Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20 - Unravelling the Puzzle - Deloitte

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Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20 - Unravelling the Puzzle - Deloitte
Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20
Unravelling the Puzzle
Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20 - Unravelling the Puzzle - Deloitte

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Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20

  Preamble                                                                                                                      Preamble

                                                                                                                                Income Tax

                                                                                                                                Value Added Tax (VAT)
  This publication highlights the tax and related measures proposed as per the 2019/20 budget speech.
                                                                                                                                Tax Procedure Code
  This publication constitutes only a brief guide and is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of the tax law and
                                                                                                                                Excise Duties
  practice. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this guide, Deloitte and its associates accept no
  responsibility for any errors it may contain, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused or   Stamp duty
  sustained by any person that relies on it.


                                                                                                                                Financial Services Industry



                                                                                                                                 –– Transport

                                                                                                                                 –– Water and Sanitation

                                                                                                                                 –– Manufacturing

                                                                                                                                 –– Energy and resources

                                                                                                                                Public Sector and Government

                                                                                                                                 –– Education and Sports

                                                                                                                                 –– Tourism

                                                                                                                                 –– Health


Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20

  Tax provisions                                                                                                                        Preamble

                                                                                                                                        Income Tax
  Income Tax (Corporate tax, PAYE, WHT)                                 USD 2 million for a citizen who uses at least 50% of locally    Value Added Tax (VAT)
                                                                        sourced raw materials and employs at least 60% citizens
  •• Definition of “beneficial owner” changed to mean a                                                                                 Tax Procedure Code
                                                                        dealing in:
     natural person who owns or has a controlling interest
                                                                        –– ­	Processing agricultural goods.
     over a legal person and exercises control over the                                                                                 Excise Duties
                                                                        –– ­	Manufactures or assembles medical appliance, building
     management and policies of that person or a legal
                                                                           materials, automobiles, house hold appliances.               Stamp duty
     arrangement, directly or indirectly through ownership,
                                                                        –– ­	Manufactures furniture.
     voting power or contract. At the same time, the Act                                                                                Customs
                                                                        –– ­	Establishes or operates vocational or technical
     repeals the part of the definition in section 88(5)
                                                                           institutions.                                                Agriculture
     which defines “beneficial owner” in accordance with
                                                                        –– ­	Carries on business in logistics and ware housing,
     International Agreements. This may imply that treaty                                                                               Financial Services Industry
                                                                           information technology or commercial farming.
     benefit is limited to instances where the ultimate
     individual owner receives the payment.                            •• Introduction of income tax exemption for interest paid        Technology
                                                                          on infrastructure bond. “Infrastructure bond” to mean
  •• “Citizen” defined to mean a natural person who is a                                                                                Infrastructure
                                                                          all listed bonds, notes or other similar securities used
     citizen of an EAC Partner state or a company or a body of
                                                                          to raise funds for public infrastructure and other social      –– Transport
     persons incorporated under the laws of an EAC partner
                                                                          services, if those bonds have a maturity period of at least
     state in which at least 51% shares are held by a citizen.                                                                           –– Water and Sanitation
                                                                          ten years.
     This comes in light of the decision by the EAC Court of
                                                                       •• Financial institutions and insurance now excluded as           –– Manufacturing
     Justice in the case of BAT Vs. URA, which reinforced the
     principle that domestic legislation must conform to the              persons to whom the application of the 30% of EBITDA           –– Energy and resources
     EAC treaty or otherwise be declared illegal. This change             interest restriction for members of a group applies.
     puts other EAC citizens and businesses on a similar                                                                                Public Sector and Government
                                                                       •• Introduction of a 6% withholding tax on purchase of a
     footing as Ugandan ones.                                                                                                            –– Education and Sports
                                                                          business or business assets.
  •• Income tax exemption for industrial parks or free zones                                                                             –– Tourism
                                                                       •• Local authority, Government institution, or regulatory
    expanded as follows:
                                                                          body not to issue a license or any form of authorization to    –– Health
    –– ­10 years for letting or leasing facilities or to an existing
                                                                          conduct any business in Uganda, to any person without a
        developer if capital is at least USD 50 million.                                                                                Contacts
                                                                          Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
    –– ­	10 years to an operator or other business with a
        capital of at least USD 10 million for a foreigner or          •• Removal of 1% withholding on agricultural supplies and
        USD 2 million by a citizen (new business or for existing          listing of the same as goods
        business that makes a qualifying investment).
                                                                       •• Withholding tax of 20% and 10% to apply on government
  •• Introduction of income tax exemption for businesses                  securities with a maturity of upto 10 years and for longer
     whose capital is at least USD 10 million for a foreigner or          than 10 years respectively for both resident and non-
Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                      Income Tax

