UNICEF Procurement Strategy for Safe Injection Equipment Tender for 2020-2021 - RFP-DAN-2019-502979 - Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing ...
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Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 UNICEF Procurement Strategy for Safe Injection Equipment Tender for 2020-2021 RFP-DAN-2019-502979 Rob Matthews, Health Technology Centre, UNICEF Supply Division
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Introduction • Webinar Modality • Questions and Answers • We will disable the voice from other participants not to disrupt the presentation • You have the opportunities for writing questions during the presentation which we will endeavor to answer at the end. • The presentation from this webinar will be available at https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_103574.html • Presentations from the previous tender round, providing insight into the planned approach are available at https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_94621.html
Introduction to Safe Injection Equipment Tender Industry Briefing Webinar Changed approach from the previous Industry Consultations due to: • Limited change in the Strategic Approach from the prior tender round • More sustainable, avoiding travel air travel for +/- 60 participants • 2/3 of responders from the industry survey issued in February were in favour of a Webinar • More efficient process
Webinar Overview • Assessment of prior SIE Tender round outcome and 2018 Year end review against the strategic objectives and identified risks • Landscape changes and Impact on procurement Approach • Procurement Strategy • Tender Scope • Tender Objectives and Targets • Forecast Quantities • Tender Document Structure • Response Templates • Evaluation Criteria and Approach • Planned Tender Timelines • Reference Material • Communication • Q&A
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 RFP-DAN-2017-502431 Tender Strategy Assessment Outcome
Assessment of the 2018-2019 Tender Strategy • When developing the Procurement Strategy for SIE for 2018-2019, assessment metrics were identified to assess the effectiveness of the approach and identified risks. • An assessment of the recommended awards was undertaken at the time of CRC submission and at the end of 2018 to provide a mid-term assessment of the strategy developed for the 2018-2019 SIE Tender to inform the strategy going forward. • 8 Objectives and 2 Targets were set for the 2018-2019 Tender
2018-2019 Tender Objectives 1. Ensure an uninterrupted, sustainable supply of affordable products that are in compliance with the required quality and technical requirements. This is the overarching objective. 2. Strengthen injection safety by (i) reducing the risk of re-use, through a tender strategy that supports a preference for devices that have an activation of the auto-disabling feature commencing prior to delivery of the fixed full dose. 3. Maintain a healthy market with multiple suppliers in the markets where this has been achieved and further improve the healthy market status where this is required, seeking further reductions in the weighted average price (WAP). 4. Engage Industry to address programmatic and supply challenges, including new immunization strategies, reducing lead times and increased bundling of SIE offered products and resultant shipments. 5. Reduce the overall cost to programs through the continued application of a landed cost evaluation criteria to better assess the full cost to programs. 6. Implementing a more sustainable procurement approach encouraging product innovations that reduce the overall carbon footprint and waste disposal requirement. 7. Support Bundling of vaccines and injection devices and that the delivery of such is done in an efficient manner. 8. Improve the efficiency of the tendering, procurement and delivery processes.
2018-2019 Tender Targets Two Supply Outcome Targets were set to be achieved by 2021. Sustainability Target (under Objective 6) • To develop local industry, we included a target of 20% of awards made to new local manufacturers by 2021, to (i) stimulate local production facilities to reach the required quality standards and (ii) to grow local production. Delivery Efficiency (under Objective 7) • To improve delivery efficiency through bundling awards for AD syringes, Safety Boxes and Reconstitution Syringes with the same proposer, a target of 80% of awards be bundled by 2021.
Objective Assessment Metrics Evaluation of Award at CRC Submission Mid Term Strategy Review End 2018 1. To ensure an uninterrupted, sustainable No supply interruptions, All All recommended awards are compliant No supply interruptions occurred and supply of affordable products that are in awarded products met the with required quality and technical improved market health for the two previously compliance with the required quality and required technical standards requirements. Improved market for items constrained markets. technical requirements. This is the 20 & 30 0,05ml and 0,1ml AD Syringes. overarching objective. 2. To strengthen injection safety by (i) All awards made for devices All awards of AD syringes made with All awards for AD’s made with early activation reducing the risk of re-use, through a having an activation of the disabling mechanism at onset of injection. of the disabling device. tender strategy that supports a preference disabling feature prior to for devices that have an activation of the delivery of the full dose where auto-disabling feature commencing prior there is available supply of these to delivery of the fixed full dose; products. 3. Maintain a healthy market with Multiple suppliers awarded, Market health improved with more Actual WAP for AD’s declined by 1.7%, market multiple suppliers in the markets where reduced WAP; Awards made suppliers for AD’s, particular items 20 & 30. health improved for the 0,05ml and 0,1ml AD this has been achieved and further using a landed cost price WAP increased by 0,5% but sustainability syringes (Items 20 & 30) improve the healthy market status where evaluation gains achieved. this is required, seeking further reductions in the weighted average price (WAP). 4. Engage Industry to address Improved outcomes over prior 62% bundled awards for AD’s and Safety Bundled awards have enabled the reduction of programmatic and supply challenges, tender rounds; Number of Boxes. shipments by 11% in 2018 from 2017 figures including reducing lead times and alternative offers received with an associated increase in item requests increased bundling of SIE offered products by 7% and resultant shipments.
