UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.

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UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.

2021 Report
UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
2          2021 Kroger Foundation Report

Letter from the President
2020 was a year of unexpected challenges. At The Kroger Co. Foundation, we are
reflecting on what matters most and identifying how we can help even more.

After a year of extraordinary challenges, our        $5 million to the Foundation to establish a
mission to lift up the communities we call home      new Racial Equity Fund. Our vision is to create
through Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste            more equitable communities by being the
social and environmental impact plan has never       spark that ignites innovative solutions. In the
been more important.                                 first phase of funding, we directed $3 million
The COVID-19 pandemic reminded all of us of our      to organizations that are focused on enhancing
fundamental interconnectedness—the virus could       equity and addressing the intersection of race
infect anyone, anywhere—and it exposed systemic      and food security.
inequities in our most vulnerable populations,       I am inspired by all our partners who have
including seniors, individuals with chronic          worked tirelessly to drive positive change in
health conditions, and people and communities        our communities during this incredibly
of color. It also confirmed that Kroger’s Zero       challenging time.
Hunger | Zero Waste social impact plan is more       At The Kroger Co. Foundation, we will continue
critical than ever. In response, The Kroger Co.      to do our part. We remain committed to doing
Foundation directed help in our communities          even more good through impact philanthropy in
where it was needed most. We increased our           2021 and beyond.
annual contributions, delivering grants totaling
$16.4 million in 2020, including nearly $5 million
to organizations providing pandemic relief.
As part of a national reckoning on social justice,
the Foundation accelerated support for racial        Keith Dailey
equity. As part of Kroger’s Framework for Action:    President, The Kroger Co. Foundation
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Kroger allocated      Group Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Kroger

UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
3           2021 Kroger Foundation Report

Our Mission
We’re on a mission to lift up                    The Kroger Co. Foundation is Kroger’s            2020 Highlights
the communities we call home.                    private foundation, established in
                                                 1987 and dedicated to making a
We focus our philanthropic
efforts on building stronger
                                                 difference at the national, regional and         $16.4M                  373                   $4.9M                     24
                                                 local levels. We focus on supporting             in grants               grants offered        donated to                states received
communities and supporting                       our communities’ needs today                                             to national and       COVID-19 relief           $50,000 or more
neighbors in need.                               and finding innovative solutions                                         local non-profit      efforts                   in grants
                                                 to build a better tomorrow.                                              organizations

                                                                                                                                                                                       M = million

Kroger Scholars                                  Congressional Hunger Center                      USO                                           American Red Cross
Program of the Kroger Foundation                 Washington, D.C.                                 Arlington, VA                                 Washington, D.C.
In 2020, the Foundation celebrated its           Since 2017, the Foundation has invested in       The Foundation directed funding to the        The Foundation’s support as an Annual
12th year of the Kroger Scholars program.        the next generation of diverse and inclusive     United Service Organization’s (USO) Combat    Disaster Giving Program partner helps the Red
We provided scholarships for 120 students        leaders by supporting two Bill Emerson           COVID-19 Fund to support efforts to nourish   Cross prepare for disasters in advance and
who are dependents of eligible Kroger            National Hunger Fellows each year. In 2020,      military service men and women and their      respond immediately with care and comfort
associates and pursuing a two- or four-year      Rocio Perez of Los Angeles and Curtis Hills of   families during the pandemic. With this       when disasters happen. As a trusted and
college degree or a vocational or technical      Lexington, MS, gained first‑hand experience      grant, the USO helped service members who     critical part of our communities’ first response
certificate. No matter what inspires a student   helping to improve food security in the          were quarantined after returning home from    network, the Red Cross stands ready to use
to pursue a post‑secondary education, these      U.S. through advocacy, public policy and         deployments. The USO’s virtual programs       its strong infrastructure, trained volunteers,
$2,500 scholarships support their success.       strengthening the capacity of hunger-relief      also helped boost morale and keep service     innovative technology and critical resources
To date, the Foundation has awarded              organizations and the communities they serve.    members connected to family and home          to provide immediate relief and support when
more than $3.9 million to Kroger Scholars                                                         during stay‑at-home orders.                   needed most.
across the country.

UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
4           2021 Kroger Foundation Report

Funding Overview
Foundation grants help advance                                                                          Military & Veterans – $500,000

Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste
                                            Zero Hunger / Hunger Relief – $7.2M                                 Health & Nutrition – $620,000
mission and other strategic
priorities. We are committed to
supporting our communities’ needs                                                  Focus Areas                  Diversity & Inclusion – $1.6M
in the following focus areas:
                                                                                                                Disaster Relief – $780,000

                                                                                                                Education & Youth
                                               Zero Waste / Sustainability – $5M                                Development – $380,000

                                                                                                 Other – $285,000

Geographic Focus



    $201,000 to $500,000

    Less than $200,000

UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
5           2021 Kroger Foundation Report

Racial Equity Fund
In 2020, The Kroger Co. Foundation
established a new $5 million Racial
Equity Fund to support non-profit
organizations advancing racial equity
in our communities. In our first Build
It Together challenge, we awarded $3
million in grants to projects that reflect
Kroger’s Framework for Action: Diversity,
Equity & Inclusion to accelerate change in
the communities we serve and beyond.

In 2020, we invited 14 organizations
to apply for Build It Together grants
to support programs focused on
creating more equitable communities.
A judging panel, made up of Kroger
associates, external partners and local
community foundations, evaluated the
proposals and selected four finalists to
receive a total of $3 million in grants.    Black Girl Ventures                                                                                           Thurgood Marshall
                                                                                 Everytable                          LISC
We are pleased to support the               Washington, D.C.                     Los Angeles                         New York                             College Fund
critical work of these organizations:       Black Girl Ventures’ mission is to   Everytable is pioneering a new      The Local Initiatives Support        Washington, D.C.
                                            provide Black and Brown women        way to produce fresh food           Corporation (LISC) is the largest    Established in 1987, the Thurgood
                                            entrepreneurs greater access         and healthy prepared meals          U.S. community development           Marshall College Fund (TMCF) is
                                            to capital and capacity-building     as an affordable alternative to     organization, with offices in        the nation’s largest organization
                                            resources. The non-profit will use   fast food. The organization’s       37 cities and a rural program        exclusively representing the
                                            a $500,000 Foundation grant to       social-franchise model features     serving over 2,200 counties in       Black college community. A
                                            launch a cohort of the Change        grab-and-go storefront markets      46 states and Puerto Rico. LISC’s    $1 million Build It Together grant
                                            Agent Fellowship, a nine-month       in communities with low access to   mission is to create economic        will help the TMCF adapt its
                                            leadership and ecosystem             healthy food options. Everytable    opportunity for all. They will use   successful entrepreneurship
                                            development program for Black        will use its $1 million Build       a $500,000 grant to advance          program to focus on food
                                            and Brown founders in Cincinnati     It Together grant to help fund      Project 10X, an ambitious            insecurity and sustainability
                                            who identify as female. The          more business ownership among       strategy to close racial health,     initiatives, particularly in Black
                                            program expands the capacity         Black entrepreneurs and other       wealth and opportunity gaps. The     communities that lack convenient
                                            and local ecosystems of Black        people of color. Their goal is to   funds will support food‑system       access to food and other services.
                                            and Brown women founders by          open 40 franchises during the       businesses and community             An initial three-day Zero Hunger |
                                            delivering an exclusive curriculum   next two years.                     organizations advancing food         Zero Waste Innovation Challenge
                                            and connecting them with                                                 access among Black, Brown and        engaged TMCF students earlier
                                            supporters, mentors and peers.                                           indigenous communities.              this year.

UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
Join Our Journey
   To request a grant, please visit
UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co. UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co. UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co. UPLIFTING COMMUNITIES - 2021 Report - The Kroger Co.
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