                                                                                                                                      Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Value Added Tax (VAT)                                                    educational computer tablets, educational computer
                                                                           applications or laboratory chemicals for teaching          Tax Procedure Code
  •• The Minister to designate persons to withhold tax on
                                                                           science subjects used in educational services.”
     payment of taxable supplies at a rate of 6% of the taxable                                                                       Excise Duties
     value. Regularly VAT compliant persons to be excluded.             •• Amendment of Third Schedule to restrict the zero rate to
                                                                                                                                      Stamp duty
                                                                           drugs, medicines and medical sundries manufactured in
  •• Amendment of the First schedule (Public International
                                                                           Uganda.                                                    Customs
     Organisations) to include United Nations Entity for
     Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN                                                                                 Agriculture
                                                                        Tax Procedure Code
     Women) as a Public Institution. Public International
     Organisations are entitled to a refund of VAT paid on their        •• The Minister to publish a list in the Gazette for write    Financial Services Industry
     purchases.                                                            off of all unpaid taxes by Government as at 30th June
                                                                           2019 arising from Government’s failure to meet its
  •• Amendment of Second Schedule (Exempt supplies) to
                                                                           commitment on counterpart funding for aid-funded           Infrastructure
     include in the exemption list:
     –– ­	Aircraft insurance services;                                                                                                 –– Transport
     –– ­	Rice mills;                                                   •• Commissioner General empowered to compound
                                                                           offences prior to the commencement of court                 –– Water and Sanitation
     –– ­	A gricultural sprays;
     –– ­	Supply of services and goods to the given industries             proceedings.                                                –– Manufacturing
          as listed above under income tax exemption with the
                                                                        •• An equivalent of 5% of the tax or duty recovered to be      –– Energy and resources
          same criteria including the threshold;
                                                                           paid to informers who provide information leading to
     –– ­	The supply of services and materials for technical or                                                                       Public Sector and Government
                                                                           recovery of tax or duty.
          vocational institute operators whose investment capital
          is USD 10 Million for a foreigner or USD 2 Million for a      •• Tax returns to be filed with Commissioner General           –– Education and Sports
          Citizen;                                                         defined to include:                                         –– Tourism
     –– ­	Supply of imported drugs, medicines and medical                  –– ­	Value Added Tax return;
          sundries;                                                        –– ­	Income Tax return;                                     –– Health
     –– ­	Supply of imported mathematical sets and geometry                –– ­	Withholding Tax return;
          sets used in education services;                                 –– ­	Excise Duty return;
     –– ­	The supply of woodworking machines;                              –– ­	Lotteries and Gaming tax return; and
     –– ­	The supply of welding machines and sewing machines;              –– ­	Stamp duty return.
     –– ­	The supply of imported crayons, colored pencils, lead
          pencils, rulers, erasers, stencils, technical drawing sets,

Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                  Income Tax

