Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA

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Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA 2019-08-21T13:08:29+00:00Z

      Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation
      Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle
      Internal Cavity Acoustics

              Andrew M. Smith                       Bruce T. LaVerde, ERC Inc
           Vibroacoustics Specialist               Vibroacoustics Lead Engineer
  Vehicle Loads and Strength Branch (EV31)          ESSSA Contract Support to
    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center        Vehicle Loads and Strength Branch (EV31)
                                                NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

  NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center/
  Vehicle Loads and Strength Branch (EV31)
  2-4 June 2015

© The Aerospace Corporation 2010
  © The Aerospace Corporation 2012
Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA

•   Introduction/Motivation - Use of the Lorch Results
      – Comparison of measured average sound pressure levels (SPLs) in two
         reverberant rooms is the standard approach (Reference ASTM E90). Both
         Source room and receiver room are reverberant.
      – Lorch used an approach based on sound intensity that allowed the receiver
         room to be anechoic rather than reverberant.
      – Lorch’s approach assumptions should affect the measurement setup for a
         transmission loss test.
•   Response Analysis Choices to Generate Hybrid Transmission Loss Estimate
•   Panel Design Factors - Finite Element Model of Large Grid Test Article Panel
•   Evaluating the applicability of a single panel transmission loss result for estimating
    the internal cavity acoustics of a launch vehicle compartment.
•   Sound Power Estimates for Cavity Acoustic Response using VA one
•   Conclusions and Forward Work

Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
            Use of the Lorch 1980 Published Results
•   Lorch, D. R., AIAA-80-1033, “Noise Reduction Measurements of integrally
    Stiffened Fuselage Panels,” Douglas Aircraft Company, McDonnell Douglas
    Corporation, Long Beach California. AIAA 6th Acoustics Conference, June 1980.
•   Lorch measured transmission loss across a panel separating a reverberant source
    room from an anechoic receiver room. This differed from the standard approach
    where both source and receiver rooms were set up to be reverberant.
•   An attempt to verify the Hybrid Transmission Loss results using a NASTRAN FEM
    and VA One Diffuse Acoustic Field by comparison to the Lorch measured results.
•   We have also examined his assumptions to provide a suitable test configuration in
    the MSFC facility. Similar to Lorch, MSFC has an anechoic chamber adjoining the
    Reverberant Chamber. The goal is to measure:
      – The diffuse field in the source room
      – The plane waves radiated from the panel in the near field in the receiver room.
•   The published Lorch data provides an opportunity to evaluate/verify from
    measurements the estimate of “Hybrid Transmission Loss” produced using
    NASTRAN Modes as an input to VA One Response.
•   We can also illustrate how useful the Transmission Loss (TL) results might be to
    guide a Cavity internal acoustics assessment.
Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Approach Assumptions Affect the
Measurement Test Setup – Reverb Side

           •   6 microphones 1 – 1.5 in
               from panel
           •   3 microphones on tripod
               near center of room used
               to measure the Diffuse
Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Approach Assumptions Affect the
       Measurement Test Setup – Anechoic Side

•   9 microphones located 1 inch away from
    interior panel wall. Used to measure the
    progressive plane waves radiated from
Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Approach Assumptions - Lorch Equations

•   Required equations for a reverb to anechoic chamber test setup
              Not appropriate to
              measure Average SPL in
              Anechoic Receiver room.
Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Hybrid SEA/FEM Response Simulation Choices
                  Lorch Transmission Loss Results
•   The validation presented here addresses only the measured results published by
    Lorch for one of his Isogrid Panel test articles (Large Grid Test Article).
•   FEM representing the Large Grid Test Article was prepared in NASTRAN, from the
    few details he tabulated in his paper.
•   Important Factors for the Finite Element Analysis:
     –   Boundary Conditions
     –   Damping
     –   Frequency Resolution
     –   Mesh Density
     –   Forcing Function Patch Resolution.

