ValueInvestor - HOTCHKIS & WILEY

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ValueInvestor - HOTCHKIS & WILEY
                                                                                                                             May 29, 2020

 The Leading Authority on Value Investing
Investor Insight: David Green
David Green of Hotchkis & Wiley describes why he believes taking cyclical risk is being well rewarded in today's mar-
ket, what types of stocks he traded into and out of in March, why he's sticking with his financials, what he thinks about
Tesla, and why he’s particularly high on the prospects for Evercore, TE Connectivity, General Electric and News Corp.

                                                How generally would you compare the            than that during the depths of the finan-
INVESTOR INSIGHT                                equity opportunity set you saw going into      cial crisis in 2009 and during the Euro-
                                                the coronavirus crisis with what you’re        pean debt crisis in 2012.
                                                seeing today?                                      Here’s how we’re thinking about it:
                                                                                               Eventually we’re going to get through
                                                David Green: Coming into this year the         this. We don’t know when, and we don’t
                                                market to us was valuing more recession-       know how long it will take for people to
                                                resistant and less-cyclical stocks at very     feel comfortable re-engaging. In the short
                                                high multiples, so we tended to think the      term – maybe more or less over the next
                                                most attractive stocks had a more cyclical     year – you really don’t know. But over a
                                                bent and seemed to already be discount-        reasonable time frame, we have a lot of
                                                ing a recession. That turned out to be un-     confidence that we’re going to be back to
                                                fortunate, as the recession set off by the     a normally functioning society. So we be-
David Green                                     pandemic has been more severe than any-        lieve if we own a portfolio of financially
Hotchkis & Wiley                                one anticipated and the valuation spread       strong companies, even though their near-
Investment Focus: Seeks companies               between those stocks considered more           term earnings may be hurt badly, their
that are earning well below their potential     stable and those considered more cyclical      long-term prospects and low valuations
at times when the market appears to be-
lieve that potential is particularly limited.   widened. When the least-expensive parts        have the potential to provide pretty sig-
                                                of the market get relatively cheaper and       nificant upside when economic activity
                                                the most-expensive parts of the market get     resumes.
                                                relatively more expensive, that’s not going

     t’s never easy to figure out whether a     to be a good recipe for us in terms of how     Describe the types of new ideas you added
     company undergoing change or some          we perform.                                    to the portfolio during the worst of the
     other stress can return to normal, but        The good news in all that is that the       market break.
doing that well is how value investors like     valuations we’re seeing today if you’re
Hotchkis & Wiley’s David Green earn             willing to take some cyclical risk are quite   DG: One example would be Evercore
their keep. Focused on owning stocks trad-      compelling. You obviously want to own          [EVR], the boutique investment bank.
ing at low multiples of estimated “normal”      companies with balance sheets that can         From February through the first few weeks
earnings, the Hotchkis & Wiley Value Op-        withstand a very severe economic down-         of March the stock fell by more than half
portunities Fund he has co-managed with         turn. You also want to own fundamentally       from over $80 to almost $35. At the low,
George Davis since its 2003 inception has       good businesses you expect to hold long        it had nearly one-third of its market cap in
earned a net annualized 9.9%, vs. 7.9%          term. If what you consider to be normal        net cash. The vast majority of its business
for the Russell 3000 Value Index.               earnings power is more or less unchanged,      is in mergers-and-acquisitions advisory,
   At a time when defining normal is more       you can find very good businesses trading      where it has an excellent franchise and has
difficult than ever, Green says the valua-      at great prices. Our portfolio overall as      consistently increased market share. Its
tions for his target companies are "at or       of the end of March was trading at 5.5x        cost structure is pretty variable, as a lot of
near all-time lows." Among areas of par-        our estimate of normal earnings, which is      its cost base is in incentive compensation
ticular interest today: investment bank-        1.5 standard deviations below the aver-        tied to completed M&A deals – if deals
ing, industrial machinery and equipment,        age since the Value Opportunities Fund’s       aren’t done, while the revenue isn’t there,
financial services and traditional media.       inception. The portfolio only traded lower     neither is the related compensation. Earn-

May 29, 2020                                                                     Value Investor Insight
ValueInvestor - HOTCHKIS & WILEY
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