Market development and applied procurement approach • In 2013, HTC revised the tender approach for Safe Injection Equipment, merging four separate ITBs for AD syringes, RUPs, Safety Boxes and Disposable syringes and needles into one RFP covering all SIE related commodities for the 2014-2015 demand. • In the following tender issued in 2015, covering 2016 and 2017 demand, 40% of awards were made for bundled supply – awarding the same supplier with the full range of SIE products allowing for bundled supply. • In 2017, targets were set for awarding 80% of demand as bundled product by 2021; 62% of awards were bundled for the 2018-2019 award period.
Objective Assessment Metrics Evaluation of Award at CRC Submission Mid Term Strategy Review End 2018 5. Reduce the overall cost to programs Awards made using landed cost Awards based on landed cost evaluation. Actual overall WAP across the entire range through the continued application of a evaluation criteria. Increased WAP of 1.1% however anticipate of SIE products has remained constant landed cost evaluation criteria to better Decline in the volume of waste a reduction in number of shipments and between 2017 and 2018 based on the assess the full cost to programs. based on awards made associated delivery and handling costs. specific order profiling. 6. Move towards a more sustainable Awards made factoring in Tender activity and Award 7% reduction in waste achieved in procurement approach encouraging sustainability criteria in recommendations resulting in anticipated comparative actuals from 2017 to 2018. It is product innovations that reduce the Evaluations. 12% reduction in waste generated; anticipated that the waste reduction will overall carbon footprint and waste Reduction in the unit weight and 6% reduction in transport volumes; increased in the remainder of the award disposal requirement. volume of awards made from 5% of value award to new local producer. period. prior rounds. Electronic tendering process reduced paper wastage and increased process efficiency. 4% of quantities shipped from new local suppliers in 2018 7. Support Bundling of vaccines and Range of product award by 62% bundled awards for AD’s and Safety Bundled awards have enabled the reduction injection devices. The Bundling Principle supplier Boxes on track for 2021 target. of shipments by 11% in 2018 from 2017 denotes that for each vaccine dose Anticipate further reductions in shipments. figures with an associated increase in items delivered, there are a sufficient number of Improve Delivery performance Will monitor during LTA implementation requested by 7% and volumes increased by AD syringes, reconstitution syringes period. 3%. (where applicable) and safety boxes and that the delivery of such is done in an efficient manner. 8. Improve the efficiency of the tendering, TAD performance, Proportionate 62% bundled awards and award approach Bundled awards have enabled the reduction procurement and delivery processes. Reduction in overall Freight costs positions UNICEF for a more efficient of POs and shipments by 10% and 11% Proportionate number of procurement and delivery process. respectively with an associated increase in shipments and transactions vs SO Electronic bid process and automated data item requests by 7%. requests in comparison to 2015 extraction reduced the overall evaluation baseline. by approximately 50%.
Delivery efficiency gains • The benefits of the bundled award strategy are shown in the Table and Graph on the right, with the decreasing number of shipments made and POs issued, in comparison to the increased quantity of goods shipped. • The number of shipments made has been declining since 2015, with 2018 reporting a reduction in shipments of 11% when the number of items requested increased by 7% and quantities by 3%. This trend supports the continuation of the bundling approach, validating the 2021 target of bundling 80% of awards. • In addition to the bundled delivery approach, a revision to the GAVI decision letter structure consolidating all GAVI related device approvals of routine programs to one approval per country, introduced in 2017, reduced the number of requests for SIE significantly (39%).
