicity to communities presents a daunting task as benefits from soil and water conservation do not yield immediate results. Introducing vetiver to local people may amplify existing burden Vetiver does not yield “instant value”; benefit from soil and water conservation requires time and a high level of management to be sustainable. 28
Implementation Strategies The Participatory Process: Promotes mutuality in mentation and practice. Creating internal desire -- “inside-out” – and on a voluntary basis. Utilizing Utili i the th “Sufficiency “S ffi i E Economy Family” F il ” program as an incentive. Initiating case studies in vetiver, soil, and water conservation through first- hand accounts of cultivation benefits. Organizing vetiver- cultivation contests with a royally bestowed award as an inducement to communities to satisfy royal initiative 29
Vetiver Growing Promotional Effort 4 Implementation Phases: Ph Phase I Ph Phase II Ph Phase III Ph Phase IV Exemplar Community : Demonstration Voluntary Plot Village Plot Full Plot Participation of th Community the C it 30
Phase I : October 2003 – December 2004 Inspirational Forum Demonstration Field Vetiver Growing Day Inspirational Forum Illustration of benefits in vetiver cultivation Demonstration of vetiver cultivation on a plot specified by the community. 31
Phase II : January – September 2005 IIntroduction t d ti off development patterns and utilization of vetiver leaves H Home d delivery li PTT fosters vetiver cultivation among willing villagers in their own fields. Officers are delegated to villages. Villagers offered first directives in self- sufficiency through a multitude of incentives. Observed guidance Study tours are organized to thriving and consultation vetiver areas with observed guidance and consultation. 32
Phase III : October 2005 – February 2006 Families of Sufficient Economy Encompassed the following criteria: Each E hh household h ld participating ti i ti iin the th project had a responsibility to: Cultivate vetiver grass Cultivate vegetables Community leader council Heightened registration of R Regularly l l save money meeting vetiver growing (one baht a day) Abstain from drinking on religious (Buddhist) days E li t ffamily Explicate il expenses Binding households are then given the option ti off 5 hens h or 1 pig i or catfish tfi h within ithi a budget equivalent to 900 baht per family The number of participants rose from 55 households in the 2nd Phase to 250 in the C d e helping Children e p g with t income co e and a dOOne-baht e ba t saving sa g expense account (top left corner) everyday, sufficiency 3rd Phase Phase. economy 33
Phase IV : March – December 2006 Raise laying hens for Raise pigs for incremental Monitor vetiver devlopment individual sustenance income Foster further participation in every village to grow vetiver. Select model households who have successfully applied vetiver for soil and water conservation utilizing the technical principles as prescribed in an efficient manner. F ilit t understanding Facilitate d t di within ithi the th community it regarding di the th diversified di ifi d benefits b fit off vetiver, i.e. production expense reduction, soil and moisture preservation, higher yields of produce, p oduce, etc etc. 34
Huay Khayeng , Thailand Vetiver Cultivation Exemplar Over 593 communityy households g grew vetiver in this p project; j ; about 45% grew vetiver over 2.4 million slips (June 2006) Results: – An income and expense account is established in every participating household, household facilitating introspection, introspection expense reduction, and income increase. – Economized production expenses e.g. water, fertilizer, insecticide – Instilled plant pathology pedagogy, i.e. plants can grow well without fungus – Soil conservation achieved through change by reversal in no- quality q y soil to q quality y and reduction of soil surface deprivation p esp. p in slope areasใ 35