ings will be hit this year, but the company      strong capital positions to ride out the
will still be solidly profitable.                economic downturn, and we think their
    We see no reason the M&A market              long-term earnings power is totally in-
shouldn’t return, and one could make the         tact. As the shares have sold off, we think
case that with all the dislocation caused by     they’re extremely cheap – even assuming
the pandemic that M&A activity will pick         prevailing interest rates are with us for a
up sooner rather than later. Evercore also       long time. If interest rates move back to-
is a leader in providing financial restruc-      ward normal, we think these stocks are
turing advice, which one could imagine           remarkably cheap.
having an increasingly strong tailwind. If           With respect to energy, low prices have
we take the nearly $7.70 in adjusted EPS         resulted in dramatic and rapid reductions
the company earned in 2019 as fairly rep-        in supply. Ultimately we’ll need prices that      David Green
resentative of normal, the stock got down        are substantially higher than today’s to
to a less than 5x P/E. This is a good ex-        incentivize the drilling that will be neces-      WFH
ample of our being able to buy a really          sary to meet normal demand. So we would
                                                                                                   Investment management is among the
good franchise at a really good price when       expect energy prices to go up. With that
                                                                                                   professions that, ostensibly at least, can
the market is throwing everything out the        expectation, it's not difficult to find some
                                                                                                   easily translate to remote work. With a
window. [Note: Still 40% below their 52-         select energy names that we think are un-
                                                                                                   phone, a high-speed Internet connection
week high, Evercore shares traded recently       dervalued. [Note: The two largest energy-
                                                                                                   and secure data access, an “office” can be
at just under $57.]                              related holdings in the Value Opportuni-
                                                                                                   pretty much wherever you want it to be.
    Another new buy we made was An-              ties Fund at the end of March were global
them [ANTM], the big health insurer. We          major Royal Dutch Shell and oilfield-             In the third month of testing out that
first took the position in February and          equipment firm Frank's International.]            proposition, how is it actually going? “I’ve
added to it substantially as the stock got                                                         found it to be totally seamless,” says David
hit really hard, initially out of concern that   You’re typically fully invested, so when the      Green of Hotchkis & Wiley. He’s finding
health insurers were going to get slammed        market broke, what types of things were           almost everything done in the office well
by pandemic-related costs. That wasn’t an        you selling to redirect cash to more attrac-      replicated virtually, lauding technology
unrealistic fear, but our research led us to     tive opportunities?
                                                                                                   platforms like Microsoft Teams – a product
believe that medical-loss ratios for insurers
                                                                                                   of his Value Opportunities Fund’s largest
were actually more likely to come down           DG: One representative example would
                                                                                                   holding – for its ability to facilitate group
during the crisis because so much non-           be PepsiCo [PEP], which going into all
                                                                                                   collaboration and communication. “I’ve
coronavirus care was falling off. Given          this was already one of our more expen-
                                                                                                   seen no falloff in terms of productivity,” he
the price action in the shares – [Anthem's       sive stocks. The shares held up extremely
                                                                                                   says. “If anything, I’m able to connect with
stock fell from $296 on March 4 to as            well when the coronavirus hit because the
                                                                                                   people more easily because no one’s trav-
low as $171 on March 23] – we thought            impact on the business shouldn’t be overly
                                                                                                   eling and they're generally less distracted.”
we were buying an excellent long-term            significant. It became really expensive
business that grows faster than GDP but          relative to other opportunities we had, so        While he’s not ready to say office work is
whose stock was trading at a meaningful          it made sense to redeploy cash from it to         passé, he's less-than-bullish on the long-
discount to the overall market. Those op-        buy things that were literally 50% cheap-         term demand prospects for commercial
portunities don’t come along often. [Note:       er. That’s the type of trade we’ll make in        real estate. “I live in L.A. and often have a
Anthem shares, now around $291, are up           a downturn like this: sell a stable, safety       reverse commute and will look on the oth-
70% from their March low.]                       stock and put the proceeds into ideas that        er side of the freeway and see car after car
                                                 may be more cyclical, but that we think           literally stopped. Think how inefficient that
You were fairly exposed to both financials       are still strong businesses that give us a lot    is, and the time and money being wasted.
and energy-related stocks going into the         more upside over time.                            If technology today can alleviate even
recent crisis. How are you looking at the            Oracle [ORCL] is another position
                                                                                                   some of that, that’s not a bad thing at all.”
investment prospects in those areas today?       we’ve reduced in this market. It’s long
                                                 been an excellent business with sticky cus-
DG: Long term we continue to believe             tomer relationships, but as the stock has        This is an aside, but you seem to have
both sectors are undervalued. The finan-         withstood the market volatility well – it’s      done a good job in letting your Microsoft
cials we own like Goldman Sachs [GS]             roughly flat year to date – on a relative        [MSFT] position – first acquired in 2011
and Wells Fargo [WFC] have what we               basis it just got quite a bit less attractive    – ride. That’s not always easy for investors
consider irreplaceable franchises and very       compared to other available options.             to do. How have you pulled that off?