                                                                                                                                  Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Excise Duties                                                   –– ­	Tomato paste and other preserved tomatoes from 25%
                                                                     to 35%.                                                      Tax Procedure Code
  •• The Minister to provide revised regulations for
                                                                  –– ­	Ready to drink juices from 25% to 60%.
     registration of manufacturers, importers and providers of                                                                    Excise Duties
                                                                  –– ­	Imported television sets from 25% to 35%.
     excisable goods and services under part III of the Excise
                                                                  –– ­	Imported toys of heading 9503 from 25% to 35%.             Stamp duty
     Duty Act.
                                                                  –– ­	Imported toothpaste and other mouth wash
  •• 2% compounded interest extended to apply to all                 preparations from 25% to 35%.
     unpaid excise duty and not just duty on imported or          –– ­	Processed coffee from 25% to 60%.                          Agriculture
     manufactured goods.                                          –– ­	Processed tea from 25% to 60%
                                                                  –– ­	Ginger from 25% to 60%                                     Financial Services Industry
  •• Reduction of the capital threshold for investment in given
                                                                  –– ­	Jams, marmalades, jellies from 25% to 35%.
     industries for developers and operators as listed above                                                                      Technology
                                                                  –– ­	Shoe polish from 25% to 35%.
     under income tax with the same criteria. The duty rate is
                                                                  –– ­	Semi-processed edible oils from 10% to 25%                 Infrastructure
     still nil.
                                                                  –– ­	Frozen meats of chicken, bovine animals, meat of swine
                                                                                                                                   –– Transport
                                                                     and meat of sheep from 25% to 60%
  Stamp duty                                                      –– ­	Peanut butter and bread spreads from 25% to 60%             –– Water and Sanitation
                                                                  –– ­	Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks. fresh or chilled 25% to
  •• A uniform fixed stamp duty of UGX 100,000 payable                                                                             –– Manufacturing
     on bank guarantees, insurance performance bonds,
                                                                  –– ­	Refined cottonseed oil from 25% to 60%                      –– Energy and resources
     indemnity bonds and similar debt instruments.
                                                                  –– ­	Refined sunflower seed or sunflower oil from 25% to
                                                                     60%                                                          Public Sector and Government
  •• Second Schedule amended to reduce the capital
     threshold for investments to align these to the changes      –– ­	Cocoa powder and chocolate and other food                   –– Education and Sports
     made under the different Acts. The duty rate is still nil.      preparations containing cocoa from 25% to 60%
                                                                  –– ­	Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes and              –– Tourism
                                                                     human hair from 25% to 35%                                    –– Health
  Customs                                                         –– ­	Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for
                                                                     doors of iron and steel and plastic/ polymers from 25%       Contacts
  •• Import duty increased as follows:
                                                                     to 35%
     –– ­	Fresh or chilled or cooked potatoes, other than seed
                                                                  –– ­	Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy
        from 25% to 60% for one year.
                                                                     spreads from 25% to 35%
     –– ­	Honey from 25% to 60%.
                                                                  –– ­	Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers’ wares
     –– ­	Granite, marble, and clay (ceramic) tiles from 25% to
                                                                     from 25% to 35%
                                                                  –– ­	Tarpaulins from 25% to 35%

Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                     Income Tax