Assessment of risk at Assessment of Risk at CRC Mid Term Strategy Review Potential Risk Risk Mitigation strategy Strategy Development Submission (end 2018) Stage Supply interruptions Multiple suppliers contracted, 10% Low (due to applied Low. Improved market for Low. Market status buffer stock requirement. Should approach); though possibly items 20 & 30 0,05ml and improved for items 20 & demand outweigh supply for 0.1ml AD problematic for 0.1ml AD 0,1ml AD Syringes. 30). then the wider supply base including syringe demand depending activation of the disabling mechanism on the Polio program plans. at the end of injection will be considered. Questionable SIE Quality assurance criteria in place Low (due to applied Low. All Recommended Low. All recommended quality approach) awards meet UNICEF products met UNICEF Quality requirements. Quality requirements Increase in the WAP Increased transparency through Medium (based on the The recommended award Actual WAP for items 10-30 for AD syringes posting of awarded prices, switch from increased focus on reflects an increase of 0,5% for 2018 reduced by 1.7% ITB to RFP for bidders to leverage their sustainable procurement) from prior round for items comparative advantage. 10 - 30. The Business unit considers that the sustainability gains from the recommended award justify the price increase. Opportunity for bidders to include a Low. No price increase Low, considering that the oil Price premium due to price option pegged to raw material requests received – noting price has ‘bottomed out’ Low. Prices appear fluctuating raw markets would increase this risk but that planned LTA duration of and is more likely to competitive material prices reduce the risk buffer placed if no 2 years limits this risk from increase than decrease. option was provided. a supplier perspective
Assessment of risk at Assessment of Risk at CRC Mid Term Strategy Review Potential Risk Risk Mitigation strategy Strategy Development Submission (end 2018) Stage Currency Fluctuation Offers are accepted in US$ and Euro. Medium (considering the Low. Only one supplier Low. Reduced number of US$: Euro While there is a risk that the WAP will current fluctuations seen contracted in Euros. awards in Euro. Actual be affected by currency fluctuations, within the currency Bundling approach has spend in Euro dropped from accepting offers in both currencies is markets. reduced the level of Euro 7 to 4% of total spend considered lower than requiring offers contracting (unanticipated). reducing exchange rate risk in US $ as bidders would include a premium to cover such risk. Deterioration of AD Multiple suppliers contracted, Low (due to applied Low. Positive market Low. Positive market status. syringe current healthy evaluation approach not only on price approach) development. Additional suppliers market contracted for items 20 and 30 than previous tender. WHO exit as a UNICEF to take over Quality Assurance Low Low Low. No plan from WHO to prequalifying body and remove WHO pre- its implications for qualification. quality assurance Challenges of timely Buffer stocks established with Medium Low. LTAs require 10% Low. Improved supplier outbreak response vs. suppliers; Geographically diverse buffer stock for emergency base for 0,1ml reduced the long lead time due to supplier base; Industry engagement in response. Improved supply risk of low responses. sea shipment transit addressing this issue base for items 20 & 30 Increased overall demand time 0,05ml and 0,1ml AD levels for 0,1ml due to IPV Syringes for fractional fractional doses has doses. increased supplier confidence in this market.
Assessment of risk at Assessment of Risk at Mid Term Strategy Review (end Potential Risk Risk Mitigation strategy Strategy Development CRC Submission 2018) Stage Negative Industry Option for industry to respond as Low, do not anticipate a Low. Very positive Low. Industry has reacted positively response to the in prior rounds negative response from approach from to this approach with an increase in proposed approach industry. Prior tender round Industry. the number of suppliers offering using a similar approach technically acceptable bundled offers produced positive results. and another AD syringe supplier has just obtained WHO pre-qualification for safety boxes, increasing the opportunity for bundled offers Inaccurate forecasts Close follow up on changes in Medium. (new vaccine Low. Proposed awards Low. Forecast accuracy was as demand forecasts; regular introduction delays and are based on predicted, with good forecast participation in key partnership variations in campaign conservative accuracy on the 0,5ml AD syringes calls, keep informed of key partner plans) forecasts. Good and safety boxes; good forecast plans availability in the accuracy on the reconstitution markets syringes overall but variance between the disposable syringes and RUP syringes and poor forecast accuracy overall for the curative demand. This supports the type of LTA used for award (Target bound LTAs for AD syringes and Safety boxes and Time bound LTAs for the remainder of the products.
Assessment of risk at Assessment of Risk at CRC Mid Term Strategy Review Potential Risk Risk Mitigation strategy Strategy Development Submission (end 2018) Stage Product innovation Monitor product pipeline, product Low (Due to contract period Low. New technologies Low. No scale up on new making contracted innovations, and pre-qualification and under development but technologies. products obsolete field test criteria) not close to scale up in markets Increased focus on Risk is acknowledged though seeks to Medium WAP increase of 1,1% Low. A 1.7% WAP reduction sustainable encourage industry to develop smaller under recommended on actual AD syringe procurement resulting products and lighter, less bulky award. The Business unit procurement; a 0,6% in increased pricing packaging considers that the reduction in WAP on overall sustainability gains from AD and SB actual the recommended award procurement; and zero justify the price increase. variance on all Immunization SIE product actual procurement occurred.