May 29, 2020                                                                        Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

DG: If you would have told me when we          nancial restructurings will have good tail-                 DG: That’s a good question. The cus-
originally bought Microsoft – at prices in     winds behind them in the aftermath of the                   tomer relationship here isn’t sticky in the
the $20s and $30s – that eight or nine years   crisis. Companies in positions of strength                  classic sense – if your franchise or brand
later it would be our largest position with    look to take advantage of bad markets to                    value weakens, somebody can pretty eas-
the share price above $180, I would have       improve their market positions, and the                     ily take business away. But at the same
said there’s no way that’s going to hap-       bad economic environment means there                        time, there’s a huge advantage to having
pen. The fact is that the business has to-     are more vulnerable targets out there po-                   that brand value built over time. If you’re
tally exceeded our expectations, but we’ve     tentially willing to do a deal. Evercore’s                  in the board room and discussing who to
updated our estimates of value along the       expertise is valuable on both sides of that.                work with on a deal or restructuring, there
way and the share price just hasn’t gotten     We think people may be surprised how                        are only a small number of firms you’re
much ahead of that.                            quickly M&A comes back.                                     willing to go with. Nobody wants to take
    The potential market and the runway                                                                    a chance on a lesser brand name with less
for the Azure cloud business is huge, and      You often speak about how “sticky” a                        experience and credibility.
we still don’t believe the market is fully     company’s relationship is with its custom-                     Evercore is on that short list and we
recognizing how strong the company’s           ers. How do you assess that stickiness here?                believe continues to increase its franchise
position is there. If you take out the net
cash on the balance sheet and the more
                                                  INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT
representative value we assign to Azure,
we think the remaining core businesses are        Evercore                                                       Valuation Metrics
                                                  (NYSE: EVR)
valued at or below the market multiple,                                                                          (@5/28/20):

while still growing faster and more profit-       Business: Boutique investment bank that                                                  EVR          S&P 500
ably than the average company. Microsoft          derives most of its revenue from providing                     P/E (TTM)                  8.6           25.6
                                                  financial advisory services related to mergers                 Forward P/E (Est.)        29.3           23.1
has also been a great diversifier from other
                                                  and acquisitions as well as restructuring.
things we own. It obviously could change,                                                                        Largest Institutional Owners
but as long as the value grows as fast as         Share Information (@5/28/20):                                  (@3/31/20 or latest filing):
the share price, we should recognize that         Price                               56.94                      Company		             % Owned
and not be in a rush to sell.                     52-Week Range                    33.25 – 91.59                 Vanguard Group		        9.2%
                                                  Dividend Yield                       4.1%                      BlackRock		8.3%
Describe in more detail your investment           Market Cap                        $2.31 billion                Hotchkis & Wiley		      4.8%
case for Evercore.                                                                                               State Street            2.4%
                                                  Financials (TTM):                                              TimesSquare Capital		   2.4%
                                                  Revenue                          $2.02 billion
DG: We've been long-time shareholders             Operating Profit Margin             21.6%                      Short Interest (as of 5/15/20):
of Goldman Sachs. It’s active in a number         Net Profit Margin                   12.9%                      Shares Short/Float		                     2.9%
of areas, but its highest-return business is
                                                     EVR PRICE HISTORY
advisory, which requires no capital. We’ve
watched Evercore over time and it has built         120                                                                                                      120
its franchise almost entirely from financial
                                                    100                                                                                                      100
advisory, with some wealth management
added in recent years. I don’t think people          80                                                                                                      80
generally recognize the strength of Ever-
core’s brand in advisory, where it has con-          60                                                                                                      60
sistently gained market share to the point
                                                     40                                                                                                      40
where it’s now #4 in the U.S. behind Gold-
man, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley. In                 20                                                                                                      20
2010 it had 2.3% of the market, now it’s                                    2018                          2019                                  2020
8.3%. Evercore also seems to get lumped
by the market together with other finan-            THE BOTTOM LINE
cial stocks, even though it doesn’t have            While the market seems to be treating the boutique investment bank as "just another
lending risk.                                       down-and-out financial," it is actually well positioned to benefit from a robust market for
                                                    the M&A and financial-restructuring advisory services it offers, says David Green. At 15x
    As I mentioned earlier, while the busi-
                                                    his estimate of the company's "normal" earnings, the stock would trade at closer to $115.
ness won’t be unaffected by the economic
downturn, we believe mergers and acqui-
                                                  Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
sitions activity as well as advising on fi-