                                                                                                                                     Value Added Tax (VAT)
    –– ­	Buses for transportation of more than 25 persons from     •• Uganda to stay application of the EAC CET rate and apply
       10% to 25%                                                     a duty rate of 35% for one year on iron or steel wool, pot     Tax Procedure Code
    –– ­	New pneumatic tyres of rubber, of a kind used on             scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
       motorcycles from 10% to 35%                                    like.                                                          Excise Duties
    –– ­	Chewing gum from 25% to 35%                                                                                                 Stamp duty
                                                                   •• Uganda to stay application of the EAC CET rate and apply
    –– ­	Other sugar confectionery (sweets) from 25% to 35%
                                                                      a duty rate of 35% for one year on coated electrodes of        Customs
    –– ­	Chocolates from 25% to 35%
                                                                      base metal, for electric arc-welding.
    –– ­	Biscuits from 25% to 60%
    –– ­	Tomato sauce from 25% to 60%                              •• Uganda to stay application of the EAC CET rate and apply
    –– ­	Mineral water from 25% to 60%                                a duty rate of 25% or USD 1.35/Kg whichever is higher for      Financial Services Industry
    –– ­	Partly refined base oil from 0% to 10%                       one year on safety matches.
    –– ­	Lubricants in liquid form from 25% to 35%                                                                                   Technology
                                                                   •• Introduction of a specific duty at a rate of USD 200/MT so
    –– ­	Lubricating greases from 25% to 35%                                                                                         Infrastructure
                                                                      that the applicable rate is 25% or USD 200/MT whichever
    –– ­	Soap and organic surface active products for use as
                                                                      is higher for 1 year on flat rolled products of iron or non-    –– Transport
       soap from 25% to 35%
                                                                      alloy steel products of iron or non-alloy steel.
    –– ­	Cartons, boxes, cases, bags and other packing                                                                                –– Water and Sanitation
       containers of paper from 25% to 35%                         •• Import duty at a rate of 25% or USD 350/MT whichever
    –– ­	Toilet paper from 25% to 60%                                 is higher applicable to steel articles of chapters 72 and       –– Manufacturing
    –– ­	Exercise books from 25% to 60%                               73 comprising of corrugated iron sheets (galvanized and         –– Energy and resources
    –– ­	Trade advertising material from 25% to 35%                   preprinted), pre-painted coils, galvanized coils, hoop iron,
    –– ­	Pictures, designs and photographs from 25% to 35%            twisted bars, flat bars and mild steel plates.                 Public Sector and Government
    –– ­	Instructional charts and diagrams from 25% to 35%
                                                                   •• Uganda to stay application of EAC CET of 35% and apply a        –– Education and Sports
    –– ­	Blankets from 25% to 35%
                                                                      duty rate of 10% for one year on wheat (wheat grain).
    –– ­	Furniture and parts thereof from 25% to 35%                                                                                  –– Tourism
    –– ­	Mattress supports and mattresses from 25% to 35%
                                                                                                                                      –– Health
    –– ­	Toothbrushes from 25% to 60%
    –– ­	Ball point pens from 25% to 60%                                                                                             Contacts
    –– ­	Electric accumulators from 25% to 35%
    –– ­	Odoriferous mixtures of a kind used as raw materials in
       the food or drink industries flavours from 0% to 10%.

Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20

  Sectoral Highlights                                                                                                               Preamble

                                                                                                                                    Income Tax

                                                                                                                                    Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Agriculture                                                       Financial Services Industry
                                                                                                                                    Tax Procedure Code
  •• UGX 1 Trillion allocated to the Agriculture Sector in FY       •• Further capitalisation of Uganda Development Bank by
     2019/20 accounting for a 12% increase from prior year.            103.5 billion.                                               Excise Duties
  •• Commissioning of agro-processing factories in Teso and         •• Enactment of Security Interest in Movable Property Act to    Stamp duty
     Luwero.                                                           facilitate use of movable assets as loan collateral.
  •• Acquisition of 32% stake by UDB in Atiak Sugar Factory         •• Operationalisation of electronic chattels register to ease
     (nucleus facility for an out-grower scheme in Atiak and           access to credit.                                            Agriculture
     Lamwo).                                                                                                                        Financial Services Industry
  •• Measures to be put in place to transform from an agro-                                                                         Technology
     based to an agro-industrialised economy related to:            •• UGX 146.2 billion allocated to ICT sector.
     –– Enactment of laws to fill policy gaps;                                                                                      Infrastructure
                                                                    •• New national broad band policy to be implemented to
     –– Promotion of aquaculture and increased surveillance
                                                                       compel telecom companies to provide services to people        –– Transport
        on Lake Victoria to combat use of illegal fishing gear;
     –– Increase in uptake of irrigation technologies including                                                                      –– Water and Sanitation
        solar powered pumps;
                                                                                                                                     –– Manufacturing
     –– Prioritisation of funding for agricultural research under
        NARO, NACORI and NAGRC&DB;                                                                                                   –– Energy and resources
     –– Enhancing Agricultural Credit Facility (ACF) and roll out
                                                                                                                                    Public Sector and Government
        the Agricultural Insurance Scheme to make lending to
        the sector less risky; and                                                                                                   –– Education and Sports
     –– Addressing current challenges of land wrangles in the
                                                                                                                                     –– Tourism
                                                                                                                                     –– Health


Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                 Income Tax

                                                                                                                                 Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Infrastructure                                                   •• Establish the industrial skills production center at
  Transport                                                           Namanve to provide skills development.                     Tax Procedure Code

  •• UGX 6.4 Trillion allocated to the works and transport         •• Promote and expand the Industrial and Technological        Excise Duties
     sector up from UGX 4.8 trillion in FY 2018/19.                   Incubation Center.
                                                                                                                                 Stamp duty
                                                                   •• UGX 10 billion allocated to Soroti Fruit Factory for raw
  Water and Sanitation                                                materials.                                                 Customs