•   Hybrid Transmission Loss was
    calculated in VA One using a
    1/36th octave band resolution.
    Response was later filtered to
    convert it to 1/3rd octave for
    comparison to the Lorch published

Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Design Details and FEM Choices for
Modeling the Large Grid Test Article
        Approach validation Trials With the Similar
        Shell explicit FEM
             •   Finite Element Mesh was made fine enough to include nodes
                 in the interior of the isogrid cell in this case 4 nodes interior
                 that are not congruent with the rib nodes
             •   The 4.16” triangle height was broken into four units in one
                 direction and three units in the other direction.
             •   Structural modes may limit frequency range more than the
                 forcing function resolution.
             •   Approximate 1 inch spacing between element centers
                 corresponds to a patch density adequate for about 3000 Hz
                 (Reference Smith 2013)

Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Comparison of Hybrid FE Results Estimating
    Transmission Loss to Measured
            •   A colleague who became interested in our results, shared
                a variation where the mesh density of the FEM was
                refined in the hope of pushing the analytical assessment
                to Higher frequencies.
            •   Appreciation is expressed to Justin Harrison (CRM
                Solutions Incorporated) who shared the fine mesh results
                in time to include them here by permission.

Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle Internal Cavity Acoustics - NASA
Panel Design Factors
Panel Bending Modes vs Pocket Modes
         Approach validation Trials
           •   The mass of the ribs is carried along in the Panel Bending
           •   The mass of the ribs does not participate once the wavelengths
               are short enough to set up Pocket Modes in the isogrid cells.
           •   Pocket Modes radiate sound to the interior more efficiently.



Panel Design Factors
Determine Frequency Range Pocket Modes are Observed
              • Suggest simple estimate of the frequency range where pocket
                modes probably begin to diminish transmission loss.
              • Calculate Fundamental Mode for Simply Supported
                Equilateral Triangle Using breakout model same material,
                pocket dimensions and skin thickness.

                                  1487 Hz


Panel Design Factors
Panel Bending Coincidence
   SEA was used for a quick estimate of Wave numbers.
     •   Fluid structural coincident frequency also may occur above 1000
         Hz according to the smeared property estimate of the wave
     •   Smeared properties follow the approach of the Isogrid Design
         Handbook (Reference Meyer 2004).



Hypothetical Launch Vehicle Compartment
          Assembly of 16 similar panels into Cylinder
•   We can determine Total Noise Reduction from a
    Hybrid Analysis by subtracting the resulting
    estimate for Internal Cavity acoustics from the
    External Acoustic Excitation.
•   Hypothetical Cylindrical Launch vehicle section
    fashioned from 16 panels with Lorch Large Grid
    design parameters. Radius 105.4 in. Height 112 in
•   Identical DAF excitation applied to each panel.

                                                        Noise reduction
                                                        resembles Transmission
                                                        Loss at High Frequency

Is Single Panel Measured TL useful for
             Assessing Cavity Acoustic Environment?
•   In this example, the boundary conditions for
    the panel have changed fairly drastically
    from the Flat Panel Test.
•   The single panel had been clamped on four
    sides. In this integrated configuration it is
    welded to the next panel on 3 sides.
•   The mode shapes that span two panels
    axially were not possible in the Lorch Flat
    Panel Test Configuration.

The transmission loss
results may have been
more transferable to a
Design that
included Ring
Measured Panel Transmission Loss was not so
             helpful in the Low/Mid Frequency Range?
•   In the first Cylindrical case assessed the Transmission Loss seems to be a helpful
    predictor only at frequencies from 700 to 1000 Hz.
•   In the Cylindrical Hybrid FEM analysis, the estimated internal acoustics respond
    quite close to external acoustics in the range from 100-250 Hz. Seeming to
    contradict both the transmission loss test and the matching single panel Hybrid
    FEM analysis.
•    A quick assessment using SEA to estimate Panel and cavity wave numbers
    (slide 12) seems to indicate that the diffuse field should be very inefficient eliciting
    resonant response from the structure in the 100-250 Hz range.
•   We turn to Finite Element Analysis to provide more information.
      – Boundary conditions and system architecture effects can be understood from
         the mode shapes of the cylinder we are assessing.
      – Mode shapes in this unsupported architecture tend to span across two panels
         in the axial direction.
      – This ability to develop large bending shapes across two panels was not
         possible in the smaller clamped panel configuration of the transmission loss

Lorch Panel adjustment Flat to Curved
            16 similar panels used to build up Cylinder
•   At High frequency the TL could be used in the
    typical Sabine equation where other factors such as
    the cavity fluid and surface absorption are added to
    the TL as additional sources of noise reduction.
•   Cavity absorption was assumed at 1% in the
    analysis there were no treatments applied to the
    surfaces of the panels.       Constraint added along midline between fwd and aft welded
                                     panels approximating a ring frame effect on panel modes.
                                             The measured TL acts like cylindrical vehicle Total Noise
                                             Reduction over the frequency range from 700-2000 Hz.