May 29, 2020                                                                                              Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

value. It has successfully expanded its            secular trend toward increased electronic                   and airplanes goes up, over time TE Con-
M&A coverage network because it’s con-             content per unit in a number of indus-                      nectivity should benefit.
sidered a destination for talent. Brand ca-        tries. Automotive-focused products, for
chet and respect in the customer market-           example, account for more than 40% of                       How are you handicapping the impact of
place is also important in competition for         the company’s total sales, and growth in                    the pandemic crisis on the business?
talent. We’d expect them to be opportu-            electric vehicles, autonomous driving and
nistic on that front during all this as well.      vehicle connectivity all drive increased                    DG: Management recently said to expect a
                                                   electronic content per vehicle. The com-                    roughly 25% sequential revenue falloff in
How are you looking at upside in the stock         pany has similar opportunities in many of                   the third quarter, driven mostly by declines
from today’s price of just under $57?              its other end markets.                                      in automotive, trucking, commercial-
                                                       In a business like this we like that we                 aerospace and other industrial demand.
DG: The stock has come back a bit, but             don’t have to bet on which competitor is                    A decent percentage of the customer base
it still trades at only 7.4x the $7.70 in ad-      going to win in the end market. If elec-                    is more defensive in a downturn, though,
justed EPS the company earned in 2019,             tronics devices are increasingly prevalent                  with businesses serving military, medical
which we would consider a normal year              and electronic content in cars and trucks                   and data-center clients showing steady or
going forward. For a company with this
balance sheet, this profitability and still-
                                                      INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT
good growth prospects, that’s a really low
multiple.                                             TE Connectivity                                                Valuation Metrics
                                                      (NYSE: TEL)
    There’s no reason this business couldn’t                                                                         (@5/28/20):

go for at least 15x normal earnings, which            Business: Swiss-based designer and manu-                                                 TEL          S&P 500
is far less than it’s traded in the past. As re-      facturer of connectivity and sensor products                   P/E (TTM)                 38.9           25.6
                                                      sold primarily into transportation, industrial                 Forward P/E (Est.)        20.0           23.1
cently as 2018, the stock was at $117. The
                                                      and communications end markets worldwide.
market seems to be treating this as just an-                                                                         Largest Institutional Owners
other down-and-out financial, which we                Share Information (@5/28/20):                                  (@3/31/20 or latest filing):
just don’t think is warranted at all.                 Price                                82.78                     Company		                 % Owned
                                                      52-Week Range                    48.62 – 101.00                Dodge & Cox		               9.6%
What about the business franchise at TE               Dividend Yield                        2.3%                     Vanguard Group		            7.4%
Connectivity [TEL] prompted you to es-                Market Cap                        $27.30 billion               Harris Associates		         5.8%
tablish a new position in it during the first                                                                        Capital Research & Mgmt		   4.5%
                                                      Financials (TTM):                                              State Street                3.9%
quarter?                                              Revenue                          $13.05 billion
                                                      Operating Profit Margin             16.4%                      Short Interest (as of 5/15/20):
DG: The company is the global leader                  Net Profit Margin                    5.4%                      Shares Short/Float		                     1.4%
in what we consider passive electronics,
                                                         TEL PRICE HISTORY
producing some 320,000 products that
include things like connectors, relays,                 120                                                                                                      120
switches, touch screens and fiber-optic
lines. These components are increasingly                100                                                                                                      100
used in a wide variety of end markets, in-
cluding autos, heavy trucks, aerospace, in-              80                                                                                                      80
dustrial equipment and data centers.
   While TE Connectivity’s products are                  60                                                                                                      60
often fairly cheap to make and buy, de-
pendability is critical, the products are                40                                                                                                      40
                                                                                2018                          2019                                  2020
most often custom-designed into the pro-
duction process, and product lifecycles are
long. That makes the customer relation-                 THE BOTTOM LINE
ship quite sticky. When what's already                  David Green doesn't believe the market is adequately valuing the stickiness of the
designed in is working, reliable and rela-              company's customer relationships, its resilience through the current downturn, and its
                                                        secular growth potential as economic activity recovers. At even a market P/E of 17-18x,
tively inexpensive, that generally means
                                                        on his $7 estimate of normal earnings power the shares would trade at close to $120.
there’s little incentive for a customer to
switch to a competing supplier.
                                                      Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
   Another positive we see here is the

May 29, 2020                                                                                                  Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

even growing demand. Overall, we think        positions and installed bases that generate                which it competes, and also benefits from
the company should still generate close to    significant recurring maintenance and re-                  long-lived and profitable aftermarket rev-
$1 billion in free cash flow this year, so    pair revenues.                                             enue streams.
there doesn’t at all appear to be any ex-        The commercial jet-engine business is                      In healthcare, the majority of the busi-
istential threat. If anything, we’d expect    on everybody’s mind today given the dra-                   ness is in diagnostic imaging, where GE
management – which we consider very           matic falloff in air travel and the follow-                currently has roughly 50% of the global
disciplined and return-focused – to capi-     on impacts that’s having on the demand                     market. Scale provides cost advantages
talized on any opportunities it can to take   for aircraft. That obviously affects the                   and the massive installed base is lucrative
share from weaker competitors through         near-term prospects for the company, but                   not only because of strong maintenance
the downturn.                                 we believe the long-term secular growth                    revenues but also because switching costs
                                              story for global air travel is still largely in-           in the industry tend to be relatively high.
The share price was fully cut in half         tact and that GE will continue to be one of                This, of course, is also a business with
through the market panic – how inexpen-       the prime beneficiaries of that. It has very               positive secular tailwinds, as populations
sive do you think the stock is now that the   high market shares in both the narrow-                     around the world age and healthcare ac-
price has rebounded to a recent $82.75?       body and wide-body engine markets in                       cess improves.