  •• UGX 1.1 Trillion allocated to the Water and Environment       •• Support research and innovation initiatives, such as       Agriculture
     sector down from UGX 1.3 Trillion in FY 2018/19.                 Banana Industrial Development, Science and Technology,
                                                                                                                                 Financial Services Industry
                                                                      and projects such as Kiira Electri Vehicle.
  •• Set-up regional water treatment facilities to enable timely                                                                 Technology
     response to water contamination issues.                       •• Reduce investment threshold in order to get tax
                                                                      incentives, for industrial park developers from USD 100    Infrastructure
  •• Improvement in waste management in the Capital City
                                                                      million to USD 50 million for foreigners and to USD 10
     through construction of a new landfill at Dundu to enable                                                                    –– Transport
                                                                      million for locals.
     conversion into manure and renewable energy.
                                                                                                                                  –– Water and Sanitation
                                                                   •• Reduce investment threshold in order to get tax
  •• Ministry of water and environment to develop a clear
                                                                      incentives, for industrial park operators from USD 50       –– Manufacturing
     policy and financing stance on sanitation, which should
                                                                      million to USD 10 million, for foreigners and from USD 5
     underline proper coordination across water, health and                                                                       –– Energy and resources
                                                                      million to 1 million for locals.
     educations sectors.
                                                                                                                                 Public Sector and Government

                                                                                                                                  –– Education and Sports
                                                                                                                                  –– Tourism
  •• Focus on establishment of an industrial base by tackling
     the bottlenecks such as inadequate electricity and                                                                           –– Health
     transportation infrastructure to move the manufacturing
     sector from where it is now i.e. meeting domestic
     demand for basic products like cement, tiles, light steel
     products etc, to production for export.

  •• Iron & Steel industry now with 24 industries with doubled
     capacity to 1.7 million tonnes p.a

Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                     Income Tax

                                                                                                                                     Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Energy and resources                                               Public Sector and Government
                                                                     Education and Sports                                            Tax Procedure Code
  •• UGX 3 Trillion allocated to the Energy Sector up from UGX
     2.438 Trillion in FY2018/19.                                    •• UGX 3.4 trillion allocated to the education sector up from   Excise Duties
                                                                        UGX 2.8 trillion in prior year.
  •• Finalisation of the fiscal regime and the Final Investment                                                                      Stamp duty
     Decision (FID) for the Oil and Gas Commercial                   •• Prioritisation of vocational training by enforcing
     Investments and financing of Uganda National Oil                   standards in the institutions to make them attractive.       Customs
     Company (UNOC) equity contribution to the development                                                                           Agriculture
                                                                     •• Operationalise the SEED secondary schools being
     of the infrastructure.
                                                                        constructed in sub-counties without government               Financial Services Industry
  •• Prioritisation of the Supportive Infrastructure for early Oil      secondary schools.
     Production.                                                                                                                     Technology
                                                                     •• Harmonise the Government merit Scholarship with the
  •• Disseminate and implement a detailed Physical                      Student Loan Scheme.                                         Infrastructure
     Development Plan for the entire oil region and
                                                                     •• Fund research in Public universities.                         –– Transport
     sensitization of the population.
                                                                     •• Review policy on creation of public universities,             –– Water and Sanitation
  •• Implementation of local content.
                                                                        secondary and primary schools, with the view of ensuring
                                                                                                                                      –– Manufacturing
  •• Divestiture of Kilembe Mines on fast track.                        that existing ones are fully functional before embarking
                                                                        on new institutions.                                          –– Energy and resources

                                                                     •• Enhance quality of education service delivery especially     Public Sector and Government
                                                                        at primary level, through teacher training, supervision
                                                                                                                                      –– Education and Sports
                                                                        and inspection.
                                                                                                                                      –– Tourism
                                                                     •• Phased recruitment of 22,000 primary school teachers.
                                                                                                                                      –– Health