Progress towards the 2 targets set for 2021 20% of the awards to new local producers by 2021 • The awards made under RFP-DAN-2017-502431 (5%) is under the desired linear progression. The full award to eligible new local producers was made in the 2018-2019 tender round, though there were limited eligible suppliers. The bundling of 80% of the awards by 2021 to improve delivery efficiency • The awards made under RFP-DAN-2017-502431 are on track (currently at 62%) to achieve the 80% bundling in the next tender round (2020-2021).
2018 Forecast Accuracy and applied Award Strategy • The forecast accuracy for the Target bound LTA items is considered good, with the only deviation outside of the 20% accuracy for the 0,1ml AD syringe. • For the 0,1ml AD Syringe, Considering that the overall quantities for this product are relatively small and the current demand is volatile due to unknown polio fractional dose response strategies, the current outcome is considered acceptable. • The applied award strategy, establishing target bound LTAs for AD syringes and Safety boxes, and Time bound LTAs for the remainder of syringes and needles proved to be a successful approach in supporting delivery efficiency and is recommended to be maintained during the next ender round.
Summary Assessment of the 2018-2019 Procurement Strategy The Procurement strategy developed for the 2018-2019 tender for SIE, supporting the achievement of the objectives and targets set for 2021, has proven to be successful in achieving the objectives set; noting that the linear progression for the local production target is under target.
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Landscape Changes
The New Joint Injection Safety Policy New joint injection safety policy • Recommending the sole use of Re Use Prevention (RUP) Syringes for vaccine reconstitution. • This will impact the demand for 2ml and 5ml disposable syringes with fixed needles, shifting the immunization related disposable syringe demand over to 2ml and 5ml RUP syringes with needles.
Structural changes within UNICEF Supply Division Merging of the former Medical unit and SIE units within the Health Technology Centre (HTC) in 2018 • Having merged the two portfolios of the former business units, there are efficiency gains to achieve by including related products formerly procured under separate tenders into this tender to leverage off the overall volumes and shared supply base. • These include cannula’s, spinal needles, scalp vein needles and three- way valves. • The total value of 2018 procurement of these 11 additional products was $534,000; in comparison to the SIE procurement value of $29,250,000.
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 2020-2021 SIE Procurement Strategy
Procurement Strategy for SIE for 2020-2021 Considering that: • that the applied strategy has proven effective based on the mid-term review, and • that targets were set for 2021; The 2020-2021 objectives will remain the same as the procurement strategy for the 2018-2019 period. UNICEF is extending the duration of the existing procurement strategy (2018-2019) to cover the 2020 -2021 period, with minor adjustments to address the landscape changes by: • Not limiting the awards for RUP syringes to those suppliers receiving awards for AD Syringes alone (the LTAs will remain timebound); • To facilitate this market shift and ensure supply security, awards for RUP syringes will not be limited to those suppliers receiving awards for AD Syringes alone as per the current tender period but will allow for flexibility in the award of RUPs to ensure adequate coverage and supply security. • Inclusion of 11 additional products covering cannula’s, spinal needles, scalp vein needles and three way valves.
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 2020-2021 SIE Tender Scope
Scope of Products included under this Tender The range of products to be included under this procurement strategy are Auto-Disable (AD) Syringes, Safety Boxes (SB) and Re-Use Prevention (RUP) Syringes Disposable Syringes and Needles, Spinal Needles, Scalp-vein Needles, Cannulas and 3-way valves • RUP with SIP are excluded from this tender due to single country historic demand for the 1ml RUP with SIP through UNICEF and no forecast demand for the 1ml, 3ml or 5ml, therefore not justifying the establishment of an LTA • Should demand materialize for RUP with SIP during the 2020-2021 period separate tenders covering the required demand will be issued. • The consolidation of these commodity groups under one tender is based upon • their interdependent usage in both immunization and curative settings (as part of emergency response health kits) to support safe injection and waste management; • providing the opportunity to make bundled awards across the product range enabling delivery and transactional efficiencies; • offered product range from industry; and • providing efficiency gains through reducing the number of individual tenders undertaken.