DG: One thing we found during the sell-
                                                  INVESTMENT SNAPSHOT
off was that in companies with a lot of
debt, their enterprise values really didn’t      General Electric                                               Valuation Metrics
                                                 (NYSE: GE)
go down as much on a comparable basis                                                                           (@5/28/20):

as the EVs did at companies like TE Con-         Business: Diversified industrial conglomerate                                            GE           S&P 500
nectivity without much debt. That’s one          selling products and related services into the                 P/E (TTM)                 11.1           25.6
                                                 global aviation, medical equipment, power                      Forward P/E (Est.)        40.0           23.1
reason this attracted our attention.
                                                 generation and renewable energy markets.
   As the parts of the business that need                                                                       Largest Institutional Owners
to recover do recover, we estimate the nor-      Share Information (@5/28/20):                                  (@3/31/20 or latest filing):
mal earnings power here at around $7 per         Price                                6.78                      Company		                  % Owned
share. The company did better than that in       52-Week Range                    5.48 – 13.26                  T. Rowe Price		              8.3%
2018, when the share price was over $100.        Dividend Yield                       0.6%                      Vanguard Group		             7.3%
We think given the secular growth pros-          Market Cap                       $59.31 billion                Fidelity Mgmt & Research		   6.1%
pects and the high returns on capital the                                                                       BlackRock		4.3%
                                                 Financials (TTM):                                              State Street                 3.9%
company earns that there’s no reason the         Revenue                          $93.54 billion
shares shouldn’t trade for a 17-18x mar-         Operating Profit Margin              6.0%                      Short Interest (as of 5/15/20):
ket multiple. That would result in a share       Net Profit Margin                  (-2.5%)                     Shares Short/Float		                     1.7%
price of around $120.
                                                    GE PRICE HISTORY
   The company increased its quarterly
dividend earlier this month by 4%. While            30                                                                                                      30
the dividend in any one year isn’t that im-
                                                    25                                                                                                      25
portant to our thesis, there aren’t many
companies raising dividends in this en-             20                                                                                                      20
vironment and we think it speaks to the
solidity of the business and management’s            15                                                                                                     15
focus on shareholder return.
                                                     10                                                                                                     10
Betting on a turnaround at General Elec-              5                                                                                                     5
tric [GE] has proven to be rather rough                                    2018                          2019                                  2020
sledding in recent years. Why do you think
the odds of success today will prove to be         THE BOTTOM LINE
better?                                            While its turnaround efforts have been derailed by the pandemic crisis, David Green
                                                   believes the company will ultimately thrive now that it's focused on competitively
                                                   advantaged businesses with solid secular growth prospects. Based on his sum-of-the-
DG: The company is now focused pri-
                                                   parts analysis, he values the stock today at $19, a 180% premium to the current price.
marily on jet engines, power turbines and
diagnostic-imaging systems. These are all
                                                 Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
businesses where it has dominant market

May 29, 2020                                                                                             Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