     Fixed constraints added to center grids
     prevented some mode shapes - increased
     rejection of Noise in low – mid frequency bands

Compare Noise Reduction Estimate to Measured
               Statistics From Development Flights
•   The STS & Saturn V data seems to
    confirm that a cylindrical vehicle
                                                  Sharp reduction in Noise
    compartment can be fairly                     Reduction below 300 Hz
    transparent to sound in the                   supported from Flight data
    Frequency range from 80-250 Hz.
•   Also, a corresponding increase in
    noise reduction in the lowest
    frequency bands seems consistent
    with these STS observations from
    measured data.

                                         The Noise Reduction Estimates from Lorch Panel Studies
                                         remain consistent with Single Panel Transmission Loss
                                         spectrum shape in bands from 500-2000 Hz.

Cylindrical Assessment Modes
                  With Additional Center Constraint
•   A NASTRAN Trial was made where the
    central nodes dividing the cylinder forward
    and aft were fixed.
•   This resulted in mode shapes that are more
    like the flat panel modes apparent during
    the flat panel test.
•   If the vehicle incorporated ring frames that
    might be sufficient to make the test results
    more useful for Launch vehicle estimates.

Suggested Lessons:
Choose the right test article to
assess your vehicle

Avoiding Longer bending
modes using frames can
make a vehicle section better
able to reject sound energy.

Was the Measured Panel Transmission Loss a useful
                   guide in the Low to Mid Frequency Range?

•   Perhaps we can say that The measured TL approximates the Noise Reduction for the
    hypothetical cylindrical vehicle within 2-3 dB over the freq. range from 300-2000 Hz.
•    Also, it was observed that at High frequency the TL resembled the shape of the total noise
    reduction, but was lower in magnitude than the Total Noise Reduction only at High Frequency.
      – The Transmission Loss provided by the panel is only a portion of the total noise reduction.
      – Other factors such as absorption by the cavity fluid, and absorption by the surfaces
        bounding the cavity also contribute to the total noise Reduction.
      – The simplicity of the Hybrid Response Analysis that developed the internal acoustic noise
        estimate may have contributed to the dip of Total Nosie Reduction below measured TL.
          • Coupling loss reduced by the absence of forward or aft structures
          • No treatments were applied to surfaces. 1.0% absorption is a minimum typical of a
             reverberant chamber from T60 tests. We expect launch vehicle compartments to
             contribute more.
•   Similar results have come to light where low Noise Reductions Measured in the mid frequency
    range from Saturn V and STS Flights.
•   Since the modes shapes of the panels will be somewhat different in any vehicle assembly, we
    should, therefore, recognize that measured TL will most useful in mid-to-high frequency range.

Conclusions and Forward Work

•   Hybrid Transmission Loss calculations using VA One were verified using Lorch’s
    Measured results were verified for a rib stiffened Isogrid Panel.
     – Finite element model must include nodes at the center of each Cell.
     – Damping, Mesh Density, and frequency resolution , corresponding to the analytical
       solution were provided.
•   Demonstration of how the measured transmission loss from 1 flat panel might feed
    into a system assessment estimating internal cavity acoustic environments.
     – Transmission loss is not total noise reduction.
     – Transmission loss can be used to help define the terms of a power balance equation,
       where all the loss factors are included.
•   When making use of TL from test verify that the test article and system architecture
    compare well to support the objectives for the test. Since Hybrid Transmission Loss
    Predictions are becoming fairly reliable, be sure to match your vehicle architecture
    when conducting breakout studies.