Community Success Stories Mr. Sumitr Ming Ming-Khwan, Khwan, 52 years old “Now, I understand that the benefits from growing vetiver are soil and water conservation, ti soil il surface f preservation, reduction of soil surface wash. Vetiver can prevent soil surface from caving in.” Mr Boonniam Duanjan Mr. Duanjan, 52 years old “My house is on a slope area. After growing vetiver, I found that; firstly soil doesn’t cave in; secondly, nearby plants are rich, able to absorb water well; thirdly, the cut vetiver leaves used to cover soil are turned into fertilizer; fourthly covering on vegetable plantation fourthly, plantation, soil will be moistured.” 36
Community Success Stories M Khanchit Mr. Kh hit Janpanya, J 34 years old ld “Now, after growing vetiver, soil condition is recovered. I can feel it’s alive. It’s getting bl k and blacker d won’t ’t fl flow away. C Covering i soil il with vetiver leaves has rehabilitated its condition, with the return of microorganism. Vetiver can hold soil together well and can be used as fences to keep animals such as hens away.” M Rueang Mr. R Plongjit, Pl ji 68 years old ld “Vetiver can considerably reduce expenses e.g. water, electricity from over 200 baht to 100 baht.” 37
Community Success Stories Mr. Jamlong Maneerat, 43 years old “This year, vetiver has grown a lot. I can see soil moisture with higher looseness. Manure used d is i reduced d d by b half h lf from f 5 tons t per month.” Mr. Khamsaeng Meetha, 48 years old “After growing vetiver, vegetable plantation has more moisture. Around the vetiver thicket, soil condition is better than other areas.” 38
The Royal Grace of His Majesty the King “His Majesty has reigned supreme p in the hearts and minds of all Thais; His devotion to His people is On behalf moreof Thai people who are substantive grateful than soilto the majestic andgenerosity vetiverofcompounded.” His Majesty the King The Petroleum Authorityy of Thailand 39
Agenda • Company C profile fil • Th The use off vetiver ti grass system t for f erosion i control t l andd slope stabilization along the yadana gas pipeline project right of way • Huay Khayeng, Thailand vetiver cultivation exemplar • The vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest • Conclusion 40
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest To commemorate His Majesty Majesty'ss optimizing vision of the use of vetiver grass, PTT, in collaboration with other related agencies, has launched Vetiver Grass Cultivation Program to honor HM the King on the auspicious occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrations of His Majesty's Accession to the Throne. In response to HM the King's initiative and concern towards His people's well-being, the program focal areas are - Educating of the grass properties, the cultivating, and the promoting of vetiver grass cultivation through the public. - Arranging the Vetiver Grass Cultivation Contest with 3 categories; Vetiver Plantation, Promote of Vetiver Plantation and Poster 41
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest In 2007, the contest was continuously organized with the new project name of “The Vetiver Grass Development p and Promotion as Initiated by y His Majesty j y the King g Contest” in compliance with The 4th Vetiver Grass Development and Promotion As Initiated by His Majesty the King Master Plan (2007-2011) of RDPB. This year’s contest was categorized into 3 topics which were - Vetiver plantation - Promotion of vetiver plantation p - Products from vetiver focusing on product design and/or creativity. The total of 420 pieces have been submitted - Vetiver plantation 184 pieces - Promotion of vetiver plantation 24 pieces - Products from vetiver focusing 209 pieces on product design and/or creativity. The 53 pieces awarded and 29 first prizes won the plates of token given from His Majesty the King. 42
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Plantation Category (People) : 11 people have been awarded 43