   GE Power has been a well-documented          outsider at GE he is able to look at the        not easy to judge. But this was the larg-
sore spot, but here as well we think the        company’s businesses and talent in a dis-       est company in the world by market cap
outlook is better than the market seems         passionate way, which is exactly what’s         20 years ago and now it’s trading for way
to contemplate. The company has a 50%           needed. He got a great price in selling the     less than Shopify. Given the name, the li-
global market share in gas turbines, a          BioPharma business. He sold a big chunk         quidity and the profile, when the business
business we'd argue has a solid growth          of Baker Hughes equity for considerably         finally does turn, we think the market will
runway. If you think about where incre-         more than the current share price. He’s         embrace the stock.
mental power generation is going to come        de-risked the balance sheet by issuing
from, renewables can’t do it all, so the        long-term debt at very low rates. Do we         Turning to another once high-profile com-
next-best alternative is natural gas. It’s      think he should IPO the healthcare busi-        pany that has changed a lot, describe the
cheap, much cleaner than coal, and much         ness? Yes, we absolutely do. But overall,       upside you see in News Corp. [NWSA].
easier to bring on line than nuclear. As gas-   as shareholders we’re lucky to have him
powered energy takes share, that should         running the company.                            DG: News Corp owns a mix of media as-
be a positive for the market leader.                                                            sets left over when the company spun out
   The power business has been earning                                                          its television and film focused businesses
far below normal returns, in large part due     ON DOWNTURNS:                                   as 21st Century Fox in 2013. Its primary
to poor underwriting and execution. Buy-                                                        assets today are the Australian online real
ing competitor Alstom in 2015 has proven        One trade we'll make: sell a                    estate listing company REA Group [Syd-
to be a terrible acquisition, and it saddled    safety stock to buy one that                    ney: REA], national newspaper franchises
GE with a large number of unprofitable                                                          such as The Wall Street Journal, The Times
long-term contracts to work through. As
                                                may be more cyclical but we                     in the U.K. and The Australian, book pub-
these contracts fall off, we believe replace-   think gives us more upside.                     lisher HarperCollins, as well as other as-
ment business is being underwritten intel-                                                      sets such as U.S. online real-estate portal
ligently and will result in more normal                                               , a pay-TV business in Austra-
profitability over time.                        The shares at a recent $6.75 trade at 25%       lia under the Foxtel brand, and a number
                                                their level of three years ago. How are you     of local newspapers. This is another case
How comfortable are you with the bal-           looking at valuation today?                     where we think the assets looked at one by
ance sheet?                                                                                     one are worth a lot more than the market
                                                DG: We think given the different busi-          currently recognizes.
DG: The company actually has very little        nesses that it makes sense to value the             REA is quite a valuable asset. Australia
industrial net debt. If you take out the        company as a sum of the parts. For avia-        does not have something like the Multiple
$32 billion in debt at GE Capital – which       tion, we use a peer-company 11x or so EV-       Listing Service (MLS) that we have in the
we think is a perfectly appropriate level       to-normal-EBITDA multiple to arrive at a        U.S., and REA has become the leading
and offset by the unit’s assets – there’s       value of around $100 billion. We believe        way for sellers to list a home for sale in the
something like $44 billion in debt on the       the healthcare business is worth $40-50         country, with over four times more usage
parent-company balance sheet vs. around         billion, again using peer EV/EBITDA mul-        than its closest competitor. Because this is
$41 billion in cash. If you net from that       tiples of 12-15x on our estimate of normal      where most buyers go to view real estate,
the value of GE’s publicly traded stake in      earnings. For power, we think the gas-          this is where all the sellers need to list their
Baker Hughes, now worth about $5.5 bil-         turbine business can generate roughly $4        homes for sale. REA’s stock trades publicly
lion, there’s no net debt at all.               billion in normal EBITDA, which at an 8x        and News Corp.’s share at market value is
   As a further sign of the balance-sheet       EV/EBITDA multiple would translate into         currently worth about $5.4 billion.
strength, the company just raised debt go-      another $35 billion or so in value. There’s         Most print-based publishing business-
ing out to 2035 at around a 4% interest         also a wind-turbine business I haven’t          es have been devastated by the Internet,
rate. We think that reflects the value of the   mentioned, which can earn $1 billion in         but some national news franchises have
underlying assets and the company’s open        annual EBITDA and we think is worth an-         shown themselves resilient as they expand
access to capital markets.                      other $8 billion.                               their paid subscription reach online. We
                                                    If we add all that up, conservatively as-   don’t necessarily believe the 30x EV/EBIT
How would you grade new CEO Larry               sign additional value for GE Capital and        multiple on the publicly traded shares of
Culp’s first 18 months on the job?              the remaining Baker Hughes stake, and           New York Times Co. [NYT] is appropri-
                                                then take out debt and the pension obli-        ate, but at 15x our normalized EBIT esti-
DG: We believe he's done a great job. He        gation, we come to a net sum-of-the-parts       mates, after corporate expenses, we value
also did an excellent job at Danaher over       value of around $19 per share.                  News Corp.’s flagship national news fran-
a long period of time, and we think as an           The near-term outlook here is clearly       chises at a total of around $2.5 billion.

May 29, 2020                                                                       Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

The company’s mix of regional Australian                    clude, which is the second                   conservative and leaving upside optional-
papers and leading tabloids, like the New                   leading real-estate portal after Zillow.                 ity by valuing these assets at around $600
York Post and The Sun in the U.K., may                      We think we are being very conservative                  million.
have material value, but to be conservative                 in valuing it at $840 million, which is the
we're valuing them at zero.                                 price News Corp. paid for this business,                 How solid is the balance sheet?
    Among the other assets, HarperCollins                   mostly in 2014. If we valued Move where
is the second-largest consumer book pub-                    stocks like Zillow or Redfin trade, that                 DG: We think the balance sheet is ex-
lisher in the world with a valuable backlist                number would be significantly higher.                    tremely strong. At first glance the com-
and a solid record of finding and develop-                     Finally, the Foxtel Australian pay-TV                 pany appears levered, but that is only be-
ing new authors through a program that                      business is the most uncertain part of the               cause of the consolidation of Foxtel debt
cranks out thousands of new titles a year.                  company’s portfolio. It would be an at-                  that is non-recourse to the parent compa-
We're valuing it today at 12x normal EBIT                   tractive asset to a number of strategic buy-             ny. The parent News Corp. has no gross
after corporate expenses, or around $1.9                    ers, but its current results are poor and                debt and $1.2 billion of cash. If we add up
billion.                                                    management is in the process of trying                   all the assets and cash, we arrive at a value
    The assets in the U.S. in-                     to turn it around. We think we’re being                  for the company of around $12 billion, or
                                                                                                                     $20 per share. That compares with a cur-
                                                                                                                     rent share price of around $12.