List of Products included under this Tender Item # Material Number Product Description Item # Material Number Product Description AD Syringes Disposable hypodermic syringes 10 S0002016 Syringe,A-D,0.5ml,w/ndl/BOX-100 80 S0782110 Syringe,disp,2ml,w/ndl,21G/BOX-100 20 S0002013 Syringe,A-D,BCG,0.05ml,w/ndl/BOX-100 90 S0782111 Syringe,disp,5ml,w/ndl,21G/BOX-100 30 S0002012 Syringe,A-D,BCG,0.1ml,w/ndl/BOX-100 100 S0782112 Syringe,disp,10ml,w/ndl,21G/BOX-100 Sharps safety boxes 140 S0782203 Syringe,disp,1ml,ster/BOX-100 150 S0782205 Syringe,disp,2ml,ster/BOX-100 40 S0782208 Safety box f.used syrgs/ndls 5lt/BOX-25 160 S0782405 Syringe,disp,5ml,ster/BOX-100 RUP Syringes 170 S0782413 Syringe,disp,10ml,ster/BOX-100 50 S0782316 Syringe,RUP,2ml,w/ndl,bi-pack/BOX-100 180 S0782425 Syringe,disp,20ml,ster/BOX-100 51 S0782321 Syringe,RUP,2ml,w/ndl,fixed,21G/BOX-100 Cannula, Needles and Three-way valve 60 S0782317 Syringe,RUP,5ml,w/ndl,bi-pack/BOX-100 240 S0709235 Cannula,IV short,16G,ster,disp 61 S0782322 Syringe,RUP,5ml,w/ndl,fixed,21G/BOX-100 250 S0709231 Cannula,IV short,18G,ster,disp 70 S0782318 Syringe,RUP,10ml,w/ndl,bi-pack/BOX-100 260 S0709232 Cannula,IV short,20G,ster,disp 71 S0782323 Syringe,RUP,10ml,w/ndl,fixed,21G/BOX-100 270 S0709233 Cannula,IV short,22G,ster,disp 110 S0782311 Syringe, RUP 2ml w/o ndl 280 S0709234 Cannula,IV short,24G,ster,disp 120 S0782312 Syringe, RUP 5ml w/o ndl 290 S0709236 Needle,scalp vein,21G,ster,disp 130 S0782313 Syringe, RUP 10ml w/o ndl 300 S0709237 Needle,scalp vein,25G,ster,disp Disposable hypodermic needle 310 S0747996 Needle,spinal,22G(0.7x40mm),ster,disp 190 S0747420 Needle,disp,19G,ster/BOX-100 320 S0709238 Needle,spinal,22G(0.7x90mm),ster,disp 330 S0709239 Needle,spinal,20G(0.9x90mm),ster,disp 200 S0747432 Needle,disp,21G,ster/BOX-100 340 S0709240 Three-way valve, Luer, w/caps 210 S0747440 Needle,disp,22G,ster/BOX-100 220 S0747452 Needle,disp,23G,ster/BOX-100 Alternative Offers (including bundled offers) 230 S0747445 Needle,disp,25G,ster/BOX-100 350 U481800 Syringes and safe injection equipment
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Historic Procurement volumes of SIE products 2013-2018
UNICEF Historic Procurement quantities of SIE products (2013 – 2018) Within the SIE procurement volumes undertaken by UNICEF, the key market within this product range is the 0.5ml AD Syringe market in terms of volumes and value and where UNICEF has an ability to influence the market
UNICEF Procurement Value across SIE products included under this tender (2013 – 2018) From a value perspective the key commodities to be established under the resultant LTAs are AD syringes and Safety Boxes amounting to over 90% of the total historic procurement value (2013-2018)
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 2020-2021 SIE Tender Forecast Quantities
Specific Note - 0,1ml AD Syringe demand • Volatility of demand for the 0.1ml AD UNICEF 0,1ml AD Syringe demand profile 2013-2018 syringe. • Used for intradermal fractional dose delivery of IPV (fIPV) and YF vaccines where acute vaccine shortages prevailed at times of outbreak • Increased, procurement volumes since 2016 which are anticipated to continue during 2020 and 2021 should the Polio Program and countries elect to utilize the fractional dose for IPV. • The 0,1ml AD Syringe market situation has improved so it is not anticipated to make specific awards for outbreak response stockpiling as per previous years but rather to source that from within LTA awards made for the 2020 – 2021 period. • UNICEF requests suppliers offering this product to consider carrying a finished stock of 5 million syringes to be available in case of outbreak.
Resultant planned awards 1. Target bound Long Term Arrangements (LTAs) for AD syringes and Safety boxes (2 year duration) 2. Time bound LTAs covering the immunization demand for the associated disposable and RUP syringes used for the reconstitution of vaccines (2 year duration) 3. Time bound LTAs for the RUPs, Disposable syringes and Needles for kit packing and emergency response a. based on the low volumes and value and highly variable demand levels (driven by Health kit demand). (2 year duration) 4. Time bound LTAs for the Spinal Needles, Scalp vein sets, 3 way valves for kit packing and emergency response a. based on the low volumes and value and highly variable demand levels (driven by Health kit demand). (2 +1+1 year duration)
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Tender Document
Document Structure 4 Sections 1. Instruction to Proposers 2. Specific Terms and Conditions 3. Technical Provisions 4. Evaluation of Proposals and Basis for Awards 7 Annexes A. Tender Products and Quantities B. Technical Specifications C. UNICEF Technical Requirements for Medical Devices (MD) D. Technical Proposal Response Template E. Commercial Proposal Response Template F. Background Information, including the Safe Injection Procurement Strategy G. UNICEF General Terms and Conditions Same format and templates as the prior tender round.