Uganda Budget Highlights 2019/20


                                                                                                                                 Income Tax

                                                                                                                                 Value Added Tax (VAT)
  Tourism                                                        Health
                                                                                                                                 Tax Procedure Code
  •• UGX 193.7 billion allocated to the tourism from UGX 32      •• UGX 2.6 trillion allocated to the health sector in FY
     billion in FY 2018/19.                                         2019/20 up from, UGX 2.3 trillion in the previous year.      Excise Duties
  •• Enhance development of skills in the Tourism industry by    •• Operationalize health facilities being upgraded from         Stamp duty
     increasing the capacity of the Crested Crane Hotel and         health centres IIs to health centres IIIs, by providing
     Tourism Training Institute.                                    adequate staffing and operational funds.                     Customs

  •• Extending investment incentives to developers of            •• Operationalize the newly rehabilitated General and           Agriculture
     hospitality infrastructure in underserved tourism              Referral Hospitals.                                          Financial Services Industry
     destinations such as Kidepo and other conservation
                                                                 •• Speed-up approval of National Health Insurance Bill to       Technology
                                                                    enable implementation of the scheme.
  •• Conservation of wildlife by prioritising the development                                                                    Infrastructure
                                                                 •• Prioritize preventive measures in health service delivery,
     of barriers in human-wildlife conflict prone communities
                                                                    including scaling up campaigns on health lifestyles           –– Transport
     and intensification of fight against poaching.
                                                                    beyond the National Fitness Day.
                                                                                                                                  –– Water and Sanitation
  •• Diversification of tourism products range such as
                                                                 •• Fast-track implementation of community health
     development of waterways, cultural, religious and                                                                            –– Manufacturing
                                                                    extension workers.
     historical sites, including supporting Local Governments
                                                                                                                                  –– Energy and resources
     in identification and development of tourism products.      •• Streamline systems for drug ordering and distribution.
                                                                                                                                 Public Sector and Government
  •• Upgrade and renovation of key tourism infrastructure        •• Improve health service delivery, through health worker
     including airfields and priority roads, electricity and        training, supervision and inspection, including training      –– Education and Sports
     internet infrastructure, stopovers, water and sanitation       and supervision of Intern Doctors.
                                                                                                                                  –– Tourism
     facilities along the routes and sites in a bid to improve
     access and reliability.                                                                                                      –– Health
  •• Set up tourism observatory center to support data                                                                           Contacts
     collection to provide reliable planning and investment
     statistics for the sector.

CEO                                             Service line leaders                                 Offices
Joe Eshun                                       Anne Muraya                           Audit leader                                         Kenya                                              Tanzania
                                                                     Deloitte Place                                     Aris House
Office leaders                                                                                       Waiyaki Way, Muthangari                            3rd Floor, Plot 152, Haile Selassie
                                                Bernadette Wahogo                                    Nairobi                                            Road,
David Nchimbi                                   Consulting leader                                    Tel: +254 719 039 000                              Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam
                                                                                                                                                        Tel: +255 22 211 6006 or
Managing Partner                                                                                     10th Floor
                                                Fred Omondi                                                                                             +255 22 2169000                                                                              Imaara Building, Kizingo
                                                Tax leader
                                                                     Opposite Pandya Memorial                           Uganda
Norbert Kagoro
                                                                                                     Hospital                                           3rd Floor Rwenzori House
Uganda                                          Julie Nyang’aya
                                                                                                     Off Nyerere Road                                   1 Lumumba Avenue
Managing Partner                                Risk Advisory leader
                                                                                                     Mombasa                                            Kampala                
                                                                                                     Tel: +254 41 222 5827 or                           Tel: +256 41 7 701000 or
                                                Gladys Makumi                                        +254 41 2221 347                                   +256 41 4 34385
David Waweru
Rwanda                                          Finance Advisory leader
Managing Partner
                                                                                                     1st Floor, Umoja Building
                                                Tax and Legal leaders                                KN3 Road
Iqbal Karim                                     Fred Omondi                                          Kigali
Mombasa, Kenya                                                       Tel: +250 783 000 673
Managing Partner                           Lillian Kubebea

                                                Dmitry Logunov

                                                Doreen Mbogho

                                                James Mwendia

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