   News Corp.                                                     Valuation Metrics                                  Is Rupert Murdoch’s effective control of
   (Nasdaq: NWSA)                                                 (@5/28/20):                                        the company a positive or negative for you
   Business: Global provider of media and                                                 NWSA          S&P 500      at this point?
   information services primarily in the U.S., U.K.               P/E (TTM)                n/a            25.6
   and Australia; key brands include The Wall                     Forward P/E (Est.)       50.0           23.1       DG: I think it’s something that's been
   Street Journal, HarperCollins and
                                                                  Largest Institutional Owners                       weighing on the valuation, that people
   Share Information (@5/28/20):                                  (@3/31/20 or latest filing):                       think he might do things that ultimately
   Price                               11.87                      Company		                      % Owned             aren’t in the best interests of all share-
   52-Week Range                    7.90 – 15.07                  T. Rowe Price		                 16.3%              holders. There is a case to be made that
   Dividend Yield                       1.7%                      Vanguard Group		                13.9%              value could be realized by spinning out the
   Market Cap                       $6.99 billion                 Independent Franchise Partners   8.1%              REA stake, or IPOing or even
                                                                  Yacktman Asset Mgmt		            5.6%              The Wall Street Journal. Our view is that
   Financials (TTM):                                              Hotchkis & Wiley		               5.2%
   Revenue                          $9.55 billion                                                                    if you look at his track record, he’s been
   Operating Profit Margin              4.7%                      Short Interest (as of 5/15/20):                    very shrewd in buying and selling assets,
   Net Profit Margin                  (-9.7%)                     Shares Short/Float		                   2.2%        the most recent example being the 21st
                                                                                                                     Century sale to Disney at what appears to
      NWSA PRICE HISTORY                                                                                             us to be a very full price. His actions show
      20                                                                                                    20       that he is interested in maximizing share-
                                                                                                                     holder value.

       15                                                                                                   15       Back briefly to the overall market envi-
                                                                                                                     ronment, did the speed of the share-price
                                                                                                                     downturn and then the following rebound
       10                                                                                                   10       surprise you?

                                                                                                                     DG: In March, the liquidity in the mar-
        5                                                                                                   5
                             2018                          2019                                  2020                ket seized up at a time when there was a
                                                                                                                     tremendous amount of uncertainty about
     THE BOTTOM LINE                                                                                                 both the health and economic conse-
     Given that it has somewhat of a mishmash of global media and information-services                               quences of the coronavirus. So while the
     assets, David Green thinks the market isn't appropriately recognizing the company's                             speed of the downturn surprised me, you
     aggregate value. Using valuation methodologies he considers appropriate to each                                 could understand it. When the Fed came
     individual business, he arrives at a sum-of-the-parts value for the shares of around $20.
                                                                                                                     in to address the liquidity issues, the panic
                                                                                                                     around that receded and that drove at
   Sources: Company reports, other publicly available information
                                                                                                                     least the early part of the rebound. Now

May 29, 2020                                                                                           Value Investor Insight
I N V E S T O R I N S I G H T : David Green

it’s more about how do the lockdowns            DG: We sold some of our put options in          vehicle, if BMW or Mercedes or Toyota
play out and what can companies earn,           March when the shares were down signifi-        offers you something that is even slightly
and when, as things open up and we come         cantly, not because we didn’t think they        better, or at a slightly better price, there’s
out the other side.                             were overvalued at that point, but because      really no reason you wouldn’t switch. So
    I’d be somewhat surprised if the volatil-   the implied volatility on the puts was so       it’s in a brutally competitive business with
ity of the past couple of months was fully      high and we were getting such a high pre-       no long-term moat and an extremely high
behind us. Part of that is a function of all    mium that we thought we should take ad-         valuation. That to us is not a good recipe
the uncertainty that’s still out there. Part    vantage of that.                                for investment success. VII
of that is how much money gets pushed              We still think Tesla is very – even sur-
around by algorithms and passive strate-        prisingly – overvalued. [Note: The shares,
gies with share-price momentum as a key         which fell below $400 in March, traded
factor. We always prefer the market to be       recently at $805 – more than four times
more volatile than less – it gives us active    their level of one year ago.] Giving full
investors more opportunities to find things     credit for what it’s accomplished so far, in
on sale.                                        the end the company is selling a product
                                                against what will be brutal competition
You came into the year owning some Tesla        from very large, competent and well-fund-
[TSLA] put options. Is it an example of         ed global players.
where you believe the market price has             That’s a particular problem when we
gotten quite a bit ahead of the underlying      don’t see stickiness to the buyer. If you own
value of the business?                          a Tesla and are in the market for a new