1. Instruction to Proposers Outlines requirements proposers must meet when submitting their proposals. Highlights: • Use the Response Templates provided for the standard requested information fields under the relevant section of the Response Templates • Annex D: Technical Proposal Response Template • Annex E: Commercial Proposal Response Template • Additional information to be submitted under in Section 17 of Annex D for technical information or Section 14 of Annex E for commercial information • All requested information must be provided by the proposer • Proposals must be submitted by email to supplybid@unicef.org • Maximum file size 25 MB • Must reference RFP Number and Company name in the subject line on all communication • Technical proposal and commercial proposal must be sent as separate files and clearly marked
2. Specific Terms and Conditions Provides information on: • the purpose and requirements of the Request for Proposal • the Proposal submission schedule • Acknowledgement of receipt of the Solicitation document • Questions from Proposers • Contact email for communication – sietender@unicef.org • Important – Proposals are not to be sent to sent to the above email address. Any proposals sent to the above email will be disqualified • Deadline for questions/ clarifications on the tender document 23h59 Copenhagen time 30th June 2019. • Submission deadline – 23h59 Copenhagen time 31st July 2019 • Proposal validity requirements • Preparation of Offers
Commercial Response Structure • The Commercial Proposal should be prepared in accordance with the quantities, terms and conditions and specifications outlined in the Solicitation Document • The table provides an overview of the required response structure for the commercial submission including references and guidance on the completion of Annex E requirements. • Scanned signed pdf copies in addition to the electronic (excel) versions of the templates provided under sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Annex E are required to be submitted. • Where variances between the scanned and electronic versions occur, the scanned signed version will prevail
3. Technical Provisions • All Technical Provisions are detailed in Section 3. • Product Technical Specifications are detailed in Annex 2. • Technical Requirements are split into Medical Devices and Non-Medical devices. • For AD and RUP syringes not previously supplied to UNICEF, UNICEF requires demonstration of a successful ‘user-friendliness’ field trial of production-run syringes for AD and RUP products. • Proposers are encouraged to submit field trials already undertaken with all supporting documentation for evaluation by UNICEF. If the field trial is deemed sufficient by UNICEF no further field trial would be required. • Sample products may be requested. • UNICEF Technical requirements are listed in Annex C.
Technical File Submission • All technical documentation and information submitted for the products requested under this RFP is to be included and submitted as per the structure in Annex D. • A check list for the documents required is provided under section 3.6 of the tender document.
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Annex E: Commercial Proposal Submission Template and Forms
Annex E Commercial Templates • 14 Sections • Scanned signed pdf copies in addition to the electronic (excel) versions of the templates provided under sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Annex E are required to be submitted. • Sections 4,5, and 6 to be completed for individual products • Table under section provides an overview of the required documentation or information to be submitted
Annex E Commercial Templates • Shared as winzip files • Guidance as well as the response sheets are provided (where required)
Annex E Commercial Templates Guidance is provided and Forms are provided in the folders where required.
Section 4 Proposal sheets Select the relevant tab for the products to offer, making a copy of the tab for each product offered.
Proposal sheets The individual tabs are different by product category so ensure you select the right tab for the products offered.
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 RFP-DAN-2019-502979 Tender Evaluation Criteria and Approach
Evaluation Approach • After opening the Proposals, UNICEF will carry out the following steps in the following order: • First, each Proposal will be evaluated for compliance with the mandatory requirements of the Solicitation Document • Mandatory requirements will be indicated throughout the RFP by the words "mandatory", "shall", "must", or "will" in regard to obligations on the part of the Proposer. • Second, UNICEF will evaluate each Proposal to determine whether the products offered are acceptable commercially and technically and are of the required quality.