Conclusions and Forward Work

•   Impact of Lorch’s assumptions/ methodology on test setup’s was explained.
    Placement of microphones is important:
     – Goal is to measure diffuse field on reverberant side of panel. Microphones sample field at
       least 30 inches form walls and surfaces.
     – Goal is to measure plane waves amplitudes radiated on Anechoic side in Receiver room..
       Microphones sample field at close spacing to the panel.

•   Forward Work:
     – Account for Venting and Other Effects that make an actual vehicle compartment different
       that the simple cylinder assessed.
     – Develop better understanding of the Surface Absorption effects.
     – Develop understanding of Transmission Loss and Noise Reduction for such pressure fields
       as are present at Transonic and Max Q.


ASTM E90 -81, ”Standard Method for Laboratory Measurment of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions,” ASTM,
     Philadelphia, PA, 1981.
Lorch, D. R., AIAA-80-1033, “Noise Reduction Measurements of integrally Stiffened Fuselage Panels,” Douglas Aircraft Company, McDonnell
     Douglas Corporation, Long Beach California. AIAA 6th Acoustics Conference, June 1980.
Manning, J. E.., “The Role of Absorption in Reverberant Acoustic Test Facility Design” Cambridge Collaborative, 26th Aerospace Testing
     Seminar, March 2011.
Meyer, R. R.., et all, MDC G4295A, “Isogrid Design Handbook,” Prepared for Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA Contract NAS 8-28619),
     McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Huntington Beach California. Original relaease 1973, Revised 2004.
Davis, R. B., Fulcher, C., “A Component Mode Synthesis Approach for Calculating the Vibroacoustic Response of Mass Loaded Panels,”
     Presentation to the NESC Loads & Dynamics TDT Face-to-Face Meeting, NASA/MSFC/ER41, April 2013.
Frady, G., Duvall, L.., Fulcher, C.., LaVerde, B., Hunt, R.., “Test-Anchored Vibration Response Predictions For An Acoustically Energized
     Curved Orthogrid Panel With Mounted Components,” Proceedings of JANNAF’s 8th Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee (MSS),
     December 2011.
Peck, J., Smith, A., Fulcher, C., LaVerde, B., Hunt, R., “Development of Component Interface Loads on a Cylindrical Orthogrid Vehicle Section
     from Test-Correlated Models of a Curved Panel,” Proceedings of 2011 Spacecraft and Launch Vehicle Dynamic Environments
     Workshop, June 2011.
Smith, A., Davis, R.B., LaVerde, B., Hunt, R., Fulcher, C., Jones, D., Band, J., “Calculation of Coupled Vibroacoustics Response Estimates
     from a Library of Available Uncoupled Transfer Function Sets,” AIAA SDM April 2012.
Smith, A., LaVerde, B., Hunt, R., Jones, D., Waldon, J., Towner, R., “A Patch Density Recommendation based on Convergence Studies for
     Vehicle Panel Vibration Response resulting from Excitation by a Diffuse Acoustic Field,” AIAA SDM April 2013.
Smith, A., Parsons, D., Teague, D., “SPIE ISPE Vibroacoustics and Shock Assessment and Models Report,” SLS-SPIO-RPT-034, version 2,
     change 1, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, October 28, 2014.

Backup Slides

           Hybrid Transmission Loss Studies
           are Simple Assessments:

           •   FE of Partition
           •   SEA DAF applied Excitation to
               one side
           •   SEA SIF Receiver attached to
               opposite side

           Adaptable to more than Just Flat
           Panel studies.

           Consider Hybrid Transmission
           Loss Studies for larger more
           complex subsystems.

Backup Slides

Modes in Band for the Cylindrical Studies

“Validation of Transmission Loss Simulation
      Approach with Goal to Estimate Launch Vehicle
      Internal Cavity Acoustics”

              Andrew M. Smith                       Bruce T. LaVerde, ERC Inc
                                                   Vibroacoustics Lead Engineer
           Vibroacoustics Specialist
                                                    ESSSA Contract Support to
  Vehicle Loads and Strength Branch (EV31)
    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center        Vehicle Loads and Strength Branch (EV31)
                                                NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

© The Aerospace Corporation 2010
  © The Aerospace Corporation 2012
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