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Plantation Category (Community) : 4 communities have been awarded 44
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Plantation Category (School) : 3 schools have been awarded 45
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Plantation Category (Public Agency) : 1 agency has been awarded 46
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Promotion of Vetiver Plantation Category : 8 people have been awarded 47
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Decoration) : 13 products have been awarded “ดอกไม้ทะเล” ่ อง แจก ันและถาดใสข “ตุก ๊ ตาหญิงไทย” “แจก ันสานสายนํา้ ไหล” โดย นายนพชย ั ภูจ ่ ริ เกษม โดย นางนงนุ นางนงนชช แกวเรอนด แก้วเรือนดี โดย นางบุ นางบญเสก ญเสก สภาแกว สภาแก้ว จ.ปทุมธานี จ.เชยี งใหม่ จ.สุโขท ัย 48
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Decoration) : 13 products have been awarded “โคมไฟ กินรี” โดย “หอคํา” โดย “แจก ันสานสายดอกพิกล ุ ” “โอ่งนํา้ สานสายสอง นางสาวเบญจมาศ ว ังซา้ ย นางบุญถึง ฤทธิเกิด โดย นางว ันทา ดาวกรุง สล ับส”ี โดย ี งใหม่ จ เชย จ.เชยงใหม จ นนทบรี จ.นนทบุ ร แก้ว จ แกว จ.สุ สโขท โขทยัย นางเทียม เนยสงเนิ นางเทยม เนยสูงเนน น จ.สุโขท ัย 49
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Decoration) : 13 products have been awarded “นํา้ เต้นสาน” โดย “แจก ันและถาดผลไม้” โดย ““มูล ่ ต ี ก ุ๊ ตาหญ้า้ แฝก” ฝ ” นางเพลิน จงเจริญ นางพรรณพร ชาญภิญโญ โดย นางสาวธน ัชพร บุคสงิ หา จ.สุโขท ัย จ.กรุงเทพฯ จ.อุดรธานี 50
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Decoration) : 13 products have been awarded ิ งยกล้อ” “ควายซงวิ “เรือนไทย” โดย “กรอบรูป” โดย นายพิชติ คล ังวิจต ิ ร นายประศาสน์ พรมสุวรรณ โดย นางนงนุช แก้วเรือนดี จ.นนทบุร ี จ.อ่างทอง ี งใหม่ จ.เชย 51
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Household Application) : 13 products have been awarded “เบาะนงและหมอนหนุ ั น” “เด็กดอย ตะกร้าใสผ ่ า้ ” “เก้าอี้ ชา้ งไทย” โดย นายอิทธิพล มหาว ัน โดย นางหนูรต ิ บุตรวงษ์ โดย นางสาวอ ัจฉราภรณ์ จ.เชยี งใหม่ (กลุม ่ แม่บา้ นเกษตรกรบ้าน ยอดคีร ี จ.กรุงเทพฯ โสน) จ.ศรีสะเกษ 52
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Household Application) : 13 products have been awarded “ม้ มานงทรงไข านงทรงไข่ ั ” โดย “โถเอนกประสงค์ โถเอนกประสงค” “ก้ กอนดนหญาแฝก อนดินหญ้าแฝก” นางสาวปรินดา แตรวิจต ิ ป์ ิ รศล โดย นางสาวนฤดี ภูร่ ัตน์ร ักษ์ โดย นายธรรมนูญ เฮงษฎีกล ุ จ.กรุงเทพฯ จ.กรุงเทพฯ จ.กรุงเทพฯ “เบาะรองนงรถยนต์ ั ” “ตะกร้าปร ับความสูงได้” โดย “ชุดพานพุม ่ ” โดย วิทยาล ัยเทคนิคจ ันทบุร ี นางสาวเสาวล ักษณ์ ก่อศกดิั ว ัฒนา โดย กฤษณา กุณาศล จ.กรุงเทพฯ 53
The Vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest Vetiver Product Category (Household Application) : 13 products have been awarded “กระเป๋า” “ตะกร้าสานลายดอกพิกล ุ ” โดย นางจินต์ เทพกําเหนิด จ.นราธิวาส โดย นางหร้อน่า เหนียดบุตร จ.กระบี “กล่องของขว ัญ” ั ื วน” โดย นายศกดาดิ “เสอม้ ป้องทอง และ ื โดย นางสาวชนชม ศุภพิชญ์นาม จ.ชลบุร ี นายว ัชรพงศ ์ สท ิ ธิมาตย์ จ.อุดรธานี 54
Agenda • Company C profile fil • Th The use off vetiver ti grass system t for f erosion i control t l andd slope stabilization along the yadana gas pipeline project right of way • Huay Khayeng, Thailand vetiver cultivation exemplar • The vetiver development and promotion as initiated by His Majesty the King Contest • Conclusion 55
Conclusion Details of an overviewed vetiver planting activities by PTT The Vetiver Development The Vetiver and Promotion Development The Royal Project as Initiated by and Promotion as Foundation His Majesty Initiated by Public Kanchanaburi Province the King Hi M His Majesty j t th the Ki King together with Highway Contest Contest Department, Land (1st year) (2nd year) Development of Yadana Gas Agricultural Extension Pipeline Project 1.28 million stalks Office of the Communities Royal Development Projects Board as a consultant 2.02 million stalk PTT PTT Reforestration Project Petchaboon Province Royal Forest Department 1994 1996 2003 2005 2006 2008 2010 56
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