Mandatory requirements Commercial Evaluation: Technical Evaluation: • Compliance with Instructions to • Compliance with Technical specifications Proposers • Independent laboratory test results within valid 4 • Compliance with Financial Requirement years (for AD, RUP, SB) • UNICEF General Terms and Conditions • WHO prequalification status (for AD, RUP, SB) • Declaration of Country of Origin • Conformity to the required Product Quality System Standards • Currency of offer (USD or Euro only) • Conformity to required QMS standards • Fixed and firm pricing (outside of alternative proposals) • Compliance with shelf life and sterility requirements • Technical proposals and commercial proposals submitted in separate • Compliance with packing and shipping marking files/mails requirements • Compliance with inspection requirements • Submission of samples to UNICEF Supply Division Quality Inspection Unit (QIU) • Successful sample review and approval by QIU • QMS audit of manufacturer not older than 4 years • Validated user acceptability studies
Evaluation of Proposals and Basis of Award • The evaluation consists of two main reviews: a Review of Mandatory Requirements and an Evaluation of Quantitative and Qualitative Data of the proposal. • Following the Mandatory requirements evaluation, using the qualitative and quantitative information provided in the proposals, the proposals will be evaluated on their responsiveness and ability to meet the objectives of the tender and achieve the targets set, and considered against the other proposals received. • The evaluation will be informed by the historic volumes and profile of demand per product.
Evaluation of Proposals in Support of the Objectives • Objective 1: To ensure an uninterrupted, sustainable supply of affordable products that are in compliance with the required quality and technical requirements. • Objective 2: To strengthen injection safety by reducing the risk of re-use, through a tender strategy that supports a preference for devices that have an activation of the auto-disabling feature commencing prior to delivery of the fixed full dose. • Objective 3: Maintain a healthy market with multiple suppliers in the markets where this has been achieved and further improve the healthy market status where this is required, seeking further reductions in the weighted average price (WAP). • Objective 4: Engage Industry to address programmatic and supply challenges, including new immunization strategies, reducing lead times and increased bundling of SIE offered products and resultant shipments. • Objective 5: Reduce the overall cost to programs through the continued application of a landed cost evaluation criteria to better assess the full cost to programs. • Objective 6: Implementing a more sustainable procurement approach encouraging product innovations that reduce the overall carbon footprint and waste disposal requirement. • Objective 7: Support bundling of vaccines and injection devices. • Objective 8: Improve the efficiency of the tendering, procurement and delivery processes.
Evaluation in support of achieving the Targets Target 1: 20% of awards made to new Local Manufacturers by 2021 • This target has been included to (i) incentivize current WHO pre-qualified manufacturers in UNICEF Program countries to meet the full scope of UNICEF technical requirements, (ii) to grow local production and (iii) reduce environmental emissions from reduced shipment of finished goods. • 6 percent of AD syringe awards were made to new local manufacturers under RFP-DAN-2017- 502431 covering 2018-2019 demand. • Local manufacturers are considered as manufacturers in UNICEF program countries that have not received an award from UNICEF previously (pre 2017). There is a UNICEF preference for ‘On continent’ (Africa) production. Target 2: 80% of awarded quantities are bundled by 2021 • This target is established to (i) improve the overall efficiency of the procurement process and (ii) reduce the number of shipments required. • 62 percent of AD syringe awards were made under bundled awards under RFP-DAN-2017-502431 covering 2018-2019 demand, increasing from 40 percent in the prior tender round. The achievements of these targets by 2021 will be taken into consideration in the evaluation process subject to meeting tender objectives.
Evaluation of Proposals across the tender objectives and targets Considering the objectives and targets the following approach will be taken in terms of the prioritization of the evaluation of proposals meeting the mandatory requirements: • Ensuring supply security and a sustainable interrupted supply of affordable products compliant to the required technical and quality requirements (objective 1) is the priority objective. • Objective 3 further builds on this focus on ensuring a healthy market - with multiple suppliers (actual number dependent on the overall demand volumes) and prioritizing such over awarding to the lowest priced offer, and only after having healthy competition within a market, focusing on price. • For the AD syringe demand the aspect of early activation of the disabling mechanism (objective 2) will be implemented as soon as the market has the capacity to provide such and would take priority over cost savings in the evaluation. • Achieving Target 1 (20% of awards made to new local producers by 2021) will be prioritized over other objectives for products meeting (i) the mandatory, quality and technical requirements and (ii) preference for early activation of the disabling device provided the bids are considered reasonable. It is considered complementary to the development of healthy markets, supports objective 6 and is seen as complementary to objective 1 and 3. • Sustainability criteria (objective 6) form 30% of the commercial evaluation criteria and will be incorporated within that scoring alongside the landed cost evaluation methodology (objective 5). • Offers providing for consolidation opportunities and bundled deliveries supporting the achievement of objective 7, 4 and 8 and Target 2 (80% bundled awards [by Value] by 2021) will be considered following the fulfilment of objective 1, 2 and target 1 and will be reviewed considering the final commercial scoring after the inclusion of the sustainability and landed cost criteria.