May 29, 2020                                                                      Value Investor Insight
                                                         M A Y 2 9 , 2 0 20
                                         “ I NV ESTO R I NS I GHT : D A V I D G R EEN”

P E RFO RMA NC E ( %) as of March 31, 2020
                                                       QTR              1 Yr           3 Yr             5 Yr            10 Yr        Since 12/31/02
H&W Value Opportunities Fund – I Shares              -32.99         -25.81            -5.86            -0.54             7.83                 9.39
Russell 3000 Value Index                             -27.32         -18.02            -2.67             1.62             7.47                 7.23

  The performance shown represents past performance. Past                 weightings, sector allocations, and/or fund holdings are subject
  performance is no guarantee of future results and current               to change and should not be considered a recommendation to
  performance may be higher or lower than the performance                 buy or sell any security. Opinions expressed are those of the
  shown. Investment results and principal value will fluctuate            author and are subject to change, are not intended to be a
  so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less                forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor
  than their original cost. To obtain performance data current            investment advice. References to other products should not be
  to the most recent month-end, access our website at                     interpreted as an offer of these securities.
                                                                          Free cash flow is earnings before depreciation, amortization,
                                                                          a n d no n - c a s h c h a r g e s m i nu s m a i n t e na n c e c a p i t a l
  The Fund’s total annual operating gross expense ratio as of
                                                                          expenditures; Return on capital measures how effectively a
  the most current prospectus is 0.96% for I Shares. Expense              company uses the money (borrowed or owned) invested in its
  ratios shown are gross of any fee waivers or expense                    operations; Dividend yield is calculated by annualizing the last
  reimbursements. I Shares sold to a limited group of                     quarterly dividend paid and dividing it by the current share
  investors. Periods over one year are average annual total               price. The dividend yield is that of the securities held in the
  return. Average annual total returns include reinvestment of            portfolio; it is not reflective of the yield distributed to
  dividends and capital gains. Expense limitations may have               shareholders; Market capitalization of a company is calculated
  increased the Fund’s total return.                                      by multiplying the number of outstanding shares by the current
                                                                          market price of a share; Price-to-Earnings (P/E) is calculated by
  You should consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks,            dividing the current price of a stock by the company’s trailing
  and charges and expenses carefully before you invest. This              12 months’ earnings per share; Forward P/E (Est.) represents
  and other important information is contained in the Fund’s              the current market price per share divided by a company’s
  summary prospectus and prospectus, which can be obtained                estimated future earnings-per-share. Projected earnings are
  by calling 1-800-796-5606 or visiting our website at                    consensus analyst forecasts; actual P/E ratios may differ from Read carefully before you invest.                         projected P/E ratios; TTM-Trailing Twelve Months; Earnings per
                                                                          share (EPS) is the portion of a company's profit allocated to
  The fund is non-diversified and may invest in foreign securities,       each outstanding share of common stock; Standard deviation
  junk bonds, derivatives, or small/mid cap companies. Please             is a measure of risk that an investment will not meet the
  read the fund prospectus for a full list of fund risks.                 expected return in a given period; M&A (Mergers &
                                                                          Acquisitions); EV-to-normal-EBITDA (Enterprise Value-to-
  The Russell 3000® Value Index includes stocks from the Russell          normal-Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and
  3000® Index with lower price-to-book ratios and lower                   Amortization) multiple is a ratio used to determine the value of
  expected growth rates. The index does not reflect the payment           a company; and EPS and P/E growth is not representative of
  of transaction costs, fees and expenses associated with an              the Fund's or underlying securities future performance.
  investment in the Fund. It is not possible to invest directly in an     Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss
  index.                                                                  in a declining market.

  Top 10 holdings as of March 31, 2020 as a % of the Value
  Opportunities Fund’s net assets: Microsoft Corp. 10.3%,
  General Electric Co. 6.3%, Wells Fargo & Co. 4.4%, Oracle Corp.
  4.2%, Bank of America Corp. 3.6%, Morgan Stanley 3.6%,
  Medtronic PLC 3.2%, Motors Liquid. Co. GUC Tr 3.0%, Goldman
  Sachs Group Inc. 3.0 and Royal Mail PLC 3.0%. Portfolio

                                                                                      Mutual fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible.
                                                                                  NOT FDIC INSURED • NO BANK GUARANTEE • MAY LOSE VALUE
                                                                            The Hotchkis & Wiley Funds are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC
                                                                           No other products mentioned are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC
                                                                                                                         HWVO-ValueInvestor -5/20
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