Proposals for AD Syringes not meeting the UNICEF preference for the early activation of the disabling mechanism • If the proposer is WHO pre-qualified for the product offered but does not meet the preference for the location of the disabling mechanism and meets all mandatory requirements, the Proposal must include a detailed plan on the timeline outlining all steps to be taken to make the required changes and obtain WHO pre-qualification for the new product for the proposal to be considered. • If the Proposal is deemed of interest to UNICEF, UNICEF will advise the Proposer of such and will request that UNICEF be kept informed about the progress of the submitted timeline. • If the proposed AD Syringe meets the preference for the disabling mechanism and obtains WHO pre-qualification during the award period and upon confirmation that the mandatory requirements of the RFP are met, UNICEF would consider awarding a quantity to the manufacturer under one or more of the following conditions: • UNICEF is facing a monopoly situation or a near monopoly situation; • Lack of performance of current supplier(s); • Insufficient supply from current supplier(s); or • If it meets the specific objectives of the tender. • The quantities considered for award would be those not met under established contracts or quantities that could be reallocated from existing arrangements after negotiation with the corresponding suppliers.
Quantitative Data considered for evaluation Objective Evaluation to be undertaken based on the following factors Affordable Product • Price FCA nearest named international seaport/airport • Price DAP UNICEF Copenhagen warehouse • Payment terms • Gross Weight and volume • Product offered • Shelf life Quality Product • Technical review Uninterrupted, sustainable supply • Quantity offered; conditions of quantity offered, demonstration of capacity to provide quantities offered; possible effects of quantities offered on capacity for other products offered. • Order Lead-time • Total production capacity • Validity of Proposal • 10% emergency buffer stock Healthy Market • Number of valid offers • Reduction of weighted average price Industry engagement in programmatic • Alternative offers provided leveraging industry comparative advantage to get better results for children and supply challenges Reduce the overall cost to programs • Landed cost as an evaluation criteria Sustainable Procurement • Product Volumes, Product Weight Bundling • Alternative proposals for bundled Safe Injection Equipment • Range of products offered
Qualitative Data considered for evaluation
Commercial Scoring • The landed cost of the product will make up seventy (70) percent of the commercial score and factors in the geographic profile of demand • Proposers are required to submit their prices based on (i) FCA containerized nearest named port, and (ii) DAP Copenhagen Warehouse Incoterms. • The price evaluation will be based on an apportionment of 90% of the tender quantities under FCA incoterms, 10% of the tender quantities under DAP incoterms for Immunization related demand (Items 10 – 71) and 90% of the tender quantities under DAP incoterms, 10% on FCA Incoterms for the Health Kit/Curative demand (Items 80 – 340). • The sea shipment cost for a 40’ container for the seven identified ports from the named FCA ports submitted in the proposals will be provided by UNICEF contracted freight forwarders at the time of tender closure. The number of syringes per 40ft container will be factored in to get an average per unit cost for freight that will be added to the unit FCA price. • The maximum number of points (i.e. 70 points) will be assigned to the lowest landed cost proposal. All other landed cost proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest landed cost.
Commercial Scoring • The sustainability score will make up thirty (30) percent of the overall commercial score. • The specific measurables to assess the sustainability elements relate to the weight and volumes of the products, based on the shipping carton and apportioned per product. • These two components both impact on the volume of product to be shipped around the world and the weight of the product (and packaging) that needs to be disposed of and are under the control of the producer in terms of design. • The total amount of points allocated for the sustainability component is 30. The maximum number of points (i.e. 15 points) will be assigned to the lowest weight and to the lowest volume proposal to factor the transportation of the product and the disposal of the product. All other weight and volume proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest weight/ volume.
Commercial Scoring Example Based on Landed Cost Only ranking would have been Supplier 3,1,2,4, then 5
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 2020-2021 SIE Planned Tender Timeline
Planned SIE Tender Timeline ACTIVITY TIMELINE Draft procurement strategy Mid-March 2019 Bidders’ Conference (Webinar) – pre-tender 3rd June 2019 Issuance of Tender 4th June 2019 Period for Tender Clarifications 4th June – 30th June 2019 Closing of tender 31st July 2019 Evaluation August - September 2019 CRC approval CRC Submission Early October 2019 Announcement of awards End October 2019 Commencement of LTAs 1st January 2020
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Additional reference materials
Additional Reference Materials • Reference information from the industry consultation for the prior tender round is available at the following links on the UNICEF Website for reference. • https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_94621. html (Link to the last SIE industry consultation held in 2017) • https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_10061 9.html [Link to Bid Conference (webinar) held in 2017]
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Communication
Communciation • All clarification requests related to the tender via email address: • sietender@unicef.org • Note: All invitees will be copied on responses to clarifications
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Questions and Answers Session
Safe Injection Equipment Industry Briefing Webinar RFP-DAN-2019-502979 3rd June 2019 Thank you!
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